chapter 21 scorching the candle
3rd person POV.
Right now Team RWBY and (Y/n)'s team are gearing up for the dance Darth Celleus using the force to lift a speaker off of Yang's back and carrying it Xo-zeion is helping Weiss pick out a tablecloth HK97/Hektor is setting up some special effects such as Halo projectors, stage lasers, some pyrotechnics, and a fog machine or two while Ruby is moping a table sad because her friend Blake will not be coming to the dance (Y/n) senses her sadness and begins to walk over to her as to comfort her.
(Y/n): what's the matter Ruby?
Ruby: I'm upset because Blake isn't coming to the dance
Yang hears her sister statement and comes over with a confident smile on her face.
Yang: oh don't worry she's going all right.............WEISS I THOUGHT WE AGREED NO DOILIES!!!!!!
Weiss: if I don't get doilies you don't get fog machines.
HK97/Hektor pulls out his E-11 Blaster rifle and points it at Weiss with a slightly pissed off look on his face.
HK97/Hektor: do you care to repeat that I didn't quite catch that?
Weiss nervously laughs puts her hands up and begins backs away slowly.
Weiss: oh nothing nothing could you please put your gun away?
HK97/Hektor: don't worry it's set on stun.
As soon as he said this he dropped his blaster accidentally setting it off firing a blaster bolt into the air clearly indicating that it was in fact not so now it's done but it was set to kill HK97/Hektor rubs the back of his head and gave a nervous laugh himself (Y/n) just silently pinches the bridge of his nose while shaking his head in disappointment.
HK97/Hektor: oops my mistake I thought it was
HK97/Hektor picks up his Blaster sets it on stun and puts it back in its holster suing the silence was broken by the sound of the door opening revealing both sun and Neptune entering the room.
Neptune: your dance is going to have fog machines?
Weiss puts her hands together and stands in front of Neptune.
Weiss: we were thinking about it.
Neptune: that's pretty cool
Sun: you ladies already for dress up~
Everyone remain silent at Sun's comment until Ruby blew a raspberry.
Ruby: yeah right
Yang: laugh all you want I'll be turning heads tomorrow night
Darth Celleus: the real question is when don't you turn heads
HEY HO!!!!!
(Y/n): god dammit Celleus!!!!
Weiss: ok? What are you two wearing?
Sun: uuuh this son points to his clothes indicating that he's not wearing anything special for the dance.
Neptune steps in front of Sun and puts his hand in front of his face.
Neptune: ignore him for he knows not what he says.
Sun: I may have moved to Minstrel but I was born in vacuo not a shirt and tie kind of place.
Yang shrugs her shoulders.
Yang: yeah we noticed
Sun: so uh what does Blake think of all this? Is she still being all Blake-y.
Weiss: obviously
Ruby: I can't think of a way to change her mind.
Ruby then raises her head and gets a Sinister smirk on her face she then looks at (Y/n) with that same Sinister grin on her face.
Ruby: oh (Y/n)~
(Y/n): yes Ruby?
Ruby: you said the force grants many Powers is there anyway you can use the force to convince Blake to come to the dance?
(Y/n): yes there are many ways to compel people to do as I please with the force there's the mind trick but it doesn't work on strong-willed people and Blake she's as strong-willed as they come and if I try to force her it could end up destroying her mind basically leaving her a vegetable or it can end up killing her so it's not happening sorry.
Ruby's face reverts back into its previously sad and depressed state
Yang: guys trust me Blake will be at the dance tomorrow.
Yang walks out of the room presumably to go confront Blake and convince her to go to the dance tomorrow night.
Darth Celleus: what do you think Yangs planning?
(Y/n): to be honest with you my friend I have no idea.
Currently Blake is in the library on computer trying to figure out what is going on with the White Fang when out of nowhere she sees a small red dot on the screen her eyes follow the red dot move on to her hand Blake turns around cannot find the source of the little Red Dot Blake turns back to the computer and continuous or work when the small red dot Returns she starts to become visibly infuriated by the small red dot the little Red Dot Begins to move out the screen in an random motion until Blake stands up from her chair and turns around she looks down to the ground to see the small red dot On the ground tempting her to chase it Blake complies with the dots wishes and follows it the Red Dot Turns corner and Blake follows it until she is face-to-face with yang holding a small laser pointer in her hand.
Yang: hello~
Blake: what are yo-
Yang: we need to talk.
Yang grabs Blake's arm and pulls are out of the library at astonishing speeds.
