"A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!" Pt. 1
This Host Club.....
It's like a family.
It's small, and a little broken,
But still good.
I'm happy to be a part of it.
<End of Recap>
~Tamaki's dream~
The hosts stood outside of a rundown, practically overgrown, little house. "This can't be right...", Tamaki said. They all jumped when the door barely slid open and Haruhi peeked out. She was dirty and skinny and they could tell just from what they saw.
"Hey, everyone. Why don't you come in?", she asked in a hoarse voice as she smiled. They all came in and the lightbulb hanging from the ceiling flickered before it turned on. The walls were cracked and the cabinet doors were dirty and stained. Haruhi's clothes looked raggedy since they had been sewn so many times. "I know it's not much, but please make yourselves at home. I'll make us some tea." She turned and made the tea and poured it into containers. "Um, I'm sorry. We don't have enough cups, but we do have some bowls." She placed down three differnet cups, a measuring cup, and two cracked and/or chipped bowls. "Uh, here."
"Hey, Boss. What's with this place? She lives here?", Kaoru asked quietly.
"Maybe it's some kind of set. You know, like in the movies?", Hikaru asked.
"I-I-I-I hope so. Calm down you guys. I'll bet this is the store room. I'm positive the infinite cosmos is on the other side of that closet", Tamaki said.
"Then, should we try to open it?", the Twins asked.
"Now's not the time!", Tamaki whisper shouted.
"Right", they replied. Haruhi turned to them and smiled.
"Since you guys decided to come by at lunchtime, my dad said it would be rude if I didn't offer you something to eat", Haruhi said and opened one of her cabinets. "We've been fasting for three days to save up money to buy something suited to your taste." She paused for a moment and stiffened before she turned back to them as she reached in. "But it's all worth it, as long as you guys like it. Ta-da!" She held up a couple of packages of food. "A sushi sampler! It was marked down at the supermarket! How about that?"
"Sorry we came to visit, Haru-chan!", Honey said with tears in his eyes. "Don't make us eat it!"
"Be strong, men. Haruhi has suffered for our benefit. It's the least we can do", Tamaki said.
"But, sir, I'm not even sure this is fish!", Kaoru said.
"Wow! I can't believe it! Isn't this a piece of fancy tuna?", Haruhi asked as she looked at the piece of sushi in front of her. "I never tasted it until now." She put it in her mouth and began chewing. "It's delicious!"
~Dream Change~
"What? You actually expected me to stay forever? You really are stupid." Max stood with her back facing Tamaki and was preparing to leave the room.
"Max....please you can't leave!"
"Grow up Tamaki. This isn't a fairy tale."
~End of Tamaki's dream~
Tamaki's POV
"NO, HARUHI!! THAT'S JUST REGULAR OLE TUNA!! IT'S BY NO MEANS FANCY!!! MAX DON'T GO!!", I screamed as I woke up from my dream. I gripped my blanket and breathed heavily to catch my breath. I calmed down and looked over at the sun shining in through the window. I sighed in relief. "Just a dream..." More like nightmare.... Shortly after, I was fixing his tie on his uniform a little as he ran down the stairs.
"Morning, master Tamaki", Shima, the second residence Chief of Staff, said. "Anything we can do for you?"
"I need to get going. Please bring the car around front at once", I said.
"Yes. Of course, sir", a driver said.
"I beg your pardon, master Tamaki, but what would you like for breakfast this morning?", Shima asked.
"Hold it right there, master Tamaki!!", Shima said. "I can't let you leave the house like that! You're still wearing your pajama bottoms and your house slippers!" I stopped and then screamed as I quickly ran back up the stairs. "Well, he's not the brightest young man." I came back down the stairs, fully and properly clothed. I cleared my throat.
"Thank you, Shima. I'll be going now", I said.
"I hate to be a bother, master Tamaki, but today is Sunday. Which means you don't have to go to school today, sir", she said. I looked at her.
"Oh, really?", I asked. "Well, why didn't you make me aware of that fact earlier?"
"As your maid, it's my duty to help you. However, I want you to become a fine gentleman, so you must be able to recognize your own mistakes!", she said. The 82 year old woman grabbed me by the back of my jacket and began to drag me off effortlessly while I struggled and protested. "Since you suddenly have some free time on your hands, why don't we work on your manners?" The other maids giggled at this.
"I have to make a call! Someone bring me a phone!", I yelled.
"Sure", a maid said and gave me a phone. I sat in the floor in front of the phone and began dialing a number.
"Hey, Kyoya? There's something I need to talk to you about", I said.
Third Person POV
Haruhi walked down the street as she came back from a sale at the supermarket. She looked up and noticed a group of people crowded around a car in front of her apartment building. The people spoke among themselves as the door opened and Tamaki stepped out with the other hosts. She sighed. "So this is where Haruhi lives?", Kaoru asked. Tamaki paced beside the group.
