chapter 27 Winter's training, the doubles round, and the next move

3rd person POV.

It was early in the morning the sun was beginning its rise and  Winter schnee was standing in the courtyard of Beacon patiently waiting for her new master wearing the ceremonial gray robes and cloak with her family's symbol on it provided by her master after a few seconds of waiting (Y/n) arrives at the courtyard.

(Y/n): hello my Apprentice

Winter: hello master how are you doing?

(Y/n): I'm doing fine thank you for asking how are you?

Winter: I'm doing fine I'm eager to begin our training.

(Y/n): I'm very happy to hear that let us make our way to the training room the Emerald Forest is not quite the appropriate place tv doing what we're about to be doing today.

Winter: and if I may be so bold Master what will our lesson be consisting of today?

(Y/n): simple all unlock your Force powers and then will begin construction of your lightsaber.

Winter's face contorts into one of confusion and surprise but she quickly regained her composure and the two of them continue to walk towards the training room what's the to arrive there winter spots many vials of unknown substance has a furnace a Black Cauldron and a small wooden box

(Y/n): so shall we begin my Apprentice?

Winter: yes let us what do you wish of me to do.

(Y/n): first I wish for you to get into a meditative pose since you are already been trained in the Arts of sword fighting we will be focusing on the force and how to control it.

Winter complies and gets into a meditative pose on the ground once in her meditative pose (Y/n) 6 in front of Winter in his own meditative pose and places his hand on Winter's forehead (Y/n) begins to start focusing all of his concentration on pouring the force into Winter allowing her chains on the force to be completely devastated suddenly a White aura appears around winter and soon enough a blue light consumes the both of them and just as fast as it came the blue light vanishes and Winter can now feel the force Winter opens her eyes and looks at her hands

Winter: this this is unreal I've never felt so powerful in my entire life it feels like I'm everywhere yet nowhere at the exact same time this is amazing.

(Y/n): yes now I want you to close your eyes and reach out with your feelings.

Winter does as she is told and begins to reach out with her feelings she can feel everything around her as if she is part of everything and everything is a part of her.

(Y/n): what do you see?

Winter: Beacon, warmth, cold, life, death, fear, rebirth, love, hate, the Grimm, Ozpin, General Ironwood, you, and me.

(Y/n): and what do you see in between those things.

Winter: balance a force.

(Y/n): and this is the first part of your lesson the force belongs to no-one the force May act as a tool for some but I can also strike back against those who abused its power.

Winter: wow what now?

(Y/n): now we begin construction of your lightsaber hilt yesterday when I saw you fighting Qrow you used 2 weapons 1 Reaper sword and one dagger so I believe I know exactly what would fit you nicely now rise my apprentice and follow me.

Both fries from their meditative poses and make their way towards the little area full of items and the coldren.

(Y/n): now before we can start building the physical lightsaber hilts we need to focus on the most important aspect of the lightsaber their cores the crystals within today you will be forging your own lightsaber crystals I will get the mixture ready and once it is ready you will need to focus harder than you ever had to focus on anything in your whole life so I want you to start clearing your mind and focusing on what drives you to fight do you understand?

Winter: Crystal Clear master.

(Y/n): good now get into your meditative pose and begin to clear your mind and focus well I get this stuff ready.

Winter complies and gets into her meditative pose clearing her mind once her mind is clear of all thought she begins to start concentrating on her driving goals.

(Time skip to the mixture being ready so about 2 or 3 hours-ish)

(Y/n) is almost done he is giving mixture one last good stir with a large wooden stirring rod.

(Y/n): alright my Apprentice the mixture is ready now I want you to direct your focus into this coldren and on the mixture I want you to concentrate harder on what you fight for every day and your end goals I want them to be completely what drives you and what drives your mind towards your final goal.

Winter does as instructed and begins to focus on The Cauldron after a few minutes of focusing and silence between the two Winter's White aura begins to form around her again and soon enough the cauldrons mouth begins to glow blue and white and all of a sudden a large blast of force energy erupts from The Cauldron sending the two flying backwards the two of them stand up and goes towards the cauldron once there they noticed two small blue glowing crystals sitting inside of the coldren where the boiling hot mixture once sat.

