Chapter 22
This chapter is dedicated to fratbxyniall ! Thank you for your nice comments!
And as usual, a question: which is your favorite in One Direction? (You can't say all; we all love the 5 of them equally, but I know everyone has a favorite ;) )
Niall's POV
I watched her eyes widen, and I bit my lip because shit shit shit I wasn't supposed to let her know fuck.
"You-you love me?", she asked, pulling the blanket to the side and standing up on the bed.
I stared at her slim body in just her underwear, at the hipbones jutting out of her skin and her ribbones showing every time she breathed.
I didn't answer; I just took a step forwards so I could grip into her hips.
Her arms placed themselves on my shoulders and she looked down at me. Her eyes had a lot of emotions in them, and they sparkled like I'd never seen them sparkle before.
"Do you? Or did you just say that in the heat of the moment?"
I shook my head and pressed a kiss to her stomach, looking up at her.
"You what?", she teased, finger tangling in my hair.
"I love you."
It felt weird, but in a good sort of way, saying it. I'd never told that before, maybe to my mum, but when I was younger.
She smiled and her smile was genuine, happy, a smile I hadn't seen in a long time.
"I love you too.", she said and my heartbeat picked up, fingers pressing further into her skin.
She nodded. "Never really stopped, actually."
"Then why didn't you call?", I asked her and she frowned.
"You're the one that didn't call, Niall! Boys are supposed to make the first step. And a long distance relationship wouldn't have worked anyway."
I let go of her body and she hopped off the bed to go put some pajamas on. She picked out a sweatshirt and some cotton sweatpants, before she climbed back into bed.
"Come cuddle.", she said and I nodded, pushing down my jeans and pulling the tank top over my head.
It was extremely hot in the room, but she seemed to be cold, and all I wanted to do was keep her warm and whisper into her ear that she didn't deserve to feel this way because she was beautiful and perfect.
After I was stripped down to my briefs I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, before I went back in the room.
"Move over a bit.", I told her and she shifted so I could lay down on my back and pull her into me.
She placed her head on my chest and I started playing with her soft hair.
Rey's POV
He started playing with my hair and I smiled, pressing a kiss to his chest.
"So what are we doing tomorrow exactly?", I asked and he hummed.
"Rehearsal at nine and I'm going to the game with Sean at six. I'll probably be leaving around two and I'll be back around midnight."
"How are you going to get there?"
"Sean's got a car apparently."
"Fancy.", I said and he softly laughed.
"Yeah...they've gotten quite grown up. He moved in with Jade a month ago. And Jake is thinking about proposing to Sasha."
"He is?", I asked surprised.
"Yeah, but don't tell her okay?"
"Of course not."
"Because I know girls tell each other everything."
"We do.", I smiled.
There was a short silence, and I knew he wanted to say something from the way he was breathing, contemplating.
"You can tell me know that right?", he finally said and I nodded against his chest.
We didn't talk after that. We just laid there tangled up in each other and fell asleep to the sound of our breaths in sync.
And it was the first night in over a month that I fell asleep without thinking about what I would eat the next day.
The next morning started in chaotic manor. We were woken up by our alarms blaring at the same time with two different ring tones, and Jake barging in to turn them off.
He started swearing and collapsed on the floor, crying about how he wanted nothing but sleep and food.
Niall and I did rock-paper-scissors on who was going to get up first, and I lost but he ended up getting up because I begged him to leave me five more minutes in bed.
Then Jake took his place in the bed and I cuddled up to him until Niall came back from the bathroom.
"So I'm leaving to do you a favor only to find you in bed with some other guy?"
"Calm your tits Horan.", Jake groaned and pushed me off the bed. "She was about to go to the bathroom anyway."
I whined but got up and went to the closet to pick out my clothes for today.
I decided on a jean jacket, a camouflage sweater and some jeans with some boots. I went to the bathroom and after I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair, I pulled the scale out and stepped on it.
That's like 88 pounds
I sighed and put the scale away, before I got dressed and started applying mascara.
When I got back to the room Jake was already gone and Niall was just styling his hair, only to end up placing a snapback on it.
He smiled at me but it soon faded once his eyes fell on my legs and stomach.
"Those jeans used to cling to your arse and now they're hanging of baby.", he sadly said and I sighed.
