Chapter 17






Niall's POV

Rey apparently chose not to comment anything to my statement so I kind of just layed my head on her perfect boobs and closed my eyes, left hand going around her waist.

I fell asleep to the soft sound of her breathing.

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I realized was that Rey was gone and I had a boner caused by a dirty dream about her. The dream was the continuation of what happened last night.

I jerked off in the bathroom and came from the replaying image of her dropping to her knees in front of me.

I brushed my teeth and pulled a shirt over my head before I ran my hands through my hair and exited the room.

I smiled to myself when I saw her on a chair by the bar with a cereal bowl in front of her. My smile faded however when I noticed Justin across from her, showing off his damn dimples as he told her something that made her giggle.

I want you to giggle at MY jokes

I found it quite weird that he didn't ask how come she was here at the frat house so early and wearing my clothes, or maybe he did but she lied about it. Or he just didn't notice.

I sat down next to her and she turned her head to me, smiling. Her smile made my stomach flip and I tried to mask my fondness by turning to Justin and telling him to give me my breakfast.

Rey shot me a disapproving look because my tone was harsher than intended, but I couldn't help it. He was making her smile and laugh and I felt like I needed to do that, not him.

"So what are you doing today?", he asked her, leaning his elbows against the bar and gazing at her.

Shit what if he wants to hang out with her or something

She'll want to do stuff with him not me

"Uh Niall told me he'd take me driving.", she answered in a soft voice.

"Oh, cool.", he said and didn't even seem to be bothered by that. "Well Zayn asked me to clean the pool because there's a party tonight so I'll see you then?"

She nodded and he leaned over the bar, pressing a kiss to her lips, before he turned around and left the kitchen.

"Didn't he question you about wearing my clothes and being here in the morning?", I asked her once I made sure he couldn't hear us anymore.

She turned to face me on the seat and I couldn't help but notice how tiny she was.

"He did but I told him I crashed with Jake last night."

Her feet literally dangled one foot above the ground, whereas mine were placed on the marble floor.

How come I only notice this now? She's always been smaller than me

I wonder how our hands would look against each other

Or our shoes

"What?", she asked, obviously noticing that I was staring at her.

"Nothing.", I answered and returned to my plate.

"I'm going upstairs to change."

"Do you want to go now or should we wait until noon?", I asked her as he pushed herself off the chair.

"It's past noon Niall. We slept in.", she informed me and I frowned.

"Fine, then we can leave in thirty minutes and I'll drive us to your dorm so you can get changed."


I bit my lip as I watched her ass in my sweatpants while she walked away.

Forty minutes later we were in her dorm room, and I was sitting next to Amy on the bed while Rey was in the bathroom, changing.

"So she pulled the pregnant prank on you huh.", Amy said, eyes not leaving the laptop she was just writing an essay on.

"Yeah. Was it your idea?"


"I almost died."

"Because you care.", she stated and looked up at me.

"I hate that you can read people so well, it's kind of annoying."

"It's annoying because it's true."

I nodded and layed down the best I could across the bed, closing my eyes.

When Rey came back from the bathroom, it took literally I had to refrain myself from taking her right then and there against the door.

She looked so good in ripped skinny jeans, a Varsity sweater and black Vans. She took her parka from the hanger and looked at me with a questioning look on her face.

"Coming?", she asked and I nodded, standing up from the bed.

"Are you coming to the party tonight Amy?", I asked Amy, who shook her head.

"It's Ryan and mine's six month anniversary today, we're going to a hotel."

"Okay, see you tomorrow then.", Rey smiled and hugged her, before she walked out the door that I held open for her.

I watched her walk in front of me, her small legs moving pretty fast, hair bouncing on her shoulders.

She turned her head to see if I was following and I winked at her, walking faster so I could be next to her.

"Is there something wrong?", she asked and I shook my head.

"Just admiring your ass in those jeans."

She smiled, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks.

I love it when she blushes

I love her

I gulped and put my hands in my pockets to stop my fingers from fidgeting.

It was scary that she made me feel this way, like no one else had ever before. The first time I realized it was of course two summers ago, and even though I've fucked a lot of girls to try and forget her, I still thought of her every night before I went to sleep.

The moment I saw her sitting on the couch six months ago, my heart stopped because I couldn't believe my eyes. And when she said 'hi' to me I knew I was fucked because everything came crashing down, all the work I've put in trying to forget her.

