"A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!" Pt. 2


This'll be funny.

<End of Recap>

Max's POV

The room was silent as Ryoji "Ranka" Fujioka stared at Tamaki and Haruhi. "So, dad, how was work?", Haruhi asked. Ranka smiled and quickly walked over to the two and threw Tamaki into a wall. I sighed after laughing a bit and went to go help him up.

"I'm sorry. I hated to leave you alone last night. You must've been lonely", he said as he smiled sweetly at his daughter. Haruhi looked at him with wide eyes.

"That sound. He hit really hard", she said. Ranka grabbed his own shoulder.

"Oh, dear. My left arm has been bothering me lately. It's so sore like I was handling some ferocious beast. I could sure use a cup of hot tea about now", he said. Tamaki started freaking after I helped him stand up.

"Hot tea?! I'll get it for you! Do you use firewood to boil it, Haruhi?! Help me out! Your dad wants tea!", Tamaki said frantically before Ranka stepped on him.

"Oh, my. Would you look at that? I seem to have come across a little pest. Would you like to tell me why you're addressing my daughter with such informality, young man?", he asked. The Twins peeked back inside the apartment.

"Hey, Boss, what in the world is taking you so long?", Hikaru asked.

"Whoa, check it out. That person we passed downstairs was Haruhi's father", Kaoru said.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, Max, help me out here!", Tamaki begged. However, the Twins walked on him and held out their hands to shake Ranka's. I just bowed my head to Ranka.

"It's nice to meet you, Haruhi's dad. We're good friends of your daughter's,  the Hitachiin brothers", they said.

"So you're transvestite aren't you?", Hikaru asked.

"You're the first real transvestite we've ever seen", Kaoru said.

"You finally put the moves on Haruhi, huh, Boss", they said.

"Sorry about him. He's a ladies man, if you know what I mean", Hikaru said.

"He's a pheromone machine. In fact, I'll bet he's fooled around with more ladies than you can count", Kaoru added.

"He likes to fool around, huh?", Ranka asked.

"NO! I'm not a ladies man! I'm a nice guy! I care about her!", Tamaki protested. He put his head low to the ground. "I'm being completely honest here. I care about Haruhi like she's my own daughter." I simply shake my head as I sigh disappointedly. This guy is gonna get himself killed.

~Magical Time Skip~

"Ah, I get it. You must be the Host Club I've heard so much about", Ranka said. The hosts, Ranka, and Haruhi were sitting around the table while Tamaki sat in his little emo corner. I leaned against the wall, and observed quietly. "You certainly are a fine looking bunch of young men. I'm not sure which of you I like best. What about you, dear? I tell you what, why don't you all go ahead and call me 'Ranka'? That's the professional name I use at the transvestite bar I work at."

"Professional name? You mean like a stage name?", Honey asked.

"Exactly like that, Mitsukuni", he replied.

"Hold on! How did you know my name, sir?", Honey asked. Ranka smiled.

"You two are third years Mitsukuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka.  And the two of you are first years in the same class as Haruhi. You're the Hitachiin twins, but I'm not sure which one of you is which. I've heard a lot about you. And that you over there must be Maximillion Himistu, but that name is far too long, may I call you Max?", he said.

"I don't mind." I reply shrugging.

"What? So, Haruhi told you about us?", Kaoru asked.

"No. Kyoya told me about you over the phone!", he said and smiled at Kyoya.

"You know, you really are a beautiful person, Ranka", he said.

"Say what?!", the others exclaimed.

"Kyoya", Tamaki said from his corner.

"We've been entrusted with the care of his precious daughter. It is only natural that we introduce ourselves and give him periodic reports. Ordinarily, that would be your job, wouldn't it?", Kyoya asked. It was like a punch in the face for Tamaki.

"Nice one Kyoya." I silently laughed while keeping my voice no more than a breath.

"I'm impressed that the club has such a capable president. But, wait a minute, you're only the vice president aren't you, Kyoya?", Ranka asked, only shooting more arrows at Tamaki. "I guess that president of yours is pretty much good for nothing, huh?"

"You never mentioned this to me, dad! Why didn't you say that you had been getting calls from Kyoya-senpai?!", Haruhi asked angrily. Ranka gave her an innocent look.

"What am I supposed to do, Haruhi? You rarely tell me anything about school", he said.

"So that makes it okay to talk behind my back?!", she said and turned in Tamaki's direction. "Come on, Senpai! Would you please stop growing mushrooms in other people's closets?!"

"Haruhi? The thing about you is...", Ranka said before hugging Haruhi suddenly. "...you're cute even when you're angry!!"

"I don't know what it is about him, but Haruhi's dad reminds me of someone", Hikaru said. Yeah, I wonder who ever could it be?

"This explains why she's so good at handling the Boss", Kaoru said. Haruhi got out of her father's grip and started walking.

"Wait! Haruhi, where are you going?", he asked.

"The supermarket, all right? I have to go shopping and I wanna do it by myself, so all of you just stay here and try to behave yourselves", she replied. "Except for Max. He can come if he wants." She says and I nod. I walk towards her and hold the door open for her. She walks out and I follow.

Host's POV

"Wait! We want to go to the commoner's supermarket!", Hikaru called as she left.

"I wouldn't push it. Once she's made her mind up, she'll never change it", Ranka said. "When she decided she wanted to go to Ouran Academy, she did all the enrollment paperwork by herself. While I respect her independent spirit I wish she'd be a little more dependent on me sometimes." Ranka sat in thought for a moment. "I hope you boys know how grateful I am. Since she's found you she seems to be happier. She's enjoying herself. Wouldn't you agree, Tamaki Suoh?" Tamaki pushed the closet door opened with a smile.