"It's pretty big, huh?", Hikaru asked. "Bigger than I thought it'd be."
"Yeah! Look at all the rooms!", Honey said.
"This building is what you might call an aggregate commoner dwelling. Haruhi's home is just one of the many units in this building", Kyoya said. Tamaki put a hand on Kyoya's shoulder dramatically.
"Kyoya! Why? Why'd you bring these IDIOTS with us?! Especially those two DOPPELGANGERS!!", Tamaki asked.
"Well, you see, I knew you didn't have the courage to come here alone, so I thought it'd be best if everyone came along", Kyoya explained and then started ushering the others away. "All right, let's go home. I guess I underestimated our great leader."
"What?!", the Twins protested. "I'm not going home!!" Tamaki quickly grabbed Kyoya's shoulders to stop him.
"I'm sorry! Don't leave! I don't want to be alone", he said. "Now listen up, men. Don't you forget! We must be polite. This is a casual, we just happened to be in the neighborhood, kind of visit. We're not here to judge the Fujioka family's lifestyle. The words 'shabby', 'cramped', and 'rundown' are absolutely forbidden!!" Tamaki pointed at them in declaration.
"Right! Yes, sir!", Honey and the Twins said as they and Mori saluted.
"Don't say anything that might offend Haruhi or her father and ask us to leave", Tamaki continued.
"Well, it's too late for that!! Go away!!", Haruhi said angrily. They all turned to her as her shoulders shook in anger.
"Haruhi!", Tamaki said.
"That pink dress is pretty cute!", Tamaki, the Twins, and Honey commented while smiling and giving her a thumbs up each.
"Shut up! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!", Haruhi told them. Tamaki screamed.
"Haruhi's so mad, she actually cursed at us!!", he said and turned to the Twins. "All of this is your fault!"
"Hey, it wasn't us", they said and leaned against a car. A lady tapped Haruhi's shoulder.
"Excuse me, Haruhi, but is everything all right?", she asked. Haruhi turned to her. "Should I GET the nice young man over there to help?"
"Hi, miss land-lady", she greeted.
"Those young men are driving such fancy foreign cars. They're not yakuza? I can get the young man over there to help.", she asked.
"No, they're not", Haruhi said.
"Do you want me to call the police for you?", she asked. Tamaki moved Haruhi out of the way.
"Pleased to meet you, madam. My name's Suoh. I'm one of Haruhi's friends", Tamaki said.
"Really? My goodness. Well, aren't you just adorable!", she exclaimed.
"And he's got her", Haruhi mumbled.
"We're just stopping by. We didn't mean to cause a scene. I'm sorry", he said.
"Oh, it's no problem!", she said and giggled. She went over to Haruhi. "I'll stop by later with some snacks for you and your friends! See ya later! Oh and Haruhi, pay that young man over there for getting Miss Kim's car that flipped over back on its tires" Haruhi watched her leave after she handed Haruhi money and then looked over to see Max holding a car up with one hand effortlessly. Her eyes widen and Max looks over at her.
Max's POV
Why is Haruhi and the hosts here? And what's with the weird look?
"Max? How are you holding up a car?" Haruhi deadpanned as I set down the car.
"It's easy. I've lifted heavier before." I walk over to her and she hands me my pay money. I count it out as Tamaki starts shaking my shoulders.
"That's because I had to work today and frankly, I didn't want to deal with you." I put away my money and try to walk away before Haruhi grabs my wrist.
"You owe me for this remember?"
"But I have to work. I need money to eat today."
"I'll make you dinner today. Just don't leave me alone with them." Haruhi pleads and I give in.
"Fine. I'll stay." I say and she thanks me. I'll just have to work faster on these side jobs after they leave. Haruhi leads the Hosts and I into her house.
"Okay, here's the deal. I'm only giving you guys a quick peek. Three seconds. Then you all go home, got it?", she says to them.
"Look! I brought you a gift, Haru-chan! I know how you love cake! There's both chocolate and strawberry! Do you want some Max-chan?", Honey said as Haruhi sighed and turned to unlock the door.
"No thanks."
"Fine. I guess I'll make some tea", she mumbled. She opened the door to a neat and clean apartment. Tamaki sighed in relief.
"What a hovel", Hikaru mumbled.
"SHUT UP!!", Tamaki said as he pulled Hikaru's cheeks.
"A wood build two-bedroom unit. That's normal for a commoner family of two", Kyoya said.
"Haruhi's such a pip squeak, at least we know she won't hit her head on the low ceilings", Kaoru said.
"Well, I think it's a super cute little room!", Honey said.
"You don't have to struggle to compliment it", Haruhi said.
"It's nice." I say.
"Thanks Max."
"Because I know Max knows what living like this is."
