Epilogue - Part 2 (THE END)







Rey's POV

May 3rd 2025 (Noah-5, Nicole-4, Ryan-4)

"Noah, get your elbows off the table." I said that day at breakfast.

Noah rolled his eyes and took his elbows off the table, continuing to stuff his face with cereal.

"Daddy when does your championship start?" Ryan asked and looked at Niall with milk dripping down his chin.

I reached out and wiped it off with a napkin.

"In one month."

"Am I going to walk out on the pitch with you daddy?"

"Of course buddy."

"What about me?" Noah pouted.

"All three of you can walk with me at least once yeah? Now eat your cereal because you have kindergarten in an hour."

"You sure you can drive them on time?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Babe don't worry I'll get them on time. You go and have fun with Jake."

I nodded and after the kids finished eating, we sent them off to get dressed.

As I put the dishes in the dishwasher, I felt two strong tattooed hands around my waist. Niall pulled me into his chest and I smiled, leaning back against him.

"Happy nine year anniversary." He whispered into my ear and I felt butterflies in my stomach at his words.

He pulled his right arm away, before he turned me around and handed me a long velvet box.

"Niall." I said, already knowing that the box contained something extremely expensive.

"Just open it." He said and I did, revealing a silver bracelet with N and R as charms.

"Thank you babe." I spoke and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a snog.

He sighed against my lips and opened his mouth so our tongues could collide. Our makeout session sent shivers through my whole body and he lifted me up by the hips to place me on the counter.

"We're still on for tonight, right?" he asked as he kissed down my neck, sucking a bruise into the vein there.

"Of course." I breathed and he pulled away, going in for another kiss.


Niall pulled away to see Noah and Nikki, already dressed up and looking up at us.

"Nothing, I just-"

"You were hurting her neck!" Noah said and punched Niall's leg with his little fist.

"Why do you want to hurt mommy?" Nikki asked and Niall took her in his arms.

"I'm not hurting mommy."

"But she has a bruise on her neck!" Noah protested and Ryan made an appearance in the kitchen.

"We have to get you to kindergarten, where are your shoes?" I asked and Niall put Noah down so I could put his shoes on while he helped Ryan put his shirt on properly, and not inside out.

He then left with them to drop them off at Kaylee's kindergarten before he went off to practice.

I had no photo-shoots today (I was a face model for L'Oreal-occasional model for Forever 21 and Zara- in case you were wondering), so I decided to go out with Jake for lunch.

We went to our usual place, a nice Chinese restaurant with a terrace so we can look at people passing by and talk shit about how they are dressed. Well, that's what Jake usually does and I listen to him while I stuff my face.

"Fuck." I said as soon as we sat down outside.



He turned his head to see the two men right behind the fence, trying to get perfect photos.

After we ordered, Jake asked me when he could babysit my kids again.

"Uh, well you obviously will tonight, because Niall and I are going on a date until about midnight, and-"

"I'm so fucking jealous!" he exclaimed and I raised my eyebrows, sipping on my lemonade.

"Why is that?"

"Because you and Niall love each other like crazy, and fight like an eighty year old couple and fuck like teenagers! Max and I haven't had sex in like two months. Well, it's mainly my fault because I've been busy with football and everything. And the world cup is coming up and I'm a backup so I-"

"Speaking of football, how come you're not at practice?"

"Backups only go four times a week, players go every day."

"Did they take Liam too?"

"No they only took Niall and I."

"Who did they take from Chelsea?"

"No one. They needed a new Midfielders so they took Niall and I."

"Oh. Okay. Niall tells me about these things but I don't really get them." I laughed and he nodded.

"So when was the last time you and Niall had sex?" he asked, changing the subject.

I smiled. "Two days ago."

Old Jake was back.

"So you got all the phone numbers you need on the fridge, and their schedule on the counter. You can let them stay up until nine and watch TV, anything BUT porn, please." I told Jake as I looked at myself in the hallway mirror.

I was dressed in a leather skirt, a white blouse and black pumps.

"Bitch, I got this." he assured me and I looked up at Niall, who was already waiting for me at the door, dressed in black jeans and a nice blazer.

Reyall: http://www.polyvore.com/date_night/set?id=126815539

"Okay, we're good to go." I smiled at him, but was interrupted by Nicole, who hugged my leg and asked me to stay home with her.

"Mommy please stay with us! I want you to put me to sleep, not uncle Jake!"

