Chapter 8

Rey's POV

"So you and Niall fucking or what?"

I turned to look at Maddie, who was checking out a pair of shoes.

We were out shopping three weeks later, after the festival, getting ready to leave for San Francisco for the final match. Apparently it was tradition for Maddie to buy a new pair of shoes before each match.

We were supposed to meet up in front of the pitch tomorrow, so the bus could take us to the airport in time.

"Um, I've only seen him once after the festival, and it was in Lit class. And practice, but we didn't really talk. He's been busy.", I said, looking through the clothes on the hangers.

"But you're like, friends with benefits?"

I shrugged. "He propositioned it, but I didn't give him an answer."

"But you want to, right?"

"I mean-yeah.", I admitted.

We walked towards the checkout and as we set our clothes on the counter, she turned to me:

"Did he tell you the five rules?"

"Five rules?"

"Yeah. No cuddling after sex, no fucking someone else more than once, if you fall in love with him you have to stop, no-hold on."

We handed the lady the money, before we exited the store. She turned to me.

"Yeah, so, where was I?", she asked and pointed towards the Ann Summers store at the end. There was a child crying nearby, and I decided to check out what was wrong.

"You were telling me his five rules?"

"Yeah. No kissing and no dates."

"He didn't tell me that."

She wriggled her eyebrows. "Well then maybe it's a sign."

"A sign for what?"

"Are you really that stupid? That he doesn't treat you like all the other fucks."

"Were you one of his friends with benefits?"

"Used to. But then he broke it off because Soph came along."


"I didn't mind though. He's good, but, you know, you can't just fuck and have no feelings. If I would've continued it, I would have ended up thinking we would eventually end up together. So it was for the best."

"How long has know, with Soph?"

"For like a year now. She's totally into him though. Poor girl, she actually thinks she's going to be his girlfriend. Did he give you the 'I don't believe in love, just fucking' speech?"

I nodded and we finally got to the Ann Summers store. I spotted a child on a bench nearby, crying his eyes out.

"I'll come with in a few, okay? I'm going to see what's wrong.", I told her, pointing to the little guy.

She nodded and entered the store. I made my way towards the kid who had a snotty nose and wet cheeks.

His eyes were a deep blue and I thought that he was going to be really attractive when he was going to be older.

I set my bags on the floor, before I crouched down so I could be on the same eye level.

"What's wrong baby? Are you okay?", I asked and he looked at me with glassy eyes.

I looked for a tissue through my pockets but found nothing.

"M-my mumm-y left m-me out h-here be-because I w-was bad a-and I'm sca-ared.", he stuttered, crying.

"Where is your mummy?"

He pointed to the store Maddie had just walked in, and I bit my lip.

"Have you been out here long?"

He nodded. "I'm hungry b-but mommy says I already a-ate enough f-for today."

"Do you want me to go get you a lollipop or something?"

He nodded, a smile spreading on his face.

"Wait here, okay?"

I walked to the store across from Ann Summers and got a strawberry flavored lollipop, before I returned to the kid.

As he sucked and licked on the lollipop, I debated what I should do. Should I go look for his mum? Should I go to the security guard and ask to make an announcement through the speakers?

Get his name duh

"What's your name love?", I asked looking down at him.

He looked up. "Edward."

"That's a nice name. But, what's your full name?"

"Edward Horan."

I blinked at him, then stared, before I got my phone out of my jacket and looked for Niall's number.

So this is Eddie

He answered after the third ring, sounding out of breath.


"Hi Niall, umm, I'm at the mall and I ran into um, your crying step brother, Eddie? He's in front of the Ann Summers store and, I don't know?"

"Fuck, okay. I just finished practice but I'll be there soon. Get him something to eat."

"Got him a lollipop."

"It's alright, I'll take him to McDonald's, thanks."

And then he hung up.

I sat down next to Eddie and stroked his back.

"Your big brother is coming to get you."


I smiled, nodding.

"Is he good to you?", I asked, trying to make conversation.

He nodded, chewing on the straw that was left from the lollipop.

"He's sad."


"He's sad. And he has boo-boos on his legs and arms."

