-3rd POV. -
The Xiao Long-Rose Family home is located deep in the forest on the island of Patch in the Kingdom of Vale. The house is a two-story log cabin with what appears to be a sheet metal roof in dull red. The interior of the home features wooden walls and floorboards throughout the house.

Inside the living room a women with short black hair, with red highlights. Was playing with two 4 year old's. She smiled as both children ran towards her. She called out there names playfully. "Come on Ruby? Come on Lily? Come to Mama?"

The girl called Ruby as she was running to her Mama for some reason a red aura was coming out of her body and she instantly dash to her Mama.

The women was surprise because the women was tackled to the floor. Ruby started laughing. "Haha! Mama I caught you!" The women picked her up and gave her a confused stare. "Ruby did you just used your?" She got extremely excited but Ruby simply smiled. "Tai! Tai! Come down stairs? Yang you to you won't believe what just happened!"

Both Tai, & 6 year old Yang responded in unison. "Be right there!?" As both of them made their way downstairs. Tai looked at the women. "What is it Summer? Did something happen?" He responded.

Summer looked at hem and she smiled while still carrying Ruby in her arms. "Ruby she used her semblance!" Tai got surprised and he smiled. "What she did? NO I missed it!"

As Lily was simply standing around confused. Yang got close to Summer and she pointed her index finger at Lily. "What about her?" But Summer simply ignored the fact that Lily was there. "I'll think of something later! But for know let's focus on what to do with Ruby's future." She smiled and Yang nodded and smiled. "Ok."

They then proceeded to walk away leaving Lily alone. Lily extended her left arm to reach out to them but it fall on deaf ears.

But Lily felt that someone was suddenly tugging on her socks. She looked down and notice that it was Zwei looking at her. She looked at hem and she pat hes head which made him wag his tail. "Come on Zwei I'll give you something to eat." As she walked in to the kitchen Zwei barked and followed her.

-???? POV-
"What's the point of having a family. A Father that loves you and will protect you when things turn sour. A Mother that will be there for you no matter how bad things turned out."

"An older Sister that will defend you when you are being bullied from the people you can't defend your self from. A younger Sister that will always play with you wen you are bored of playing alone."

"Truly those are wonderful things."

-3rd POV timeskip 2 weeks-
As Ruby, and Lily where playing with Zwei. Ruby got up from the floor. "Come on Zwei fallow me!" She started running around the living room, and Zwei gave chase. But as she was running around she accidentally knocked over a vace with blue, & red flower. "O No!"

Summer who was upstairs raised her voice. "Girl's what was THAT!?"

Ruby looked at Lily who approached her. Ruby got worried. "Sis what should I do I didn't mean to brake Mamas vace?" Lily who was still calm looked at her. "It's okay Ruby? I'm sure that if you tell Mama the truth everything will be fine." Ruby smiled at her.

Summer got downstairs but she then noticed the broken vace she ran to it and she got angry. "O no my vace! My flowers!" She looked at Ruby, & Lily who were now scared of her. Because they never have seen Summer angry she raised her voice at them. "Who did this!" But they didn't respond afraid of the consequences. She responded again. "I said how did this!" She looked at Ruby who lowered her head.

Ruby looked at Summer and she raced her voice. "I-It was Lily! I was talking with her about my semblance and she got angry! Because she wanted one so she broke the vace!" Lily looked at Ruby shocked. "What I didn't!"

Summer looked at Lily she slapped her across the face. "I know that you don't have a semblance but you don't have to lie to me!" She then pulled Lily's hair and tossed her close to the vace. "Know clean it up by the time I get back!" She along with Ruby walked away.

After Lily finished cleaning the mess Ruby walked over to her. "I'm sorry Sis I got scared and-" But Lily looked at her pissed off. "You could have told her the truth! But all you did was lie! And I got punished for it!" Lily started crying and she ran to her room and looked her self in it. Ruby gave chase but was stopped by a looked door.

"Sis please open the door? I'm really sorry! Please come out! Sis!?" Ruby put her ear to the door and she could hear Lily cry. "Leave me alone!?" Ruby got sad and she walked away.

-???? POV-
"A little Sister that never lies but by one mistake she made. Cost someone to get hurt... In her Stead. Is that what it means to have a little Sister."