"What do you want me to do?", I asked, feeling defensive out of a sudden. I crossed my hands over my chest.
"I want you to take care of yourself and get to a healthy weight again."
"What does 'healthy weight' mean exactly?"
"How tall are you in centimeters?"
"Then you need to be at least 110 pounds. Or 50 kilograms."
"Are you crazy?"
"No, I'm just worried."
I sighed and he dropped the subject, choosing not to bother me any further.
When we got downstairs everyone was already there, eating either cereal or some kind of poorly made fruit salad.
Jake was in the corner, eating half a pizza.
"Where'd you get that?", I asked him as I poured cereal in a bowl, then milk.
"Do you think I came here unprepared? I brought my own microwave pizza."
I rolled my eyes and laughed as I started eating my cereal. I could feel Niall watching me intently as he stuffed his mouth with some chips he found in a cupboard.
"What are we doing after the rehearsal?", Katherine asked and everyone turned to me, curious.
"Well we can go visit London if you want? I mean some of you haven't seen it."
"Only Justin, Liam and I haven't seen it.", Soph informed me and I shrugged.
"Or we can just go out for...lunch I guess."
I saw Niall smile with the corner of my eye.
"Then it's settled!", Justin said and I nodded.
After breakfast we called two cabs so we arrived for the wedding rehearsal just in time. It was complete chaos.
The planning was apparently still going on, countless bouquets of red roses were being moved, and people were all over the place, yelling into their Bluetooth's and to each other.
We found Louis and Harry talking to the priest, and Louis looked like he was about to pass out from stress.
"Finally! Thank God!", Harry exclaimed when he saw us. It was the fastest I'd ever heard him speak.
The rehearsal went quite smooth and by one we were already finished. Niall and Sean also came with us for a bit through London, until they really had to go if they wanted to reach the game in time.
He pressed a kiss to my temple and whispered "Please eat lunch" before he turned around and left with Sean.
We sat down at a restaurant next to the London Eye and remained there until half four. Then we decided to go for a bit of shopping and by nine we were back at my house, trying to fit on a long couch and three armchairs to watch a movie.
I leaned my head on Jake's shoulder throughout the movie and he even shared some of his popcorn with me.
We went to bed at half past eleven and I didn't go to sleep, I chose to stay on Tumblr on my phone instead.
At five past twelve the door to my room opened and Niall made his way in, already in the process of removing his jacket.
"Why are you still awake?", he asked as he pulled his top over his head.
"Couldn't sleep without you here."
He smiled and unbuttoned his pants, pushing them down to his ankles and stepping out of them.
He then went to the bathroom and came back in his pajama pants.
"So who won?"
"Man United, of course."
"We have to get up at seven tomorrow because the wedding starts at three."
"I know.", he sighed and lifted the blanket up so he could get in next to me.
"I can't believe they're getting married. Like, three years ago they weren't even officially together and now they're starting a life together."
He hummed in agreement and I closed my eyes.
"You never even know when you might meet the person you're meant to be with.", he said.
I smiled, nodding.
"The best things in life come unexpected."
He didn't comment on that so I chose to try and sleep because today would be a really hard, challenging day.
The next day I was woken up by Katherine yelling to Niall about not being able to find one of her stilettos.
I groaned as I rolled out of bed and went to my closet to take my white dress from the hanger. I was going to the wedding in a tight white dress, similar to what I wore to Maura's wedding three years ago, some nude pumps with a bow and a matching clutch.
Half an hour later the other group came by my house too so we could leave together in the limo that Louis had ordered for us.
It was hard to coordinate with each other at first, but then we figured out a way to do everything: Soph was doing my hair while I was doing Sasha's nails and Hannah was doing her hair and Katherine was doing Kaylee's makeup while Jade did her hair; then we switched places.
We were walking around the house in our bathrobes because we were missing crucial essentials, like fake lashes and curling irons.
Of course we slipped into our dresses in the last minute, and of course it was impractical because Katherine's eye makeup smudged and Kaylee's hairpiece broke.
But everything went smoothly and at two pm sharp we were all huddling up by the door.
The boys were all wearing nice tuxes and I couldn't help but stare at Niall, who looked amazing in such official clothing. His hair was styled up in a quiff and his piercings were taken out.
