Chapter 5
Rey's POV
The next morning was slightly warmer, but I wasn't going to risk it by dressing lightly. It was that time of the year when it was either really cold or really warm outside, but then you'd end up having either hypothermia or a heath stroke during the afternoon.
I chose to put Niall's black jacket on, since I intended to return it to him after the lecture.
"I can't wait to see Mr. Grey today. I wonder how he'll flirt with you this time."
"He was NOT flirting with me, drop it."
She rolled her eyes and threw her Subway wrapper in the garbage, wiping her hands on her skirt.
"Tell that to the rest of the girls in our class and the three guys in the back."
"I bet he just has something about brunettes?"
"Innocent, beautiful brunettes? That's ridiculous and painfully obvious."
"You're exaggerating. And besides, he said he wouldn't date a student."
"Okay, first, dating and fucking are two different things, and second, he said it was illegal, not that he wouldn't do it. You know, the definition of denying means using the word no. What he did was avoid the truth and also avoid denial. I study psychology so don't fuck with me."
We walked over to our seats and I was surprised to see that Niall was already in his seat, next to Ryan and Zayn.
They greeted us and as we sat down, Amy continued:
"Speaking of studying psychology, who ate you out yesterday?"
I chocked on air and heard Niall snicker behind me.
"What? No one."
"Don't lie to me Renee! You're wearing a skirt today, which means you're either trying to impress someone or that someone went down on you last night when I was gone."
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever tried."
"So what you're trying to say is that your intention is to seduce Mr. Grey into fucking you?"
"I don't want to fuck Mr. Grey! I-"
"That's not an appropriate language for a diplomatic institution, Ms. Parker."
My whole body froze as I turned to look at the door where Mr. Grey stood, with amusement in his eyes and briefcase in hand.
"Uh, sorry Sir."
"Good morning class.", he said going to his desk and setting his briefcase on it, before turning to us.
Everyone stood up and returned the greeting.
My cheeks were still on fire as I sat back down.
"Considering that you have such an expanded vocabulary Ms. Parker, why don't you come in front of the class and explain the meaning of the word?"
Where are we, in seventh grade?
"Um, okay?"
I got up and Amy made place for me to slide by and walk at the front of the class next to him.
"So? Um."
"That's quite a short skirt you're wearing Ms. Parker.", he observed, and his fingers grazed the hem of my skirt.
Amy's face changed in a shocked expression, and so did half of the class.
"You know it's against the rules to wear short skirts to lectures."
"Why?", I asked, crossing my arms, feeling rather bold.
I heard a few people snickering as I looked up at the professor, who was a head taller than me.
His grey eyes were intimidating me as he looked down at me, towering over my frame.
"Because it makes people hard to concentrate, that's why."
Okay, now he was probably flirting.
"Now Ms. Parker, if you'd care to explain to the class what that word means and why we shouldn't use would be great."
I turned to a class that was half jealous and half smirking.
"So. The word means-"
"What word, Ms. Parker? It came out of your pretty little mouth just minutes ago."
I saw Niall sitting up straight in his chair and resting his elbows against the desk, leaning forwards.
Amy's mouth was wide open, and so were half the mouths in the hall.
"The word, um-"
"Fucking means when a dick enters a pussy or an asshole repeatedly."
Everyone burst out laughing at Niall's words and I blushed, sending him a thankful look.
"That was very nice of you Mr..."
"Mr. Horan. I'm going to let you off with a warning for now."
Then he turned to me.
"As for you, Ms. Parker. I expect a two thousand word essay on my desk tomorrow, about that word and what it symbolizes."
"Are you serious? That's not fair!"
"Your mouth can get you in trouble, and when it does, I have to PUNISH you."
Amy let out a strangled noise and she was on the edge of exploding.
"Now go sit back down into your seat and try not to swear."
I nodded hastily, before I rushed back to my place, my cheeks burning and hands fidgeting.
The rest of the lesson was dead silent, but I could hear hushed whispers in the back.
