Chapter 21
This chapter is dedicated to AurrieEls! Thank you for your nice comments!
Also, what do you guys think about Liam/Sophia? I personally like them together, Sophia is my favorite girlfriend so far (besides Harry) :D
Rey's POV
The rest of the week passed by quickly: I went to Chris' graduation with Liam as my date because Niall had a game and then Niall drove my parents to the airport that Friday night.
Once we got back in the car, right after the plane flew over our heads, I sighed, relieved.
"Do you want to get something to eat?", he asked as he put the key in the ignition.
My stomach was empty since last night, when I made myself throw up after that pizza Jake insisted on ordering for everyone.
"Uh, not hungry right actually."
He frowned.
For the past few days I've been throwing up and starving myself and hating myself for it because I just wanted to be skinny again. Just like six years ago.
Relapse was the worst thing ever and I wasn't sure I wanted to recover this time.
"What did you have for lunch?"
"Um. Went to McDonald's. With Maddie."
"Okay then. If you say so.", he said and I was relived because he never really asked questions.
"We going to Eddie's then?", I asked, gripping into my duffle bag, filled with some clothes for the weekend.
He nodded and started the car, pulling out of the parking lot.
We got to the mansion forty minutes later. We could see the car in the driveway, ready for Ann and Mr. Horan to get in.
Niall rang the doorbell and the gates opened, which allowed him to drive inside and park next to their car.
As soon as we got out of the car, the door to the house was being opened, and out came Mr. Horan with two big suitcases.
He greeted his son and proceeded to walk to the car to load it.
Niall and I entered the mansion, to see Ann and Eddie in the hallway. He was clinging to her legs, telling her that he didn't want his mommy to leave.
"We'll be back this Sunday.", she assured him and patted his head, before he told him to go wait for us in the living room so she could talk to Niall.
She fixed her hair as Eddie left, turning to face us and smile.
"So you know the basics, don't feed him after seven and only under a thousand calories, okay? And by the way, about that modeling job, there's a photo shoot for Forever 21, the Summer collection and they're looking for a young looking model. I gave them a few pictures of you from your Instagram and they liked you. There're details on the fridge. I'll talk to you when I get back, but until then, don't bother me."
She finished her small speech by putting on some sunglasses and grabbing her coat from the hanger.
"See you kids."
She made a kissy noise and we both watched her as she walked out the door and down the stairs to join her soon to be husband in their car.
"She's such a bitch, God.", Niall said and closed the door.
I smiled, not contradicting him.
"NI!", we heard someone scream as soon as we got to the living room, to see Eddie on the floor, playing with some figurines.
Eddie stood up from the floor and padded over to us happily.
"Mommy said you will spend the weekend here with Rey!", he yelled and gripped into Niall's shirt.
"Can we eat pizza?", Eddie requested and Niall shrugged, motioning for me to follow him upstairs.
I was surprised to learn that he actually had a room in the house.
"I used to come here a week every summer after my dad left.", he explained and placed his bag next to the bed, before he walked over to the balcony to open the door.
"And didn't you figure out Ann was his girlfriend or whatever?"
"Not at first. She was always on a 'business trip' when I came here. I only stayed like, one week."
I changed into some sweatpants and a striped shirt.
Reyall and Eddie:
When we got back downstairs Eddie was trying to reach the handle of the fridge, but failing miserably.
"What are you doing?", Niall asked while I took the post-it from that was taped to the fridge about the photoshoot.
"I'm hungry!", Eddie whined and my stomach agreed with him.
"When was the last time you ate?", Niall asked him and opened the fridge for him.
Eddie pressed his palms against the edge, trying to look in it but he was too small.
"Lunch. We ate soup."
Niall scrunched his nose and lifted Eddie in his arms, telling him to pick whatever he wanted.
I leaned against the counter and watched them interact. Eddie picked out a chocolate pudding and ice cream.
"Wouldn't you rather have that as a dessert?", Niall asked and Eddie nodded, smiling.
"Can we get McDonald's for dinner then?"
Niall turned to me with a questioning look and everything inside me screamed 'please no, McDonald's is literally suicide for my diet' but all I did was smile and nod, shrugging.