If only.
"Hold on", Honey said and pointed to Haruhi's shoes by the door. "Are we supposed to take off our shoes, too?"
"Please, if you don't mind", she replied.
"Did you hear that? We have to take our shoes off", Honey said as he looked up at Mori. "It's kinda like going to the dojo, huh?"
"Yeah", Mori agreed.
"Do you have any slippers for us, Haruhi?", Hikaru asked.
"Wait, the room's covered with tatami mats", Kaoru pointed out.
"In that case, we don't need slippers", Hikaru corrected himself.
"Great! Thanks for inviting us in", the Twins and Honey said.
"Yeah, thanks", Mori said.
"It's greatly appreciated", Tamaki said.
"Thank you." I said.
"Yes. Thanks, Haruhi", Kyoya said. She watched them file into the place.
"Oh! Talk about small", Hikaru said.
"Ow", Mori said.
"Be careful! That lightbulb's just hanging from the ceiling!", Kaoru exclaimed.
"This place is quite unpleasant, but I think I may have underestimated commoner housing", Tamaki said as he hugged his knees to his chest. "I know it's a tight fit in here, men. Just pull your knees in and sit gym style. Commoners have specially developed this position to conserve space." Haruhi turned away from them irritatedly as they all sat like Tamaki except for me. I just leaned against the wall and stared as the hosts made fools of themselves.
"I'm gonna go make us some tea", she said.
"Hey, here's an idea", Hikaru called. He lifted up an orange and yellow bag. "Why don't you make us this? It's black tea that our father brought us as a souvenir from Africa. Here, try it." He handed the bag to Haruhi.
"Um, sure. No problem", she said.
"It's best served as milk tea. Do you have milk?", Kaoru asked. Haruhi thought for a moment.
"I think. When was the last time that I bought some milk?", Haruhi asked herself. Tamaki panickedly pulled the Twins into whisper range.
"Stop it! What the hell are you doing? Don't be so mean to her, you idiots!", he whisper shouted.
"What do you mean?", they asked.
"I know you're trying to embarrass her by asking for that African tea!", he whisper shouted back. He turned them to look at Haruhi while she made the tea. "Look! She has no idea how she's supposed to prepare it!!" They turned back, each one with tears in their eyes.
"She doesn't even have a teapot!", Hikaru cried.
"She's too embarrassed to tell us she doesn't!", Kaoru cried. "I'm sorry, Haruhi. You don't have to go to all that trouble. We don't need any tea. We'd be fine with a glass of water." She turned back to him.
"You guys are so stupid." I mumble as Honey motioned for me to sit beside him. I walked to him and sat down beside him.
"What? It's no trouble. Besides, I've already made it", she said.
"Oh. Well, then, in that case--", the Twins began and got back into their huddle with Tamaki. Hikaru let out a sigh of relief.
"Man, that was a close one, huh, Boss?", he asked.
"We have been rescued by commoner's wisdom", Tamaki replied.
"What do you mean, sir?", Kaoru asked.
"Nothing we know to be true in our world holds true here. We have to be careful how we react. One little offhanded remark could break Haruhi's heart. That means, in this fight, the first person to embarrass Haruhi loses", Tamaki said.
"While your antics are amusing, I don't understand why you feel the need to turn this into a contest", Kyoya said from a bookshelf.
"They can't help but be stupid." I say and an arrow shoots through Tamaki as Kyoya chuckles and Honey giggles. The Twins glare at me and I smirk. Then Haruhi came into the room with four matching cups and three mismatched cups and sat them on the table.
"Okay, guys, your tea is ready. I'm sorry that not all the cups match", she said. Honey opened up the box of sweets he had brought.
"Come on, Haru-chan. You can choose your cake first!", he said.
"You sure, Honey-senpai?", she asked.
"Go ahead. We're rich. We eat this kinda stuff all the time", Hikaru said only to be squished by his brother and Tamaki after he said it. He whispered back to them. "I was trying to be considerate!"
"Well, in that case, I'll have the strawberry", Haruhi said.
"Okay!", Honey said. "What about you Max-chan?"
"Me?" I ask.
"Yeah! You pick yours next!"
"Hmm...alright. I'll take the chocolate." I say and Honey hands me a slice of chocolate cake. The Twins and Tamaki stared at me as I looked at the cake.
"She's so cute", the Twins and Tamaki said to themselves.
"I wish I could tell her how cute she is, but there's no telling what might offend her and Haruhi!", Tamaki whispered to himself.
"The traps of this world are terrifying!", the Twins added. I looked down at my cake as more strawberries were put on my dish.
"You like strawberries, right? You can have mine", Mori said. I smiled.
"Thanks! That's nice of you, Mori", I said. He smiled in return while the Twins and Tamaki seemed to have a breakdown.
