Chapter 7
Sorry it took so long! But I had exams and a lot of assignments which led to a lack of updates !
Previously in Chapter 6:
Niall made an appearance a few minutes later, with a backpack packed and amazing lilac hair.
He pushed his black Ray Bans onto his head and looked at a piece of paper filled with the names of everyone who was coming.
" I think everyone is here, right?", he asked and started looking around the living room, counting people.
The doorbell suddenly rang and everyone turned silent.
"Since when do we have a fucking doorbell?", Niall asked and turned towards the hallway.
"Actually, there's someone else joining us.", Katherine said smiling at me, before she hopped off the bar and placed the beer on it.
"Who?", Niall asked confused, before Katherine disappeared to get the door.
The door opened and I heard a familiar voice, before Sam appeared with a backpack in hand.
"Oh my god!", I screamed, excitement filling my body.
I jumped off the chair and ran over to him, jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around him. His hands came to my waist as he pressed a short kiss to my lips.
He let me down and I turned to everyone. I was met with surprised, confused and happy expressions.
"Everyone, this is Sam. My boyfriend from England."
Rey's POV
Amy was the first one to speak after a long silence.
"Oh! Cool! I heard so much about you Sam.", she said and walked towards him, holding her hand out.
"You're her roommate, right?", Sam asked smiling, putting an arm around me and shaking Amy's hand.
"That's me."
Soon enough everyone got back to normal, teasing Sam and joking around with him. He got accommodated really quickly, which was amazing because I would've hated if there was going to be some tension this weekend.
And I was glad that no one even bothered to mention the fact that I slept with Niall. I had to tell him myself. And I was going to, as soon as the festival was going to come to an end.
We eventually called about twenty cabs that took us to the festival grounds. There were like a thousand yellow cabs and cars lined up in parking lot. The park was filled with people on the sidewalk and the queue was huge, people who wanted to camp out and finally enter anxiously waiting.
"We're going to wait forever.", I whined as the cab stopped.
"We have backstage passes so we can enter through the back.", Katherine told me. "We're going to meet up with Tyler in front of the back entrance."
Sam helped me carry my suitcase and Ricky helped Katherine as we made our way to the back entrance. The festival was indeed taking up half of Central Park, and tall, metal wired fences had been set up to separate the park from the festival.
Sam's dance club and their teacher, Tyler and our dance club and One Direction were all waiting up for us at the back. The rest of our huge group had to wait in line to get tickets.
"Holy shit, how many people are actually coming?", I asked when I saw another long queue at another gate.
"About ten thousand people are said to attend. There are like, three stages and six gates. It's huge.", Katherine informed me.
Each one of us got their VIP passes, before we got let in on the festival grounds.
"We're supposed to meet up with the others on the camping grounds. Section 3 is all us."
After we got in, it didn't take long for us to find our camping section. There were like 10 sections next to The Lake and Conservatory Pond. The festival grounds started from Central Park South and reached the end of the Loeb Boat House.
"My club is over in section two, but you can visit me any time, yeah babe?", Sam asked and I smiled, pecking him. He left with his bag towards his section.
The others joined us an hour later, when we were already half through putting the tents up. We managed to put up all of them thirty minutes later, and that's when the fights about who slept with who started.
Somehow we managed to settle in, and I ended up in a tent with Maddie, Soph, Ashleigh and Amy. Katherine was crashing with Ricky and some of his mates, while Niall was in a tent with his bandmates, Bryan and Ryan. The rest of the frat boys split into groups of five and so did the sorority girls, the soccer team and the cheerleaders.
Around three am we were done with settling in, and our group (not the whole section) decided we should get some lunch and check out the setlist.
"Oh! We're on tonight!", Liam said excitedly, pointing to the setlist everyone was currently huddled around.
"And we're dancing tomorrow night.", Katherine pointed out.
Sam joined us a few minutes later as we stood in line for hotdogs. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me against his chest as I talked to Amy.
I smiled when he pressed a kiss on the top of my head, then started playing with the hem of my Nirvana shirt.
Amy then turned around to talk to Ryan and I made eye contact with Niall, who had already sat down on a huge blanket set out by our group, together with Liam and Zayn, who were surprisingly close, their arms and legs touching as they sat and ate.
When we finally got our hot dogs we walked towards the blanket where everyone was sat.
I sat down next to Sam and he put his arm around me as we ate.
"You've got something there.", Niall told me and pointed above his lip.
I wiped off the ketchup from my lip (yes I hated mustard with a passion) and thanked him.
"Who are you?", Sam asked in a friendly tone.
"Niall as in Niall?", Sam asked in disbelief, looking at me.
"I guess so?", Niall said shaking his hand, and I couldn't se his expression behind his Ray Bans.
"The Niall from two years ago, right? The one you had that fling with."