"Why not?"
Eddie wiggled in Niall's arms, motioning that he wanted down. Niall instructed him to go get dressed and the little guy made his way out of the kitchen.
"You okay?", Niall asked, directing his attention to me.
Well I'm about to have an anxiety attack because we're about to go to McDonald's for yeah
"Um, yeah, why?"
He shrugged.
"You just seem really...emotionless."
"That's not even...", I said and a smile spread over my face when I saw him looking down at me and pouting, like he usually did when he wanted me to cheer up.
"Stop.", I said and he came closer until he was able to wrap his arms around my waist.
"Cheer up babe.", he whispered and pressed a kiss to my cheek, before his hands slid under my shirt and pulled it up to my bra, massaging the skin there.
"I'm ready!", Eddie exclaimed, appearing in the doorframe, his jacket zipped up to his neck and shoes put on the wrong way.
Ten minutes later we were walking down the street, Eddie holding my hand because he insisted to, towards the nearest McDonald's that was a mile away from the house.
"Can I get a Happy Meal?", Eddie asked and I found it cute that he always asked instead of just saying what he wanted.
"With eight nuggets right?"
Eddie nodded and tugged on my hoodie, which was actually Niall's red one, my favorite.
I looked down at him.
"What are you getting Rey?"
I'd rather get nothing
"Um...uh. I don't know. Maybe a McFlurry?"
"That's all?", Niall asked confused, right after he ordered himself nuggets, large fries, a large soda and a cheeseburger to go.
I shrugged. "Got that shoot tomorrow. I have to be in shape."
I tried to play it cool, like it was a joke, but Niall didn't seem to find it funny. But then he shrugged and waited for the guy to tell him the price.
A sudden wave of sadness overtook my whole body.
Maybe he doesn't mind me restricting after all
Of course he doesn't
He'd like a skinny girlfriend
I didn't talk for the rest of the walk back home; I just watched them walk in front of me, chatting away about a Disney movie.
The first thing that I thought was that
Niall would make a good dad some day
And then
That is if he won't break up with me for being too fat
It was nine thirty when we got back to the house and sat down on the couch in the living room, taking our food out.
The problem was that once I ate the McFlurry, I knew I was screwed, so I decided to eat some of Niall's fries and then he gave me his cheeseburger and it all went to hell.
We watched FRIENDS because it was on TV, even after all this time, and it was funny seeing Niall trying to explain Eddie the dirty jokes.
I patted my belly and leaned back into the couch, feeling like a huge pig, ashamed of myself.
"I feel so fat right now.", I mumbled and saw Niall rolling his eyes, gaze still on the TV screen.
So he agrees
Eddie climbed into my lap and played with my hair as he leaned his back against my chest. We watched one more episode, before Eddie started yawning and telling us that he was really tired.
Niall then picked him up and I remained seated on the couch while Niall carried his brother to bed.
He came back a few minutes later, dropping on the couch next to me and put his arm around my shoulders.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Mhm.", I lied, cuddling up to him and hugging my stomach so he couldn't feel it.
I propped my legs up on the couch and bent my knees as I leaned into him. He changed the channel to a movie and we ended up watching it because it had a lot of sex and of course Niall would like that.
"It's late.", I told him an hour later.
"You sleepy?", he asked and turned his head to look at me.
I shook my head and my eyes drifted to his lips, which curved up into a smile because he probably noticed.
He leaned in and attached our lips, before he completely pulled me over his lap so I was straddling him.
I cupped his face in my hands and his hands came to rest on my hips, pressing over the soft material of his red jacket.
I was extremely aware of my bloated stomach pressing against the waistband of my sweats, and all I could hope was that he didn't feel it.
"Let's go upstairs.", he whispered and I nodded, standing up.
He intertwined our fingers and smiled back at me as he led the way towards the stairs.
"You go first.", he told me and I obeyed, knowing that he was most likely checking out my arse as I walked.
I pushed the door to his room open and turned around as I entered, just in time to see him closing the door and stepping closer.
He unzipped the red jacket, sliding it off my shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. He wanted to get my shirt off but I was aware of my baby food belly, so I snapped his hands away and chose to pull off his shirt.
