Sleepover Shenanigans!!!
Blightsexual_Luz: I JUST GOT THE BEST IDEA EVER!!! 💡💡💡
Luzbian_Amity: What is it Battata? xxx
Blightsexual_Luz: We should have a sleepover!!! :D
Luzbian_Amity: Yes!!! xxx
Willow: Agreed
Gus: Yeah
Hunter: I dOn't LIKe tHe sOunD oF tHAt...
Blightsexual_Luz: Come on it'll be fun
Hunter: oK, I jUst dOn't LIKe tHe SouNd oF the SlEEping pArt
Blightsexual_Luz: Come on, don't you wanna get rid of those eyebags. You'll be more attractive for Willow
Hunter: 😳
Willow: 😳
Willow: You're fine just the way you are Hunter!!! 🌻🌻🌻
Hunter: Ok thanks, but we aren't together...
Willow: Yeah...
Blightsexual_Luz: Ok 😏
Eda: Kiddo, you need permission from me before you can invite Boots, Goops, Plant kid and Bad but sad boy to a sleepover
Blightsexual_Luz: Oh yeah :○
Blightsexual_Luz: Can me and my friends have a sleepover?
Eda: As long as it isn't another moonlight conjuring
Blightsexual_Luz: Don't worry, this time we're doing it, Human Style!!! 😎😎😎😎😎
Gus: HUMAN STYLE!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Willow: So Cool 😎
Luzbian_Amity: I can't wait, we're gonna have so much fun!!! ☺️
Hunter: I aLreAdy liVe hErE bUt I hOpe it'LL bE Fun!!! :)
Later that day...
Blightsexual_Luz created a groupchat called 'Temporary Sleepover Chat'
Blightsexual_Luz added Amity, Willow +2 others
Luz: Hi everyone, I just created another chat so the adults don't listen in on us!!!
Amity: Hello everyone!!! HELLO LUZ!!! 😍
Luz: Hi Sweet Potato!!! Xxx 😊
Gus: Hi
Gus: Hi
Gus: Hi
Gus: Hi
Gus: Hi
Gus: Hi
Willow: Hiya!!! 🌸🌸🌸
Willow: Gus stop spamming
Willow: ...Ok
Hunter: HeLLo
Hunter: FoR tHiS oCcAsiOn...
Luzbian_Amity: Hurray!!! 🥳
Hunter: 😠
Hunter: Anyway, what do we do at a human sleepover?
Blightsexual_Luz: We tell spooky stories, truth or dare, order pizza, stay up all night, more truth or dare...
Gus: Let's Play Truth or Dare!!! :D
Blightsexual_Luz: Amity, Truth or Dare
Luzbian_Amity: Truth
Blightsexual_Luz: How much do you love me out of 10
Luzbian_Amity: Well that's easy, 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10
Blightsexual_Luz: 😊😊😊😊😊
Luzbian_Amity: Gus, Truth or Dare
Gus: DARE!!! :D
Luzbian_Amity: Kiss a cactus 🌵💋
Gus: Where do I get the cactus from??? :(
Luzbian_Amity: Willow, Truth or Dare
Willow: Dare
Luzbian_Amity: Make a cactus for Gus to kiss
Willow: Ok
Willow: Here you go, *hands the cactus to Gus*
Gus: *kisses the cactus*
Gus: Owwwwww!!! 😭
Luzbian_Amity: Sorry
Gus: Amity, Truth or Dare
Luzbian_Amity: I've already had a Truth or Dare
Gus: Answer
Luzbian_Amity: ...
Gus: AnSweR mY qUeStiOn!!! 😡
Luzbian_Amity: Dare
Gus: Kiss Hunter
Luzbian_Amity: I'm a lesbian
Gus: Kiss Willow then
Luzbian_Amity: Luz, are you ok if I do this dare
Blightsexual_Luz: Sure
Luzbian_Amity: My lips are reserved for Luz, ...Could I kiss her on the cheek?
Gus: Ok fine
Luzbian_Amity: *Kisses Willow* Ok that was weird, *kisses Luz on the lips*, much better!
Willow: 😯 That was kinda weird but I don't mind it 💖💛🩵
Luzbian_Amity: Hunter, Truth or dare
Hunter: Dare
Luzbian_Amity: Kiss Willow
Hunter: *kisses Willow on the cheek without hesitation*
Hunter: 😳
Willow: 😳
Hunter: What are we gonna do now?
Blightsexual_Luz: I know... 😈
Blightsexual_Luz: *Hits Hunter around the head with a pillow* PILLOW FIGHT!!!
Blightsexual_Luz: *Hits Amity softly*
Luzbian_Amity: *Hits Luz softly*
Gus: Hunter and Willow are KISSING!!!
Hunter: No we aren't... we're just hitting each other with the pillow...
Willow: Yeah...
Blightsexual_Luz: 😏
Luzbian_Amity: 😏
Gus: 😏😏😏
Eda: What are you kids doing?
Luz: How did you get here
Eda: I have my ways...
Thank you all for 500+ reads! We're almost halfway to 1000 reads which I think is 1K in Wattpad reads, idk
But anyway thanks and see you in the next chapter byyeeeee!!!
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