Chapter Forty-Nine
Rupert greeted Millicent Brady and Jacky Florence when they approached the tented area. "I recommend you stand clear of the bright yellow JCB, or Mr Health and Safety will start shouting at you."
They stood close to Rupert as they watched the earth-encrusted coffin lifted from its resting place.
"Thank God," someone said when it rested on a trolley.
Two men from the funeral parlour pushed it into a windowless white van.
Declan O'Conner approached. "I assume you are the forensic scientists." He pointed". Once we reinforce the sides, the grave will be safe for you to enter."
Millicent smiled and placed her right hand on his. "The trench alongside the burial site. Could you instruct the JCB driver to deepen it by about a foot? We'll also need a sturdy ladder."
Rupert turned his head away, and a huge smile filled his face. Works every time.
"It will be done, miss. Before you start, if you need anything else, please ask."
She gave him a coy smile as she removed her hand. "I love such efficiency. There's not enough of it these days.
In seconds, Declan was issuing his orders.
"Ten out of ten," said Rupert to Millicent.
She stood staring at a vast evergreen tree whose branches shaded the area. "He's a man. Make him think he's special, and he'll give you the world. Much easier than confrontation."
"I agree. My sergeant and I are going to the vicarage for a coffee. Want to join us? By the way, it's a Yew tree. They are often found in old graveyards and are usually hundreds of years old.
She nodded. Thank you. I will inform Mr O'Conner where to find us."
Rupert pressed the doorbell before the four of them entered the large hallway.
"From the top of the stairs, Ian Spence said. "Help yourselves to the coffee, milk, and sugar. You'll find fresh rock buns, made by Kathleen this morning, in the bread bin."
"Morning vicar, Mr Peter Sinclair has been transported to the Co-operative undertakers. These two ladies are Millicent Brady and Jacky Florence. Both will be inspecting the open grave for evidence. Unfortunately, we have discovered an arm possibly belonging to April Thompson."
"I have some reports to finish. I'll join you in a few minutes.
With their coffee finished, Rupert washed, and Maggie dried the four mugs.
On leaving the vicarage, they noticed the sky was now overcast.
"It's going to rain," said Maggie.
Millicent chuckled. It rains every time I have an external examination. Still, we are in a tent."
Declan, with a smile on his face, sauntered towards them. "You may begin your examination."
Jacky lifted two holdalls. "Ready when you are Millicent."
The two women entered the tent and closed the entrance flaps.
"Now we wait," said Rupert to Maggie. "I suggest we sit in my car."
Millicent checked the facilities. Everything she had requested was in place. A table, extra lighting, and room to examine what they found. She lifted a pair of white Wellington boots and turned to Jacky. "I hate working in the mud because some idiot forgot the wellies. What size do you take?"
"Four," said Jackie.
"Two pairs of size five. They'll have to do. At least we'll have dry feet."
Jackie placed the two holdalls on the table and, from one, took the cameras. Using the flash, she photographed everything at least twice. "Okay, Millicent, when you're ready."
Descending the aluminium ladder, they studied the area previously under the coffin.
They meticulously removed the earth from the remains as if excavating a precious relic. Almost an hour elapsed before the skeletal remains of a woman became clear.
"I think it's time we removed our victim. Female, face down, about five-three in height, middle-aged, with long ginger hair. What concerns me is the damage to the skull. Your thoughts, Jacky?"
Jacky shook her head. "From the damage inflicted, the killer smashed her head with the edge of a spade or something similar before she entered the grave. I hope she was dead because such damage would have left her with major problems."
"I agree. Thankfully, we can obtain DNA, and her teeth are intact. A local dentist might have her records. Thanks for your help with documenting, recording, and photographing. On my own, it would have taken hours. Time to identify and bag the bones for further analysis.
A familiar voice from outside startled them. "How's it going."
"You can come in, Rupert. We're almost finished. Is your sergeant with you?"
Maggie is standing behind me."
"Good, I won't have to repeat myself. You believed April Thompson may have been illegally buried here. Did she have any stand-out characteristics?"
"I'll let Maggie read her description from her notebook."
It was a surreal moment for Rupert and Maggie as she read the words. "Female. Long ginger hair, height approx. Five three, aged thirty-nine. The world believed she walked out on her husband."
"I can't at this time confirm this is April, but I'm ninety-five per cent certain from your description and from My and Jacky's findings it is her. However, It will take a few days to confirm my assumption."
Rupert shrugs. "You are aware of my team's investigation. I haven't made the applications, but five more victims are to be found. We have positive confirmation of one; obtaining five new licences will be a formality. I'll complete the paperwork tomorrow and telephone the Ministry for verbal approval."
Millicent and Jacky exchange glances.
"I intended to complete my report on this exhumation tonight, but as I'll be kept busy for at least a week, I'm going to have a hot shower, grab a takeaway from the Kohinoor and have an early night. Tomorrow, I'll call my office for assistance. Jacky, if possible, I would like you to lead one team. It should, with luck, halve the time."
"Look forward to it."
"Have you finished here," asked Rupert.
Millicent nodded. "We have."
"I'll let the vicar know, and he can plan the funeral for reinternment."
"Where's our health and safety officer?
"Inside the church.," said Jacky.
"Thanks," said Rupert as he checked the time. "I need to let him know I want this site sealed. Maggie, please contact the station and tell the duty officer I require a minimum of two uniformed officers here until further notice. An unmarked car would be preferable. Anyone, any questions?"
"Millicent smiled. "You couldn't help carrying these bags to my car. Then I'll be out of your hair. Well, until tomorrow."
"Let me go and talk with our friendly Health and safety officer, Declan. One thing for sure is that he will not have planned to be here for a week."
"He won't mind," said Maggie. "He fancies Jacky."
Jackie laughed, "He can dream."
"Most men do," said Rupert as he walked towards the church.
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