Then I gripped into his shoulders and led him over to the bed, pushing him onto it. He smirked and slid further up, until he was propped against the pillows.
"I love it when you take control baby.", he said in a low voice and I bit my lip.
"Yeah?", I asked and climbed on top of him, straddling his lap, our crotches aligned.
His hands came to rest on my thighs, stroking up and down as he watched me watching him.
"Take your shirt off.", he instructed and I swatted his hands away from my shirt once again.
"Don't tell me what to do."
He gulped and I gripped into the hem of my shirt, before I pulled it over my head, and then looked down at my stomach to make sure it isn't pushing out too obviously.
He gripped into my hips and pressed his thumbs against my belly.
"You're beautiful.", he said and I wanted to call him a liar, but I chose to pin his wrists by his head and lean over him so we would be at the same eye level.
"What did I say about touching?"
"You like this control thing don't you?", he asked and I nodded.
Because I'm getting bad again and I can't control my thoughts
Because I feel like I've lost control over my body and the only thing I can control is food and sometimes you
"Because you're extremely attractive when you're being submissive."
"I'm never submissive."
"Do you want me to tie you up?"
His eyes widened, but then he nodded.
I smiled and got up from the bed quickly, before I returned with his tank top. I tied his hands above his head and made sure he couldn't move them.
"Fuck, that's tight baby."
I smiled and shrugged, shuffling down until I was between his legs, on my knees.
"You gonna suck me off?", he asked and I nodded.
"Maybe ride you a bit?", I suggested and he bit his lip.
I could see the tent in his sweats already, so I pulled them down, at once with his briefs and discarded them on the floor.
His shaft curled up against his stomach and his muscles flexed when I touched him, wrapping my fingers around him.
I pressed a single, quick kiss to the tip, before I took him in my mouth, quickly sucking until his cock was slick and easily sliding in my palm.
I pressed my thumb against the tip and then under the head, where I knew it felt really good for him.
"Shit.", he breathed and his stomach was going up and down in quick breaths.
"Does that feel good?", I asked and he nodded, eyes clenching shut, and then opening when I stood up to take my pants and panties off.
I sat back down, this time on his stomach, right above his cock.
"I'm going to ride you now."
He nodded, eyes looking down between our bodies.
"Wait, condom."
"'m on the pill."
He smirked and I stood up on my knees to position him at my entrance, before I slowly lowered myself on him, letting out a loud moan to match his.
I saw his hands twitch as if he wanted to reach out and touch me, then swore when he remembered he couldn't.
"Talk dirty to me.", I told him, not moving once I bottomed out.
"Na na na na nananana-", he starting singing but I cupped his balls behind me which made him shut up.
"Tell me what you want to do to me but you can't because you're tied down.", I ordered and I was kind of proud of myself for being so confident out of a sudden.
"I want to grip into your skin and leave marks as I fuck you.", he let out and I started riding him, hands stabilized on his chest.
"What else?"
"I want to kiss you all over, then turn kisses into bites and mark you so everyone knows you're taken."
I felt butterflies in my stomach at his words and slowed down, and decided on grinding against him instead, circling my hips and scratching down his chest.
"Does this feel good?", I asked and he nodded.
I intentionally clenched my walls around him, which made him let out a shaky breath and his dick twitch inside me.
"You're close, I can tell."
"I'm going to cum-like, soon.", he struggled to say as I lean down to press kisses to his neck and collarbone.
"Should I let you?", I asked and his pupils dilated until the blue was literally black.
"You better.", he warned and arched his back, but I pressed him back down to the bed.
I trailed my fingers down from his chin to his belly button and clenched myself around him again, which sent him over the edge, making his abs clench and come inside of me.
I rode out my orgasm a few seconds later too, and pulled off of him, choosing to sit on his knees as we both tried to even our breaths.
"That was fucking amazing.", he said and I smiled, glad that I could pleasure him like he always did for me.
But my happiness came to a halt the moment I accidentally looked down to see fat rolls. I quickly stood up and grabbed a tissue from the bedside table, wiping him clean, and then throwing them in the trash by the desk.