(Y/n) grabs a pair of tongs and lifts the two crystals up from The Cauldron and places them inside of a metal and glass container to allow the crystals to focus and to stabilize.

(Y/n): well done my Apprentice it seems that you have managed to create a 2 blue lightsaber crystals.

Winter: thank you master but is there any significance to the color?

(Y/n): Yes actually for the Jedi Order they use living crystals that are naturally occurring the Sith create synthetic crystals synthetic lightsaber crystals are known to be more powerful then normal naturally occurring crystals sometimes they are so powerful that they can even smash through another lightsaber blade as if it were made of glass but it's normally a Sith synthetic lightsaber crystal is red but that is because they have poured The Darkside into it but you have poured the Light Side into your crystals in the Jedi Order there are two primary colors of lightsaber crystals that are best known green lightsaber crystals are known to be Jedi counselors they are best known for their strong connection to the force and they're more Force oriented abilities then their lightsaber skills but your crystals signify that you are a guardian that you are more powerful with your lightsaber then your force abilities not to say that your force abilities are weak or anyting but it means that you are more willing to fight for what you believe in then to allow things to unfurl and wait until it is too late.

Winter: wow who knew there could be so much meaning behind just a simple little Crystal.

(Y/n): indeed now we just need to wait for these crystals to stabilize while we wait we can start building the hilt of your lightsaber.

(time skip to Winter finishing building her lightsaber hilts.)

Winter wipes the sweat from her brow as she has finally completed the two hilts of her lightsabers her primary lightsaber has a design that resembles an ancient design of the ancient Sith Nobles known as a light foil.

Her second lightsaber is much more simple the design of it looking like a standard lightsaber hilt

(Y/n): I am very impressed Apprentice you chose the design of the ancient Sith nobleman for your primary lightsaber and you managed to incorporate a low-power setting into both of your weapons I am very very surprised and very satisfied with your decision my faithful Apprentice.

Winter: thank you master are the crystals ready yet?

(Y/n): I believe they are.

(Y/n) use the force to levitate 2 crystals out of their container and into the hilts of Winter's lightsabers once the crystals weren't inside of the lightsabers Winter use the force to close them up.

(Y/n): well go ahead ignite your blades.

Winter did so and her 2 Sapphire blades her primary lightsaber blade was standard length while the second lightsaber blade was shorter taking the form of a lightsaber Shoto.

(Y/n): just like your first weapons you decide to wield A single standard length sword and a small dagger for defense I like it I am curious what is your driving force what fuels you to fight everyday?

Winter: my sister, my kingdom, my family that's what drives me even though my father may be a disgrace to the Schnee name and my little brother maybe a spoiled little brat I do not care they are still my family and I will do anything to protect him.

(Y/n) says nothing but does Smiles at Winter's reasoning with that said and done (Y/n) uses the force to take all of the objects he brought with him to forge new lightsaber and he places them on the side of the room and out of the way (Y/n) unclips both of his lightsabers from his belt and ignites the both of them.

(Y/n): now that that's out of the way let us get to more physical training.

Winter stand up from her meditative pose and gets into a fighting stance wielding her 2 new weapons.

(Time skip to the tournament)

Port: and that completes the randomization process so first doubles match will be Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai vs. Darth Celleus and Hektor Gray.

The arena area decider begins to start spinning eventually The Spinners stop revealing the for Landscapes to be a Broken City Tallgrass Prairie bubbling hot geysers and finally a dense forest landscape the arena sets itself up providing the for Landscapes as shown and the two teams eyes each other up.

Mercury leans over and Whispers into Emerald's ear.

Mercury: I'll take Hektor you take Celleus.

Emerald internally shrieks with joy but remains completely unfazed on the outside

Emerald: cool

Hektor/HK97 leans over and Whispers into the Sith Lords ear.