When Mr. Grey finally dismissed us, I wanted to jump for joy.
"Ms. Parker if you could come to my desk would be just great."
I froze and slowly walked towards him. I looked behind me with the hope that someone was still here, and I sighed with relief when I saw that Niall was tying his shoelaces.
"Yes, Mr. Grey?"
"I just wanted to warn you about your language in class, Ms. Parker. As I said, your mouth will get you in trouble and neither of us wants you expelled."
"I'm sorry Mr. Grey, but since when are swearing words something that can lead to expulsion?"
"Well Ms. Parker, that and wearing obscene clothing to class-"
"It's just a skirt!", I protested.
"And talk back? Such behavior deserves some kind of punishment, or am I wrong?"
"Flirting with students can also lead to getting fired, dickhead."
My eyes popped out of their sockets as we both turned to look at Niall, who was now walking towards us.
"Excuse me, Mr. Horan?"
"You're excused, Mr. Grey. Now if you don't mind, I have to take Ms. Parker and fuck her against the wall in the bathroom."
Mr. Grey didn't even flinch as he looked at Niall, but I was having an inner breakdown.
"Very well, Mr. Horan. You're free to go. Ms. Parker, don't forget to do your assignment."
I followed Niall out of the hall, and once I knew we were out of Mr. Grey's hearing range, I pushed Niall against the wall angrily.
His backpack fell off his shoulder and he placed his hands on either side of his head, smirking down at me. I didn't even care that his laptop was in that backpack. Fuck that.
"What the fuck was that?!", I hissed.
"You're welcome!"
"Um? Why? Because he's going to fail me thanks to you?"
"You're overreacting.", he said calmly and I pushed against his chest again. I was so angry I could really punch him.
"I'm not! Unlike you, I'm here to get good grades and graduate, not to fuck girls and drink all day!"
"That's a low blow."
"I don't care! You shouldn't butt in someone else's business! Leave me alone, okay?"
He didn't say anything, and I knew I didn't mean it? I took a step back and adjusted my bag on my shoulder.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a two thousand word paper to write about the word 'fucking'.", I said.
And with that, I walked away. But the moment I got outside I regretted lashing out on him, when actually I should've thanked him for trying to protect me.
"Okay that's it. What's wrong?", Amy snapped that afternoon after classes were over. We were in our dorm, both of us at our desks, doing our homework.
"What do you mean?", I asked, staring at the blank page in front of me.
"I mean you're really distracted and have been staring at that screen for over an hour now. What happened?"
"Um? Okay. So Mr. Grey asked me to stay behind so he would talk to me after class and I stayed. And then he started telling me how my mouth would get me in trouble and that I had to be punished and expelled and stuff, and then Niall butted in and told him that flirting with students could get him fired and that we had to go because we had to fuck against the wall in the bathroom."
Amy blinked when I finished rambling, before she fully turned to me.
"Okay I have two things to say. One, you're stupid if you got mad at Niall because him trying to protect you or whatever is hot, and second, you're not going to get expelled because I'm telling you, Mr. Grey has a thing for you. And before you say anything else, your name is the only name he memorized."
I chewed on my bottom lip, returning to the paper I had to write until tomorrow.
"This is ridiculous. I have no idea what to write. What kind of assignment is this?"
"He probably gets off on this kind of essays, especially if it's written by you."
I rolled my eyes and closed my laptop, knowing that I wouldn't finish the assignment until tomorrow, because it made me uncomfortable talking about the word 'fucking', especially to a teacher.
"How do you know when someone loves you?"
She looked up from her screen and turned her head to me.
"You mean how do you know when you love someone?"
"No, I mean how do you know when someone loves you."
"Um, usually they tell you they love you."
"So if they don't tell you they love you it means that they don't love you?"
"Well it means that they don't love you enough to tell you that and maybe they're ashamed to say it."
"So there's no other way to realize that?"
"Who are you talking about?"
"Hypothetically speaking."
"Okay? Well, there are some people that are afraid of love."
