Chapter 34~ The Cotillion

After three hours of Evie destroying my face with makeup, I was finally ready for cotillion. She got my dress just right to fit me. It wasn't me, but it was Auradon me. Though I had to say it was stunning. Evie really did what she was doing.



The cotillion was being hosted by The Beast Family on their family boat, and man it was huge. I could hear the music playing and everybody laughing and having a nice time. I was standing in the back with Mal she was next to me holding my hand. We were going to make a dramatic entrance. And Mal's dress looked amazing. It was like mine yellow and blue and her hair was in a braid.

"Ready ?" Mal asked me with a smile. I turned to her and smiled back. "Yeah, let's blow this Popsicle stand." she smirked at me.

Though I was nervous on the inside, my happy thoughts swallowed them up. I took in a deep breathe. The sounds of the trumpets broke me out of my thoughts.

"Now presenting the Lady of the Court, Mal with the lady-in -waiting Madison !" Lumiere announced.

"Well it's now or never." I thought to myself as me and Mal slowly walked from behind back. All eyes were on us. Only gasped from heard from the gasp. Nobody said anything.

"There goes my princess." Carlos cheered from down below. I blushed bright red. Dang it Puppy Boy. The crowd soon followed, cheering and clapping. I smiled and held up my dress and walked down the stairs with Mal. We stop halfway as Beast took me and Mal's hand.

"Hi." I greeted to him with a bow. Evie spent 5 hours teaching me how to bow right. I kept messing up and joking about it until Evie started getting stern and I learned right away.

"Hi. Ben is on the way Mal. You both look beautiful." he complimented to us. I grinned.

"Thank you." me and Mal both said. We bowed to him, I went to Carlos. He playful kissed my hand. I blushed and gave him a hug. "You look amazing." he told me as I said "And you don't look that bad yourself lover boy." as he giggled at me. I giggled back.

That's when Ben came. Mal put her hair behind her ear and smiled at him. Ben walked out from back. We all cheered for him. He walked down the steps.

Evie nudged Mal and said "Go get him." as Mal grinned nodding. I nodded agreement.

Ben approached Mal and bowed to her. Mal bowed back. Jay snicked trying his best not to burst out in laughter. I elbowed him giving him a look.

"Mal I wish I could have told you earlier-." I rose a brow.

"Ben what are you talking about-" Mal was about to ask when we all looked up. She was in shock. Everyone followed the gaze only to be shocked to. I growled under my breathe.

It was none other than Uma. She walked out from back. She was in a bright turquoise dress with sea and shell decorations. Her blue and white braids in a bun.

I was to confused. How did heck did she get out ? Everyone gasped. My eyes widened. She smirked at me, but it soon turned into a awkward smile.

She walked down. Ben meet up with her when she was on the last step as he took her hand kissing it.

I never seen my sister so heartbroken. I was instantly mad. You can hurt me. You can beat me, heck you can torture but do not hurt my family and friends. My eyes sparked green but they quickly faded.

Ben took her hand leading her down to us. I held Mal's hand for support. She looked like her heart ached badly.

"I'm sorry Mal, it happened so fast. I felt something on the Isle when I saw Uma. It was like a connection." I side eyed Uma.

"W-what are you saying ?" Mal stuttered tears welling inside her eyes.

"I'm saying-" Ben was about to say when Uma interrupted "It was love !" with a smile. "It just me and Ben are mean't to be." I never wanted to kill someone so bad.

"Ben, did you go back for her ?" I asked trying to hold my tongue from very bad words slipping out.

"He didn't have to. Before the barrier closed. I dove into the water and meet my prince charming." I gagged. Mal gave a slit grin to me, but then it turned back to sadness when she saw Uma and Ben.

"I am a good swimmer." Uma said complimenting herself. "You are." Ben said as Uma giggled and said "Thank you."

I knew Mal wanted to cry so badly. She couldn't believe Ben fell for Uma out of all people. And they only knew one other for a freaking day. I guess that how Audrey felt when Mal snatched Ben away from her.

Uma walked towards Mal taking her hands surprising Mal and me. She hugged me. Mal held her breath in. "Thank you Mal for everything really I mean it." She let go as Ben said "See Mal ? You realized we weren't mean't to be, which is why I never told you I love you." Ben said to her. I growled louder.

Mal's head went down. Uma gave a girl her purse and started dancing with Ben. Mal watched with sadness. "Come on." Evie said taking her hand taking her a feet away from the two.