I nodded, avoiding his eyes.
"Thanks for preparing my girl mate. Her mouth does amazing things.", Sam said and I blushed while everyone hollered and wolf whistled.
"I know.", Niall muttered and we made a swift eye contact.
I leaned my head on Sam's shoulder as I sucked my fingers clean.
"You're in One Direction, right? Saw a poster at the entrance.", Sam continued and Niall nodded.
"That's cool."
And surprisingly, they started talking about Niall being in a band and Sam being a dancer.
Sam took his jacket off, revealing his toned biceps and tattoos. Niall's eyes immediately spotted them as he talked.
"Hey Rey? Can you come here for a bit?", Amy asked and I crawled over to her.
"You don't see it, do you?"
"See what?"
"Look at your ex and your actual boyfriend."
I did as she told me, then looked back at her.
"What about it?"
"Sam is really similar to Niall. He has nice eyes, tall, has lots of tattoos, likes music and is really funny.", she whispered.
"Um? So? Maybe I just have a type.", I whispered back.
"Oooor, you got together with someone that reminded you of Niall."
"Sam is nothing like Niall. Sam is way better.", I told her and realized that I said it out loud, which made everyone stare at me.
Niall bit his lip and I felt incredibly guilty because it wasn't true at all. I was just trying to convince myself rather than Amy.
Soon enough, everyone returned to their previous chatter, but my mind was filled with sorry.
I crawled back to Sam and he eventually pulled me between his legs so I would lean back into him as he continued talking to Niall.
I could definitely tell that Niall was much more reserved this time, only talking when asked, pretending to listen to Sam's words.
I'm such an idiot
I spotted Zayn looking at something through his phone, and Liam crawled behind him, leaning over his shoulder to whisper something in his ear.
I smiled when Zayn bit his lip and turned his head to Liam, their noses bumping together.
Then they sat up at once, before they left without another word.
"You know they're going to fuck.", Maddie said smirking and everyone laughed, nodding.
"So how did you and Rey meet, Sam?", Soph asked laying down on her stomach next to Niall.
"We met in 11th grade-actually, I knew her since middle school but I only properly met her when we went to the same dance club. And I asked her out in December because she was hot and beautiful and cute, and yeah.", he said pinching my cheek.
I smiled.
"Oh my god so you're celebrating two years in like a month!", Maddie exclaimed. "Good for you cute frosh!"
Sam laughed at the nickname and pressed a kiss to my cheek.
"You two are so cute.", Soph gushed and smiled. "Gonna make pretty babies."
"It's weird though, you never noticed me in middle school."
"Oh I did. You were the fattest girl in the entire school."
My heart and face immediately sunk, sudden sadness washing over me.
"You were fat in middle school?", Soph asked. "What happened? Did you have an eating disorder?"
I had no idea what to say, I felt trapped under their stares.
"Does anyone want more beer?", Niall asked, getting up. Everyone's attention drifted to him.
"Sorry if that made you uncomfortable babe.", Sam told me when Niall and Soph disappeared to get more drinks.
They returned an hour later (I wonder why), when Liam and Zayn also appeared.
"Had fun?", I asked Liam when everyone started packing up because Justin Bieber was performing in half an hour and One Direction in two.
"I don't know what you mean?", Liam responded, his voice kind of squeaky.
"We just-we went to the toilet.", Zayn justified and Liam nodded.
"So the toilet changed your shirts and messed up your hair?", I asked amused, crossing my arms.
"I told you I just had my hair done so you shouldn't touch it!", Zayn exploded, taking his hands to his hair.
Liam face palmed and it was kind of cute, because Zayn's shirt was tight against Liam's built chest, whereas Zayn was swimming in Liam's top.
"Where's Sam?", Katherine asked twenty minutes later when we got to the side of the stage thanks to the VIP passes.
"He's dancing for Justin Bieber!"
"No!", the girls said at the same time.
I nodded excited but I could swear I saw Niall roll his eyes.
Everyone screamed when the first beats started and Justin, followed by his dancers came on stage, making the huge crowd go wild.
I smiled through the whole thing, not knowing who I should stare at; Justin or Sam.
"That's my boyfriend!", I yelled to Maddie proudly.
"Which one?", she joked and I laughed.
Justin finished an hour later, and everyone was freaking out.
Sam came down the stairs a few minutes after and grabbed my hand.
"Do you want to meet him? He has to get to the airport but if we hurry you can take an autograph!"
"Oh my god yes!", I yelled and followed him quickly up the stairs, feeling like I was about to cry.
When we got back stage, I felt like I was about to pass out because holy shit Justin fucking Bieber was a few meters away from me, getting undressed.
"Hey mate, this is my girlfriend. Huge fan.", Sam said and Justin smiled.
"Hi-I'm Rey. Hi.", I stuttered and held my hand out.