-3rd POV timeskip 1 year-
During the 4 weeks that passed Ruby & Yang we're being trained by Tai. Lily since she didn't have a semblance she was forced to clean the house all by her self.

Lily was just finished cleaning the house, and Summer was upstairs. "Lily come up hire!" As she walked up stairs she went to Summer's room. She knock on the door and Summer responded. "Come in." As she went inside she closed the door and she turned around, but at that moment she was pushed with so much force that she hit the back of her head with the door.

Lily started screaming in pain wen the pain subsided she looked at Summer and she noticed that she had her weapon out. Lily noticed that on the floor was a fake bullet. "Get up were not done yet. Be grateful that wasn't a real bullet." She then got up and walked over to Lily.

She looked at Summer with tears in her eyes. "Why Mama!?" Summer got agitated. "All you ever do is lie to me! Ruby told me you broke something else again! I told you that you should stop lying to me!" Summer pointed her weapon on Lily's legs and she fired another shot. Lily started screaming in pain but Summer didn't care.

Outside as Ruby, & Yang we're taking a break they heard Lily scream. Yang ignored it, and Ruby called-out to Zwei.

Zwei got close to Ruby but remained not to close to her. As Ruby got close to hem, Zwei started to growl. Ruby got confused. "What's wrong Zwei?" Zwei turned around and walked away.

Yang looked at Ruby. "What's wrong Sis? Did something happen?" Ruby simply nodded in a No.

Wen Lily's screams subsided she was on the ground covered in several wounds. She looked at Summer who was putting her weapon away. "Why are you... treating me... like this?"

Summer picked up Lily by her hair. "As your Mother I'm only trying to teach you a lesson. When I told you to not lie to me I meant it." As Summer drag Lily out of her room. She opened the door to Lily's room and she tossed her inside and looked the door. Summer then walked away.

Inside Lily's room.
Lily was still on the floor crying. And in her mind she told her self. "I don't know how long I can last." As she looked at her bed her mind went blank and she fainted.

-???? POV-
"With time a family can become hell but sometimes that hell can become your real home. To Live and become something more, or to perish and fall into nothingness. Is your only Escape. But how you use it is up to you."

-3rd POV timeskip 1 year-
After 1 Year thing didn't go well for Lily her life as a Rose began to lose its purpose and started to wither away. Only being used as a slave for the family. Ruby wood blame Lily for her problems and Lily would get the bad Karma of it all.

Summer stopped treating her like her daughter and she started treating her more like a target for her weapon.

Tai would punish her by locking her in her room. Sometimes even without food and he would even go as far as to let Yang use her as a punching bag.

And Yang as the oldest Sister would care more for Ruby. It got to the point that she didn't care for Lily.

The only one that showed any sense of kindness to Lily was Zwei the dog of the house. It got to the point that he stopped caring for Ruby, Yang, Summer, & Tai. And paid more attention to Lily more than anyone else.

Inside of Lily's room punches could be heard. Tai was looking at Yang how was on top of Lily using her as a punching bag. Yang raised her voice. "Come on Lily fight back! Haha! Fight you stupid little girl! Haha!" When she punched Lily one last time Lily coughed up blood. Wen Yang was about to punch her one last time Zwei ran to Yang and he bit her on her left leg. Yang quickly got away from Lily and she looked at her leg. "Zwei what's wrong with you?" She looked at Zwei how was standing between her and a beaten down Lily. Yang was confused.

Tai approached Yang and he touched the back of hes neck. "Ok that's enough for today? Come on Yang let's go down stairs?" He then walked away with Yang. As she walked away she looked at Lily, & Zwei with some Gilt in her mind.

Lily slowly turned to look at Zwei. She tried to talk but her voice sounded groggy. "T-thank you... Z-Zwei... But don't... W-Worry... I'll be o...kay." Zwei nuzzled up to her, and she petted he's head. "G-Good... Boy... now go." Zwei lowered he's ears and he walked away as Lily smiled.

-Lily POV-
As Zwei walked away I started to think what happened that led to this. I never was a mean girl and I love my Sister's but why would they do this.

I tried to get up but the pain was to intense and I wounded up staying on the floor. I looked at the ceiling and I told myself. "I have to get out of here if I don't I'll die. But I'm slowly..."