"What kind of boo-boos?"

"Long red ones! He says the are because he's bad."

"He's not bad."

"I know. He's good. He always gives me candy, even if mummy is not allowing me. He's better than daddy."

I sadly smiled and listened to him trying to explain why he liked Batman.

"Ni always watches Batman with me and Lion King and Dumbo and a lot of Disney movies. And he likes a movie about a girl and a boy that he doesn't let me watch until the end because he says it's for older people."


He nodded. "And he-NI!", he yelled, before he struggled getting off the bench.

He managed it by falling on his knees, but quickly got up and I looked up to see Niall approaching. His backpack was slung on one of his shoulders and his snapback was turned backwards.

Eddie ran towards him and bumped into Niall's knees, hugging them. He barely reached Niall's waist.

A smile spread out on my face, because it was just too cute.

Niall ruffled his hair, before he looked through his pockets for something. I got up and grabbed my bags, before I walked over to him.

He fished out a tissue from his pants, before he crouched down so he could be as tall as Eddie, and wiped his nose and face.

"You okay kiddo?"

Eddie nodded and Niall took his snapback off, placing it on the little boy's head. Eddie laughed and placed his fist in his mouth.

"Do you want to get McDonald's? They have those minions you like from Despicable Me."

"Yes!", Eddie laughed and turned to look up at me from under the too large snapback.

"Can you come too? What's your name?"


"Rey.", he repeated and I nodded, smiling. "Will you come with us?"

"I would love to, but I'm here with my friend. Maddie."

"Gossiping behind my back I see?"

Maddie appeared next to me, smiling and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh hey! Is this your little stepbrother?", she asked looking at Eddie.

"Yeah.", Niall said and Maddie smiled.

"You go with them babe, I'll see you tomorrow at three o'clock sharp, okay? Don't be late."

She said the last part in a suggestive tone, looking between Niall and I, before she winked and walked away.

"So are we going to McDonald's or what?", I asked, trying to avoid a weird situation.

Niall stood up and patted Eddie's head, before his expression changed.

"Oh fuck."

I turned to see what he was looking at, and saw a woman with dyed blonde hair looking at us. She was wearing a tight white dress and high heels that clicked against the floor as she walked towards us.

"Niall.", she said and stopped right next to me, looking me up and down.

"And you are?"


She smiled and looked down at her child.

"I'm taking him home. You shouldn't bring him with you to work if you know he's not allowed in the store."

"His dad is in California and the babysitter had another job."

"You could've called me, Ann."

"Sure.", she snorted and placed her hands on her hips. "I have to get back now, nice meeting you Rey. Don't take him to McDonald's or some shit. Just take him home and get him in bed."

She then turned around and walked back to the store.

"Sorry, but she's a bitch.", I told Niall as we started walking towards McDonald's.

"What's a bitch?", Eddie asked as he held onto Niall's pinky with his hole little fist.

"Nothing.", Niall quickly said and shot me a look.

We got in line for McDonald's and Eddie ended up ordering a Happy Meal with chicken nuggets. Niall and I both got a hamburger and fries with coke.

"I want my next birthday party to be here, can you talk to mummy?", Eddie asked with his mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full.", Niall said pointing at him, also talking with his mouth full.

"Look who's talking.", I said sipping on my cola. "When's his birthday?"

"On Christmas Eve."

"And the next day Santa brings me presents! I always wait on the couch to see him, but I fall asleep every time. Niall is waiting with me and he even saw Santa once!"

Niall nodded and Eddie suddenly dug his hand in Niall's ketchup, laughing.

"What the fuck.", Niall said and pulled Eddie's hand out, wiping it with a wet tissue.

"Fuck!", Eddie repeated and I burst out laughing.

A mother shot me a disapproving look and I bit my lip in order to hide a smile.

We finished eating a few minutes later, and Niall offered to drop me off at my dorms, since Maddie was my ride.

"I'm going to teach you how to drive when we get back.", he told me once he pulled up by my building.

"Thanks. Bye Eddie!", I said turning around to wave at Eddie, who smiled.

I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance, excited about tomorrow.


