"What do we do, Grim?" I had long since stored the Sun Saber in my subspace, thus returning to my small size. One thing about this base, it was once known as Diego Garcia.
"Who's out there?!" A voice shouted.
"You're probably hearing things, Sunny." A second voice said.
"Would ya two idiots shut up. The sooner we get you two slag heaps back to your dimension, the better." a gruff voice grunted. The sound of metal hitting metal caught our attention.
"Grimlock, flush 'em out." I ordered the Dinobot while I activated my cannons.
"Don't have ta, squishy." The gruff voice snapped as a large black, red, and silver mech with huge cannons stepped out of an old hangar.
"No way. More Autobots." I couldn't help the smile that cheered me up a bit more. "Megatron will never know what hit his dumb ass now."
"PIPSQUEAK!" the first and second voices shouted as a yellow blur and a red blur tackled me to the ground.
"Can't.... Breath!" I gasped as I was hugged between two mechs.
"Sorry." Sideswipe gently placed me on the ground as Grimlock growled.
"It's a good thing we found you Prime." Sunstreaker wiped the spot where I had been squished against him with a cloth.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Unicron rose up and destroyed everything. You're foster creators, Boss bot, the rest of the Dinobots. Everyone, dead." Sunstreaker gave me a sympathetic look.
"No. I lost so much when I came here. Now with Megatron taking over Earth, I've lost my team and...." I choked on the thought of Optimus being gone. One was already dead. We don't need to lose another.
"You found a mate. Didn't you." Sideswipe knelt and took Sunstreaker's cloth, using it to wipe away the energon tears streaming down my face. "By the way, welcome to being a Cybertronian."
"We need to find the rest of Team Prime." I moved away from the twins and looked around the base. "This is similar to our old place back home. Any scanners or hell, even a ship hidden here?"
"Lug nuts, who is this femme?" the big mech pointed to me.
"This is the last Prime from our dimension. She's the one with our Matrix of Leadership." Sides motioned to me.
"A minibot?" the mech raised an optic ridge.
"Listen, Ironass. If anybot is worthy of being made a Prime, it's Dawn. She's given up her human life and future for our kind. Hell, she's a cybertronian now. How did that happen?" Sunstreaker gave me a questioning look.
"A dumb rookie named Smokescreen shot liquid energon and all my flesh was burned to a crisp. The Ratchet here discovered that I had a cybertronian protoform underneath my flesh, created from the experiments by Lockdown. So the flesh was removed and now here I am." I explained. "Also, what is your designation?"
"Ironhide." the large mech replied. I froze and then slowly backed away.
"Scrap." The twins groaned. "Should've known she was going to slowly break down."
"It can wait. We need a way off this island." Ironhide huffed looking around. "If only one of us knew how to fly that damn ship you two slag heaps came in."
"What ship?" I took a calming vent. The twins smiled widely.
"How about the Knight's Temenos?" They gave me shit eating grins.
"Let's get going then. We need to find the others." I turned to Grimlock who roared with excitement.
The twins and Ironhide led Grim and I out into the ocean. I groaned that it was underwater. Thank Primus I don't need air anymore. Within an hour, we made it to the ship and I began to do a damage check. A groan escaped me when I saw that the ship needed some major repairs. Luckily all the engines and flight modules where fine. I headed for the cockpit and had to scare off some fish and a couple Bull Sharks. As I went to swim onto the pilot seat of the ship, Ironhide beat me to it. A huff in the form of bubbles left me as I crossed my arms before pulling out the Sun Saber and growing back to my Prime form. The twins smirked as Ironhide moved. Grimlock gave a throaty chuckle as I sat down and powered up the ship. With a little difficulty, I managed to get the ship in the air and put on autopilot.
"How did you learn to fly this thing?" Ironhide asked me after saluting.
"When we commandeered it from Lockdown. Hound taught me on the way to Hong Kong." I replied heading for the weapons room. "Good everything is still here."
"Will this be enough against the Decepticons here?" Sides looked up at me with a worried look.
"More than enough once we find some more allies." I went to a computer console and did a damage check. "Sunstreaker, I need you to start on the hull repairs while we head back too the States. Grimlock can help by softening the metal."
"On it." the golden mech nodded running off with Grimlock.
"Sideswipe, I need you to work on the scanners and fix their wiring." I typed a bit on the console. "Also try and get comms up too. They'll be good for drawing out Decepticon forces."
"Aye, aye Captain." the red mech saluted going back to the bridge.
"Ironhide, can you try and upgrade the ship's weapons system?" I asked the mech.
"Did I build a Ionic fusion cannon crossed with a repulsor blaster?" he gave me a smirk.
"You did in my dimension. It's what my cannons are." I nodded heading to the bridge. "Thank you. We have two days till we reach the West Coast. Get to work."
"Coms are up. I've heard some chatter from the Decepticon Warship, called the Nemesis?" Sideswipe gave me a confused look.
"I'll explain later. Right now, we need to get moving." I sat in the pilot's seat and took it off autopilot.
