Chapter 19
!!!!! for those wondering by the way, Chris and Chloe are played by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens because I just like them-although I prefer her with Austin Butler !!!!
This chapter goes to @LiveYourDreamXxX for commenting so many nice things on the last chapter!
(By the way, don't get me started on Liam's Instagram because it's the best thing that has ever happened to me and also Harry's long, straight hair-at least his hair is straight lol sorry about this joke- makes me want to set myself on fire because he looks like sex okay)
bye enjoy the chapter guys haha
Rey's POV
"What?", I asked, even though I heard him perfectly the first time.
"What if we moved in together?"
"Isn't a bit soon? I mean...we literally got together like a week ago."
"But we already lived together and we've known each other for like three years. Do you not want to?"
"Of course I's just-I can't afford a place right now."
He rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Of course I'm going to pay for it. Well, my dad."
I squinted my eyes at him as he continued working his case.
"Just imagine it babe...", he started and rolled over me, sitting up so he would straddle my stomach as I layed under him.
"Amazing view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the park, your own marble bathroom and not to mention heating."
I smiled up at him. "I have nothing against us moving in together, I'd love to babe."
His eyes widened and he placed his hands on either side of my head.
"I love it when you call me that."
"Really? Why?"
"Because it's cute."
There was a short pause, before he asked:
"So do you want to do this or not?"
I smiled, pretending to think about it.
"Hmm...if we can get a cat."
"What? No."
I pouted up at him and he sighed.
"Fine. Then we can get a snake too."
"No way."
"An iguana?"
"A hamster."
"A guinea pig."
"Deal.", I said and he smirked.
"Jesus we're going to have a petting zoo."
"It's going to be great.", I told him and he smiled, bending down to press a kiss to my lips.
"I know."
When we got back to the party it was around 3 in the morning and people were already starting to doze off and pass out on the floor.
"Jesus fucking Christ.", Niall mumbled when he saw Zayn passed out on the armchair, curled in a position that would definitely kill him in the morning.
"Is anyone else actually sober?", I asked Niall as I looked around the living room, then walked over to the light switch so I could turn on the light and see properly.
A few groans were heard when I turned on the light. I spotted Chris and Chloe on the couch, cuddling and Josh hanging half off the side.
"There are a few more people outside that are still on their feet, 'm gonna send them home because I want to fucking sleep.", he mumbled and pushed Bryan off the pool table.
He groaned but went back to sleep and I rolled my eyes because typical. I grabbed a new water bottle from the bar and sat down on a stool, crossing my ankles.
I craned my head to see Niall push three boys from Five Seconds of Summer into the living room.
"I called you a cab, go home.", Niall rudely told them and okay, now I had to intervene.
Because Niall was being rude, not because I wanted to make conversation with Michael, Ashton or Calum
"Niall, don't be rude.", I said and swatted his arm, smiling up at Calum.
"Luke's asleep on one of your lounge chairs, I hope you won't mind.", Ashton told Niall as they got dressed.
"Just go before I'm going to pass out.", Niall said and I crossed my arms.
Niall sighed and pulled the wallet out of his back pocket, and handed Michael a twenty dollar bill.
"Here. Get home safe.", he said and ran a hand through his hair.
The boys thanked him and hugged me goodbye.
Also, I didn't die when Calum pressed a kiss to my cheek, Ashton rubbed my back and Michael patted my hair.
Niall exhaled and dropped himself on the first step.
"You tired babe?", I asked and he opened his legs so I could stand between them.
"Yeah...", he trailed off and gripped into my hips, pulling me closer so he could bury his face in my stomach.
"Why don't you go upstairs and I'll just make sure to close up?", I asked and ran my hands through his fluffy hair.
"You're the best.", he said, pulling his head back so he could smile up at me.
"I actually am.", I replied and he squeezed my bum before he got up and walked up the stairs.
I made a tour of the garden, making sure everyone was okay in the place they passed out, then I turned off all the lights and locked the door.
Then I walked up the stairs and smiled when I pushed the door open to Niall's room, just to see him laying on his back, arms and legs stretched out like a starfish.
His socks and shoes were on the floor already, together with his jacket.
"Niallllll...", I stretched the sound out as I took my shoes off and let them fall at the foot of the bed.
"You have to actually get undressed if you want to sleep comfortably."
"Please just let me sleep, I'm so fucking tired."
I hopped on my knees on the bed and struggled to turn him on his back. He blinked up at me with hazy blue eyes and I could see he was so tired. But he kind of looked incredibly cute and innocent.
"Arms up."
"Are you going to undress me?", he asked, a smirk spreading over his face.
"Not if you're being cocky."
"Sorry m'am."
I rolled my eyes and he lifted his arms so I could pull his tank top over his head and throw it on the floor.