"You look so good baby.", he whispered in my ear after I was left back so I could lock the house.
"You too.", I complimented.
He winked and placed his hand on my back to guide me to the waiting limo.
We got to the venue at half past two and Niall and Sean were rushed on a side door because they were two of the four best men.
"Who are the bridesmaids?", I asked Katherine as we found our seats right up front and sat down.
"Do you remember Harry's old girlfriend Hannah?"
"She's one of the three. Then there's Louis' friend from Uni Eleanor and Haley. She was one of Niall's friends but really good friends with Harry too."
" in the girl who Niall sometimes fucked?", I asked.
She nodded.
"I think she'll come down the aisle with Niall if I'm not mistaken."
I made a face and I started chewing on my lip because what if she seduces him?
I tried to calm down as soon as the music started playing and I gulped, turning my head once everyone else did.
Louis was the first one to come down the aisle with his mum, then Sean with Hannah and Tom fucking Daley with the girl I could only assume was Eleanor.
Then Niall came, arm in arm with Haley and I couldn't help but stare at her face and body and at how beautiful and skinny she was in comparison to me.
Once everyone was in their places, Niall's little sister Lily came out with a basket of rose petals and of course everyone was 'aww'-ing and filming everything.
"I swear to God if Harry comes out in a bride dress I will scream.", Jake stage-whispered to me and I saw Louis snorting. He was so nervous and he kept fiddling with his fingers, tugging at his tux and adjusting his collar.
After Harry came out with his parents and took his place in front of Louis, we all sat down and the ceremony started.
Half an hour later we were in tears because Harry's vows were long and really corny.
And then Louis' voice started shaking halfway through. But then he came to an end.
"And...and I'd marry you Harry. Because it rhymes."
"Nope. I'm done.", Jake said and turned his face.
I smiled and bit my lip, because apparently this was an inside joke between Louis and Harry.
Then the ring barer came out, who turned out to be Niall's three-year-old brother Theo.
I remembered seeing him at Maura's wedding but he was so small and in a stroller.
He handed Niall the rings, who handed them over to Harry and Louis.
"You may now kiss your husband.", he priest said and Harry cupped Louis' face, bringing their lips together, making Louis stand on his tippy toes and it was just ugh.
I smiled and looked at Niall, only to catch him already staring at me. He winked and I blushed, turning my gaze.
But when I looked again, he was making eye contact with Haley and I swear to god the winked at her too.
It's just meaningless flirting
Nothing serious
After that everyone stood up because a chain of limos was waiting outside to take everyone at the hotel for the reception and the actual party.
"You okay baby?", Niall asked once we were in the car, on our way to the hotel.
"Yeah, sure.", I said quickly and smiled.
He frowned and pouted, bending his head.
"Niall.", I sighed because he was throwing me a puppy look.
He smiled and laced our fingers on his knee, squeezing them as we listened to Katherine telling some no so interesting story about her younger self.
We arrived at the hotel around six, and my eyes widened when I saw the mass of people in front of it.
"How many people are actually coming?"
"About four hundred."
"That's a lot."
"They have a lot of friends and acquaintances.", Niall explained and I continued looking out the window, at the long line at the entrance.
Once we were out of the car I could already see Maura and Larry.
"Oh Christ.", Niall mumbled when he saw them coming towards us, with big smiles on their faces.
Lily was holding Larry's hand and smiling up at Niall when they finally came to a halt in front of us.
"Renee, hello!", Maura said and I smiled, hugging her back.
"You look gorgeous!"
"You too."
She then hugged Niall, pressing a kiss to his cheek, which made him squirm.
"So are you two a couple now? Or-"
"Yes we are mum, shut up."
"This is so exciting! I knew you would end up together!", she exclaimed and Niall face-palmed himself.
"Mom please I beg you, stop."
His cheeks were rosy, which meant that he was blushing.
"That's it, we're leaving. Bye."
He pulled me away from her and I heard her laugh, telling Larry that Niall was 'so cute when he's in love'.
And okay. I mean, Niall said that he loves me yesterday but it was only once and he didn't even seem to care about it.
"Niall?", I said once we were in line, waiting our turns to enter the hotel. We had to tell our names to the two men outside the entrance, checking a list.