I got two hours of sleep, until I had Maddie knocking on my door, half an hour before three am.

Rey and Niall:

After I got my suitcase and apologized to Amy for waking her up, I followed Maddie towards the elevator.

"This is going to be so much fun now that you're coming too, cute frosh."


She shrugged. "I don't know, I just got this feeling. It's going to be great. We're getting there a day before the actual game, and on the first night there's going to be a charity event at the hotel, where both teams are going to participate."

"What charity event?"

"They basically auction a date with the cheerleaders of each team for the night."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that people are going to put money up for a date with you."

"But that's-is it safe?"

She nodded. "We did it last year too! We raised eight grand."

"Holy shit!"

"The biggest bet was on me, of course. Seven hundred. It was a guy, I don't remember his name, but he took me on a boat and it was great. Amazing food. Now now, don't look so scared, it's going to be okay. They're not going to have sex with you if you don't want to. It's a date."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then you're off the team, sorry. I don't make the rules."

We got to the meeting point in no time, and a huge bus for fifty people was already waiting for us.

We dropped our bags to and climbed in, looking around for a place to sit.

"Yo! Maddie! Saved you a seat!", Bryan yelled and patted the two seats in front of him.

Niall, Zayn, Bryan, Josh and Ryan were in the very back, were the five seats were next to each other.

We sat down on the saved seat and I knew it was going to be an exhausting ride from the moment Niall pulled on my hair. I tried to ignore the fact that Niall had died his hair lilac again, and to ignore the fact that it was making it really hard for me to refrain myself.

"So who's going to be at the frat house?", I asked him.

"The pledges."

The thirty-minute bus ride to the airport was filled with chatter and sexual innuendos. We got to the airport one hour before take off. Of course everything was a complete chaos: someone couldn't find their luggage, Niall's snapback went missing and Zayn wasn't allowed to smoke inside the airport, which made him really frustrated.

And the chaos continued, that is, until the coach had enough and blew his whistle, climbing on a chair nearby while everyone went quiet.

"LISTEN UP! I want everyone to shut the fuck up and listen! There's no time for your prepubescent dramas and irrelevant problems! The plane will be leaving in exactly thirty minutes, which means that all of us have to move our asses to the security gates. I don't want to hear any of you complaining. There are twelve of us and forty-five of you. You'll be seated in pairs of three, in alphabetical order. There are three extremely easy rules to follow. ONE. No setting the plane on fire. TWO. No using cellphones or ay other electronic devices that need signal to work. THREE. No sex in the bathrooms with your teammates, cheerleaders or airhostess! And yes, Horan, I'm looking at you."

Niall snickered and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to read your groups out loud, and each one of you will come to collect your tickets. Put your hand down Horan, you never have intelligent questions."

He started reading everyone's name off the list he was holding. Niall was seated between two cheerleaders and I was seated with Zayn and Jake.

After everyone got their tickets, we walked towards the security gates. When we passed those and soon enough, everyone was seated in their assigned seats, ready for take off.

Niall and the two cheerleaders were sitting right behind us, and it was just my luck that both Niall and I had window seats. And he thought it would be funny if he would still keep pulling my hair and kicking my seat. Because he wasn't a 21 years old adult, he was a three year old child.

"Stop it! We're taking off soon.", I told him, turning around.

He smiled cheekily and fastened his seatbelt, winking.

"Ma'am, if you could please turn around and fasten your seatbelt. We'll be taking off in two minutes.", a stewardess said, appearing next to Jake.

"Um, yes, sorry.", I said and put my seatbelt on, then the plane took off as scheduled.

We unbuckled our seatbelts when we were told that we were allowed to. It was a five hour flight and everyone was apparently planning on sleeping.

Jake was asleep in the first hour, and Zayn was listening to his iPod with his Beats. I couldn't fall asleep because it was uncomfortable, so I tried to play Fifa on Jake's PSP, but got bored soon.

"This is shit.", I mumbled and sighed, leaning my head against the window, looking out at the dark sky.

"What a nice vocabulary, ma'am.", Niall's cheeky voice whispered to my right, so he wouldn't wake up anyone.

