Chapter 24
So enjoy reading!
Oh, and I recently saw TFIOS and I kind of cried throughout the whole movie but oh well! Have you guys seen it? Ansel Elgort is the bae <3
Rey's POV
We slept in the next morning because we decided in the last minute to stay another day in LA and visit it. I felt left out a bit because everyone else had been there before, and I was the only one who hadn't been there yet.
"So should I dress fancy or are shorts and a top okay?", I asked Niall as I searched through the small suitcase I'd brought. I didn't have many clothes to choose from, since I assumed we would be flying back to New York today.
"Jesus, yeah.", he said smiling, but rolled his eyes. "We're going to visit LA, not to meet the queen."
"But what if we meet someone famous? Like the Kardashians?", I asked, pulling on the only shorts I brought with me. They were from Hollister, and they were black made out of cotton. I also dressed up with a black crop top that said GEEK and the only shoes I had were my black Vans.
We needed to check out of the hotel the next day at eight, because we had changed our flight for 12pm on Monday.
"Can we go to that restaurant next to that souvenir shop? The one where we ate the good pizza?", Katherine asked Niall once we got out of the cab on Hollywood boulevard.
He shrugged, putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into him.
"So where are we going?", Liam asked, putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
We decided to walk down the Walk of Fame for a while, before we went up to the Hollywood sign.
As we sat on a terrace at a restaurant, an hour later, Niall got a call from Luke's mom.
"Hi.", he answered, a bit skeptical. "Yeah. Um. Yeah."
Niall looked at Liam for a second, then at Zayn and smirked.
"Sure. When? Okay. I'll tell them. Thanks. Bye."
"Who was that?"
"Liz Hemmings."
"And?", Jake asked, suddenly getting anxious.
"She wanted to remind us that tour starts next month Dublin, and she's sending us the flight tickets tomorrow."
"I can't believe this is actually happening.", Zayn said, leaning back in his chair and smiling.
"It's Croke Park, isn't it?", I asked Niall and he nodded.
"Sold out twice."
"Can I come?", I asked, not really wanting to sound desperate, but I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do this summer. And staying with my parents in London was NOT an option. I was not in the mood of trying to tolerate my mother for three months straight.
"Of course you can babe. We've got two empty bunks on the bus.", Niall said stretching his arm out to come around my chair.
He nodded and smiled.
"You thought I'd let another summer go to waste?", he asked when everyone engaged in another conversation and they weren't really paying attention.
I shrugged. "Maybe you wanted to go with just the lads?"
He snorted. "Kitty's coming too and Max I think."
"What about my boyfriend?", Jake interrupted us, suddenly looking up from his pizza and that was that.
When we got back to the hotel I didn't even have time to take off my shoes because Niall pinned me against the door and dropped to his knees, lips already red and bitten from anticipation.
I didn't complain.
"Your faces are fucking huge mate!", Niall exclaimed the first time we saw the tour buses in the parking lot behind the Croke Park arena.
One of the tour buses had 5SOS' faces on them.
It was the 26th of June and the boys were performing in about five hours in front of over eighty thousand people.
There were four tour buses; two for the crew, one for 5SOS and one for One Direction. Katherine, Max and I were on the same bus as Niall and the others, since each bus had about eight beds.
"Wait until you see the inside, it's fucking amazing!", Michael said and Niall didn't wait for another word, because he stepped inside, followed by Jake, Max and Zayn.
Katherine, Liam and I stood outside because she was halfway through the cigarette and wanted company.
"So I noticed yesterday that you guy and Zayn get along better now?", I asked crossing my arms.
"Yeah. He...he got used to the idea of us.", Liam said and Katherine nodded, letting out a smoke so she could speak too.
"He apologized for being an asshole actually. Was quite surprised because he'd done nothing wrong. But oh well.", she said smiling and leaned against Liam.
"So everything's good?"
They both nodded, and then all three of us climbed up on the tour bus. It was pretty awesome: it had a big kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom that led to the big living room.
Niall was already on the left couch, Xbox controller in his hand and playing FIFA '15 with Jake against Max and Zayn.
I sat down next to Jake and opened the small mini fridge, taking out a bottle of water as I watched them play. Even though the games was extremely boring, it was fun to watch them playing it because they swore most of the time, and sometimes they whacked each other over the back of their heads.
Thirty minutes later, Paul came to tell them that they had to go in and rehearse once before the concert actually started, and they had to go NOW because people would start to show up pretty soon.
They were led backstage, but Katherine, Max and I remained in the bus to change our clothes.
I dressed up in some red shorts, a USA-flag crop top and of course my black Vans.
We found our way backstage thanks to another security guy who led us through a lot of long corridors, until we finally got to a door that had 5SOS written on top of it, and under it One Direction.
Niall and Zayn were seated in some chairs while two women did their hair, and Jake and Liam were already dressed up and styled, currently occupying themselves with the Play Station 6 that was in the corner of the room.
"Are you dyeing your hair green?", I asked Niall as I went up to him.