"I love it when you take care of me."
"Yeah?", I smiled and he nodded, closing his eyes.
I straddled his knees and unzipped his jeans after I undid his belt.
"Oh yeah.", he said and I softly punched his skinny thigh.
"Lift your ass up.", I instructed him but he didn't obey.
I shuffled off the bed and struggled to get his jeans off, but he wouldn't move.
"NIALL.", I warned and he laughed, lifting his ass off the bed quickly so I could easily remove his pants and let them drop to the floor.
He threw an arm over his face and bit his lip, forcing down a smile but failing.
"What about my briefs?", he pouted when he heard me stepping back.
"You're not sleeping naked."
"Niall, no.", I said and he accepted his fate, moving further up the bed.
He smiled as he placed his head on the pillow and slid under the blanket.
"Did you brush your teeth."
"No, I'm serious.", he said and pulled the blanket up to his neck.
"Turn off the light please."
"Fine, then I'll change into the bathroom."
"I can wait.", he said and opened his eyes, propping his arm under his head so he could see me better.
I rolled my eyes, smiling, before I shimmied out of my skirt.
"Slower.", Niall said but I was not going to listen to him. I was tired and just wanted to get into bed.
I gripped into the hem of my top and pulled it over my head, but my earring got stuck in the material.
I heard Niall laughing as I struggled to get it off but my hair tangled up even more.
"Jesus Christ. Would you help me Niall?"
"I'm not getting out of bed."
I huffed. "Fine. Then I'll just go and ask one of the drunk frat boys trying to fall asleep."
I turned around and blindly tried to find the door, but ended up walking straight into a wall.
I must've looked ridiculous, hands in the air and hair sticking up in every single direction.
I smiled when I heard his steps coming closer to me, his hands gripping into my hips.
"Stay still.", he instructed softly and I obeyed as he started trying to pull the top away from my earring.
I squealed when he tugged harder than needed and he shushed me, before completely detaching the top from my ear.
"Thanks.", I said turning around after he pulled the top over my head.
He smiled and patted my naked stomach.
"You made me get out of bed.", he mumbled and I watched the back of his skinny legs as he walked back to the bed.
"You can wear my tank to bed.", he suggested once he got back in.
I nodded and dressed up with his tank top that reached the middle of my thighs.
Then I walked to the bathroom and did what needed to be done, before I returned to the room and turned off the light.
I slipped under the blanket and shuffled closer to Niall.
"Cuddle.", I said and he didn't open his eyes.
He just lifted his arm up so I could cuddle up to him and nuzzle my nose into his neck.
"So what are we doing today?", Chris asked that Saturday morning as he came into the kitchen to get himself some juice.
I chose not to answer him as I kept eating my cereal.
"Max and I are shooting a movie today.", Jake announced as he jumped onto the bar.
I wriggled my eyebrows at him and he rolled his eyes.
"Jesus, we fucked on screen like, five times Rey, it's nothing special."
I squinted my eyes at him, and I immediately knew he was nervous because he avoided eye contact.
"Well I'm going to the gym in an hour.", Niall announced and made eye contact with me. "Want to come?"
"I'd rather eat than workout.", I honestly told him.
He frowned and made a pouty face.
"But I'm going to come.", I continued and he smiled, obviously thinking about an innuendo.
"We're leaving in thirty minutes."
I sighed because there was no way of getting out of it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind seeing Niall workout, his biceps bulging out and sweaty hair sticking to his forehead.
I packed a bag with a pair of black Nike leggings, a green tank top, a deodorant, a towel and a hairbrush, before I slipped into my sneakers.
Niall came into the room a few minutes later, picking out his clothes and stuffing them into his bag.
I stood in front of the mirror as I tied my hair up in a ponytail.
"Ready?", Niall asked and came to stand next to me as I fixed my hair.
"Yeah. Let's go."
He walked out the door and I followed him down the stairs, mentally preparing myself.
The gym was fifteen minutes away by car from the frat house, and it was a big, expensive looking building right next to a McDonald's.
"How ironic.", I laughed as I got out of the car and nodded towards the fast food.
I walked with him to the front desk and watched him as he took out his gym card.
"Hey Alice.", he smiled at the woman behind the desk.
"Hi!", she replied, straightening out her back and pushing her chest out. "Back again?"
And okay, now she was twirling a hair strand around her finger, batting her eyelashes at him.
"Of course."
And Niall smiled, showing his dimple.
She tapped something on his computer and looked up at him from between her lashes.
"You have one more entry left. When are you planning on coming?", she asked, her last words coming out in a suggestive tone.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but Alice still didn't seem to notice me.
"Actually, I was wondering if my girlfriend could use the last one."
" have a girlfriend? I mean-sure! You can bring her by whenever you want.", she stuttered, completely taken aback.