"No marshmallows for you then bitch." Jake said and Niall laughed, but I shot both of them a warning look.

"Please no cursing in front of my children." I told him and kissed Nicole on the top of her head.

"No hugs from my boys?" I asked looking at Ryan and Noah who were in the living room, eyes glued to the TV.

They shook their heads.

"Fine, no presents for you then."

They screamed and ran over to me, each hugging a side and pouting.

I knew it was kind of hard for them, because Niall and I rarely went out without them.

"Why is this taking so long?" Niall sighed and came over to us.

He placed his hands on their heads and made them look up at him.

"If you're good you can each have a lollipop before bed, yeah?"

They cheered and hugged him. I rolled my eyes and Niall laughed, before they pulled away and ran away in the living room.

"No lollipops." I told Jake and he nodded.

"Ah, come on babe, they deserve it."

"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Because they're our children and they're cute as fuck."

"FUCK!" Noah yelled from the living room.

Jake burst in a loud laughter.

"We made those cute children, we deserve a lollipop." I told Niall and he put an arm around my shoulders.

"You'll get something to suck on later baby, don't worry."

I couldn't help but smile and feel my stomach tighten at his words.

"Jesus Christ get the hell out of here before I choke on all this sexual tension." Jake said and went to open the door for us. "Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"You'd literally do anything." I spoke and he slammed the door in our faces.

We walked down the driveway and before I could get in the Jeep, he pinned me against it and attached his lips to mine.

We made out for approximately one minute before he pulled away, breathing heavily.

"I waited to do that ever since I saw you wearing this fucking skirt."

"We'll if you're lucky, you might get to take it off me later."

"Or push it up to your stomach and take you from behind in the restaurant bathroom." He whispered against my ear and I shook my head.

"No way."

That's what we ended up doing instead of dessert.


June 13, 2025

"Daddy has a game today daddy has a game today!" Noah kept singing while we were in the car, on our way to the stadium.

England was playing against Argentina today, and of course the whole family had to make an appearance. Katherine and Liam were joining us to, and that was a huge relief for me, because it meant that we could each take care of one child. Nicole absolutely adored Liam and Noah liked Katherine the most so we split them up quite nicely.

Nicole and Ryan both put their jerseys with Niall's team on. Ryan had a 6 and Nicole a 9 and yes, that was in fact Niall's brilliant idea.

Noah was walking with Niall on the pitch so he was already in the locker room.

Reyall: http://www.polyvore.com/fifa25_first_game/set?id=126948510

We sat down in the first row, and Ryan climbed on my lap, pressing his tiny feet on my thighs so he could grip into the bars and stand up to watch the game.

"Baby you need to sit down so people behind us can see."

"It's alright Mrs. Horan." The lady behind us said and I turned my head to her so I could thank her.

And yes, I kind of felt proud for being Niall's wife because people treated me nicely and respected me more.

The game ended and Niall scored one out of the three goals, which qualified us to the Quarter Finals against Brazil.

Nicole and Ryan ran out on the field as soon as the game was over and the team was done celebrating, yelling and jumping around.

He pulled them both in his arms, propping each of them against one side then walking over to me to press a kiss against my lips. I ignored the fact that he was sweaty and still panting because he had the brightest smile on his face.

"You were amazing, if you keep playing like that we can get to the Semi Finals and even win." His coach told him before he walked into the locker room and I waited for his outside because we promised the kids that if they won this game we'd all go out for frozen yoghurt.

So after Niall took all three of them on a Segway ride around the stadium, we were finally making our way towards the frozen yoghurt place at the end of the street.

Niall was holding Nicole in his right arm and Noah's hand with his left one while I walked hand in hand with Ryan, and things had never been better.


July 23rd 2025 (Noah-5, Nicole-5, Ryan-4)


I groaned and turned away from the noise, burying my face into the pillow.

Then I felt three different sets of feet trampling on the bed and jumping up and down on it, before someone tackled me. Judging from Niall's whining he got two someones.


I turned around so I could lie on my back and face Nicole, who was straddling my hips, holding out five fingers.

"Good for you, now let us sleep." Niall said and pushed Ryan and Noah off, between us.

"But it's my birthday today!" Nicole whined and rolled off of me, cuddling up to me, next to her brothers.

"Fine then, we'll wait until you wake up and give me my presents."

"No presents for you if you don't leave us ten more minutes." Niall mumbled and Noah slapped him over the face before all three of them started screaming and laughing and fleeting the room.