But I knew I was never going to be good enough for her, she appeared to have moved on to Sam, then Justin.

Before I knew it, we were in front of my car.

"I'll drive us somewhere nearby the Marine Park and you can drive a route there, yeah?"

She nodded, seeming a bit nervous.

"Have you ever tried driving before?"

"With my dad like, two or three times but that was it."

"So you're not going to fuck up my car?"

"Can't promise anything.", she admitted and her eyes twinkled, so I knew she was joking.

I sighed and we both got in the car. I drove for ten minutes until we arrived near some woods.

"You sure this is safe? Like...", she said, looking out the window.

"We camped in the woods like five times so you don't have to worry baby."

She looked at me and I mentally slapped myself. I had to stop calling her pet names, even though it felt natural.

We changed seats and I bit my lip when she had to pull her seat closer to the steering wheel because her legs were too short.

"So what you have to do first is check the mirror-", I started.

"I know what to do."

"Okay, Jesus, I'm just trying to help."

"I don't want you to think I'm that big of a loser."

"What? I'd never think that."

She smiled and after she put her seatbelt on, her hand inched for the gear stick and she actually changed the required function for terrain.

"I'm impressed.", I said and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Drive along the road until I tell you to stop."

She nodded and pressed her foot against the acceleration pedal, making the car shift forwards out of a sudden. I held onto the door for dear life.

"Easier baby, yeah?"

She nodded and tried it again, and before I knew it, she was driving pretty decent along the road, both hands on the steering wheel and body bent forwards, like an old lady.

I smiled as I watched her drive.

"You know you also have to study a driver's manual and take the test, then go on a real-"

"I know.", she said, face frowning in concentration.

She drove for another five minutes while I turned the radio on, before I told her to stop because there was no road left.

"Do you know how to turn a car around?", I asked and she shrugged.

"I can try."

"Fuck, okay. But I swear to God, if you wreck my car-"

"Just tell me what to do."

I inhaled and started giving her instructions, which only led her backing into a tree and me pulling the handbrake at the last second, right before the back of my car crashed into a tree.

"How about I turn it around and you drive until we get to the main road?", I suggested and she nodded.

We changed seats again and I turned the car around in no time.

"How can you even drive with just one hand?", she asked once she got back in the driver's seat.


She rolled her eyes, which did not leave mine. There was a long silence during which we just kind of stared at each other, and I couldn't be the only one who thought there was a bit of sexual tension in the air.

Apparently not, since she lifted her left leg and came to straddle me out of a sudden. She smiled down at me and I bit my lip, eyes going to her perfect pink lips.

"What are you doing?", I asked. I knew what she wanted to do, but I loved to hear her say it.

"Want to ride you." Was not what I expected to be honest. I expected a 'want to kiss you/suck you off', but not this.

"Fuck, okay."

"Do you have a condom?"

I nodded. "But you really need to get on the pill yeah?"

"Okay.", she agreed and smiled down at me as our lips met.

My heart was beating out of my chest just from being close to her, having her against me and in my lap.

"Wait how are you going to get your pants off.", I breathed against her lips and she pulled away to look at me.

"Can we go in the back?"

"You first."

She managed to shuffle on the backseat and I did too, right after I grabbed a condom out of the glove compartment.

She was laying on her back, head against the window and smiled at me as I got between her legs.

"Get your pants off.", I told her and she obeyed. I took off my shirt before I removed my pants and boxer briefs.

She bit her lip as she slid her panties down her legs and I leaned against the seat, patting her thigh as a sign for her to come straddle me.

She sat down on my lap and I tugged on her sweater to let her know that I wanted her to take it off as I rolled the condom on. She pulled her sweater over her head, hair falling over her shoulders as she let it fall to the floor.

"You're so beautiful.", I told her and she smiled, slightly lifting herself up to line her opening up with my cock.

Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she sank down, the back of her thighs coming in contact with my skin.

She started going up and down, slowly at first, but then I started to thrust upwards. She let out a hot moan and I felt my dick twitch. Her arms came around my neck and she threw her head back, stopping her movements completely.

I took it as my job to thrust up into her, gripping into her hair and biting at the exposed skin of her neck, making her moan my name in my ear.

I gripped into her hips, keeping her in place as I slammed up into her, not managing to refrain myself any longer. If I couldn't express myself in words, my actions would.