"Actually, she'd like to use it right now.", he answered and turned his head to me, putting an arm around my shoulders.
It was only then that she noticed me.
Her lips pulled into a thin line and her eyes glimmered, before an obvious fake smile spread over her face.
"Oh. And your name is?", she asked in an annoyed tone.
"Rey.", I answered and she rolled her eyes, typing on her computer again.
"Would you like to renew your membership and get a new one for her now or after your workout...? In case she doesn't-"
"After.", Niall interrupted her, before she handed him his card back with two keys.
I followed him up the stairs, until the second floor, where he pointed me to the women's changing rooms.
"Meet you out here in five."
I nodded and watched him walk into the room.
I quickly changed into my gym clothes, and then locked my bag in a locker, before I checked my image in the mirror and walked out.
Niall was leaning against the wall, dressed in a pair of grey sweat-shorts and a tank top that made him look amazing.
He had a towel hung over his shoulder and a bottle of water in his hand.
"What the fuck are those?", he asked, eyes glued to my legs.
"Uh, some sort of leggings? Why?"
"Turn around."
"I want to see your ass in those pants."
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, not turning around.
"You sure you don't want to see Alice's ass in these?", I asked.
His eyes widened and a grin spread out on his face.
"Are you jealous?"
"She was obviously flirting with you."
"Oh come on baby, it's harmless.", he laughed.
I squinted my eyes at him.
"Let's just go.", he sighed and I walked next to him towards a glass door at the end of the hall.
He opened the door and held it open for me. I smiled up at him as I walked in front of him, and then realized that he probably had a motive for being such a gentleman.
"Fuck, your ass looks so good in those.", he complimented and I shook my head, looking around the room.
"What do you usually do?", I asked and he shrugged.
"I usually lift weights or do pull ups."
He set his water bottle down and sat down on the seat of the weight lifting station.
"How many pounds do you usually set this to?"
"Well I start out with a hundred and then go up to hundred-fifty."
"Whoa, that's a lot."
"I mean, I can obviously lift more but I wouldn't want to over stimulate myself.", he continued with a cocky grin on his face.
"Sure.", I said and sat down on the chair made especially for sit ups.
I then started doing sit ups and stopped at about then, because I was being distracted by his arm muscles as he tried to lift up those weights.
"Babe, the purpose of coming to the gym is actually exercising."
"I'm sweating by just looking at you.", I replied and was actually proud.
"When did you get good at pickup lines?", he laughed and stopped exercising to look at me.
I shrugged and he ran a hand through his hair.
"So are you doing sit ups or not?"
"No. Ugh, don't look at me that way."
He rolled his eyes and went back to his workout while I layed on the floor and stared up at the ceiling.
I groaned after a while and stood up, before I decided to finally go on the treadmill.
And I actually exercised, until there was a tap on my back and I had to stop.
I turned around to look at Niall, who was frowning and looked mad.
"What's wrong?", I asked.
"Stop.", he simply answered and I turned my whole body around to him, placing my hands on my hips.
"Because people are staring.", he said and nodded towards two men that stopped lifting weights and doing push ups to apparently stare at me.
"Oh come on baby, it's harmless.", I mocked in his deep, irish voice and crossed my arms over my chest, purposely pushing my breasts out for Niall and those two men to see.
His nostrils flared and his expression hardened, before he suddenly gripped into my hips and lifted me up, making me squeal.
He spun around and I wrapped my legs around his waist so I wouldn't fall on my arse. My arms went around his neck and I tried to act as if I wasn't enjoying this.
Niall's eyes went straight to my bum and he cupped it, his eyes darting to the guys who were still staring.
"You look so good for me babe.", he loudly said and lifted his chin up to press a kiss to my lips.
"Excuse me but who are you?", I asked just as loudly, trying to get out of his grip.
His expression hardened and I laughed, looking at the two men still staring at me.
"I don't know this guy.", I told them and the one with a full sleeve tattoo nodded towards me, winking.
"Then why don't you come here and help me exercise?", the other one asked.
I tried not to seem grossed out as he stood up, and made a step back towards Niall.
"She's kidding mate, I'm her boyfriend so sit back down.", Niall warned and put his arm around my waist.
The man rolled his eyes and sat back down on the bench.
When their attention drifted away from us, Niall removed his arm and shot me a disappointed look, before he went back to exercising.
He finished fifteen minutes later, and he didn't even spare me a look before he wiped his forehead and under his arms, then took a sip out of his bottle.
"Niall?", I asked, following him outside the room, in the hallway.
He didn't look back at me as he slammed the door of the men's changing room shut.
I quickly changed into my normal clothes before I exited the room. I found him outside in the car, waiting for me.
