It has been a mere hour since Delilah had found out she is a witch, she is coming to terms that it does make sense. But she just doesn't want to admit it. She had also learned a lot about Hogwarts as Minerva had stayed with her in the library explaining everything about Hogwarts. The story behind the school, the four founders which were Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin. Although, technically she isn't in school yet, there was a spare bed that Delilah could sleep in until school started which is not until a month. So basically she is staying here for a month until school starts.

three weeks later

Delilah had recently gotten a wand, which was a fun experience, also a scary one. She went to Diagon Alley to get her school stuff, including her books that she will need. She also got a kitten, and named it Whiskey. It was an auburn colored kitten that weirdly had two different eye coloring. Whiskey's right eye was blue and her left eye was green. She still looked adorable to Delilah. She is her special kitten, and she will shower her with love and affection, which is what she never gotten at home with her mother and father.

The only person who had given her affection and told her that they love her, and that is Harry, but he doesn't really count. Parents are supposed to love their children, not ignore them and pretend like they don't exist after an accident happened when she was six. Sadly, Petunia and Vernon are definitely not mother and father of the year. They might be to their son Dudley, but not to Delilah.

Delilah hadn't opened up to that many people, the only person that she had really opened up and started talking to is Minerva McGonagall, which is fine for the older woman, because school hasn't started yet and she is the only child that is here anyway.

Severus Snape, is probably the most mysterious person that Delilah had ever met and that says a lot considering before the accident when she was six, she had met a lot of mysterious people. Then again she was a child at that time, so that makes sense. He isn't scary like he may look, in the three weeks that Delilah had been at Hogwarts, Severus had taken a liking to the girl, so he became her mentor figure.

The only time that she had ever seen him smile or even remotely smile was after he quizzed her on potions (which he had taught her), and she memorized all of them. He didn't technically smile but it counts to Delilah. She took it. It probably will be the only time that she will ever see him even remotely smile.

She hadn't gotten sorted yet, as they are going to wait until school starts to do that. Though probably from what Minerva said is that she is a mix of two different houses. Either Gryffindor and or Slytherin. Delilah is determined, prideful, clever and resourceful, which is a couple traits from the Slytherin house. But on the Gryffindor side she is adventurous and courageous. She is probably betting that she is going to be in Slytherin. Minerva also told Delilah that there are good wizards and bad wizards in Slytherin.

She hasn't made any friends, especially people her age, but at least she's had a chance to meet some of the Professors there. Though, if she had the choice of choosing her favorite person at Hogwarts, she'd definitely choose Rebus Hagrid, without a doubt. He may be a half giant, but he's the sweetest man there is. At least that's what Delilah had seen since she had got here. That's also who she'd spent most of her time with.

Hagrid would ask her questions about the Muggle world, as he would have gone to get her, but it would have seen weirder seeing a half giant saying that you are a witch. So having Minerva coming to get her, yes she is a witch. It's slightly better than a half giant. She'd ask the questions about the Muggle world as best as she could, as she hadn't seen everything, since she had been isolated in the house, since she was six years old.

He also told her that she has a gift with her eyes changing colors. He doesn't know that Harry Potter is her cousin, so he hadn't asked about him. As when they dropped off Harry at the Dursley's years ago, he hadn't seen her, but she had seen them. Though she thought that she was crazy, seeing a wizard, a witch and a half giant. But she didn't want to question it. She also never told anyone; let alone Harry.

She said that she has a cousin who is the only person that acknowledges her every morning, as she also told Hagrid about her home life, how her parents and brother treat her, how she's been isolated in the house since she was six, and basically everything, except for mentioning who her cousin is. Not realizing the big deal of Harry Potter not being dead. But also Harry Potter almost killing Lord Voldemort, when he was a year old, and also the fateful night that both of his parents died.

"Do ye have any other family members?" He asked her as they are in his hut as he made some tea. Granted, yes the cup of tea is made for giants, but he gifted her a straw to drink the tea from. Which helped.