But I died because he pulled me into a hug so I could smell his expensive perfume.
"I really have to go but I can sign your arm if you want?"
"Uh-yeah!", I said, not believing my ears.
Justin took a sharpie from someone and signed a 'you're pretty Rey, love Justin' on my arm.
Then he was pulled away by his bodyguards and I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably.
"How was it? Did he smell good? Is he cute?", everyone bombarded me with questions once Sam and I returned.
"He hugged me then signed my arm!", I told ghem and held it out.
"That's so cool!", Katherine said excited.
"I'm never washing it again.", I told her, leaning into Sam when he wrapped an arm around me.
"Thank you.", I told him.
"I love you.", he said and I smiled.
"I love you."
"So much.", he continued.
"Me too.", I replied and he pressed a kiss to my lips.
"You two are so adorable it makes me want to puke.", Soph said.
I saw Katherine and Amy exchange looks. I would ask them about what that was later.
I didn't even notice Niall in the corner until Liam called him to tell him that they had to get ready.
They sang their usual songs and Zayn even sang Little Things, trying (but failing) not to look at Liam.
"They're amazing!", Sam told me as the last song finished and Niall threw his guitar pick in the massive crowd.
"I know!"
"And was it just me or did that Zayn guy sing to Liam?"
"He did."
"Are they together?"
"I don't know. They're cute though."
Sam nodded as the boys came off the stage.
"You crushed it!", Maddie said kissing Niall's cheek as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Don't I always?", he asked cockily, causing me to roll my eyes.
"One day you'll get stuck like that.", he snapped and I looked at him, my stomach feeling empty because he was mad at me for some reason.
"Can we go eat now? I'm starving!", Soph whined.
"We could go to the Ferris wheel first because it's in our way, then eat at the Boat House.", Maddie suggested and everyone agreed.
I rode the Ferris wheel with Sam and we spent it snogging non stop because, truth be told, I missed him.
We stopped at our tents on our way to dinner, since it was getting cold.
I grabbed my parka and Sam grabbed his almost identical one, before he linked our fingers as we waited together with Katherine and Ricky for the rest of the group.
Niall was the last one to show up, and it got really awkward because he was wearing his green parka that matched mine.
"Wow, talk about awkwaaaard.", Amy whistled in my ear as we walked towards the restaurant.
"Shut up.", I hissed and Sam laughed, pulling me closer to him once we entered the building.
Katherine talked to the lady at the reception desk, and she guided us to a table for fourteen.
"Holy shit this is expensive.", I said looking at the menu.
"I can pay babe.", Sam told me and I smiled at him.
"So the finals are in San Francisco this year?", Soph asked, trying to make conversation.
"Finals?", Sam asked confused.
"Niall, Bryan, Jake and Zayn are on the soccer team and qualified to the finals.", Maddie filled him in.
"Really? That's cool!"
"And your girlfriend, Ashleigh and I are cheering!"
"You're a cheerleader?", Sam asked surprised and I nodded.
"You need to let me see you in that uniform of yours.", he said smirking and I blushed.
"So we're going to travel with the soccer team to San Francisco?", I asked and Maddie nodded.
"When's the game?"
"On the 30th but we leave on the 28th."
The waiter then interrupted us by coming to take our orders.
Niall was quiet throughout the meal, barely touching his food and Maddie asked him if he was okay, to which he replied with a fake smile and an 'okay'.
When we exited the building and decided to go chill by the lake so the guys could smoke, it was already dark outside.
We got settled on the grass right by the lakeside, the streetlights and moon mirroring in the water.
I cuddled up to Sam and put my head on his shoulder as he smoked.
"You should come by my tent tonight babe.", he whispered, failing however, because everyone turned to look at us.
"Okay.", I agreed and he pulled me onto his lap, putting his cigarette out on the grass.
His hands went to my bum and he started kissing me. Ryan wolf whistled and Liam made gagging noises, so I decided it would be for the best if I would just get off of Sam and continue what we started later.
"How late is it?", I asked Katherine who was going through her phone.
"Almost eleven.", she answered and Maddie yawned, announcing that she was tired.
"We should get back.", Liam suggested and after ten more minutes of smoking and talking, we decided it would be for the best to go to sleep.
"Wait half an hour then come, okay? So my mates are asleep.", Sam said coming up behind me once we got back to our tents.
I nodded and he kissed my temple, before he wished everyone goodnight and disappeared.
Amy and Maddie watched him leave, then Maddie said, almost bursting:
"Okay he's soooo cute!"
I smiled and walked to the tent to get my toothbrush and toothpaste. We walked together to the bathroom that was two minutes away.
When we got back, everyone was already in their tents so we just got changed and shuffled into our sleeping bags.
"Rey?", Maddie's voice was heard a few minutes later and I turned from Amy to her.