"Niall, come on don't be like this.", I said and he raised his eyebrows, still ignoring me.
I threw my bag in the backseat and fastened my seatbelt as he started the car.
He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel to an invisible tune.
"Niaaaaalllll.", I stretched his name out as he kept driving, looking straight ahead.
He bit his lip, like he was trying hard not to answer me, so I decided to do it the Jake way.
Look how I ended up
I'm actually going to do what Jake would do
I shook my head and pretended to go through my phone, and right as he stopped at a red light, I 'dropped' the phone on the floor.
I undid my seatbelt and bent down to grab my phone from the floor.
I placed my left hand on Niall's right thigh and the other one on his ankle. I trailed it all the way up his leg until I reached the top of his thigh, before I pressed against the button of his seatbelt, unbuckling him.
I felt him shift in the seat to look down at me and smiled to myself.
I then unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper, slipping my hand under his jeans to cup him through his briefs.
"W-what are you d-doing?", he asked, voice shaking a bit.
"I dropped my phone.", I said innocently and he exhaled as I slowly started rubbing him.
I waited a bit before I slipped my hand into his boxers and took a proper hold of him. He was half hard already and I could feel him throbbing in my hand.
I pulled his cock out and pressed a kiss to his tip; before I took him all the way down and sucked all the way back up.
He let out a moan and pressed the gas pedal after he heard a few honks behind us.
"Baby, I'm going to crash."
"I thought you were a good driver.", I said, before taking him back into my mouth.
"Fuck.", he moaned and stopped the car at what seemed to be another stop sign.
I sucked extremely hard on the tip, knowing that he liked that. His right hand came to tangle in my hair but I swatted it away.
"Hands on the wheel.", I said as I kissed down his shaft.
"I'm going to come if-"
"If what?", I asked innocently, looking up at him through my lashes, licking at his tip as I did so.
He let out a moan and closed his eyes for a second, before he shot down my throat and bucked his hips up.
I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before I zipped him back up.
"You're fucking amazing.", he said before he pressed a kiss to my lips.
I smiled contently.
"So am I forgiven?", I asked.
He bit his lip and nodded.
"I wasn't mad anyway.", he added and I grabbed my phone before I leaned back into my seat.
"I know. I just like sucking your dick.", I replied and he almost ran into a pole.
I composed a message to Jake.
Rey: Niall and I just got into a fight and I gave him road head to make up for it look what you did to me :((((
I smiled as I waited for his response.
Jake: bitch u got the d stfu my method ALWAYS works ur welcome ;)
Rey: I hate you
Jake: don't hate the player hate the game babe
Jake: btw, where r u?
Rey: we're on our way back to the frat house. You?
Jake: finished shooting and max invited me out for a picnic on campus can u and niall come pls im freaking out
"Yeah?", he asked, not turning his head.
"Jake is asking us to go with him and Max to a picnic."
He shrugged. "Will there be food?"
Rey: will there be food?
Jake: McDonald's and pizza
Rey: we'll be there
Jake: great. Meet u and ur boyfriend @3pm under the big oak
Rey: okay :)
Jake: :*
We arrived at the frat house three minutes later and Niall and I took turns showering.
"So why are we going to this picnic again?", he asked.
"Because Jake asked us to. Max invited him and he's freaking out because it's a date."
"So why are we interrupting their so called date?", he asked as he pulled on his jeans.
"Because there's going to be free pizza and McDonald's and I know Jake well enough to know that there's going to be plenty of alcohol."
"Good point.", Niall laughed and I waited for him to finish doing his hair so we could finally walk to my dorm so I could get changed too.
When we got there, we were met by Amy who was just heading out on a 'study' date with Ryan.
Niall sat down at my desk as I picked out my jean dungarees and a cherry-colored GEEK crop top, and matching Vans.
"Do you really need to put make up on? We're going on a picnic with two gay guys."
"Exactly. They're the most criticizing people."
Niall rolled his eyes and stopped spinning in his chair.
"So after this picnic do you mind if I drive us to the Pierhouse so we could look at an apartment?"
I turned to him, closing my mascara.
"You still want to move in together?"
"Don't you?", he asked, standing up to come towards me.
"I do. I just thought you'd change your mind."
"Well I'm not.", he smiled down at me and ran his hand through my hair. "Let's go before I take you against the door."
I rolled my eyes to cover up the fact that I was turned on.
"You know, you still owe me for that blowjob I gave you earlier."
"Don't worry babe, I always keep track.", he assured me and locked our fingers together as we exited the dorm building.
I spotted Jake and Max on a big blanket right by the oak tree and I could see the relief in his face when he saw us approaching.
Max was a bit confused but tried to keep a smile on his face to cover up his disappointment.
Poor guy he probably wanted to be alone with Jake
"Hi bitch!", Jake greeted and hugged me before we both sat down.
