Chapter 4
Rey's POV
I left the party with Amy around midnight, because we had music at eight in the morning and I needed at least six hours of sleep to be focused properly.
"You don't need a laptop for music classes."
"Just saying. All we do in that class is listen to music on the radio and fight about pop music preferences. Nothing serious."
"I'll take it with me, just in case."
A few minutes later, we were out the door and ready to go. It was half past seven, and I was actually in shape, despite the early hours in the morning.
"So why are freshmen and sophomores have the same class?"
"Because there aren't enough teachers, duh. This is more of a sportive college, rather than an artsy one. That's why you can only get a music minor."
"So you have a music minor and psychology major?"
She nodded and opened the door of the class, and I followed suit. The class was similar to a high school class; desks and a white board and those typical chairs that made your back hurt.
"We don't even have a proper class. There are like, forty kids in total."
We sat down in the last row, because she told me that the teacher kept over pronouncing the letter 'p', which caused him to spit all over the front row.
"So who else has music that I know of?"
"Niall and Zayn. Both music minors and soccer majors."
As if on cue, Niall and Zayn both came in with their hands in their pockets and bags under their eyes. I made eye contact with Niall and he came towards us, Zayn following him.
They sat down on my right and once again, Zayn set his head on the table, closing his eyes and dozing off.
"You know, you really shouldn't come hungover to classes.", I informed Niall and he rolled his eyes, running a hand through his hair.
"I usually don't even go to classes.", he muttered.
"So why did you start now?"
"Coach said we should show up at minimum half of the lectures we signed up for. We need a GPA 1.7 or higher. And the only way to maintain that is by doing homework and showing up at least once a week.", Zayn spoke up.
"So you'll come at cheer practice today?", Niall asked, changing the subject.
"Yeah. I kind of have to, you know.", I said sarcastically.
"It's too early for your sarcasm."
The door opened and everyone went silent when a middle aged man entered the room, carrying a briefcase.
"Okay class, settle down.", he said slamming the briefcase on the desk.
"No one's talking.", Niall remarked loudly, which caused a few girls to giggle.
I rolled my eyes.
"I just came out of a meeting with the dean. He informed me that he's been getting complaints about the way I run my class and the lack of activity. Now I don't know who complained, or why, but I've been asked to be more serious."
Everyone groaned and Niall banged his head against the desk.
"So this year, every single one of you will write a song. Actually, no. Let's make it interesting. You're going to work in pairs. I'm going to write each of your names and put it in two different piles. Twenty of you are good musicians, and twenty of you are good writers. I don't want to hear any complaints about who your partner is. You have to learn to accommodate with people you're not comfortable with. You will hand me the song at the end of November."
He placed two bowls on the desk and picked a paper out of each one.
"Amy Jones and Ashley Geller."
Amy waved at Ashley, who waved back.
"Zayn Malik...and Jake Malik. Well this ought to be good. Oh, here's a better one. Niall Horan, and...who might be the lucky Renee Parker?"
My heart started beating faster and I raised my hand. Everyone turned to look at me, before the teacher started reading other names out loud.
After he was done, he leaned against the desk.
"I told you everything you needed to know, does anyone else have any further questions?"
No one said anything.
"Very well then. Class dismissed, see you tomorrow."
We all stood up and as Amy and I walked towards the exit of the building, Niall caught up to me.
"So you want to come over after practice? We can brainstorm."
"You actually want to study?"
"It's not studying. Besides, we'll probably end up doing something else."
I rolled my eyes at his suggestive tone.
"No, but seriously, come over?"
"Yeah, okay."
"I can drive us. I have to get somewhere after it, but it's no big deal."
I nodded and smiled, before he winked and walked away.
"He wants to fuck you again."
"He definitely liked what you did last night."
"Uh, sure?"
"Did you like it?"
"Um, yeah."
"Of course you did.", she smiled and I quickly changed the subject afterwards.
"Okay, listen up cheerleaders!", Maddie yelled right when I was finished with tying my shoes. I stood up, just like all the other girls and straightened out my uniform. It was weird, being dressed in cheerleading uniform that consisted of a tight crop top and mini skirt.
"We have to figure out a new routine until the end of this month, because semi finals are coming up and you can sure as hell count that our boys will qualify. We need a flyer, and this little cute frosh is just what we need."
"Wha-me?", I asked and everyone was staring.