"And to think I almost risked my life for you." Carlos hissed glaring at Ben as I growled "And to think I thought Auradon would change."

I took my sister's hand. Mal felt a hand on her shoulder as she saw it was Lonnie. "Were with you Mal." I nodded in agreement.

"Let's get out of here, we'll spend the day in the dorm." I said to Mal wiping her tears away. Me and the others started walking up the stairs.

Beast stopped me and the others as he said "Mal." "Honey were so sorry. We had no idea." Beast said to her.

"Well try talking to him." as Mal smiled sadly and said "Thank you, but I need to get out of here for a minute."

We continued up when all of a sudden Lumiere announced "And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady."

Ben's gift then was revealed. Everyone gasped. Mal put her hands over her mouth. "Wow." I said looking at it. It was a glass mural of Ben and Mal. She was dressed in a purple gown her purple hair flowing through the air as Ben was on his knee in front of her smiling, staring in awe.

"Ben did that for me ?" Mal asked herself as I nodded as Evie said "Yeah he did, he knows who you are all along." I smiled.

The crowd clapped in the sight of it. "Cover that back up !" Uma demanded as Lumiere said "I will not !" I smirked.

"Well, Well." I said hand on my hip.

"Um, uh why don't you show everyone the gift you have for me Ben ?" she said taking his hand as Ben said "I have a announcement !" Ben announced loudly. "Uma will be joining me as my lady."

"Now, son-" Beast said to Ben as Ben snapped and said "Not now Dad !" he stuttered to. I knew Ben would never say that to his father. He was way to kind for that. Believe me I know. You have no idea how many times Ben drags me to go do community work for him. I played along only because he promised me candy afterward.

"Uh, so as my gift, I'm bringing the barrier down once and for all." Ben said. I gasped along with everyone else.

"Fairy Godmother, Bring down the barrier." as Fairy Godmother said "I certainly will not !" holding her wand defensively.

"I am your king !" Ben shouted. "Obey him." Uma said. Everyone gasped again.

Ben would never act this way. Never. That's when I figured it out. Ben was under a spell. Sneaky Sneaky Uma.

"Ben, been under a spell." I grumbled as Jay asked "But how does Uma know how to do that ?" as Mal said "I don't know, but I'm going to try something." as she walked up the steps Ben and Uma.

"Ben look at me." Mal said to him. "No look at me." Uma commanded. I bit my lip at her holding myself back. "You love me remember ?"

"No you don't. Don't listen to her, Ben." Mal said to him in a soft gentle voice.

"Bring down the barrier now !" Uma commanded to Fairy Godmother. "I do not take orders from you !" Fairy Godmother replied. I thought "Tell her Fairy G."

"Ben ?" Uma questioned. "Ben I never told you I love you because I thought I wasn't good enough for you. And I thought in a matter of time you'll realize that yourself. But, Ben, that's me. I'm part Isle and part Auradon." Mal cried out. I grinned at my sister.

"Ben, eyes over here." Uma said.

"Ben, you've always know who we were and who we can be." she continued as she said "And that's why I love you Ben. I always have." Mal said before kissing him.

Everyone gasped as Mal pulled away. "Mal ?" Ben said. The spell was broken. "True loves kiss broke the spell." Evie said, I nodded with a grin.

"Works every time." I said finishing. "Ugh give it to me !" Uma shouted charging at Fairy Godmother. Me and Jay blocked her for the headmistress. "Guards seize her !"

Uma ran to the other side of the boat, we all followed. I held everyone back. "No, wait Stop, please stop ! Uma I know you, you're so much more than a villain. And you should believe me I've been there. Angry at why I was stuck at The Isle for doing nothing, but I broke through and so can you. Do no let your pride get in the way of what you really want."

Uma looked like she was about to listen to me. She stared at me which is when her mother's necklace glowed. She glanced down at it. It glowed. She looked back at me and everyone else. I held my hand out to her. Uma spun around and climbed the edge. "No ! no Uma no !" I shouted. Everyone screamed and gasped as she jumped off into the ocean. We all ran towards the edge.

We saw nothing at first until the water starting circled up getting bigger and bigger almost as big as the ship. The water pushed onto the ship. Everybody got soaked. We all screamed as Uma laughed evilly. She had turned into a giant octopus , a A cecaelia if were being specific.