The guys shook hands and Jake finally introduced us properly.
"You didn't bring anything?", he asked appalled.
"We brought ourselves.", Niall replied cockily and I laughed.
"Lucky for you, we brought everything.", Jake said and I could immediately tell he was nervous.
He opened the basket that was lying by his side and got out two paper bags from McDonald's, two pizzas and a bowl of strawberries and bananas.
"And by everything you mean food?", Niall asked, obviously looking for alcohol.
"You're usually the one with the alcohol.", Jake told him and Niall sighed, opening a paper bag and getting a cheeseburger out.
After a few bites he decided he had had enough and stood up.
"That's it. Jake, mate, come with me. We're going to buy some proper drinks.", Niall said and wiped his mouth.
Jake nodded, obeying by standing up.
"We'll just run to the store across the street.", he informed Max, who nodded.
Once they were gone, I turned my attention to the blonde in front of me, ready to question him.
"Sorry for coming.", I told him.
"What?", he asked confused.
"I know you wanted to be just with Jake, but he invited us and I didn't know-I didn't really know this was like, a date."
"Oh, don't worry, it's not."
"Then what are your plans with my Jake?", I asked, crossing my arms and trying to be intimidating.
He didn't look terrified. If anything, he looked amused.
"Well...I don't know. I mean, I like him, but he's sending me mixed signals."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean...we hooked up twice outside the work place and we text non stop but...he...I don't know, I guess he just wants something casual."
"Let me tell you something, Max. Jake...well. Trust me, he doesn't want anything casual. Yes, he likes to fuck around and yes, he's definitely a slut, but if he falls, he falls hard. And I can tell that he's definitely into you because he blushes every time he speaks about you and was so nervous about screwing up this 'date' that he called his pathetic best friend to join. I mean...what else do you want?"
"I want him."
"And he wants you, so what's the problem?"
"It would be too complicated...I mean, we're working together. And we're porn stars. We're both going to fuck other people while the other one will be most probably watching."
"Oh...well I think you guys should give it a shot. I want Jake to be happy, he really deserves it because he's amazing and funny."
Max smiled. "Okay."
"But I swear to God, if you break his heart or even hurt him in the tiniest way, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands."
His eyes widened and I hoped he took me seriously.
"Understood?", I asked and he nodded, smiling.
"Good. Now pass me those fries before I faint from hunger."
Jake and Niall returned from their short trip five minutes later, carrying a six-pack of beer and a bottle of wine.
I held my glass out for him to pour some wine in it, but he shot me a fake-surprised look.
"Wine please."
"Show me your ID.", he said.
"Niall.", I sighed.
"How old are you?"
"Old enough to never go near your dick again.", I assured him and he raised the bottle in respect before he poured me a glass.
"Cheers.", I said and we all toasted, probably to the fact that we had alcohol.
One hour later, the three of them were already tipsy. Jake was leaning against Max's shoulder, giggling into his neck and kissing all over his neck and ear.
They were so cute I had to take a picture.
"Jesus Christ.", Niall sighed as he looked at them. "You guys should get together."
"And we're going to call you Jax.", I added and Niall spread his legs and patted the space between them so I could come and sit there.
I smiled and walked over to him on my knees, before I turned around and leaned against his chest, resting the back of my head against his neck.
His arms came to wrap around my waist and he kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes, relaxing back into him.
"Can we leave once they start humping each other and go check out the apartments?", he asked, his lips against my ear.
"Whoa whoa whoa what? You want to move in together? When? How?", Jake asked and turned his attention to us.
"Yeah.", Niall answered and softly tickled my sides.
I giggled and Jake gagged, rolling onto his stomach.
"I'm going to be sick soon.", he groaned. "I'm officially too full to eat."
"This is the apocalypse.", Max laughed and Jake swatted his leg.
"Actually, the apocalypse is going to be when Niall will be too full to eat.", I told him and patted Niall's leg.
He kicked my ankle and I smiled, pinching his knee.
He hissed and layed down on his back, taking me with him.
I turned around on my stomach so I would be on top of him. He smiled up at me and I kissed his lips once.
"This is fucking gross. Stop it.", Jake said and I showed him my middle finger before standing up.
"Come on, let's leave these two lovebirds alone.", I told him and Niall held his hand out for me to pull him up.
"Babe we both know I can't pull you up."
"Just try."
I groaned and grabbed his hand, before I pulled him up easily.
"You lifted yourself up didn't you.", I asked him, even though it sounded more like a statement.
He bit his lip and nodded.
"You're just not strong enough baby.", he said in a mocking baby voice which made me roll my eyes.
"See you later then.", I told Jake and Niall shook hands with them, before Jake mimicked a texting gesture and we were on our way back to Niall's frat house.
