Kenoco- Devi (Part 2)

( This is the second part to Kenoco- Devil. This inspired from "Emperor's Never Cloths" By: Panic! At the Disco)

Brandon's Pov:

Once of my best friends were about to become something unspeakable, and I couldn't do a thing to stop it, all I could do was cry.

"Princess, are you okay?"

I shook my head and continued to cry on my boyfriends shirt. Kenny's cries stopped and I could tell that everyone was looking at me.

(K: Kenny, P: Preston, R: Rob, M: Mitch, J: Jerome, B: Brandon, N: Matt)

N: Princess tell me what is wrong.
B: If I do you will probably send me to a mental hospital.
M: Why would we do that?
B: You would like I was insane and you would probably end up hating me...
P: We would never do that, we love you.
B: Ye, but when I told me parents, they hated me, after 16 years of saying that they loved me. They said that I was insane and stupid. Then they sent me to a mental hospital. After three mouth I got out. I was happy to go home. But when I knocked on the door, a different couple answered the door, they left me...
K: But we do care for you.
B: That is what they said, but they left me. My parents left me! I was stuck in a orphanage, sitting on my bed and staring out my window. I wanted a family, I wanted my parents back but they never came. But one day three people walked into my room. I think I was still 16 at the time. Can you guess who it was?
L: No....
V: Me, Simon and Josh.
B; They treated me like a brother, we had some great times. And they loved me. But they didn't know. Because I didn't tell them. I may be 18 now, but I don't want to loose you. Any of you.
J: We would never leave you Petey.
B: You Promise?
R: We promise Brandon.
N: I love you to much to leave you.
B: I can see and speak to......ghosts.....

Nothing everyone went silent. I sat there waiting for something like Matt pushing me off of him, someone calling me insane, or calling the police. But there was nothing but silence.

B: So you guys think I am insane now? Do you hate me?

I stand up off of Matt's lap and I start to walk off. But I feel a pair off arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to them. I look up too see Matt smiling at me. I smile back and start to cry, but with happiness.

N: I told you, I will love you no matter what.
V: I said the same thing.
P: We will always love you Peter.
M; And we are grateful to have you as a friend.
R: And holly crap Vikk is a father!
L; Why didn't we know about this sooner? I am your boyfriend.
V: I adopted him before we started dating. And we didn't tell you because, Preston was friends with Pete and then he started YouTube, so we just keep it a secret.
K: Now, I have a question. Where you talking to Choco?
B; Yes...
J: Okay what happen?
B: It is bad, are you sure you want to know?
B: Choco is......dead....

Choco's Pov:

When I wake up I see I am standing in frout of doors, and a black pit. I take a step towards the gates but, I hear something click and I start to fall into the dark Pit. The next thing I know I hit the ground and it is covered in bones.

What! I can't be meant to go t the underworld! I have been a good bird!

I sigh and I got to over my face with my hands, but I see grey stuff all over them, it looked like the stuff Petey pointed out earlier.

It started to spread up my arms hand down my body. I watch it as it dose down my legs. I was not a shimmering grey color. I pull out the little mirror I always have with me and I look at my face. My once brown eyes where now red, I also have horns coming out from the top of my head. Suddenly there was a pain in my back and I scream. After a while the pain stops and I stand up straight again. I turn my head around and I see a pair of pure black wings coming out of my back. I start to stoke them, and after a while of doing that. I see something come running out of a door, it takes my hand and pulls me thought the door. After entering the door I see a Person standing there with a smile.

"Welcome Choco to the Underworld, you are the new head Devil. I am Hades the ruler of the Underworld."

"Wait! I am a Devil!?"

"Yes, and you can go where every you want here. You can also go to the living, but you can't go to heaven."

"So I can go see my friends?"


I smile.

"How and can they see me?"

"No one can see you, besides the Soul Seer. But you can take the Soul Seers soul out of his body and take over his body."

"Okay, how do I do that?"

"Grab a hold of his shoulders, and pull hard and fast. You just walk in. But the Soul Seer, will not be able to go any farther than 12 feet from his body. If he dose he will die. Oh and to get there, just close your eyes and think of the place you need to go."

"Thank You!"

I state, I then close my eyes and I think of the hospital. I see Kenny sitting there crying and Petey is standing there apologizing to him. I will just wait till they get home.

~~Time Skip~~

I watch as they walk into the house and Petey looks like he is going to pass out, Kenny still have tears running down his face but he has calmed down. I walk over to see Matt zip tying Petey to a chair, and he is not putting up a fight. When Matt is done he picks up the chair and carries it to the living room and setts him in the middle of it. Everyone looks at him.

(K: Kenny,(C: Choco, but only Brandon can hear him) P: Preston, R: Rob, V: Vikk, L: Lachlan,
M: Mitch, J: Jerome, B: Brandon, N: Matt )

K: How did you know that he was going to die.
B: Do I have to tell you, it was already hard enough to tell you that we has dead.
V: Brandon, yes you have to.
B: But....
N: No, Buts Mister.
C: You know you should tell them right.
B: Wait, Choco?

Petey starts to look for me and I step out from the corner I was hiding in and I then walk over to him.

B: Wait Choco, no Choco, please don't.
C: I am not going to hurt you. I am just saying hi.
B: Oh, good. The power didn't change you. You are still you!
C: Yes I am still me.
K: Wait what is going on?
B: Choco is here.
K: Where?
B: You will be able to see him in a minute. I need you to cut me loose, please Love. I will let you tie me up again, after Choco dose something then I try something
N: Okay.

Matt cuts the Zip Ties and Petey stands up, but falls back down.

