Delilah Dawn Dursley was an only child for the first year of her life. Her parents called her an accident, as they wanted a boy. But instead of giving her up for adoption, they kept her. She had a room that she made to be like her personality. With light colors and a couple of nude colors. It had some colors, but not a whole lot.
When she was a baby, she didn't cry a lot, only if her diaper needed to be changed, but that was about it. She also wasn't one of those babies that would be constantly crying for no reason. Which was a good thing for her parents, because they didn't want her at all, but they still kept her.
When her brother Dudley was born, Delilah almost went insane, though she might've gone insane. Dudley wanted nothing to do with his sister, no matter what she would even do to make him stop crying. She would watch her brother when her mother wasn't trying to gossip to the neighbors.
When she wasn't watching her brother, she was in her room, being in her world. That was until something really strange happened. She was braiding her hair when she looked in the mirror, and her brown eyes changed to red, a deep burgundy red.
She shook her head, and then her eyes went back to their normal brown color. She overheard a conversation as she walked down the stairs and sat at the last step as she read a book that she had found a while ago.
Her mother, Petunia, came into the living room carrying two cups of tea. She heard her father clear his throat, meaning he had something to say. "Er...Petunia, haven't heard from your sister lately, have you?" Her father asks as Delilah tilts her head confused. Her mother doesn't talk about her sister Lily. At all.
Delilah never met her aunt, if she did the math correctly, her husband James would be her uncle, Lily would be her aunt, and Harry would be....her cousin. Yeah, that sounded right to her she nodded her head to herself as she got done doing the mental math in her head.
As her father already knew, his wife Petunia was shocked as she looked at her husband like he said something in a different language that she most definitely didn't know at all. "No." She says sharply. "Why?"
Petunia looked at the stairs to see her father looking directly at her, absolutely confused. Her mother motioned her to come to the living room, and she obeyed like a dog with its owner. Petunia grabbed her daughter's arm and brought her to a chair so that she could be more involved in this conversation.
"Funny stuff on the news." Delilah heard her father mumbled before he continued. "Owls... shooting stars... and there were a lot of funny-looking people in town today...." Her father says before trailing off and getting interrupted by Petunia.
"So?" Snapped Petunia at her husband, as Delilah slouched on the couch she saw a cup of tea and a couple of sugar cubes and she happily grabbed them with a faint little smile on her face. She wouldn't dare to say this, but she is more of a coffee drinker, and she drinks tea too.
"Well, I just thought... was something to do with... you know...her crowd." Her father finished what he wanted to say. Delilah looked at her mother as she sipped her tea through pursed lips, which meant only one thing. She is livid.
Her father wondered whether he dared to tell her he'd heard the name, 'potter'. He decided he didn't dare. Instead, he said as casually as he could muster. "Their son, he'd be about Dudley's age now, wouldn't he?"
Delilah looked at her father with a raised eyebrow before sipping her tea, enjoying the flavors of the sugar and the tea itself. She wondered why her mother had dragged her into the living room if the conversation wasn't about her. But she didn't complain as when she was done with her first cup of tea she poured herself another one. Maybe this conversation is interesting.
"I suppose so." Her mother stiffly says as she watches her daughter putting in two sugars before looking at her husband.
"What's his name again? Howard, isn't it?" Her father asked Delilah shook her head as her father looked at her.
"It's Harry, father," Delilah replies nonchalantly to her father as he nods his head at his daughter.
"It's a nasty name, a common name if you ask me," Petunia says as she finishes her tea, and Delilah pours her mother another cup of tea.
"Oh, yes." Her father says as his heart sinks horribly. "Yes, I quite agree." He didn't say another word on the subject as they went upstairs to bed. While Petunia was in the bathroom, Vernon got comfortable in bed. While in Delilah's room, she crept to her bedroom window and peered down into the front garden. The cat that she had seen earlier was still there. It was staring down Privet Drive as though it was waiting for something.
She didn't think a lot of it and decided it was time to go to bed since it was getting late, and she was going to the market tomorrow to grab some groceries. Of course, she would be going alone but she isn't complaining, as that's one of the few times where she has a moment to herself without hearing anything at the house where her parents aren't over her shoulders.