The blonde lady looked up at me for a second and smiled, eyes flicking back down to Niall's hair.
"Apparently. But it's temporary dye, so it'll go away after I wash my hair.", he answered, making eye contact with me through the mirror.
"It's going to look good.", I assured him.
"I know."
I rolled my eyes and smiled, before I walked over to Zayn to see that he was getting a quiff and a blonde streak.
They were done an hour later, all dressed up with new clothes, when the guys from 5SOS entered the room, yelling and cheering and jumping over them on the couch.
They pulled me in hugs too, and I hoped I wasn't blushing because Luke took a bit longer than everyone else, and he also rubbed my back.
"Hi." He said smiling down at me.
"How've you been?"
I nodded. "Good."
"Missed me?"
He shot me a cheeky smile and I couldn't help but smile back. He was just too cute and even though he tried to be punk rock, he was failing miserably.
He's just like Niall
"What are you thinking about?" He asked, obviously noticing.
"I was just thinking that you're a lot like Niall."
I saw Niall suddenly turn his head to us from the couch, and he seemed a bit confused and disappointed.
"In what way? Good looking?"
I shrugged, suddenly not wanting to continue this conversation with Niall's eyes on me. Did I say something wrong?
Five minutes later they were called on stage for a quick rehearsal, and while they rehearsed, Katherine and I sat in the second row, watching them.
At the end of the rehearsal (their part lasted forty minutes), Niall got a call from someone and his expression changed drastically. I frowned as I walked to him.
"What the fuck? When? What?! I don't fucking have time for this right now-where? NOW? Are you-I can't! Fuck!"
He hung up and ran a hand through his hair.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Ann died yesterday."
"Her lungs or something. I don't fucking now! And now he's on a connecting flight from New York to Dublin and then to Paris."
"His fiancée died and he's jetting off to Paris?" I asked.
Niall shrugged.
"I don't fucking care what he does, but he has Eddie with him and he asked me to go pick him up from the airport in five minutes because they just landed and I don't have the fucking time because we're going on in ten minutes."
"I can go."
"What? You're getting your drivers license in a week, you can't drive."
"I can take a taxi."
He sighed and looked at the clock on his phone.
"Fine. Do you know your way around the airport?"
"We landed there yesterday.", I said and he nodded, before he looked for something in the back pocket of his jeans.
He pulled out a twenty-pound note and pressed it into my palm.
"Here. Should be enough."
"I got money too-"
"Just take it. I don't have time for this."
Then he walked away and I stood there, watching him for a moment because I'd never seen him that stressed in a long time.
I found a cab just outside the stadium because two girls climbed out of it, wearing 5SOS t-shirts.
"Dublin airport please."
I got there in fifteen minutes, and started running towards the arrivals. I saw Eddie and Mr. Horan in a corner with two suitcases.
"REY!" Eddie exclaimed when he saw me nearing them.
"Hi." Was the only thing I managed to say because I wasn't sure how to approach them. "Niall couldn't make it because they probably already started playing."
Mr. Horan nodded and handed me a smaller suitcase, which was probably for Eddie.
"Why don't you go check out those magazines over there yeah buddy?", Mr. Horan told Eddie and the little guy nodded before running off.
"I'm so sorry for having to dump this on Niall's shoulders, but I have a business meeting tomorrow in Paris and my flight leaves in about thirty minutes."
"What did you tell Eddie happened?"
"I told him that his mommy went on a long trip to heaven and she's not coming back and all that crap."
I scrunched my nose at his horrible parenting.
"When will you be back to take him?"
"I don't know. I'll call Niall."
"Okay. Um."
"I have to go now. Thank you again."
"Mr. Horan?"
"Hm?" He asked, stopping to turn around.
"You don't deserve Niall as a son."
He sadly smiled.
"I know."
And then he walked away.
"Hey Eddie." I said softly, kneeling down next to him.
"Hi!" He replied, throwing his arms around my neck. "Are we going to see Ni?"
"Yes we are." I smiled.
"I forgot how he looks."
"He looks good." I laughed.
"Is he beautiful?"
"Of course."
"He said you were beautiful."
He eagerly nodded and I smiled, opening the door to a cab for him to get in, then I climbed after him.
We got to the stadium fifteen minutes later, and I could already hear 5SOS singing, which meant we missed One Direction.
I eventually found the way backstage and Eddie instantly ran off when he saw Niall walking down a long hallway together with the rest of the band.
"NI!" He yelled and I couldn't help but smile when I saw Niall crouch down to catch Eddie after he threw himself at him.
"How have you been buddy?" Niall asked and Eddie smiled.
"Good! I missed you!"
Niall placed him down and came towards me.
"What did dad say about Ann?"
"Daddy said that mommy went on a long trip and he doesn't know where she's coming back!"
"A trip to where?" Niall asked annoyed.
"A trip to heaven."
Niall snorted.
"More like hell."
"Eddie, your mom died, she's not on a long trip to heaven for fuck's sake!" Niall exclaimed and Eddie watched him walk away for a moment, before he started crying.