"Is there any way we can like, lock the door? Or get a cage? Is it legal to get a cage?" Niall asked.

"I'll look it up." I said and he pulled me closer to him.

It was Nicole's birthday today and we were planning on throwing her a party at the new kid's playground that had opened up in the mall three blocks away.

Yes, England won the championship against Germany at Wembley Stadium and no one had slept that night because it was such a riot on the streets you couldn't close an eye.

"Daddy I know what I want for my birthday!" Noah said later that night, when Nicole was unpacking her presents in the living room.

"Really? What do you want?" Niall asked as he leaned back against the couch with Ryan over his lap, drinking his third beer bottle.

"I want to have hair like you!" Noah exclaimed and pointed out Niall's blonde hair, highlighted with blue and red.

"Yellow and blue! I want yellow and blue."

I looked up at Niall from where I was sitting cross legged on the floor, looking at Nicole open her presents.

"If you want we can do it now." Niall offered and Noah screamed of joy, knocking Ryan over.


"Yes." Niall answered and then looked at me.

"Is it okay baby?"

I shrugged. "If he wants to do it."

So one hour later Noah came out of the bathroom with blonde hair that was pulled up into a quiff, which was dyed turquoise.

"Oh god." I said and Noah made a pirouette to show off his hair, before he jumped on Niall on the couch, thanking him.

"Daddy can I draw on your arm?" Nicole asked as she pulled out the set of sharpies she got from one of her friends from kindergarten.

"Are those waterproof?" Niall asked me as Nicole climbed on the couch next to him.

I shook my head and he held out his arm for Nicole to draw on.

"I want a drawing too when I'm going to be older!" Noah said and Niall promised him he'd let him get one in ten years.

Nicole drew a big heart on his bicep and wrote an M inside of it.

"M from Mommy!" she said and then came over to draw on my arm the same heart, but with a D in it.

"D from Daddy! So you can match now."

I smiled, because Nicole didn't know that Niall and I each had half a heart tattooed on the inside of our fingers, so if you held hands they'd create a whole.

"D from Dick." Niall said and I shot him a look.

"What's a dick?" Ryan asked and came over to me.

"It's a...an uh? A male organ."

"Do I have it?" Nicole asked.

"No, you don't." Niall said and Nicole pouted.

"But I want a dick!" Nicole yelled.

"You'll get one, but only after marriage." Niall sternly said and I snorted.

"Does mommy have a dick?" Ryan asked Niall and he nodded.

"Every night she does."

I let out a strangled noise and face palmed.

"Like a vampire?"

"Does dick mean cock?"

We all stared at Noah, who was staring back at us.

"Where did you learn that word?" I asked and Noah shrugged.

"I hear daddy telling you to take it in your mouth some times."

"Oh my god."

Niall burst out laughing but I was mortified.

"Can I take it in my mouth?" Noah continued and Niall was already on the floor, crying.

"It's time for bed." I told him and he pouted, clinging to the couch when I tried pulling him off.

"NO!" Noah yelled and kicked me in the arm.

"Mommy can I get a stork for my next birthday?" Nicole interrupted us and I turned to look at her.

"For what?"

"So she can bring me a baby."

"That's not how it works." Niall said and she crawled over to him.

"Then where do babies come from? Mommy said that the stork brings them, like she brought us."

I shot Niall a warning look and he shrugged, patting her head and promising her he'd tell her when she'll get older, but assuring her that the stork doesn't bring children to their mothers.

"So then can I get a dick for my birthday?"


December 24th 2030 (Noah-11, Nicole-10, Ryan-10)

"We talked about sex at school today." Noah said at the dinner table and I choked on the chicken.

The Tomlinsons (Louis, Harry, Tommy who was 12 and Hannah who was 6) were over for dinner that evening. We were getting ready to go to Louis' 38th birthday that was held at a club, right after we finished dinner and the babysitter came over.

"What about sex?" Harry asked and Tom (he didn't like when called Tommy anymore) snickered.

"Who talked about that?" I asked.

Noah shrugged. "The teacher. We had our first sexual education class today."

"And? Learned anything interesting?" Niall asked.

"Not in class. In class they talked about girls and periods." Noah answered, scrunching his nose as Tom gagged.

"Then when did you talk about sex?"

"During break. Josh started talking about it."

Niall rolled his eyes. Josh was the guy in Noah's class that had to repeat the year twice because he was never showing up to class, and was also kind of an asshole.