(Y/n)'s POV.
(Y/n) is currently in his dorm meditating on his bed after finishing rehousing the Solari lightsaber crystal into a new lightsaber hilt this one takes the form of a collapsible lightsaber Pike.
When out of nowhere he gains a Clear Vision of the future it starts off with Ruby in A red dress wielding her weapon and fighting against Cinder wearing a mask and in full black division then takes him to team RWBY fighting White Fang soldiers on a train Underground division then goes to Penny being destroyed during the tournament and then his vision shows him a massive Grimm invasion and the fall of Beacon the vision ends there (Y/n) stands up from his bed and grabs the receiver device to The Trackers he placed on Cinder and her cohorts he listens closely and here's Cinders voice over the device.
Cinder: remember tomorrow night you two will be going to the dance you will be seen but try to not draw too much attention to yourselves just make sure you are seen as an alibi just in case meanwhile I will go communication Tower and get the information we need...are we clear?
Emerald and Mercury: yes ma'am
Cinder: good
Out of nowhere the door to the dorm opens up to reveal Darth Celleus, Zo-xeion, and HK97/Hektor.
Darth Celleus: what up bud
Xo-zeion: greetings (Y/n)
HK97/Hektor: hello master they close the door and make their way inside (Y/n) looks at his team with a serious look on his face HK97 takes off his human disguise and hangs it up in the closet and looks as master in the eyes.
HK97: what is wrong master?
(Y/n): you all might want to sit down for this.
Everyone does as he asked and they sit down.
(Y/n) tells his team about the vision and how he believes it ties into Cinder and her plans he had had each and every one of them Gaines is serious look on their face except for HK97 Cruz purple highlights had turned into a menacing red he then proceeded to pick up his lightsaber and A Z-6 rotary blaster.
HK97: I'm going to kill her before she could do that to her.
HK97 begins to rev up his weapon and tries to make his way out of the room so that he may and Cinder's life before the one he loves can die but (Y/n) uses the force to stop him and snatch the weapon out of his hands.
(Y/n): calm down my friend if we go in there guns blazing it could end up ruining everything and who knows what kind of repercussions it could cause for us we have to keep everyone's trust we do not wish to lose it over a moment of anger.
Xo-zeion: I agree with (Y/n) it's just as my master once said one moment anger can cause a million moments of regret.
Darth Celleus: trust me this news pisses me off as much as anything but they're both right and that's coming from me we need to keep their trust at all costs if we start gunning down other students without reason they'll just think that we're a bunch of Mad Men or don't have us shut you down.
HK97 begins to calm down his menacing red lights revert back into the normal Violet hue.
HK97: I guess you're right but we have to stop them before they hurt her.
(Y/n): I agree with you my old friend I lost the love of my life once and I'm not going to allow you to experience that same pain.
The four of them begin to make a plan for what to do since they have information about the events yet to come they begin to plot and plan against it (Y/n) decides that he will intercept Cinder in the communications Tower tomorrow and he will have the rest of his team distract Ruby so that she can not interfere he will also be wearing the same disguise and we all do the same lightsaber he used against her when they first fought.
The four of them agree to play it by ear after that but be very careful and not do anything rash HK97 decides to stay behind in the dorm and uses the receiver device to try to hack into their Cinder, emerald, and Mercury's Scrolls while (Y/n) Clips the new lightsaber onto his belt goes to team JNPR's dorm feeling a large amount of doubt and fear coming from there
Xo-zeion goes back to helping set up the dance and Darth Celleus begins to track Blake down using the force.
3rd person POV.
(Y/n) is standing outside of team JNPR's dorm room when out of nowhere Jaune leaves the room to go to an unknown location (Y/n) just shrugs his shoulders but can still feel doubt and fear radiating from that room so he knocks on the door and Hears a come in from Ren.
Nora: Practice What You Preach.
Pyrrha make sure way to turn her desk in her dorm obviously upset by something.
(Y/n) hey guys is it bad time? I can come back later
Pyrrha looks at (Y/n) looks at
(Y/n) and straightens up putting on a fake smile but (Y/n) wasn't buying it.
Pyrrha: no I'm fine thanks for asking and no this isn't a bad time what do you need?
(Y/n): 3 things 1. You know I can sense emotions right? So you should know that I can sense your sadness, fear, and anger right? 2. Before you ask the reason I am here is because I could feel fear and doubt radiating out of this room like a high schooler taking his final exams 3. Pyrrha I have a gift and a proposition for you.
