Beacon Academy
-3rd POV Bullhead 8:35 a.m.-
There was a brief silence inside the Bullhead as Lily shoot Yang. As Yang fell to the floor the rest of the students gave them some space, and looked at them. As Yang's arm twitched she quickly got up and touched her cheek, she then noticed that the bullet only lightly cut her, and she was bleeding. She then looked at Lily with a scared expression. Lily then put her gun away and looked at her with a look of hatred. "Don't you dare come near me? If you do well. You saw what I did to you just know." She then gave Yang a death glare, and it only cost Yang to tremble. Lily tilted her head. "What's wrong? Back then you were quick to anger, but look at you now." She said sarcastically. But Yang didn't look at her or even respond.
Ruby got close to her. "S-Sis please l-let's not f-fight?" She stuttered as she responded and her body started to tremble.
Lily then took her other gun and pointed it at her. "Don't call me that you worthless dead weight! You and I aren't Sisters so remember that!" Ruby was about to cry.
But Neo tugged on Lily's shirt and looked at her. "Come on don't waste your time with them. The ship is about to land anyway."
Lily nodded as she put her gun away. "Guess it's your lucky day." They then started to walk away, and left Ruby on the verge of tears, and Yang on the floor trembling.
As the ship landed a girl with blond hair quickly started puking on a near by trash. Lily, & Neo looked at each other and they approached her. Neo then leaned close to her. "Hey you okay?" She said as she passed her arm behind her back gently.
The girl looked at them and she tried to smile. "I'm... Okay." As she said that she immediately started puking again.
Lily sigh and she took a pill out of her bag, along with a bottle of water. And she handed it over to the girl. "Here swallow this? And you should be fine." As she gave the pill, & water to the girl she started to walk away. As they did Neo looked at the girl and she waved her hand at her.
As they were walking a girl with a black bow steeped in front of them. The girl steeped in front of Lily, & Neo and smiled. "Long time no see."
Lily chuckled and smiled. "It's good to see you again to Blake Belladonna."
(N/A: yes they know each other.)
Blake smiled at her. "So you decided to come to Beacon?" Blake said as they started to walk together.
Lily sigh. "Not like I had any other choice." As they kept on walking they heard an explosion right behind them. As they turned around they noticed a cloud of smoke disappeared and Ruby, along with another girl with white hair scolding her. "Unbelievable! This is what I was talking about!" The girl raised her voice at Ruby.
"I-I'm sorry." The girl simply kept on scolding her.
Neo pointed at the girl. "Isn't that the spoiled princess?" She said as she looked at Lily, and her along with Blake nodded. Lily then responded. "That's definitely her."
The girl then stopped arguing with Ruby until she noticed Lily. She then smiled with great enthusiasm. "Lily!!" The girl said as she started to run towards Lily. When she got close she gave Lily a hug. "Lily! It's so good to see you again!" As she kept hugging her. Neo, & Blake stare daggers at her, she then looked at them and she smirked at them. Neo, & Blake got annoyed at her and they grabbed their weapons, but Lily sigh. "It's good to see you again to Weiss Schnee."
(N/A:... yes they know each other.)
She then released her grasp on Lily, and she smiled at her. "I didn't know you were going to Beacon I'm so glad." She then grabbed both of Lily's arms, as she blushed.
"Um excuse me?" Lily, and everyone looked at Ruby how was staring at them with a smile.
Weiss quickly got annoyed. "What do you want you DOLT! Are you trying to ruin the moment I have with my B.B.F! Or did you come hire to cause more explosions!" She said as she got close to Ruby. Ruby shook her head. "No and I said I was sorry Princess!"
As Ruby, & Weiss continued their argument. Lily, Neo, & Blake continued walking.
Halfway to the entrance Blake separated. And Lily continued walking with Neo. Before she cued even enter the school. A red head stopped in front of them. She then crossed her arms, and smiled. "If it isn't the Red Rabbit." A female voice responded. She then started approaching Lily.
-Lily POV-
I was surprised by the voice and just by looking at the red hair, I already knew how it was. I smiled with excitement. "If it isn't Pyrrha Nikos."
"So you remembered me. I'm so glad." She said as she got all up in my face. "We couldn't finish our little fight last time. But not this time what's stopping us." She then stepped back, and She reached out for her weapon a sword, and shield.
And I started to smile."Oh so you want to continue where we left off." As I told her, she nodded.
(N/A: ... *Sigh* and her to.)
-3rd POV-
As Lily reached out for her two guns. Both Pyrrha, & Lily smiled with excitement. "Shall we continue Red Rabbit." Pyrrha said as she tightened her grip on her sword, & shield and a red aura was becoming out of her body.
