12| Do We Have A Deal?

"The original bad boy . . . only saves lives of those who are beneficial to him."

12| Do We Have A Deal?

Arsen blinks back at my mother as if she's a mafia lord.

Oh wait, he probably knows many of those.

"How have you been, sweetie?" Mom asks him.

He's anything but a sweetie.

I awkwardly lean back in my chair and play with my nails. Because I polished them a day or two ago, I couldn't even bite them.

"Good," Arsen answers curtly.

"How was the food?" she asks.



He eats an entire lobster by himself and calls it good? Upon observation, I realize Arsen's fidgeting in his seat under Mom's interrogation. She just hasn't seen him in ages and wants to see how he's doing.

"And your uncle? Is he alright? I heard he hasn't been having much--"

"I have to leave," Arsen cuts her off rudely and vehemently pushes back his chair. He drops a fifty dollar note from his pocket on the table before leaving us amazed. My eyes follow his back till he disappears in the crowd.

Mom looks at the money in utter disappointment.

"Give that back to him when you see him again," she says, referring to the fifty bucks. "I shouldn't have mentioned his uncle. It's our fault he ended up with that man."

That tragic night.

"It was all my fault," I mumbled.

"We can't change what happened, Val," she states. "Just give him back his money. Food's free for family members. Including the ex-members."

I don't know how to take those words as she leaves me.

If she knew about Arsen's reputation, she won't even allow me five feet near Arsen's bike let alone the guy himself.

I pick up the note and shove it in my jeans' pocket.

* *

That night, I don't get a chance to talk to my dad about the threats at the diner. Mom refused to leave his side even for a minute.

The following day, my gang and I meet up at my house in the afternoon. It's Saturday and we have nothing to do. They insist on going down to the diner. I tag along, willingly. I don't want any trouble with Arsen's people. While Isa and Danie text on their cell phones, I stroll in anticipation as we almost reach the diner.

"Guys, I have to tell you something," I say aloud.

Isa and Danie mumble for me to continue.

Cautiously, I inform them about the school's ruthless rebels threatening me to leave this diner for their business. Their eyes pop wide and lace with concern.

"Why didn't you say something earlier?!" Danie queries.

"Because I was stupid--"

"No kidding," Isa agrees. I glare at her. "Arsen told us to stay away! His people are messed up and you still chose to overlook that? Val, they are smokers, murderers (probably), and complete nutcases. If they give a warning, it means we back the heck off. Not only did you put yourself in danger, but also us."

Never have I seen her so serious.

Her words draw in slowly and I can't help but accept what she said.

"Sorry, that's not--" I started.

"Let's get out of here!" Danie urges. She's acting like we're inside the diner.

I didn't even unlock the door, out of worry.

Isa and Danie are both disappointed in me and I know I would be the same if I were them. Just as we turn around, we run into two familiar figures.

I gulp.

Their timing's impeccable.

"Hey," Arsen smiles. My eyebrows furrow at the fake grin. "Pleased to bump into you three ladies on an early Saturday morning at this hideous diner."

"I'm not pleased," I mutter.

"I'm sorry, I don't recall ordering a glass of your opinion," Arsen replies dryly.

I scowl at his rigid face.

"Just tell them and let's go," Leo intervenes impatiently.

"Tell us what?" Danie asks.

"We don't need this trashy place anymore," Arsen says, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. "Do whatever the hell you want."


Couldn't he say that before I ratted myself out to my infuriated friends, who actually mirror relief upon hearing those words.

As the boys turn to leave, I say, "Hey, wait. You dropped this, yesterday." I take his money out of my jacket pocket and hand it to Arsen. His face is expressionless.

Everyone eyes the note.

They consider Arsen and his gang poor, obviously.

"That's not mine," Arsen replies, handing it back and grabbing Leo's elbow.

"But I'll take it," Leo mumbled, snatching the note from me. Arsen's jaw tightens and he drags Leo out with him.

I frown at his and his friend's back as they leave the place.

"We're going home, too," Danie says.

She ought to be kidding.

"But guys, they just--"

They don't let me finish, however, leave me alone at the restaurant. Why are they still upset with me after danger itself bumped into us and said he's leaving us for good?

I sigh, leaning my forehead against the door. Why can't things unfold the right way? Loudly groaning, I sharply turn and evacuate the area. Needless to say, the only thoughts that juggle around in my mind are of my friends. I tug out my cell phone and text Danie and Isa continuously, praying they don't discard any of my apologies.

Behind me, a guy reiterates something in a loop, but with all the rowdiness around me, his words fall incoherent.

Nothing unusual.

As I'm just about to move a step forward, my shoulder's suddenly grasped and someone pulls me away from the street. A taxi speeds down the road and I can see the passengers glaring at me.

I didn't even notice I reached the end of the sidewalk!

"Whoa!" I murmur.

"Better watch your step, stupid," someone cautions. I meet his eyes and realize that Arsen just saved me from meeting a hospital or even my grave.

Didn't he leave with Leo for one of his drug deal meetings?

Just kidding.

It could be for murdering a person or robbing a bank or simply smoking on the roadside. Nevertheless, he saw me and saved me in record time, because otherwise, I would've been a flat, dead body splattered against the road.

"Thanks," I say, slightly relieved.


That's it? "Glad to notice your concern regarding my well being."

"Of course, I care," he says incredulously, catching me off guard. "I need you for this." Arsen's hand reaches inside his jacket and like an amateur magician, he hauls out a thick packet of paperwork. 

"Contract to kill another person?" I venture a guess.

"Nice try, but no. We haven't received any of those, yet."


