Chapter four
It was Halloween time again and school was already going well so far. The alarm was rang and there was a smoke bomb. The best way to start school off. I was dressed as a flapper girl. Wanted to be unique. In biology we were dissecting chocolate. "Is this foil? Or a razor blade?" Jamal asked while picking it up.
"Hmm, foil. It's to blunt and crumpled to be a razor blade." I said to him before the P.A. Went off.
"Jamal Turner. Jamal Turner. Please report to the office." He said to me and he grabbed his stuff.
"Hope everything's alright." I said to him and he left. I didn't even know what was happening. Once school was over I went to Ruby's with Monse. Jamal was already there.
"Ah! She dances on Soul Train. That's what choo choo means." Jamal said to us all and I had no idea what he was on about.
"Eighty-six the chitchat and focus. This is gonna be our best shut-in ever. But we have to follow protocol." Ruby said to us and we'd gone over this too many times.
"I can't believe we have to listen to this again." I said to him while looking at Monse.
"Dude, we know the drill." She said to him, we were all fed up of hearing it.
"This years different. It's not about our survival. It's about Olivia. There was magic in our first dance." Ruby said to us, we could say that about anyone.
"You guys we've been to Brentwood?" Jamal asked and I looked at him.
"Nope. Not once." I said before turning back to Ruby.
"My parents are out so I set up touch control LED lighting. Bordello red. And Nightmare on Elm Street is gonna get Olivia a little scared and a little lappy." Ruby said while sitting down and hitting his lap.
"You know that's creepy, right?" Monse asked him.
"Majorly creepy." I said to him.
"One step ahead of you both. Little cover in case of wood." Ruby said while pulling a blanket over his lap.
"Speaking of wood. Brentwood sounds kind of fun." Jamal said to us, maybe another time.
"Where's Oscar sitting?" Monse asked and I didn't even want to know what they'd do.
"In Oscar's Impala." Ruby said to us, that was good keep him away.
"He's not coming? Why? It's tradition." Monse said to us, she wasn't happy about that.
"Who cares? I have the perfect one to one P/V ratio." Ruby said to us and I looked at him.
"P/V ratio?" Monse asked us all.
"Do I even want to know?" I asked them both.
"Olivia and me. And Y/n and Jamal." Ruby said to us and I stared at him.
"Never say anything like that again, or you'll face the consequences." I said to him and Ruby gave me a look.
"Duly noted." Ruby said to us and the door opened.
"Shut-in!" Cesar shouted as he walked in. This was worse for me now.
"But I thought you were with Oscar." Ruby said to him in disbelief.
"Good to see you too." Cesar said to him.
"No, it's fine. It's just- - take a seat. Any seat. Not the love seat. And don't block my scented candle." Ruby said and Cesar sat next to me leaving a big gap between him and Monse, he then stacked pillows up in the middle of them.
"What do you think?" Olivia asked, she was dressed as a cowgirl.
"That looks nice." Ruby said to us before covering his lap with a pillow.
"So, when are we going out?" She asked while leaning on the couch. Or the love seat.
"Never. Trick-or-treating in Freeridge is a no-go." Ruby said to her, those childhood traumas were never leaving.
"Why?" She asked and Ruby sighed.
"You might wanna sit down. I'll be brief. In 2012, Prophets rolled up on us. Glocks to our heads and snatched our bags. 2013 we were kissing pavement all night. Caught in a drive-by. That night, we lost our candy and perhaps our innocence." Ruby said and I went over to Jamal.
"What's in Brentwood?" I asked him and he looked at me.
"Just this dancer from Soul Train." He said to me and I was confused.
"What's so good about this dancer?" I asked him and he looked at me his mouth hanging slightly.
"She seems cool." He said to me, he was lying.
"You're right. We should go out. I'm feeling like this could be our last Halloween trick-or-treating. And frankly it's feeling a little cramped in here. You feel me?" Monse asked as she got back on the couch.
"I vote for Brentwood. It's safe, rich, and I bet they've got full-size candy bars." Jamal said and now I wanted those candy bars.