A man appeared to be looking for something in his pocket, he flicked the object that was in his hand, and held it in the air, and clicked it He did that twelve times, no one could see what was happening on the pavement.
"I should've known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall." Albus Dumbledore says to the cat, but it is no longer a cat, but a woman.
"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true, Albus?" Minerva McGonagall asks, fearing the worst for both Lily and James Potter.
"I'm afraid so, Professor. The good and the bad." Albus says to the woman.
"And the boy?" McGonagall asks about Harry James Potter.
"Hagrid is bringing him," Dumbledore says as Minerva looks at him weirdly.
"Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important, as this?" McGonagall asks in disbelief that Dumbledore would trust Hagrid with something like this.
"Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life," Dumbledore says as before anything else can be said, a low rumbling sound breaks the silence around them.
It grew steadily louder as they looked up and down the street for some kind of headlight. But there weren't any cars nearby, except for a motorcycle in the sky, and it landed in front of them.
"Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall." The man says, greeting the two professors.
"No problems, I trust Hagrid?" Dumbledore asks the large giant man.
"No, sir. Little Tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go." Hagrid says, handing the bundle of blankets to Dumbledore, and he carefully takes the bundle in his arms.
"Do you think it's wise, to leave him with these people? I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles. Well, except for the youngest girl, but other than her, the others are the worst." McGonagall asks, concerned about what will happen to Harry.
"It's the only family he has," Dumbledore says as they walk to Number 4 Privet Drive.
"He'll be famous. Every child in our world will know his name." Minerva says, trying to talk Dumbledore out of this, but it's no use.
"Exactly," Dumbledore says as he bent down to put Harry on the doorstep. "He's far better off growing up from all that. until he's ready."
There was a noise like someone was crying as the two professors turned to see Hagrid shedding a couple of tears.
"There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all. Good luck... Harry Potter." Dumbledore says, gently putting the letter on top of the baby's stomach.
(Just to make things clear, Harry and Delilah are two years apart, so when Delilah gets her letter for Hogwarts, Harry is nine years old. I'm just pointing that out there. If I accidentally mix it up, I am sorry).
Delilah was sitting at the kitchen table with four-year-old Harry, who was eating the bacon that Delilah made for everyone, along with breakfast. It was a quiet morning for once, as everyone was eating in peace, Petunia was looking outside the window, and Vernon was reading the day's newspaper. Dudley was throwing a fit that his bacon wasn't like he wanted it to be. Delilah glared at her young brother for being a brat.
Out of this entire family, unfortunately, Harry and Delilah are the only ones who aren't brats, as Delilah raised Harry, of course. So he obviously wouldn't be like his cousin. Harry and Delilah looked at each other and rolled their eyes before taking a sip out of their orange juices in sync.
Today was the day that Delilah would once again go to the market to get groceries. Vernon and Petunia would come up with a stupid excuse to exclude Harry from going with their daughter, but since he has been 'good', he gets to go with his cousin.
This is a good thing for him as he can get away from his cousin, well, Dudley, more specifically. He wants to keep himself sane by going with Delilah. After breakfast, both Harry and Delilah cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast, and then Petunia gave the two some money for the market. Then, they made their way upstairs to get dressed. Of course, Harry was in some of Dudley's old clothes.
After they got dressed, they got their bags and then made their way to the front door. Delilah turned around and saw that neither of her family looked at her. She sighed as she closed the door. As Harry was on the sidewalk looking back at his cousin.
"What's wrong, Deli?" Harry asks his cousin, confused as he counts their money to make sure that they have enough. They each got twenty dollars, and the grocery list, as Delilah has that list.
"Nothing. Let's go." Delilah says that they looked to see if any cars were coming and there weren't, so they walked the sidewalk for a mile before they came across to the farmers market.
Harry merely glanced at his cousin and saw that she was completely focused on walking, which she hadn't noticed. He looked at her eyes and saw that they were a different color. What's that? What's wrong with her eyes? Aren't they dark brown? Not Burgundy.
