Mumbo Jumbo
Back in the security office, Yoongi is still there and starting to believe in the paranormal.
"Mr. Senjin --" Yoongi is interrupted.
"Call me Senjin." His face is almost as expressionless as Yoongi's can be.
"Senjin, can you tell more about the evil man and your Aunt Eu? I have brothers I need to protect." Yoongi is firm in his resolve to protect his brothers, and Senjin picks up on that.
"There is only one way to protect them. Remove the evil man."
Yoongi is astonished that Senjin seems unphased by all that's going on. He doesn't know Senjin was raised in a family familiar with the supernatural and paranormal.
"How the hell am I to remove something I can't even touch?!" He is flabbergasted at the thought.
"You need help. Special kind of help."
Min steps into the conversation. "What kind of help are you talking about, Senjin? Not a bunch of far-fetched mumbo jumbo about ghosts, I hope."
Suddenly Min shudders, "Damn, it's cold in here!"
You get in his face saying, "I'm not a bunch of mumbo jumbo, and neither is Auntie Eu!" But he can't hear you, and it makes you so frustrated.
You happen to notice Yoongi is staring . . . at you! You move away from Min, and Yoongi's eyes follow you! He can see me!?
Senjin turns to Min. "I can assure you there is no mumbo jumbo about what is going on here. But they need help."
You move closer to Senjin, but not enough to chill him. "Yes, they do, Senjin." You try to get him to hear you. His aunt was always sensitive to such things, so it's too bad Senjin didn't receive the strength of his aunt's full gift. Sigh.
Still following you with his eyes, Yoongi, wanting to help the others, asks, "What must I do?"
Your brows rise in surprise. Is Yoongi asking you or Senjin!? You thought you would test it out. "Are you talking to me or Senjin?"
He mouths the word 'you' while the others aren't looking at him. No one else can hear you but him. You haven't felt such joy since before you were murdered.
I have to tell Auntie Eu that Yoongi can hear me! You leave through the ceiling, giving Yoongi a little wave. Only he can hear you say. "I will be with you later." Yoongi gives an almost imperceptible nod.
Parker swivels his chair toward them and speaks up, saying, "You need people who deal with this kind of stuff all the time. You need paranormal investigators."
Senjin says, "He is right. I understand these things but do not deal with the paranormal personally."
Senjin, with a concerned look on his face, watches Yoongi staring at the ceiling. He looks up but doesn't see anything or anyone.
Parker asks them, "What are you two looking at?" He also looks up at the ceiling, causing Min to look as well.
"Oh, nothing, just trying to crack my neck. It helps relieve the muscle tension." Yoongi hopes they believe him, but he doubts Senjin does as he looks at him strangely.
"I have some work to do in my studio. Thank you for the information, Senjin and Parker." Yoongi looks at Min and says, "I will talk with you later."
Min nods and goes over to Parker to have him check some things on the event ledger.
Yoongi walks out of security and into the lobby. He looks around before going over to the mural on the wall. "Are you here?"
He chose this spot in the lobby because it was where he first felt your presence, though, at the time, he didn't know it was you.
He waits for an answer, but none is forthcoming, so he walks to the elevator to go to his studio.
He enters and turns on his equipment, not bothering to turn on the overhead light. He likes working in the more relaxed setting of just him and his equipment. Before sitting down at his desk, he locks his studio door.
Standing in the center of the room, he tries to talk to you again. "Marie?" He looks around, not knowing what he is expecting to see.
"Marie, are you here? Can you talk to me? I have some things I would like to ask you."
He feels a chill and asks, "Marie, is that you?" He sees a faint outline of a young woman sitting on his little sofa wearing a white shirt and plaid pleated skirt. She has her legs tucked under her and is smiling at him.
He stumbles back, falling into his chair. He can't believe what he sees with his own eyes. "My god, you are real!" You briefly nod.
"What happened to you? Why are you still here? Is Mrs. Eu here too? What can I do to help you? How do I protect the others?"
His questions come all at once, and while you may have energy of a sort, your supply is not endless. You would have to pull the energy from somewhere and don't want to affect his equipment. There is only so much you can do at a time.
You lift your hand palm out, wanting him to stop. He becomes silent, and you hold up one finger.
He takes a guess. "I can ask one question?"
You nod and wait for his question. You hope it is the right one and not something silly like 'Are you really a ghost?'
"Are you really . . ." He stops when he sees you roll your ghostly eyes.
"Oh, um. Yeah, I better not waste my one question." You smile at him, waiting for his question.
"How can I help you?"
You smile. This is the right question, so you speak, "Paranormal investigators."
"You want me to get paranormal investigators to help?"
You nod. Yoongi can't help himself, so he asks another question. "Who? I don't know any."
You stand fading out, and all he hears is, "Namjoon."
"Namjoon? You want me to ask Namjoon?" As you fade away, he sees you nod.
The chill has left the room, and he looks around for you, knowing you're gone.
"Ask Namjoon about paranormal investigators. Really?" he sighs. "I'll talk to him later."
Yoongi sets about getting some production work done. It's hard with all that's happened today and, on top of all that, talking to a ghost, but he has a deadline.
My god, I spoke to a ghost!
Yoongi ordered delivery earlier, and Mr. Parker brought it to his studio.
"It's getting late, Mr. Min; the next security shift will be here shortly."
Yoongi looks at the time. "I had no idea it had gotten so late. I'll eat this here, and then I'll head to bed. I'm exhausted. Thank you for bringing up my dinner."
"You're welcome. Goodnight Mr. Min."
I'll just have to talk to Namjoon in the morning. Yoongi digs into his meal, unaware that a gentle spirit is watching over him.
"Marie chose wisely," says Auntie Eu.
Yoongi lifts his head, holding his chopsticks mid-way to his mouth. He thought he heard something. He shakes his head and goes back to eating.
In Namjoon's apartment, he diligently searches the Internet for information on the paranormal. "I never knew there was so much!" He sits back in his chair, hands behind his head, stretching.
He sighs out of frustration, overwhelmed. He finishes eating the dinner he made earlier before searching for paranormal events.
Then he types in 'Paranormal Investigators' and watches the screen fill up. "My god, there are so many!"
"Auntie Eu, can you help him?" You're watching over his shoulder but lack the energy to help. Your form isn't even strong enough to cause him to feel cold.
Namjoon gasps in shock, watching the mouse on the screen move to a paranormal investigation team called 'Kindred Spirits'.
"Thank you, Auntie." You smile at her, and she waves as she leaves in a shimmer.
Namjoon quickly writes the name down and then moves away from his computer, and it suddenly shuts down.
"What the hell!?" he mumbles.
Get a grip on yourself. It's just a fluke. I must have accidentally bumped or disturbed the mouse. But how the hell does that explain the fact that it clicked on the link?
He mumbles, "My hand wasn't even near the mouse!"
He wants to tell the others, but they will never believe him; he is sure of it.
You are ready to leave when Namjoon steps through you. You both shiver. Him because of the chill and you because it just feels weird. You shoot up through the ceiling, leaving him alone.
"I need a drink and some sleep. I'll take care of this tomorrow." He shuts down his computer, goes to his bedroom to shower, and then crashes face-first on his bed.
He dreams about being pushed in the security office and hearing someone laughing.
He tosses and turns for most of the night as a dark shadow rests in the chair near his bed with tendrils flowing from its fingers to Namjoon's head.
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