"Yeah?", I whispered back.
There was a short pause, and distant voices from people that were still enjoying themselves could be heard.
"Can you be honest with me?", she asked, and I suddenly got nervous.
"What happened?"
"Did Niall take your virginity?"
"Hm? I mean-ugh, yes."
"I knew it.", she smiled and shuffled so she was on her side, facing me.
"Look, I'm sorry about lying, but I wanted to be a cheer-"
"I don't care about that.", she interrupted me and I was surprised and relieved.
After another pause, she whispered:
"Do you like Niall?"
"Of course."
"Not like a friend. Like, more than a friend, a crush."
"I-no. I have a boyfriend."
"But say if you wouldn't? Would you like him?"
"Why? Do you like him or?"
"Oh no, I mean, he's a lovely fuck but he's just a friend."
I chuckled, trying not to wake anyone up.
"So why do you want to know?"
"I don't know...I'm just wondering because...I think he's jealous and I found out that he wrote that great song about you."
"Um, yeah. We had a fling two years ago. And why do you think he's jealous?"
"Um, hello? He barely spoke today and he kept glancing at you and Sam, before he went off and fucked Soph. He's been fucking Soph ever since he came to BU."
"But-Soph is great."
"Not for Niall though."
"Why not?"
She shrugged.
"Where is this all coming from?"
"It started when Niall changed cheerleaders. I found that quite odd."
I rolled my eyes.
"He's just a pervert, really."
"I'm telling you, there's something about you that he likes."
"Yeah, I have a vagina."
It was her turn to roll her eyes.
"I hate it when people label him as a womanizer.", she said and I felt bad for implying that.
"But...he does have sex every day. Or almost every day."
"I think it's his way of escaping from stuff.", Amy suddenly said and I sat up and turned around so I could see both of them.
"Escaping from what?"
"I don't", Maddie suggested and I started pulling up my knee high socks because all I wanted to do was get away from these Niall thoughts and go to Sam.
"Yeah...I think he's misjudged."
Wasn't that what Kaylee told me two years ago? That he's misunderstood?
"People think that just because he has good looks and a reputation that he's cool and his life must be perfect. But I think it's far from that.", Amy spoke and I managed to pull up the other sock on.
"Where are you going?", Amy asked as I put on my Vans.
"To Sam."
"An alarm is ringing."
"Shit.", I said and turned off the alarm.
"Fuck.", I cursed.
"I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow-well, technically today, and I don't have tampons. Do any of you have?"
They shook their heads and I sighed.
"You put an alarm every month to remind yourself that you're supposed to menstruate?", Amy asked.
"Yes! I forget stuff. I guess I'm going to have to ask Sam to come with me to the pharmacy. Do you guys know one close to here?"
"Yeah, there's one on 9th Avenue. Like, twenty minutes from here or so."
"Shit. And we don't have a car. Fine, um. Thanks."
I grabbed a beanie from my bag and some money that I then put in my bra, before I got up and unzipped the layer.
"If I'm not back in an hour, call the police.", I said and they chuckled, all three of us knowing that they would fall asleep as soon as I left.
I made sure to put the VIP pass around my neck so I wouldn't be let out.
"Fuck.", I cursed and managed to exit the foyer.
It was chilly, but not cold enough for my teeth to clatter. I was wearing Hollister shorts and a black sweater.
I tried to locate a way to Sam's section, and it was a bit hard, since the only light source was the moon and the lights coming from the festival that was like, two hundred meters away from me.
I started walking, hoping that no one would kidnap me, when I bumped into someone and almost yelled.
I recognized him immediately thanks to his height and low muffed 'fuck'.
"Where are you going?", Niall questioned and I squinted my eyes until I could see him clearly. I wasn't wearing contacts nor glasses so I was a bit blind.
"Where are you going?"
"I asked first."
"I'm going to wake up Sam.", I said crossing my arms over my chest, looking up at him and expecting an answer.
"I was going for a smoke.", he mumbled, showing me his cigarettes and lighter. "Why do you need to wake him up? Can't sex wait until tomorrow or?"
"Ha. No. I actually um, I actually need him to come with me to the pharmacy. I hate walking alone through the darkness."
"Why do you need to go to the pharmacy? You okay?"
"That's non of your business. Now if you'll excuse me.", I said and walked past him, immediately feeling guilty for talking to him that way. But I couldn't help it. I was afraid that I wouldn't control myself around him and it would lead to me kissing him or something.
Especially when he was wearing a snuggly sweater and sweatpants and no piercings and fluffy hair andugh.
"Sam?", I whispered loudly once I got under his foyer.
"Finally.", I heard his voice and he unzipped the layer, smiling.
"Um, I actually need to go to the pharmacy."
"I need you to come with me."
"What do you need?"
"Um. Tampons."