I had no idea what came over Niall that made him react that way, but I tried to focus on taking Eddie into my arms and petting his head.
"Is mommy really dead?" he asked and I sadly smiled.
"Yes, but she's in a better place right now."
"Why is Niall mad at me?"
"He's mad at your dad."
"Because...shh." Was the only thing I could come up with and kissed his forehead so he could calm down a bit.
"Do you want to join Katherine and watch the concert?" I asked him and he nodded, so I followed Jake, who was just exiting the dressing room to go on the side of the stage and watch the rest of the concert with Max.
"I'll take him." Jake offered and I thankfully smiled at him.
"You know where-"
"He's outside in the back parking lot." He said and pointed to a door.
I kissed his cheek and then he took Eddie in his arms, before they both started walking down the hallway.
I spotted Niall and Zayn as soon as I opened the door. They were leaning against a wall on the right, and Zayn was smoking while Niall was just fiddling with an unlit cigarette in his fingers.
"Hey." I said as I approached them, unsure whether it was okay for me to do so.
Zayn smiled and nodded in acknowledgement, whereas Niall just looked up at me, then back down at his hands.
"So I'm just-gonna-yeah." Zayn said quickly and took one last drag of smoke, before he let the fag fall on the pavement and squished it with the heel of his Nikes.
He handed Niall the lighter he was using, before he placed a hand on my shoulder and walked away.
Niall sat down on the curb and lit the lighter a few times.
"I used to burn myself."
"What?" I asked and sat down next to him.
"Like, when I was younger. I'd just light it up and see how long I could hold the flame to my skin."
"My arm. Elbow. I don't even know, it was five years ago."
I took the lighter out of his hand and watched him watch the sky for a moment.
"Do you hate me?" he finally asked and turned his head to me.
"What? No? Why would I?"
"For what I did to Eddie."
"No...I just don't understand why you got to worked up about your dad telling him she went on a long trip to heaven. How else is he supposed to tell a five year old that his mother died of cancer?"
"I'm just tired of him lying! And why couldn't he leave Eddie with a sitter for three days?"
"Because you're his brother and he's on a business trip."
"The fuck he is! I'm tired of him saying that things are only temporary and lying and just-"
He stopped and sighed, burying his face in his hands.
I bit my lip, and something downed on me that made my heart curl up in a tiny ball.
"It's your dad, isn't it?"
He looked up at me confused.
"What are you talking about?"
"He didn't accept the business trip after they got divorced, he just left, didn't he? And you waited for him to come back but he never did."
His eyes looked so unbelievably vulnerable in that moment, that all I wanted to do was to hold him close until all his broken pieces stick back together.
"And that's why you're so afraid that everyone you care about is going to leave you. B-"
"That's why I don't believe in happy endings and true love and soulmates. I thought my parents were soulmates, but oh well."
I knew his sarcasm was a way of covering up the fact that he was extremely scared about what was going to happen to Eddie and...probably to us.
"Harry and Louis are soulmates." I said.
"What about your mum and dad? How can you be so positive about 'love' when you mum's out flirting with underage boys?"
I shrugged. "I never really took my parents as an example for true love."
"Then how can you be so sure that it exists?"
"You don't need proof to know that something is real. When it's real, you just know."
He snorted and I felt a bit offended.
"I knew my parents were in love, I knew my dad would never do such a thing but he did! And people do it all the time! Because what they have is never enough!"
"Some people Niall, don't generalize it!"
"How can I possibly not generalize it?! Look at Zayn and Liam! Look at Katherine and Ricky!"
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"And why are you personally so sure that I'm wrong? You never had a boyfriend before! How can you even 'know' that true love exists?"
This discussion was making me so angry right now, but I didn't want to start yelling too because I knew that would only make things worse.
"Because I know what I feel for you is real!"
"Yeah, okay."
"You know, you're so full of shit!" I exclaimed and got up, furious that he was the one that didn't believe me, even though I told him that I did every single day, while he remained silent and just smiled.
"Oh I'm so sorry for being fucked up!"
"No that's not what I meant! Why can't you just fucking accept the fact that someone really loves you and that people care about you?"
"This discussion makes me really anxious, can we drop it?"
I looked straight into his eyes and he really seemed like he didn't want to talk about it anymore.
"Fine. Sorry. I just care about you and don't want you to feel like you're alone in whatever you're going through." I told him and he sighed, placing the cigarette between his lips.
"I just really need..." he started, but the stopped.
"Need what?"
"To get high. Forget about stuff."
I nodded and raised my arm so I could light his cigarette. He looked surprised and took it out of his mouth between his two fingers.
"What are you doing?"
"I thought you said cigarettes relaxed you."
"When did I say that?"
"I don't know when exactly, but I knew they kept you calm. you go."
"But I promised you I'd never smoke again."
"Yeah but I just want you to be happy."
"Cigarettes don't make me happy, nor do they 'relax' me or 'get me high." He said and actually smiled a bit.
