Living in The Owl House part 2: Hunter leaves the nest?!

Cool Aunt Lilith: I wondered what happened at the sleepover last night?
Rainestorm: Yeah
Rainestorm: Probably like the same stuff that happened when me, Eda, you, Darius, Odalia and Alador used to do whenver we had sleepovers
Darius: Yeah, those kids were definitely doing gay stuff
Blightsexual_Luz: ...
Luzbian_Amity: ...
Eda: Yeah they were, also Huntlow kissed
Hunter: HuNtLow???
Luzbian_Amity: Please don't say you turned off autocorrect Hunter 🤦‍♀️
Eda: Hunter x Willow
Hunter: x?
Eda: 🤦‍♀️
Eda: Like you and Willow are together
Hunter: wE aRe nOt ToGetHer...
Eda: You kissed tho
Hunter: IT WAS A DARE!!! 😡
Willow: Yeah...
Rainestorm: How do you know all this?
Eda: I hacked into there gc
Darius: They made a second gc?
Eda: Yep
Blightsexual_Luz: It was only temporary...
Luzbian_Amity: And we've deleted it now
Blightsexual_Luz: No evidence whatsoever
Eda: I screenshot the messages and took a few pictures while you weren't looking




(Ignore the fact this is from season three)

Blightsexual_Luz: No
Blightsexual_Luz: Why did you do this?
Eda: Why not
Eda: Also I just need to fix something quickly...

Eda changed Hunter's name to Willow simp
Eda changed Willow's name to Hunter simp

Hunter simp: 😡
Willow simp: *inhales*
Willow simp: I hAvE maDE A DeCiSion!
Luzbian_Amity: Nobody is gonna take you seriously with that typing and a name like that
Blightsexual_Luz: What is it Hunter?
Willow simp: i'M goNNa LeAvE tHe OwL hoUse!
Blightsexual_Luz: What?
Blightsexual_Luz: Why?
Eda: Why?
Willow simp: LiFe wAs bEttEr iN the EmPerOr'S cOVen
Blightsexual_Luz: No it isn't, you get abused there
Willow simp: I jUsT tHinK iT iS FoR thE bEst
Eda: Wehhhh, I'm gonna miss Bad but Sad bOy!!! Wehhh :(
Eda: Sorry, King stole my scroll but I am genuinely crying
Eda: I don't want to lose another
Blightsexual_Luz: Another?
Eda: You are eventually going back to the human realm
Blightsexual_Luz: Yeah but I'll probably still visit, I hope
Blightsexual_Luz: I hope it doesn't end like Amphibia...
Willow: Amphibia?!
Hunter: I lOve tHaT shOw!!!
Willow: So do I!!!
Blightsexual_Luz: Yay, what's your favourite ship?
Hunter: SaShAnNe!
Willow: Marcanne
Blightsexual_Luz: I like Sashannarcy
Hunter: YeAh I dO liKe tHaT oNe
Willow: Yeah it is cool 😎
Hunter: AnYWay, ByYeEeeeE!!!


Sadly, Pride month is over but... just remember it'll come back around eventually.
Also, I'm gonna make another chapter in a few hours today so be prepared for more chaos!

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