I turned my whole chair to her and so did she.
"Why? I never understood why people were afraid of love. Love is a great feeling."
"What is it that you want to know exactly?"
"I want to know why some people are afraid to show love."
She leaned back in her seat and I set my legs in her lap, getting comfortable.
"Are you talking about the so called 'broken' people?"
I nodded.
"Well those kind of people are not scared of loving someone, they're scared that the person they love won't love them back."
"But what if, hypothetically speaking, that person they love told them that they already love them?"
"It's not about who tells them what. If it's a childhood thing, then they're pretty closed up in themselves."
"A childhood thing?"
She nodded.
"The two main cases of someone being 'afraid to love' are either their parents or the typical 'someone broke my heart so I have trust issues'. The latter is pretty easy to get over. You find someone, fall in love, then you move on. The first one is a bit more complicated. You know, parents are supposed to love you no matter what. But if they don't show that, if they treat you like you're indifferent then you grow up thinking that if your parents don't love you, no one will. Also, if the said parents are divorced, you think that love never lasts."
She paused for a second to close her laptop.
"I had a project last year where I went to a psychologist and helped her out for extra credit in class. I got to talk to a few people with these kind of problems, so that's why I know so much."
I nodded, urging her to continue.
"If you grew up with hate and disagreements all around you, you're not the most optimistic person you know."
"So people like that won't love or?"
"No. Every person falls in love at least once in their life. It's usually with the person you last expect."
Yeah tell me about it
Wait what
"You can fall in love temporarily, at the wrong time, too late or forever."
"That's from a movie."
"500 days of Summer. You should watch it."
"I will."
There was a pregnant pause, before I asked:
"So, hypothetically speaking, what if you fell in love with someone but then that someone left and you didn't see them for like, say, 2 years?"
"What about that?"
"Is it possible that you still love them? Hypothetically speaking."
"Highly doubtful, but possible. That means you fell in love forever."
"So broken people can love, but they won't show it."
"Yes. But it's not hard to see that someone's in love. It's in their eyes, actions, words. Everywhere. Sometimes actions speak louder than words you know."
I nodded.
"It's kind of amazing to see broken people love someone."
She smiled.
"Because broken people love with all they have."
I frowned and she resumed her work, leaving me staring at the wall. I felt really bad for talking like that to Niall, and I thought about apologizing.
The next day Niall and Zayn weren't in Literature class, and when I asked Ryan why that was, he said that they had a really important gig this Friday and they had to rehearse. He said it was going to be at some kind of events park and five thousand people were said to be coming.
"So they're actually making money out of this?"
"Whoa, you have no idea.", he said and Amy nodded, agreeing with him.
When Mr. Grey asked me why I didn't have the assignment I told him that I was up all night doing my homework for French class. So he let me off easy by looking at my cleavage and giving me a deadline, which was at the end of October.
It was Friday afternoon when Katherine came into my dorm like she owned the place with Soph and sat down on the desk chairs.
"Can I help you? You're coming to Niall's gig tonight, right?"
"What? Tonight? When?"
"At eight. Actually, we're supposed to be there at half past seven. We have VIP passes and front row seats!"
"And do you have tickets for me too?"
She nodded. "Everyone's going. Me, Soph, Ricky, Ryan, Amy. And we're here because Soph needs some help."
I looked at Soph, who held up her bag.
"I have a project for extra credit for my design class where I need to dye someone's hair in two different colours."
"So I really like your hair and Kitty told me that you like to dye your hair."
"What colors were you thinking of?"
"Black and blue at the tips?"
I shrugged. "Alright."
"Really? Thanks! I owe you a big one!"
"Any time.", I smiled and Katherine climbed on my bed as I sat down in her place of Amy's chair.
When Amy came from her Psychology class I was already done and Soph was curling my hair a bit.
"Wow! You look amazing.", Amy said and let her bag fall to the floor, before she went to the closet.
"It's almost seven. I think we should call a cab.", Katherine said and Amy and I quickly changed.