(Y/n) unclips the new lightsaber from his belt.
(Y/n): catch.
Pyrrha catches the new lightsaber with ease she looks at the lightsaber with a look of astonishment and Wonder In Her Eyes Pyrrha looks at (Y/n).
Pyrrha: (Y/n) you can't be serious is this for me?
(Y/n): yes it is for you that lightsaber is the first of its kind one of my own design I've seen many weapons on this planet transform from melee weapons into long-range weapons so I thought why can't lightsabers do that it is a triple changer lightsaber it was designed specifically for you right now it is in Form 1 it is what I call vanilla mode press the button on the top.
Pyrrha does so and to her surprise the lightsaber handle extends and the blade ignites itself to reveal a lightsaber blade of orangie yellow coloration Pyrrha is surprised by this and takes a small step back in astonishment and surprise.
Pyrrha: WHOA!!!!!!
(Y/n): this is its second mode it is called a lightsaber Pike or you can just call it Pike mode.
Both standing in the background completely silent and awestruck Nora and Ren just watch as (Y/n) explains how the lightsaber works.
(Y/n): the press the second button.
Pyrrha complies and press the second Button as soon as she does the blade returns to its normal standard Hilt mode.
Pyrrha: wow
(Y/n): now press the final button.
Pyrrha does so and as soon as the last button is pressed the lightsaber transforms into a slim rifle.
(Y/n): this last mode is a tad bit unorthodox but I thought for you what the hell this last mode is what I like to call a lightsaber rifle I warned you this mode is very dangerous and very powerful in theory the power that this mode presents and the potential to bust through and destroy but it does have a low power setting on it which has the potential to destroy any Aura it comes into contact with so basically it can stun it can kill sick shit.
Pyrrha transforms the lightsaber back into its standard Hilt mode and just looks at the lightsaber with astonishment in her eyes a few tears can be seen welling up in her eyes
(Y/n): but wait there's more as for my proposition I wish to teach you how to properly use that lightsaber that's right I wish to train you in the art of lightsaber combat what do you say kid you ready to start taking this to the next level?
Pyrrha: really you want to teach me how to fight like you do? And why are you giving me this?
(Y/n): of course I do and as for why I'm giving you this weapon is because this lightsaber has not had a wielder for over three thousand years the last person who could wield the crystal within this lightsaber was a great man the mine was known as The Prodigal Knight I am speaking of Darth Revan one of the greatest lightsaber Masters to ever live and not even he could wield this lightsaber to its fullest potential so what do you say?
Pyrrha: I don't know what to say except....................yes
(Y/n): excellent I can already tell you're going to be my favorite student I ever trained and I've trained thousands of students over many Generations I expect to see you 2 to weeks from now at Twilight in the Emerald Forest.
Pyrrha: yes......master
(Y/n): I haven't been called master and many years I know you won't let me down and if there's something you want to talk about any time you know where to find me.
(Y/n) leaves the dorm and goes to the Emerald Forest to try and create a proper training ground for his new student meanwhile Yang and Blake are hanging out in empty classroom talking while not noticing a certain Sith Lord standing their way in the back listening to their conversation.
Blake: Yang if you're going to tell me to stop you might as well save your breath.
Yang: I'm not telling you to stop I'm telling you to slow down.
Blake: we don't have the luxury to
Yang: it's not a luxury it's a necessity
Blake: the necessity is to stop torchwick
Yang: and we're going to But first you have to sit down and listen to what I have to say.
Yang past the spot in front of her as to indicate Blake to sit down Blake complied and sat down on the desk in front of yang.
Yang: Ruby and I grew up in patch and Island just off the coast of vale our parents were Huntsman our dad ptotic signal and our mom would take missions around the kingdom her name was summer rose and she was like super mom Baker of cookies and Slayer of giant monsters and then one day she left for a mission and never came back it was tough Ruby was real torn up but I think she was still too young to get what was going on ya know? And my dad just kind of shut down it wasn't long until I learned why summer wasn't the first love he lost she was the second the first was my mom he wouldn't tell me everything but I learned that the two of them have been on a team with summer and Crow and that she left me with him just after I was born no one had seen her since.
Blake: why did she leave you?
Yang sighs and continuous her story.
Yang: that question........why?
Yang gets up from the desk and walks over to the
Yang: I didn't know that answer but I was determined to find out it was all I thought about I would ask anybody I could what they knew about her
Yang begins to start drawing on the Blackboard.