I started getting angry as I remember what they all did to me. As my eyesight started getting blurry I started losing conscience. But one thing ran through my mind. "Ruby, Yang, Tai, Summer." When I closed my eyes I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was 1:45 a.m. During the night I proceeded to go to the kitchen I looked around and noticed that there was no one there. When I found what I was looking for I went back to my room and I feel asleep.

-Timeskip 1 week-
I was making my way downstairs because Summer my former Mother or should I just call her a Demon called me.

As I got into the kitchen Summer looks at me and she raised her voice. But I stopped caring. "Finally I called you 2 minutes ago!" I looked away she got more agitated. "You look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Just then I was pushed to the floor, and Ruby, & Yang ran passed me. They took there chairs, Tai walked in and as I was going to take a seat Summer looked at me. "What are you doing? Your food is over there." I looked to the floor and there was a plate with leftovers from yesterday.

Ruby looked at me with that stupid smile of hers. "You better eat all of it Sis." She and Yang started laughing at me. I noticed that Zwei got near me so I gave him my food. "Here you go Zwei." But as I gave him my food it didn't go unnoticed.

Tai and Summer then approached me but I didn't care anymore. Tai then raise he's voice at me. "I see so after your Mother gave you food this is how you repay her!" I remained quiet but he got more angry. "Answer me!" He then proceeded to kick me in the abdomen that one kick send me smack to a wall. Summer responded to me. "We'll answer hem Lily!"

I coughed out a little blood as I got up from the floor Zwei tried to get in between us but I nodded my head in a no. "Haha....haha."

Tai got surprised and agitated. "What's so funny?" I looked at all of them. "You all think that your special but deep down your nothing but Monster's. I'm glad that my dream of becoming a huntress is dead because if I would have turned out like you I would have killed myself. Haha."

-Tai POV-
When Lily looked at me and Summer I noticed that her eyes were empty completely void of life I looked at Summer and she was frozen. "And you?" She responded.

-Lily POV-
I looked at Ruby and Yang how were looking at me. "Haha. You want to become huntresses but that dream if you keep abusing, punishing, and blaming others for your stupidity... It will never come true. Haha." I started laughing at theme.

I noticed that Summer approached me I noticed that she was angry and kinda sad. But she just slapped me. But I smirk and look away. "Haha. You can't brake something that's already broken you Demon's." I then turned around and I limped away I noticed that Zwei tried to fallow me but I stopped hem and gave hem a warm smile. "Thank you Zwei." And I tried to make my way upstairs but it still hurts a lot. But I can bare it.

-3rd POV timeskip 3 weeks-
As Lily was on the floor beaten, and bruised. Summer walked over to her and gently placed her on a broken down mattress. Lily was sitting on the mattress and she was looking to the floor her eyes were dull 2 years of suffering and all she had was unhappiness. Her eyes were empty completely void of life.

Summer looked at her and she looked a bit concern. "Lily? Sweetie what's wrong?" As she extended her right arm to touch Lily's cheek. But Lily quickly slapped her arm away. Summer got back surprise of what she just did. "Lily? What did I?" Realizing just now what she had done for 2 years she looked at her and she started crying. She got close to Lily and gave her a hug, but Lily pushed her. "Lily?"

"Your not my Mother, Summer. She died two years ago, same goes for Ruby, Yang, and Tai. I don't have a family anymore." Summer couldn't believe what she just heard. Hearing her daughter call her Summer broke her heart even more.

Summer broke down into tears. "I didn't mean to-" But Lily cut her off. "Your nothing but a Grimm you Monster's. I HATE you and the name Rose, and Xiao Long." Lily then turned around and laid down on her broken down mattress. Summer looked away disgusted at her self as she walked away she looked at Lily one more time. "Lily I'm sor-." But Lily cut her off again. "You had 2 years... So no Summer." Summer looked away in sadness She closed the door and walked back to her room.

As she took a seat she noticed that Tai was walking to her. He then took a seat next to her. She looked at hem with tears in her eyes. "How could I do that to my daughter Tai? What kind of Monster am I?" Tai wrapped hes arms around her. "It's okay will find a way to fix this? I promise." She tried her best to smile but all she could think about was Lily and everything they put her through. "Since tomorrow is our anniversary let's get her a present and try to apologize for everything we put her through?" Summer smiled at what he said giving her a bit of hope. They then proceeded to fall asleep.

In Ruby, & Yang's room.
Yang was looking at her arms and she started trembling.