"Then what does? Tell me so I can help." I said, sitting back down next to him.
"You do."
"What?" I asked, confused a bit.
"Kiss me." He said and put the cigarette out next to him.
I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him in for a soft kiss.
His right hand cupped my face while the other one came to rest on my hip. I straddled him and started kissing up his neck, but he ended up sucking and licking and biting on mine.
I closed my eyes because he knew exactly where my sweet spot was; right under my ear.
He then pulled on my bottom lip and nibbled on it, until I was sure it was red and a bit swollen.
His lips were all shiny and he was smiling, eyes trailing all over my face like he just saw it for the first time.
"You're my favorite drug." He said and all I could do was just stare at his face because that was honestly the best compliment I'd ever gotten from someone ever.
"Do I get you high?" I teased smiling.
He looked up at me and blinked.
"Your kisses do."
"You're so cheesy."
"You love it."
"I do, actually." I admitted and he looked at something behind me.
I turned my head to see Eddie coming over to us, followed by Jake and Max.
"NI are you okay?!" he exclaimed and somehow made himself some space between us, hugging his neck tight.
"Yeah." Niall answered and I stood up, taking a step back from him. "I'm sorry for being an asshole by the way."
"You are an asshole!" Eddie repeated and I shot Niall an amused look.
Niall messed up Eddie's hair and the little guy went to climb over his back.
"Are we in your country now? Because that's what the man with the hole in his ear said!"
Eddie looked around before he exclaimed and pointed Jake out, who was now making out (more like devouring) Max's face.
"He's kissing a boy! I never saw a boy kiss a boy before!"
Niall slung an arm around Eddie's back and pulled him over his shoulder so he would be on his lap.
"Have you ever kissed a boy Ni?"
"Is Rey a boy?"
"She's a pretty boy."
"That doesn't make sense." Niall said and Eddie shrugged, yawning.
"Where am I going to sleep?"
Niall shot me a look and I pointed to our tour bus.
"On the tour bus...with uh, with us."
"But before we can do that, we have to go back and watch the rest of the show."
When Niall stood up, Eddie held his arms up for Niall to lift him up and carry him.
We watched the rest of the show from the sidelines, and Eddie sat on Niall's shoulders, actually having a good time and he didn't even seem to mind that his mother was dead.
Three hours later, when everything was finally over, and the stadium was finally empty, everyone returned to their tour buses.
Some of the crew and 5SOS chose to stay at a hotel, but the guys from One Direction wanted to stay on the tour bus.
Eddie wanted to cuddle with Niall, so we fell asleep in different bunks.
The next morning I woke up to the bus already moving, and was confused because I thought that we were supposed to go and visit Dublin on their free day.
"What's going on?" I asked as soon as I sat up.
No one answered, I just heard Zayn mumble something from the bunk above me, and when I stood up I realized that everyone else was gone.
I made my way to the showers with a change of clothes and my toiletries bag.
I got dressed in some shorts, a crop top and a pair of new converse hi-tops that Niall had bought for me a week ago.
I found Jake and Max in the kitchen, eating some fast food takeout, and the rest of them in the living room/game room.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Mullingar." Katherine replied.
"Oh my God what?!"
"We're going to visit grandma and grandpa, and then I want to show them where I used to have fun and stuff."
I looked at Niall who was concentrated on his game, but had a smirk on his face nonetheless.
"We'll be there in like ten minutes."
The tour bus stopped right in front of Niall's house, and after they paid the driver and told him to be back tomorrow morning, we made our way towards my grandma's house.
I was a bit nervous, because I hadn't seen her in like three years.
We rang the bell and Katherine was probably as nervous as I was.
"What the hell are you waiting for George?" we heard a voice from inside.
"Why am I supposed to open the door all the damn time?!"
"Because I'm busy!"
"Watching the neighbors doesn't count as an excuse Elizabeth!!"
"Just open the god damned door for Christ's sake!"
"Are they for real?" Jake laughed and then the door opened.
Grandpa stood there for a moment, blinking in confusion. Then recognition settled on his face and he started laughing loudly, happily as he opened his arms.
Katherine and I both hugged him at the same time.
"What's all the noise-oh goodness gracious! Delilah! Katherine!" my grandma exclaimed when she saw us, throwing her hands in the air and coming closer to us.
"I haven't seen you in three years! You've both grown so much! You're taller than I am now!" she said as she hugged me.
"Wait you used to be smaller?" Jake asked and then everyone laughed and introductions followed.
Of course we were all invited in after that, and grandma seemed to really like Eddie. And Jake.
"So are you two together now?" my grandpa asked, looking at Niall, then at me.
We were sitting next to each other so that probably raised some question marks.
"Three months in a week." Niall answered and grandpa gave the most genuine smile I've ever seen on him in my entire life.
"I knew it! Didn't I tell you Elizabeth? Didn't I? I'm right as usual. Do you remember when you used to absolutely despise him?"
I laughed.
"And when you forbid me to see him."
