The thrum vibrating my body, pulsed as it's own beating heart. A living thriving essence waiting at the precipice to finally be unleashed. It's claws rattling my bones and scratching against my muscles. My pheromones seeping out of my pours, luring my unwilling victim. Pity he thought it was the other way around. My heels dig into the earths soil leaving tracks for my beast to follow. My scent potent, permeating the air as my hair whipped in the wind. It's strands tangling in the branches, the deeper I sprinted into the dense forest.
I left the perfect crum trail luring him exactly where I wanted. I could smell him, feel him hot on my tale. The closer he came the more the mate bond took on a physical form within my body. My skin prickling, my teeth aching to claim what's mine. The trees passed by in a blur, his scent getting stronger in the air. I could hear his thunderous paws pounding into the earth. The minuet sound just slightly different then his human feet. He had shifted into his beast form hunting the hunter. I smiled, salivating at the delicious taste it left on my tongue.
He didn't scare me. Who could scare an apex predator?
I wasn't so easily subdued, he would soon realize that if he hadn't by now. The beast already showed his respect by shifting. He couldn't catch me in human form, so now it was his beasts turn. Oh, how the tables have turned. I smiled, trying not to laugh at my own turn of phrase. He isn't use to someone like me. He though I would be easy prey, he thought wrong. I have trained my whole life for the day we would encounter. I had trained to become the perfect killer to defeat the original beast sent to kill me. But not even I knew this turn of fate. He may hate me to his very core, but now he craved me deeper then his black soul. The same soul he sold to the devil.
Now, I'm his new devil and he's my darkness lurking in the shadows.
The heat upon my back, alerted me to his gain. The thudding and cracking sounds of his giant body bulldozing tree trunks, told me nothing would stop him. The pant of his breath, huffed in the air synchronizing with my own. Our bodies already aligning in an attempt to seal the bond between us. Just a head was a clearing perfect for me to make my move. With style and grace, I ducked under a fallen tree, hoping over the other fallen debris. The beast tailing me shredded the dead stump with his body in motion. My eyes zeroed in on his, gaging his position before attacking.
I had almost faltered, catching his gaze. The windows to his soul reaching out for me. I new what this was, I knew this force was pulling us together, but it was clear in his eyes that he didn't. How could he when all he does is mame and kill. He knows nothing of the new world no matter how long he's been hunting for me in it. Up until this point he has only had one goal and that was to kill me to save himself. Only God was a step ahead, knowing full well that not even he could kill the other half of his heart. Finally, I understood what my purpose is.
Entertaining the small clearing, trees bordered it's edges as if providing a perfect circle. A ring of sorts drawn by nature in its fruitful forest. With expeditious speed, I launched my body running up the trunk of a tree. I needed to gain hight to attack in the perfect location. Allowing my training to kick in and do what it does best. Win. Once my heel hit my desired hight, I pushing off the trunk. My back bending as I flipped in the air, while simultaneously shifting into my wolf form. Fur incased my changing body, bones breaking and realigning. When I struck, I struck true, and he would know the mark I gave would last longer then a lifetime. I would seal him to me for eternity. All is fair in love and war, or so William Shakespeare had written.
His stance swiftly shifting from charging for the attack to bracing for impact. This was our moment, the ones recorded in books of past time. He tried to grab me, my body twisting to aline my open jaw with his shoulder. My secodont teeth ache to sink into his flesh, branding him in the only way I know how. But what I wasn't prepared for was when my teeth sank into him, my proud triumph short lived. His jaw locked around my vulnerable throat a soft whimper of longing left me. His teeth sank deeper, marring my flesh like a necklace, a collar of ownership. The force and shock, caused me to release my hold on him. My mark was forever his, but what he did was more then a simple mate bond, he claimed me. The claiming unhid-able, a warning to all even me. Showing he held my life in his hands and instead of ripping my throat out. He kept me.
Well played beast, well played.