Yang: then one day I found something what I thought was a clue that could lead me to answers or maybe even my mother I waited for Dad to leave the house I put Ruby in a wagon and headed out I must have walked for hours I had cuts and bruises I was totally exhausted but I wasn't going to let anything stop me when we finally got there I could barely stand but I didn't care I had made it and then I saw them those burning red eyes very were a toddler sleep in the back of a wagon and a stupid girl too exhausted to even cry for help we might as well have been served on a silver platter but as luck would have it our uncle showed up just in time my stubbornness should have gotten us killed that night.
Yang finished drawing on the Blackboard to reveal a symbol of her uncle.
Blake: Yang I'm sorry that happened to you and I understand what you're trying to tell me but this is different I'm not a child and this isn't just a search for answers I just can't-
Yang: I TOLD you I'm not telling to stop I haven't to this day I still want to know what happened to my mother and why she left me but I will never let that search control me we're going to find the answers we're looking for Blake but if we destroy ourselves in the process then what good are we?
Blake: you don't understand!!! I'm the only one who can do this!!!
Yang: no you don't understand!!!
Yang suddenly turned around her eyes burning red with hatred and rage her hair beginning to burn with the same Fury as the fire in her eyes
Yang: if Roman torchwick walked through that door what would you do?
Blake: I'd fight him!!!
Yang: you would lose
Yang shoved Blake as to establish her point.
Blake grabbed Yang's shoulder
Blake: I can stop him!!!
Yang: you can't even stop me!!!
Yang shoved Blake again and knocked her over onto the desk after a few seconds Yang's hair and eyes return to back to normal.
Blake got back to her feet and looked Yang in the eyes.
The two of them hugged each other for a few minutes trying to calm down.
Yang: I'm not asking you to stop just please get some rest not just for you but for the people you care about and if you feel like coming out tomorrow I'll save you a dance.
Darth Celleus: you know Blake Yang is right you know
Upon hearing this both Blake and yang turned to the source of the voice to see a certain Sith Lord sitting on one of the desks in the corner of the room way out of range of their peripherals.
Yang: how long have you been there?
Darth Celleus: the whole time and if I may say that was one of the most beautiful speeches I've ever heard and if it makes you feel any better I never had a mother to begin with she was killed by my father as I told you before yep according to my father she was killed by Jedi but in reality he knew that her death what strengthen my hate for the Jedi and intern it would strengthen my power.
Blake: you've told us that before but I guess I'm sorry to hear that again.
Yang: oh by the way if you tell anyone what happened here today I'll kill you.
Yang's eyes flashed red before returning to their normal purple Hue the Sith Lord wasn't scared at all he just laughed at her threat.
Darth Celleus: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA many powerful Sith and Jedi have tried and I highly doubt you can but don't worry your secrets are safe with me I will not tell another living soul nor will I tell any Force ghosts.
Both Yang and Blake just stand there confused at what the Sith Lord had just said but did not have time to ask what the hell he was talking about because he he began to make his way out of the room until he stopped at the threshold of the door and look back at them.
Darth Celleus: Blake I wasn't kidding about what I said Yang is right you want answers and you want to stop Roman but you can't stop him if you end up destroying yourself in the process and remember this if you lose the fight it does not mean you've lost the war.
With that said Darth Celleus made his way out of the room and back to his dorm to continue his meditation.
(Time skip the next day)
Right now the dance is at full swing Yang is in a white dress standing behind a podium in front of the door to the Dancehall the door then opens to reveal Ruby wearing a red dress with black high heels.
Ruby: UGH can we have a talk about how Weiss fights in these?
Ruby continues to have trouble walking in her heels as she makes her way to her sister Yang begins to laugh at Ruby's awkwardness the door opens again to reveal Blake in a Black Dress along with Sun with their arms interlocked.
Yang: Dang Blake you look good.
Blake: thanks Yang
Yang: and Sun you're actually wearing something somewhat nice congratulations buddy
Sun: HEY be grateful I wore this damn Neck trap.
Out of nowhere the doors opened up again to reveal Darth Celleus, Xo-zeion, and HK97/Hektor all wearing suits and ties.
Darth Celleus was wearing a black suit with a red undershirt Xo-zeion where's wearing a white suit with a green undershirt and finally HK97/Hektor was wearing a gray suit with a purple undershirt.
Ruby: YANG!!!
Ruby began to fall over until a certain Jedi Master caught her with the force and helped her back to her feet.