-Yang POV-
I can't stop thinking at what my Sister told us. "Haha. You want to become huntresses but that dream if you keep abusing, punishing, and blaming others for your stupidity... It will never come true. Haha." I looked at the wall and I told my self. "I'm hoping Sis give me one last chance."

-Ruby POV-
"Haha. You want to become huntresses but that dream if you keep abusing, punishing, and blaming others for your stupidity... It will never come true. Haha." What Sis told us I haven't stopped thinking about it. As I turned my face to the pillow and I started getting worried because I started thinking to myself. "Sis please give me one more chance. Please." And I started crying.

-Lily's Room. 1:45 a.m.-
-Lily POV-
I was laying on my bed or if you can even call this a bed. And the room was cold but I didn't care anymore. I stopped feeling pain and love for this family 1 year ago. I noticed that in the darkness I feel like someone or something is looking at me but I wasn't scared anymore.

I turned around and I noticed a figure in the darkness but it didn't move or attack. I got up from my bed and I looked at it but it remain still I extended my right hand. And surprisingly it did the same. But me not caring I responded. "Come closer?" And it did just that.

I got surprised but I wasn't scared anymore. I noticed that it was a large humanoid only partially coming out of the ground, surrounded by flames, with a bull's skull for a head, and several chains restraining it to the ground.

It looked at me and it tilted it's head. "........." It responded. I smiled a little. "I'm okay the pain doesn't bother me anymore." It extended its index finger and it rubbed my head.

I smiled a little but I noticed another humanoid but these one was different it was normal human size it's body was black and white, it's face had two horns that extended from the eyes, two long ponytails that extended from the back of it's head to the knees.

It approached me and petted my head but it didn't have a mouth. It then got back and I took a sit on the floor with my legs crossed.

"Do you have name's?" They shook there head's in no. "...I know? How about I give you name's." They nodded in yes. "Okay then."

I pointed at the bull. "Your name will be Asterion." It tilted its head and then it nodded in yes.

I then looked at the other one. "And your name will be Loki." It tilted its head and then it nodded in yes.

But as I was about to smile my body felt woozy and I fainted.

-Timeskip 2:30 a.m.-
I woke up and my mind was still spinning I looked at my room and I noticed I was alone. I noticed my tattered old clothes, I looked at my arms, legs, and body covered in several wounds and scars.

"....." I groan and I curled up in a ball. "So that was all a dream." And I feel asleep.

-Timeskip 3rd POV 1:50 p.m.-
The next morning as Tai, & Summer were preparing for there anniversary they went to Lily's room but it was looked. Summer lightly knocked on the door. "Lily it's Mommy can you open the door." Lily unlocked the door and looked at them. Without a care in the world.

Both Summer & Tai avoided eye contact with her because they still felt ashamed of what they put her throw. Ruby & Yang walked over to them.

Ruby gave Lily a gentle smile. "Good day Sis... I made you some breakfast and it's down stairs." Yang responded with a smile on her face. "We're waiting for you so we can eat like a family." They both smiled at her but she just got annoyed. "I'm not hungry and I don't need food made by you." Ruby & Yang got sad and responded in unison. "I see sorry to bother you Sis-" Lily cut them off. "Stop calling me Sis I'm not your 'Sis' or your 'Little Sister' I'm just trash compared to you." They both remained quiet.

Tai stepped between them and gave a gentle smile. "Come on Lily today is me and Summer's anniversary and we would like you to spend some time with your family." Lily responded without looking at hem. "Family? Since when was I a family member? I'm only a tool, a slave, a stress reliever to this family and besides your pride and joy are right there." She pointed to Ruby, & Yang. Tai remained quiet and looked away in shame.

Summer got to Lily's level and she looked at her eyes but all she was seeing was nothing in her eyes. She was about to cry but she kept her composure. "My sweet little girl I'm sorry. I really am please forgive us." Lily looked at her. "Tell me Summer how does it feel to have only two daughter's?" Summer remained quiet. "Because you only have one sweet little girl and I have no Mother, or Father, or even Sisters." They were quiet but suddenly.


As Summer had tears in her eyes she raised her voice. "How could you say that were your family Lily and we LOVE YOU A LOT!" Summer then realized what she did and she lowered her voice. "Lily I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" As she was about to touch Lily's cheek her arm was slapped away. "Like I told you last night. You can't brake something that's already broken you Demon's." Lily then slammed the door in front of them.