"NOO!! WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THAT?! I SHOULD'VE BEEN SHARING STRAWBERRIES WITH HER!!", Tamaki said as he beat his fist against the floor until it was red.
"Why'd we let him trick us?!", Kaoru cried. Honey sighed in satisfaction.
"Eating all that cake sure wet my appetite", he said.
"Yeah, isn't it lunchtime about now?", Hikaru asked.
"Well, then, what's for lunch?", the Twins, Tamaki, and Honey asked.
"Will you guys quit being so happy-go-lucky all the time, please?", Haruhi asked. Kyoya stood up.
"We'll take care of it. We did drop in unexpectedly, so we'll pay for lunch. Why don't you just order us all some of your favorite sushi?", he asked.
"Thanks, but no thanks", she replied. "I know that if I let you guys pay I'll only regret it later."
"Oh, don't worry, Haruhi", Kyoya replied as he pulled out a shiny golden colored card. "We'll just pay for it using the profits from the photos of you we auctioned off." She looked down. I sign and face palm. Okay then Mr. Profit-is-everything.
"So I'm really paying for it after all", she said and then regained her composer. "Well, if that's what you want, I do have a friend who runs a nice little sushi shop nearby, so I can just give him a call. Their stuff's pretty high quality." Tamaki quickly scribbled something down on a piece of paper and handed it to Haruhi. "Be careful, Haruhi. Just because the sushi's packaging says premium doesn't mean that it's high quality." She crumpled the note up and threw it away. "I'm not stupid. I could figure that out on my own." She glared at him in annoyance. I smacked him on the back of the head.
"I'd really love it if you'd make us something for lunch, Haru-chan", Honey said.
"No, Honey-senpai!!", Hikaru said.
"How could you ask that of her?!", Kaoru exclaimed.
"Don't upset her!! Try to restrain yourself!!", Tamaki said.
"I guess I could whip something up, but it's gonna take me some time", she said.
"It won't take long. I'll help you. I'm used to making stuff on the spot." I say and Haruhi smiles.
"Thanks Max. I appreciate it."
"We can wait!", Honey said excitedly.
"Why didn't we think of asking her that?", the Twins cried.
"This means that we'll get to eat Haruhi and Max's cooking", Tamaki said as the three of them continued to cry.
"I'm gonna have to go to the supermarket again", she said.
"We're coming with you", Hikaru declared.
"We want to see a commoner's supermarket", Kaoru said.
"Me too!! Me too!!", Honey said.
"This could be a learning experience", Kyoya agreed.
"Yay!! Commoner's supermarket!! Commoner's supermarket!!", the Twins chanted as they ran out the door.
"This is gonna be fun!", Honey said as he and Mori followed them. Haruhi sighed as Kyoya left. I went back into the living room with Haruhi to get Tamaki.
"Well, that's it. So much for having a day off today", Haruhi said. "Hey, Senpai. Aren't you coming with us?"
"I am. I just wanted to pay my respects to your mother before we left", he said. He's actually considerate.
"Thank you. You don't have to do that", Haruhi said as Tamaki picked up the picture of her mother. I frown a little and go to wait outside with the other hosts.
-With Tamaki and Haruhi-
"Looks like you take after your mom", he said.
"I guess. That's what my dad always tells me", she replied.
"She was a beautiful woman. And I'll bet she was a smart one as well", he said.
"I'm not really a good judge of beauty, but she was smart. She was a lawyer", Haruhi said.
"Oh, yeah? No doubt she was a great lawyer. I can tell. Trust me, you can't fool these eyes, Haruhi", Tamaki said.
"I'm not so sure about that, Senpai. But my mom...", Haruhi began and looked into space fondly. "...she was a great lawyer." Tamaki sat silently for a moment before standing up.
-Okay Max's Back-
I got tired of waiting and went back inside. "Hey you two. Not to be disrespectful, but we should get going. It'll become dark before you know it."
"Max is right. Everyone's outside waiting for us. We should probably get going, don't you think?", Tamaki asked as they both stood up. However, Tamaki stepped on a banana peel and slipped. He and Haruhi screamed as he fell on her. "That hurt." He looked down and noticed he had landed on Haruhi.
"Okay Tamaki, kinda insensitive aren't ya?" I comment leaning against the wall waiting for them to get up.
"Sorry. Are you okay, Haruhi?" Tamaki asks.
"I'm fine, but you are kinda heavy", she replied. Suddenly, a woman with dark reddish colored hair spun in the doorway.
"I'm home, Haruhi! Hey, why'd you leave the door opened?", she asked and then froze in her tracks when she saw Tamaki and Haruhi.
"Welcome home, dad", Haruhi said. That's when Tamaki screamed.
"Oh much wow. Such luck." I commented as Tamaki quivered in fear.
This'll be funny.
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