"Shut up."

"I was going to offer you an earphone, but I see how it is.", he said, trying to sound mad and offended.


I smiled thought, and he managed to push one of the earphones in my right ear and his chin rested against my seat, on my right.

He was playing some obnoxious rock music, so I held my hand out in order for him to give me the iPod so I could change the song.

He obeyed and handed me his iPod.

I scrolled through his music library, smiling when I saw his song, then clicking on it. It was nice, the original playing in my left ear, while he hummed the song.

When the song finished, he chose the next one, and it went on like that for the next two hours. He eventually decided to lock his iPod and put it away.

"What are you doing?", I asked and his lips brushed my ear.

"Do you want me to fuck you against the bathroom door?"

"Uh, but your coach said-"

"Fuck him. So are you in or not?"


"Fine.", he snapped and got out of his seat. I saw him walking over to the stewardess that was leaning against the wall.

He whispered something into her ear, and she looked around, before she followed him to the bathroom.

Won't she lose her job?

I rolled my eyes and played with my thumbs. Niall came thirty minutes later, hair tousled, cheeks flushed and red lips.

"Had fun?", I asked and he winked, sitting back down.

"So have you thought about-"

"Passengers please fasten your seatbelts, we'll be landing in ten minutes."

Everyone slowly started waking up, stretching and yawning.

And hour later we were in front of the huge hotel, that was just a few blocks away from the pitch.

I could see the bus from the other team as well. It appeared as if they'd also just arrived.

Coach turned to us and spoke through the microphone, startling me:

"You have exactly ten seconds to pick a roommate, and no, Horan, boys cannot room with girls. I know that you'll sneak out anyway, but even though you're all adults here, lights out at midnight. The game is in two days, and you need to rest. I don't think I need to go over the rules, but I'll say them just in case. They aren't hard to follow. Don't sleep with anyone from the opposite team, don't eat anything that the opposite team offers you, and do NOT have any sexual relation whatsoever with anyone on the opposite team. We're here to win, not to fuck around. Behave and make sure to be in time at the restaurant for the dinner auction at seven."

With that said, the coach gestured for us to leave the bus and claim our luggage.

I was rooming with Maddie in room 310, across from Bryan and Niall (lucky us).

"So do we have to like, dress formally?"

Maddie nodded, showing me the dress she planned on wearing. Then she helped me pick the dress and we went to bed, setting our alarm at 4pm, so we would have enough time to get ready and also get some good sleep.

When we got up, we took turns to go to the bathroom to shower and put makeup on.


"So who is allowed to bet on us?", I asked her as we made our way towards the elevator, three hours later.

"Anyone who's at the restaurant. The other cheerleaders do it too, but just the girls. Also, some teachers from Uni usually come for the game, so they just the auction for fun."

Teachers from University? Oh no.

We got to the restaurant, and everyone was dressed fancy. The girls wore dresses and the guys button-up shirts and jeans.

We sat down at the round table for twenty, and I placed my leather jacket on the back of the seat.

The room was full, and I anxiously scanned the room for Mr. Grey, hoping that he wouldn't be here. He didn't seem the type to enjoy soccer. But you never knew with him.

It seemed like luck wasn't on my side at all today, because I spotted him at the table with the other coaches and some teachers.

Ten minutes later, a man stepped on the stage and announced that the auction will be starting. The host team went first, and they raised about five thousand dollars in total.

"It's our turn!", Maddie said excited and all the girl cheerleaders walked in a line on stage. I was number three, after Maddie and Ashleigh.

A guy bid a hundred dollars on Ashleigh, and Bryan bought Maddie for $150.

"And now we have Renee Delilah Parker. She's 18, likes to skateboard and dance. She loves Ed Sheeran and her ideal date would be at an amusement park."

I remembered writing my information down an a piece of paper a few days ago, when our coach asked us to.

Some random guy from the opposite team bid a hundred dollars, and all I could do was stand and awkwardly smile next to the presenter.

"Three hundred.", a familiar voice said and I bit my lip, locking eyes with Mr. Grey. Was it even legal for him to bet on me? He's my teacher for god's sakes!