"Yes. You're tiny, hot and dedicated. And very easy to lift."
She came next to me and put an arm around my neck, turning to the whole squad.
"This is Rey, for those who don't know her. She's the captain's cheerleader."
The girls gave each other a look and the guys raised brows.
"He traded, but it's no big deal. Even better."
She encouragingly squeezed my shoulder.
"Now. I want you to show her the basic flyer moves, we'll start with the elevator and then try some more. We don't have the gym ready yet, they're redoing the floors, so we'll have to be careful for no one to get hurt."
Oh, great
"Still think you can do it, cute frosh?"
I nodded and she patted my shoulder, before stepping away.
"Let's go then! Warms ups first everyone!"
We piled out of the changing rooms and Maddie stopped on the sidelines, before we all stood in a circle with her in the middle.
The soccer team was done with warm ups and was already exercising. When our warm ups were done, Maddie said:
"Base 1 and 2 come to me, the rest of you practice the Scorpion."
Then she came to me, and I for one was extremely confused about what she just said.
"Okay, I see you're a green one."
"A what?"
"Exactly. There are twenty-two of us. Which means five bases, so five flyers. I'm number one, you're number two. It's easy. Now let's show her the elevator. First cradle then twist."
Three cheerleaders lined up in a triangle around her, before Maddie was hoisted up by the waist and managed to stand proberly.
"Cradle. 2, 1 down.", she said and was thrown in the air, before they caught her and let her down.
Then she repeated the move, but this time rotating in the air.
"Think you can handle it cute frosh?", she teased and I nodded.
"Go on then."
One hour later, she told us that practice was over and that she'll see us tomorrow. Right then, the whistle was heard, which meant that the soccer team was also finished.
Fifteen minutes later, I was waiting outside the boys' locker room, all showered and dressed in clean clothes.
Rey and Niall:
Zayn just came out, followed by Jake. It was weird seeing Jake in person, when he was sometimes on my blog.
"Uh, is Niall done? I mean, how much is it going to take?"
"He'll be out soon.", Zayn said and smiled, the first actual smile I got from him.
Two minutes later, Niall came out of the locker room while putting his jacket on. He smirked when he saw me and I put my hands in the pockets of my parka, smiling.
We walked in silence towards the exit, and he finally spoke when we were outside:
"You look really hot wearing a cheerleader outfit."
"It's one of my kinks, actually."
"You have a lot of kinks.", I noted as he unlocked the car and I got in.
"Yeah. Can't really choose between a cheerleader or a sexy police officer."
I rolled my eyes and he started the car.
"So where do you have to go?"
"Toys 'R' Us. For my little bro. I promised him I'd get him a car."
"When are you going to visit him?"
"This Saturday."
He got a remote control jeep for him and an Actionman.
"He likes him when I buy him stuff. My dad is usually busy with his job and Ann is always at her store."
"Ann Summers."
"Ann Summers as in-"
"The super sexy lingerie slash sex shop? Yes, that's it."
"Cool huh?", he asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
I didn't reply.
"So are we finally going to your house? I'm starving.", I said and he nodded.
When we got there, they boys were all over the house, some in the kitchen drinking, some in the garden playing soccer and tailgating, and the others playing video games in the living room.
"So you guys never do homework? Or actually care about school?"
"What for? We have nerds for that.", Niall shrugged and took his jacket off, hanging it by the wall.
"Want a drink? And by drink I mean some juice because you're not legal."
"Like that ever stopped you before.", Ryan said from his place on the couch.
"Shut up mascot."'
"Don't be rude, and yes, I'd like an orange juice."
He went to the fridge and opened it, bending down to look through it.
"Um...well we do have orange...ish Vodka, if you like?"
"So all you have is alcohol? Really? Do you have at least water?"
"Uh...yeah.", he said and took a water bottle out, before he opened it and took a gulp. He made a disgusted face and closed the cap.
"Definitely not water."
"Are you serious?"
"Wait.", he said and pointed to a guy that was just coming down the stairs. "You, pledge, c'mere."
The boy obeyed and quickly came to Niall.
"Go to the grocery store and get me six pack of water. And two six packs of beer. Do you want anything?"
I had recently developed a new obsession for Skittles. It was ridiculous yet satisfying at the same time.
"Get two packs of those and grab a pizza on your way back."
Then he got out his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans and handed him a hundred dollar bill.