"He said that women and men fuck." Noah continued and Harry spat out his drink. "And that the penis goes into the vagi-"

"Okay, we get it." I interrupted and Niall laughed, patting Noah on the back.

"That's how people have sex. Straight people, at least."

Noah looked at Louis and Harry. "So how do Uncle Louis and Uncle Harry have sex?"

"Well-" Niall started but the doorbell rang and I sighed relieved, because the babysitter was here.

The babysitter was a sixteen year old guy named Jack, who was a sophomore at the school our kids went to and needed extra money for college because his family wasn't that rich and he really wanted to go and play soccer.

That kind of got to Niall (Louis told us about him), so he offered to give him one hundred pounds every time he babysat, no matter how long. That was a lot of money, but I didn't have anything against it, since Niall was the third best-paid footie player of 2029 and I wasn't doing bad either.

Of course, my mom always offered to babysit but she was like, 60 and just no.

"Hello Mrs. Horan, I'm here." Jack announced, holding out his duffle bag, since he was staying the night.

"Jack!" Nicole exclaimed and got out of her chair to go and hug him. Ryan and Hannah were also excited to see him. Tom however wasn't, he just rolled his eyes because he considered himself mature enough not to need a babysitter.

And Noah just looked down at his plate, blushing.

I frowned but ignored it.

"What are you doing?" I asked Niall thirty minutes later, when we were in our bedroom, getting ready to go out.

Reyall: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=126981104

He was holding a long cucumber while searching through our drawers.

"Nothing, just want to talk to Noah real quick."


"The birds and the bees."

"The male version then." I mumbled and he looked at me weirdly.



"No, seriously."

"I saw him blush when he saw Jack." I told him as I fixed my makeup in the mirror.

"Shit, okay then." Niall said and looked around the room panicked.

"What is it?"

"I'm looking for lube but I don't think we have that."

I laughed and he winked at me.

"Go talk to him about 'the birds and the bees' then." I said.

"More like birds and the drones." He snorted and I smiled, playing with my ring.


November 16th 2033 (Noah-14, Nicole-14, Ryan-14)

"I want a tattoo."

We all stared at Noah that day at lunch. He looked dead serious as he chewed on his pasta.

"Of what?" Niall asked, absent-mindedly tracing the tattoos on his arm.

"A broken heart."

"A broken heart." I repeated and shot Niall a confused look. He shrugged, turning his attention back to Noah.

"Why a broken heart?"

"Because I want to." Noah replied and Niall frowned. "And ten years ago you said that you'd let me get a tattoo in ten years."

"Fuck, I did." Niall said. But why a broken heart?"

"Do tattoos need to have a meaning?" Noah snapped and I hated when these things happened, when they would keep us out and wouldn't talk to us about their problems because they thought we wouldn't understand.

"A broken heart does have a meaning." I said and saw Nicole chew on her lip like she knew something.

"No it doesn't! God you're always so fucking nagging!" Noah exclaimed and pushed his plate away from him before he got up and left the room.

We stared at each other in silence, before Niall sighed and returned to eating.

"Nikki, wait a minute." I said after everyone had placed their plates in the dishwasher and Niall went to play a game of FIFA with Ryan. Niall loved playing that game, since he was in it too.

Ryan, unlike Noah who was into skateboarding and punk stuff (like 2013 Niall), was more like this Niall, loving footie and doing well in school.

Nicole was more like my mom, into fashion and looks and boy bands. I liked our relationship, we'd tell each other everything, she'd tell me about the guys she found cute at school and about how she shipped two boys from her favorite TV show. I introduced her to the world of fanfics after she told me about that and we were closer than I was with Ryan or Noah.

I was pretty close to Ryan too, Niall more than me though. Noah however was really closed in himself and didn't like to talk about anything with us.

"What is it mom?"

Nicole hopped onto the counter as I poured some milk out for the cat that we had now as a pet, since our dog died last month.

"What do you know about Noah?" I asked her, trying to seem chill.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know why he's been acting this way lately?"


She was lying because she bit her lip, one of Niall's habits.

"Nicole." I said and she sighed. She knew that when I didn't call her 'Nikki' I was either serious or mad.

"Mom." She replied. "I can't tell you, because it's not my place and secret to tell."

I sighed.

"Fine. Take this to Fluffles then."

She groaned and took the small bowl from my hands, before she disappeared in the garden.

"Babe?" I said walking into the living room.