We got there in no time with a few minutes to spare and after Katherine flashed the security guards our tickets, we were in. We met up with Ricky and Ryan at our seats, that weren't really seats because people were supposed to stand.
"Wow, this is actually huge.", I said when I saw thousands of people piled up behind us. The crowd was massive and I wondered how proud were the boys that they actually performed in front of thousands of people.
"Whole college is here, plus friends and stuff. They have a gig at the fall festival too in November, which is even bigger. I think we're gonna dance too."
"Cool.", I said and everyone suddenly started screaming when Liam came onstage with drumsticks in his hand. He waved as he sat down behind the drums and looked through the crowd.
He spotted me and smiled, his eyes crinkling up as cute as usual.
Then even more noise was caused when Niall and Jake walked on stage with their guitars in hand.
Niall searched the front row and his eyes stopped on Soph, before he winked at her. Then he saw me, right next to her and he raised his eyebrows.
I shot him a shy smile and he smirked, stepping back so Zayn would enter the stage with the microphone.
"VASAP BROOKLYN!?", he yelled into the microphone and everyone yelled and cheered, my eardrums bleeding.
And then the chords to some song I didn't know started, making everyone go wild and sing along. All I could do was pretend to know the song and dance with Soph and Katherine. But the song was pretty catchy. There were some songs I didn't really know, and some I knew were really good covers.
It lasted for about two hours, and the last song was Teenage Dirtbag.
I'm just a teenage dirtbag princess.
His words came into my mind instantly, memories of that night with him rushing through my head.
Anyway, Niall was amazing and Zayn had the voice of an Angel.
They all bowed at the end and Liam threw his drumsticks in the crowd, and Niall threw his guitar pick. I caught one of Liam's drumsticks and he winked at me.
I followed Katherine and the rest of the group backstage. The boys started yelling and cheering when we saw the band just coming through a door.
"That was fucking amazing, as usual!", Soph complimented Niall as he took his guitar off and gave it to a man standing next to him.
"Thanks babe."
"Congratulatory kiss?", she teased and he smirked, leaning down so she could press her lips against his.
They made out for like a minute, while everyone focused on the other three.
"Hey! Did you like it?", Liam asked coming towards me. I nodded, smiling.
"You're really good at playing drums. And I caught your drumstick!"
"Something to remember me by!", he laughed and put his arm around me.
"Liam and Delilah! Get your ass in the picture!", Katherine teased and I realized they were all taking a group picture.
"Your name is Delilah?", Soph asked and everyone looked at Niall.
"Middle name, why?"
"Hey there-", Zayn started and everyone's eyes widened.
"Oh my-", Amy started.
"Let's just take the fucking picture okay? I have to go and piss.", Niall said loudly and pushed Zayn violently.
I was squished between Liam and Ryan, smiling.
"Everyone up for the pub?", Katherine asked.
I shook my head.
"I'd rather be heading home.", I said and Amy wrapped her arm around me.
"Do you mind if I stay out? It's alright if you don't, I can come with you."
"No, you stay.", I smiled. "I just don't feel like it."
"You sure?"
I nodded and crossed my arms.
"You want me to call you a cab?", Katherine asked and I nodded.
"I'll take her home."
We all turned to look at Niall, who was now putting his jacket on.
"You will?", Soph asked. "But you're not coming to the pub?"
"After I drop her off. It's alright, won't take long."
She smiled and I said goodbye to everyone, feeling like a loser because I was already leaving before anyone else.
"You don't have to-", I said as we made our way to the backdoor that supposedly led to the parking lot.
"I want to.", he said and opened the door, letting me go first under his arm.
I immediately saw his car in the far left corner and we walked towards it.
"I'm glad you know. That you finally pursued your dream of becoming a musician and singer."
"Thanks. I always keep my promises."
Then I remembered that night when he promised that he would focus on school and become a musician.
"I need to stop at the frat house to shower and change. I smell."
"A bit yeah."
The car ride was silent, the college radio station playing.
