Cinder Fall

-3rd POV-
It had already been 3 weeks since Lily escaped from her home. In those 3 weeks she was being taken care of by a woman named Cinder Fall. And it's thanks to her that her wounds were slowly healing bit by bit. But not all of them were healed. But thanks to Cinder things were okay.

Meanwhile the Rose/Xiao Long were in their home still recovering from their injuries. But luckily Ruby, and Yang weren't in any trouble their health was fine too, and their wounds were healing. However Ruby was mentally scarred of what happened she even regretted her constant lying. And Yang was to scared to train because every times she reminded herself of what she put Lily through.

Down in the living room Tai was thrown to the floor. "Stop it Qrow?! Your hurting him!" Summer raised her voice but she was slapped in the face by a woman with long black hair. "Shut up! Because of you she left and it's all your fault!" She yelled at Summer.

Qrow then picked up Tai by hes shirt. And looked at hem even more pissed off. "Because of all of you! I never got the chance to meet my Niece! And knowing that you put her throw that HELL I'm going to make you pay!" He took out hes weapon and pointed it at Tai's neck. But the woman put her arm on he's shoulder. "Leave this scumbag alone he's not even worth dirtying your blade. After all look at him." Qrow looked at Tai's legs. "He can't even walk."

Because of the incident Tai was left a crippled and the Dr. told hem that he won't be able to walk ever.

Qrow looked at Tai who was looking away. Qrow simply (Tch) and dropped hem to the floor. He then looked at the woman. "Your right. I'm going to try and find her Raven." But before he left he looked at Tai one last time. "I'll never understand what you saw in hem." Raven looked at Tai with a disgusted look in her face. "Neither will I... Let's go Qrow." As both of them left the house.

Summer walked over to Tai and she helped hem sit on the wheelchair. "I'm okay Summer don't worry about me?" He responded. "You're not the only one in pain so don't worry to much. After all well find her." As she looked at hem she smiled. "You're right we can't give up now." They then hugged with some glimmer of hope that things will be back to normal.

But unbeknownst to them Raven, and Qrow were spying on them from a tree and throw a window in the living room. Raven took out her scroll and she called a person. "Hello Miss Glynda can you do me a favor. If you can I need you to keep an eye out on Summer, and Tai... Yes thank you." She then looked at Qrow they nodded and they left.

-Timeskip Cinder's home 2:45 p.m.-
Lily was playing with Zwei. And Cinder was finishing cooking some food. She then lowered the temperature and she walked over to Lily and took a sit close to her. She looked at Lily with a smile on her face and how innocent she looked. "Hey Lily what are you going to do? When your wounds heal?"

Lily remained silent for a brief moment and then she responded with a serious tone. "I'm going to get stronger and have my revenge on the family that made me go throw hell. But not before paging your kindness back." She looked at Cinder how blushed a little bit. "So your leaving?" Lily lowered her head. "I have to I can't bother you anymore. You have done so much for me and I can't even pay you back." Cinder smiled. "How are you going to do that without a semblance?" Lily simply gave her a warm smile. "I'll think of something."

"...Lily?" As Cinder was about to say something the door bell rang. They both walked over to the door and open it. "You're late Roman." Cinder responded.

-Lily POV-
When Cinder open the door a man that I've never seen before showed up. "Sorry about that I was occu-" He didn't finish what he was saying. He then noticed me and he crouched to my level. "And what is your name?" I was still getting used to people. So I went behind Cinder.

He looked at me with confusion. But he smiled at me. Cinder then brought me to the front again. "Lily he's a coworker?" I looked at hem and I bow my head. "I-I-I'm Lily." He then proceeded to rub my head. "It's okay I don't bite... But can you do me a favor." I nodded in yes.

He looked to the side and he called out to some one. "Can you come hire Neo?" The only thing that ran through my mind was. "Great more people."

I then noticed that he brought a girl that looked like the same age as me. She had Pink and Brown hair. He then smiled and he responded. "This is Neopolitan. But you can call her Neo for short. Can you play with her?" I looked at Cinder, she simply smiled at me and nodded her head.

I then turn my attention to Neo how was avoiding eye contact. I got close to her and I scratched the back of my head. "You... Um want to play?" She looked at me with a look of surprise and she nodded. As I grabbed her right arm I dragged her to the living room. "Come on I'll introduced you to my friend?"

-3rd POV-
As the two Girls took a seat on the floor Neo was still embraced because she never had a friend. "Okay Neo you ready?" Neo nodded. "Come here Zwei." Zwei out of nowhere ran towards Lily. She then picked hem up and she carried hem in her arms. She looked at a now surprise Neo. "This is Zwei my friend."

