Comfy Cozy, Lazy Day
Johnny's POV:
Waking up after yesterday is hard. I don't even know if yesterday really happened. I, Johnny Orlando, didn't listen to my sister. Markus yelled and started an argument over Ashton calling my sister Mommy. It was none of his business. The Rowlands obviously need to talk to a girl. They must have problems at home. Every time they start trying to talk to us about there home life Mark changes the subject. Krystal will always listen and help. She's good to them.
But the Rowlands were acting weird. We Ashton ran out of the room Hunter and Brandon started crying. Did they think Ashton was gonna hurt himself? Has Ashton done this before. No Ashton is so delicate and innocent. Right? Only those 4 would know and Ashton would have been through all the pain. I'm confused. Krystal tells me everything. But this. Why? Is it that bad? It can't be? Can it?
Krystal let the Rowlands stay over. She also is splitting her room into four. One corner for each child. She putting curtains as doors for privacy but whatever. So now they can stay over whenever they don't wanna go home. So they live here now,
"Krys, Ashton, Brandon, Hunter, anyone else that was in here wake up!" I said the last part as a joke and Jacob popped up.
"I'm up," Krys says
"We don't have school today do we?" Ashton asks
"No we don't," Brandon answered
"Then why did you wake us up Johnny?"
"I thought it was Friday sorry,"
"I'm going back to bed," everyone said other than Krys and Jacob. They just sat there looking at her phone. I'm not gonna go too into that with her.
"Well morning-night everyone,"
"Bye Johnny," they said as I left
I'm just gonna sleep until I can't. So for another 7 hours.
Krystal's POV:
I looked at my phone after waking up and I got a text.
Jacob: Doesn't Johnny know today is Saturday?
Jacob: Did you see Johnny's face when I woke up?
Krystal:Yeah it was really funny, and Johnny answer your question.
Jacob:Have you seen Insta lately?
Krystal:Yeah I am all over it and they ship me with all of the boys, that includes Johnny
Jacob:Yeah it's called being famous, get use to it
Krystal:Imma Post rn do you wanna too?
Jacob:Sure I guess
I ignored what Johnny is saying and we take a cute pic. Well it was on Snapchat but we posted that pic on Insta. I love the dog filter. But he was the polka dot dog. I was glad but I wanted it for once. We both were looking at the phone and I looked up to Johnny staring at us. I thought he was gonna question us or yell at us. He just left us be but I knew he would bring it up when it was just me and him. After Johnny left Jacob and I decided to just talk because we were bored.
"Ok I wanna get to know you more Krys, so imma ask questions,"
"Fine what's the first question,"
"Do you have any friends in school?"
"Yeah there's these guys in English, and they are my friends. It's like you guys but a smaller school group,"
"You like any of them?"
"No not my type,"
"Krys you don't have a type,"
"Yeah I do, I know what my ideal boyfriend would be already,"
"What's your ideal boyfriend?"
"I prefer a Canadian blonde that supports and understands me,"
"Krys you're describing your brother,"
"I want someone like Johnny, Johnny is the best person I know,"
"Rude much,"
"Sorry I didn't mean to offend you," I was afraid he would cry or hate me after that.
"Ha, and your apologetic,"
"Whatever," I was pissed that people can play with my feelings so easy.
"Don't be mad at me Krys, I'm sorry. I so sorry for playing your feelings," He said reading my mind.
"It's ok I'm going back to sleep," I'm still pissed but I can't stay mad forever.
"Night Krysie,"
"What kind of nick name is that?"
"I don't know I'm tired night," I laugh quietly.
"Night Jacob," The Rowlands took over the bed so I decide to use Jacob as a pillow.
"Ow don't hit me stomach that hard Krys,"
"Sorry Jacob,"
I was about to go to sleep when my phone vibrated. Johnny must want to know what we were doing. Or he couldn't sleep.
Johnny:Wyd rn?
Krystal:I was gonna sleep but we could talk
Johnny:Why were you guys looking at the phone?
Krystal:We were taking at picture nothing sketchy Johnny
Johnny:Wait how are you gonna fall asleep if the Rowlands are sleeping on the bed?
Krystal:I am using Jacob as a pillow
Johnny:Krys no, don't get to close to him
Krystal:What if I was? What would happen? Jacob is not a bad guy!
Johnny:I don't want my twin to date my friends
Krystal:Why not Johnny?
Johnny:What if I was dating one of your friends Krystal
Krystal:It's Krys and I wouldn't care, I would be happy for the both of you
Johnny:Your name is Krystal Marie Orlando not Krys Marie Orlando, and no you would think I was taking her from you
Krystal:I prefer Krys, and is that what you are afraid of. I wouldn't take your friend Johnny I'm sorry:(
Johnny:I just don't want you to grow up and change. I don't wanna lose my twin(bestie)
Krystal:I will never change, I'm not going anywhere Johnny:)
Johnny's POV:
Krystal:I will never change, I'm not going anywhere Johnny:)
Seeing that text made me smile then Jacob texted.