"Shut-ins are tradition. And I ordered the pizza. Did I mention it's artisanal?" Ruby asked and I wanted pizza but candy was just better.
"Why can't we go somewhere else?" Olivia asked him.
"Brentwood." Jamal whispered.
"There's gotta be other places." Olivia said to him.
"Brentwood." Jamal whispered again.
"How about Brentwood?" She asked us all.
"I'm game." I said to them all with a smile.
"I'm down." Cesar said to us all.
"Good call, Olivia." Monse said with a smile.
"It's a bad call. It's a great idea. It's just Brentwood's super far and we would have to take public transpo, which sucks." Ruby said to us, it wasn't that bad.
"You've never been on the train." Cesar said to us.
"Sorry, guys, but I don't know how we'd even get there." Ruby said to us and Jamal walked over to us all.
"All good. I got us a hook-up." Jamal said to us and I smiled. Abuelita was dropping us off. Once we got to Brentwood it was a different atmosphere.
"We are not in Freeridge anymore." Monse said to us all and I looked around.
"I'm 800 feet, you have arrived." A woman said and I looked around before landing my eyes on Jamal.
"No. We've got lots of ground to cover, maximize candy efficiency, let's divide and conquer, then split our booty." Jamal said to us and that would be a good idea. If I didn't know his true intentions.
"Great idea. Olivia and I will go this way. Meet back here around 10:00? Later." Ruby said before leaving.
"Jamal!" The rest of us shouted.
"On second though, I'll go with Ruby and Olivia." Cesar said while pointing over at them.
"On third thought, you should go with Jamal, Y/n and Monse." Ruby said to us all.
"On fourth thought, we're good." Monse said before walking. I wasn't going to ask any questions. We were missing all the big houses. "This is really getting old. We're skipping all the big houses with crazy decorations and you want to hit up...tootsie rolls." Monse said before Jamal rang the doorbell.
"I'm in shock. Out of everything." I said to her before getting one, Jamal rang the doorbell.
"What are you doing? Buckets equal self-service." Monse said before the homeowner came to the door.
"Trick-or-treat!" Jamal said to her with a big smile.
"Baby, bucket equals self-service. Happy Halloween." She said before going back inside, well attempting to.
"Oh, my god! Did you- -Did you dance on Soul Train?" Jamal asked, yeah this was definitely what he wanted to do in Brentwood.
"What do you know about Soul Train?" She asked Jamal, Monse and i shared a look.
"It was only the dopest dance show ever. I mean, my mama loved it. My mama's mama loved it. And that dance line was the bomb." Jamal said to us, didn't realize he was such a big fan.
"I invented the dance line." She said to us with a smile.
"Wow, that's so cool! But we really should get going." Monse said to her while grabbing Jamal's arm.
"More houses to hit." I said with a smile.
"A legend like you...I bet you've got stories for days." He said to her and this was making it impossible for us to go.
"Well..." She started and Jamal looked off to the side.
"Damn! Is that a gold record?" He asked her, this was starting look like we wanted to rob her.
"Mm-hmm." She hummed back.
"Would it be too much if I asked for a selfie in front of it? You know, for my mama's mama." He said to her and she looked at him.
"Well, we can't keep your mama's mama hanging." She said making them both laugh we then went inside the house. She practically gave us a tour of her collection. "And now what you're looking at is the first dance to have a number one hit." She said to us all. That was kinda cool.
"That's dope, Rose." Jamal said and she gave him a look.
"Actually, it's pronounced Ro-say." She said to us, that was fancy.
"Oh. After your favorite wine?" Jamal asked her.
"No. After this other bitch named Rose started dancing on the Train. Oh, I'm blowing up." She said before Jamal started to take pictures.
"So, what was Don Cornelius like?" Jamal asked, I didn't even know that Jamal knew him.
"Child, rest his soul. The man was handsy. Couldn't keep his fingers off this jelly." She said and Monse and I shared another look.
"Is that why you left the Train for Solid Gold?" Jamal asked, how big of a fan was he.