Hektor/HK97: I'll take Mercury you can have Emerald.

Darth Celleus: thank you

Port: 3.....2.....1.......fight!!!

Both emerald and Mercury walk backwards into the tall grass as to disguise themselves but Darth Celleus is not full he extends his hand out and draws on the dark side sending a large torn of purple Force lightning ahead igniting the tall grass and setting it on fire after a few seconds The Tall Grass Burns away to reveal at they're both gone.

Darth Celleus: HEKTOR LOOK UP

Hektor complied and looked up to see Mercury coming down at him with a powerful downward kick which Hektor countered with a mighty punch Darth Celleus forced pushed Mercury away sending him flying backwards into the hot geyser area Mercury landed face-first into one of the bubbling hot geysers out of nowhere the same guys are that mercury landed in erupted wiping out half of mercury's arua

Darth Celleus: HA got ya you sneaky little bastard!!!

Hektor went after Mercury to finish the job with his lightsaber ignited and sit on low-power mode.

Darth Celleus vs. Emerald Sustrai

Darth Celleus felt a small Tremor in the force the Sith Lord turned to his left to see one of Emerald's weapons coming at him but he's simply counter is it by catching it with his bare hand he pulls on the chain of her weapon sending her flying towards him while letting out a deep-voiced catchphrase.

Darth Celleus: "GET OVER HERE!"

As soon as Emerald came close enough Sith Lord generated a a torn to Force lightning in his hand but did not fire it instead of using the electricity as an amplifier Darth Celleus then punched Emerald what is electrified fist sending her flying backwards and slammed her into a tree.

On Emerald hit the tree she coughed up a bit of spit and blood.

Darth Celleus Chase after Emerald and met up with her in the forest where he simply mouthed the words "I'm so sorry" Emerald simply gave a quick thumbs up

Darth Celleus used the force to penetrate Emerald mind so that he can get a quick telepathic message to her.

Darth Celleus mind: Emerald now is the time for you to come with me I'm just going to have to hurt you really badly.

Emerald mind: okay I trust you just try not to kill me.

Darth Celleus mind: I could never kill you my love.

Emerald suddenly blushed at hearing the words my love Darth Celleus use the force to pick her up and slam her into a bunch of trees repeatedly over and over again and again until her aura was almost at the red zone he then use the force to Chuck Emerald towards the center of the Arena.

Hektor/HK97 vs. Mercury black

Mercury got up from the bubbling geyser completely Blinded By Its boiling hot water Hektor made his way towards Mercury with his lightsaber brandish Mercury heard the familiar hum of the lightsabers blade and tried to defend himself by firing out two bolts of energy from his legs which his enemy easily deflected with his lightsaber Hektor continued to make his way towards Mercury with that Sinister maniacal look on his face once Mercury got his eyesight back he tried to attack his opponent but all of his kicks did nothing to Hektor Mercury decided to go for an all-or-nothing attack he charged up his leg at full power decided to go for one massive kick to the Head but unfortunately for him Hektor caught his cybernetic leg and crushed it in his hand Mercury would have screamed in pain faking the injury but he was too shocked and horrified to even move Mercury then spoke in a very scared and very high pitch voice.

Mercury: Mercy?

Hektor: no

Hektor then picked up Mercury with one arm and threw him into the center of the Arena where Emerald currently is flying towards.

Soon enough both emerald and Mercury painfully slam into each other leaving both of their auras right on the cusp of the Redzone.

Darth Celleus raises his arms into the air and looks towards the crowd

Darth Celleus: ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

The crowd retorts back with a violent Roar of applause and begs for more.

Darth Celleus: so buddy what do you think should we give them one last hell of a show before we end this?

Hektor/HK97: I believe we should my old friend.