"Yes I did." Grandma said and smiled.
"But you sneaked out anyway, didn't you?" Liam smirked and I laughed, eating one of the cookies that laid on a plate on the coffee table.
"No she didn't!" grandma exclaimed looking at me. "Did you?"
"Every night." I admitted and she shook her head, still smiling.
"How many times did I actually walk into the room while he was in there too?"
"About five times."
"And where did you hide him?"
"Actually, I don't really want to know." She said holding a hand up and everyone laughed.
"How's um-my mum?" Niall asked.
"She's supposed to get back from grocery shopping any minute now. You should pay her a visit too."
"More cookies?" Jake asked and grandma got up from her seat, motioning for him to follow her into the kitchen.
"Yaaaas bitch!" Jake exclaimed and grandma laughed as they disappeared in the kitchen.
"So who are you dating Katherine? Him?" grandpa asked, pointing to Max who was sitting next to her.
"Oh God no. Liam."
She nodded towards Liam.
"And as flattered as I am, I'm gay." Max said and grandpa didn't even flinch.
"You dating the funny guy then?" he asked and Max nodded just as grandma and Jake returned from the kitchen with new plates filled with cookies.
After half an hour of talking we decided it was time to pay Maura a visit too, before everyone went to explore Mullingar.
Niall was the one who rang the bell and I could see that he was actually kind of anxious.
Maura's reaction was just as I expected; she smiled and threw her arms around her son, kissing both of his cheeks, which made him kind of embarrassed.
"Aren't you a little mommas boy." Jake cooed as he entered the house.
Lily and Larry were in the living room, on the couch, watching some children's TV show.
"Larry! Niall's here!" Maura announced as we entered the living room.
Lily screamed and jumped down from the couch, running over to hug Niall's knees.
"Renee! Hello." Larry greeted and I smiled.
They already knew everyone here, so we went straight to eating whatever they gave us.
After we left the house, we actually went and introduced Mullingar to them. Lily and Eddie came with too, and once it got eight in the evening we were sitting on the curb next to the skate park, eating cheap ice cream.
"This would be the best place to spend the summer." Liam said and I nodded.
"Isn't it?" Niall asked and moved his thigh to the left so it would be touching mine.
"Do you guys want to go and see a movie?" Katherine asked and everyone nodded.
"I think I'm gonna pass." Niall said and got up. "Gotta bring the kids back home."
He shot me a questioning look and I nodded, getting up too.
"We'll spend the night at the hotel across from the Chinese restaurant." Katherine told us before they all got up. "See you later."
Eddie then grabbed my hand and Niall pushed Lily's stroller while we got into bus to get us to his home faster.
Once we were in his room it was already nine o'clock and I wasn't even a bit tired. Eddie slept in Lily's room, and Maura was actually happy that the two children got along.
Niall went to sit down on the bed and motioned for me to walk towards him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as I got between his legs.
He placed his palms on the back of my naked knees.
"Because I want to finally fuck you in my bed."
I bit my lip and smiled.
"Okay. But let's just hope Larry doesn't walk in on us."
He laughed and pulled me over him, before he flipped us over.
He sat up on his knees between my legs and started unzipping my shorts, before he pulled them off my legs, leaving the converse on.
"Take your top off." He instructed and I obeyed as he did the same, with his pants too, then came back to kneel between my legs.
"Bra too babe."
I unclasped my bra and let it fall onto the floor, before I laid back down against the pillow.
"You're so beautiful. So soft." He said and trailed his hands all the way from my ankles to my shoulders; where he bent down to kiss me.
"Do you want to be on top?" he asked and I shook my head.
He then proceeded to suck a matching hickey on the other side of my neck, before he pulled back and got up on the bed to take his boxers off.
His hard cock slapped against his stomach as he kneeled again, this time taking himself into his hand and stroking a few times before he actually lined up.
"You're so fucking wet." He said and smirked, running his tip along my wet opening.
"Niall." I moaned and he slowly pushed into me, before he leaned over to capture my lips into a kiss as he fully entered me.
He rested his elbows on either side of my head as he started picking up his place. I started sucking on his neck and he was breathing into my ear with each thrust.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to pull him as close as possible as he sucked on my earlobe.
I scratched up his back when he started going faster, so fast it made me moan and I actually had to put my hands over my mouth to cover them up.
But he grabbed my hands and tangled our fingers, bringing both hands above my head.
"Don't ever try to cover up your moans. I want people to hear who makes you feel so good."
"Niall." I moaned involuntarily and he nodded, pulling on my bottom lip.
"That's it princess. You know, sometimes I hold your hand when we fuck because we can be as rough as we want with each other's bodies but me holding your hand is my way of reminding you that I'm nothing but gentle with your heart." He whispered hotly into my ear.
I could feel my stomach clenching as he slowed down his movements, which meant he was close too.
Our tongues met as soon as he placed an open mouthed kiss on my lips and the moment he pressed his thumb against my clit I came with a muffled shout of his name.