"Holy crap." I thought to myself. "How do you Boredon people like me now !" she laughed to us. Everyone was still in shock phase. "True loves kiss won't defeat this, THE WORLD WILL KNOW MY NAME !" as Uma swung her tentacle at us. We all screamed dodging it. She swung another one, we all doged again, blocking the giant tentacle.

I growled. I was to angry, not angry I was furious. That it's, this girl has got to be stopped. She's been messing with me and my friends since we were kids. She's been given time after time to be good and yet she refuses. She was just to stubborn. Enough was Enough and believe me I've had enough ! Thunder and Lighting boomed at the same time loudly.

I was angrier and angrier by the second, the point I couldn't control myself. I took in deep shaky uneven breathes. I growl and snarled, my growling and snarling becoming louder and louder.

I angrily walked over to the side of the ship, everyone noticed and looked at me. They watched scared of what I may do. They watched me trying to control my anger but failing to.

"Madison ?" Carlos and Mal asked me. I turned to my boyfriend who I loved so much along with my sister who mean't the world to me. I was able to clam down alittle but it was no good. Purple smoke began to cloud around me.

I was confused about what was going on, but I embraced it as well. Uma on the other hand gave me a challenging laugh. She was overjoy wanting for the long awaited showdown between us.

Growls could be heard inside of the smoke until it cleared to show that instead of being my loving sweet self I had turned into a huge purple dragon.

Everyone was even more shocked. Believe me even I didn't know I could do that. "Come on Madison ! Let's finish this once and for all !" I roared loud before flying off into the air. Uma laughed at me.

Everyone looked at me. I blew fire at Uma. She dodged it and swung her tentacle at me. I flew near the shop. Everyone ducked. I flew down and clawed her face. "Ahh !" Uma cried out. She swung her tentacle at me knocking me over some into the water. I roared . And I flew up and blew a giant fire ball at her.

Her eyes winded and ducked underwater only to come back up creating a giant wave. "Watch out !" Ben yelled. The boat rocked and shook. Everyone thrown left to right.

Ben then came to the top and his suddenly let out a proud loud beast roar. It shocked me a bit not going to lie. He then took his jacket off along with with his crown handing it to Carlos and Jay. He then jumped overboard. Everyone looked yelling his name. Ben poked his head from underneath as he said in the cold freezing water "Uma ! Madison ! Stand down !"

"That's enough ! This has to stop ! The fighting has got to stop ! Nobody wins this way ! We have to listen and respect each other. It wont' be easy but we'll be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what's best for the Isle. Help me make a difference. Ben offered.

"Madison you know this isn't you and you know I know this ins't you. Fighting is not what you resort to. This doesn't make you better than your mother." my eyes dropped knowing he was right. "So please stop." he begged me.

I stared at Ben stopping but standing on guard if Uma tried something. Uma started at him. I growled at her, but giving the look "Uma you know he's right. Let's end this. The peaceful way." Uma held up her tentacle and gave him his ring before smiling sadly and diving underwater.

Jay and Carlos helped Ben out of the water and gave him a towel. They congratulation him for making that heroic action. I roared as everyone looked over to him. I flew onto ship and roared. I changed back to myself. Everyone gasped at the dress changed.

Even I was shocked. First I can turn into a dragon and I get a new dress. Sweet.

I patted the fire from my dress before looking at Carlos gigging and giving a tiny wave. He smiled at me. I tried to crusty only to slip on some water and fall flat on my butt. Great for trying to look royal perfect, but hey I wasn't royal perfect. Everyone laughed. I got back up, and raised to my dress and walked down the steps. I bowed to Carlos. He bowed back Everyone clapped. Mal and Evie came up to me.

Mal said to me "I didn't see that coming." as I said "Hey neither did I." as Evie said "That makes three of us. Who knows maybe Jay will turn into a snake, Carlos a cute little puppy and Mal a dragon to and Evie you'll turn into a red apple." we all laughed at one another. Mal and Evie help me pat out the remaining spots.

"That's all I could think of but, shall we ?" I asked holding my hand as Mal and Evie took it with a smile facing everyone else as they said "We shall." as we walked the steps. Mal kissed Ben as Evie wen to Doug. I smiled and went to Carlos.

"Hi." I told him as he greeted back "Hi." as we both laughed at one another. That's when Carlos grabbed me by my waist cupping my cheeks as he kissed me passionately dipping me into a kiss to. I smiled bright until Jay said "Alright, Alright." we pulled away. I was a bright cherry red.

