After they pull Jin out of his apartment and into the middle of the hallway, the door slams shut behind them. Jin turns to stare at the door. This is unbelievable!

He gathers his younger members, huddling in the hallway from shock and fear. Jungkook is crying, Taehyung looks blank, and Jimin is trembling.

Jin, the eldest, is terrified but knows he must be strong for his little brothers. He gathers his younger members close. They don't know what happened on his way to the door, and he wasn't about to tell them. They've already been through enough, in his opinion.

"It's okay. We're alright." He reassures them, wrapping his arms around the three huddled so close together. They lean into him for protection.

He hears Jungkook speak up through tears and sniffling, "Do you still think I did that?" His voice trembles with fear.

Jin answers, "No, Kooki, I don't." He stands, drawing upon his courage, and helps them to their feet. "Come on."

Jimin holds onto Taehyung and asks Jin, "Where are we going? Because I'm not going back in there!" Taehyung starts shaking his head. He won't either.

"It's okay. We are going to see our fearless leader." Jin holds his maknae's hand and can feel him still trembling in fear. He gives his hand a reassuring squeeze and uses the youngest's own phrase on him: "Let's get it!"

This causes Jimin to snicker, and Tae starts to focus on Jin as he returns to reality now that he feels safer. Surely, if his hyung can playfully tease Jungkook, then things can't be that bad . . . right?

Jungkook squares his shoulders and squeezes his hyungs hand in return to let him know he's ready to go.

Jin starts to walk toward the elevator when he stops, "Shit, my cell phone. It's in the apartment!" He turns back, and they grab Jin's arms, trying to stop him.

Terrified for his hyung, Jungkook begs, "Please, no. Don't go back in there! Please!"

Jin sees the magnitude of fear in their eyes and relents.

"Okay, I won't go. I can always get another phone. Come on, let's go to Namjoon's."

The three are relieved that Jin is not returning to the apartment and gladly walk with him to Namjoon's.

Meanwhile, Yoongi wakes that morning, quickly showers, and dresses, thinking about what he plans to tell Namjoon.

He enters the elevator, and it stops one floor from the one he was going to. He steps back as the doors begin to slide open.

Jin ushers the maknaes onto the elevator before glancing back, and then he enters, too.

Yoongi can't mistake the look on their faces for anything other than fear.

"Are you guys alright? You look like you've seen a . . ."

"Don't say it, Yoongs; they are scared enough." interrupts Jin.

"Why? What happened?"

Jin, Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook all start talking at once. Yoongi holds up a hand, closes his eyes, and sighs.

He opens his eyes once they have stopped talking and lowers his hand.

"One at a time, Jin, you go first."

Jin explains everything that happened that morning, with the other three interjecting their version throughout.

Still with fear evident in his large doe eyes, Jungkook says, "They thought I did it."

Yoongi looks at Jin, Tae, and Jimin, "Really? Did you honestly think Koo would do something like that? I can't believe it."

He knew Jungkook, though prankful at times, would never do anything as extreme as they described.

"I'm sorry." Jin apologizes to Jungkook and says, "I was wrong even to consider any of them would do something that extreme. But you three have pulled some pretty big pranks before."

Jin would rather think they did it than what the other option was . . . the paranormal.

Busy talking and fear still high, Jin and the maknae line hadn't thought to push the button for Namjoon's floor. When it stops on his floor, they start to panic.

Yoongi says, "I'm going to see Namjoon. Where are you guys going?"

Jin says, "We're going with you."

He gathers the maknaes and ushers them off the elevator. They were relieved that Yoongi had pushed the button for this floor, not something else.

Finally, after hours of nightmares and tossing and turning, Namjoon fell asleep right before the sun came up. He is sleeping peacefully when his doorbell chime goes off. He turns over, trying to ignore it, but it won't stop.

With an annoyed huff, he got up, put on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, and walked to the door.

His LED display screen shows Jin, Yoongi, and the younger ones. He sighs and opens the door.

