{Finale} Tale of Two Eagles: Chapter Four - No Coming Back
May 4, 2018
"It was never mainly for a better life, was it?" Marcelo turned as Faris joined him on the roof of his house. The kids were asleep.
Marcelo glanced back to gaze at the city that he'd lived in since he was a boy, "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean," Faris said, not glancing his way as he stopped just beside him, "I know you better than anyone. You're an ambitious man, Marcelo. You always go for the bigger gain. The bigger reward. The better benefits."
Marcelo sighed, "Doesn't mean I don't care."
"I know. Your offer would pull us into a mansion," Faris chuckled, almost bittersweet sounding, "but you know me.."
"You hold the longest grudges," Marcelo nodded, "Yeah. I know."
The fight was temporarily forgotten. And for the first time in years, the brothers stared at the darkening sky together.
-Ezio Reyes-
"Come back here with my apples you thief!"
Ezio was casually laying on his side, lazily counting the apples in the bag he'd stolen from the seller's costumer, laying just on the apple stand, "Gotta think of a better name. There's like ten billion others who already call me that."
"Guards!" Ezio sighed as the seller caught a couple of militia soldiers' attention who were coming around the corner, "Guards! Arrest this kid!"
"Welp, looks like that's my cue to leave," Ezio announced, getting up with his bag full of apples while beginning to effortlessly pull himself onto a roof.
"You'll pay for this!" The seller yelled at him, "In jail!"
Ezio smirked at him, "But here's a spoiler, I never pay. Adios!" He gave a two-finger salute, before beginning to run off as the militia soldiers approached. He can mess around with civilians and market sellers but he'd rather be safe than sorry around those militia soldiers.
He ran, tossing the bag of apples onto another roof before leaping off and landing on the next roof with a roll. He easily snatched the bag before once again running. He took hold of the edge of the roof before swinging himself inside the building's open window. No person. How lucky. He quietly sneaked across the room before slipping out the door and into an alley, chuckling triumphantly as he had once again successfully stolen some apples.
He flinched as he heard someone tsk behind him and he whirled around, ready to dart away only to relax a second later when he realized who it was.
"Let me guess," the man tried to put on that strict fatherly look, "Apples?"
"Nope, bananas."
"Ah but you hate bananas," the man said, pointing out the lie.
"Oh well, ya got me," Ezio mockingly surrendered, putting his hands up along with the bag of apples, "Will you be throwing me behind bars for eating apples?"
"No... but I'll be taking that bag of apples you've stolen," the man snatched up the bag before picking up an apple, taking a bite.
Ezio gasped before snatching the bag back, "How dare you steal an apple from the bag I've stolen!"
"And why must you be stealing more apples when we've still got literally two baskets full?" Faris asked, beginning to walk out the alley and entering the streets.
"Because, papa, you never know when the Wyrm might decide to pop back in and force us to bunk in some underground basement of sorts," Ezio pointed out very reasonably as he jogged after him.
Faris paused, pretending to process that information in his mind, "Well you have a good point right there."
"I know. No need to point it out," Ezio grinned. They exchanged a glance for a moment...
Then Faris nodded, "I'll give you a six out of ten for that."
"What?" His son exclaimed in protest, "That pun deserves way more!"
Faris only chuckled, affectionately messing up his hair as they neared the small little flat-roofed house that they stayed in, "Whatever you say, kid."
Ezio grumbled before stopping when he noticed that his father had stopped. He glanced back to find Faris glancing behind him, his posture tensing, feet apart like he was ready to run at the moment of danger.
"Uh, why don't I catch up with you at the house," Faris said, turning to him with a reassuring smile but he did not approach his son. He felt it too risky, even if they were shielded in the busy street.
Ezio, of course, knew what that meant. They rarely went out together so they wouldn't be seen together. Faris was either always in the house or always out the house, sneaking back in through a window past midnight. To protect his identity, protect his son's safety.
Ezio nodded before heading to the house. He wasn't too worried. Faris was used to doing this. His father always came back.
He felt eyes burying into the back of his head, which made him tense all of a sudden. A gut feeling told him not to go through the door. Instead, he went back around the house before slipping through the unlocked windows, quickly locking it as he was inside.
Ezio reluctantly tossed the bag of apples at the table where the other apples were, "I'll be back for you."