He unlocked his car once we got there and was about to get into the drivers seat, but I stopped him by gripping into his forearm.
"You can't drive, you've had too much to drink."
"I'm not drunk."
"I know, but you drank."
He sighed and we exchanged places before I turned the engine on. Niall buckled himself up and gripped into the door handle before he instructed me to start driving.
He gave me directions until we reached the parking lot of the Pierhouse and I managed to park the car on two empty parking spots.
"Jesus Christ you need to learn how to park.", he said once we were out of the car.
"So are we going to just wander on and about or?", I asked, ignoring his remark.
"No. I talked to me dad and he arranged for a realtor to come meet with us."
"This feels so official.", I mumbled and he took my hand, intertwining our fingers.
A man in a suit and hair pushed back was sitting on a couch in the lobby, scratching the back of his head and tapping his foot anxiously.
When he saw us he smiled and stood up.
"Hello, Mr. Horan, I'm Daniel Cooper, your dad's realtor."
"Hey.", Niall replied, shaking his hand.
"Before I take you two to visit some apartments or penthouses, I need you two fill out this small form just for orientation.", he said and pulled a paper out of his briefcase, inviting us to sit down at the coffee table and handed Niall a pen.
There were a few basic questions on the paper.
"What's your price range?", I read out loud, my eyes widening at the numbers in front of us. "This is crazy! The lowest price is five hundred grand! Niall you can't-"
I let out a surprised squeal when he ticked the 3 million dollar box.
"My dad's going to pay anyway babe, don't worry."
He patted my thigh and I relaxed, letting him do the work.
He ticked the apartment answer at the What kind of place are you looking for? question the 2 bedroom at the How many bedrooms would you like? question.
I smiled as he handed Daniel the paper. The older man took a few seconds to look over it, before he nodded, folding the paper and smiling.
"Well then. If you'd follow me.", he kindly said and we did.
He got into the elevator and we followed. He pressed the button for the seventh floor, before he stepped back and fixed his tie.
He took a keychain out of his pocket and opened the first door. An hour and a half later we were in front of the last apartment, waiting for Daniel to unlock it.
There was a small hallway that led to another hallway that was decorated extremely elegant and looked really expensive.
My chin hit the ground as soon as I saw the living room, then the marbled kitchen and bathroom and the two huge bedrooms with the balcony.
"Do you like it?", Niall asked me, smiling.
I nodded, excited.
"Then we'll take it.", he said, turning to Daniel.
He looked surprised, but wasn't one to argue.
"Well you just have to sign a contract and the apartment is yours. You can come by my office tomorrow so we can close this deal.", Daniel suggested and Niall nodded, putting a hand around my shoulder.
Daniel was kind enough to walk us back to the lobby where he gave Niall the address to his office and his phone number.
I drove us back to the frat house safely and Niall was surprised that I managed to park like a normal person in the driveway.
Once we were in the house we made our way to the living room, which was occupied by a few guys watching TV and playing table soccer.
Niall joined them so I decided to hang with Jake and Bryan on the couch.
"So? Did you find anything you like?", Jake asked and I nodded.
"I can't believe you guys are moving in together.", he said and Bryan's head snapped towards me.
"Whoa wait Niall's moving out?", Bryan asked loudly and everyone in the room turned to Niall, who nodded, shrugging.
"I mean, I'll still be here most of the time I'll just move out in an apartment by the Brooklyn Bridge-"
"You're moving next to the fucking Brooklyn Bridge?!", Josh exclaimed, stopping his movements.
"Yeah.", Niall answered, and I could see he was starting to get doubts about moving in together.
I watched the boys exchange looks and Niall frown.
"Is that going to be a problem?", Niall asked them, placing his hands on his hips.
"Who is going to take your room?"
"The vice president, obviously.", he replied.
"But you can't leave us, Niall!", someone else said and I was starting to feel uncomfortable.
I was feeling bad because I was separating Niall and his brothers.
"I'm moving and it's final.", Niall snapped and slammed his palm against the table. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go pack."
"I should-I should also go.", I mumbled and stood up, hugging Jake then quickly exiting the living room because I felt uncomfortable under their stares.
"You okay?", Niall asked just as I was about to leave.
"Yeah, 'm fine. I'm going home to pack."
He smiled.
"You sure you want to do this though?", I asked him. "Aren't we rushing into things too fast?"
"I don't know, are we?"
"I don't-I wouldn't really mind to have my own apartment to be honest."
"We're moving then.", he decided and pressed a kiss to my forehead, before disappearing upstairs.
"I'll pick you up at four tomorrow right after I dropped by Daniel's office, okay?" Was the last thing he yelled.
"I can't believe you're actually moving out.", Amy said the next morning after I finally finished packing two large suitcases with literally everything that I brought with me.