"I'm going to shower.", I told him and grabbed my pj's from my bag, putting them in front of my stomach to hide my fat.
"Hm?", I asked, turning around.
"As much as I love seeing your naked arse walk away, you kind of forgot to untie me."
"Oh! Yeah. Sorry.", I said, blushing and hurrying to untie him.
"How can you blush after what we just did?", he asked and I looked away as I freed his wrists.
"No, I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's cute."
He sat up and rubbed his wrists, before he stood up from the bed and pressed a kiss to my temple.
"Go shower. I'll use the other bathroom down the hall."
As soon as I locked myself in the bathroom and turned on the shower, I dropped to my knees and made myself throw up everything I had In my stomach.
After that I took a shower and once my teeth were brushed I made sure to leave to trace of vomit behind.
Niall was already on the bed when I came out, lying on his back and scrolling through his phone.
"So we've officially been invited to Harry and Louis' wedding in a month."
"Didn't they send an invite?"
"They said it's on its way."
"Are we going?"
"I sucked his dick, I think I have to."
I laughed and placed my clothes on the chair, before climbing on the bed next to him, not getting under the covers yet because it was extremely warm.
"Can we turn the AC on?"
"Because I'm warm?"
"I'm not."
"You're the human radiator, how can you be cold?", I asked and he smiled, shrugging.
"So tell me more about the wedding.", I told him and shuffled on my back next to him so I could look at his screen too.
"Well they're getting married at a church in the middle of London, and the reception and everything will take place at St. Ermin's hotel."
"Everyone invited gets a plus one.", he added. "And each guest has a room."
"So who are you taking?", I asked him and he looked at me confused.
"My girlfriend of course."
He smiled and his right hand came to rest on my upper thigh.
"So it's going to be on the 14th, and we're leaving on the 12th because they want me to be the best man."
"How cute! See? Sucking Harry's dick paid off."
He laughed and locked his phone, placing it on the bedside table.
Then he turned to me and patted his chest to tell me that he wanted me to cuddle up to him.
I smiled and gladly laid my head on his chest, right under his collarbone. His arm slid under my body and he pushed me a bit so I was almost laying on him, my right leg between his.
His fingers pressed against my stomach and I was so glad I threw up because he'd be able to feel my huge tummy right now.
I saw him frown but made nothing of it.
"So how come you were so dominant tonight?", he asked and I shrugged.
"I like being in control from time to time.", I admitted.
Because it makes me feel safe
"Just because. Makes me feel good."
"Yeah? You'd like to do it again sometime?"
"It's hot, you know. Because you look extremely innocent all the time but there are times when you just get so unbelievably sexy. People wouldn't believe it in a million years."
"That's good, right?", I asked and he nodded, smiling.
"Very good."
I exhaled and closed my eyes, kicking the blanket to my knees because it was extremely hot in the room.
"Babe, no.", he protested but didn't bother to pull the blanket back up.
"Are you okay?", I asked after a while.
"I mean, are you warm?"
"Mhm. You keep me warm."
The next morning we woke up to Eddie hitting Niall's face repeatedly with his teddy bear.
"What.", Niall asked sleepily and I rolled off him, turning my back at them.
"I'm up.", Eddie told him.
"Me too."
I turned on my back to look down at his crotch and smiled, because of course.
"Can we eat pancakes? Mum never makes pancakes!"
"What does she usually give you for breakfast?"
"With what?"
"Just juice! Can we eat pancakes?"
He jumped on Niall's chest and Niall pushed him into me, getting up and adjusting himself in his pants.
He winked at me, then ran a hand through his hair and grabbed his clothes to go to the bathroom.
I sat up in the bed and Eddie patted my leg, before he turned on his belly and closed his eyes.
"Can I stay in my pj's today?"
I shrugged. "If you want."
"Mommy never let's me stay in my pj's."
"Mommy is a bitch."
"Niall.", I said, rolling my eyes as he came out of the bathroom.
"What? It's the truth, innit Ed?"
Eddie nodded excited and I shot Niall a disbelieving look.
"He doesn't even know what it means."