"Thanks pledge.", he said tapping the boys' shoulder as he made his way out the door.
"So they do what you tell them?"
"Yup. It's fun. Wanna play some pool?"
"You know...with the big brown stick and the eight balls?"
"Of course you'd call it that.", he smiled and guided me to the living room, where two tables were aligned. One for ping pong and one for snooker, or 'pool'.
"Yo, Bryan and Josh, wanna play?"
They nodded and we parted into teams of two. Niall and Josh, Bryan and I.
"So are we playing for money or?", Bryan asked, leaning against the table as Josh arranged the balls.
"Let's make a bet out of it.", Niall said thoughtfully and scratched his stomach. "We win, you do anything we say for a week."
"And what if you lose?", I asked.
"You pick."
"If you lose, I get to kiss Josh.", I said, not knowing what came over me. I was bluffing, but I wanted to see Niall's reaction.
"You can kiss me whenever babe.", Josh stated and I smiled at him.
"Fine. Losers pay twenty bucks each.", Niall muttered and said that they'll go first.
When it was my turn, I stuck my tongue out in concentration, bending over and trying to make a decent shot.
I made a shit shot because I felt Niall against my arse, his fingers running under the hem of my dungarees.
"I just noticed you're wearing those lovely dungarees.
It wasn't long until Bryan and I were leading (thanks to Bryan, all I did was score for the other team but eh), and Niall decided it would be really mature of him to throw himself over the table and ruin everything.
"You're a sore loser.", I said an hour later, when I was about to beat him at a race car video game and he did something so my car would crash and catch fire.
"I'm not!"
"Yes you are! You crashed my car on purpose!"
"You literally crashed yourself in the fence!"
"There's no such thing! You gave me the broken console!"
"Are you fucking serious?"
"You do know that turning the console like a steering wheel doesn't actually make the car move in that direction, right?"
" that's just stupid. I'm done here. You're just really competitive and can't accept the fact that a girl beat you at something you're good at."
He was about to say something, but the pledge announced his arrival and set the things Niall asked for on the table.
"Now pour the water in two glasses and take the rest of the drinks and put them in the fridge."
The pledge obeyed and Bryan joined us on the couch, turning on a football game, which I understood nothing of.
"Why isn't football the most popular sport on campus?", I asked trying to make conversation as we ate pizza.
Niall shrugged. "It just is."
We ended up watching some crappy TV Show that turned out to be really funny, until it got dark and I wiped my hands on Niall's shirt, making him curse. My phone suddenly rang and I frowned, not knowing who would call me.
Sam <3 calling
Oh yeah, I had a boyfriend
I coughed and answered, feeling Niall's eyes on me.
"Hi babe.", I said, trying to seem as cool as possible. "What's up?"
"Just missed hearing your voice.", he spoke, his voice raspy and a bit sleepy.
"What's the time there? It must be like, midnight or something."
I tried to look anywhere but Niall's face as I spoke to Sam.
"Yeah, about two in the morning. I couldn't sleep. I miss you."
"Aw, I miss you too."
"So what are you wearing?"
My cheeks immediately caught fire, because oh. He probably wanted to have phone sex and I'm 100% sure that everyone in the room heard what he just asked me.
I lowered the volume to the minimum, before saying:
"Babe, I can't do it right now. Call me tomorrow?"
"Sure babe. Night."
"Night. Love you."
"You too."
And with that I hung up, praying to God that no one will comment anything on it.
"Hey, I have a matching shirt, but on white!", he observed loudly and got up to clean up the now empty pizza carton.
"How late is it?", I asked Jake, who was on the armchairs, tapping away on his phone screen.
"Ten to nine."
"I should get back.", I said standing up and pushing my dungarees lower, because it was a bit cold and they were short.
"You leaving?", Niall asked appearing in the living room.
"I'll drive you. Have to get some drinks for tomorrow anyway."
"Another party?"
He nodded. "You should come."
"No thank you, I think one party in the middle of the week is enough for me."
He shrugged and I felt a bit hurt that he didn't insist, but why did I even care in the first place?
"You should come by more often.", one of Niall's teammates and brothers said as I zipped my parka up.
"Yeah?", I smiled.
"Yeah. You're cool. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's nice to have a girl around that knows how to take a joke and doesn't mind us farting and burping. And doesn't try to get into our pants with every chance she gets.", someone else said.