"Niall, I'm going to-", she said, a moan interrupting her sentence.

"Come for me princess.", I whispered in her ear and she did, nuzzling her head into my shoulder.

I came a few thrusts later, and she layed against my chest as we came down from our high.

"I don't want to move.", she whined when I pulled out of her to remove the condom and throw it out the window.

"That's actually environment pollution."

"Do I look like I care?", I asked and she rolled her eyes, getting off me to sit next to me so both of us could get dressed up.

"What's gotten into you lately? Doesn't your boyfriend satisfy your needs?", I asked her and I could tell she was angry about that.

"His dick is so big and it hurts every time so I come to you.", she answered and I stared at her as he pulled her pants up.

"Well played."

"I'm serious.", she continued but I knew she was joking because her eyes twinkled.

"Me too.", I replied and smiled as she leaned over to kiss me one more time before she struggled to get into the driver's seat.

I also didn't stare at her ass as she did that.

I exited the car and climbed in the passenger's seat like a normal person, before she started the car again and drove us back to the main road.

"You think you can drive us to the tattoo parlor? That is, if you still want to go."

"Can we like...get lunch instead or something? Sex made me hungry."



"Whatever you want."

She drove us to a Chinese restaurant in downtown Manhattan and actually parked properly.

"Just so you know, I don't usually let people drive my car, so you're welcome.", I told her as we made our way towards the entrance.

"So why did you let me, not even a qualified driver, drive it?"

Because I love you

And you're much more important than a car to me

I shrugged and opened the door for her. She shot me a smile and I winked, my stomach doing backflips as I watched her walk.

We got a booth in the back, right by the TV and because there weren't many people at 3pm on a Saturday, I changed the channel to sports.

The waiter came and took our order, and two minutes later he brought us our drinks.

I tried to remain nonchalant when she scooted closer to me in the booth, until she was right next to me, our thighs almost touching.

"What's so interesting about watching sports anyway?", she asked, and I turned my head to look down at her.

"It's interesting. It's like...watching Superhuman for you."

"Supernatural. Please don't pretend not to know the name."

"Whatever.", I said, rolling my eyes.

She then took her phone out and started texting someone. My eyes fell to her screen but she tilted it away, knowing that I was peeping. I leaned forwards, trying to playfully see who she was texting, and she leaned backwards until she fell on her back, a cute squeal escaping her lips.

I returned my attention to the TV, and she placed her legs over my lap to lay more comfortably.

"You know we're in public yeah?"

"I got you off in the archeology section at a museum.", she replied, not taking her eyes away from the screen.

My pants tightened at the memory of her getting on her knees in front of me as I leaned against the wall of a deserted section at a museum three years ago. The idea that literally anyone could've walked in on us had been an extreme turn on.

She sat up and leaned against my chest as she aimlessly scrolled through her pictures. My eyes drifted to her pictures and we ended up looking at all of them.

"So who's coming at the party tonight?", she asked, finger sliding over the screen every three seconds.

"Everyone you already know and four other friends from Liam and Ricky's college.", I answered and gripped into her finger when she got to a photo of her and a boy I've never seen before.

"What?", she asked once I let go of her finger.


"So who are these four other friends?", she asked, small index finger pressing the camera button.

"They're in a band."

"A band?"

"That's what I said.", I told her and made an ugly face as she took a picture of us.

"What are they called?"

"Five Seconds of Summer."



"Are they from Australia?"

"Yeah, they-"

"I know them from Youtube!"

"Seriously?", I asked, not helping but feeling annoyed.

"Yeah! They're so cute!", she gushed and I rolled my eyes, suddenly kind of regretting that I invited them.

"I wrote a song with them."

"Seriously? Which one?"

"She Looks so Perfect."

"Oh my god, that's a great song. They made a video for it last week. Are they signed to a label?"

"Not yet."

"They should. And you guys should too. You could make a tour together and I could come to every show and see the world with you-I mean all of you."

I smiled, hand going to grip the back of her neck.

"You'd like to travel the world with me?"

"Yeah.", she admitted, eyes not leaving mine.

"Where would you like to go?"


"Be more specific.", I asked her and she smiled.

"France first."

"Because of Disneyland I suppose."

"Maybe. And then-", she blushed and I smiled, bringing her head to mine so I could kiss her.