"Yeah?" Niall asked, looking up from the screen.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?"

"I got three more minutes left and I'm beating his arse."

I sighed and waited for him to finish the game, before he stood up and came over to me.

"What is it?"

"I think you need to talk to Noah. We need to talk to him, actually."

"He's just being moody, we were like that once too."

"Yes, we acted like that when we had a lot on our minds and felt like no one could understand us. I don't know about you, but I really wished I could talk to someone about my problems."

He sighed, knowing I was right.

"Okay. Let's go talk to him then."

"And it must be about a girl, since he has a broken heart." I told him, remembering his girlfriend in year 8, Mary. Now he was going in year 10 and we didn't know what was going on his life.

Niall knocked on Noah's door five minutes later. He had a KEEP OUT poster right in the middle of it.

"Noah, come on." I said and we head shuffling from inside the room, before the door opened.

"What?" he asked annoyed and Niall didn't wait for an invitation, he just stepped in the room.

"Uh, come in?!" Noah said sarcastically.

"I paid for it, therefor it's mine."

Noah rolled his eyes and went to sit on the bed, pulling his MacBook over his lap.

I closed the door behind me and went to sit down at the desk while Niall leaned against it, arms crossed.

"So what's up."

"Nothing's up." Noah muttered, eyes glued to the laptop.

"Noah James Horan." Niall said in a serious tone and Noah groaned, closing his laptop and putting it next to him.

"Whaaaaaaaaat?" he asked annoyed.

"What's been going on with you lately?"

"Nothing dad."

"We're worried about you. Are you having problems at school? Is someone picking on you?"

"No one is picking on me, no one would dare to pick on "Noah James Horan, son of Niall Horan who won eight world cup championships in a row"." He said.

"Is that it? No one wants to talk to you? Because they're afraid?"

"Mom, no! I have friends."

"Is it about a girl?"

"Where'd you get that idea from?" Noah asked.

"A broken heart? Not that subtle." Niall said sarcastically.

"Well no, it's not about a girl." Noah answered and I looked around his room, my eyes looking over his posters.

And then it dawned on me, judging by his posters of David Beckham, Robert Downey Jr., Justin Bieber and Kellin Quinn.

"Is it about a boy?" I asked and they both looked at me surprised.

Noah didn't say anything.

"Is that it?"

"No it's not! I'm not gay! Shut up! Get out of my room!"



I pulled on Niall's shirt and we walked out of the room, leaving him alone.

A few hours later, we were all in the living room, watching TV when Noah came downstairs. He still looked like he was in a bad mood when he sat down on the couch, but he was much calmer.

"Anyone else hungry?" Niall asked and everyone moaned in agreement.

"Let's get McDonald's then." I offered and all three of them immediately got up from the couch to go and put some decent pants on.

The whole family: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=126981663

We were all waiting for Nicole (who always dressed up like she was going to meet her worst enemy) at the door five minutes later.

"NICOLE COME ON!" Ryan yelled.

"I'm ready, calm your tits!" she said and emerged from upstairs.

"Let's go get some McDon-"

"I'm gay." Noah said out of a sudden and everyone looked at him, stopping whatever they were doing.

"Good for you, now can we get some McDonald's already because I'm going to literally starve to death." Niall said and Ryan was already out the door.

Noah stood there in shock and I assured him that we were proud of him for finally coming out to us, even though it was no big deal.

"Did dad even hear me?" he asked me as we walked to the car.

"Yes. Why?"

"I was expecting him to be more...disappointed I guess."

"I think your dad would be the last person in this world to judge you." I told him.

Once we were in the car, everyone was talking about different things at once, except of Noah who was staring at Niall.

"Dad, you heard me when I said that I was gay, right?" Noah checked, sticking his head out between the seats and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. And I'm straight." Niall stated, shooting me a wink through the rearview mirror.

"It's just that...I was expecting a bigger reaction."

"Do you want a rainbow cake? I can buy you one if you want. I could eat some cake right now." Niall said and I smiled, shaking my head.

"So did you and Josh make up? Or is he the reason for that broken heart?" Ryan asked casually but Niall almost ran into the car in front of us.

"Josh? As in Josh The-One-Who-Repeated-Two-Years Josh?" I asked and Noah nodded.

We got to McDonald's so the subject was closed, until we ordered and sat down at a table.

"Why would you get your heart broken by that dick?" Niall asked with his mouth full.