Darth Celleus: sounds like fun

Darth Celleus begins to charge up a massive torn to Force lightning allowing electricity to dance between his fingers his Force lightning becoming so powerful that a large for storm begins to gather around him in concentric rings the Force lightning become so intense that it reaches out towards the crowd but it stopped before it can hit anyone thanks to a shield generated around the fighting arena the crowd ohs and ahhs at this amazing spectacle of light the electricity become so powerful but almost everyone in the crowds hair begins to stand on at feeling the static electricity in the air suddenly out of nowhere the voice of Yang could be heard.

Yang: I'MMA KILL YA!!!!!!!!!!

The Sith Lord ignores the threat and begins to fire the Force lightning towards his opponents the Force lightning is so powerful that it manages to completely short out all of Mercury's legs systems leaving them completely inoperable after a few seconds they are both knocked out both enemies are completely electrical Burns and their hair stands up on end enlarged electrically charged afros.

Port: WHOA!!!!!! An amazing display of Power demonstrated by Darth Celleus the winner is Team FORCE.

Oobleck: Now That's What I Call shock and awe!

Both Darth Celleus and Hektor/HK97 volunteer to carry their opponents towards a medical Bay.

Cinder POV.

Cinder is currently at her dorm completely enraged by today's events Conjuring fireballs and destroying her dorm using her swords.


3rd person POV.

Meanwhile with Winter and (Y/n) the two of them are panting heavily From A Long Day's hard work but suddenly (Y/n) stands up to his full height no longer exhausted.

(Y/n): I believe that's enough for today why don't you go see your sister as for me I have some very very important business that need my personal attention.

Right now at the medical Bay both Emerald and Mercury are still unconscious from their fight with Darth Celleus and Hektor/HK97 Emerald is the first to awaken she looks to her side to see a certain Sith Lord sitting next to her bed watching her waiting for her to awaken.

Darth Celleus: good afternoon beautiful.

Emerald: good afternoon to you too handsome.

Darth Celleus: okay listen as much as I love to sit here and flirt with you we have serious matters to discuss do you remember the fight at the warehouse were you fought two masked men?

Emerald: yes I remember that fight how would you know about it you weren't ther-..........wait a minute were you one of the masked men?

Darth Celleus: yes I was the one wielding the purple double bladed lightsaber but that's not important right now in a few minutes one of my cohorts is going to bust through that door wearing the same disguise but wielding a different lightsaber he's one of my teammates he's going to help me "capture" you and Mercury if you don't struggle you will get out of this without a scratch Mercury however I highly doubt he's going to come out of this unharmed.

Emerald: I wouldn't put it past him he is an idiot so are you going to do with Mercury me once we're captured?

Darth Celleus: Mercury will be turned over to the proper authorities and you will be given a full pardon if you help us my team is already had a discussion with General Ironwood and ozpin they both agreed that if you help us out you'll be given a full pardon.

Emerald: wow I can't argue with that all right what do I have to do?

Darth Celleus: simple play along.

Darth Celleus then leaves the room and puts on his disguise a few minutes later he meet up with Xo-zeion who is currently wearing the same outfit and wielding a blue bladed cross guard lightsaber.

Darth Celleus: okay do you remember what you're supposed to do?

Xo-zeion: yes I go after Mercury and if he fights back all I have to do is use my lightsaber to severed his legs.

Darth Celleus: right on the money old friend let's do this.

The two of them busting to the hospital room with their lightsabers brandished and activated Mercury now awake sees the two of them and jumps out of his bed attempting to kick Xo-zeion in the head but at the last second the Jedi ducks and once Mercury flies overhead he uses this opportunity to cut off Mercury's cybernetic legs with his lightsaber Mercury hits the ground and is completely astonished to see that he has lost his cybernetic legs so easily.

Darth Celleus makes his way towards Emerald key points the tip of one of the blades at her neck.

Darth Celleus: don't even try anything girl it's over.

Emerald raises her hands in surrender.

Emerald: I Surrender

Mercury: Emerald what the hell help me out here.

Xo-zeion: could you please be quiet before I cut off something not so cybernetic.

Xo-zeion Stomps on Mercury head knocking him out he then uses the force to lift Mercury is unconscious body into the air and they make their way to General Ironwood ship so that they can rendezvous with the general.