They enter the apartment like a cluster of baby chicks following close to the mother hen, except for Yoongi. By the look on his face, Namjoon knew where he was going.

"Don't forget to turn the fan on and use the air freshener."

"Yah!" Yoongi blows Namjoon off as he rushes to the bathroom.

He looks at the others, still moving as one. He almost laughs at the mental image of baby chicks and a protective mother hen, but the look on their faces quickly changes his mind.

"What's up, guys?" he runs his hair through his bed head hair and yawns. Jin and Tae were closest to him, and they frowned and turned away.

"Ew, what did you eat for breakfast?" asks Tae, holding his hand over his nose.

Rolling his eyes and frustrated at being woken up, he answers, "Nothing yet, I just got up. Why?"

Jin shushes Tae. "Oh, no reason. Um, now that you are up, can we talk to you?"

He can't believe this and rolls his eyes for the second time in fifteen minutes. "Yeah, sure. Tell you what, since you woke me from finally being able to sleep, why don't you make breakfast?"

Jungkook grabs Jin's arm. Sympathetic to Jungkook's feelings at this moment, Jin asks, "Would cereal and milk be okay?"

He didn't want anything to do with a knife or cutting board, and he could tell the others didn't either.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to shower. Make yourselves at home."

Jungkook finally smiles. "Let's see what kind of cereal he has." He takes off for the kitchen, followed by Jin, Jimin, and a sulky Tae. Tae was hoping Jin would make pancakes and fried pork belly.

They are sitting around the kitchen counter, munching down on bowls of cereal, when Namjoon comes into the kitchen.

He laughed and was in a better mood now that he had showered and was wide awake.

"Any left for me?" he asked.

Jin poured him a bowl and set it in front of him. "Here you go."

Namjoon started eating, and between mouthfuls, he asked, "So what brings you here this morning? I know it's not for the cereal because it's the healthy kind." He grinned at them, waiting for an answer.

Yoongi walked into the kitchen; they had forgotten all about him. He had gone straight to the bathroom down the hall when he came in. Hearing the conversation, Yoongi asked Jin to tell Namjoon what had happened at his place earlier.

Once Jin and the others were done, he told them about talking to Marie. After their initial shock, he added, "Guys, we have to help her; she's Army."

In his mind, Namjoon began organizing everything that had happened from their first night to this morning.

"We need help. Come with me." Namjoon went to his computer, turned it on, and then pulled up the site for Kindred Spirits.

In unison, they say, "Ghost hunters?"

"No, Ghost Hunters is in America right now investigating the Winchester House in California. This is *Kindred Spirits, two friends who do paranormal investigating, and right now they are doing an international investigating tour with a psychic medium and close friend Chip Coffey."

Jin leaned close to the screen, and the younger ones did the same. Namjoon pulls a chair up, and Jin sits.

Yoongi then pulls Namjoon aside. "Joon, how did you know about Kindred Spirits? I didn't think you would know about such things."

"Let's just say I was inspired." They both feel a chill as you happily breeze by them, excited to see their interest in Kindred Spirits.

Namjoon starts rubbing his hands together, "It's gotten cold. Let me check the thermostat."

"No need, that's Marie. She's here." Yoongi said.

You turn and smile at Yoongi. And they think Namjoon is the smart one.

Namjoon looked around. "Where is she?"

"I'm here." You touched his shoulder, and he jumped. He grabbed Yoongi and pulled him out of the hearing distance of the others.

In shock, Namjoon whispered to Yoongi, "I think I heard her say, 'I'm here!'" Namjoon whispered to Yoongi.

A/N: * Kindred Spirits are the paranormal investigative team of Amy Bruni and Adam Berry. When needed their psychic medium friend Chip Coffey assists them on more complex cases. The show first aired in 2016 on the channel Destination America then moved to TLC, Syfy and then the Travel Channel.

Ghost Hunters is a paranormal team formed by two friends who started out as plumbers. Their show has been spawned a couple of spin offs and they still appear on Travel Channel.

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