Summer got up from the floor and Tai touched her shoulder with sadness in hes eyes. "Come on Summer well try to fix this later? Let's just give her some space." They left with sadness in their face.

Ruby & Yang went to the kitchen and they looked at the food they made for Lily. Ruby was sad that she had to throw it away after she did her best to cook it. "Sis I'm sorry." She then throw the food away.

Yang was in the couch looking at the TV but it was turned off. She got sad for all the things she put her little Sister through. "Sis."

Zwei was sleeping in the corner of the living room.

-Timeskip 4:26 p.m.-
It was getting dark and outside of the house it was raining strongly and thunder could be heard from outside.

In Lily's room she noticed the rain and she smiled in pain as she wrapped some bandages on her wounds.

In the living room Ruby was getting scared of the thunder outside. Yang comforted her and she put a brave face even though she was a bit scared. "It's okay Sis everything will be okay I promise." Ruby looked at her and smiled.

-Timeskip 5:56 p.m.-
Tai and Summer were trying to figure out what to bye Lily but nothing came to mind. Summer looked outside and she noticed the rain getting stronger. She looked at Tai and got worried. "Tai come on let's go home? I'm starting to get worried?" He looked at her confused. "Okay Summer." But he was getting worried to.

-Timeskip 6:34 p.m.-
As Ruby & Yang were watching TV the lights went out and they got scared. Ruby raised her voice. "Sis what's going on I'm scared!" Yang quickly responded. "It's okay Sis the lights just went out." Both of them were scared Yang got up. "Come on let's get Lily and wait for Mom, & Dad?" Ruby nodded in yes. "Okay Sis."

As they were making their way upstairs they started getting scared the more steps they took they only got scared even more. When they made it to the second floor the hallway was dark completely dark. Yang called out to Lily but her voice sounded scared. "L-Lily... Come on let's... g-go d-downstairs." But nothing was heard.

Ruby also called out to her but the same no answer. "S-s-sis are you okay?" As they made their way to Lily's room they knock on the door but no response. As Yang was in front of Lily's door her throat started getting dry she slowly open the door and got inside she looked around the room, and as one thunder came down both of them noticed Lily for a split second holding a knife and looking at them. Yang got in front of Ruby. "S-S-sis what are... going to do with that?"

Lily simply chuckled. "Get out of hire, but first." In that moment she went to attack Yang. But Yang simply pushed Ruby back.

As Yang threw a punch at Lily she simply dogged her attack. Lily then cut Yang on her left arm and Yang covered the wound with her right arm. "Lily please stop." Lily tilted her head. "Why? You're strong you can take it." Lily then attacked her again and this time she cut her on both her legs and stabbed her left ankle. She screamed in pain and fell to the floor. "AAAAAAAH!!" Lily smiled at Yang.

(Only using as an example.)

"What's wrong aren't you strong." She remained quiet. Yang looked at her and Lily looked at the knife covered in blood she then licked the blood. And she spit the blood out with a little still in her mouth. "Haha. Spicy." They both froze in fear. Lily then got close to Yang and she smiled again. "But don't worry you can take it." Lily then proceeded to kick Yang several times on the legs, & chest as she screamed in agony. Lily proceeded to cut her some more on her arms and legs but they were only minor cut on like her leg that was bleeding. "COME ON YANG YOU WERE ALWAYS STRONG SO PUT UP MORE OF A FIGHT!" As Yang was about to faint Lily stabbed her left forearm she screamed again. Yang started crying. "Please Lily stop it hurts." But Lily sigh and grabbed Yang by her hair. "And wen you used me as your stress doll did you stop." Yang remained quiet and Lily smiled. "That's right." She then let go of her hair and proceeded to kick her face and body several times.

Ruby was in the floor simply looked at her scared of what was going on.

When Lily finished she looked at Yang how had several cuts and bruises all over her body. Lily looked at Ruby. "Your n-e-x-t." Ruby looked at sister on the floor. Yang couldn't muster up the energy to even speak but she told her one last thing before she fainted. "Run get out of her."

Ruby quickly get up from the floor and ran out of the room. Lily sigh she stomped on Yang's stomach. "I guess we're playing hide and seek?" And she walked towards the door.

Since Ruby was to scared to use her semblance and it was to dark all she could do was hide.