C: Are you okay.
B: Yea, just do it. I know you now what I am talking about.
C: Take your soul. I don't know. I don't want to hurt you.
B: You will not I promise.

I nod my head and I grab his shoulders and pull, His soul comes out and his body falls to the ground.

B: Hurry.

I nod my head and I walk into Petey's body.

(C: Choco)

C: Holly crap Petey, you feel like crap. And you are light headed, When is the last time you ate something?
B: Last week.
C: What we will talk about this latter.

I stand up and close my eyes. When I open them everyone gasps. I smile, I could tell that it worked.

K: What happed to your eyes Pete?
C: I am not Pete.
K: Wait Choco?
C: Yes, now can I get a hug from my Boyfriend?

Kenny runs into my arms and starts to cry.

C: Shh, it is okay.
J; Wait Choco why are your eyes red.

I pull away from Kenny. But keep my arm over his shoulder.

C: I am the Devil, that is why.
M: Then were are your horns and wings?
C: I am in Petey's body.
B: Choco, I am going to try something can I have.......

Petey's Sprit falls to the ground and I step out of his body and carefully lay it down before running over to his spirit. it starts to fade and I freak out and pick his spirit up and push it back into his body. Matt runs over to his body and cradles him in his arms. I wait for a moment, but nothing happens.

N: Princess don't do this to me.

Matt start to shake him lightly but it doesn't do anything.

B: Behind you Choco.

I hear Petey's voice say from behind me. I turn around and I see him standing there.

C: Oh, my , gosh, you need to wake up!

He smiles sadly at me and looks down.

B: I can't my body is to weak. I am not dead, but in a coma like state. I am a Soul Seer I can move in and out of my body as I please. But when you pushed me back into my body it threw me out.
C: Well what are we going to do? Matt is going to break with out you.
B: I am going to try again. I also feel stronger when I am near Matt so that should help. 

I smile and he walks over to his body and Matt. He touches Matt's shoulder and Matt looks around. I think he felt it. Petey smile and walks back into his body. After a minute, we hear a deep breath and Petey opens his eyes and smiles softly.

B: Love, I love you so much.

Petey goes to pick up his arm but fails, he looks at Matt and sighs.  

N: Looks like you are having trouble there Princess.

Petey nods weakly and Matt bends a little bit to kiss him, I aww and so do the others. When they where done Petey told me to come over.

B: Go into my suit case a take out a little black box, get it and bring it here. please.

He asks softly. I nod and I run to get it, after a moment I come back with the box.

C: It is locked.
B: I know. Love, the necklace I gave you, it is the key can you take it off and put it in the key hold and twist it.

Matt did what he was asked to do and, Matt then put the necklace back on.

B; Can you help me sit up Love>
N; Of course.

Matt sits him up and places him in between his legs. Petey then rests on his chest. And with just that motion he looked like he was going to pass you.

B: Pass me the box Choco, but do not touch the book.

I did as I was told and gave him the box, he puts his hand in it and takes out a little green and black book.

P: What is it Peter?
B: Spell book, information, potions. stuff like that.
M: Why do you have a spell book?
B: I am a Soul Seer.. Now Choco come here I need you to stand right in font of me. This will give you a solid body, but you need to be as still as possible.
C: How are you going to do a spell?
B: Can I borrow some of your energy?

I nod my head and Petey smiles and starts to speck in a Native tongue. After a moment Petey falls back against Matt and I hear a gasp.

R: There are your wings and horns.
C: Yep.

I suddenly fall to the ground and I see Kenny on top of me.

K: I though I lost you.

I pull him closer and we kiss. I was amazing, and full of passion. When we pull apart we sit up but I keep Kenny in my arms.

N: Princess you are still in trouble.
C: Oh, and there is another thing that he has been hiding from you.
B: Oh, come on Choco.

Matt ties Petey back to the chair and Vikk walks up to him.

V: What are you hiding from us.
B: Nothing.
R: We can tell that you are lying.
N: Do you want to just stay there?
M: Because we can do that.
B: I don't care.
C: I will tell them if you don't.
B: Well you have half false Information.
C: Petey told me that he hasn't been eating.
V; Brandon Richard Barns! What dose he mean by you haven't been eating?
B: I haven't had anything to eat, I haven't feed myself. I have no food in me.
N: That is why you are lighter.
B: Yes...

Petey leans back in the chair and closes his eyes, but quickly opens them when he starts to fall forwards.

R: Why.
B: Why not. And I was more worried about Kenny than myself
M: You are a Ding Dong.
B: Yes I am. Can I go to sleep now?
V: No You need to eat.
B: But I would rather sleep.
N: I know princess but you are going to eat.

Matt walks out of the room and I kiss Kenny's head and pull him closer to me. Matt walks back in with a bowl of Blueberries. Brandon shakes his head and looks down.

N: Princess Please.

He just shakes his head again

K; Pete you need to eat.
B: But I am not hungry.
N: That is why there is a little bit.

Brandon sighs and lifts his head back up and opens his mouth, Matt places the blueberries in his mouth and Petey chews and swallows.

B: Let me go and I will feed myself.
M: No you are going to sit there and I am going to feed you.

Petey opens his mouth to argue but Matt puts in another blueberry in his mouth. After about 7 more Blueberries. Petey looks like he is going to throw up so Matt stops and unties him, then carries him up the stairs.

I pull Kenny off of me and look into his eyes

"You are okay with this?"

"It doesn't matter what you are. It is who you are, And you are still the same Choco I feel in love with."

"Good, because I love you to death."

"I love you to." 

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