"Attack of the Lady Manager!" Pt. 1


That's done and over with.
Now I wonder what else this Host Club is gonna drag me into.

<End of Recap>

In France, a girl sat in her dark room. The only source of light was from the television which displayed a boy with dark hair and glasses. Her room was filled with pictures, figurines, and plushes of the boy. "I love you. You're all I can think about, my darling", the boy on the screen said. "Let's spend the rest of our lives together, just the two of us." Two options appeared on the screen. The top one said "I'm so happy, Miyabi-kun" and the bottom one said "I can't right now...".

"Yes, Miyabi. I'm so happy", the girl whispered. There was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, Miss. The master has returned home. Miss?", a woman called. The girl remained silent and the door opened.

"Renge", the man called from the door. He sighed when he saw her. "You certainly love those video games, don't you?"

"Is that so wrong?", she asked.

"No, no, not at all. I'm your father and I want you to feel free to live your life however you please. You know that I'll let you do anything you like. I've always promised you that freedom", he said.

"Yeah", she said simply. She didn't move. Didn't take her eyes off the screen.

~Magical Time Skip~

"Did your business trip in Japan go well?", the girl asked as she drank her tea the next day.

"I think so. I had a lovely dinner meeting at the home of one of my clients while I was there. I made sure to get a photo. Take a look", he said as he held out a photo. The girl took the photo in her hand and studied it. She gasped when she saw something that caught her eye. "They have a boy in high school who's about the same age as you."

"He's the one", she said.

"Hm?", her father hummed in question. Renge stood up in a flash and held the picture in front of her father's face.

"I'm going to marry the boy in this photo!", she said. He looked shocked. "Don't forget you promised me that I could do whatever I want, Father!" She quickly got packed.

"But Renge--"

"I'm coming for you my prince charming!", she said as she ran off and boarded a plane to Japan.

~Away From Renge and To Max's POV~

I sigh as I overhear one of Tamaki's guests. I didn't get good sleep last night on the roof.

"Oh, Tamaki. My dearest Tamaki, why are you so beautiful?", one of the girls asked.

"I'm hoping to catch your eye. Even if for just one second", he said sweetly. How can people like this guy?

"And why is your voice so very sweet and mellow?", another girl asked.

"To set your nerves at ease, so that my true feelings might reach your heart", he replied. I swear if someone said that to me, I'd punch them in the face.

"Why are your eyes filled with tears every time you look at me?", a third girl asked. Sure enough, Tamaki lifted his head to reveal teary eyes.

"Because the sight of your beautiful smile causes the fountain inside me to start overflowing", he said in a slightly shaky voice. Can someone JUST SHOOT ME ALREADY!?

"Oh, Tamaki!", the three cried in unison. I just sigh and bang my head on the table to cause my guests to look at me worriedly.

"Is something wrong Max?" One of them ask.

I keep my head on the table and turn my head to look up at her with sleepy eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm just the tiniest bit tired today."

My guests squeal over my "cuteness" and then they quiet down for me to be respectful. I give them a gentle smile that makes them fangirl on the inside as they tried to be quiet. I overhear the Twins' guests next.

"I think it's adorable that you're wearing matching kimonos", one girl said to the Twins. The were sitting like mirror images of each other.

"Our mother designed everything the hosts are wearing today. If you see something you like, we can take an order for you", Hikaru said.

"Our grandmother even helped us put them on", Kaoru added. Hikaru grabbed his brother's chin and looked at him with a smile.

"But you know the only one who will be undressing you is me, Kaoru", Hikaru said. Kaoru blushed lightly.

"Hikaru...", he began. When he turned his head away, he had teary eyes. "...you're embarrassing me. In front of everybody." The girls squealed in delight.

"What a tender embrace!"

I gag internally as I look over to where Haruhi is.

Haruhi sweat dropped as she watched before two girls approached her. "Haruhi! You look so cute in your kimono!", one said.

"Almost like a girl!", the other added.

"Thanks", she replied.

"Haruhi, you've booked another appointment", Kyoya called. "It seems you've had a pretty steady flow of new customers lately. Keep up the good work. I'm not going to charge you interest on your debt like I normally would, so keep this up and you should be able to pay it off. Although the rental fee on that kimono you're wearing is nothing to sneeze at." As Haruhi sweat dropped at his words, two girls approached Kyoya. I sigh, more like yawn again.

"Wow, Kyoya", one girl said.

"I can't get over how great you look in that kimono. Are you planning to release any more picture books of the Host Club?", the other girl asked.

"Unfortunately, we don't have anything planned at present, ladies", he replied. The Twins came up behind him.

"But doesn't the club make a lot of money--", Hikaru started.