She was hiding underneath her bed but she couldn't even see anything or hear anything. She then heard the door open and she held her breath. "R-u-b-y where are you?" She heard the footsteps in front of her and that made her even more nervous. But she then heard the footsteps leaving the room and the door closed. She calm down and she started getting out of her bed. But when she got out unbeknownst to her Lily was on top of Yang's bed. She looked around and another thunder was heard she then noticed Lily how was looking at her as she tried to run away Lily pulled Ruby's hair and instead of using her knife she simply punched her in the face sending her smack to some flowers that were on a vase. Lily looked at Ruby. "Oh no I broke the vase... O that's right YOU broke the vase." Ruby was going to crawl away but Lily grabbed her legs and brought her close to her. She then turned her around and she set on top of her blocking her arms. Ruby started crying. "Please Lily I'm sorry! I didn't mean to blame you for everything." Lily smiled. "Oh don't worry I know but it doesn't matter anymore." Lily then proceeded to punch Ruby in the face again, again, again, and again.

She then got up and proceeded to kick her in the stomach over, and over, and over again. Ruby coughed out some blood and Lily smiled. "We're not done just yet." Ruby looked in fear of her one innocent Sister.

-Timeskip 7:45 p.m.-
As Summer and Tai made it home they found out that the lights were all off. Summer called out. "Ruby! Yang! Lily! We're are you." Tai took he's scroll out and turned of the light. "Ruby! Yang! Lily! Are all of you ok! Say something!" At that moment they heard footsteps and Tai pointed the light upstairs. But at that moment Yang was throne off from the second floor but thanks to Summer she caught her.

Summer looked at Yang covered and cuts and bruises. "Yang what happened!" She then noticed that Ruby was throne as well but Tai quickly caught her. Ruby was covered in bruises. "Ruby! Who did this to you!" Summer and Tai got back and he painted the light to the second floor and what day saw scared them. It was Lily covered in blood and holding a knife she looked at them.

(Using as an example)

They were shocked at what they we're watching. But Summer responded. "Did you do this Lily?" She smiled and nodded in yes. She then walked back to the darkness. Summer gently placed Yang on the floor. An Tai placed Ruby close to Yang. Summer responded. "I'm going after her?" Tai looked at her. "I'm going to." As they were about to go upstairs they noticed Zwei but Summer looked at hem. "Zwei stay with them." Zwei didn't respond back but he remained still.

As they checked all the rooms they noticed nothing out of the ordinary but they noticed that the attic door was opened. Summer handed her scroll over to Tai. "What are you doing Summer?" Tai responded in a low pitch tone. "I'm going up there?"

As she was walking up the ladders she looked inside the attic. "I can't see Tai hand me-" As she was about to finish her sentence she was grabbed buy a small arm and was pulled inside the attic. As Tai was going to go up there the door to the attic close. He tried to open the door but to no avail. "Summer! Summer! Dammit!"

As she looked at her surroundings she couldn't see anything only darkness. She started getting worried. "L-Lily sweetie please stop this I'm begging you!" She started hearing footsteps coming from front to back. "Lily please this isn't funny!" But nothing was heard.

Lily then responded but her voice was coming from every angle. "So you want your slave back is that it? Because let's face it you never loved me? You Demon." Summer started crying. "I'm sorry Lily. I'm so sorry. Please let's forget about all this and go back to the way things were you, me, and everybody else as a family. We can still fix all this." But Lily sigh. "You had 2 years... So I will never forgive YOU Summer." At that moment she felt an intense pain in her right leg. And she fell to the floor and she screamed. "AAAAAAAAAH!!" Lily then proceeded to start stabbing Summer's arms but Summer didn't fight back. She then got stabbed in her collarbone as she screamed in pain Tai was trying to force the door to open but to no avail. But it went silent he got worried. "Summer can you hear me!? Summer!"

At that moment the attic open and Summer fell on top of a him. He noticed all the cuts and stabs on her arms but he noticed that it wasn't life threatening. "I need to call the hospital!" But at that moment he was stabbed on hes shoulder as the knife was pulled out he screamed in pain.