Ruby: thanks
Xo-zeion: anytime my friend
Blake: I didn't know you guys don't do anything besides robes and cloaks.
HK97/Hektor: thank Coco for that before she left on her Mission and she took me clothes shopping she asked me what everyone science is for her and she got us these suits.
Xo-zeion: once again Coco Saves the Day.
Darth Celleus: sorry to cut this short ladies but I believe I found my dance partner.
Darth Celleus makes his way over to Emerald once he gets close enough to her he taps her shoulder a few times as to gain her attention when she turns around she is surprised to see the Sith Lord not wearing armored robes but actually wearing Suit & Tie.
Emerald: OH CELLEUS!!! What are you doing here?
Darth Celleus: oh nothing just here for the Punch, the music, the good people, and most importantly to see if I can get a dance with my favorite red-eyed green haired gem.
Emerald blushed at hearing this and she began to sputter out incoherent sounds which could have been words but didn't really sound like words.
Darth Celleus held out his hand to Emerald and bowed his head as a respectful gesture.
Darth Celleus: Emerald may I please have this dance?
Emerald: Uh OK!!!
Emerald took the Sith Lords hand and the began to make their way to the dance floor there they began to dance the night away nothing existing except the two of them and the sound of the music.
Meanwhile Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Xo-zeion we're watching Blake laughing and having fun dancing with Sun.
Yang: told you she'd come
Weiss: mission accomplished
Ruby: what do we doing now?
Both Weiss and Yang left Ruby and Xo-zeion alone.
Ruby: does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now?
No one responded to Ruby's question and she stood there next to Xo-zeion with a defeated look on her face.
Ruby: stupid lady stilts.
Ozpin appeared out of nowhere and looked at Ruby.
Ozpin: not enjoying yourself?
Ruby quickly looked over to Ozpin
Ruby: oh no everything's fine I'm just not much of a dansey pansey Dancy girl
Ozpin: well you can't spend your entire life on the battlefield even if you may want to
Ruby cross your arms and looked Dead Ahead.
Ruby: yeah that lesson's been floating around a lot lately
Ozpin: if you think about it fighting and dancing aren't so different two partners interlocked although one wrong move on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot
Ruby: or a twisted ankle
Ozpin: it's not everyday that friends are able to come together like this time has a way of testing our bonds but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever nights like these are ones will never forget.
Xo-zeion: wise words Headmaster wise words indeed you would make an excellent Jedi Master.
Ozpin: why thank you Xo-zeion I appreciate that tell me how are you?
Xo-zeion: I'm fine Headmaster how are you?
Ozpin: not too shabby if I do say so myself tell me do you have a dance partner?
Xo-zeion: negative the one I wanted to bring is on a mission right now.
Ozpin: and who pray tell would that be?
Zo-zeion: Velvet scarlatina
Ozpin: she is quite the student.
Xo-zeion: of that I am 110% sure Headmaster may I please speak with you in private?
Ozpin: of course
Xo-zeion: excuse me Ruby could you please wait here just a minute I'll be right back.
With that said Both Xo-zeion and Ozpin leave the Dancehall and make their way outside out of earshot of everyone.
Xo-zeion: okay listen Headmaster we don't have much time I have an important message for you from (Y/n) he has had a vision of the future tonight someone will break in to the communications Tower and attempt to tamper with the system but do not worry
(Y/n) has got everything under control he is moving to intercept the infiltrator now right now my mission is to keep Ruby distracted at all costs I'm sorry to cut this short but I must go.
Ozpin: I understand thank you for alerting me to this new development you all have my up most confidence.
Xo-zeion ran back inside of the Dancehall and made his way over to Ruby Once Xo-zeion made it over to Ruby he offered her his hand and bowed his head.
Xo-zeion: Ms. Rose may I please have his dance?
Ruby blushed and began to sputter out nonsensical sounds.
Ruby: uh I umm wha? Uh OK
Ruby grabbed the Jedi Master's Hand and the two of them made their way to the dance floor there they began to awkwardly dance Ruby constantly stepping on Xo-zeion's toes and almost falling over but so far Xo-zeion's mission was going off without a hitch.
Xo-zeion looked out the window and saw someone in Black making their way towards the communication Tower.
Xo-zeion: all according to plan.
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 4796)
(A/n): hello again readers I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter and I hope you are all having a nice hump day please leave a comment telling me what you thought and I wish you all a very merry day.
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