"You better not disappoint me Red Valkyrie." Lily said as she gripped her guns firmly, and a silver aura was coming out of her body.
As both of them smiled several students were looking at what was going on. They felt an overwhelming sense for battle. But before Lily, and Pyrrha started fighting a chibi Neo got in the middle flailing her arms. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT!" Both of them snapped out of it and they looked at her. "I don't think you two should start fighting right NOW!" She said as she looked at both of them worried.
Pyrrha, & Lily looked at their surroundings and they noticed several students looking at them. They then sigh as they put their weapons away, and their auras diminished they then smiled. Pyrrha then walked towards Lily with a smile on her face. She then extended her left arm in a handshake. "I hope that we can fight one of these days Lily."
Lily nodded in agreement, she smiled at her, and shook Pyrrha's hand. "Same here I'll be looking forward to that day." Pyrrha then walked away leaving Lily, & a chibi Neo alone.
Timeskip brought to you by a Chibi Lily, & Neo running away. As an angry Chibi Cinder runs right after them, simply holding a towel.
As Lily, & Neo walked inside Beacon Academy's giant auditorium, they noticed that it was filled to the brim with people. Lily then noticed that Ruby was talking to Yang about something, but when Ruby noticed Lily she smiled, & waved at her. But Lily gave her a death glared, and she looked away with great irritation.
-Ruby POV-
As I looked at my Sister it was clear she hated me. But I just wish she would give me one more chance. I then looked at Yang. "Hey Sis?" She turns to look at me. "What is it Sis?" I stared at her eyes for a moment before responding. "You think that if we ask Sis to give us one more chance. She'll let us?"
She scratched the back of her head. "To tell you the truth I don't know. But we can only hope." She smiled.
-Yang POV-
Truth be told I lied to her. I don't think she will forgive us but, we can't just give up... I just hope she does give us one more chance, if only just one. I just hope she doesn't hold a grudge that deep.
-Lily POV-
I was getting bored just waiting and not only that but Cookie freak, & Anger tantrum won't stop looking at me. It's kind of creepy.
-Neo POV-
I want ice cream.
-3rd POV-
Meanwhile Lily, Ruby, and Yang's attention is drawn to the stage, where Ozpin is readying the microphone, with Glynda beside him. He took a moment to compose himself before responding. "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction." As the students whisper among themselves. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."
As Ozpin leaves, Glynda steps up to talk. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."
As the students started leaving Ruby quickly went to Lily with a smile on her face. "Hey Sis."
Lily sigh as she turned around to look at her and she crosses her arms. "What do you want?"
Yang stepped forward. "Why don't we walk togeth-"
"Hard pass." Lily quickly interrupted Yang before she could finish. "Come on Neo let's go?"
As she passed Ruby, Yang got furious her eyes turned red, and she touched Lily's left shoulder. She then proceeded to raise her voice. "Lily the least you could do is give us one chance!? We're sisters after all!"
As Neo was about to help Lily. Lily touched Yang's arm, she then tightened her grip. She quickly turned around punched her in the stomach, which knock the wind right out of her. She then kicked her knee, which made her fall on one knee. "Why you-" Before Yang could speak, Lily placed one of her guns inside her mouth, leaving a shocked look on her face. But as Lily looked at her, Yang started to tremble out of fear.
"I'll warn you now. Don't come near me or else you will regret it. Do you understand?" Lily said with a scary experience, but Yang nodded. "Good next time I WILL use my gun on you. So don't think I came to this school to be friends with scum like YOU." She then turned around and walked away with Neo at her side. Ruby, & Yang looked as she walked away.
Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Cinder looking at the reader and blowing a kiss at them.
The first night at Beacon, students are splayed out in sleeping bags. As several students were relaxing. Lily was wearing short shorts, and a big shirt with short sleeves. She was on her sleeping bag facing the ceiling, with her arms on the back of her head. Neo then approached her wearing only short pants, and a simple t-shirt, she then placed her sleeping bag next to Lily. "You okay Lily?" Neo said as she seat on her sleeping bag, and started brushing her hair. Lily looked at Neo and she shook her head with a smile. "No just thinking of home Mom, Zwei, uncle Roman. That kind of stuff."
"Um excuse me?" A female voice responded to them.
Lily, & Neo looked at the person and they noticed that it was the blond girl. Wearing some short pants, stockings, and a shirt with long sleeves with the face of a bunny.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
"Hey your that girl that puked on the trash can." Lily said as she looked at her.
The girl awkwardly smiled and she scratched the back of her head with her right arm, as she held her sleeping bag on her other arm. "Hehe. Sorry." Lily then seat on her sleeping bag. "Don't worry about it. Can I help you with something?"
