"Attack of the Lady Manager!" Pt. 2

A/N: Small gore/blood mentionings in this chapter. You've been warned.


Ugh. Stupid hosts. I just want to sleep.

<End of Recap>

Max's POV

Hikaru ran across the court and scored for the team while the girls in the crowd screamed. He laughed until he heard a whistle blow and saw Kaoru on the floor holding his knee in pain.

"Get a stretcher! Take him to the infirmary immediately!" He approached the crowd of people and went to his brother's side.

"Kaoru... Kaoru", he said. "Kaoru!"

"You have to get back in the game, Hikaru. We need you", a man said as he put his hand on Hikaru's shoulder. Hikaru smacked him away.

"SHUT UP!", he cried.

"Hikaru...", Kaoru called weakly. Hikaru immediately turned back to him. "Listen to me. Please don't worry. There's nothing you can do. You can't share my pain." He placed his hand on Hikaru's cheek. "You're not the one who got hurt. Now, go on." Tears welled up in Hikaru's eyes and he grabbed his brother's hand.

"I can't", he said. "It hurts. It hurts, Kaoru!" A tear spilled out of his eye.

"Your pain is my pain. It doesn't matter to me if no one else understands. As long as we have eavh other, we can go on living", Renge's voice said as the environment went from a basketball court to outside, raining.

"I'm sorry, but I'm envious", Tamaki said with a self mocking smile. The Twins turned to him. "The way the two of you support each other like that."

"But Suoh-senpai--", Hikaru started.

"--how can you be envious of us? You're the school's idol", Kaoru finished.

"An idol. Right. I hate that people all worship me for something so superficial as my appearance. I think it would be much better for me to be alone", Tamaki said as he looked up at the rain.

"One lonely heart meets another. They pass each other. Wounding one another. What are the hearts of these young men made of?", Renge's voice said as Haruhi ran through the rain until she stopped at a tree to rest.

"You can't run away forever", Honey said. Haruhi quickly turned around and slid down the tree to the ground. "I'm gonna show you what happens to anyone who crosses me."

"Don't do it, Mitsukuni. You should've realized by now that, whenever you hurt others, you're really just hurting yourself", Mori said.

"I didn't ask you for any advice. You want me to put you over my knee again?", Honey asked sharply.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say coming out from behind the tree Haruhi was up against. "You think you can just walk over anybody? Tch. This is why friendship and relationships with other people make me sick."

"Will it be the light of salvation that ultimately awaits these boys? Or will it be something else?", Renge's voice asked. Honey lifted his head to reveal a smirk and cold eyes.

"You know, it really pisses me off when people don't know their place", he said with an evil look. Then, his face changed to the expression of a sad boy lolita. Tears filled his eyes and he jumped into my arms and hugged her while he started crying. "I'm so sorry, Max-chan! I can't do this anymore!"

"CUT!!", Renge yelled as the rain and clouds disappeared. "Cut cut cut!! What's wrong with you?! You gotta stick to the script!!"

"But I can't!", he said. Renge pointed to the camera man with a script.

"Stop rolling, camera man!", she said.

"Yes, Boss", he said and gave her a thumbs up.

"I want the rain to make things seem tragic!", she said.

"How did we go from changing our characters to shooting a movie about them?", Hikaru asked while Renge kept screaming and Kyoya wrong in his notebook. I just yawned and walked towards them.

"And why is there an entire film crew here to shoot it", Haruhi asked as she walked by with a towel over her shoulders.

"Apparently she flew them in from Hollywood. Don't you recognize the director? He directed the vampire movie Millennial Snow. It was the number one box office hit across America last year", Kyoya explained.

"And another thing", Hikaru started and hit the script. "How come this stupid script portrays Kaoru as the pitcher?"

"Yeah", Kaoru agreed.

"What does that mean?", Haruhi asked.

"If you don't know, never mind", they said in unison.

"Pitcher?", Haruhi asked. She went to a seat and sat down.