He pulled out after that and I watched confused as he got out of bed.
"Sit up." He said, hand never leaving his shaft.
I did as told and he stepped closer, tangling his hand in my hair and bringing my head down to his hard cock.
"I want you to suck me until I come."
I nodded and licked my lips, before I wrapped my fingers around him and got to work. All I had to do was suck on the tip for a bit, and then lick a long stripe from the base to the head for him to come with a low moan into my mouth.
His hold on my hair loosened after that and he pulled out of my mouth with a pleased expression on his face.
"You're so good baby."
I smiled and he grabbed a towel out of his almost empty closet.
"'m gonna go shower."
I nodded and then we took turns showering, before he asked me if we wanted to go out because it was only half past nine.
"Sure. Where?"
"Go to the beach with my motorcycle. Just like we used to." He smiled and I nodded, feeling that my heart started beating faster.
He seemed so happy and content when he pulled the motorcycle out of the garage and turned it on for the first time in a year.
"Wait. Here." He said and handed me his helmet.
I looked at him weirdly.
"But I thought no one got to wear this helmet? Why is that?"
"Because it used to be my dad's and it had um, it was the only thing I had from him actually. It's stupid."
"No, it's not. But still, you never gave it to anyone else."
"Yeah because I never cared about anyone before."
"So that summer when you took me out with your motorcycle you didn't care about me?" I asked, not even trying to hide my teasing smirk.
"I did, but not like I do now."
"I'm going to take it as a good thing."
"Just put it on you head and get on. You can climb on it right now, can't you?"
"I don't know." I said innocently and he sighed, but smiled when he came towards me and gripped into my hips so he could lift me up and place me on the motorcycle.
"Such a gentleman."
I hugged him as tight as I could as he drove, mainly because I was kind of cold and he was wearing that red hoodie I loved.
He stopped right by the beach an hour later, and I was surprised that there were shops along by the seafront, unlike three years ago.
"I know. A lot of changed since you've last been here."
He tangled his fingers with mine as we walked towards an open ice cream shop.
It was such a nice déjà vu, getting ice cream and walking along the shops while the moon mirrored in the water.
"Niall." I said and he turned his head to me.
"You've got a bit of ice cream here."
I pointed to the corner of my lips and he attempted to wipe them.
"I don't-"
I interrupted him by pressing my cone against his face and he opened his mouth in shock.
"What the fuck? I paid for that."
"Sorry. Here, I'll make it better." I said and leaned on my tiptoes as I brought him closer to my face so I could kiss the ice cream off his lips.
"Are you trying to reenact that scene from The Notebook?" he asked and I pulled back.
"Oh my god you watched it without me!"
"No I didn't!" he protested and nuzzled his face into mine so he would also get me sticky.
"Yes you did! You just did that!"
"I was bored and there was nothing on TV!"
"Sure, whatever you say."
"You're annoying."
"You're a liar."
He sighed and dropped the subject. We finally started walking along the shoreline and at one point we took off our shoes so we could get into the water to ankle level.
"Let's get in." he said and his eyes glimmered.
"But I don't have a bathing suit."
"I thought you were over that." He smirked and I smiled, before I looked around, and after I made sure there was no one in sight, I pulled my crop top over my head and pushed the shorts down to my ankles, stepping out of them.
He was already naked by the time I discarded my last piece of clothing, running towards the water and jumping straight in.
I followed him carefully, but he suddenly pulled me underwater as soon as it reached my waist and managed to press a kiss to my lips before we came back for air.
"I'm gonna get so ill after this." I told him and he smiled, pulling me into his chest to kiss me.
My mind travelled back to three years ago, to that time when we first went skinny-dipping. It was weird, remembering how awkward and uncomfortable I felt then and how comfortable I felt now.
"Remember that time you pretended you drowned and I got scared as fuck?" he asked as he floated on his back in the water.
"Mhm." I giggled.
He pushed me and laughed, and I splashed him right back.
"Oh, and by the way you're welcome for the swimming lessons. And the driving lessons. And-"
"You're welcome for the blowjobs."
"Touché baby." He smiled and pressed a kiss to my lips, before he went underwater again.
We decided to get out a few minutes later because it was starting to get cold and our fingers were getting wrinkly.
He let me dry myself off with his shirt before we got dressed and went back to his motorcycle.
"I want to show you something." He said and before I knew it, he was turning left from the beach with his motorcycle, driving up a hill and stopping at the top of it, where you could see the sea, and then the whole city under us.
"You didn't show me this three years ago." I said.
"I didn't know about it. Your grandpa told me about it a year ago."
"You talked to him?"
"We went out for pints once or twice during the summer."
"OH my god."
"Hey shut up you and my mum cooked together."
"Yeah, but you and my grandpa went out for pints, Niall. Pints. Like...laddy lads."
He laughed and sat down on the grass in front of the motorcycle, patting the spot next to him for me to sit down.
I sat down and we watched the city for a moment, before he laid on his back and I followed suit.