Maybe they'll allow it because it's for charity?? That's fucked up

"Three hundred going once, going twice-"

"Four hundred."

Everyone turned to stare at Niall, who was leaning back in his seat, playing with his fork.

"Four hundred. Going-"

"Five hundred!", Mr. Grey interjected.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have the highest bid since 20-"

"Seven fucking hundred.", Niall said and murmurs filled the whole restaurant.

"Seven hundred going once, going twice, SOLD!"

I had no idea what to say, so I just kind of shuffled next to Maddie until the auction was over.

At the end, the presenter thanked everyone and announced that they raised twelve grand, and then asked us to go sit with our bidders so we could get to know them better.


I walked over to Niall, who was really occupied with his phone. Bryan and I changed seats so we would both sit next to our 'partners'.

There was something going on between Bryan and Maddie and I had to know what.

"So um, thanks for buying me?", I said once I sat down next to Niall, who was still typing on his phone.

He was texting Soph.

"What?", he asked, his eyes tearing from the screen.

"I said thanks for buying me."

He shrugged. "That fucking sicko is looking for trouble.", he said and I looked in the direction where he was looking, to see Mr. Grey talking to a teacher.

"So where are we going?"

"At an Italian restaurant and then we'll walk along the Golden Gate Bridge for a while. If you want."

"Really?", I asked, smiling.

He nodded.

"I reckon you telling me that you wanted to walk along the Golden Gate Bridge at night to see the lights and cars and the moon shining over the water and some shit."

"So are we leaving now?"

He nodded and stood up, pushing the chair away with the back of his knees.

He grabbed his coat from the back of the seat and announced our departure. I put my jacket on and zipped it up, feeling a bit too exposed in my dress.

We walked out of the restaurant, and then out of the hotel.

He hailed a cab and we both sat in the back seat. He told the driver an address that I knew was close to the bridge.

It was an Italian restaurant that had was quite full because it apparently had a reputation and amazing cuisine.

When it turned out that there were no available tables left, Niall suggested that we should get something to eat from a sandwich shop.

I didn't care where we went, as long as I was with him.

We ended up buying extremely long sandwiches from a Subway shop, which we ate on our way to the bridge.

Once we were actually walking on it, I opened up a subject:

"You know that this bridge is the world's most used place for suicide?"

He looked down at me as we walked, and I instagrammed a picture of the view.

There were a few people on the bridge, since it was getting dark, but I liked it because it seemed more intimate and it made me forget that my feet were killing me in these heels.

"Yeah?", he asked.

I nodded. "I saw a documentary that came out in like, 2006. Twenty-something people jumped. Kind of scary."

"Scary, but it works, doesn't it?", he asked, glancing out at the water, in which the moon was reflecting now.

"I hope you're not contemplating anything?", I asked, unsure if I was joking or actually being serious.

He didn't say anything, and after a few more minutes of walking, we stopped on one of those special visitor ledges, where you could photograph during the day.

He leaned his back against it, taking out a pack of cigarettes, lighting one up.

"Ugh.", I protested and leaned my hip against the bar that reached up to my chest.

"Stop lecturing about smoking, it's not going to make me stop."

He turned around and leaned against his elbows, staring out at the endless horizon.

I had no idea how long I've been staring for, but Niall made my head snap up.

"'S a long way down."

"Wha'?", I asked confused, but then I realized he was talking to the skinny boy a few meters away, who was leaning over, looking down at the water.

He looked up surprised. He had a messenger bag over his shoulder and his hair was messy, bags under his eyes.

I immediately recognized him from the team Niall would be playing against the day after tomorrow. He was the captain.

"Leave him alone.", I mumbled to Niall.

"Shut up.", he said and turned to the boy, who was staring at us with big eyes.

"Your probably going to break a couple of bones. And survive. And then it's all going to hell."

"I don't...", the boy started and nervously fumbled with the zipper of his sports hoodie.

"Thought of it myself, actually. Came here earlier to see if it was worth it and I saw you leaning over like you wanted to jump, the police took you back to the hotel."

I was speechless, watching Niall talking to the guy.