"Those weirdo Twins and their homosexual vocabulary must confuse you." I say sitting down beside her yawning.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Haruhi! Max!", Tamaki called as he ran over, still wet. "So how was I? Did you both like my performance?" Haruhi stood up.

"It was pretty awesome. I'm surprised you were able to get into your character like that. You were really believable", Haruhi said as she handed him a towel and he started drying his hair.

"Not bad. It was definitely different." I compliment.

"I've discovered a new, darker side to myself. I'm starting to think it might be a good idea to explore it", Tamaki said.

"Are you sure about that? Because I think you're fine just the way you are now, Senpai", she replied. Tamaki started to blush with the towel still on his head.

"I agree with Haruhi. You're fine the way you are." I agree.

"You do?", he asked. "Well, if you say so, you two." He started to bounce his fingers off each other in a flustered way. Haruhi looked away in thought.

"Hey, Haruhi! Max! You're on!", Renge called.

"Coming!", she called back and went towards the voice. She rounded a corner and was waved over to the next one. I followed close behind.

"Over here!", Renge called. Renge happily gestured to two tall, kind of scary looking guys. Not so scary in my opinion though. "These two gentlemen have just agreed to make a special appearance in our film." They both looked at her.

"In your film? What are you talking about?", one asked. Renge ignored the question and continued.

"After all, we'll need some tough guys for the big climax. That's when all of the club members come together to fight against the real villains of their school. According to the script, these two are from a wealthy family that got their wealth by being a part of the Japanese mafia. Don't you think that's a brilliant casting choice?!", Renge asked happily. The two guys looked upset while Renge's eyes sparkled.

"What's wrong with this girl?", the other said.

"Whatever my dad does has nothing to do with me!", the first one said.

"Wait a minute, Renge!", Haruhi said as Renge started to drag the boys to the set.

"Renge stop!" I call out.

"Just come here and wait for your cue", Renge said against his protests.

"Hey!", he said and yanked his arm away. "You think you can push me around?! You don't even know me!" He pushed Renge and she was falling towards a wall with a bunch of equipment against it.

A/N: Again with the Gore/Blood warning for those who are squeamish.

I rush forward before Haruhi could even move. I caught Renge and was pushed against the falling equipment. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as I picked up Renge and set her down gently.

"Are you okay, Max?", Renge asked worriedly.

"That guy was right, Renge. You can't do that. If you judge people by their appearance, your stereotyping them and you'll never see the person inside", I said while holding the object lodged in my right shoulder with my left hand.

"Max! Your shoulder!" I heard Haruhi cry out.

"Um, I don't understand what you're trying to say", Renge said as Tamaki rounded the corner.

"What happened, Max?", he asked and went wide eyed at the scene he saw. I  looked at him with a pole that went in through the back of my shoulder and came out the other side and he narrowed his eyes as he snapped inside. In a flash, he had the closest one of the two guys up against the wall while holding his shirt collar. He glared at him. "So, which one of you jerks started this?"

"Wait, Suoh! It's not what you think!", the other said. Tamaki glared at him while both the guys seemed to be afraid. "That girl started it! She was giving us a hard time!" Haruhi stood.

"He's telling the truth, Tamaki", I said. Tamaki looked over at me. I pulled the pole out of shoulder and held like I would my staff. "It wasn't their fault. They were provoked." Tamaki released the guy and went over to me immediately.

"Let's get outta here!", the two guys screamed as they ran away. I dropped the pipe and held my shoulder. To be honest, I've endured worse pain. Tamaki took his hands and cupped my face.

"Max. We need to get you to the nurse.", he asked worriedly.

"No I'm fine.", I said and Tamaki shook his head at it.

"No you're not.", he stated.

"Yeah. I am. I can deal with this.", I said. Tamaki sighed and began to take off his jacket and tie it around my wound.

"I see how it is. However, I won't let this go unnoticed! I'll take you to the nurse whether you lik it or not!", he said. I smiled.

"You... You... Please tell me you got that, camera man!", Renge said and turned to the camera man. He gave her a thumbs up.

"Yes, Boss", he said. She grips her script tightly.