"This is so weird. But in a good way." I told him a few minutes later.
I rested my hands on my stomach as I watched the clear sky above us.
"Because...I mean we were here, in this town three years ago, and we had no idea that we would see each other ever again."
"Mhm." He hummed.
"What a coincidence."
"I don't think it was a coincidence."
I turned my head to look at him.
"No. I think it was fate."
My eyes widened.
"I thought you didn't believe in shit like that."
He shrugged and laughed. "You make me extremely sentimental sometimes."
"You always are, but you don't show it often."
"Just you. And Eddie maybe. But mostly you."
"And to think that three years ago I was so embarrassed to get undressed in front of you."
He laughed. "Why?"
"Because... I don't know. I just thought you'd think I'm fat or something. Or that I didn't have boobs."
"You had...something."
"But they're bigger now! I love them. And I loved them back then too."
I smiled. "And now I don't even have a problem with burping in front of you."
"Neither do I."
"Oh you never did babe." I laughed and he snorted.
"Do you have a problem with me farting and burping?"
"No! Only when you claim it wasn't you."
"I never do that! You know that if I ever fart I warn beforehand or tell after. The silent ones are always from Jake. Or Liam. But mostly Jake."
"Okay I really don't need to know these things."
"But this is our bonding time." He laughed.
We talked for about thirty more minutes about totally irrelevant things, and when I started yawning he decided that it was time for us to go back and get some sleep.
He dressed me up with his hoodie and then he drove back home. It was around one am by the time we got into bed, not even bothering to change into pj's, we just decided to sleep in our underwear.
I cuddled up to him and he gladly wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me close.
"Remember that time you told me to fuck off when I wanted to cuddle?"
"Yeah. Sorry about that."
"I was actually so devastated about that. But then you spooned me so it was all good."
"You took my cuddle virginity by the way."
"Well you took my actual virginity so I think we're even."
"I took many of your virginities." He said, proud of himself.
"You did."
"But I think you took the most important one."
"What's that?"
"My love virginity."
"Oh my god go to sleep you're so cheesy right now."
"It's much easier to tell the truth in the dark."
"I love you." I said as a goodnight wish.
"Goodnight." He replied.
The next morning we were woken up by Maura, who told us that the bus was waiting for us in front of the house.
We quickly brushed our teeth and right when Niall was about to take Eddie in his arms, Maura asked how came we had Eddie with us.
"Ann um, died."
"I heard." Maura said, a bit sad.
"And he's on a business trip so I ended up taking care of him."
"You can leave him here for a bit if you want." She offered, and both Niall and I were surprised and a bit shocked.
"You want to take care of your ex-husbands bastard child?"
"Niall!" she exclaimed. "Of course I do. And it would be nice to have some alone time with Larry for a change while Lily plays with him."
"Ugh, mum, I don't need to know that."
Then he looked at Eddie.
"Would it be okay if you stayed here with Lily for a few days?"
"Yes!" Eddie exclaimed and hugged the blonde toddler, who clapped.
"Well then, I'll get his suitcase."
Niall disappeared and that was my cue to hug Maura goodbye.
I made sure to say goodbye to my grandparents too before I got on the bus. I wasn't even surprised when I saw Jake with two casseroles filled with cookies and baked goods from my grandma.
"If that bitch would be my grandma I'd get so fat like." He said as he stuffed his face, which made everyone laugh.
We got to Dublin two hours before they had to go on, and they went straight to sound check.
Katherine, Max and I watched from the side as usual, and it was a bit weird that the boys didn't come to sit with us after they finished.
"Okay, so confession time." Calum said right before the end of the show, when they had one more song to perform.
"This next song, which you all probably know, was actually written with the help of our very best friend, Niall from One Direction! And by 'with the help' I mean he basically wrote the whole song but we just added a sound to it."
He waited a bit for the screams to die down, and then he invited One Direction on stage with them so sing two more songs.
Katherine got really excited and started filming.
"And I'm like 99% sure this song is about someone, who knows exactly who she is.", Luke said and looked at me, winking.
I smiled and then looked at Niall confused but he didn't catch my stare because he was focused on whispering something to Zayn.
"So here's She Looks So Perfect!"
I knew Luke meant that the song was about me, but I'd listened to it for about a billion times and never made a connection, even though I also knew Niall helped them out with a song. What I didn't know was that he wrote the whole thing, because he'd told me otherwise.
They started playing and walked down the long catwalk during the whole thing, but I was too busy listening closely to the lyrics.
And to my surprise, I actually made a few connections.
"If you don't swim, you'll drown." Niall sang and smiled at me as he walked past us.
He taught me how to swim
At the "Your lipstick stain is a work of art" part he tilted his head a bit to show off the big lovebite I'd left on his neck last night. Of course people noticed and screamed and it even got on the big screen.
"I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart" Sang Luke and all I could think about was the smiley he still had on his wrist.
And the whole 'plane ticket' and 'run away' thing referred to me leaving Mullingar?
And the ripped skinny jeans on the floor were the first jeans he actually pulled off of me one night.