He then jogged over to another window that was barricaded by wooden planks, peeking out from a tiny crack. He easily spotted his father, not far from where he'd last seen him, casually striking up a conversation with a blacksmith of sorts. Ezio noticed his eyes darting up, as if keeping an eye on someone. Ezio followed his gaze and for a moment, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Faris suddenly darted into the alley and three men stood out from the crowd, breaking into a run after him.
Ezio froze when one of the man barked out an order, causing one of the three to split up and head straight towards... his house.
"Mierda," Ezio swore under his breath. Sneak out the window? It's across the room. Barricade the door? Too late the man was already there, easily shouldering the door open, breaking it in the process. "Hey!" Ezio snapped at the man without thinking, "We just got that fixed!"
The man looked momentarily surprised before his gaze hardened, "Are you... Faris' son?"
"Seriously, this is just bull," Ezio scowled, not answering and trying to buy himself time, "Quite literally. Who in their right mind would break someone's door and ask if you're someone's son?!"
The man looked so confused and lost that it was hard not to feel sorry for him. That was until someone came in, slamming the hilt of one's sword into the back of his skull. He crumpled to the ground and was automatically unconscious.
Ezio glanced up to find his uncle, Marcelo, walking into the room and kneeling beside the man, "He's out." He turned to Ezio, "Where are the other men? And your father?"
"Uh, there were two men that chased after him," Ezio said, confused as to why Marcelo would know anything.
Oh right, he was some Oathbound guy. Of course he knew stuff.
Altair walked into the room, surveying the place. Marcelo stood up and turned to his son, "Stay here with Ezio. And don't leave the house till I come back."
"Um, I'm okay," Ezio peeped up, "In case you were wondering if the man tried to slice me."
Altair only nodded, his tone almost solemn (a tone he'd been using to respond to his father recently), "Yes father."
"Good," Marcelo then turned to Ezio with a hard look.
"Ezio, I'm serious. You need to stay here," Marcelo said, his tone strict as always.
"I've been staying here for the past five years."
"I don't have time for this," Marcelo sighed before heading out through the doorway and stomping on its broken door.
Ezio began to follow, only to be tugged back by Altair. He glared at his idiotic cousin, hissing, "What are you doing? He just told us to stay here!"
"And miss all the action?" Ezio exclaimed before wrenching free from his cousin's grip, "Uh, no way!"
"It's too dangerous," Altair's voice suddenly turned surprisingly pleading, his eyes almost... worried and desperate. But of course, Ezio immediately dismissed it for his cousin being the law-abiding father's son as always.
"Which makes it all the funner," Ezio grinned before dashing out the house and towards the alley where Marcelo had just disappeared into. Once he'd reached the alley, Marcelo was already disappearing into another alley. The boy sighed in frustration before turning his attention to the rooftops.
Ezio grinned all evilly, "The party better not have started without me." He backed up before running at the wall, kicking himself up and grabbing onto the lowest window. He pulled himself up before grabbing onto a random pipe that was stuck to the wall and beginning to pull himself up, his foot slipping at times. This did not bother him whatsoever as he finally got up the roof.
He stood there, trying to catch his breath before beginning to run across the rooftop, looking over the edge to find Marcelo disappearing around the corner through a series of small alleyways. Ezio growled before taking off, hoping onto the next rooftop and following.
But before he could leap off onto the next rooftop, he was tackled to the ground. He quickly recovered, twisting and struggling to get his attacker off.
"Calm down! It's just me!"
Ezio stopped struggling when he saw that it was his annoying cousin, "What the heck, Altair? Get off, you big lump!"
He let his cousin go, huffing, "What was the word you taught me that described you completely? Idiota, was it?"
"I thought you'd still be back at the house wondering if 'funner' is a word?" Ezio told him snarkily.
"It's NOT a word," Altair scowled.
"Whatever, walking dictionary," Ezio stood up, "You still can't stop me."
"I stopped you a moment ago."
"...buuuuut I got back up so you've failed!" Ezio began approaching the edge, preparing to jump... only to realize that he didn't have to.
"Ezio, please," Altair sighed, "We should really go ba-"
He stopped when he noticed that Ezio had gone terrifyingly frozen. Altair hesitantly walked over to him, dreading to find out what made his cousin freeze. What he saw next made his whole body go frozen.
Three men lay dead with the fourth kneeling over beside one of them. Two of them were the ones that had been chasing Ezio's father. Dead.
The man kneeling beside the third body had a bloody dagger in his hands. And the man he was kneeling over... was his own father. Still. Incredibly still. His eyes were closed. He wasn't breathing. A stab wound right on his chest.
"No.." Ezio barely heard Altair whisper beside him.