"Yes he does."
"It means a bad person! A whore!"
"Oh my God! Niall!"
"Why do you think he learned these words from me?"
He laughed and Eddie climbed off the bed, before he took Niall by the hand and asked him to go downstairs with him so he could watch Adventure Time.
I went to the bathroom and after I brushed my teeth and put on my underwear, I looked for a scale.
I found it in a cabinet and placed it on the floor, before I stepped on it.
I bit my lip. That's 0.4 less lbs than the last time I weighed myself.
I put the scale back and dressed up with a pair of jeans and a white blouse, because today was the shoot and I was extremely nervous for some reason.
I made pancakes with Eddie watching me, before I gave three to each of them and only one for me.
"That's all you're eating before the shoot?", Niall asked and I nodded.
"I don't want them to see my stomach bulging out."
He frowned. "If you start restricting because of a stupid modeling job I won't let you go anymore."
"You're not my dad.", I told him.
"Yeah but I'm your boyfriend and I'm looking out for you."
I rolled my eyes and finished the pancake, before I placed the plate into the dishwasher, then sat back down at the table, watching them eat.
At 11am we left the house because the studio was ten minutes away and right next to the park so why I was busy, they could hang out there.
Niall's POV
Eddie and I went inside with her; to make sure she found the right studio and the right people.
We were greeted by the manager, who seemed to be really pleased with her appearance and face.
"It'll only take an hour or so, we have three outfits for her and if she does well it'll be really quick. You can wait for her if you want.", the woman said but I shook my head.
"You going to be okay?", I asked her and she nodded, nervously smiling.
"We'll be in the park across the street.", I told her and kissed her quickly, before she followed the woman down the hall.
"What is Rey doing?", Eddie asked once we were in the park on a swing set.
"She's modeling."
"She's a model?"
"Sort of? Like in magazines."
"Because she's pretty."
"And you love her because she's pretty."
"I don't-I don't love her because she's pretty. I love her because she's beautiful."
"That's the same!"
"No it isn't. Pretty means she looks good. Beautiful means that she's gorgeous on the outside and inside."
"Her personality."
"Oh! I get it now."
"You're a smart kid then."
He laughed and I stared at my feet, thinking about last night. I just couldn't forget how satisfied and sort of happy she felt when she was in control. I also couldn't forget how when I touched her stomach, it seemed to be smaller than before we had sex.
Maybe I was just imagining things
About forty minutes later, I saw Rey crossing the park to come towards us, with a smile on her face and three Forever 21 bags in her hand.
"How'd it go?", I asked and got up to get her bags.
"It was great! I met two other models and I got to keep the clothes! And they gave me a business card and told me that they want to hire me! Thank you!", she exclaimed and hugged me.
I smiled and rubbed her back, before she kissed my lips and went to sit on the swing next to Eddie.
Maybe things aren't getting bad after all
Rey's POV
One month later it was the 12th of May, which meant that we were travelling to England for Harry and Louis' wedding.
I felt amazing, because I was down 86 pounds and officially down to size 2. I've also had binging problems, but I got rid of the food by throwing up.
Zayn, Liam, Soph, Justin, Jake, Katherine, Ricky, Niall and I were going. Amy wasn't invited and she had her exams next week anyway.
Our exams were in two weeks, and then summer!
I'd done a few photo-shoots since then, for Forever 21 and one even for Hollister.
Also, One Direction was invited to perform at the Teen Choice Awards at the end of May and they were thinking about going as an opening act for 5SOS through Europe this summer.
I was dressed in a white shirt, jeans and red converse, ready to board the plane and go to England.
I sat between Zayn and Liam on the flight to England, and needless to say it was extremely awkward because they weren't talking to each other but they both wanted to talk to me.
They apparently got into a fight after Liam hooked up with a girl at a party a few weeks ago. Zayn was mad because Liam apparently cheated on him, even though-as Liam claims-they weren't technically together.
Niall was sitting next to Katherine and Ricky, and Jake next to Soph and Justin.
We landed in London at 7pm and it was weird, because jetlag hadn't kicked in yet.