I fixed the collar of my sleeveless white blouse and ran a hand through my hair.
"Well, I guess this is it.", I told her, turning to look at her.
"Yeah.", she said and came to hug me. "I can't believe you're moving in with Niall. I would've never thought he would make this kind of commitment.", she said.
"Why not?"
"I mean, it's a pretty big thing. What if you get in a fight? What will you do then?"
"I can always come back here. I'm still paying for the dorm so."
"You have to come sometimes to sleep over."
"Of course."
"Are you sure you're not rushing into anything?", she asked and I frowned.
"Are you sure I'm not rushing into anything?", I replied with a question and she remained silent.
"No, seriously, if you have an opinion tell me, I want to know."
"Well, it's just. You've been dating for like, two weeks now or something like that and you're already moving in together."
"But we've known each other for three years and I've lived with him in his frat house. Why don't you move in there?", she asked and I bit my lip, shrugging.
"I just-I love him and- I don't know."
"I guess the mind is useless when the heart is blind."
I exhaled and hugged her once more, before she opened the door for me and led me to the elevator.
"Just be careful Rey, okay?"
"Always.", I smiled and she shot me a thumbs up just as the door closed.
Niall was waiting in the car for me, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel like he was nervous about something.
"Hi.", I greeted opening the door and he got out to help me with my suitcases, urging me to get in the car because he was going to take care of it.
"Fuck.", he cursed as soon as he got in the car.
"I forgot my phone at the frat house."
"Let's go get it then."
He nodded and placed his hand over mine as he drove back there.
"Do you want to get out too? I want to say goodbye to the lads."
"It's not like you're moving across the ocean Niall. It's just five miles away.", I laughed nervously and followed him inside.
The guys were as expected either in the living room or the game room.
Niall grabbed his phone from the coffee table and turned to them.
"See you later then yeah?", he said and Josh crossed his arms. He was the one that was the least supportive of us, for some reason.
"You sure about this bro?", Josh asked and Niall glared at him.
"Do you have something to say? Because you've been acting like a dick ever since yesterday."
Jesus no
"Me? You've been acting like a fucking sap ever since you got with her!", Josh raised his voice and I immediately knew Niall was going to get really angry because he hated when people raised their voices at him.
"She's my damn girlfriend and I'm moving in with her!"
"After ten days of dating her?"
"I've known her for three years!", Niall argued. "And I don't need to justify my actions! I'm moving and it's final!"
"Yeah? Then why didn't you pack everything? Why didn't you let Zayn take your room? Because you know you're not going to go through with this until the very end! You know very well you can't keep a girl around for more than a few days!"
"Shut the fuck up Devine!", Niall yelled back, stepping towards him.
"No! I'm not going to shut the fuck up! You're rushing things and you're going to end up regretting this!"
Niall clenched his fists by his side, choosing not to respond.
"But don't come crying back to me once you get in an argument with her, yeah? Wasn't it bros before hoes?"
"Don't you fucking call her that or I'm going to-"
"Going to what? Turn against one of your brothers because of a girlfriend? We took an oath, Niall."
Niall stepped back, exhaling loudly.
"I'm leaving, but I'll be back. I am the president of this fraternity and I'll maintain my position. Just because I'm moving out doesn't mean I quit.", he clarified as calmly as he could and nodded. "See ya."
He then turned around and I shot them an awkward wave before following Niall outside.
The entire car ride was silent and I couldn't help but fidget in my seat for ten minutes straight.
"You only brought one suitcase?", I asked him once we were inside the building.
"Um...I don't have as much stuff as you.", he replied and I knew he was lying.
"Niall, I've seen your room. You have double the clothes I have. Your snapbacks only would fill up a suitcase."
He sighed as he pressed the elevator button.
"I left my other stuff at the frat house.", he admitted as we got into the elevator.
"Why?", I asked, trying to hide the sadness in my voice.
So he doesn't actually want to move in with me
"Because...I can't-I can't leave them behind Rey. They're my family and I made an oath to always be there for them and-I'll have stuff here, and also there."
"So you're not going to always be here?"
He shook his head.
"But you can manage on your own right? I mean, you'll be at the frat house during the day anyway and after you get your drivers license you can drive here by yourself."
"So you actually bought a flat for me, not for us.", I stated and I tried to hide my hurt.
"Sort of."
"Why did you ask us to move in together then?"
"I just wanted you to live somewhere safe and warm."
"So staying in a big apartment alone is much safer than a dorm with friends?"
He didn't reply.
He chose to unlock the door and push it open, then walk into the flat that didn't feel like home at all.
"So what now? I'm going to just unpack and...stay here? Alone?"
"I'm going to sleep here some night too baby-just not all of them. Not before a game or something like that."