I really have to learn the names
"Yeah, I'm a lesbian.", I joked and everyone turned silent, their eyes bulging out of their head.
"She's just kidding. She loves me cock.", Niall jumped in and put his arm around my shoulders.
I smiled and waved them goodbye, before I stepped away from Niall and walked to the door, with him on my heels.
We got into the car and as he turned on the heating, he asked:
"Wanna do something illegal?"
"What? No? What kind of question is that?"
"Hear me out."
"Okay? But the answer is still no."
"What do you say, we go to the field and play?"
"Like, against each other?"
He nodded before he started pulling out of the driveway.
"So I can prove that one, I'm not competitive, and two, I'm a good soccer player and not a sore loser."
"So you admit that I would beat you."
"Please.", he said snorting and I crossed my arms.
"Okay then."
"Okay. Put your seatbelt on."
After I did as told, I asked him about how we would actually get in if it was locked.
"Um, hello? I'm the team captain. I have a spare key just in case."
"What about the lights? It's dark outside."
"It's more fun this way, innit?"
"What about-"
"Stop overthinking and start living."
Okay there Dr. Seuss
Niall parked the car in the communal parking lot and told me to stop freaking out about the consequences we would face if we got caught. He grabbed a red soccer ball from the backseats and fixated the snapback on his head.
He easily got us in through the back door and I followed him through the locker room that led to the pitch.
I could actually see thanks to the moonlight and the streetlights that managed to produce enough light for me to see him clearly.
He took off his snapback and placed it on my head.
"What's this for?"
"So your ears won't freeze off? I know you're cold, I can see you have goosebumps on your legs."
"Stop looking at my legs then."
"Yeah right.", he laughed and I rolled my eyes.
"So how do we play? Please don't tell me we're going to play for ninety minutes because I'll die of hypothermia."
"Don't worry. We can play three out of five goals. First one to score two goals wins."
"Easy peasy.", I said, even though I had no idea how to play soccer.
We walked in the middle of the field and he placed the ball between us. Then he pointed out each of our gates.
"But there's no whistle.", I said and he counted down from five to zero.
"Wait what?", what the only thing I said when he took the ball away with his feet and started running towards my gate.
"Hey, whoa! Wait for me! I can't run that fast!", I yelled and ran after him as fast as I could.
"And he SCOOOORES!", he yelled throwing his hands in the air as the ball hit the net.
"That's not fair!", I protested and ran to get the ball out of the net.
"Wha-what are you doing?", he asked as I started running towards his gate with the ball in my hands. "That's against the rules!"
"I don't care!"
I let the ball drop in front of the gate and kicked it against the net.
"That doesn't count!", he said and I was surprised of how quickly he managed to appear next to me.
"It so does! Or are you going to cry?"
"Fine.", he shrugged and went to get the ball, soon scoring another point for himself. I was exhausted and panting, my legs freezing off.
"Why don't I score another goal and we can call it a night?", he said in a baby voice, trying to mock me.
"No way. I'm going to beat you."
So I repeated my actions by pulling the ball out of his hand and running to the gate, throwing it once again against the net.
"Seriously, you have to play properly. Only with your legs."
"Ready?", he asked and set the ball down between us. "Look, I'll even let you get the ball first."
I stuck my tongue out at him, before I pushed him on his back and started kicking the ball towards the gate, step by step.
"That's a fault! I get a free kick!", he yelled and kicked the ball in the net.
"I get a free kick and you're going to be the goal keeper."
"Fine, but if you miss, then I win."
He sighed and nodded. I went to stay in the middle of the white gate line, waiting for him to kick. He mimicked a kick and I squealed, closing my eyes and shielding my face.
"Are you serious?"
"Please don't hit me in the face."
"Can't make any promises."
I pouted and told him to throw it already. He took a few steps back, before he ran towards the ball and kicked it. The ball went straight over the gate and I yelled, throwing my hands in the air.
"That wasn't fair, it's usually eleven meters away from the gate, not twenty. No one can really score from twenty meters!", he tried to defend himself and I rolled my eyes.
"Now you're just making up excuses! I won, you lost.", I said, knowing that he would've probably won the game if I hadn't cheated like that. But I still enjoyed teasing him nonetheless.
"You know what? You don't even deserve to have warm ears.", he mumbled and took the snapback off my head to put it on his.
I shrugged and pulled my hood on, before I let out a breath.
"It's so cold, I can literally see my breath."