She leaned into me as much as she could as we kissed. My right hand cupped her face and my left one went down to rest on her hips.

We were interrupted by a cough and she bit her lip when the waiter set down our plates of spicy food.

"Jesus my mouth's burning.", she said ten minutes later, when she was halfway through her spicy chicken with rice.

"Amateur.", I mumbled, taking in the last bite of my food, which was way hotter than hers.

I leaned back into my seat, patting my stomach and burping. A lady turned her head to me, to which Rey swatted my thigh in disapproval.

I leaned forward to whisper into her ear:

"That lady can kiss my ass."

She snorted and started choking for three seconds.

"I can't anymore.", she told me after two more bites, pushing her plate towards me.

"And what makes you think I can?", I asked her.

She looked at me with a 'you serious' expression.

"I know you too well Niall."

I smiled and finished her plate in three minutes, then drinking up my pint.

"I kind of like the idea of you driving, I can drink as much as I want now.", I admitted after I paid the check and we walked out.

We stopped at a small store to get chewing gum and condoms because I was almost out.

"Or we could just go across the street to that pharmacy and get you some birth control pills.", I suggested when she threw me a disapproving look. She didn't object to my suggestion.

"Are we going to your dorm before?", I asked and she nodded.

"I need to shower and get changed for the party, and if you want you can wait."

I nodded.

Anything just to spend time with you

I also bought a bottle of Coke because I knew I was going to get thirsty while she got ready for the party. Pun intended.

We then walked across the street to the pharmacy, and I enjoyed her blushing and stuttering while buying birth control pills.

We arrived at her dorm twenty-five minutes later, and she left me alone in the room while she went to shower.

I layed down her bed, facing the ceiling as I waited, wondering how the hell could she live here, with no heating during cold nights. Then I got an idea.

I pulled my phone out and composed a message to Ann.

Niall: hey do you have an available job for a model by any chance?

Ann: depends on who you want to recommend

Niall: dunno if you remember her, but Rey? The small red head

Ann: the one eddie talks about a lot?

Niall: yeah :)

Ann: hmm why?

Niall: she needs money and definitely has the body for it

Ann: she could be modeling underwear or baby doll dresses for magazines or for the website...

I stopped, frowning. I didn't know how I felt about other people seeing her half naked, and maybe she wouldn't even accept the job and be mad at me.

Niall: let me know if you know about something less...revealing

Ann: why do you even want to get her a job?

Niall: because I do. Talk to someone at Hollister or smth

Ann: fine

I locked my phone just as she entered the room, both her hair and body wrapped in a towel. She dropped her dirty clothes in the laundry basket by the door.

She shot me a smile as she went to her closet to choose what to wear.

"So who's your favorite in the band?", I asked her, kind of dreading her answer.

"Jake.", she answered.

"I mean in Five Seconds of Summer-and hey! Why am I not your favorite?"

I heard her laugh as she crouched down to retrieve something from a drawer.

"I like Luke a lot. He's cute."

"Every single guy you like is cute."

"I like cute guys. That's my type."

"He has a piercing."

"I like cute punk guys then."

She rose to her feet, throwing a bra and matching panties on the other bed.

"Since when do you know 5SOS?", she asked and I cringed.

"Yeah please don't call them that."

"Why not?"

"Just don't."

"But that's what they call themselves."

"I used to call myself Craic Daddy but-"


"Shit, wait, no."

"Oh my god! Craic Daddy? That is just- oh my god.", she started laughing as she walked over to the bed and got changed in her underwear, my eyes not leaving her body for a second. She let her wet hair down after that.

"Come here.", I told her out of a sudden just as she was about to walk to her closet, and she immediately obeyed, like she was waiting for me to ask her that.

She crawled on my lap and I smiled, kissing her lips.

"How much time do we have?", she asked.

"Well the party starts at eight so like, about three hours."

"Oh good."

"I need to ask you something."

"Sounds serious."

"Not really.", I admitted and she fell on her back, shuffling so her stomach would be against my right ribs.

"Shoot.", she said, tiny feet burying themselves under my knees to keep herself warm.

She's so cute ugh

"So did you find a new job?"

"Niall if you're offering money-"

"Hear me out, will ya?"

She bit her lip and nodded.

"I talked to Ann and asked her if she had an available job for a model and she said yes."

"You want me to model underwear?"