"How-what?", he asked, confused.

"Oh, and I also saw the note you left on the door of your boyfriend. 'Peace Out'? That's a bit blunt."

"He's not my-"

"So that's not why you were fucking him in the toilets earlier."

"I'm not-I'm not gay. That's disgusting and not appropriate."

"So that's why you're planning on jumping? Because it's disgusting and you're ashamed?"

The boy didn't reply.

"That's the lamest thing ever. If you're going to jump, at least do it for a good reason, not because you like cock up your arse."

"Niall.", I tried interjecting but he ignored me.

"And how do you know so much about this?", the guy snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Already told you. Thought about it myself."


Niall shrugged. "Reasons. So why don't you call a cab and go back to the hotel? Your team's going to lose something much more important than a game."

The guy didn't answer, and after a second of hesitation, he hailed himself up over the bar and landed on the small ledge. One more step and he would be falling.

My heart started beating faster and I was panicking.

"If you're going to jump, I'm going to do it too. And you'll have me on you conscience forever."

"What? Are you-", I started yelling and Niall shot me a look.

"You won't.", the guy said.

"I will.", Niall said, leaning over the bar a bit, softly gripping into his hood so the guy wouldn't notice.

"You'll regret this."

"That's true. All the survivors that jumped said that the last thing they thought about before hitting the water was that they didn't want to die and this was a bad decision.", I said, surprisingly calm.

"I won't. I will do this, leave me alone.", the guy said, not looking up.

"But you don't want to."

"And how the fuck to do you know that?"

"Because you would've done it a long time ago."

There was a short silence.

"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.", Niall said and then gripped into the guys' shoulders, pulling him over the railing and slamming him against it.

"Now get a fucking cab and drive home, before I call an ambulance and they lock you in a psycho hospital. It's either soccer, or psychiatric ward. You decide."

The guy stared at Niall, before asked me to call a cab, which I did.

Shortly after, Niall released his grip, but held a firm hand on his shoulder, just in case.

The cab came and the guy leaned up to press a kiss to Niall's lips.

"Thank you. I don't know what came over me. I'm a coward."

"Don't mention it. Now go back to the hotel and fuck your boyfriend. I'll check up on you."

The guy nodded, before he got into the taxi and disappeared.

"That was...nice of you.", I said and he turned to me, shrugging.

"Filled him up with bullshit to convince him that he wasn't alone."

"Can we like, get back now? My heels are hurting me."

He nodded and we walked back in complete silence, until he chose to break it, once we were in the cab:

"So have you thought about my proposition?"

"What proposition?", I asked, playing dumb. I knew exactly what he was referring to, but I didn't want the driver to hear and judge me.

He stared at me intensely, before he averted his gaze and a few seconds later we stopped in front of the hotel.

He paid the driver and once we were out of the car I groaned, taking my heels off as I held onto his arm.

"So, thanks for the, um, date? It was-"

"The shittiest date I've ever been on."

I stared at him.

"Have you been on many dates?"

He nodded and shrugged, before we entered the hotel.

I immediately saw Mr. Grey leaning against the reception desk with a wine glass in his hand, talking to the receptionist.

He looked up and smiled, standing up straight. He opened his mouth to say something, but Niall raised his index to sush him and I stopped, watching him walk towards Sebastian.

He was slightly towering over him as he lowly spoke to him, so I wouldn't hear. It didn't take long before he turned around and motioned me to head towards the elevator with him.

"What did you say to him?", I asked as he pressed the button.

He didn't answer, so the elevator ride was filled with silence and the occasional glances through the mirror (and sexual tension-at least on my part).

He walked with his hands into the pockets of his blazer, staring at his sneakers.

We stopped in front of our doors, and I turned to face him.

"So...we should probably get some sleep."

"We should.", he said, coming closer, so close that I could feel his breath on the top of my head.

"So about the proposition?", he asked, his fingers coming up to my ribs.

"Um...I mean, I feel a bit easy when you like, give me rules and just expect me to obey them. I have rules too."

His eyebrows rose. "You do?"

I nodded.

"Let's hear them then."

"Um, so. No fucking girls in the same bed as me."