"And now we're going to play some songs written by our own students! Here you have Zayn Malik's Little Things!"
"I play the guitar in this song.", Niall informed me.
I raised my eyebrows and Niall turned the volume up just as we pulled up by the house.
"No one's here. They were all at the concert then went out to the nearest pub."
I know you never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smiled, you never loved the stomach or your-
Zayn's angelic voice was interrupted abruptly and we got out of the car.
He probably wrote the crinkle part about Liam how cute is that
Niall grabbed a few clothes from his room then went to shower and I turned on the stereo that was on his dresser and tuned in to the college radio.
Zayn's song was just finishing, and someone else's' came on. The song just finished when Niall came in the room half dressed and hair wet.
"And now we have the famous Niall Horan with his amazing song Hey There-"
"It's not that good, you don't-"
"Shh! I want to hear you sing!", I smiled and he bit his lip, a worried look on his face as he stood in the doorframe.
Guitar chords were heard and I smiled, crossing my legs under myself on the bed, looking at the stereo.
Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
My heart froze and my head snapped up.
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
I turned to look at Niall, who apparently found the floor really mesmerizing. There was no way the song was about me, right?
Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side
My heart was beating extremely fast as the song went on, and I took a hand to my mouth because I was shocked.
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me, girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
That was the moment I started silently crying because it was the best thing someone ever did for me
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good
Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame
Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You'll know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This one's for you
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me.
The song finished and I got up, my tears dry and heart beating out of my chest. I looked at Niall, the radio host announcing some kind of new playlist but I didn't even care.
He was still looking at the floor, hands crossed over his bare chest. I walked over to him and got so close our chests were touching and he had to look me in the eye.
"You wrote a song about me?"
"I-it was two years's kind of lame and-"
"It's hot.", I said and he widened his eyes. I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him, not caring if he didn't really like me that way or that I had a boyfriend. Niall wrote a fucking song about me and I wanted to have sex with him.
I didn't care that we weren't going to make love, because fuck that, I wanted him to fuck me.
"I want to have sex with you."
"What?", he asked, suddenly pulling back.
"I don't-your first time should be special with someone you care about-"
"I just really want to have sex with you right now. And you can fuck me...just the way you explained it to me two nights ago."
"But I don't want you to expect anything else than a casual fuck."
"Okay. Yeah, okay."
He started kissing me again, this time roughly yet deep. His hands travelled down my back and I jumped before he had time to grip into my thighs and do the job himself.
"Someone's eager."
"Just fuck me."
"Fuck.", he said and walked over to the bed, letting me fall down on my back. He pushed his pants down, revealing his semi and I bit my lip at the sight.
He took off my Vans and crawled over me, as I hoisted myself up so my head was on the pillows.
"Get under the blanket.", he said and I did as told, followed suit by him.
He was straddling me now, undoing the buttons of my shorts. It suddenly downed on me what I was about to do, and I knew I wanted it as much as him. Deep down I wanted it to mean something for both of us, but in reality I just wanted it to be casual with no complications, just like him.
He pulled me so I was sitting up, then pulled my suspenders and shorts down. I got rid of my shirt and he quickly unclasped my bra, his lips immediately coming down to suck on one of my nipples.
My hands tangled in his hair and he replaced his lips with his fingers.
"You're so good at this.", I moaned and he snickered against my sensitive skin, before he layed me back down and he started kissing down my chest.
"I've been waiting to fuck you for so long, fuck."
"Since when?"
"Since I saw you naked in your window. Still have the picture."
"You said you deleted it!"
"Yeah right."
I wasn't even mad. All I wanted was to have sex with him, even though I knew it was going to be a big deal in the morning for me, but I was going to hide it.
He pulled my underwear down and teased my clit with his tongue a bit, before he suddenly pushed a finger in to 'stretch you out but fuck, you feel so tight around my fingers, can't wait to feel you around my dick'.
I bit my lip as I looked down at him and he pulled his fingers out, before he came back up at me and kissed me.