"Other than Max getting impaled by a pole, that was an ideal final scene! All it needs now is a movie narration by my sweet Kyoya!" Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass rang out as Kyoya smashed the camera lens. Everyone turned to him in confusion.

"No!", the crew said.

"What did you do to my camera?!", the camera man asked.

"What? Is something wrong?", Renge asked Kyoya confusedly.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I think you've caused enough trouble around here, Renge. Please stop being such a pest", Kyoya said with a quietly threatening tone.

"A pest...", Renge repeated as she started to cry. "But you're supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You're supposed to be kind and affectionate, Kyoya! Why are you acting so differently now? Tell me why!" Tamaki smiled.

"Because that's not the real Kyoya", he said. Renge looked back at him and fell to her knees crying.

"Does it really matter?", I asked. Renge looked up at me as I bent down to her eye level. "Who cares if Kyoya is a little different than you expected him to be? Take a good look at the person inside and get to know him little by little. It's a lot more fun that way." I smiled at Renge and she looked back down.

~Magical Time Skip of a Few Days~

It's been a few days. Tamaki insisted on me wearing a sling until my shoulder wound completely healed. He stayed outside the nurses office like I had asked him to. The other hosts were with him waiting as well for me to get done. The nurse just bandaged it and gave me some painkillers I just ended up throwing away when the hosts weren't looking. I was resting, lying down on a couch while the other hosts let the girls in.

"Hey there, come on in", Tamaki said to the girls.

"I bought that video", one girl said.

"Me too!", a second girl commented.

"Me too!", a third girl added.

"You did?", Tamaki asked with a confused look that matched the other hosts' looks.

"That scene in the rain was the greatest!"

"The lonesome prince!"

"The deep relationship between Hikaru and Kaoru was too much!"

"I want to see Honey acting like a thug again!" The girls began screaming again.

"Max was so cool, protecting Haruhi like that even though he got nothing out of it!"

"And Haruhi's poignant expressions!"

"Mori was definitely some kind of masochist, huh?"

"Kyoya...", Tamaki called, looking for answers. Kyoya answered without looking up from his notebook.

"I may have broken the lens, but naturally, the footage that was already shot still remains", he said. "Of course, that one scene of violence is cut out. Sales have been pretty good so far. That Hollywood film crew did a fantastic job, but I guess that's to be expected." The Twins looked back at him from the couch.

"So was this what you meant by 'interesting'?", they asked.

"It's best to have as much money as possible in the club's budget", he replied.

"Good day, everyone", Renge said as she approached. The hosts all turned to her.

"Renge? But I thought you had gone back to France already", Tamaki said. She ignored him and walked towards me.

"I can't believe I didn't realize this sooner. It was so chivalrous of you to risk your life to protect me. I could feel the love when you lectured me about judging people", she said and grabbed my hand. "When you said it was fun to get to know people little by little, you were talking about me!" Tamaki made a lot of angry noises in the background as he watched this while Renge had tears in her eyes and I sweat dropped.

"Yeah...?", I replied unsure. Renge pulled me away by my uninjured arm, not noticing my shock.

"Come on, Max! Let's go to my house and play some games together! I think it's time you got to know me better", she said.

"What?!", I said.

"Hey, Kyoya-senpai--", Hikaru started.

"--you okay with that?", Kaoru finished.

"Why wouldn't I be? Everything Renge said is true", Kyoya replied.

"NO IT ISN'T!", Tamaki said, seething anger.

"But I thought you were the one who wanted Max to stop being so cold hearted in the first place", Kyoya said with a chuckle. Tamaki pointed angrily in the direction Renge was dragging me.

"Well, yeah, with guy friends! NOT A GIRLFRIEND!!", Tamaki screamed.

"Come on, Max! Let's go play together!", Renge said happily.

"No, wait! Don't take Max from me!!", Tamaki cried as he stated chasing the two.

Some things never change.
Can't I just go back to work please?



Hey guys! Well that's it for episode 4! I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did, vote, comment, and share! I'll see you all in the next chappie, and until then, take care!


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