He frowned.

"I've never done that."

I crossed my arms.

"What about that time after the concert? When you slept in the same bed as me and the guys said Sophie did her walk of shame the next morning?"

He rolled his eyes. "I passed out before we were able to do anything."

"But you took my earphones out?"

He nodded.

"Okay maybe I faked the passing out so I wouldn't fuck her. Was exhausted from fucking you."

And with that, he leaned down to kiss me.

"What did I say about curfew?"

We stepped back at the same time, looking at his coach, who stood at the end of the hallway.

"Sorry coach."

"Get your ass in your room Horan. We have practice the whole day tomorrow."

Niall nodded and squeezed my ribcage, before he turned around and unlocked his door.

There was a short silence, where I just stared at the coach before snapping out of my thoughts.

"Right.", I awkwardly said, opening the door and rushing inside.



The next day was spent practicing and I didn't get to talk to Niall until the day of the actual game, right before it started.

Apparently there was a ritual where the coaches would gather both the cheerleading team and the soccer team, in order to say some encouraging words. They seemed to find the speech "I want you to get out there and play like you never played before, like you're about to rip their balls out and eat them! Do that if you need to prove a point, do anything you want, but win the fucking cup" very encouraging, because they cheered and yelled like they were a bunch of zoo animals.

Someone came in the locker room and announced that there were five minutes left until the game started, and I was taken by surprise when all the female cheerleaders went to Niall and kissed him on the cheeks at the same time.

Maddie shot me a look I didn't quite understand, before all the cheerleaders made their way out of the locker room, towards the pitch to perform a short routine.

I was about to follow them, but someone caught my arm and pulled me around.

I looked up at Niall.

"Niall I need to go. And you should get ready too.", I said, motioning to the guys who were tying their shoes and doing last minute stretches.

"Where's my good luck kiss?"

"You just go like, ten of them."

"Yeah but not from my favorite cheerleader.", he said, showing off his annoying dimple.

I rolled my eyes and stood up on my tiptoes, then kissed his cheek. He smelled like a really good cologne.

"Not there.", he continued and I smiled, shaking my head.

"Maybe if you win the game...", I trailed off and he looked at me, surprised.

I walked off, but not before he slapped my arse, like he usually did.

I smiled to myself as I quickly ruffled my pompoms and jogged towards the other cheerleaders that were in line on the pitch.

The stadium was full, taking me by surprise. I didn't expect so many people to show up at a simple college final.

After our routine, they started announcing the players, and of course Niall got the most screams and cheers when he emerged on the field.

It was 2-2 by half time, and also the first minute of the second half, when some guy from the opposite team scored.

And then Niall scored in the last minute, which had everyone go nuts. The goal lead to the penalty shots and the opposite team was up first, since they scored the first goal of the match.

They picked the guy from last night, the one on the bridge. When he missed the goal, our team picked Niall, who walked up to the ball and shot me a quick look, lining up.

He bit his lip and seemed to be thinking about something, before he suddenly closed the distance between him and the ball, kicking it.

It went straight into the net.

For a moment, there was silence, before everyone just started yelling and people rose to their feet. The whole team ran towards him and Niall jumped on them, raising his fist in the air and yelling.

The coach grabbed the cup from the table and raised it up as confetti started falling from the sky.

Niall was then lifted up onto Bryan's and Zayn's shoulders, and they carried him, still high on winning towards the coach who approached them quickly, together with the other adults involved in the team.

When we got to the locker room, it was even worse. Josh opened a bottle of champagne, and liquid was now flying all over the room, spraying everyone and everything in sight.

And because I didn't want to get sticky liquid in my hair, I sat down on a bench far away from the crowd and waited until everyone decided to go to the bar right across the street and celebrate.

"You coming babe?", Maddie asked, appearing next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"No...I think I'll just go back to the hotel and chill at the pool. Not really up for drinking tonight."

"Okay then. See you later.", she said patting my back and slapping my arse, before she walked off, jumping on Bryan's back and kissing the back of his head.

I stood up eventually when they cleared out, before I grabbed my jacket from the hanger and put it on.