"Oh, no, baby. I left for the green. Plus my moves ain't free. And I was tired of living in a sugar shack." She said to all of us. I'd leave it money was promised to be more.
"So you brought that place in Sherman Oaks." He said to her, now that sounded creepy and stalker-ish.
"Yeah, I- -how did you know?" She asked and I crossed my arms.
"Where else would a lady baller like you live? I read that it was like the Paris of the Valley back in the day. So how'd you get started? Dance school?" Jamal said this wasn't looking good now.
"No, more like dance parties. Or any place they played music, like the Florentine Gardens, Osko's...oh, RollerWorld." She said to us and that's when I knew what all of this was about.
"RollerWorld?" Monse and I asked at the same time.
"Yeah, you know it?" She asked and I looked at Jamal.
"We've heard about it once or twice." Monse said to us.
"We know someone that's a big fan of it." I said to her while looking at Jamal. We heard a timer beeping.
"Oh! Times up. My chili's ready." Rosé said to us and we were going as well.
"Our times up too. We need to go." Monse said as we started to pull Jamal away.
"Baby. Baby, hold up. I'll be right back." She said before going into the kitchen and chuckling. Jamal started to take more pictures.
"RollerWorld? That's why we came to Brentwood? So you could Dateline this shit? Jamal, we're leaving now or we're gonna kill you." Monse said to him and we started to pull him away again.
"That's exactly what I was thinking." Rosé said as she pulled a gun on us. "Are you casing my place? You think I'm a fool? I saw you taking pictures. And you're asking way too many questions." She said to us. "You better come correct, boy." She said and Jamal looked at Monse and I.
"Don't look at me, I'd do the same." I said to him before looking at Monse.
"Don't look at me. If I had a gun, I'd shoot you myself." Monse said and it went silent for a bit.
"Is the RollerWorld heist real? Are the rumors true? Is there still money out there?" He asked, out of everything to say it's that.
"You want the skinny on RollerWorld?" She asked and I shook my head. "What's in it for me?" She asked us, I looked at Jamal. What was I'm it for Rosé.
"Is this enough?" Jamal asked while crying, we were cooking and he had the onions.
"Perfect now, come show these wine glasses some love. How we doing on the cheese? I need you to grate all that. I got the whole block coming for my chili. Damn, I haven't seen these boys in years. Mm." She said while looking at her photo album.
"Who's that playa? Is he wearing a fishnet crop top?" Jamal asked and I went to go look at the pictures.
"Okay." She said before laughing. "Yes. That's Frankie. Fine as hell. But dumb as dirt, hear? That's why him and Benito- -Now Benito's the one with the flavor saver...that's why they got pinched for RollerWorld. You don't go flashing green when the blue is onto you. And they loved flashing the green. Even leased me a Trans Am, which unfortunately, was yellow." She said while picking up her wine glass.
"So, he spent all the money?" Jamal asked her.
"Far as I know, there wasn't that much to spend." She said to him, who knew if it was all gone.
"So, there could be more. Who's that other guy?" He asked while looking at another picture.
"This one is Lil' Ricky." She said while looking at the picture of him.
"Was he part of the heist too?" Jamal asked after he took a picture of it.
"No. He was too smart for that. But I'd he was into it, he was way too smart to get busted. They were all so tight. They started the Freeridge Santos." She said to us, it was nice to know my origin background I guess.
"You dated a Santo? What was that like?" Monse asked, I guess she wanted to date my brother. Gross.
"Isn't that a little personal?" Jamal asked her.
"Says you." I said to him.
"Said the stalker." Monse said this made Rosé laugh.
"I don't mind. Come on over here, baby. Have a seat. Get the ladies a drink, Jamal." She said to Jamal and I smiled.
"Yeah, Jamal. These ladies are thirsty." Monse said to him.
"And you don't want to make the Santo girl die of thirst do you." I said to him and he was typing something.
"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Monse asked as she sat down.
"Oh, honey, you can ask me anything." Rosé said back to her.
"Did you ever feel unsafe dating someone in The Life?" Monse asked, I guess she didn't feel safe around Cesar. Which makes safe after the whole pillow thing.