The plan was that all of us would crash at my house for two nights, since I had four empty rooms and an expandable couch. My parents were in Germany for the week until Sunday evening.
"Are Sean and the other coming to wedding too?", I asked Niall as we claimed our luggage.
"Yeah. They want to meet up tonight for a pink at a club."
I smiled and he pinched my cheek. I turned around and walked to get my luggage. What I didn't know was that Niall's eyes were going up and down my frame, a worried look on his face.
We took two cabs to my house, and they were surprised to see that the house was actually big.
"This feels weird.", Niall told me once we were in my room. Jake and Zayn took Chris' room, Katherine and Ricky took my parents' room, Soph and Justin the guest bedroom and Liam the couch downstairs.
"Because... I don't know. This was your room for eighteen years of your life."
I sat down on my bed and stroked Tony's head. He was sleeping peacefully at the end of the bed, like he usually did. I had a twin bed, but Niall didn't mind because it meant that we had to be really close at night.
He took his time looking at the posters on the wall, and the photos pinned to the corkboard.
There was a knock on the door and Jake poked his head in.
"So when do we need to be ready?"
"We're leaving at half past nine. So I suggest you tell your brother to start doing his hair.", Niall told him and Jake smiled, not moving from the door.
"What's the real reason you came here?", I asked Jake, rolling my eyes.
"What's your WiFi password?"
"Thanks bitch."
He closed the door and Niall laughed, throwing himself on the bed next to me, pulling me over him.
"I wanna take a nap.", he said.
"Me too."
He smiled and I cuddled up into him, closing my eyes after I set my timer to 60 minutes.
Niall's POV
She fell asleep pretty quickly, but I remained awake because I couldn't ignore the way her hipbones pressed against my stomach and the fact that I could trace the outline of her ribs through her shirt.
It hadn't occurred to me that she had lost weight until we were at the luggage claim a couple hours earlier, and her jeans weren't clinging to her legs like they usually did.
I decided to pay more attention to what she ate and when she went to shower.
I got like 20 minutes of sleep, before her alarm woke us up. I was the first one to take a shower and change into a tank top and some jeans, and my white Supras.
Rey went to the bathroom and washed her hair, then blow-dried it in her room because Jake also wanted to use the bathroom, since the house only had three bathrooms.
I watched her dry her hair in just a towel and fiddled with my fingers as she picked out some shirts, black Vans and a sleeveless tank top.
My eyes widened when she put her underwear on, because I could obviously see her backbone and her sternum bones as she bent over to tie her shoes.
"You lost weight.", I told her when she stood back up to go to the mirror.
She stopped her movements of applying mascara and looked at me through the mirror.
"I can see your bones. It's not healthy."
"No, it's beautiful."
I could feel my heart curling up into a ball at her words, and I was 90% convinced that she had relapsed at some point.
And it scared the shit out of me.
"IT'S HALF PAST NINE BITCHES!", Jake's high pitched voice rang from downstairs and I stood up from the bed, going to the mirror to fix my hair one last time.
I pressed a kiss to the back of her head and she leaned back into me.
"You're beautiful, I hope you know that and not doing something stupid."
"I got control.", she said and I knew she didn't mean it in a good way.
Everyone was already downstairs, waiting for us apparently. I called two cabs and gave them the name of the club we were supposed to meet up at.
The club was semi-packed because it was Thursday night and finals were next week.
We found our group in a huge booth in the corner, and I couldn't help but smile seeing all of them, already with a load of drinks and a big hookah in the middle of one of the three small tables.
"YOOOO!", Sean yelled and got up from his seat, coming to meet me mid-way. He 'bro-hugged'-like Rey calls it- and then he moved on to hugging her, lifting her off the ground and kissing her cheek.
I frowned but reminded myself that it was just platonic and that his girlfriend was literally a few feet away.
"You're so much lighter babe! Got skinnier?", he asked Rey and she shrugged, smiling.
Ugh, stop smiling at him
I fist bumped Jake and hugged the rest of the girls, including Sasha, Jake's girlfriend.
Then we sat down, and I ended up between Sean and Rey, who apparently had a lot to talk about.
I ordered two beers for myself and Rey got a Cuba Libre.