"So you're not coming with?"

I turned around, startled by the familiar voice. Niall was leaning against the lockers, soccer shirt in hand, exposing his chest.

"Um, yeah."

"What about my 'little more' if I won the game?"

"Um-I didn't think-"

"You didn't think I could do it?", he asked, his expression turning serious.

"No, I mean-yes. I mean-ugh. I knew you could win, but I didn't think you'd take it serious. Or remember."

"Oh, I'm as serious as I can get.", he said and stepped towards me, softly pushed me up against a wall.

"Okay?", I said, my voice squeaking.

He stared down at me and his left hand came up to rest next to my head, before he leaned down and kissed me.

My hands went to rest on his shoulders as I tilted my head. His right hand came up to my thigh and went up, until he reached the hem of my panties.

"Wait, someone will walk in."

He shook his head.

"They're all out to the pub across the street."

"Oh.", was all I could say, because he reattached our lips, fumbling with my skirt, not really realizing it had an actual zipper, so he ended up ripping it at the seams in order to get it down my legs.

"Niall!", I protested.

"You're not going to get in trouble, trust me.", he said, and I knew he had probably ripped a lot of skirts before.

"I want you to ride me.", he said and my stomach did a flip, my core catching fire.

I stepped out of my skirt and he pulled my cheerleading top over my head, eyes glimmering with lust and eagerness.

I took off his jersey, running my hands over his abs. He pulled down his soccer shorts and I bit my lip when I eyed his hard on. He smirked cockily and sat down on the bench that was a few feet from him, pulling me towards him.

He took his boxers off and started slowly pumping himself as he watched me take my underwear off, remaining in my sneakers and bra.

I saw him leaning over to a bag behind him, before he searched for something in it. He pulled out a black condom, which he then opened and rolled down on his cock.

I bit my lip and smiled at him, sitting down in his lap, my legs on the other side of the bench.

He licked his lips and I gripped into his shaft, lining it up at my entrance before sinking down.

He moaned and I let out a shaky breath when he was all the way in.

"I can feel you in my stomach.", I said and his eyes glimmered, before he attached our lips hungrily.

We kissed like that for a couple of minutes, neither of us moving. Then I eventually started moving up and down, feeling the muscles in my thighs clench.

I ran my hands through his hair, pulling at it and he eventually started moving his hips up to meet my thrusts. The sound of skin slapping on skin was so hot, and all I could do was kiss his neck. He smelled so good, even though he was already sweaty from the game and sprayed with champagne.

"Fuck.", he groaned. "You feel so good."

My core tingled, and my whole body was on fire. I moaned really loud, when he hit what I knew was my g-spot.

I soon got tired so I just let him to the whole work, thrusting up into me and moaning. His breaths came out in haste, quick and hot.

Our breaths eventually merged into one and we weren't even kissing at this point. He started nibbling at my neck and I scratched his back, feeling his hot skin under my fingers.

"You're so hot.", he whispered into my ear and kissed me open mouthed.

"I'm close.", I announced him out of breath, and he nuzzled his nose into my neck.

I was about to cum, when I saw the door open, and a middle-aged man with a moustache entered the room. He had a mop in his hand and seemed to be mumbling to himself.

"Shit.", I said and the man's eyes immediately fell on us. He was horrified, and dropped the mop before he hurried out of the room, slamming the door.

"What the fuck?", Niall asked and I tightened my walls around him, making him cum.

I didn't finish when I pulled out, but I didn't mind. I felt sorry for the janitor that was only trying to do his job, and kind of guilty, even though I had no reason to feel like that.

"What's wrong?"

"A janitor came in and saw us fuck, Niall."

He burst out laughing.

"Are you serious?", he laughed and I was glad he didn't mention the fact that I didn't get to finish.

I pulled up my panties and he handed me one of his shirts that he found in his bag, telling me to put it on so I wouldn't be cold.

After we both showered (in different locker rooms), we got dressed and joined the others at the pub across the street.

I told Maddie and Amy what happened, and all that Amy had to say was:

"You're so going to fall for him, it's not even funny."

And deep down I knew that she was somehow right.




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