He tried to get hes scroll but the scroll was destroyed by a knife. He gently put Summer on the floor and he got up. But the moment he got up he was stabbed on both hes ankles. He screamed as he fell to the floor. "Lily please stop we have to get your Mother, and Sisters to the hospital." He was then stabbed in the collarbone and Lily set on he's back. "It's always theme you only love your real family but I was never apart of you family." But He quickly responded. "No your wrong Lily I love all of you equally." Lily then stabbed hes other collarbone. "Then wen Yang was beating me what did you do. When Ruby was lying what did you do." He remained quiet. "That's right you did nothing." When she took the knife out she kicked hes face and knock hem out.

As she was making her way down stairs she noticed Ruby, and Yang unconscious but she ignored them. As she opened the door she felt something tugging at her leg.

-Lily POV-
I turned around and I noticed that it was Zwei. I looked at hem and he looked at me. "Sorry Zwei but I have to go... So please stay hire you'll be safe hire." But all he did was get even closer to me. As I walked to the door I noticed that Zwei didn't want to let me go. "I'm sorry Zwei but you can't come with me so stay hire." I then put hem close to Ruby, and Yang and I ran away. I looked at my old home and ran away.

-3rd POV-
As Lily was running she felt that someone was fallowing her but she kept on running but at that moment she heard the footsteps. She turned around and got her knife ready but at that moment the one that was fallowing her was Zwei. She dropped on her knees and she looked at hem. "Zwei what are you doing. Go home you can't come with me." But he didn't listen as Lily got on her knees Zwei walked over to her and he placed hes head on her knees. "Zwei?" She then picked hem up and looked at hes eyes. And she looked at hem, her eyes started to water. She then started to cry and gave him a hug. "Thank you, thank you Zwei." He licked her face and she smiled. "Haha. Okay let's go Zwei it's not going to be easy but let's go." He barked and they ran away.

-Timeskip 1 month 2:27 a.m.-
Lily was on the streets steeling and robbing from merchants late at night though it wasn't the life she wanted it was better than the living hell she went through. Along with Zwei at her side she didn't care what happened to her. All she cared about was taking care of Zwei and nothing more. Since it's been two weeks since they ate her wounds weren't healing properly but she didn't care until she was walking through an alley and her stomach growled and she fell on the floor in pain. And Zwei was barking calling for some one anybody.

-???? POV-
I was walking through the alley because it was a short cut to my home but I then heard a dog barking. At first I thought it was just another straight but something fell off so I followed it, wen I took the corner I noticed a small dog it looked at me and it was tugging on something. I got close to it and that's when I noticed what it was.

It was a small girl with black hair I checked her pulse but she wasn't looking so good. And I noticed several scars on her body but they didn't look self inflicted. "Who did this to you?" I told myself that. I was going to leave but she looked to frail... I sigh I then picked her up and I tock the dog with me as well. "Don't worry you two are going to all right."

-timeskip next day 7:12 a.m.-

-Lily POV-
As I was waking up I started feeling comfortable I gently open my eyes and I noticed that I was in a place I didn't recognize but more than that I noticed that my body was covered in bandages that covered my neck, my left eye, and my body. I noticed that Zwei was sleeping next to me. But more then that something smelled good like... food. I gently got up from the bed and I walked to the kitchen and there was a woman with black hair cooking. "Go ahead and sit down I don't bite." She responded without looking at me. I took a chair I then noticed that Zwei was walking towards me so I picked hem up and placed him on my lap, and I rubbed hes head.

The women then turned around and I noticed that her eyes were amber. She walked over to me and she placed the food in front of me and she gave Zwei some food but I had to put him on the floor. As I was eating I cued barely swallow let alone eat but the woman got close to me and spoon feed me.

When we were done she wash the dishes and she took a seat close to me. She gave me a gentle smile... the smile I hardly ever got from Summer. "Do you have a name?" She responded so I told her. "My name is Lily."

-???? POV-
I cued feel that she wasn't telling me her full name so I asked. "What is your last name?" But she looked down to the dog. "I'm sorry." Was all she said to me.

-Lily POV-
I didn't want to talk about me past and I didn't want to burden her anymore. "I don't like my last name." She sigh but happily. "I'm going to ask a personal question is the reason you hate your last name because of the scar that you have?" I nodded in yes. She smiled. "Okay then I won't ask again... But first let me introduce myself." I looked at her.

"My name is Cinder... Cinder Fall."

A/N: Well that took longer than expected but I'm finally done with this chapter. And I hope you can wait for the next chapter when it comes out.

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