"--from the sale of promotional items?", Kaoru finished their quiet question. Kyoya turned to the Twins.

"That's true, but the items were poor quality", he said. He showed them blurry pictures. "Those picture books were full of nothing but amateur hidden camera shots. However, if we wanted to create some higher quality money making products, I'm afraid we'd have to draw money from the school's budget." Kyoya had pulled out a calculator and was typing rapidly on it. The girls spoke to each other as Haruhi looked at Kyoya.

"Max-chan, Max-chan!", Honey called as he stood in front of me with bare feet. He was holding one of his sandals in his hand and I sat up and turned to look at him. "I don't know how, but I lost one of my sandals!" He started crying as I got up and approached him.

"But you were just wearing them, weren't you?", I asked. Mori approached them suddenly.

"Mitsukuni", he said. He grabbed Honey's ankle and lifts his foot before slipping the handle on his foot.

"Takashi?", he asked.

"I noticed that you dropped it", he said. Honey jumped into his arms and hugged him.

"Takashi!", he exclaimed.

"How sweet", one of the girls who had been watching said.

"Isn't it, though?", the other girl said.

"Looks like tears are popular with the ladies today, but how are they all able to cry so easily", I asked to myself before she bumped into one of the Twins, causing him to drop something out of his sleeve. I picked it up. "What's this?"

"For your information, it's common for a host to use eye drops", Kaoru said.

"No woman alive can resist a man on the brink of tears", Hikaru added.

"That's cheating", I said. Hikaru flung his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, don't be such a party pooper!", he said. Kaoru reached into his sleeve.

"Here, Max", he said. "This is for you." He placed the sweet in my hands.

"It's for me?", I asked sleepily.

"Aren't you the cutest!", they said. Two girls immediately approached us.

"I didn't know you liked sweets, Max", one said.

"Well, to be honest with you, I don't really get the chance to eat sweets often.", I yawned and looked at the sweet fondly. "But, you know, I think it would be a nice memorial for Haruhi's mother."

"Really?" She asked. I nod and placed it in her hands. "Thanks!"

"How admirable of you!", Tamaki exclaimed as he came up out of nowhere with a spin and teary eyes. "Such devotion to Haruhi's mother's memory. Please, Haruhi, take as many of these as you like." Honey, Mori, and the Twins clapped as Tamaki stacked sweets in Haruhi's hands.

"Let me guess, the tears are fake", I said.

"How could you?! My tears are always genuine, Max", he said. "Being able to cry without the use of eye drops is the mark of a true host." A tear fell from his eye and he quickly turned back to Haruhi as a girl watched from around a corner. "Tell me, do I impress you? Have you fallen for me yet?"

"You wish", Haruhi replied.

"My romantic overtures do not seem to be reaching you for some reason. Perhaps I should add a little more panache to my character, eh?", he asked with random hand gestures that somehow managed to be princely. When he turned back to me, probably to ask me how to win Haruhi over, I was looking at the girl watching them. Tamaki followed my gaze. Soon, all the hosts had noticed.

"Looks like the Host Club has a brand new guest", the Twins said. An idea seemed to hit them and then they were right in front of the girl.

"Come on in. What are you waiting for?", Kaoru asked while offering her a rose.

"Watching from afar is no fun", Hikaru said while doing the same.

"Please, Miss", they said. Suddenly, Tamaki was behind her with a rose.

"Stop that. How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first time guests?", Tamaki asked before turning around to face the girl, offering his hand. "Please, you don't have to be afraid, my princess. I welcome you to the Ouran Host Club." The girl blushed and tried to say something. "Yes?"

"NO!", she screamed and slapped Tamaki away. "Don't touch me! You're phony!" The eyes of the other hosts widened in shock and surprise. Tamaki stumbled back and held his face with one hand with teary eyes.

"What do you mean I'm phony?", he asked. The girl pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Just what I said! You're phony! I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this Host Club! You shouldn't go spreading your love around so easily like that you stupid! You must be a dimwitted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner! You're disgusting!", she said. Tamaki was horrified by every insult shot at him.

"He's created a new technique!", Hikaru said.

"One man slow motion!", Kaoru added. Tamaki slowly fell backwards with a horrified face.

"Tch. Someone's not very nice." I mutter. I'm now wide awake thanks to the new girl's screaming accusations. I had a dark glint in my eyes as I tried not to rip anyone's throat out. I don't have blood type AB, I'm blood type O, but that doesn't mean I'm a nice person when awoken or I could never be grouchy.

"I don't suppose you are...", Kyoya began. The girl's features softened and tears filled her eyes.