"This is so fucking posh.", Sean commented and Jade nodded.
"What is it?", Niall asked, looking down at me.
His eyes fell on my cleavage and he smirked when I rolled my eyes.
"I love you."
He looked up from my breasts and smiled, squeezing my hand and turning his head back.
I saw Sean turn his head to him and shoot him a confused glance.
We finally got our turn to enter and after Niall told the guy our names and he checked us off the list, giving us two bracelets to prove that we were from the hotel, we entered.
The lobby was huge and decorated with a lot of balloons and flowers, and it all just looked so incredibly expensive and elegant.
"They're not lying when they say that gays have good taste in everything.", Katherine told me as we stood in line to get our room keys.
Niall and I got room 319, right across from Jake, Liam and Zayn, who were all sharing a room for four people.
"There is no way I'm bunking with those two."
"Why not?", I asked Jake once we were in the huge dining hall.
There were about fifty huge round tables for ten, and a huge dancefloor with lights and everything in the middle.
The band was in the corner and my heart stopped when I saw it was The fucking Script.
Niall, Katherine, Ricky, Tom Daley, his boyfriend, Sean, Jade, Haley, Eleanor and I were sitting at table 1, right next to the main table, where Louis and Harry were sat with their families and the godparents of the wedding.
The rest of our group sat at table two.
"Is that literally the band The Script or am I going crazy?", I whispered to Niall.
"You're not going crazy. They booked the band for their wedding."
"That must've cost, like, my entire life."
"Not really. Louis is the vice president at Syco Records, and they're signed with The Script."
"Holy shit."
"How did you think they could afford all this shit?", Niall said and laughed.
"Oh my God they got Ed Sheeran to play at their wedding. I can see him from here."
"Yeah Harry's good friends with him. And the guys from 5SOS are here too."
"Who else?"
"Cara Delevingne, Rita Ora, Union J-"
"I'm going to have a stroke.", I told him and opened the water bottle that was on the table in front of me.
He let out a soft laugh and patted my knee.
"But you're mine yeah?"
I nodded and he smiled. Then a waiter came and filled our glasses with champagne, then set out the appetizers.
"When are they going to make the speeches? And the first dance?"
"After dinner."
I gulped and looked down at my plate, eyes scanning over the elegant and perfectly crafted appetizers.
"Rey.", Niall sighed and I turned my head to look at him.
"Do I have to force feed you?", he asked in a low voice, so no one would hear.
"No. I can perfectly feed myself."
"Good. Then let's see."
I sighed and stabbed one of the tiny meatballs with my fork, before stuffing it into my mouth and chewing on it.
"Happy?", I asked with my mouth full.
"Happy.", he replied, mimicking my full mouth and smiling.
During the rest of the dinner I learned that Eleanor was single, and used to be Louis' girlfriend through his last year of high school, but they broke up when she caught Louis sucking Harry off in the locker rooms.
Haley was apparently single too, and looking for a one night stand tonight. Her statement made me pinch Niall's thigh and he responded by pinching my arm.
Tom and his boyfriend Dusting were happily married since last year, and we already knew the rest of the people sat at the table.
When Harry started wondering around the room, checking if everyone was having a good time and if the meal was pleasant, I couldn't help but ask how come they booked The Script.
"Ah.", he smiled, eyes glimmering as he started up at Louis. "Scoot over."
Niall pulled me on his lap so Harry could take my place. Everyone at the table seemed to be interested in the story, and it made Harry laugh.
"It's not that interesting.", he tried making excuses.
"Anyway. In 2009 The Script finally had a gig in Manchester and I'd been saving money for about a year so I could go to that exact concert. I went with Ed. During the first half I really had to go for a wee so I went to the bathroom, and just as I was about to enter the bathroom, Breakeven started playing, and that was like, my favorite song of theirs. I contemplated whether I should go back and stay for the song, or go to the bathroom. I decided to go to the bathroom, since I could still the song from inside. And that's when I met Lou. It was weird actually, because there were only two urinals, and I just really had to pee so I decided not to be awkward and just go for it. We made eye contact just as I was unbuttoning my pants. And then he said hi and I turned to him in mid-pee, accidentally wetting him a bit. Then it went pretty well from there, actually. He started calling me Piss-Boy and Curly and that was that. I actually forgot about him until the fall, when he transferred from Doncaster to our school. It wasn't really long after that before we made out drunk at a party. And then he showed up with Eleanor on his arm the next day."