"Are you sure? I really don't want you to expect some kind of...relationship after this."
"I-I have a boyfriend.", I said, feeling horrible about it.
"Then I'll make sure he hears your name all the way over the ocean."
He leaned over to the nightstand and opened the drawer, fishing out a condom.
This is actually happening
He tore the package open and I suddenly got a déjà vu from that night with his parents.
He looked down as he rolled the condom on, lining up at my entrance. My knees bent up, touching his hips.
"Tell me if you want me to stop, okay? Or if it hurts."
I nodded, biting my lip and he finally pushed into me, excruciatingly slow.
I squeezed my eyes shut, sudden pain rushing through my body.
My hands gripped into his flexed biceps and his eyes closed for a split second, before he looked down at me.
"You okay?"
I nodded and he looked for any trace of hesitation or regret in my eyes. When he found none, he slowly started moving.
Pain was replaced with pleasure soon enough, and I placed my hands beside my head.
He moved slowly, yet deep, just like he told me he would.
"Shit, you feel so fucking good and-fuck. You're so tight."
I looked down at our bodies, arousal shooting through me at the sight.
His right hand was resting beside my head for support as he thrusted inside me, and the left one intertwined with my right one, taking it over my head.
I intertwined our other hands and brought them up at the same level. He leaned down to capture my lips and I arched back into him.
His grip was tight and his movements started slowly picking up.
"Ah.", I moaned when I felt him hit a spot that felt better than anything else in life.
I brought his head down once again and kissed him open mouthed.
I moaned into his mouth and he licked at my lips. I pulled my hands away from his and trailed them down his back.
He made a really rough thrust out of a sudden and I accidentally scratched his skin.
"Sorry.", I said into his neck.
"Do it again, feels fucking good."
I didn't do it on command, just when it felt right.
He guided me through the whole thing with things like 'pull my hair', 'kiss my neck', 'don't bite your lip like that'.
"I'm really fucking close. Fuck."
I attached my lips to his neck, sucking a bruise into his pale skin, and he emptied out of a sudden into the condom.
"Shit.", he said when I tightened around him and came.
He pulled out after a few moments, rolling down next to me and throwing the condom in the trash.
He placed his hand on his stomach and turned his head to me.
"Are you okay?"
I nodded. "A bit sore but it'll pass. I hope."
He chuckled. "It will."
Then he pulled his boxers on and stretched.
"That was pretty good for your first time."
"Uh, thanks?"
"And um, you're alright, yeah?"
"Why do you keep asking me this?"
"I just hope that you don't get like, attached to me and fall in love or something."
"Yeah...I...I got a boyfriend. Fuck."
I covered my face with my hands and heard him pick his clothes up.
"What are you doing?"
"Going to shower. You can go in this bathroom."
He pointed to the single door that was in the room. I thought it was a closet until now.
I nodded and after he left I got up and took my underwear, before I rushed to the bathroom.
I took a quick shower and put my underwear on, before I wrapped a towel around myself and left the bathroom.
Niall was just spraying cologne on himself and I felt a bit disappointed because /of course/ he wouldn't stay. I mean, I had a boyfriend and besides he made it clear that I shouldn't make anything of it.
And I was fine with it. I mean, I remember Amy telling me that having a girlfriend in college was like 'social suicide'.
"Are you leaving?", I asked and he looked for something through his drawers.
"Yeah. Kind of promised them I'd get back."
"Oh so-"
"You can stay here if you want."
"Um? I don't really like to be alone."
"I can lock this door if you want?"
"Sure.", I said.
"It won't take long. I'll be back in like, an hour or so."
"You can sleep in this."
He handed me his college hoodie and I put it on. He then quickly changed the sheets and I layed down on the bed, getting my phone so I could listen to some music.
"If there's a problem, call me."
I nodded and put the earbuds in my ear, before he checked if he had everything, then turned around and left.
I fell asleep an hour later while music was still playing in my ears.
The next morning I woke up tucked in the blanket to a cloudy sky.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the room.