"Because dad!" Noah stuttered, obviously a bit ashamed to talk about that. "So...we kind of hooked up at a party last week and today I saw him making out with a girl."

Niall started laughing and Noah frowned. I hit Niall behind the head and he choked on his fries.

"And that's why you want to get a PERMANENT tattoo on your skin? So you can be reminded of that idiot every time you see it? Tell you what, after we're done eating, we're going to the tattoo parlor and get you the tattoo of a hand that shows the middle finger and a fuck you under it eh?" Niall asked and Noah nodded, excited.

"But dad, you have so many tattoos, you can't tell me that you don't regret a few of them." Nicole said and pointed to Niall's arm.

"I don't regret any of them."

"Do any of them have a special meaning?" Ryan asked and proceeded to steal a fry from Nicole, who then smacked him over the head.

I saw Niall smile and idly running his fingers across the smiley on his wrist.

"Some more than others."

"What about that heart on your neck? What does that mean?"

"Uh, it used to mean something I used to believe in, but then I changed my mind."

I smiled.

"Why is mom smiling like a retarded person?" Ryan asked.

"Don't talk about your mom like that." Niall warned.

After we were done eating, Niall drove us to the tattoo parlor and everyone ended up getting a tattoo.

Nicole got a heart on her upper arm, Ryan got a soccer ball on his ankle, Noah got that tattoo they were talking about, Niall got 'XXIII VI XIII' under his black heart and I got the typical flying birds from my shoulder to the back of my neck.

"We're such bad parents." I told Niall as we entered the house later that night.

"No, you're the best." Noah said as he toed off his Vans and Nicole agreed, before all three of them stormed off to their rooms.

"They don't seem to think so." Niall smiled and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"What do those roman numbers symbolize? 23, 6, 13?"

He smiled and pulled me into him so he could kiss me.

"The date I met you."


7th October 2034 (Noah-15, Nicole-15, Ryan-15)

"Niall." I said in a yelled whisper as I snuck into our room without anyone noticing.

"What?" he teased, replying in the same voice. He was at the desk, typing something on his laptop.

"Look what I found!" I exclaimed and he looked up, eyes falling on the condom I was holding between two fingers.

"That's a condom." He said mocking.

"A condom I found in the laundry basket. Which means, it's not ours. Which means that one of our children is already sexually active and we have no idea who it is."

"So? They're fifteen; they're boys-"

"What if it's Nicole?"

"Oh hell no." he said, standing up from the desk.

"FAMILY MEETING RIGHT NOW!" he yelled and we heard groans from three different parts of the house.

Our family meetings were rare, usually taking place at the table in the living room when either Niall or I called them, whenever there was something we had to discuss.

"These bitches are kidding." Niall muttered when no one showed up five minutes later.

We heard steps down the stairs and then Noah appeared, hoodie pulled up to his nose.

"I have a date with J-"

"Stoooop." Niall said, grabbing him by the hood and turning him around.

He pulled the collar down to reveal a lip ring.

"When did this happen?" he asked and poked it.

"Yesterday after school. Went out with some mates-"


"That tattoo parlor we went to a year ago-"

"Okay, so it's clean. Go and sit in the kitchen. NICOLE! RYAN!"

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" Nicole yelled from upstairs.

"WE NEED TO TALK!" I yelled back.


"That's it." Niall said and went over to the WiFi router, turning it off.

Not even thirty seconds later, they both emerged from downstairs.

"Who stopped the WiFi?" Ryan asked and Niall pointed them to the table. They rolled their eyes and sat down, crossing their arms.

"Why did you call us here? I was in the middle of reblogging a picture of Beyonce and I got a date in like, an hour." Nicole said.

Niall slammed the condom against the table, pushing it in the middle and resting his palms against it.

"What is this."

"A condom." Ryan replied.

"Whose is it?" Niall continued.

They shrugged at once and Niall eyed each of them suspiciously.

"I'm going to ask you this one more time. Whose is it?"

Nicole sighed. "It's mine."

Niall's eyes widened and he stood up properly.

"But they gave away free samples in SexEd class today! I'm still a virgin dad."

Niall sighed, relieved.

"So who exactly is coming over to pick you up?"

"A guy from my algebra class. Now can I leave so I can get ready?"


She disappeared and Noah laughed.

"You actually thought she is sexually active?"

"So I shouldn't be worried?"

"No." Ryan answered and then they both left the room.