We all looked at Eleanor, who blushed and shrugged.
"Then he left for Uni and came back during the summer, when he was properly out and we started dating. And we've been together ever since.", he trailed off, looking up at Louis, who just turned his head to stare at him.
He smiled and raised his glass to Harry, eye twinkling.
"Point is, everything happens for a reason. You never know when or how you're going to meet the person that changes your life."
"How old were you two when you met officially?"
"I was sixteen and he was eighteen, almost nineteen."
I made eye contact with Niall for a split second, but we were interrupted by Louis yelling:
"Harry! Harreh! Hazza?"
"Shit we better go and do our first dance until he won't be too pissed to walk.", he laughed, then stood up and walked away.
"Imagine having a love like theirs.", Eleanor said dreamily and Sean snorted.
"Don't laugh you idiot! They were still in love, even after two years of not being with each other."
"That's a load of crap. I bet Louis slept with a thousand people before he met Harry again.", Sean argued and Katherine rolled her eyes.
"But Harry probably waited.", I said and Niall's arms wrapped around my waist as we watched Louis and Harry dance on a slow song.
"I doubt Harry waited."
"But they're together now so shut the fuck up.", Niall told Sean, who looked surprised about Niall's outburst.
"You know I'm going to sing too.", Niall let me know an hour later, when dinner was over and he finished telling his speech.
"Yeah? What?"
"Little Things."
"I thought it was Zayn's song."
"He just isn't feeling it.", he said and nodded towards Liam, who was now chatting up Eleanor.
"What an ass."
After The Script left around eight, a DJ took the place designed for the music entertainment and a big crowd started forming on the dancefloor.
"Do you want to dance?", Niall asked and I shook my head, placing my hand on my stomach, clearly feeling my bloated stomach.
"Later maybe."
"Okay, I'll dance with Jake then."
I shrugged and he frowned, eyes falling down on my hands, but he turned around anyway, getting lost in the mass of people.
I made sure no one paid attention to me, before I quickly walked away, finding the nearest girl bathroom.
Thankfully it was no one inside, so I chose the first stall and locked the door before I dropped to the floor.
I quickly stood up after I threw everything up, because I heard someone outside and fuck, whoever it was heard me for sure.
I cleaned everything including myself with some toilet paper, before I flushed and opened the door, just to see Jake (Malik) leaning against the counter, arms crossed.
"Babe why.", was the only thing he said and my heart fell because now he knew too.
I pretended I didn't hear him as I washed my hands.
"Renee.", he said in a stern tone and I finally turned to look at him.
"Why what."
"Are you fucking stupid?! You know you can die if-fuck, Renee!"
"Why are you even in the girls bathroom?"
"Niall sent me, you idiot!"
"Of course he did."
"Why would you do something like this? Are you out of your mind? I had my suspicions but-fuck. Just. Why."
"You don't understand.", I told him and he frowned.
I'd never seen him so serious and concerned in my entire life.
"I do."
"No, I really think you don't."
He sighed and licked his lips, before he unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants to the floor, revealing tenths of tiny white lines on his thighs.
I was speechless.
"But you never-"
"Not anymore. I used to, when I was in freshman year."
"Does anyone else-"
"Niall. We were changing once and he saw them and then showed me his. So I understand."
"But you're so...happy."
He smiled.
"The happiest people are the most broken babe."
"But you're okay now right?"
"Yeah. You're not though."
I stared at him before I felt tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill out.
"I don't want to do think about being thin but I can't stop. I can't."
"it's okay.", he said and pulled his pants up again, before he opened his arms.
I hugged him and he started stroking my back.
"You're perfect Rey, yeah? If I'd be straight I'd definitely be with you."
"Yeah?", I asked, looking up at him.
"Would you marry me if you were straight?"
"Why not?"
"Because you and Niall are soulmates."
"Psh, no. I told him I love him a few hours earlier and he just smiled."
"Niall doesn't express his feeling verbally. He never did."
"He actually-"
"I know for a fact that he never said I love you to anyone. Literally no one. Not even pizza. And I mean, who doesn't love pizza? But he's going to say it some day and that's when you'll know he truly means it."