"There's a game tomorrow, ManU against Liverpool. Got two tickets, you up for it?", Sean asked and I looked at Rey.
"Can I go?", I found myself asking, because maybe she wanted us to do something together.
She smiled, obviously happy that I checked with her and nodded.
"Sure. But don't forget that wedding rehearsal is tomorrow morning so you probably shouldn't be drinking that much tonight."
"Okay babe."
Sean shot me a confused look when Rey returned to her previous talk with Jade and Sasha.
"Fancy a smoke?", he asked, holding his Marlboro pack out for me.
"Nah man, I don't smoke anymore."
"The fuck? Why?"
"She doesn't like it."
I shrugged, grabbing one of the hoses of the hookah and taking a drag, before letting the smoke out. It tasted like cherry, my favorite flavor.
"Rings, watch.", Sean told me and took a drag from the other hose, before he let the smoke out in tiny circles.
"Pff.", I snorted and placed a finger against my lips once I inhaled smoke, before letting out double circles, one after another.
He nodded, impressed, and then did triple circles with two fingers.
"I want too.", Rey said and I turned my head to her, surprised.
"Want what?"
I smiled and took a long drag, before leaning over to her and attaching our lips together so I could blow the smoke into her lungs properly.
She exhaled slowly, the smoke curling up and into the air, her eyes shining in the lights of the club and she looked to fucking hot.
"Try doing rings."
I placed the mouthpiece between her lips and told her to inhale.
"Hold the smoke. Now open your mouth but don't blow, just move your chin up and down."
She did as I asked, and got about two rings right, before she coughed and all the smoke came out, making me laugh.
"S'very good baby.", I told her and she smiled, looking out at the crowd.
As if on cue, a song started and all the girls (and Jake) screamed, looking at each other and instantly standing up.
I'd never heard the song, but I'm pretty sure it was Iggy Azalea.
"Come dance!", Rey told me, patting my arm.
"Not really in the mood babe."
She pouted and I shook my head. But then I sighed.
"In two minutes, yeah?"
"Okay.", she smiled and followed Jade onto the dancefloor, almost getting lost in the mass of people.
"What the fuck was that?", Sean asked, once we were alone at the booth.
"What was what?"
"That? What's going on with you man? You're letting a girl order you around and control you?"
"She doesn't order me around, and she isn't just a girl, she's my girlfriend."
He let out a laugh.
"You've become such a sap for her man. You've stopped smoking because she doesn't like it, you don't drink as much because she asked you to? What happened to the Niall I knew that didn't give a fuck what anyone told him?"
I shrugged.
"I've settled down."
"So? I've 'settled down' with my girlfriend too man, but I'm not letting let control my life. You're a man bro."
I scratched the back of my head and sighed, turning to him properly.
"Here's the thing about Rey. All her life she had her parents control her; her mother kept pressuring her to be perfect and controlled everything, and her dad wasn't really around. In school she used to be picked on because of her weight and started starving herself because she'd lost control over her body, mind, everything. That's why she always needs to be in control of everything. That's why she seems to play it safe all the time. It's impossible to always be in control of everything, but she can control me. If I let her. And I do, because it makes her feel safe. And as her boyfriend, it's my job to make her feel safe. Because I love her."
He stared at me, speechless.
"I'm proud of you man.", he finally said, and it sounded like he meant it. "Honestly."
He patted my shoulder before he stood up and I did too, following him to the dancefloor, immediately finding Rey in the crowd, dancing with Liam.
"Bye.", I told him and pushed him into a random girl, before I pulled her against my chest and pressed my lips to her neck.
"You smell so good babe, look so good.", I whispered in her ear as she grinded down on me.
My hands travelled up and down her sides, and I ignored the poking of her rib-bones as I pressed my fingers against her skin to feel her close.
We danced for a couple of songs, before we all returned to the booth and ordered three shots each.
I did only one, because Rey downed all five, then leaned against my shoulder and started mumbling incoherent things, which meant she was at least tipsy.
"We should leave in thirty minutes tops, or else we won't find any cabs left.", Sean told me and I nodded.