Time Skip: Fifty Miles from the Harvenger...
"Hey, I'm picking up something!" Sunstreaker shouted from his spot at the scanners.
"What is it?" I asked as a small screen from the scanners popped up in the pilot's screen. "Autobot life signals, and one Autobot ship."
"It's just about fifty miles from here." he responded. I looked at the coordinates.
"The Harvenger?" I took a calming vent before I put the engines in overdrive to get there.
"So, Dawn. Are you going to stay as Avalon Prime for the rest of the war, or are you going to try and settle down once this is all over?" Sides asked.
"The Autobots are going to need a leader till Prime shows up. Till then, I'll spend most of my time in this form." I replied. As the wreck came into view, I saw a group of Autobots standing outside with their weapons pointed at us. "Prepare to land."
"I don't believe it. Ultra Magnes is here!" Ironhide gasped.
"If he's anything like ours, we're scrapped." the twins groaned.
"I'll be here." I rubbed their helms once I stood up from the pilot's seat after landing the ship. Grimlock was waiting by the hatch, shaking his tail.
"You, boy, just wanna see Miko." I patted the Dinobot's snout as I pressed the open button.
Before I knew what happened, an accidental shot nearly grazed my helm.
"Who did that!" I demanded marching off the ship angrily. I saw a mostly blue mech, about my Prime height with a smoking blaster.
"Easy, Boss." Sides wrapped his arms around my waist and tried to pull me back. "He acted out of instinct."
"Instinct my ass!" I roared. "He nearly took off my helm!"
"Prime! Calm down!" Sunstreaker took a rock and threw it at my helm.
"Dawn!" The kids shouted running up to me after I was released by my frontliner.
"Kids!" I knelt and opened my arms towards them.
"By the Allspark. You found more Autobots and an even bigger ship." Ratchet walked up to me after the kids backed up.
"She even found me, Sweetspark!" Ironhide rushed past me and scooped up Ratchet. I put my servo in front of the kids so they didn't have to see the two gay and in love mechs kiss.
"Wait, Ratchet's gay?!" Miko squealed.
"What?! Here too?!" the twins whined. "Ours were bad enough."
My optic twitched as I took out my wrench from my birthday and hit the two with it.
"Enough of this sparkling behavior!" the mech who nearly killed me ordered. "Soldiers, I want you at attention.
"Sir, I don't think that's such a good idea. The flamed femme doesn't take to being bossed around too well." Bulkhead warned the blue mech.
"Well, she's going to learn how." the blue mech growled walking up to me as I was chasing the twins with a wrench. I almost had them when I was roughly pulled back by my arm. The Sun Saber popped free from my pack and fell to the ground.
"Uh oh." The twins backed away when they saw I was tiny again. An ear splitting roar came from Grimlock who was previously receiving belly rubs from Miko.
"Grimlock thinks that Prime is in danger." Sides gulped.
"No, he knows her Alpha position is being challenged." Sunstreaker corrected his brother.
"Stand down!" the blue mech holding me ordered Grimlock.
"Unhand me, and you won't be challenged by the Dinobot!" I wiggled free and landed with a thud on the ground.
Grimlock continued to roar and start to charge the mech. I grabbed the Sun Saber and grew in size. As soon as I was done, I swung the golden blade and a gold beam of light knocked the two to the ground.
"ENOUGH! I AM THE ONE IN CHARGE HERE! UNTIL MY LOVING BOYFRIEND DECIDES TO SHOW UP, ALL ORDERS COME FROM ME!" I bellowed. The twins were cowering along with Bee. "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?"
"Ma'am yes, Ma'am!" the twins shot to attention, while the mech glared at me.
"What gives you the Authority to take command?" the blue mech demanded.
"Are you deaf?" Wheeljack asked. "She's Prime's courted. Great in combat."
"Dawn is also a Prime." Ratchet added.
"Yeah, Avalon Prime." The twins hugged my arms in almost reverence.
"There can only be one Prime at a time." the mech crossed his arms.
"Ultra Magnes, Sir. Avalon, the Dinobot, and those two fraggers hugging her arms are from a parallel dimension that was obliterated by Unicron." Ironhide explained.
"Thank you." I nodded to him after finally managing to get the twins off of me.
"So, what's the plan to stop Megatron?" Arcee asked.
"Soldiers, follow me. I can equip you all with proper weapons." the mech; Ultra Magnes, turned towards his itty bitty ship.
"Disregard that. I've got even better toys in the Temenos." I sent a triumphant smirk towards a fuming Ultra Magnes as all my teammates ran for the Temenos.
~This is so cool!~ I could hear Bee whirr and buzz from the armory.
"That was uncalled for. Primes do not act that way." Ultra Magnes got right in my face.
"No, some are backstabbing weasels, some sacrifice everything for those they care about, and then there's me. I am no ordinary Prime, I don't put up with people's bullshit and I like to do things from a more contemporary leading style." I straightened my back and gained a bit extra height. "Remember who you're talking to, Soldier."
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