The girl blushed as she looked at Lily and noticed how small she was.
(N/A: the same size as Ruby)
"W-Well I was w-w-wondering if I-I could t-take this spot." She pointed at a spot close to Lily. Lily smiled at her. "Sure go right ahead." The girl perked up. "Thank you."
-Lily POV-
As soon as the girl was about to sit. Some other guy threw his sleeping bag at the spot she was going to take. I looked at the guy and just by looking at him I could tell he was an asshole. I noticed that the girl got sad so... I got up from my sleeping bag, & I grabbed HIS s.bag. As I did he looked at me, but I brought his s.bag up to his face, and I used my semblance to set it on fire and burn it to a crisp. As I did his stupid smile went away and he went from an asshole, to just a coward.
I then got up in his face. "The next time you do that again. I will show you just who you are dealing with. You got it?" He nodded. "Good now get out of here? Before I use my semblance on you." He quickly bow his head to the girl and he started to run away in a hurry.
-3rd POV-
Lily sigh as she looked at the man running away. She then seat on her s.bag. The girl smiled as she looked at Lily. "T-Thank you." Lily, & Neo smiled as she put her s.bag close to Lily's.
Lily leaned back as she faced the ceiling. The girl turned to face her. "By the way I forgot to introduce my self. My name is Janne Arc." Lily smiled as a chibi Neo pleased her head on Lily's stomach. Lily then looked at Janne.
"My name is Lily Fall and this." She then petted the head of a chibi Neo. "Is Neopolitan but you can call her Neo for short." Neo waved at Janne.
"Well then Lily, Neo. I hope we can become good friends." She said as she got comfortable in her s.bag.
Lily nodded. "Same here, well good night." Lily sigh as she noticed that Neo fell asleep on her stomach. "Neo?" Lily then sigh as she slowly got up, and placed Neo in her s.bag and tucked her in. She then went to sleep, Janne did the same thing.
Later at 12:02 a.m. Lily was looking at her surrounding and she slowly got up. And she walked outside to a balcony away from the students that were sleeping. She then took out her scroll and proceeded to text someone.
"Hey Uncle? How is everything at home?" She send a text to Roman.
-"Good no problems what so ever. How are things over there?"
"Good. Good so far so good. Hehe."
-"Well you better get some rest tomorrow is your initiation. And besides I got a job for you, & Neo when you get back."
"Okay goodnight Uncle?"
-"Okay goodnight my little Fall's."
Lily smiled as she put her scroll away, and looked up at the moon. Her smile then went away. "Come out?" When she said that Yang came out of the building. She then turned around to face her, with her arms crossed.
"Lily please listen Mom, & Dad are-"
"Save it I have nothing more to say to them, or you, & Ruby."
"But Lily! Ever since you left Ruby is not her careful and energetic self! Mom doesn't go a day without felling sorry for everything! Dad can't even walk! And... I..." She lowered her head. "I miss you! I miss my little Sister! I miss the times we spent together! I miss you."
Lily slowly walked towards her, and she stopped in front of her. "That is so sweet. But you can do me a favor you, along with Ruby, Summer, & Tai can disappear into the ashes. Because the truth is I don't care what happens to that cursed family. You along with everyone of them mean nothing to me." She then grabbed Yang by her shirt, and looked at her eyes. "To put it simple I really DON'T want any of you to be a part of my life. So keep your hands, your love, and your life away from me. Your love, & life means absolutely nothing. And if THEY were here I would tell them the very same thing."
She released her shirt. "To tell you the truth? I know that to you it was a sick little game, but to me it was HELL. So don't you ever call me your sister or your family you sick monster." She then walked inside leaving her alone.
Yang looked at the ground and she fell on her knees, and she started to cry. As she placed both her arms on her chest. "Lily I'm sorry. But... But this pain won't go away. I'm sorry Sis. I'm so sorry. "Unbeknownst to them Ruby was in a corner with her legs on her chest, and her arms crossed around it, and she was crying her eyes out.
Lily then maid it to her s.bag and she noticed that Neo was awake. "You okay Lily?" Neo said with a worried expression. Lily nodded with a smile on her face. As Neo smiled she got up from her s.bag, and she got inside of Lily's s.bag.
"Neo what are you doing?" Lily whispered to her. But Neo didn't listen and she snuggled with Lily. "It's just like back home when we were kids." As she got comfortable she smiled. Lily sigh but she smiled. She then noticed that Neo had fallen asleep. Lily sigh as she covered her self, and Neo. "Goodnight Neo." She then kissed her four head and she fell asleep. As the moon shined throw the windows everything faded to black.
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