"What about me then?", I asked, suddenly getting angry because there was no way he was going to let me stay in this apartment on my own.
"I thought this is what you wanted!"
"It is!"
"Then what's the problem?", he raised his voice.
"The problem is that I came here thinking we would be sharing it, as in living together! You're really fucked up you know that? You told me we were moving in together and now you tell me I'm actually going to live here but you'll just drop by?"
He sighed, running his hands through his hair.
"Rey just-let's just unpack yeah?"
I rolled my eyes and turned on my heels, walking towards the bedroom to start unpacking as he started fixing the WiFi.
I filled my closet in like twenty minutes before pushing the suitcases under the bed and dropping down on the soft sheets.
"All set?", Niall asked, coming in the room.
"Yeah.", I answered coldly.
"Don't be like this Rey, I can't just abandon my brothers."
"Then why did you suggest this in the first place?"
"Because I want what's best for you. I want you to be happy."
"I'm happy when I'm with you."
"You already have me."
"Then are you going to sleep here tonight?"
"The guys are mad at me-I have to-Rey. I have to.", he said standing up with a sorry expression on his face.
"Jesus, you're such a great boyfriend."
"You should be complaining, I buy you everything you want and-"
"Excuse me?", I asked, standing up from the bed and walking over to him, feeling anger building up inside my chest.
"I-", he started but I pushed against his chest.
"Don't get angry now-", he said, stepping back.
"Don't you fucking tell me not to get angry because I swear to God I'm going to slap you!"
"You need to calm down, seriously. I don't see why you're mad! You have a new apartment with everything you need in it!"
I stepped back, defeated and sad.
"Everything except of you! You're the thing I needed most in this apartment!"
"I'm sorry.", he said and I knew he was honest.
"Just go to your brothers. I'll manage on my own. See you tomorrow."
He sighed. "I'll leave your key on the counter in the hallway."
I shrugged and sat down on the bed, crossing my ankles.
"I'll take you shopping tomorrow. For like, groceries and other shit."
"Whatever. Good night."
"Night. I'll be here tomorrow at eight thirty to pick you up for college."
I waited for him to lock the door to the apartment before I jumped into bed and buried my face into a pillow.
Do not fucking cry
I bit my lip and got out of bed when I calmed down, then changed into my pajamas and went to the bathroom.
I came back into the room once I made sure the door was locked and I got into bed again, feeling weird. But a good sort of weird. Even though Niall wasn't here like he said he'd be, I was still a bit happy because I had a brand new amazing apartment and it was warm.
But how can you enjoy something you want if the thing that you actually need is missing?
Sometimes I scare myself because of how deep I am I swear
Great I'm cracking myself up like a psychopath
I'm laughing so I won't cry
I sighed into the pillow and set my alarm for half past seven before I cuddled further up the bed, pulling the blanket up to my neck, closing my eyes and trying to imagine Niall next to me.
I couldn't fall asleep so I just ended up staring at the wall.
I stopped breathing when I heard sudden steps coming down the hallway a few minutes later, right after some keys jingled in the front door.
I pretended to be asleep in case it was a burglar.
But I immediately relaxed when the door to the bedroom opened and I could smell Niall's cologne and hear his steps coming closer.
I heard him shuffle out of his jeans and let his shirt drop to the floor before he sighed and I couldn't believe he actually came back.
Why would he come back
I felt him shuffle through the bed until his chest was against my back and his left arm came around my waist, pulling me into him.
"I know you're not asleep baby.", he whispered against my ear and I bit my lip, still not moving.
"Look at me princess, come on."
I sighed and turned on my back so I would look into his eyes.
"Why did you come back?", I asked coldly.
"Because I wanted to."
"Because you felt guilty.", I corrected him.
"Partially. I sneaked out."
I huffed, but not managing to suppress a smile. "Just like Summer '13."
He smiled.
"Wanna go back there every night.", he admitted and layed on his back next to me.
"I'm not going to lie, it may have been the best time of my life.", I told him and he nodded.
"When we layed on the beach as the sun went down...and you playing the guitar.", I continued, trying to relax.
He stared at me in concentration.
"What?", I asked and he snapped out of his thoughts.
"Nothing. Just thinking about something."
"Why did you come back here?", I asked.
"Because...I don't know I guess I always used to think that I was better alone but...I don't know baby. You're just-fuck. I don't know. I'm not good with words. I care about you a lot."
"Show me you care Niall."
"Just. Ugh.", he groaned.
It was cute to see him struggle with words. He rolled on top of me and started kissing up my neck until he reached my ear, breathing heavily.
"I realized that I was so stupid to let you go that summer. But it doesn't matter."
"Why not?", I asked confused.
"Because no matter what happens, we'll always find a way back to each other. Always."
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