His jaw fell slack as if the taste of my blood soothed his inner darkness. His eyes softening while his grip on me did too. Released my neck he allowing me to tilt my head back down. Our noses almost touching as he cradled me in his arms. His grip firm assuring there was no were to go. My body softened to his touch, while is body remained tense.
I could feel him, on a deeper level. More then the physical draw we initially felt. He didn't want to let me go, but he didn't trust me either. Likewise. I gave a low growl, my teeth bearing in the slightest. He returned that growl with a nip of his teeth to my snout. All he knew, was that what he had done had satisfied the need driving him. I decided to fuel the fire licking his snout. I took him by surprise, earning myself a toothy growl. How cute.
He was tall with eyes as dark as the seas depths, fur the same color as his chestnut brown locks. The jaw of his beast form, matched the sharpness of his human. He was remarkable, the first of his kind, the animal everyone feared. Just as I was a new animal everyone respected. We were two sides to a coin, perfectly matched yet different in every way.
The blissful feeling of being claimed and belonging, caused my brain to short circuit. I hadn't been paying attention to what was happening, only who it was happening with. A false sense of safety radiated through my body from his bite. Stupid animal instincts. My brain fuzzy and dazed was starting to clear. My body becoming aware with every touch of his fur upon mine. His movement wasn't fast but molding and firm, careful and calculated.
He placed me down on the ground, my paws imprinting into the moist earth. His hand stroked over my back side, guiding me to face away from him. My ears instantly twitched as the alarm bells started ringing in my brain. My claws digging into the soil straining to hold back. His hands brushed down my back, stopping just above my hip bone. The grip of his claws anchored to by body, readying himself to thrust. I mashed my teeth harder feeling as if I had just chipped a tooth. Asshole. He was mounting me, reading to take his prize. He was going to take what wasn't offered.
He was mistaken.
Only when I knew he had earned it would I bend to his hand. The fight wasn't over, things during his time were savage. I would teach him not to underestimate me, to remember how equal we truly are. I waited patently for his body to cover mine, acting as if I was meek and submissive. Only when his chest leaned over my back and his tongue licked up the back of my neck will I make my move. He would be none the wiser.
My breaths steady and calm, waiting as his snout traveled up my spine to the scruff of my neck. His tongue jutting out taking a long lick of my scruff. It was now or never. Before he could bite, I whipped my head around nipping at his ear, my body shooting out from under his. An annoyed growl rumbled in his chest. My teeth mashed together in a menacing growl, my head lowered as my back legs readied themselves for attack. He was on all fours his claws digging into the earth soil. Snarling at each other we began our dance.
The prowl.
Also known as the circle of death, used by predators to corner their pray. Used by our kind to fight until submission, until death takes us. I wasn't about to let this man fuck me even if my soul screamed out to his. Our body's launched out at one another's, pawing, scratching and bitting for any upper hand. Permanent damage wasn't done, but the blood permeated the air nonetheless. Our scents mingling within the soil, claiming this battle ground as our own.
With a snap of his jaw, he lunged at me once more. I returned his aggression with my own. Two magnificent beasts unwilling to yield to one another in this fight for respect. His eyes narrowed mine mirrored his own, reflecting back the danger within. He stood on two feet, lunching himself at my wolf on all fours. Our chests collide, causing my head to whip back. The tree behind my spine splinters with the force of the collision. His body looming over mine as he pins me with a hand to my chest bone.
I growl, chomping my teeth. When his other hand reaches up to wrap around my snout. Clamping it down to stop me from snapping. It only makes me growl in frustration. I try to kick out, but can't get my feet between us. Using the same hand that holds my snout, he turns my face exposing my neck even more. He leans down sticking his nose into the crook of my neck. His tongue lapping at the red fur around his calming mark. The sensation shoots lighting bolts of pleasure down my spine, fluttering my stomach in the process. In this position, my only way of freedoms is to cause irreproachable damage to him. But that's not what I want to do.
He's mine.
So I did the unthinkable; Submit.
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