"You know who I am?", he asked happily.

"Well, of course I do. Haruhi's told me a thing or two about you. You're the Host Club's bumbling president, right?", he asked. Tamaki let out a happy dramatic sound while Kyoya put his hand on his chin in thought. "Come to think of it, you're the one who didn't realize Haruhi was a girl until the very last moment. You're clueless, aren't you? Pretty pathetic." Tamaki went back into the closet with teary eyes. "Now that we've gotten all the introductions out of the way, how would you boys like to have a little fun?"

~Magical Time Skip~

Max's POV

Haruhi sighed as she walked down the street beside me. "Why didn't he tell me? I had no idea that Kyoya-senpai's been calling my dad and giving him updates", she said.

"Well I don't know why he would keep if from you, but I know he shouldn't have done that. Trust is important." I say as I look ahead. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Haruhi look over at me. Little did we know, while we were talking, the Twins pressed themselves against a wall a little ways behind us. The other hosts and Ranka came to the same area.

Host's POV

"So we're going to follow them to the supermarket?", the Twins asked.

"This is what you meant by 'fun'?", Kyoya asked.

"Yes! I call it The Stalking game", he replied. However, they were drawing quite a bit of attention. "In all honesty, I have a completely selfish reason for bringing you out with me. I want to be seen with a bunch of cute boys!"

"Sure enough, those two are definitely cut from the same cloth", the Twins said. The group eventually made it to the supermarket. Tamaki and Ranka were on opposite sides of a walk way peeking around shelves at Haruhi. The Twins would peek out in front of the shelves every now and then and Mori stopped Honey from running around.

"Do you really think it's necessary to follow her around like this? Are you that worried about her?", Tamaki asked.

"As you know, Haruhi lost her mother at a young age and afterwards she took on all of the household chores and shopping by herself. I decided to start following her whenever she would leave the house. Maybe I'm just being overprotective", Ranka said and sighed. Kyoya walked around while Haruhi had her back turned. "I worry about her all the time. I'm the only one who can protect her, you know?" He seemed lost in thought for a moment. "Either she doesn't know how to depend on others or she refuses to. She's always been so independent and so strong. And she has this uncanny ability to effect others without even realizing it."

"That's true. I've seen it", Tamaki said and looked at her with a small smile. "I understand." Ranka grabbed his cheek harshly.

"What do you mean you understand?! Don't think you're going to win me over just because you're handsome! I'm warning you! I'm not ready to let go yet!", he said.

"You could at least let go of my face!", Tamaki said while his cheek was being pulled.

"You've got some nerve! You barely even know Haruhi! That means, from this day forward, you're my enemy!!", Ranka declared. Tamaki screamed and Ranka kicked him into view.

Max's POV

"Why is there trash in the floor?" I say and nudge Tamaki with my foot.

"What the?", Haruhi said and turned around to see Tamaki on the floor. "Hey, what are you doing here, Senpai?" Tamaki stood up and rubbed the back of his head nervously as he smiled.

"Oh, it looks like you caught me, Max and Haruhi! I followed you both here so that I could carry your shopping baskets! You know how daddy loves accessories! Now, why don't you just hand it over?", Tamaki asked.

"You're so weird", she said and smiled. Ranka stood up from his hiding spot. "What's with the mushrooms?" Honey smiled as Mori pushed him around in a shopping cart.

"Faster, Takashi!", he said.

"Those double coupons mean I need two of them....", Kyoya muttered to himself as he walked around writing things in his notebook.

"Ah, there's a whole stack of commoner's coffee!", Hikaru said as he and Kaoru walked around. I swear dropped at all of the Hosts acting like fools. Then I shrugged it off and walked over to an isle where I could watch everyone do their own thing.

"Was there anything in particular you wanted to eat?", Haruhi asked Tamaki.

"How about a stew pot? One with lots of meat in it and no chrysanthemum", he suggested quietly.

"That's a great idea! A stew pot would be good since we need to feed a lot of people. It's kinda warm for it though", Haruhi said. Ranka watched as Tamaki held the basket with teary eyes and Haruhi just watched him. I stood a few feet away when Hikaru and Kaoru drape one of their arms each around my shoulders on both sides.

"Come on Max, show us where some of the commoner sweets are." Hikaru says and pulls me along.

~Magical Time Skip~

"Here, Tamaki. Chrysanthemum. Your favorite!", Ranka said as he piled Tamaki's bowl high with it. Tamaki had tears in his eyes as Ranka smiled, everyone else spoke happily, and Haruhi sat amomg them uninterestedly. I just smiled a little and announced that I had to leave.

"NO DON'T GO MAX!!" Tamaki says crying.

"See ya." Hikaru and Kaoru wave bye in sync.

"I'll see you at the next club meeting Max." Kyoya states nonchalantly.

"Bye Max-chan!!!" Honey waves enthusiastically and gives my legs a quick hug.

"Bye." Mori says.

"WHAT NO DON'T LEAVE ME WITH-" Haruhi shouts before I leave in a rush.

I jump off the balcony and onto the street. It was dark out. I began to walk down the street with my hands in my pockets. Then it happened.


I stopped abruptly and looked around. Someone had just attempted to throw a knife into the side of my skull, but who? Anyone could be anywhere in the darkness. I look at the knife that has instead impaled a poor building. There was a note at the end of the blade. So they knew they couldn't take me out like that. I took the knife out of he wall and looked at the note.

The lightning strike's power will be taken to power the Warui.

After I read it, I crumpled it up in anger. Then I shoved it in my pocket.

I won't let them ruin this life.
Even if it means I have to give mine up.

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