After she headed back to school, she was told that there were two more days until school would start. So that's a good thing, because Delilah is dying of meeting new people her age. Even Hagrid said that she would either be Gryffindor and or Slytherin also. But the truth is, what house?

two days later

It was finally the start of school, as she went to meet with the other students as that's what Minerva said for her to go to. With all new students all around her it is making her more nervous, but what caught her attention was two red heads. They seemed to be brothers, as they look identical. She could tell from looking at them that they were pranksters, which made her smile more. She didn't know their names though, but they seemed like good people to hang around with. Next thing that thing is that, Minerva is directing the students to the Great Hall, the place where Delilah has been coming since she had gotten here.

"Please be in single file lines, when walking into the Great Hall, to be sorted." Minerva says as Delilah saw that all of the other professors were seated and the older students were sitting in their respective houses. "When I call your name please come forth and I will put the sorting hat on your head. Then after, that please go to your new houses." She instructed as Delilah nodded her head at hearing the instructions that Minerva had just instructed.

"So, what's your name?" A voice asked as Delilah turn towards the voice, as it was one of the twins.

"Uh, Delilah." Delilah says as both of the twins smile at her, making her slightly turn pink.

She saw that the twins had their famous grin on their faces. "Name is George and this is Fred." One of the twins introduced as she saw that Fred gave her a little wave.

"I'm guessing by how you are, I'm guessing you're a Muggle?" Fred asked her taking in the way that Delilah is looking around and how she is acting, that she is a Muggle.

"Yeah, how did you guess that?" Delilah says as they are slowly moving forward as neither of them are paying attention to the students getting sorted. They are having their own conversation, not realizing that Severus Snape is keeping an eye on the girl. As she reminds him of someone that he used to know. It is not the hair as she isn't a red head.

Could it be the eyes of the woman who used to be his best friend, when they were growing up? He doesn't know, but something of Delilah is making him think like that.

"The way that you are looking around, as it's indicating that you've never heard of this place. We have older brothers as the rest of our family has been going here forever." George says as Delilah nods her head at the red head.

"Oh nice. I am the only one in my family who is a witch. Besides my Aunt but she died, when I was a kid." Delilah says as both of the twins' eyes widened at hearing that.

"What happened to her, if you don't mind us knowing?" Fred asked the girl as they still weren't even close to the sorting hat.

"She was in a supposed car accident, but then years later, she was actually murdered by a wizard that was evil." Delilah says as it didn't take long for the twins to figure out who Delilah was talking about.

"Crikey! That's You-Know-Who. He killed those Potters, but it was a shame that the baby went missing." George said which made Delilah shoot her head to look at him. "What?"

"That is my cousin and his parents." Delilah admits to the twins, which made them look at her shocked.

"Bloody hell you're related to Harry Potter. He is a celebrity. Everyone knows his name. Of course, you do, because he is your cousin, but still." Fred says as George nodded his head at what his brother said.

"I guess I didn't know how famous my cousin was. Then again I didn't realize I was a witch until three weeks ago." Delilah says as the twins nod their heads.

"Makes sense." The twins say in unison and they fist bumped.

"Next is Fred Weasley." A voice said as Delilah looked up and saw that she was just in front of the sorting hat. It has been going faster than she thought. It is making her anxiety go through the roof. To cure her anxiety she felt George put his hand on her shoulder, which calmed her down.

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat shouted which made Delilah jump as she didn't expect it. Because for a while she hadn't been paying attention. She's been talking to the twins.

"George Weasley." Minerva called as George went up to the sorting hat and she put in on his head.

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat shouted as George went to the Gryffindor table.

"Delilah Dursley." Minerva says with a smile on her face. Minerva bad grown to like the girl since she went to get her almost a month ago.

Once the girl got to the stand she took a deep to calm her down. She felt the hat on her head.

"You're a first one I have seen. You are a very loyal, and have amazing wit. You have ambition, resourcefulness. Four great traits of two houses. You are a rare mix of houses, I have never seen it before. I think I am going to put you in.....SLYTHERIN!!" The hat shouted as Delilah opened her eyes of shock that she was in Slytherin. She heard the Slytherin student hoot and holler of excitement.

Minerva gave the girl a light nudge as Delilah barely gave the woman a smile. Now that she is in Slytherin, she won't see the twins. She felt her world crash, as the twins were her real friends that she had made. Now she will have to leave them.

She thinks that her world is going to end right there, but it won't. It will only get better. May take a while but it will.

It will only be time.


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