Chapter 2-Gathering
"Welcome every cat to this gathering." The LeafClan leader spoke.
"SunClan, I heard your deputy and JumpStar got killed.Let me ask you, Hazelstar.Who was it that killed JumpStar..?"
Hazelstar didn't answer.
"It was Teakit."
Teakit walk toward Hazelstar.
"SunClan you must feel so outnumbered.Your leader was killed by a kit." MossStar laughed.
MossStar looked at Teakit.
"Don't call us weak MossStar." The new leader of SunClan growled.
"Well you are look at Teakit."
MossStar said.
"If he could kill a leader that obviously shows your clan sucks."
MossStar added.
"We'll show you who sucks once SunClan beats you!" ArrowStar hissed.
"ArrowStar stop it." TinyClaw exclaimed.
"Yeah ArrowStar.Listen to TinyClaw." Hazelstar said.
"Hazelstar stay out of this!" ArrowStar hissed.
"Make me! I'm as much as a leader as you are!" Hazelstar spat back.
MossStar looked at Hazelstar.
"Some cat woke up on the wrong side of the bed." MossStar hissed at ArrowStar.
"Guys can you stop fighting?!? This is a gathering.Not some kind of fighting rink.If you would like to fight please leave." HuskyStar exclaimed.
"Okay we will!" MossStar mewed.
"Oh my Starclan.." Hazelstar whispered.
"So this is what a gathering is like.." Zebkit whispered to Manepelt.
"Hey Willowheart." Teakit exclaimed.
"Why hello Teakit.What do you need?" Willowheart mewed.
"It feels like I stepped on a thorn." Teakit admitted.
"Let me look at it." Willowheart lifted up his paw.
"Yep—It's a thorn." Willowheart exclaimed.
She gently grabbed the thorn and pulled it out of his paw.
Teakit cringed at the pain.
"Put this on your paw." Willowheart said.
She handed Teakit a reddish leaf.
"It will help with the pain."
"Thanks Willowheart." Teakit purred rubbing his tail on her.
"Teakit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Teapaw Your mentor will be FosterNight I hope FosterNight will pass down all he knows on to you."
Hazelstar exclaimed.
"FosterNight come up here."
FosterNight walked up to Hazelstar.
"FosterNight,you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Puppettail and you have shown yourself to be brave and trustworthy.You will be the mentor of Teapaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to Teapaw."
Hazelstar rubbed her nose on Teapaw's.
The cats shouted.
Teapaw walks over to FosterNight.
(Oakkit is now a apprentice-Oakpaw, and Zebkit-Zebpaw.)
"Teapaw wake up!" Manepelt exclaimed.
Teapaw shook himself and realized it was his first day training.
He trotted over to FosterNight.
"Hello Teapaw." FosterNight exclaimed.
He rubbed his nose against Teapaw's back.
"Are you ready.?"
"Ready as I'll ever be!" Teapaw mewed.
Word count-453
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