Twenty minutes later we paid the bill and I lifted Rey up in my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist and chin resting on my shoulder.
She was extremely easy to lift, lighter than usual.
"Hey, uh, mate?", Liam asked, coming to me while we waiting for the cabs outside.
"Can I bring a bird home?"
"Ask Rey."
"Yes you can.", she answered and lifted her head from my shoulder to look at Liam. "But only if her name is Zayn and she has a dick. You guys were so good together..."
"She's drunk mate, you can bring her but she leaves in the morning.", I told Liam and he nodded, waving someone over.
I saw Zayn stare at them as Liam wrapped his arm around her petit frame and started whispering into her ear.
I put Rey down after she assured me that she could walk and that she didn't want to 'crush me with her weight'; a statement that made me really nervous.
"I'm cold.", she complained and I pulled her into my side, pressing a kiss to her temple and wishing I'd brought my jacket. She was already wearing Zayn's white woolen cardigan, ever since we were inside the club, but for some reason she was still cold.
And then I remembered that once of the symptoms of an eating disorder is being constantly cold.
Four cabs pulled up by the sidewalk and we split up, after Sean reminded me of the game tomorrow.
We got home a bit after midnight, and I could feel jetlag kicking in. All I wanted to do was sleep, cuddled up to her.
Liam and his girl disappeared into the living room, while everyone else walked up the stairs.
"You okay?", I asked Zayn once everyone had gone into their rooms. I pulled him under the doorframe of Rey's room.
"Not really, but yeah."
"That doesn't make sense.", I said and he shrugged.
"'m gonna get over it. Find myself a girl too."
I shook my head and he stared at me.
"Gotta get him out of my head somehow.", he mumbled, his eyes drifting down to my lips.
"You think your girlfriend will mind?", he whispered, stepping closer and I turned my head, pointing at Rey, who was staring at us from the bed with semi-opened eyes.
He let out a low breath, before he pulled me in by the waist, attaching our lips. His tongue didn't waste any time, and it collided with mine quickly. It was rushed, sloppy and meaningless.
I pulled away after about a minute and he sighed.
"I can't forget him. I can't."
"But I'm a good kisser, right?", I asked, and he let out a small night.
"Night mate."
I shot him a sad smile and closed the door behind him.
"That was pretty hot.", Rey said and I turned to face her.
"Was it?"
She nodded, smiling, before she lifted her arms up.
"Undress me."
I obeyed, pulling the tank top over her head and her shorts down her legs. When she yawned, she arched her back and that made her bones jut out. It really scared me.
"Baby, do you want something to eat?"
"No, I just want to sleep.", she said and got under the blanket. She seemed to have regained her soberness.
"Nothing? Not even a-"
"Niall, no."
"Okay, sorry. Sorry."
I sat down at the edge of the bed and she propped an arm under her head so she could look at me questioningly.
"'s just-you got really skinny out of a sudden. I can't remember the last time I've seen you eat."
She rolled her eyes.
"You're worrying too much."
"Am I? If I ask you how much you weigh I wonder how many pounds lighter you are than last time I checked."
"You're overreacting."
"I'm not, Renee! You've relapsed and-"
She sighed. "I haven't."
"You're literally lying to my face! We're supposed to trust each other-", I started yelling.
"Why are you making a big deal out of this?", she yelled back, sitting up straight this time.
"Because I am! I want to be able to hold you without being afraid you'll break in two! Baby, you're destroying yourself-"
"Don't baby me!"
"Why are you the one that's mad?!"
"And it's not like you mind having a skinny girlfriend!"
"Excuse you? Like I've told you before, I don't care how you look, but you're-"
"I'm on a diet, Niall!"
"A diet of air?!"
"Stop making a big deal out of everything!"
"I make a big deal out of your health because I care and I don't want you to die! In case you didn't know, eating disorders either end in death or recovery. And recovery means putting on at least 20 pounds!"
"Maybe I wanna die.", she said and I stood up.
"Don't even say that!"
"Because it scares the fuck out of me, Renee! I swear to God I'll-"
"Why are you so scared? Why do you even bother? I'm fine!"
"Because I love you, okay?!"
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