"I owe you guys so much." Ben said to us, we all nodded saying "Yeah."

"Um actually...." Evie spoke up, "There's a friend back on the Isle. I know that this girl would love to come to Auradon. Drizella's daughter Dizzy, she's like a sister to me."

Ben smiled and said "Then she should come." as Evie said "Um actually, There are lot's of kids who would love to come to Auradon. Can I give you a list ?"

"Yes, yes. Absolutely" Evie smiled brightly and so did I. "Lady Mal and Lady Madison." one of the men said as me and Mal turned to him. He held up our spell book.

"Maleficent Spell Book. Uma had it." Mal looked at it as she said "We put this up." as she turned to me. I whistled looking away. "Madison." she glared in big sister mode arms crossed.

I turned back to my friends with a smile as I gave a innocent laugh and said "I-I thought we would need it one, day plus I wanted to mess with it, but judging by what has happened we don't need it. Ha ha my bad." as Mal narrowed her eyes at me and elbowed me a bit.

I rubbed my arm. "I guess we don't need it. Fairy Godmother ?" Mal asked as Fairy Godmother came up from the crowd shimmied past everyone and said "That's me. Thank you." as she took it.

"It belongs in the museum." I said to her as she said "Yes and I'm going to take it here." as we all laughed as she left.

"We won't be needing anything from there anymore." I said holding Carlos's hand looking deep into his eyes. He smiled at me. He wrapped his hands around my waist. Mal held Ben's hand as she smiled at Ben and titled his crown. He grinned at her. He kicked water on her and she laughed and kicked some back. Everyone clapped and cheered.


Mal stood at the top of the stairs with Ben. Everyone else stood with there partner. I held Carlos's hand as he smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I grinned brightly. I also made another changed in my dress. Evie has a dress for everything.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Looking back at yesterday

I thought I gave it everything

But still there's so much road ahead of me


When I looked into your eyes

I guess I didn't recognize

Who we are and all that we can be

{Mal and Ben}

Sometimes it's hard to find yourself

But it's worth it in the end

'Cause in your heart is where it all begins


We gotta be bold

We gotta be brave

We gotta be free

We gotta get loud

Making that change

You gotta believe (whoa)

We'll look deep inside

We'll look deep inside

And we'll rise up and shine

We can be bold

We can be brave

Let everyone see

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)

It starts with you and me

{Madison, Evie and Carlos}

There's something special that I've learned

It's together we can change the world

Everybody's got something that they can bring

{Jay and Mal}

When you take a look inside yourself

Do you wish that you were something else?

But who you are is who you need to be

{Madison, Mal and Evie}

Sometimes it's hard to find yourself

But it's worth it in the end

'Cause in your heart is where it all begins


We gotta be bold

We gotta be brave

We gotta be free

We gotta get loud

Making that change

You gotta believe (whoa)

We'll look deep inside

And we'll rise up and shine

We can be bold

We can be brave

Let everyone see

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)

It starts with you and me


We all can do a part

We know that it can be the start

To bring about the difference that we need (yeah)

I promise we can work this out

I promise we can see it through

Don't you know it's up to me

It's up to me and you


We gotta be bold

We gotta be brave

We gotta be free

We gotta get loud

Making that change

You gotta believe (whoa)

We'll look deep inside

And we'll rise up and shine

We can be bold

We can be brave

Let everyone see

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)

It starts with you and me

I smiled I was soaked with water but I didn't care, I was having to much fun. Man this was a crazy week, but it worked out in the end. The barrier was still up, some more VK's were coming to the Isle. This is the best day of my life. I got together with Carlos. Mal was now a Lady of The Court and with Ben and I still had my friends by my side. I never thought a girl like me could go to Auradon and be happy and I still think back to the time and what would have happened if I took the wand and ran off, but I'm glad I didn't because If I did I would have never got my happy ending.

I smiled in the middle with Carlos. He held me that's when everyone came and splashed both of us with water. I gasped and took in deep breathes. I laughed at them kicking water back. Carlos kicked water to.

I stood at the top with Carlos. He smiled at me. I smiled back at him. "Ready for what life has in store for us ?" Carlos asked me still holding me as I smiled and said "Yeah, it just starts with me and you." as he kissed me as I kissed back.


Oh didn't think this was the end of the story did you  ?

The End {Or is it ?}

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