An hour later, the doorbell rang and Niall beat me to the door. He opened it and there stood a tall boy, dressed in a leather jacket and skinny jeans.

"And who are you?" Niall asked.

"Uh, Simon Rogers Sir."

"What kind of name is Simon?"

"Niall!" I exclaimed, pushing him away from the door and inviting Simon in.

"Nicole will be down in just a minute." I assured him.

"So what does your father do for a living?" Niall questioned, crossing his arms and intentionally flexing his muscles.

Simon seemed scared and all I could do was sigh and let Niall do his job.

"He's uh-he's a manager at a hotel."

"Where are you taking my baby girl?"

"To the movies Sir."

"What kind of movie?"

"One with Ryan Gosling and Natalie Portman."

"Is it R rated?"

"No Sir."

"Did you ever inappropriately touch my daughter, Simon?"

"No Sir."

"Are you lying to me?"

"I would never."

"Just an FYI, I have a gun in a drawer upstairs, and if you ever as much as hurt my daughter, I won't be afraid to use it."

"Yes Sir."


"Dad." Nicole sighed and stepped between him and Simon.

"Let's go." She said and Niall made the 'I'm-watching-you' gesture, before the door closed behind them.

Noah and Ryan were in the living room, playing on the Xbox.

"So who's this Simon guy?" Niall asked, sitting down next to Ryan and pulling me into his lap.

"Okay. First, gross." Noah said referring to the fact that I was sitting in Niall's lap. "And second, he's actually really cool. He's been after Nicole for a year. You've got nothing to worry about."

"What if he hurts her?" Niall asked.

"Then we fuck him up." Ryan answered and Noah flexed his biceps.

"These are my boys." Niall said proudly and kissed my cheek.


23rd August 2036 (Noah-16, Nicole-16, Ryan-16)

For Ryan's sixteenth birthday we went to Hawaii. Eddie (who was now 24 by the way) was supposed to join us with his fiancée Lindsay, but she went into labor two weeks before the due date and they were now at the hospital, waiting for their baby girl to be born.

So it was just us five. We were currently on our way to the fanciest restaurant on the island. Ryan had no problem with celebrating his sixteenth birthday with his family; unlike Noah and Nicole, who both had house parties for their Sweet 16th.

Niall had offered to buy them alcohol and I bought five hookahs with different flavors, but they made us promise that no one would smoke anything besides hookah. No cigarettes.

Then the morning before the party we discovered that Nicole was trying to leave the house with a big amount of money.

"What's the money for?" Niall asked.





"UGH! Fine. We all put money together so we could buy some weed for the party tonight."

"WEED?" Niall exclaimed.

"Yes dad, weed."

"No way. Hand me that money."

"But dad! If you can honestly tell me that you never smoked pot at sixteen, I'll give them to you."

"Where do you get your weird ideas from? I never smoked weed or did any other drugs for that matter in my life!"

"Dad. You lived in a fraternity, so you were probably on a diet of Vodka Tonic and Marijuana."


"DAD!" she mocked.

"For your information, we rarely threw parties and when we did, we ate pizza and chatted." He lied and I started laughing.

"Babe you're embarrassing yourself." I told him, patting his shoulder.

"And I'm sure while you ate pizza you also studied the bible." Nicole said and Niall rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I'll go out and buy you weed. But no other drugs or illegal substances."

Nicole screamed and hugged him, promising that they'll be cautious.

Later that day when the party had started, we spent the night drinking at Louis and Harry's house, while Mary was at her grandparents' and Tom at the party right across the street.

It was actually good for us too, because our whole group (Sean, Jade, Jake, Sasha, Max, Jake 2, Kaylee, Hannah, Katherine, Liam, Zayn and Perrie) gathered at their house and we partied like the old days.

"Nicole put your phone away while we're eating." I told her and she rolled her eyes, not bothering to put her iPhone 21S away.

"We just ordered." She whined and I sighed, dropping the subject.

Niall and I exchanged looks, because literally all three of our children were busy with their phones.

"Okay put your phones down, let's socialize like a family."

They groaned but obeyed, placing their phones in the middle of the table, next to the salt.

"What's new with you guys? Let's go around the table and say one thing that we haven't share with the family yet." I said.

"That is so boring." Ryan said and Noah rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I go first. I'm the fourth in my class this year because I got two F's in English and Algebra." Ryan spoke, looking at us, a bit angsty, just as the food arrived.

"Fuck school, tell me about your sex life." Niall said and I snorted.