I smiled to myself and hugged him tight, before I let him go.
"Let's go and dance now yeah? And then you'll eat desert because we have chocolate soufflé and you know you love your chocolate."
I nodded and he pressed a kiss to my forehead, before I followed him out of the bathroom.
We made our way between the people on the dancefloor, and he left me for one of Louis' close friends, who he was planning on shagging tonight.
I found Niall by our table fifteen minutes later and quickly managed to sneak a piece of gum between my teeth without him noticing.
"Everything alright?", he asked, just as a slow song came on.
"Yeah. Do you want to dance to this song?"
He stood up from the chair and placed the glass of champagne on the table, before he took my hand and guided us back on the dancefloor.
He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my hands around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder.
I watched the others as they danced: Sean and Jade were in the same position as Niall and I, Katherine and Ricky were completely still and Louis and Harry were making out. I didn't know the other couples on the dancefloor.
Niall smiled as he stepped back, taking my hand and making me do a pirouette under his arm. He then pulled me into him again and kissed me.
I leaned into him, closing my eyes and melting into the kiss.
The guests started going up to their rooms around two am, and our group with the grooms were the last ones left. We were all around our table, the girls sitting in their boyfriends lap (and girlfriends), idle music playing in the background. Zayn and Jake both found guys to go hook up with (they disappeared earlier) and Liam was still at the table, Eleanor in his lap
We were chatting about the decorations and how awesome the wedding went and how we should do something together in the summer like maybe go to a resort in another country or something.
"When do you start your honeymoon?", Sasha asked Harry and Louis leaned back against his chest.
"Tomorrow. We're going in the Bahamas.", Louis replied for him.
"I thought you said you wanted to go to some kind of relaxation camp with zen people and shit!", Niall stold Harry and Louis groaned.
"I married a loser, oh my god.", he complained, which caused Harry to look at him with fondness.
"I'll just keep doing my yoga at the hotel in the mornings.", he concluded and Ricky made a sign to the waiter to come and fill up our glasses one last time before we all went to bed.
The waiter came and filled all of the 18 glasses that were on the table.
"To Harry and Lewis!", Eleanor said and everyone clinked their glasses together.
"Bottoms up!", Jake said and everyone drank, Louis did it while standing up.
"Babe what are you doing?", Harry asked, hands gripping into Louis' hips as he looked up at the older man.
"He said bottoms up, didn't he?", Louis giggled and everyone at the table laughed.
"Liam you should probably get up too.", Katherine slurred and Eleanor shot him a confused look.
Liam replied by placing a kiss on her lips.
"Okay it's time to go to bed babycakes.", Harry told Louis and stood up behind him. "C'mon Lou."
"Mmmmbye everyone! Have a good night and use protection!", Louis added, before he jumped on Harry's back, gripping into his shoulders as the younger man carried him towards the exit of the hall.
"They're literally perfect for each other.", Sasha sighed and everyone agreed.
"I mean Louis is fucked up and Harry keeps him sane."
Niall pinched my side and I smiled.
"Well I'm knackered, 'm just gonna go to bed.", Katherine said and yawned.
Ricky put an arm around her, and pretty soon everyone was walking towards the elevator.
Niall and I exchanged looks when we saw Liam pull Eleanor in for a kiss and opened the door to Liam's room, stumbling in and slamming it behind them.
Then we opened the door and stepped inside, carefully closing it.
He turned to me and smiled, closing the distance between our lips. He pecked me a couple of times, slowly and pulled on my bottom lip when he stepped back.
"You have no idea how long I've waited to take this fucking dress off you baby.", he whispered against my lips, before his hands travelled down my sides and gripped into my ass.
"Yeah? Because you've been eyeing Haley most of the time."
He frowned and huffed, rolling his eyes.
"I haven't seen her in three years and she looked different. It was weird."
"Good different?"
"She's...I don't know. More mature and took her piercings out. She's a lawyer."
"Mhm. Sure."
"Rey...", he sighed and hoisted me up so I would wrap my legs around his waist. My heels fell to the floor and I looked down at him.
"You're infinite times more beautiful that she'll ever be yeah?", he said and I nodded, before he walked over to the bed and gently laid me down on it.