He had a lot of questions swirling in his head about what could be wrong. As not once in his four years of living has he ever seen this, happening. He suspects that after this happens she would just brush it off like nothing happened.
"What's that?" Harry asks, wanting to ask his cousin what's wrong with her eyes, but at first, he's going to be playing subtle about asking the questions.
"What's that?" Delilah asked his question to him, and he sighed before he started asking the pending question he wanted to ask.
"Why do your eyes change color? I just saw it happen?" Harry asks her as she stops walking in her tracks to look at him.
"What are you talking about? My eyes don't change color? Are you feeling alright, Harry?" Delilah says, pushing away his question even if she knows what he's asking, but she doesn't want to talk about it.
"Yes, they do, change color. I swear it was like a red color. But that's odd because you have brown eyes." Harry says, trying to prove his point as Delilah shakes her head at him.
"Okay, fine, I haven't told anyone, but when I get angry, my eye color changes. I don't know why, but it's just that when I'm either mad or angry, my eye color changes." Delilah says as she sighs as she continues her pace to the market, which they have yet to arrive at.
Delilah didn't talk to Harry a whole lot at the market, and he didn't want to push her if she didn't want to. He could tell that she didn't want to talk about it because she was moody. He didn't want to make her more mad than she already was, just by him mentioning it. He wasn't going to take his chances with it, so he stopped himself from talking in general. He doesn't want to witness Delilah's eye-changing thing at all. That wouldn't be good, as he has seen her temper a couple of times.
After the two got their groceries, they started making their way back to the house before Petunia and Vernon got worried. Well, they're not exactly worried because they don't care for the two, but before they get angry. Well, mostly, it'll be Vernon because Petunia always has her face in other people's business.
They opened the door, and Harry's bags ripped, causing the groceries in his bag to fall out while Delilah just walked to the kitchen as nothing happened. Vernon got up from the kitchen table and walked towards Harry with an angry look on his face as Harry started picking up his groceries. He knew what would happen when he was done, he'd get punished for something that wasn't his fault. Delilah doesn't get into trouble like that because the only thing that the Dursleys can't stand against is hitting a girl. Since Delilah is a girl, she doesn't get abused like Harry.
"What the bloody hell is wrong with you, boy?!" Uncle Vernon exclaims to Harry, as Delilah intervenes, knowing what's going to happen to him.
"It was an accident, father," Delilah says, squeezing herself between her father and cousin, almost squeezing Harry into the wall.
"Accident or not, he wasted money! Precious money." Uncle Vernon exclaims as Delilah had enough of her father abusing him.
"Enough!" Delilah exclaims to her father, which makes him look at her, not expecting it it happen. It was like the entire house went silent as no one said anything at all.
"Will you stop treating him like he is a slave? He isn't a slave he is your nephew, so treat him like a human and not a bloody slave." Delilah says having enough of everyone treating Harry like that as something unexpected happened things started floating around Delilah.
Anything that was around her started floating like magic, even though it didn't exist in the muggle world. Well, that's what everyone thinks.
Vernon looks terrified as along with things floating, her eyes start glowing the same colors that Harry saw earlier that day. Petunia and Dudley were the same as Vernon. Harry wasn't afraid of her like everyone else was.
He immediately grabbed her hands, and then suddenly everything stopped floating, and her eyes went back to their normal color. Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley looked at their daughter as if they had never seen it before nor had she acted like that before.
A couple of years later, Delilah was eleven and Harry was nine years old. Today was just like the other days, except since the whole thing happened when Delilah was six, she hadn't been in school at all. They cut her from the world like she doesn't exist. No one knows where her 'mysterious powers' came from, even though Petunia has her suspicions but she wouldn't say anything to her husband.
If Delilah is like her mother's sister, Lily. Then she's a witch.
It would explain why she has powers, but they don't her eyes change?
That's the thing that everyone wants to know. As neither Petunia nor Vernon gave any magical abilities.
The question they have been pondering for so long may come true when a strange woman shows up at the front door looking for Delilah. Bringing her away from where she grew up, but one problem: she has to leave Harry.
Her life would change drastically when she finally gets away from the Dursleys, and off to the magical world of Hogwarts......
This is Delilah's story!
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