Chapter 6-3 more lives
Teacup woke up.(lol)
Next to him were the Warriors.
Pinktoe sat there licking her mane.
"Oh! Hello Teacup! Good morning! How did you sleep?" Pinktoe bursted out.
"Good morning.I guess I slept well." Teacup mewed.
Pinktoe smiled.
"Waterclaw's kits are becoming apprentices today." Pinktoe mewed.
"They grow up so fast." Teacup purred.
"Hey Teacup!" Willowheart trotted over.
"Hey Willowheart." Teacup said.
"Hazelstar needs to talk to you." Willowheart stuttered.
Teacup seemed confused but nodded.
"I may as well get going, see you Pinktoe." Teacup yawned.
"Okay, see you Teacup." Pinktoe mewed.
Teacup trotted through the trees.
He reached Hazelstar's den.
He gasped for air, then pulled himself together.
He walked in.
"Hazelstar?" Teacup asked as he entered her den.
"Hello Teacup." She sniffled.
"Are you okay? You seem like you're sick." Teacup asked.
"Just a cold." Hazelstar replied.
"It doesn't seem like just a cold." Teacup argued.He knew he shouldn't argue with her, but he was concerned about her health.
"The cold was originally Greencough but it's gone." Hazelstar assured him.
"Did you lose another life?" Teacup mewed.
Hazelstar nodded.
Only three more lives to go.
"With Rivernose being sick, I can't lead the patrol today.Would you like to lead it?" Hazelstar asked.
Teacup nodded,"Of course I would."
Hazelstar smiled.
"Thank you, Teacup." Hazelstar purred.
"You are dismissed." She added.
Teacup nodded.
"Pinktoe." Teacup mewed.
"Oh! Hey Teacup!" Pinktoe said.
"Would you be able to join me on the patrol?" Teacup asked.
"I thought Rivernose was leading it." Pinktoe replied.
"He's sick." Teacup said.
"Oh, okay." Pinktoe nodded.
"First let me go get the others.I'll be back."
"Everyone here?" Teacup asked.
Pinktoe, BrindleWool, WaterClover, and Sidclaw.
"Yep." WaterClover mewed.
"Okay, let's head out." Teacup offered.
Everyone nodded.
"Any luck yet?" Pinktoe asked,"No, sadly." Teacup frowned.
"Guys this is the only food we could find." Sidclaw and WaterClover came back with 4 mice.
"It's better than nothing." Teacup mewed.
BrindleWool nodded.
"Everyone, we all must split up." Teacup ordered.
Every cat went off into a different direction.
Teacup slowly made his way down to the river..TreeClan territory..
He stuck up his nose and sniffed.
He crouched down and marched his way by the smell.
He jolted at the mouse, killing it.
He buried it, and continued on.
Soon enough he gave up and went back to his kill.
He dig it out, and grabbed it in his mouth and made his way back.
"Teacup! Thank Starclan you're back! WaterClover got injured." BrindleWool exclaimed.
"What happened?" Teacup ordered.
"I don't know..." BrindleWool looked at his sister.
He dropped the mouse.
"I'll go get Willowheart." Teacup offered.
He ran to the camp.
"Oh hello." Willowheart welcomed.
"WaterClover got hurt on our patrol." Teacup exclaimed.
"Oh my! Give me a second." Willowheart looked through plants until she found the correct ones.
"Alright let's go." Willowheart exclaimed.
"What happened?" Willowheart asked.
BrindleWool cried"I don't know, I found her like this." He rested his head on his sister.
Pinktoe walked over toward Teacup.
"I feel sorry for BrindleWool...I hope she's okay.." Pinktoe mewed.
"So do I." Teacup agreed.
"I need to take her back to camp,BrindleWool do you mind helping me carry her?" Willowheart asked.
BrindleWool nodded.
"We should head back to camp also." Sidclaw said.
"C'mon." Teacup said.
"Candykit, Bloomkit,Sunkit and Daisykit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name.Candykit you shall be known as Candypaw.Bloomkit you shall be known as Bloompaw.Sunkit you shall be known as Sunpaw and Daisykit you shall be known as Daisypaw.Candypaw and Bloompaw, your mentor will be Teacup.I hope Teacup will pass down all he knows on to you.Sunpaw and Bloompaw, your mentor will be Sidclaw." Hazelstar said.
Teacup and Sidclaw walked up to Hazelstar.
"Teacup and Sidclaw, you are ready to take on an apprentice.Teacup, you received excellent training from FosterNight and Pinktoe, and you have shown yourself to be brave.Sidclaw, you received excellent training from BrindleWool, and you have shown yourself to be determined.
I expect you two to pass down all you know to these young apprentices." Hazelstar touched noses with the young apprentices.
"Candypaw! Bloompaw!Sunpaw! Daisypaw!" The cats cheered.
The four apprentices rushed over to their mentors.
"Yay! We got Teacup! I want to stay a apprentice forever!" Candy paw mewed.
Teacup purred.
"Willowheart? How is WaterClover?" Teacup asked.
"She died a couple hours ago, it turns out she got poisoned somehow.Maybe what she caught." Willowheart mewed.
"How is BrindleWool?" Teacup asked.
"He's really upset about it.Myabe you could try talking to him." Willowheart said.
"I'll try." Teacup answered.
"Hey BrindleWool.."
"Hey..." BrindleWool mewed.
"I'm so sorry...It feels like it's my fault." Teacup admitted.
BrindleWool looked up.
"Why would you think it's your fault? Of course it isn't." BrindleWool replied.
"It just feels like it is." Teacup said.
Teacup brushed himself against BrindleWool.
"I'm really sorry.." Teacup whispered.
BrindleWool rubbed his head against Teacup.
Both of them sat in silence.
WaterClover will Rest in peace.May Starclan treat her well..
"Hey Teacup." Waterclaw exclaimed.
"Candypaw! Bloompaw! Teacup is here." Waterclaw mewed.
The two kits trotted over.
"Let's go!" Bloompaw mewed.
"Remember what I told you." Teacup mewed.
"Try to catch something." Teacup said.
Candypaw crouched down and stomped her way to the smell.
The prey saw her and scurried off.
"I missed it." Candypaw frowned.
"It's okay, but make sure you're as quiet as you can, if you stomp, the prey will sense you." Teacup said.
"Bloompaw you try."
Bloompaw stuck her nose up and sniffed.
She stayed there for at least 2 minutes until she sensed prey.
She crouched down.
She quietly walked over and caught the prey.
"Very nicely done Bloompaw!"
Bloompaw smiled.
"How are you feeling?" Teacup asked.
"I'm doing fine." BrindleWool said.
Teacup nodded.
The night sky grew darker, as the two Warriors silently ate.
"That's good." Teacup mewed.
"How was mentoring?" BrindleWool asked.
"It's good, Bloompaw is doing very good." Teacup mewed.
"What about Candypaw?"
"She's doing eh, she needs to learn how to be more quiet and less hyper." Teacup replied.
"I figured." BrindleWool.
Word count: 1,035
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