"It's you! Kyoya!", the girl cried as she ran over to him, stepping on Tamaki in the process, and throwing her arms around him. "Oh, how I've longed to meet you! My one and only prince charming!"

~Magical Time Skip~

"Your fiancé?", Hikaru asked.

"Kyoya-senpai?", Kaoru asked.

"Of course. My name is Renge Hoshakuji and I'm transferring into Ouran Academy's first year class A tomorrow", she said. Tamaki was pouting in his corner. I was leaning against a pillar, not really caring at the moment. Just trying to go back to sleep.

"Why is he sulking?", Hikaru asked.

"Because Mommy was keeping a secret from Daddy", Kaoru answered.

"And why is Max over there leaning against the pillar with a dark aura?" Hikaru asked.

"That one I don't know." Kaoru answered.

"Whatever. What does every insist on referring to us as if we're husband and wife?", Kyoya asked.

"Oh, it's the story of love at first sight", Renge said. "I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the backyard when you thought no one else was looking. How and how sweet it was when you reached out to that poor little injured kitten."

"She serious?", the Twins asked.

"Could you have the wrong person?", Haruhi asked. Renge glared at her.

"No way! I could recognize my love anywhere!", she said. The Twins started running around in a confused panic. Might I say they were loud. "He's a gentle man who's kind to everyone and doesn't ask for anything in return! He likes solitaire, but in fact sometimes he gets lonely. He's like the star of the popular dating sim Uki-Doki Memorial. You're my real life Ichijk Miyabi!"

"Uki--", Haruhi started.

"--Doki?", Honey finished. Tamaki shot up in horror.

"OTAKU!!", he exclaimed in horror.

"OTAKU?!", Hikaru said.

"I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE!!", Kaoru added.

"I swear you better shut up....." I mutter.

"I get it now. You're in love with that character. You're projecting that love onto me and you've somehow deluded yourself into thinking we're engaged. I assume this Miyabi character probably wears glasses as well." The other hosts gathered around Kyoya while Renge ran around.

"So, she made it up. You're not really her fiancé, right?", Tamaki asked.

"Well, no. I don't remember ever asking for her hand in marriage. Besides, this is the first time I've ever met the woman", Kyoya stated. There were multiple sighs. Renge sat beside an annoyed Kyoya with adoring eyes.

"According to my research, I understand you're in charge of managing the club. Is that true, Kyoya?", she asked.

"Can't you people go away.....?" I mutter, my dark aura growing.

"That's right! Kyo-chan is our director!", Honey confirmed.

"You're the club's director?! That's perfect! Oh, wow! I've always wanted wear a sandwich board to advertise a business", she said.

"We don't advertise, we're just a Host Club", the Twins said.

"I've made up my mind. From now on, I'm gonna be the manager of this Host Club", she said, obviously not listening to anyone.

"Um, listen, Kyoya--", Tamaki started.

"Ms. Hoshakuji is only daughter of a very important Ootori family client, so please be polite and try not to offend her, alright?", Kyoya asked, cutting Tamaki off with a smile. Tamaki went silent and put his head down in defeat.

"Well, boys, I can't wait to work with you", she said with a smile. She obviously didn't notice me when she smiled at them.

~Magical Time Skip~

Curse it all. I wasn't able to sleep good at all last night and now I'm still grouchy and tired.

"I thought about it a lot last night and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea", Tamaki said to the gathered hosts.

"Why do you say that?", the Twins asked.

"Well, it's fairly obvious, isn't it? Renge was transferred into the same class as Haruhi. So, if Haruhi has a girlfriend around, it could bring out the female within her. Renge's girlish air of tenderness might be able to stimulate Haruhi's own sense of femininity", Tamaki explained.

"Good grief", she mumbled.

"Now is our chance to help Haruhi get in touch with her feminine side. This is an important project, men! She doesn't have any friends in class right now except for these two Shady Twins and Cold Hearted Max. That's no good for her", he said while pointing at the two, and then pointing at me who was trying to sleep leaning against a pillar. The Twins tilted their heads.

"Like you have room to talk", they said. The door to the room opened.

"Hey, everyone", Renge called. "You'll be happy to know that your new manager, Renge, has baked all of you some cookies." She revealed a package of cookies and Tamaki appeared beside her.

"Isn't she ladylike?", he asked and flung his arms into the air before striking a pose. "I'm so moved by your generosity!"

"I didn't bake these cookies for you, you phony prince", Renge growled, sending Tamaki to his corner. Renge went up to Kyoya with a smile. "I'm sorry, I burnt them a little bit. I did the best I could. And I already know what you're going to say." She started blushing. "Oh, you're always so sweet to me, Kyoya!" Honey took a cookie and started eating.

"Hey, she wasn't kidding. These cookies really are burnt", he said.