"No, baby. Frankie kept me out of all that stuff, 'cause that's what a real man does. He was the love of my life. But he couldn't escape who he was. He was a Santo.and if you're gonna be with a Santo, then you gotta take the good with the bad. And appreciate what you got, 'cause it can be gone..." She said before snapping her fingers. "...just like that. Lil' Ricky made sure I got this. This was Frankie's high school championship ring. Proudest moment in their life was winning that football game." Rosé said to us, she had the ring in a chain around her neck.
"Wait, is that all fall down?" Jamal asked while looking at another picture.
"All fall down, baby!" She said and we all laughed.
"We still do that. So, RollerWorld...let's just say there was a third person and it was Lil' Ricky- -" Jamal said and Rosé cut him off.
"Baby, are you still on that? I told you he wasn't involved. Listen, Lil' Ricky was on a higher plane. Hear? He was the one that took the Santos from street hustlers to major players." Rosé said to him and I was interested in all of this.
"You need a lot of money to do that." Jamal said to her.
"It was the '80s. All you needed was a short stack." Rosé said to us it was crazy to know how different it was all those years ago.
"So maybe someone kept the rest." Jamal said as she drank some of her wine.
"Anything's possible." She said to us and that was true.
"You two were the cutest couple." Monse said to her with a smile.
"You could've been my tía." I said thinking about how crazy that would've been.
"Mm-Hmm. You got that right." She said before clearing her throat. "It ain't gonna refill itself, sweetie." She said to him and Jamal went to refill her glass. After a bit more time went pass we had to go. "You sure you can't stay for the party? You barely even sampled the goods." Rosé said to us, she was sad we were leaving.
"Thanks, Rosé, but we really should meet up with our friends." Jamal said to her with a hint of sadness.
"All right. You be good, hear? Come here." She said before giving us all a hug. "Listen, give you guy a chance." She said to Monse and I knew who we were talking about.
"What guy?" Monse asked her.
"Don't what guys us." I said to her.
"The one you're in love with. You'll regret it if you don't. Okay?" She asked Monse before chuckling. "And you, keep your guy in line. Make sure he doesn't try and get on anyones nerves like the Santo." She said to me and I looked at Jamal.
"He's not my guy." I said to her with a smile.
"Keep telling yourself that." She said to me before looking at who was behind. "Julia! Hey, girl. I'm so glad you made it. And who do you have with you?" She asked and I went over to Jamal.
"Hope you made enough. We're hungry." Julia said to her, Monse looked like she'd seen a ghost.
"Come on." Rosé said to her. "Come on, babies. Look at you. I love your costume." She said as she let her inside. Whereas Jamal and I waited down the path.
"So, there was a third guy at RollerWorld. Lil' Ricky. We need to find him. Do you think it was little with an apostrophe or little like Lil Wayne or little like Little Women." Jamal said and that was the end of that talk.
"Run!" I heard Ruby shout.
"What's happened while we were gone?" I asked while looking over at Ruby running with Olivia and Cesar.
"I don't know." Monse said, I didn't know who she was answering to.
"Get out of here!" A guy shouted at us.
"Run!" Ruby shouted and we looked at them before Jamal got egged.
"Yeah, run!" I shouted before we started running.
"Get out of here! Back to where you came from! Yeah! And don't come back!" One of them shouted and we were all covered in egg.
"You guys, this is all my fault. I let that asshole get the best of me." Olivia said to us and I didn't know why she was apologizing.
"Don't apologize. We just got to get home. Jamal, get a Lyft." Ruby said and Jamal took his sling off.
"My dad says Lyft was only for emergencies." Jamal said to us all.
"Seriously? What exactly constitutes an emergency?" Ruby asked, a little of things could.
"Don't get a Lyft. It's handled. It's handled." Cesar said to us I had no idea what that meant. Spooky came to get. Now that's a good big brother. He made that gringo cower. Move we got back to Ruby's we had a lot of Candy but I went home early. As soon as I entered the house I went for the shower. Once I got out I changed into some comfort clothes. I couldn't even believe what we'd found out tonight.
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