General Ironwood: good job gentlemen we'll take it from here.

Cinder's POV.

Right now Cinder is pacing back and forth in her dorm trying to think of a way to get her plans back on track when out of nowhere or scroll begins to ring she picks up her scroll to see that she is being called by an unknown number she answers it and hears a deep distorted voice talking to her not knowing that it is (Y/n) talking to her using the same voice modulator that it keeps in the same mask he wore when he first attacked her at the warehouse.

(Y/n): hello Cinder miss me?

Cinder: like I miss a bad flu day why are you calling me? how did you get my number?

(Y/n): I told you I know many things and as to "why am I calling you?" Is simple I've called to hear your unconditional surrender.

Cinder: and why pray tell would I do that?

(Y/n): because now you're completely alone in this.

Cinder becomes confused at hearing this.

Cinder: what do you mean?

(Y/n): keep up honey I have your friends don't believe me I'll send you a picture.

Cinder weights a few seconds and the same unknown number sends her a photograph of both Mercury without his legs and emerald both with lightsaber blades at their throats with two more masked men holding the blades.

Cinder's rage hits it's boiling point seeing this her eyes begin to Glow brighter than they've ever had before and her body becomes consumed in fire nearly setting the whole room on fire.

Cinder: WHY YOU!!!!!!!

(Y/n): ah ah ah temper temper so what will it be unconditional surrender? Or are we going to keep playing this little game until I completely annihilate you?

Cinder begins to calm herself her fiery Aura disappearing and a Sinister smirk adorning her face.

Cinder: go ahead and do whatever you want with them if they allow themselves to get caught then they are weak and I play to win and I'm not defeated yet so goodbye.

Cinder hangs up and begins to start contemplating what she'll do next

3rd person POV.

right now Winter is with Weiss Winter is trying to teach Weiss how to use her summoning glyph but Weiss fails to do so the two of them begin to talk about Family Matters suddenly something winter says manages to strike a chord in Weiss and she tries for summoning glyph one more time fueled by her emotions.

Winter: emotions can grant you strength but you must never let them overpower you it sounds to me like you have two choices in front of you you can either call him beg for his money back and explain once more why you want to study at Beacon over Atlas or you could continue to explore remnant discovering more about the world and honestly more about yourself.

The two of them stand in silence for a moment until finally they Embrace and a hug.

Xo-zeion: how nice.

Darth Celleus: yes very touching indeed.

Winter and Weiss separate to see the two cloaked force users standing in front of them watching them.

Winter: how long have you two been standing there?

Xo-zeion: long enough and I agree with your words of wisdom emotions can Grand power but you must never allow them to control you both me and my brother here live by a code even though our codes may be separate and different we can still see past them.

Winter: what are these codes you live by?

Darth Celleus: peace is a lie there is only passion through passion I gain strength through strength I gain power through Power I gain victory through victory my chains are broken the force Shall Set Me Free.

Xo-zeion: there is no emotion there is peace there is no ignorance there is knowledge there is no passion there is serenity there is no chaos there is harmony There Is No Death there is the force

The Two Sisters stand there and all hearing these codes these two force-users live by.

Weiss: wow those are some strong words.

Winter: does Master live by a code as well?

The to force users just shake their heads.

Winter: really wow.

Xo-zeion: (Y/n) lives by no code he is as free as the wind blows.

Winter: wow that man never ceases to amaze me.

Weiss: Winter I'm so glad you're staying I'll make sure to make you proud.

Winter: I know you won't

With that said the two sisters walkaway both to go to their own separate dorms and think once winter arrives at her dorm she gets into her meditative position and begins to feel out with her emotions using the force to Center and balance herself she continues to think about the two codes she had heard she had even recited them a few times feeling A Rush of power and serenity whenever she had spoken them now she began to grasp the deeper meanings of those codes and what they could mean.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 4301)

(A/n): hello fellow readers I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did please leave a comment telling me what you thought as always I wish you all a very merry day

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