"I hope you never do." I can't help but hope.

His eyes scan my face, checking for who knows what.

"Remember how I said you and your friends better do as I say?" he quietly reminds. I thought that was a one day deal. "Get this packet completed by Monday. The stupid Algebra teacher keeps adding to the pile of work--"

"Try showing up to class. It'll reduce by a mile," I reply dryly. He shoves it in my hands. "Hey, I don't even take Algebra!"

"You're in advanced Calculus. Algebra should be a piece of cake--"

"That doesn't mean I want to spend my weekend doing math. Don't be such an arse," I abruptly say, unamused.

"Is this how you repay someone who saved your life?"

"Should've let me die," I retort.

"Then I wouldn't have anyone to my work, which I need to finish, if I want to graduate," he elucidates.

"You and graduate?" I can't refrain from laughing. "Funny joke."

"Believe it or not, I don't wish to stay in school for the rest of my life," he says dryly.

"Yeah? What exactly do you plan on doing in your life?" I wonder. "Aside from jail visits for selling drugs."

He narrows his eyes. "I can't do that. Because you lost my gang a potential seller." My playfulness vanishes in the chilly air, processing his words. He ought to be kidding.

"Excuse me?"

"Not excused," he says.

"What do you mean I lost you a seller?" I repeat his words, ignoring what he just said.

"We finally found a location after ages to do our business, but then you decided to barge in, saying your dad bought the place--"

"You were going to use the diner for selling drugs?"

"Buying and selling," he corrects.

My entire world freezes for a second. Truth be told, rumors about the ruthless rebels participating in illegal activities definitely included drug selling. Since I personally used to know Arsen, I always thought the rumors were . . . well, rumors. Maybe these guys skip school a lot, smoke, play around with girls, but I didn't suspect actual drug selling.

Not something I joke about.

"Are you Arsen Frasier?" I ask. The same guy who used to be my best friend and would never say something like that had the situation remained the same all these years. He rolls his eyes as if my reaction is dramatic. "Why did you just tell me about your business?"

"So you know better to listen to things I say the first time," he replies, stepping closer to me. My breath hitches and he continues speaking in a suave, low voice. "Listen Valerie, this time the gang didn't do anything, but you won't be lucky again. You have first-handed experience with what we are all capable of. For your own sake, don't meddle in our business anymore. Leo told me you were researching about Skylar Johnson at the library--"

"I already--"

"Ssh!" His index finger brushes against my lips, shushing me. I no longer know how to breathe. Someone should probably explain how the respiratory system to me. With a relaxed but stern expression, he continues, "I'm putting this the best way possible, Cruz. Stop searching for Johnson because it won't get you anywhere. The guys will get suspicious and I assure, they're still searching for that one chic who witnessed Lionell die." His hand retreats. "And if they find out it's you . . ."

"Do you enjoy scaring me?"

"Maybe if you start listening to me, we wouldn't get in these type of situations," he says. "In fact, I'm waiting for you to go back to how you were before your dumbass friend decided to participate in that race."

"You act like I'm trying to meddle in your life, which I'm not!" I snap. "As for Skylar, I have to give her a simple message. I don't understand what's so difficult about giving me a five minute meeting with some woman. I'll be out of your way after that. No more troubles for either one of us. You can find El Chapo and I'll find some college."

"El Chapo?" he asks baffled.

Don't tell me he doesn't know who that is!

"Yeah, the drug lord," I explain.

"You have his contact?"

I blink at him. "You really need some education."

He rolls his eyes. "How about we make a deal?" I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow. "If you do all my make-up work by next Friday, I'll take you to Skylar myself on Halloween."

"You're kidding," I mutter in disbelief.

"I don't kid," he says solemnly. "Do we have a deal?"

"Definitely!" I agree without another thought to spare. "It's just the algebra packet, right? I'll have it completed by Monday." I grasp the papers out of his hands and start flipping through it.

"Algebra . . . Chemistry . . . Psychology . . . and annotating Wuthering Heights for English," he says. The mention of his entire schedule almost gives me a heart attack. "None of them are honors or advanced placement, so it's not too much work," he adds casually. "And you already gave me your word, you can't back out, now."

Why did I agree to this again?

Oh yes, Skylar Johnson.

"Uh huh," I slowly nod.

"Cool," he shrugs and begins walking away.

"Hey wait!" I say and he halts in his tracks. "Bring me the other assignments at the diner after school the next week. That's the only place I'll be able to finish them without being questioned."


He leaves me standing there in the mass of people as if we were nothing but strangers. I'm just about to close the packet again when my eyes land on a green note in the middle of it.

The same fifty dollar note he gave at the restaurant yesterday!

What the heck?


Thank you to loveYJHD for the absolutely stunning banner on the side.

A shoutout to @weeknder for the equally amazing new cover.

I want to say I was busy, hence the late update, but I wasn't. I was too engrossed in watching YouTube videos when I was supposed to be writing. Yes, Superwoman, FouseyTube, BethanyMota, PsychoSoprano, Zoella, MarcusButler, Ryan Higa, PrankvsPrank, ConnorFranta, Crash Course, etc are extremely entertaining. Btw, if you're a student in high school, Crash Course will save your arse!

How was the chapter?

Will Arsen be a man of his words?

Have you read Wuthering Heights? (I love that classic gothic romance)

I am extremely grateful for the support, guys. 2k votes and over 30k reads already. Thanks so so so so much! Love ya peeps <3 If you wanna make me graphics/trailer I'd appreciate it so much. Would definitely dedicate a chapter to you and use your designs <3

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