He put a knee between my legs as he hovered above me, unzipping my dress and then ordered for me to scoot further up the bed.
I did as told after he removed my dress. He took his blazer off and unbuttoned his shirt, letting it drop to the floor. His pants came off too, and he shuffled on the bed on his knees so he could come and press a kiss to my nose.
"Want you to ride me.", he said and fell onto his back, revealing his hard cock as soon as he threw his briefs off.
I took my panties off but kept my bra off, before I climbed over him into his lap and took him in my hand, gently spreading the pre-cum all over his shaft to lubricate him.
"Come on, I'm close already."
"I thought only virgins came this soon."
"I might've had a wank in the bathroom when Jake walked in on me."
"Oh my god.", I laughed and rose to my knees, positioning him at my entrance, then sinking down.
We moaned in sync and as soon as the back of my thighs met his hips, I slowly started moving up and down, hands spread over his chest.
He closed his eyes for a moment and I took that opportunity to stare at his beautiful face, the way his lashes fanned over his cheeks and how his uneven breaths sounded coming through his parted lips.
I leaned over to kiss him but he opened his eyes and thanks to his abs, he managed to lift his body up and meet me halfway.
"Take off your bra."
I did as told before he cupped my breasts and started sucking on a nipple.
"You're so good baby, look so beautiful riding me like this.", he whispered and kissed me open mouthed.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands came around me and on my back. He scratched down on my skin as I rode him, pressed kisses to my neck and left bruises that would show the next morning that I was his.
He suddenly turned us over so that he would be on top and put his elbows beside my head, so he could look into my eyes.
I bit my lip and he started pushing in deep and slowly, and it almost seemed like we were making love, rather thank fucking.
That went on for a few minutes, before he started picking up his pace because he was close.
He attached his mouth to my neck and started sucking, his mouth in sync with his thrusts.
Then he whispered "You're mine" as he came deep inside me. He pulled off a few seconds later with a groan and shuffled downwards so he could flick his tongue over my clit a few times.
After I came he shuffled back above me, still on his elbows and kissed all over my face as I came off my high, breathing heavily.
"Your face is so beautiful when you cum princess."
I smiled and he rolled on his back, getting out of the bed.
"Where's your pill?", he asked as he pulled his briefs back on.
He went to the bathroom and returned with a glass of water and the pill.
After he made sure that I took it, he went to shower and I followed after him.
"Can you open a window? It's warm. Or the AC."
He decided to open the window and after I dressed back up in my underwear, I laid down on my back on the bed.
He jumped in like a little kid, and then cuddled up to me, throwing his arm over my stomach and laying his head on my chest.
"You still think my boobs make a good pillow?", I asked and he nodded.
"So did you let Jake finish the job?"
"Does it look like I did?", he laughed and I rolled my eyes. "And wouldn't that kind of count as cheating?"
"Would you get mad?"
"If what?"
"If I fucked a guy."
"You wouldn't if I'd let you watch eh?", he laughed and I swatted his head.
"What makes you so sure you'd be the top?"
"Rey. Please."
I rolled my eyes.
"I bet you just rolled your eyes."
"Did not.", I said smiling.
"Did too."
We laid in silence for a minute, before he spoke up again.
"So Jake told me."
"Told you what?"
"What he caught you doing in the bathroom."
"And stop doing that."
"Or what?"
"Or I'll start crying."
"I've seen you cry before."
He let out a deep breath, as if he were annoyed.
"He showed me his cuts, by the way.", I told him.
"Mhm. I wonder how I'd never seen them in his movies before."
"I also noticed that you don't really smoke anymore."
He shook his head. "I don't."
"How come?"
"You told me that you didn't like cigarette breath and that I'm too beautiful for lung cancer. That really got me.", he said smiling.
"I'm glad."
"So that's why I don't want you to do this to yourself baby."
"Because you owe me?"
"Because you're beautiful just the way you are. I wish you could see it."
I didn't answer for a while.
"So you're trying to save me?", I teased, trying to ease the tension.
He looked up at me with a serious face, which also made me serious.
"I can't save you. I can only love you for the both of us, until you'll love yourself."
So important announcement, or sort of: this story has about 2 or 3 chapters left ( I don't know whether I should laugh or cry :)): )
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