Chapter Two
Are you excited yet?
"Hazzy!" Louis cheered as he ran towards his friend who was smiling at the end of the corridor.
The Alpha opened his arms as Louis ran into them, swinging the Omega around in a circle as the two laughed.
"Didn't know if you would make it, thanks for coming Lou." Harry mumbles as he holds the boy's back guiding him towards his dressing room.
It's Harry's Los Angeles show, number 78 in his world tour. He flew Lou in, honestly he missed his friend and shows were always more fun knowing that Louis was there.
The minute Harry walked into the room he rolled his eyes when his hair stylist glared at him.
"Styles sit down, stop running off and let me finish styling those curly locks of yours."
Louis giggled at that, walking in after Harry and flopping down on the couch next to one of Harry's managers.
"Okay okay sorry." Harry ushered, as he gave Louis a cheeky look over his shoulder.
Louis looked around noticing there was a variety of juice bottles and snacks on the table in front of him.
"Can I have a juice?" Louis asked looking through the different flavours. His question wasn't directed towards anyone imparticular.
"Of course" Harry replies, simultaneously the Alpha sitting next to Louis also answers, "no."
Louis looks up, mouth open slightly at Harry's manager, the latter rolls his eyes, "lay off Jeff - Lou of course you can help yourself."
Louis smiled thanking Harry as he moved to pull his knees to his chest on the couch, grabbing a juice.
He turned looking at the Alpha on the couch next to him, "oh so you're Louis... Harry's friend."
The Omega smiled nodding slightly as he offered the man his hadn't to shake, "and you're Jeff I presume?"
The man nodded shaking Louis' hand.
"You will be backstage as Harry performs is that okay?"
Louis nods happily turning to Harry who stands up, now finished his hair and makeup chair.
The Alpha pulls Louis up, sitting on the couch himself before pulling the Omega back down onto his lap. Louis sighs happily as strong arms wrap around him.
"What ya wearing this concert Haz? I love your wild outfits."
Louis hears a wild laugh from Harry's stylist, "what?" He questions their laughter.
Harry also chuckles as he stands up, letting Louis slide from his arms and onto the couch.
"Oh you will love it, ready?"
Louis nods, and with that the Alpha is unzipping a suit bag revealing the most out there design ever.
Harry cheekily grinned, "get it? Kiwis? Because I have a song called Kiwi?"
Louis couldn't help but grin, because Harry was so adorable sometimes.
Louis bounced to the opening act behind the curtain with a couple of other VIP fans. They all cheered as the act ran off stage and a ten minute count down began until Harry started.
The angst and anticipation was high.
Louis looked behind himself curiously when he felt a subtle tap on his shoulder.
"Hey, you're Louis right?"
The boy smiled shyly, because he sometimes was recognised... but he was just ordinary in his mind... so it was always a shock when people knew his name because of his famous friends.
"Yeah." Louis laughed nervously as he smiled, "how are you?"
The girl squealed softly, she was a Beta by her smell, "good thanks! Oh lord I can't believe I'm meeting you, you are so cute. I'm Jess."
Louis giggles at her antics.
"You also know Zayn right? God isn't he so beautiful."
Louis fans himself dramatically, "oh lord even prettier up close." He winks playfully at the girl - smile still on his face.
The girl laughs.
Looking up at the timer Louis notices there is still 8 minutes until Harry starts. So he decides to do something special for Harry's fan.
"Here, let's FaceTime him."
Louis laughs at Jess' surprised face.
"Oh my god! You're a legend." Jess squealed as she moved closer to Louis.
Ring 1, ring 2, ring 3 ri-
Hey Lou! Thought you were at Harry's concert tonight? Or did I go MIA too long again.
Louis laughs as he moves his phone so it is on both him and Jess, Zayn's eyes widen as he smiles and waves at the excited girl, "I am - met a fan of yours... This is Jess."
Zayn laughs at how excited the girl looks, hey Jess, I'm Zayn.
Jess squeezes Louis' arm excitedly, "oh lord I know I know!"
Louis just smiled listening as the two interacted.
He loved how down to earth Zayn was.
"Omg the energy is just so good tonight-Lou!" Harry bounced off the wall, swinging the Omega around in his arms.
He paused blushing and releasing the Omega when he noticed the girl standing in the doorway.
Louis giggled as he pulled Jess forward by her hands. It was after the show, and he and Jess had become rather close during the concert, "Harry this is Jess... thought you might wanna meet her."
Jess blushed, "more like I wanna meet Harry." She paused biting her lip before continuing, "hi sorry I'm just so excited, I love your suit by the way.
Harry cooed slightly moving to hug her, "oh trust me! I love meeting you all just as much as you like meeting me. Well I hope you like meeting me" Harry paused releasing an adorable very non-Alpha like giggle, "otherwise that would be very one sided."
Jess merely smiled, Louis had just made her day.
"He's a kind little thing isn't he." Jeff whispers, mind elsewhere as he watches Louis stand interact with Harry and Jess.
Jeff's assistant raises an eyebrow, "and bloody hot."
Jeff purses his lips, he can't help but nod.
The thing is though, Louis doesn't even realise how utterly perfect he is.
How utterly, special.
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