I was literally fangirling over the fact that my boyfriend had written another song about me and I felt so stupid about reacting like that but it was the sweetest thing ever and that's when I really realized that I wanted him forever.
As soon as the song ended, another familiar song started and Katherine and I actually squealed at the first drumbeats. I felt like I was about to cry from happiness.
Ashton was the one playing the drums and Liam was singing this time.
"Here name is Noel, I had a dream about her. She rings my bell I got gym class in half an hour." Niall started smirking. "Oh how she rocks. In Vans and tube socks."
He winked at me and I looked down to see that he actually changed the lyrics because I had Vans on and knee high socks.
"Her boyfriend's a dick." Jake started, pointing at Niall who laughed.
"I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby like Niall." Liam sang and pointed to Niall who shook his head smiling as they finished the song and confetti exploded from each side of the stage.
Katherine and Max left our places then to go and meet them in the hallway, but I remained seated, then moved in the first row to film the huge, empty stadium at night when everyone left.
"Aren't you coming backstage? We have champagne."
I turned around, startled to see Niall walking towards me. I nodded and walked towards him, instantly greeting him with a deep kiss.
"Whoa, what's up?" he laughed when I let go of the back of his head.
"For making me happy."
"You make me happy too."
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me so I could kiss him. He gripped into my hips as he leaned his head down, but then decided that it was better to hold me up as I had my legs around his waist.
"And I'm really really really happy right now." He admitted and I smiled so hard I could literally feel my cheeks hurt.
"Really? Why?"
"Because we have the whole summer together."
"We had a summer together three years ago."
"Yeah but this time we get to visit other countries and we have the next summer too, and the next next one...and the next next next one. And I don't have this awful feeling in my stomach because you won't leave when it's over."
"I thought you had the impression that everyone eventually you."
"But you won't." he said, his voice and eyes still a bit unsure.
"Of course I won't. I'll always be here, if you'll have me."
"Oh I'll have you baby." He said in an innuendo voice that made me roll my eyes because he ruined a nice moment.
"The fact that I know you don't have to leave is so reassuring you have no idea." He told me as we walked back towards the door that led backstage.
"Really. Is this the part where you think that really will be our always?"
"Oh my god you read the book."
"No, we saw the film together."
"Please stop trying to seem punk and cool because you're not anymore. At all."
He put an arm around me, stopping to pull me into a kiss.
"What else do you like?" I asked when we pulled apart.
"About what?"
"About the fact that three summers later we're finally together."
"I like that I can do everything I want with you now, because you're mine and we have all the time in the world."
"That's a long time." I said, my voice shaking a bit.
"Is it?"
"Does it bother you?"
"Not really. I like you."
"Oh yeah?"
I nodded.
"Well I love you." He said and I looked up at him, feeling like I was on the verge of tears. "And I know that I never really treated you right before, I had my moments, but now that we have forever I can do it properly. And I can tell you that I love you every day, even though I felt it every day I was scared to say it because I felt like I would jinx it."
If he gets down on one knee I swear
"But now I'm actually, for once in my life not afraid to say it because I trust you."
I nodded, because I couldn't say anything thanks to the clog in my throat.
"Do you remember when I threw you that birthday party a few months ago?" he asked out of a sudden.
"What did you wish for? I mean, did it come true?"
"Then what did you wish for? For us to end up together?"
"I wished for you to be truly happy for once."
Because true love is when someone else's happiness is your happiness
He stared at me, before he pulled me in for another kiss.
"I can prove to you that I love you more than someone can ever love something, if you'll let me. I want to make it up to you, because you loved me even though I never seemed to."
His thumbs brushed my face as he looked at me. His blue eyes were so deep and honest like I'd never seen them before, and I felt like I was about to go weak in the knees.
"I loved you three years ago, I love you know, I always will. It's just you and I now. No one else yeah? Not Luke, not Haley, not anyone."
"You and I." I repeated smiling.
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Okay so oh my god I swear to god I started crying while I was writing the last part because I don't want this story to end :((( But all the good things come to and end.
Did anyone else cry or was it just me? (Like, legit tears)
I also have three things to ask you guys:
1. Would you like a third part? I'm thinking about writing a third book about them, but when they're in high school. What do you guys think? If most people like this idea, then I'll post more info in the next part of the story.
2. Speaking of next part, I was thinking about making like two more chapters. Two long epilogues, obviously, I mean, a really long one but split in two.
So the third thing I'm asking you guys to do is to comment right HERE (if you're on mobile) about what would you like to see in the epilogue. For example: how Niall proposed etc. I already have a trailer made for the epilogue and it's AMAZIIIING!!! I'll also post a picture in the next chapter about how the couples turned out :D
So I hoped you enjoyed this story and before you go I suggest that you start reading my other two stories: The Seduction Games (Harry/Zayn/girl) and Between Love and Hate (Harry/Louis/girl).
And please don't forget to vote/comment/follow :)
Okay bye and until next time !
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