He did the same and then we stood like two idiots for about three minutes, just puffing out breath to see how it looked.
Then he sat down on the grass, stretching out his legs and leaning back on his arms.
"Get up. We have to leave before someone sees us."
"I once had sex with the head cheerleader on this field at night. If we didn't get caught then, I don't think we'll caught now. I mean her screams were pretty loud you know?", he said and smirked.
"How interesting. Seriously, let's go. My legs are freezing."
"How can they freeze if they're so hot?", he said and I face palmed myself, laughing.
"That's ridiculous. Worst pickup line ever."
"Who said I was trying to pick you up?", he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"I'm not that big of a womanizer you know."
"You kind of are.", I said, softly kicking his ankles with my shoes. "You're twenty-one and never had a girlfriend."
"I had you."
We stared at each other for a while, before he decided to grab my right calf and pull me down over his lap. I let out a sound that sounded like a drowning cat when our crotches collided.
My knees were on either side of his thighs, skin on cold grass that made my skin erupt in goosebumps.
"Niall, I'm freezing. If this is a way of getting revenge because you lost the game, then it's not working."
"Of course I lost.", he said, his eyes fixating on my lips and I was suddenly extremely aware of the fact that I was straddling his lap and my hands were pressed to his chest.
"Why of course?"
"Didn't have my favorite cheerleader cheering for me."
I smiled and finally got what he was saying.
"Who then?", I decided to play dumb, putting my hands on his shoulders.
"You know, I got this new cheerleader, she's kind of an idiot but really hot and I really wanna fuck her."
"Oh?", I said, my voice cracking. I had two choices: to get up and ask him to take me home so I can cuddle up under my warm blanket, or I could continue whatever game we were playing and freeze to death.
And because I was never really that bright, I chose the latter.
"I've seen her, and she's not really that hot."
"Oh but she is. Her boobs are bigger and she got really hot over the past two years."
"She wasn't hot before?"
"More like innocent hot. Now she's sexy hot."
I had a weird feeling in my stomach, a mix between arousal and butterflies.
"What else?"
"She got really pink lips that I'd love to see wrapped around my cock when I fuck her mouth. I think she'd be the slow and deep type, moaning with her pretty little mouth."
His hands came to rest on my naked thighs, before he started rubbing them up and down, creating some friction to keep me warm.
For the first time since I fell into his lap, he looked at me and his pupils were dilated.
His fingertips slipped under my dungarees and I involuntarily leaned down so our noses were almost touching.
To my defense, his breath was warm and smelled like the Skittles we shared in the car.
"I want to fucking wreck you pri-baby, until you beg me to stop."
My mind was having some trouble coming up with a good response, so I spoke the first thing that came into my mind.
"That's not very nice."
Well, the second. The first thing that came into my mind was 'so do it', but that's not really important.
"I was never a good boy.", he breathed and put a hand on the back of my neck, attaching our lips.
His hands went down my back and he cupped my ass, bringing me closer to him.
My fingers were playing with the hair at the back of his neck as he kissed me. The kiss was low but rough at the same time and for a moment I forgot that my legs were literally going to fall off because of the cold.
But then the lights of the stadium were turned on, lighting up the whole pitch and I pulled back, my heart beating faster than ever.
"HEY! YOU TWO! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED HERE!", someone yelled and I quickly stood up, followed by Niall.
"Run.", he said and he started running away.
It was when I saw the security guard coming from a door across the field that I realised I had to move if I didn't want to be suspended.
I caught up to Niall by the door, because he was waiting to lock it.
"Took you long enough.", he said as we got in the car.
"You're an idiot! I swear to god if he recognized us, I'm going to kill you!"
"Relax, he's new here."
I managed to get my breathing back to normal as he drove.
"That was fucking crazy.", I said, trying to rub my legs as much as I could to get them warm but I soon gave up because it was useless and my hands were starting to freeze too.
"You've gotten better at kissing.", he said and I shot him a look.
"Practiced a lot."
"So that boyfriend of yours...what's his name?"
"Are you trying to make me feel guilty or something?", I asked crossing my arms, my teeth clattering.
"No? I just want to know more about him?"
"Because I want to know all my friends' boyfriends."
"So we're friends?"
"Of course?", he said as if it was general knowledge.
"Well his name's Sam and he's nineteen. Um, he's also a dancer-"
He snorted and I pursed my lips, crossing my arms.