"Don't eat that, Mitsukuni. It's bad for you", Mori said. Renge snapped out of her trance and ran at the two. Honey screamed and Mori picked him up and ran.

"She's scaring me!", Honey screamed. I looked at the cookies in my hand and tried one.

"They're not that bad at all. They've got a good flavor to them", I said and continued eating. The Twins looked from me to the sulking Tamaki back to each other. They smirked mischievously. Hikaru turned my head by my chin with a cookie sticking out of my mouth.

"May I try?", he asked and snapped a piece of the cookie off using his own mouth. WAIT WHAT?!

"Uh oh, Max. You've got crumbs on your face", Kaoru said and licked the crumbs off my cheek. Tamaki was behind me in a flash, glaring at the two.

"Did you see what they just did?! He took a bite of the cookie while it was in his mouth! And then the other one licked his face!! What are they doing?! I told you those Shady Twins can't be trusted! They're trying to seduce him into becoming like them!", Tamaki screamed while the others continue their conversation.

"And, suddenly, that trio of classmates are closer than they've ever been before", Kyoya commented while the Twins smiled evilly.

"You know, you could've just told me and I would've wiped it off. And, if you wanted to try one, there's plenty here", I said calmly, trying to not kill them on the spot, causing Tamaki to stop his rant and grab my face.

"That's not the way you're supposed to react, Max! You have to stay strong and reject them then casually brush them to the side! Do you understand?!", Tamaki said.

"This is sexual harassment, Tamaki. I may be a guy, but please don't touch me.", I said.

"SEXUAL HARASSMENT?! If that counts as sexual harassment, then they're TWICE as guilty!! SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE!!", Tamaki screamed.

"Cut it out, Boss", the Twins said. "We're sorry!"

Renge was watching the scene in deep thought when Honey approached her. "Renge-chan, Renge-chan!", he said. He lifted a pink mug of milk. "Want some? It's milk."

"Luke warm", she mumbled.

"Huh?", Honey asked in confusion.

"EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!", she suddenly yelled. "Except for Kyoya, all of your characters are luke warm! Each of you needs to have some sort of dark side, you understand? Girls are vulnerable to handsome young men who are troubled. If you keep carrying on like this, it's only a matter of time before the girls get tired of you and stop coming all together. Are you trying to ruin my precious Kyoya's business?! As your manager, it's my duty to change your character backgrounds. Let's start with you!" All the hosts looked a little afraid due to Renge's speech. Honey screamed when she pointed at him. "If all you are is cute, inside and out, then you're no different than a baby. Therefore, from now on, you are the baby-faced thug! And Mori-senpai, you're his childhood friend. The flunkie! The Twins will be basketball players enslaved in their own world. Haruhi, you're an honor student who's constantly being bullied. And, as for you Tamaki, you're the school idol who's admired for your good-looks, but you actually have an inferiority complex you're hiding from the world. The Lonely Prince." Tamaki gasped in shock and Renge turned to Kyoya. "And, Kyoya, you're perfect just the way you are now, so I want you to stay as kind and affectionate as ever. 'Kay?" Tamaki stumbled around. Renge turned to me lastly. "Hmmm.....Max I don't know what kind of dark past you should have. I've got it! You're a lonely famous fighter who feels as if friends are useless, but deep inside you want someone you can trust!"

(A/N: Just to mention, this has nothing to do with who Max is or her past. I wanted to make that clear before assumptions got out of hand.)

"Are you kidding me?" I mumble. "I'm not doing that."

"Thank you, I'm honored", Kyoya replied.

"The Lonely Prince... It's true. That title is perfect for me!", Tamaki said as a spotlight shown on him from nowhere.

"Yeah, right. She couldn't be farther from the truth", Haruhi mumbled in annoyance. The Twins pulled Kyoya away from Renge.

"Come on, Kyoya-senpai", Hikaru whispered as Renge jumped for a look at Kyoya from behind.

"You've gotta do something", Kaoru a said.

"Why? It seems like the Boss is up for it", Kyoya said while pointing to Tamaki. He was posing by the wall while seeming to sparkle a little.

"How is look, Renge? Do you think these poses work for a lonely prince?", he asked. She went over to him.

"Oh, wow, you're pretty good at that, Tamaki! But, you know what would be even more effective, if you were standing in the rain!", Renge said. The Twins groaned.

"Let's just wait and see how things turn out. I bet it'll be interesting. It always is", Kyoya said with a smirk.

Ugh. Stupid hosts. I just want to sleep.



Hey guys! Looks like Renge is here to stir up trouble and Max is a bit grouchy. Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chappie and if you did, vote, comment, and share! I'll see you all in the next one!


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