Jacob:(image) I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, Krystal Marie Orlando, Ms. Imperfect <3
Johnny:How did you know she was Ms. Imperfect? Stocker much:)
Jacob:You told me she was
Johnny:Oh YEAHHHHHH, Be careful with her. That's my Twin and if you hurt her your dead Sartorius
Jacob:I wouldn't even think about hurting her Orlando
Johnny: Also delete that pic,that's just creep bro
Jacob:But can it be my home screen?
Johnny:Yeah, only your home screen, Im gonna check you phone too just to make sure
Jacob:Ok bro night
(Back to texting Krys)
Johnny:You might wanna sleep Krys, I'll see you when we wake up night:)
Krystal:Night Johnny:)
Soon enough I pass out.
Krystal's POV:
I wake up to Jacob staring at me with a bright smile,
"I'm up" I say
"Morning Sunshine," He says laughing
I run my hands through my hair not moving from where I was,
"Krys, I can't feel my legs" I notice I must have shifted my position and crushed his legs ha ha.
"Sorry Jacob," I laugh
"Rude," he sticks his tongue out at me.
"Meany," And I copy him.
"Cute 5-year-olds," Hunter says watching us.
We both blush in embarrassment. We all continued our morning on our phones. I decide to check insta notifications on my last photo. "#JAKOB" was all over the comments. Oh god, it's like every time I take a pic with one of the boys they ship us. I have ship names with all the boys,
And more. I hangout with guys, and love pictures. Then I put those two together and all the sudden people ship you with everyone. But who every came up with #KOHNNY needs to know that I am Johnny's Twin Sister. I'll get use to it one day, maybe. Ash wakes up and gives me a big hug before going back on my bed. I stare at him and he knows I want to go on the bed. He gets off and helps me get to the bed. Once I am comfortable he sits in between my legs and puts his head on my stomach
"Am I hurting you Mommy?"
"No, you comfortable Ash?"
"Well get comfy little one," he shifts his position
Ash closes his eyes and goes to sleep while I stroke his hair. He looked so precious while sleeping. He is a tired munchkin. we just laid like until everyone was in my room,
"Krys just wake him up," Brandon just kept telling me that.
"No he needs sleep,Brandon,"
"Shut up guys the poor things trying to sleep," Hunter says out of no where.
"To late I'm up," Ashton says, his eyes glows as he opens them.
"You still tired Ash?" I questioned
"Nope, but you make a good pillow,"He smiles wide not wanting to move.
"I'm not gonna force you to get up Ash,"
"Good thanks Mommy,"
"What are we gonna do today?" Jacob jumps and sits next to us. He knocks me and Ash off the bed.
"JACOB!!!" me and Ash yell in unison.
"Sorry I'll get off,"He goes back on the floor and lays in Johnny's lap.
"Awe you two are so cute,"Hunter says in a high pitched voice.
"Jacob move your position, your hurting me," Jacobs shifts to a position to where he is laying on Johnny's chest and he was in between Johnny's legs. Johnny puts his arms around Jacob's waist so they could see his phone.
"Awe, the besties are gay," Brandon says
"That's my twin you guys, If me and him both liked guys I would kill him,"I joke
"Krys could we go back on the bed," Ash says in pain
"Yeah," We de-tangle our self's and go back into the position we were in earlier.
"So today's officially cuddle with each other lazy day?" Brandon asked.
"I guess,"Johnny says as Hunter and Brandon get into the position Johnny and Jacob are in.
Me and Ash take a pic and post the caption as, "Comfy Cozy, Lazy Day." Everyone's phone goes off,
"Happy Comfy Cozy, Lazy Day," We all say in Unison laughing.
Me and Ash went live as the other boys went live with us. We were recording without moving our positions. We laughed and talked to each about random stuff. We got bored and logged off saying goodbye. Then Mom walks in and sees us snuggled together,
"Hey the foo...." Moms said,"So six of you, Johnny aren't you suppose to be in Jacob's lap? Everyone else has the smaller one in between there legs?" Mom laughs and they switch there positions.
"No wonder it was uncomfy,"Johnny says.
"For you," Jacob says and we laugh.
Mom leaves and comes back with pizza and popcorn and ice cream. So she was thinking, movie night. We all thank her and she leaves the room. We all get on Hulu and shared it with the ones in our laps. Ash took one more pic and posted the caption as, "Comfy Cozy, Lazy Day, Movie, Food Night," We all laughed when our phones went off. We want to watch the movie all together so we put in our headphones and we all turned on my choice movie. I wanted to watch outsiders and that's what we did. After we were done we made the sleeping arrangements. Ashton and me on the right side of the bed. Hunter and Brandon on the left side. Johnny and Jacob in the middle. We made the arrangements and then all took turns with the bathroom. Since I was a girl I went last.
Johnny had to give they boys a new pair of PJ's for the night. I took a shower and got change while brushing my teeth. We then all got cuddled up with are partners and went to bed. We were all past out in no time.
Sorry I haven't updated in forever and now that I have the app I will update more and they will all be long. Love you guys
Word count:1967
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