"Dad, ew." Nicole protested. "You're like, a hundred years old, you shouldn't even use that word. It's gross."

"Excuse you?" Niall said. "I sucked more dick than you did."

"Oh my god! I don't think I can eat now." Nicole gagged.

"Dad please tell me you were joking." Ryan said.

"It's true." Niall continued and I bit my lip, smiling.

"Well I sucked more dick than you for sure." Noah said and laughed. "I'm officially dating Josh."

"What? Oh my god! Since when?" I asked as I cut my chicken.

"Since two months ago." He answered.

"I sucked more dick than any of you here." Nicole said and Niall choked.

"What? You're sixteen! What do you know about that? And you broke up with Simon like four months ago!"

"So what? I'm seeing someone else."

"Who?" Niall and I asked at once.

"None of your business."

"Nicole Jade Horan." Niall warned.

"Ugh, fine! It's Tom."

"Tom as in Tommy Tomlinson?" I asked.

She shrugged and nodded.

"I'm going to faint." Niall said and I shook my head.

"It's no big deal dad. We hooked up like twice."

"Oh my god babe hand me that water." Niall spoke and I handed him the glass of water that he drank in a gulp.

"What are you doing?" I asked Ryan when I saw him photograph his food.

"Instagramming my food."

"You have an Instagram?" Niall asked.

"Duh! Who doesn't?" Noah said.

"Do you know what that is? Like, it's an App-" Nicole started.

"I got Instagram too!" I said excited. "What's your username? I want to follow you."

"Ew, mom, no." Nicole laughed.

"Why not? Do you think we're some kind of ancient people?" I asked.

"I don't want to know what you and dad are up to when we're not around."

"We have sex." Niall answered and Nicole groaned.

"That is gross. You're like fifty years old."

"I'm not even forty!" I protested.

"But seriously, I hope you don't have sex when we're like...in the same country." Ryan said.

"Your mom and I are very much sexually active." Niall announced and they all groaned, rolling their eyes.

"And she has sucked more dick than all of you put together."

"Enough with the dick talk! Yours is probably wrinkly and old!" Nicole said and Ryan scrunched his nose.

"That is not true." I spoke laughing. "It's very much-"

"No. Just no."

"Wait, are we talking about how many dicks you have sucked or how many times you have sucked?" Noah asked. "Because as far as I heard, you were a virgin when you met dad. And he was your first."

"That's true actually, but I had a boyfriend before him."

"So he was your first time?" Nicole asked, suddenly interested in the topic and not vomiting all around the place.

"Yeah, he was my first and only guy I've ever had sex with."

"What about you dad? Was mom your first?"

"She was not."

"Then your second?"

I snorted and bit my lip.

"She was my first and only love though, so that's what matters."

I smiled, and my stomach did a backflip.

"How did you two actually meet?" Nicole asked, and all three of them seemed genuinely interested in the story.

"Oh Jesus, where do I start." Niall said and I smiled while I listened to him tell the whole story from where we met until he finally proposed.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I played around with my ring and listening in, wondering how the fuck I got so lucky.

Later that night, when we made sure everyone was in bed, I joined Niall on the balcony in our room (we had a family suite) that had a view of the ocean.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and intertwined our fingers.

"Let's go skinny dipping." He said and I looked up at him in shock.


"Come on! One last time before we get really old and can't move." He said, eyes shining as bright as they did twenty-three summers ago, when he had first propositioned the idea.

"Okay." I found myself agreeing, before we snuck out of the suite and managed to get down to the beach unnoticed.

We got undressed and I followed him into the water, until it reached my neck. He then managed to grip into my hips and pull me up against his chest while I wrapped my legs around his chest.

"I love you so much." I said and he smiled, one hand coming up my back to grip into the back of my neck.

"I love you more." He answered and then pressed our lips together.

When he pulled away he smiled breathlessly and tucked a hair stray behind my ear.

"You're as beautiful as the day I met you, if not more."

"And you're a cheesy idiot with tattoos, just like the day I met you."

He smirked.

"I'm still a Teenage Dirtbag for you, princess."



Follow Jake on Instagram: https://instagram.com/jakemalikbitch

Follow Jake on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakemalikbitch

Follow Jake on Tumblr: http://jakemalikbitch.tumblr.com

Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker

Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com

Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker

Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb

Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com

Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb

Follow me on Tumblr: http://myonedirection-1dff.tumblr.com









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