Krystal's POV:
After the fireworks we packed back into the SUV. Jacob and Ash are sitting on both sides of me. Johnny was mad because he couldn't sit next to me. So I sat there and texted him,
Johnny:Details Krys
Krystal:I'm starting to think you are turning into the Girls JO
Johnny:No I'm just your Twin Krys
Krystal:Our first date was perfect oki
Johnny:Did you guys kiss?
Krystal:Noooooo I am not going to have me first kiss on my first date, this is not a cliché romance movie Jo
Johnny:Good bc I was 'bout to kill JS
Krystal:Don't touch him JO
Johnny:Why not;)
Krystal:Hush up, we are only dating, I don't fall that fast JO
Johnny:You thinking 'bout it though
Krystal:No,JO, it was only one date...
Johnny:Oh Krys wdym '...'
Krystal:Well I did notice something that definitely wouldn't make sense to you
Johnny:Tell me Krys
Krystal:I imagine JS as an angel. Halo and everything other than the dead part
Johnny:That would sound good on paper Krys
Krystal:But it would take me a while
Johnny:No you can draw JS in 30 minutes
Krystal:But this would have to be perfect
Johnny:So Krys is thinking hard on this one
Krystal:Shut up Johnny
Johnny:Is he awake???
Krystal:No, or I wouldn't be texting you, it would ruin the surprise
Krystal:Ash is also sleeping on my lap so I can't feel me leg
Johnny:Well your all cuddle up in JS so this is your fault Krys
Krystal:No Jacob is laying on my shoulder, and it does hurt
Johnny: Poor Twinzie
Krystal:Whatever when are we gonna be at home???
Johnny:We still have a full 25 minutes Krys
Johnny:Well good luck dying Krys
Krystal:Your the one stuck between 2 smelly teen brothers
Hunter text
Hunter:Rude Krys
Krystal:Truth Hun
Hunter:I do not smell
Krystal:You reak cologne Hun
Hunter:I hate you
Krystal:Awe I love you to Hunter
Hunter:*Eye roll*
Brandon text
Brandon:We are boys, of course we reak on cologne Krys
Krystal:Jacob doesn't
Brandon:Oh la la Krys
Krystal:Shut up Brando
Brandon:Make me ;)
Krystal:EWWWWWWWWW Brando
Brandon:I was just playing with you, your J's girl and JO's twin
Krystal:I'm not anyone's girl Brando, I'm my own woman
Brandon:I can't wait 'till you get married and you say that
Krystal:It would still be true
Johnny text
Johnny:Slay gurl
Krystal:Cringe JO
Johnny:I can feel the love Krys
Krystal:*eye roll*
I love having my fam, they make car rides fun and embarrassing(Note the sarcasm.) 25 minutes can brake me. I am sooo uncomfortable. My legs and shoulder are being crushed by a 15 and 12 year old. I can't wait 'till Ash is a teen. He will be one next year. He grows up so fast. My child is growing up too fast. I can't stand that thought. I make Lauren turn the music up so I could distracted me from all the pain. They Aftertaste comes on, and everyone wakes up. We all Love Shawn Mendes,
Rewind, Friday night never gonna forget
How you let me go
No more lie, I'll be fine
I know where I'm Headed
Probably should've known
And Now you're gonna say,"Pretty please forgive me"
Fooled me once,Told you twice you're gonna regret it
Now your all alone,Yeah
Turns out no one can replace me
I'm Permanent, You can't erase me
I'll have you remember me
One more kiss is all it takes
I'll leave you with the memory
And the Aftertaste
Close your eyes, You can't hide
Try to forget me
But I'm everywhere
I'm the smell on your sheets
You weren't even ready
When you left me there
And now you're gonna say, "pretty please forgive me"
Bet it hurt, It gets worse
You know no body said it would be fair,Oh
Turns out that no one can replace me
I'm Permanent, you can't erase me
I'll have you remember me
One more kiss is all it takes
I'll leave you with the memory
And the after taste
And know there's something in your way
'cause you through it all to waste
And you could take back what you did that day
And it hurts 'cause
Turn's out that no one can replace me
I'm Permanent, you can't erase me
I'll have you remember me
One more kiss is all in takes
I'll leave you with the memory
And the Aftertaste
"That's a wrap,"Johnny yelled
"No that was 9 teens singing in a SUV having fun Johnny,"I say while laughing
"Whatever Krys," Johnny says and a notification sound goes off on our phones.
"@darianorlando If Shawn Mendes didn't exist I don't know if Krys would live. You go gurl,"Hunter narrates
"Hun I swear your are always the one saying the caption,"I say speaking my thoughts.
"Because I have the best voice for it, duh Krys,"He acts like such a diva sometimes.
"How do you know that Hunt, We've never tried," Ash bits back
"Because I am the best at everything Ash,"
"Hun you just crossed the line, Me and Johnny are the best twins ever,"
"Well if I had a twin I would be,"
"NO not even close,"Johnny says in his best girl voice. We all break into laughter.
"WE ARE HOMEEEEEEEE GURLSSSSSSSS,"Maddie screams from the passenger side.
We get out of the SUV and go to my room. But my stuff isn't in there. What happened?
"Dad, where is my stuff,"
"I your new room, go to the back of the house,"
"Thanks Dad,"
"No problem Marie," He rolls the 'r.'