Ryan was asleep on his bed with his mouth open, Niall was laying next to me on his back in just his boxers and my phone and earbuds were on the bedside table. I didn't remember putting them there.
I got up silently and stretched, before I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with Niall's toothbrush. Or at least I hope it was his. I washed my face and did everything else that had to be done, before
I pulled on my shorts and slipped in my Vans, before I grabbed my phone, suspenders and shirt.
I managed to tuck Niall in, who had clearly passed out and left the room.
I tried not to make much noise as I walked down the stairs, so I wouldn't wake anyone, but the minute I stepped in the kitchen I realized it wouldn't be a problem.
Because probably half of the frat boys were there, drinking and eating breakfast, watching the TV on the wall.
"Who did you fuck last night?", someone asked and I stuttered.
"Um? I-Niall.", I sighed and Josh jumped off the high chair, before he patted it, inviting me to sit.
"Cereal? Waffles? Tequila? Your choice."
"Um, cereal."
Someone else started preparing them and I recognized him as Niall's pledge.
"So you had a threesome?", Bryan asked and I looked at him confused.
"What? No? Why?"
"Sophie just did her walk of shame too."
Oh, so he fucked her too
"She was a wreck.", Josh informed me and the pledge handed me my bowl of cereal.
I ate silently, listening in to their conversation about the upcoming semi finals.
"Oi! Sleeping Beauty has awoken."
"Shut your face Devine."
I turned to see Niall emerging down the stairs in just some sweats that hung low on his hips.
"Hey.", he said to me, squeezing between mine and Bryan's chairs to tell the pledge to make him his usual breakfast.
Then he turned to me.
"Were you okay last night?", he asked and I nodded, pushing the empty bowl away from me.
"Were you destroyed by his monster co-"
Niall shot Josh a warning look, who then grabbed a half empty beer bottle and walked to the living room.
"Do you want me to drive you home?"
I nodded and he told the pledge to keep his breakfast warm.
"Hey, please tell me the green's toothbrush is yours."
"We don't have a green toothbrush in this house.", he said and I looked at him, shocked.
"Just kidding. It's mine. Should've seen your face though.", he laughed and I pouted.
Just then, Zayn came down the stairs with ravished her and bare chest, showing off his tattoos.
I jumped off the seat and said goodbye to the guys, before Niall followed me out the door to his car.
"Did you drive drunk last night?"
"No. Bryan was our DD."
"Designated driver. The one that has to stay sober."
We got in the car and Niall started the engine.
"So are we okay?"
"Why wouldn't we be?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, because I just took your virginity and you're the kind of girl that gets easily attached."
"I know you're right, but it's really fine."
"So there's no...awkward tension between us?"
I shook my head and smiled, which made him smile back.
"I wouldn't mind repeating it.", he said.
Me neither
"Is that Liam?", I asked out of a sudden, when I saw a familiar figure on the sidewalk, limping a bit. Niall smirked and stopped the car right next to him, which made him turn his head to look at us.
"Rough nights are a pain in the ass, am I right?", Niall asked loudly as he lowered the window to look at Liam. "Pun intended."
Liam looked at us with a shocked expression, and it was only when I realized that he was wearing a Theta Delta Chi hoodie that I realized what actually happened and where he was coming from.
"Get in loser, we're taking you home.", Niall said and bit his lip when he realized that he had just quoted Mean Girls.
"How manly.", I joked and he rolled his eyes as Liam climbed in the car.
"So was Zayn any good?", Niall pushed as he drove.
"Was Rey any good?", Liam fought back and I observed that we were both wearing the frat house hoodies.
"Yeah, as a matter of fact she was."
"And so was Zayn."
He dropped me off first and I waved before I made my way up the stairs to the dorms.
I got to my dorm in no time, and the moment I got in, smiling at the thought of last night, Amy asked:
"Niall fucked you, didn't he?"
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I hope it was okay :)
Tell me what you think of this chapter and what should happen next here (what do you think of the new characters?)
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Love you guys!
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