"Aw, come on I was just messing with you."
"You're being rude and I don't want to give you any more details because one, I'm freezing and two, you're being rude."
He stopped the car in front of the dorms and asked me if I wanted him to come up with me. I nodded.
I unlocked the door and he leaned against the frame. There was a post-it note on the window from Amy.
"Went out with Ryan :) Don't wait up until midnight"
I took off my parka and set it on the hanger, before I looked at Niall.
"You're not coming in or?"
"Why would I?"
I shrugged and pushed my suspenders from my shoulder, before I sat down on the desk chair, rubbing my thighs.
He sighed and stepped in, closing the door behind him.
"How many degrees are even outside?"
He shrugged and I stopped my rubbing motion when he suddenly kneeled in front of me, taking off his jacket and setting it on the floor.
"What are you doing?", I asked and he pulled me to the edge of the chair by the back of my knees.
"Keeping you warm.", he smirked and started leaving open kisses up my legs.
My skin got instantly warmer thanks to his touch and I was about to thank him, when he lifted his head to look me in the eye.
"Take off your clothes."
My heart started beating faster and I stared at his face for a couple of seconds.
"I got a boyfriend. I'm not the kind of person who cheats."
His thumbs drew warm circles into my ankle and I tried to seem like I didn't want him to eat me out, but we both knew that the moment he told me to undress I wanted to do it.
I didn't say anything and he smiled when I stood up to push my dungarees to the floor, before I sat back down.
"You're more confident now. I like it.", he spoke as he trailed his hands up from my ankles to my thighs.
"Take off your shirt.", he instructed and I obeyed immediately.
He smiled and hooked his fingers around the hem of my panties, before he pulled them down my legs, then off my ankles and somewhere in the room.
I bit my lip as he started kissing up from my knees to my inner thighs.
I put a hand behind my hand and the other one through his hair, knocking off his snapback.
He softly bit my clit and I bit my bottom lip so hard I thought blood was going to come out.
Niall teased the clit with his tongue piercing, making me moan and grip harder into his hair.
"What do you want? Tell me and I'll give it to you."
"Your fingers.", I breathed and he pressed two of his fingers against my lips.
I did as told and he bit his lip, staring hungrily into my eyes. When he thought I'd wet them enough, he pulled them out and ran them across my slit teasingly.
My stomach was going up and down in uneven breaths, eagerly anticipating his next movements.
His middle finger entered me first, before it was followed by the index finger.
"Fuck!", I said and brought both my hands into Niall's hair.
"Pull my hair."
I did as told and pulled his hair, making him speed up his movements.
"I need your tongue.", I said almost out of breath, feeling a familiar arousing feeling in the pit of my stomach.
He started sucking on my clit as his fingers worked in and out of me.
"Holy shit, your tongue feels so good."
"Wait until you feel my cock."
I moaned at the thought and begged him to go faster because I was close.
"You gonna cum for me yeah?", he said and his dirty tone caused butterflies in my stomach.
"I-fuck yes."
"Such a dirty little mouth.", he said and ran his tongue across my opening, pulling his fingers out.
And I came with a moan as I arched my back off the chair.
He licked his lips and got up, handing me my underwear.
"Um, thanks? I guess.", I said standing up after I put my panties on.
"You taste sweeter than I remembered.", he told me and I smiled, shrugging.
"See you tomorrow at Lit?"
I nodded and he ran a hand through his hair, before he bent down to take his jacket and snapback.
"So um, I'd kind of appreciate if you didn't tell anyone about this? I don't want them to think I'm some cheating whore or something.", I said, even though I was and there was no going back.
"Sure.", he agreed and walked to the door. "Do you want me to come to the bathroom and wait for you to brush your teeth?"
A smile spread across my face and I nodded, grabbing my toiletries bag and following him out of my dorm.
He leaned against the sink as he watched me take my contact lenses and makeup off, brushing my teeth and swore to look elsewhere when I changed into my pajamas.
"Thanks.", I said and he shrugged, muttering a 'any time'.
He waited by the elevator and I entered the room, locking the door behind me. I got in bed and repeated the whole day over again in my head.
Amy came around half past eleven and I fell asleep to her having phone sex with a stranger.
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I hope it was okay :)
Tell me what you think of this chapter and what should happen next here (what do you think of the new characters?)
I appreciate and read every single comment, and I can't believe how many people read it!
Love you guys!
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