Zwei then was placed on the floor and he walked over to Neo. She got scared of Zwei but Lily smiled at her. "It's okay he doesn't bite? I promise." Neo was still scared of Zwei.

Zwei then lowered hes ears. Lily looked at Neo and she thought of a great idea. "I know what if I help you get use to Zwei." Neo tilted her head and a (?) Appeared over her head. Lily walked over to Neo's side and she extended her left arm. "Do you trust me." Lily smiled at Neo.

Neo blushed and she then nodded her head in yes. As she grabbed Neo's arm she slowly got her hand closer to Zwei. Neo was getting scared but she was still willing to play with Zwei. She then touched Zwei's head and hes tail started waging. Lily smiled and let go of Neo's arm.

In the kitchen Cinder and Roman were talking. "So I didn't know you had a kid?" He responded. "I don't she was." She looked at Lily playing with Zwei, and Neo and she smiled. Roman walked over to her. "So what happened?" Cinder sigh and she looked at hem. She then went in great detail of what happened. "I see so you don't know the parents?" She shook her head in no. "Well what are you going to do with her?" Cinder remained quiet.

She then looked at Neo and back to Roman. "Can't that Girl speak?" He shook hes head. "Sadly no she lost her voice. And I'm trying to get her a good Dr. But." He looks at Neo, she noticed hem and she waved her hand. He then smiled at her. "I'm hopping that the operation will go well." Cinder remained silent but he then looked at her. "You okay?" She nodded.

-Timeskip 3:45 p.m.-
After they all eight Neo and Roman waved goodbye to Lily and they left. Cinder then closed the door and she looked at Lily. "We need to talk." Lily looked at her confused.

Both of them went to the living room and they took a sit on the sofa. Lily looked at Cinder. "Is something wrong?" Cinder looked at her and she sigh. "Listen I'm not a good person I'm actually a criminal. I don't intend to become good or stop what I'm doing but if you want you're revenge then come with me. I can train you and... Help you." Lily was shocked but understood but she never broke eye contact with Cinder. "But I... I don't have a semblance." Cinder touched Lily's shoulder. "You don't have to worry about that I have away to give you one." Lily tilted her head. Cinder scratch the back of her head. "Look what I'm saying is Lily Rose." Lily eyes widen and she didn't respond. "I'm sorry Lily I found out about you during one of my heist." Lily looked down in sadness. "I'm sorry Cinder I wanted to tell you but." At that moment Lily was brought in for a hug and she started to cry because it was a long time since someone showed her kindness.

"Cinder why are you so kind to me?" Cinder looked at her face and she dried Lily's tears. "To tell you the truth I see a little bit of myself in you. And the truth is Lily, I would like for you to became my daughter? I never had a daughter." Lily looked at her shocked. "Me?" Cinder nodded. Zwei was looking at them and he was wagging hes tail. Lily broke down into tears of joy. "Yes... Yes I would like that very much."

Cinder gave a sigh of relief. "I'm glad but like I said it's not going to be easy. You might have to do bad things are you prepared for that?" She looked at Cinder with a look of resolve. "I'll do anything Mommy!" When she heard her call her Mommy she embraced her in a passionate hug.
-Timeskip 10 years 1:45 a.m.-
A person with red clothing was running from rooftop to rooftop the person then got a call on its scroll. "Can you hear me Red Rabbit?" The person stopped on one of the rooftops. "Yes." The person at the end of the line responded. "Did you finish the mission?"

In a different location a girl with black hair and with blood-soaked hands was lean on a wall. "Yes the target is Dead. Where are you?" The girl looked at her surrounding. "In an alleyway. And you are you close?" But the person didn't respond. "Red Rabbit are you there?" No response. "Red Rabbit?!" As the girl got worried she started hearing sounds. "Red Rabbit respond?" As she got off of the wall a hand touch her on her shoulder and she screamed. "AAAAAAAH!" As she turned around she noticed it was Red Rabbit she got even more furious. "Don't do that?!" Red Rabbit started laughing. "Sorry, sorry. I wasn't expecting that was going to be your reaction. Haha. But it was so funny."

"Anyway come on let's go home?" Red Rabbit responded. As the girl was wiping the blood off with a handkerchief the girls black hair turned to half pink and half brown, with white streaks on the pink side. "Neo."

Neo smiled as she looked at the person. "You still owe me for this." The person lowered its hoodie to reveal. "Lily."

Lily smiled at Neo and she sigh. "Okay what do you want me to get you?" Neo smiled. "Ice cream." Lily facepalm herself. "Okay come on I'll buy it on the way." Neo smiled and she got excited. "Okay let's go." The Lily and Neo walked away.

In another location inside a rundown factory there were several dead white fang members with no one left alive.

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