"Fuck, are you on your period?"
"Not now but I will be in like a day."
"Just ask someone, I don't know. I'm tired."
"Oh.", I said, my heart sinking. "Okay. Goodnight."
Now I have to walk alone
What if I get raped or something
I don't even have a phone
On my way I picked up a two foot long branch that was going to be my weapon. I had to get to gate 4, which was like ten minutes away from where I was. That meant walking alone through semi darkness.
There were a few people walking with drinks in hand and chatting, mainly couples.
I froze and turned to see that I just passed Niall, who was sitting on a bench, legs on the seat, bum on the backrest. His elbows were on his knees and he was leaning forwards with a cigarette between his fingers.
I sighed relieved, suddenly feeling a bit more safe as I walked to him.
"What are you doing?"
"Um, I'm going to the pharmacy."
He let out a smoke, watching me curiously.
"And where's your boyfriend?"
"Um, he was tired."
"So he let you walk alone?"
I shrugged.
"Please tell me that branch isn't for self defense."
"It might be.", I said and threw it aimlessly on the grass behind him.
"Why do you need to go to the pharmacy? Are you ill?", he asked and I walked closer, my knees almost touching his Vans.
"No. I just-", I sighed. "I need tampons."
He frowned, before an amused expression took up his face.
"So you're on your period?"
"No, but I uh, I have an alarm and based on my calendar, I should be-yeah. Soon."
"So he let you walk alone? Dressed like that?", he asked pointing to my shorts.
I pulled them down.
"How considerate.", Niall mumbled and threw the cigarette on the grass, getting up and hopping down from the bench next to me.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking the place of your branch, apparently."
And boyfriend but whatever ha haha
"But, it's like a twenty minute walk from here.", I said and he shrugged.
"I don't mind."
So we started walking and I could tell there was some tension between us. After we exited the gate and actually stepped into the city, I decided to break the uncomfortable silence by apologizing:
"Look, um, about earlier. Sorry for being rude. I was just, I don't know."
"You were PMS-ing. I get it.", he said and I crossed my arms.
"I was not. I was just rude. And I'm sorry about that."
"It's fine. I get it."
"No, really. I feel like I was a bitch today, sorry."
"You don't have to apologize. Won't make me change my mind about you."
Why is he such a good person
Why can't people see this side of him
I stared up at him as we walked, taking in his features.
"Thanks for coming with m-"
"You don't have to thank me or apologize, okay? It's fine. Really fine.", he snapped suddenly and I frowned, but chose to keep my mouth shut for the better.
We reached the pharmacy ten minutes later and I tried to ignore the looks people gave me for wearing shorts at this time of night and a sweater that hung low on my shoulder.
After I bought my tampons I looked for Niall, who was waiting for me by the exit with a pack of condoms, which he then buried in his back pocket.
Of course
We walked out of the pharmacy and he turned right when he should've turned left.
"Where are you going?"
"Do you want to see Times Square?", he asked.
"Um, sure."
"We can take a bus back, don't worry."
"Okay then."
"So do you like, go there often?"
"Sometimes. We eat here when we go at games in Madison Square Garden."
"What games?"
"Basketball games?", he said like it was obvious.
We reached Times Square in no time, and I couldn't help but be amazed by it. I mean I've seen it once before during the day from the cab, but right now it was a thousand times better.
"Holy shit! It's so bright and shiny!"
"It still can't shine as bright as you.", he said and I turned to him, smiling.
"Did you just quote yourself?", I asked and he shrugged.
"This is amazing. Wish I had my phone with me. Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"
"No.", he mumbled and I rolled my eyes.
"You're like a kid on Christmas.", he observed.
"Thanks for bringing me here."
He nodded and I asked if we could go back because it was starting to get chilly and I didn't want the girls to worry, if they were awake, that is.
"So what do you see in him anyway?", Niall opened up the subject, breaking the silence.
"Um, I don't know. All I know is that-"
"He's way better than me.", he interrupted me.
"-he's really cute. And why do you care?"
"You humiliated me in front of everyone there!"
"Um, my point was to say the truth, not to humiliate you!"
"Well thanks, I feel so much better now.", he said sarcastically and I stopped.
"I don't know if you know this, but I have to obligation to like you more than my boyfriend!", I said, pushing against his chest.
He stumbled backwards into a closed, dark alley between two buildings.
"That wasn't what you were saying when I was fucking you.", he snarled and I pushed him again, even further.
"You're such a prick!"
"I'm not the one cheating on my boyfriend! A boyfriend, who by the way doesn't even bother to make sure you're okay in the middle of the night. But no, you're right. He's way better than me!"
"Don't you even start comparing yourself to him!"
"And let's not forget that he hit you!"
"It was twice! So shut up!"
"At lest I'm not the one coming to class dressed like a slut, then acting innocent and dumb when the teacher flirts!"