We walk to the back of house and we open the room that has my sign on the door. 'Krystal Marie Orlando's room.' We enter and it is split into four. It has the window view so you can see the beautiful sunset in Canada. Being Canadian rocks. I take the room with the biggest window. Which was also closest to Ashton's room at his house. Ash got the room closest to the door. Brando got the room next to me. And Hun has the room in front of mine. Dad knows that we were going to have our room like that so he moved our stuff for us. In between our rooms is a hallway. And the front door to leave and go to other parts of the house. Luckily our room is close to the pool, gym, theatre, and back yard. But that means the kitchen is farther. Johnny decided to hang with Brandon. Hunter went to his room. And Ash went to his. Me and Jacob went to my room,
"Krys, wanna ask questions again?"
"Yes, you ask,"
"How did it feeling being locked in a room for the first 14 years of your life?"
"It hurt. I was separated from my twin and told I couldn't look like him. All because my foot is twisted. Then I was forced to watch
him have fun without me. I was an outcast,"
"Poor Krystal. That must have been horrible,"
"It was but luckily, it's over now. I'm free,"I look him straight in the eyes
Jacob's POV:
"It was but luckily, it's over now. I'm free,"She looks me straight in the eyes. I don't know why but she could be the perfect butterfly.
roaming free and beautiful,"Jacob?" I snap out of my thoughts.
"Yes, Krystal,"
"first of all it's Krys, and second, next question,"
"Oki, Why do you go by Krys instead of Krystal?"
"Why do you go by Jacob instead of Rolf?"
"Because I am Rolf Jr. and I've been bullied for my name."
"I prefer Krys because It is hard to make friends here. Let alone girls so I fit in with the guys as Krys."
"Why do you want to fit in with the guys?"She stares at me like a crazy person.
"I just said it was hard to fit in with the girls. Do you even listen to me?"I was dumbfounded.
"Yeah I do but I guess I didn't right then,"I was so lost in my own thought.
"Your a dork, next question,"She laughs, and I blush a little.
"Are you as hungry as I am?"I want pizza.
"How are you not fat Jacob?"I hugged myself.
"I have a fast metabolism," I hope she noticed the quote.
"You quoted Simon verses the homo sapiens agenda. Love it," I knew she'd know.
"So food or not?"She cocks an eyebrow.
"Are you asking me out Sartorius?"I looked shocked.
"I don't know? Am I?"I tried to play it cool.
"Stop trying Sartorius, let's go."
Krystal's POV:
"Stop trying Sartorius, let's go." I grab my keys and race Jacob to my door. Then mom stops us before I opened the door.
"Where do you think your going young lady,"I turn my back towards the door and look at mom.
"I'm going to go get something to eat with Jacob,"I stand up tall to show dominance.
"Who gave you permission to do so?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms.
"Johnny, Lauren, Maddie, and Darian can go anywhere without permission,"This is hard to do with crutches.
"SO you're different Krystal,"
"I am not different. This can't stop me forever Ma,"I point at the braces.
"You can't even get out of bed by yourself,"WHAT!?
"I got down the stairs by myself. I raced Jacob down here. I am fully independent. I can change by myself now. I am not three
anymore,"I'm about to just walk out.
"Stop lying, you can't do anything with those crutches Krystal,"
"Ma, you wanna know what your problem is? You can't stand all of us growing up so fast. So you had the perfect opportunity to baby one of your kids forever. You are just afraid to admit it and now I'm over it. I'm sick and tired of this crap. I'm leaving. Come on Jacob," I turn around and head out the door. I made sure not to forget anything or I would look stupid.
We walk to the little 24 hour Café around the corner. I'm starting to notice how different I am from everyone. Besides my foot I mean. I have snow white skin and deep red cheeks. It's more noticeable on me than it is Jacob. He's cute with his rosey cheeks. He has a little bit of a tan my mom had to put me out in the sun for 15 minutes to get vitamin D. So she put in a glass wall that no one has ever notice. Other that the little Johnny Vincent Orlando. We enter the light blue Café with a sign that says French words. I can tell it's French because I tried learning French. Learning a different language is hard.
We go up to a register and a girl named Kara took our order. I ordered a salad with ranch and Lipton iced tea. Jacob got two mint chip Frappé's and a salad with extra croutons. We sat down at a corner booth near a window. I am glad I brought my purse thing with my laptop in it so if I had any idea's I could type them down. I want to be a young author but no idea's sparked. I started writing a story about me and my future husband. I've always was a brilliant child when it came to literature and writing. I didn't have a lot of things to do trapped in a room for 14 years.
"Krystal are you really gonna need your laptop on a date? Am I really that boring?" he had a wide eyed sad face.
"No but when you are trying to be an author you can have idea's anywhere. Your not boring," I put my hand on his then after a minute retracted is.
"Ok let's just eat then," Jacob walks up to the counter when then call his name. He comes back with our food.
"Thank you," I say and take my food.
We sit in the perfect silence as we eat. I see him try not to eat like a pig. He also avoids the white parts of the salad and I see that he is doing it because of me. I giggle and he looks at me a little. He smiles and he starts eating again. It's nice hanging out with Jacob. If he talks I listen and respond. And then he does the same. He makes silence comfortable.
We finish our food and walk back to my house. Jacob gets a text and had to go home. I go to my room and get changed. Then I go to sleep. Another day another problem. Night world.
Hi guys this chick is back. I am sorry but I gone fucked up and now I am back with the lesson put in my head. Not making that mistake again.
~Krys Bennett
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