The man shakily stood up before he turned his head upwards. Shock, quite literally, shocked as Ezio rose shakily away from the edge, familiar hazel eyes piercing right into his. Filled with so much... cold anger.
Marcelo. Marcelo killed his father.
Ezio stumbled back from the edge. He felt so numb. He didn't know what to think. His father wasn't moving. Marcelo... his own uncle killed his father. He killed his father. Stabbed him. The other two men were the Oathbound soldiers. Marcelo was trying to help them kill his father all along.
And what? For a prize? Ezio always knew the Oathbounds were ruthless bounty hunters for the government. He knew the Euran nobles wanted his father dead. He KNEW Marcelo's loyalty to the Oathbounds. He never knew his loyalty to the Oathbound was stronger than his own family!
"Ezio?" He snapped out of his haze as he finally glanced up to find the worried look on his cousin's face. It held grief, sadness, and disbelief.
"We... we have to go," Ezio was surprised that his voice still worked, "We have to get out of here. Far away from here!"
Ezio began to move but when he glanced back, his cousin had not moved. He still looked stunned... and suddenly so sad. A different kind of sadness.
"Come on," Ezio growled, glaring at him and just wondering how could he possibly stay with the murderous monster of a father he calls, "We're running!"
"I... I can't..."
"What do you mean, 'you can't'?" Ezio repeated, looking at him with anger and disbelief, "Your father just killed mine! You can't possibly be planning to stay with that man after you saw what he did!"
"Ezio, he's still my father," there it was again. The same pleading tone he'd used when he insisted they stay in the house. The sadness in his eyes that did not just meant grief.
"He killed MY father," Ezio fired, "He is not family! He's not the uncle I used to know!"
"He... he couldn't have meant it," the sadness in his eyes, Ezio was beginning to recognize it now, "There must've... must've been some sort of explanation for this-"
"You knew." Altair stopped speaking. Ezio recognized that look, that guilty, sad, look on his face. Guilt. The pleading tone. "You knew Marcelo was going to kill my father."
"No- I didn't know," Altair looked torn, "I didn't know he was going to-"
"You tried to stop me from coming here," Ezio went on, his voice deathly quiet, growing with raging fury, "Marcelo TOLD you to stay back at home. So his death would seem like an accident, right?"
"He had no choice," Altair argued yet the guilt was too strong. Why was he still defending his father? Because he trusted him. He had to. He was the only family he had left. "We were cornered by the Oathbound. They threatened to tell him and-"
"You knew," Ezio was beginning to back up. His head was pounding, his thoughts were swirling, he felt so numb. "You knew all along.. and you didn't tell me."
"I.. I couldn't," Altair tried to take a step forward, "I promised-"
"And here I thought you were family," Ezio let out a bitter laugh, still stumbling back, "You're no different than your father. Nor your mother. A bunch of traitors."
Ezio gave him no more chance to speak. He'd hopped onto the next rooftop, running as fast as he could. He didn't care where he was going, just far away from them.
He ran till the numb feeling began to fade away, replaced with shock. He still ran till he was far away from that dreaded city, following the small path to another town. A dull ache began to grow in his chest. All the shock and pain from betrayal and death finally hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Not once did he look back. There was nothing to look back to.
Nowhere to come back to.
-Altair Reyes-
He thought he knew his father. He knew how much his father cared for his brother. How torn up he'd been when Hassan died and his mother left them. How much harder he'd tried to convince Faris to take the money and leave his criminal life behind.
But he never knew his father would go this far. It just didn't add up. Why would he kill his own brother?
As he helplessly watched his grief-stricken cousin disappear from view, he couldn't help but think of how right he was. He betrayed his own cousin, left him for a father he barely even knew anymore.
He was wrong. So wrong. His father wasn't the only family he had left. He still had Ezio.
But not anymore.
-Marcelo Reyes-
(A/N: Bet you didn't see that coming! Here, have some more heartbreak!)
Marcelo may as well be putting the most stupidest, last minute, 95% developed, plan that had a 50% chance of either succeeding or not. Quite the Mastermind, I know.
And he knew he was making a very risky move.
He quickly turned the corner, hearing the fights growing louder. Marcelo unsheathed his scimitar from his scabbard as he turned into a small alley where the fight was being held. Faris had his two twin daggers unsheathed, twirling them dangerously as he eyed the two Oathbound men circling around him. Then as if rehearsed, they both lunged at him.