"I do not-"
"You do! You're bringing this all on yourself and then push me away when I want to help!"
"I don't need your help! Okay?", I yelled, knowing that half of my anger was because I was over emotional thanks to my period.
"You do! You have no idea-"
"I'm tired of fighting with you Niall, I'm leaving.", I said and turned around, but he pushed me against the wall and pressed our bodies together.
"I don't want to fight with you. You're just being stubborn.", he breathed, his hot breath hitting my face.
"I'm not.", I said, trying to push him away, but he didn't budge.
He placed both of his hands on each side of my head and leaned down so we were at the same eye level.
"I just want to kiss you and fuck you and fucking wreck you."
My breath caught in my throat.
"You-you said that before."
My voice was a pathetic squeak.
"I meant it."
There was a short silence that was filled with unbearable sexual tension and heavy breathing-at least on my part. I stared at his lips for a moment, and the next thing I knew, he was kissing me roughly.
I dropped the bag I was holding and put my arms around his neck to bring him closer. My core was on fire and a familiar feeling was starting to pool between my legs.
His large hands gripped into the back of my naked thighs and hoisted me up against the wall. My legs went around his waist and he was so close that he didn't have to hold me up with his hands in order for me not to fall.
He started kissing down my neck, nipping and licking and sucking, and all I could do was moan to let him know I enjoyed it.
My hands tangled in his hair and he grinded his crotch against mine to let me know that oh he was hard and probably wanted me to do something about it.
"People can...people can see.", I said, breathlessly.
"No one comes here.", he responded. "Just let me fuck you against the wall."
My stomach did a flip and I nodded as he looked at me. A smirk spread across his face and his eyes glimmered through the darkness, showing that he was excited and turned on by what was about to come.
And I was too but that's not worth mentioning
"Wait...condom.", I said when he started untying the laces of my shorts.
"Bought a whole pack.", he breathlessly chuckled, taking it out of his back pocket, handing it to me.
I got a wrapper out and let the rest of the pack fall to the ground with a thud. I felt like I was slipping, but he hoisted me up once against and asked me to pull his pants down for him.
I pushed his pants down together with his boxers that barely clung onto his skinny white thighs. I spotted fresh red scars but I chose to question him some other time, not when we were on the verge of having sex in a dark alley.
He rolled on the condom as I was about to take my sweater off.
"Don't. You're going to be cold.", he said quickly and his tip brushed against my slit.
I moaned when he pushed inside of me, then bit my lip so I wouldn't wake up the whole neighborhood.
My arms tightened around his neck and his hands came down to my hips, digging into the skin there. I was sure it was going to leave a mark but I didn't care.
"Niall.", I breathed when he thrusted really hard.
He kept a steady pace, not too fast and not too slow. My fingers tangled in his ravished lilac hair.
I was surprised that he could still hold me against the wall and thrust into me at the same time.
"You're...really strong.", I breathed into his mouths and one of his hands caught mine, pressing it against the cold brick wall beside my head, intertwining our fingers.
"Niall.", I moaned, feeling that I was close to my climax.
"Mhm, I feel you.", he replied out of breath, slowing down his pace.
I purposefully tightened my walls around him and he groaned, instantly coming in the condom, followed by my moans, which were muffled by his lips on mine.
"Shhh babe.", he whispered, smiling against my lips as we both came down from our highs.
He finally pulled out a few seconds later, throwing the condom somewhere random.
"That's so disgusting.", I said, pulling up my pants, feeling a little wobbly and unstable at the legs, my heart still beating fast.
He shrugged, displaying a smirk.
"You okay to walk?", he asked and bent down to get my bag.
"Don't flatter yourself.", I said smiling.
"Are you cold?", he asked once we turned left, out of the alley to get back.
"No. But I'm tired and sweaty and I just want to sleep."
"So aren't you going to talk to your boyfriend?"
"About?", I asked, although I knew what he meant.
"About...telling him that you went behind his back?"
"Why do you care so much?"
He shrugged. "If I'd been in a relationship with you, I wouldn't like it if you would cheat on me."
"I'm going to tell him tomorrow before he leaves."
"Are you going to break up?"
"Probably. Also, you should watch out because he might punch you or something."
He snorted. "I'm pretty sure I'd fucking take him if it came down to a fight."
"It won't. I hope.", I said, crossing my arms over my chest and looking up at him. "I'm tired and my legs hurt. Can we just take the bus or something?"
"We're like ten minutes away.", he spoke, scratching the back of his neck.
"But I'm tired and hungry and sleepy.", I whined.
"I swear to god, you're just like Eddie.
"Who's Eddie?"
"My half brother. You know, Ann and dad's son."
"Oh! Oh yeah. And why am I just like him?"
"Because he always whines about being hungry."