Faris managed to block one and dodge the other. Marcelo quickly joined the fight, attacking one of them and slashing his sword hard. The Oathbound, who turned out to be Jarin, managed to block in time, staggering at the force of his blow.
He looked up, surprise flitting into his eyes before he sneered, "Should've known you've still got the dirty orphan-"
Marcelo suddenly twisted out their locked position, slashing his scimitar through his side, creating a deeper wound with its curved blade. Jarin fell to the ground, clutching his wound in pain.
Marcelo kneeled to his level, hazel eyes cold and merciless, "It's okay to make mistakes. Sadly, we can't afford making them if you're an Oathbound."
To avoid so much detail, let's say Marcelo made his death quick and painless. He turned to his brother, relieved when he saw the other Oathbound fall to the ground. His relief vanished instantly when Faris suddenly stumbled, dropping to the ground.
Marcelo quickly ran over to his brother, kneeling at his side just as Faris pulled out a dagger that had been embed on his chest. One that Marcelo hadn't noticed.
"Agh," Faris winced, "That hurts like hell.."
Marcelo took the dagger, studying it. Some sort of liquid was on its blade. Marcelo froze, "It's... it's poisoned.."
"Just my luck," Faris grunted, trying to get up only to fall back down, weakly.
Marcelo gripped the dagger tightly, anger flashing into his hazel eyes. The familiar feeling of his former hatred for the government, for the law, was beginning to rise. He thought he'd buried that old grudge away.
"You know, brother," his gaze snapped to Faris, his eyes suddenly hazy, "I still don't see.. how you could stand working for them.."
Marcelo hesitated, "Faris.."
"I know. You told them... where I lived, I know," Faris winced again, his breathing becoming heavy as he tried to force the words out, "Who else... who else would tell them.."
He clutched the bloody poisoned dagger tighter, "Please. Save your breath.."
"Did you... did you accept.." Faris coughed, growing weaker.
But Marcelo knew what he meant. The bounty. "Yes. Yes I did. I... I thought I could.."
Could what? Betray his brother's secret, just to stay in the high ranks of the Oathbound, protecting his own son, and earning extra gold. Racing against time and thinking he could still reach his brother, help him kill off the Oathbounds after him. So no one else would possibly spoil his secret.
His plan failed.
Faris coughed out a feeble laugh, "I know, Marcelo... You always took risks. Always were ambitious. Greedy. Always going for.. for the bigger gain.."
Marcelo was silent. His brother was right. He thought he could save his reputation and his brother at the same time. He cared for his brother, alright. But he couldn't let the other possibility go. The possibility that there was a bigger gain, a better reward, to get his way.. he'd always take it.
"That burns.." Faris hissed quietly, before sighing, the effort of breathing becoming harder for him, "No more grudges.. s-shouldn't have held on... to p-pride.."
Marcelo couldn't speak. He couldn't stop blaming himself. If he could just say it. Just say those two words.
Faris gripped his arm that held the poisoned dagger tightly, "Make sure... make sure they know. T-that they don't ma.. make the same mistake.." The light was fading from his hazel eyes, the words struggling to leave.
His grip on Marcelo's arm loosened, "Brother, wait.." Just say it. Dammit, why can't you say it? "Mi vida... mi vida por tu vida.." Those weren't the words. He knew that.
"Don't worry.. I'm not.. not mad.." Faris managed to form a weak smile, as if he knew what his brother was going to say, "N-Not anymore.."
His grip loosened. His chest stopped rising. With shaky hands, Marcelo gently closed his brother's now lifeless hazel eyes.
He didn't say it. And he knew why Faris didn't say it. Who's life was he giving when his brother was gone?
He forgave him. Forgave him when Marcelo left him to find a better life. And he couldn't even tell him he was sorry. Sorry that he left his only family to make a new one. Sorry that he'd changed so he'd stay focused in this 'new life' of his. Sorry that he hadn't tried harder to stop Faris from his criminal life. Sorry that he risked his own brother's life.
He remembered the very words Faris told the kids in their story.
"But they were brothers who entrusted their very own lives to each other."
And Marcelo threw his brother's life right into the Oathbound.
- - -
"Four different stories."
"Two who refused to find the truth. Cause one silently obeyed while the other ran away.
"And two who were too late. Too late to warn them. Too late to let go.
...You know, I was actually planning on having Marcelo kill Faris just to end his misery cause Faris was already dying.
Aaaaaand I couldn't.
I guess the "Mi vida por tu vida" stuff did change. I am evol.
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