"Then why don't you feed him?"
"His um, mother doesn't want him to get fat. She was like, wishing for a girl she could dress up and stuff."
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.", I said.
"I know. She's crazy. But was a good fuck back then."
I rolled my eyes.
There's an image.
"So will I ever meet your brother?", I asked.
"If you want to.", he shrugged.
"Okay, I have to stop and sit down, my legs are wobbling."
He smirked. "Fucked you too hard?"
"Shut up."
"I'll give you a piggy back if you want to.", he offered, pretending to be really annoyed with the idea, like he was making a huge sacrifice.
"Really?", I asked smiling.
He stopped and I did too, before he bent his knees and I jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.
I placed my chin on his shoulder and started playing with the strings of his sweatshirt, closing my eyes.
"Hm?", I mumbled, opening my eyes.
"You fell asleep.", he whispered and I rubbed my eyes, realizing that I was sitting on a bench.
"Oh. Sorry I guess."
"Tents are right there.", he said, pointing towards our camp side.
I got up, stretching.
"Thanks.", I said and got the bag from his hand. "You're a good guy Ni."
I patted his arm and his fingers slid up and under my collar, pulling me closer.
"Night.", I replied, my tone dying when he pressed his lips to mine.
It didn't last long, it was just a peck, but it was enough to send shivers through my body and fall asleep with the thought of him.
Rey and Katherine:
The next day came and I spent most of it drinking with Liam, who was also confused and wanted nothing but for this festival to end. (A girl started flirting with Zayn and he took her behind a booth and fucked her.)
I had no idea how to tell Sam about Niall and I, I was afraid he would hit me or something. But I deserved it, after all, I brought it all on myself. I shouldn't have slept with Niall in the first place.
Needless to say, I managed to dance for the one and only Conor Maynard, only tripping once, but it was dark and people didn't pick up on it.
"You're a mess.", Niall said later that night, when we were all around a big bonfire, smoking and chatting.
"I'm not. I'm sober now.", I told him and pointed to the pack of biscuits Katherine gave me in order to suck the alcohol out of my system.
"You're not even legal."
"You're not even punk.", I fought back and he rolled his eyes, sitting down on the grass next to Maddie and I.
He took a biscuit out of the package laying by my feet and put it in his mouth, noisily chewing, knowing that I hated that.
I crossed my legs under myself, before I bent over to get some daisies and make a daisy chain.
"So when are you going to tell him? I hear he leaves early in the morning."
"If I see him, I'll tell him."
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"Um, not really."
Soph joined us five minutes later and started shamelessly flirting with him (she was drunk off her mind, not even speaking coherent words).
I finished the daisy chain and crawled behind Niall, who was now in a heavy make out session with Soph.
I placed the chain carefully on his semi-quiffed hair and he pulled away from her, so she started kissing on his jaw, neck, everywhere.
He turned his head to me. "What did you put in my hair?"
"A daisy chain."
"Wha-", he said, reaching up to touch it, but I swatted his hand away.
"No touching! Looks cute on you."
"If you use that word one more time I swear.", he warned and I softly punched him in the back, rolling back into my place.
"Want one?", Maddie asked me, handing me a cigarette.
I shook my head and Niall took it.
"Babe.", a whisper in my ear startled me.
I turned around to see Sam smiling down at me.
"I'm leaving in like, thirty minutes and I came to say goodbye.", he said smiling, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder.
Everyone in our group turned to him, probably interested in some kind of romantic goodbyes exchange.
"Um. Okay. Hold on.", I said getting up and dusting my ass off, in case there was any grass clinging to my pants.
"Can we um, like, talk a bit more far away? I need to tell you something."
Niall bumped his elbow into my calve and I kicked him in the side once Sam started walking to a more secluded place.
"So what's up? You're not breaking up with me, are you?", he asked.
I drifted my eyes to our group, who was ogling at us.
"So...I don't know how to say this, so I'll just say it. I slept with someone else while I was here."
He started at me for a moment, and took a step forwards, his eyes darkening a bit. I immediately took a step back and saw Niall getting up and coming towards us.
"Why?", Sam asked and Niall stopped a few feet away. "Was it with this guy?"
He pointed to Niall.
"I cannot fucking believe it! You know how hard it was to hold myself back from all those girls at my college?", he asked, his voice raising.
"I know-", I tried, but he interrupted me.
"We've been together for...what? Almost two years? And now you're going to throw away all that we had for him?", he spat, taking another step towards me.
Niall stepped in this time, between Sam and I.
"Okay. So she fucked me. But don't give her that bullshit with refraining yourself. You think I didn't see the way you stare at those dancers' cleavage earlier?"
"You were doing the same!", he justified.
"That's the reason I don't do fucking girlfriends! If you're in a relationship, at least have the decency to be honest with her. Now tell her the truth about 'holding back' from those girls."
"Or what?", Sam asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'll fucking beat the answer out of you.", Niall said, stepping closer, towering over him.
I tugged on the hem of his tank top and he pulled back, turning to me. He caught the back of Sam's neck and looked at him.
"Tell her how many girls you fucked, and when you fucked the first one."
"I...fucked five girls and the first one was on the first day of college.", Sam admitted and Niall slapped him across the back of his head, making his snapback fall to the ground.
It was funny, seeing Niall act all though and protective while he was wearing a daisy chain on his head.
"That was long before we had sex.", Niall said.
I sadly smiled at Sam, feeling nothing but regret that we had to end things this way. I wasn't even bothered by the fact that he had cheated on me (after all, I did the same).
"I'm sorry about things turning out this way.", I honestly said. "Can we still be friends?"
Sam nodded and stepped forward, raising his arms. Niall reacted but I pushed him away, getting under Sam's arms and hugging his waist. His arms came around my back and he kissed my head.
"Sorry about cheating."
"Sorry about...well, the same thing. And it's alright. Just...don't have sex with my mum, okay?", I asked, lifting my head to look at him.
He chuckled. "Your mom's hot, but I wouldn't do that to your family."
I smiled and he pecked my lips as a form of goodbye.
"See you around, kid.", he said and took his snapback off the ground. He handed it to me.
"Keep it. Always looked better on you."
"Bye.", I smiled, taking the snapback, and he turned to Niall, holding his hand out.
"Yeah right.", Niall snorted, crossing his arms.
Sam winked at me, before he jogged away, joining his awaiting group.
"What an asshole."
"He handled it better than I thought.", I said, putting the snapback on. "And thanks, for um, trying to help."
"'course.", he assured me and flicked my cheek, before he returned to our group, who immediately demanded detailed explanations.
It got really dark around 12am, and people were starting to clear out and go back to their tents and trailers.
Everyone left after a few more minutes, except of Niall, Liam and Zayn.
"What time do we leave tomorrow?", I asked, leaning my head against Liam's shoulder.
"Noon.", he said, arm coming around me and playing with my hair.
"Have you talked to Zayn?", I whispered so the other two-who were busy talking about the final-wouldn't hear.
Liam shook his head and I poked his cheek, trying to make him smile.
I layed down on my back, staring at the starry sky. I tucked my arm under my head and bit my lip.
"Hey let's play a game where Liam and Zayn have to make out.", I said out of a sudden.
There was a short silence and I thought that maybe I took it too far, but then I saw Liam get up and adjusting his pants.
"I like the game."
We all looked at Zayn, who was smoking. Niall took the fag from his hand and placed it between his lips, nodding towards Liam.
I sat up.
Zayn got up too, and didn't even hesitate to launch himself over to Liam, attacking him with his lips.
Liam's hands went into Zayn's hair and okay, now it was starting to get PG-13.
"Oi! There are children here!", Niall exclaimed, covering my eyes.
I pushed his hand away, pouting at the fact that he always made age jokes.
Liam pulled away from Zayn and Zayn smiled, before he grabbed Liam's wrist.
"We're going to...yeah."
Then they quickly stumbled away.
"I'm a good person.", I said laying back down.
"The bestest.", he said laying down next to me, his hands resting on his stomach.
"I hope you know that is not a word."
He rolled his eyes, turning on his side so face me.
"I'm not that stupid."
"No?", I joked and he kicked me in the ankle.
He broke the silence a few seconds of staring at each other later:
"So you're single now."
I nodded, my heart beating faster at the thought of where he was going with this.
"So?", I asked.
"Do you like fucking me as much as I like fucking you?"
"I have a proposition. If you're up for it."
Okay this sounds serious
I sat up and crossed my legs, and he mimicked my actions.
"Remember that movie with Justin Timerlake and Mila Kunis?"
Friends With Benefits?
I nodded.
"Let's play tennis."
Is he suggesting for us to be friends with benefits?
"Um-like, casual sex?"
"No strings attached. Just sex."
"But-they fell in love in the end."
"We won't. I won't."
"I won't either!", I quickly said.
"Good. And I have three rules. You can fuck anyone you like as long as it's not more than once, no cuddling after sex, and if you fall in love with me, you stop it."
"What if you fall in love with me?"
"I told you before, I don't believe in love. Just fucking. Your choice if you want to do this or not."
"What about Soph?"
"She's irrelevant."
I stared at him, and even if I was acting as if I was debating this whole deal, we both knew I was going to accept it.
He stood up and walked behind me, before he kneeled down.
His breath was hot on my neck and his lips came extremely close to my ear:
"Think about it."
He took the snapback off and placed the daisy chain on my head.
I heard him sit up and walk away. I turned to see him unzip his tent and get in.
I sighed.
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