"I want you to do what you feel comfortable doing in order to earn money, since you won't agree to me paying for your stuff."

"So like, for magazines and the website?"

"Pretty much. But I knew you wouldn't really feel comfortable about it so I asked her to ask at like, Hollister and American Apparel and stuff like that."

"Seriously? That's really cool, thanks!"

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I don't know-I didn't ask you first?"

"No, I'm glad. Thanks.", she smiled and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"So you didn't get to finish that world travelling idea.", I reminded her and she grinned.

"You want me to tell you about what I want to do in the future even though chances are it's never going to happen?"

I nodded and she closed her eyes, thinking. She started twirling a strand of her wet hair around her finger as she talked, eyes open again, looking at me.

"I'd like to go to France, as I said before. To Disneyland. And we could take Eddie, cause he'd love it. And then to Germany and visit the Berlin wall. And then to Amsterdam to that sex museum I know you'd love. And then we could travel to Italy, Venice to be specific. Then to Austria because they have this castle in Vienna that's lovely and to Romania because I want to check out that vampire thing. And maybe Greece because I mean, it's Greece. And Turkey. And then we could return to England for a few days so you can meet my family and then to Ireland. And then back."

"You want me to meet your family?", I asked.


I let the subject go, before it got out of hand.

"Will you help me chose an outfit for tonight?", she asked.

"Is it really that important that you have to 'pick and outfit'?"

"Yeah. I mean I'm going to meet 5SOS, it's a pretty big deal."

I rolled my eyes, but sat up after she got out of the bed.

"No way. You're going to a party, not a strip club.", I told her the minute she took out a tiny leather dress.

"Why do you even own stuff like that?"

She shrugged. "Wouldn't you like to see me in it?"

"I would love to see you in it, but not all those other guys."

"Aww.", she mocked, before she pulled out a pair of shorts.

"Put it against your body.", I told her.


"So I can see how short they are."

She rolled her eyes but did as I asked her to.

"Aren't they a bit short?"

"That's why they're called shorts, Niall."

"Yeah no shit.", I said and grabbed them when she handed them to me.

"This one or this one?", she asked, putting up two similar shirt against her chest. I chose the looser one, that didn't really show off her curves because I knew she would pick the exact opposite.

And I was right, because she handed the other one to me.

"Is it okay if I go in like, black Vans? Or should I go with maybe converse?"

"Jesus, you're not going to meet the Queen."

"Yeah but I'm going to meet Luke Hemmings so it's basically the same thing. And just so you know, if you keep rolling your eyes you might just get stuck like that."

She dressed up in the clothes she picked, before she blow-dried her hair while I was forced to pick out the best nail polish that 'went with the outfit'.

"Niall since when does green go with-nevermind. Get that naked color."

I picked the 'naked' colored nail polish from the box full of basically the exact same nail polishes.

"Can you paint?", she asked, coming to sit across from me on the bed.

"Paint what? Pictures?"

"No, my nails."

"Fuck no."

"Please! We're out of time and I have to do my toes."

"You're out of your mind. Ugh, fine.", I sighed because I couldn't say no to her.

She smiled brightly, before I sat up properly and opened my legs so she could shuffle between them. Her left leg came to rest against my inner thigh as she painted her toenails, and her right hand was resting on her right knee as I painted her fingernails.

"If I paint your skin don't blame it on me."

"Try to concentrate.", she said and I rolled my eyes, struggling to paint them perfectly.

"I swear to god I feel like a woman."

"You know you're like, my bitch right now."

"Don't make me change my mind.", I warned.


Her pink tongue was poking out between her lips in concentration and she looked so cute, I stopped to stare for a second.

"Stop staring please."

"Don't flatter yourself."

She smiled with the corner of her mouth.

When we were done, we switched, and after that we blew against her nail polish so it would dry faster.

"You did a really good job.", she praised as she held her fingers out, shaking them so they would dry.

"You've got such small hands and feet it's ridiculous."

"Wanna compare?", she asked, holding her hand out.

I placed my palm against hers and smiled when I saw that my hand was about three centimeters smaller than mine.

"Jesus. Your foot is like, as big as my hand."

"That's not true."

I placed my hand on the bed, next to her feet.

"You're right, your foot is one centimeter smaller. How tall are you again?"

"Five foot four...stop picking at my height!", she exclaimed when I laughed.

"How much do you weigh?", I asked, scared of the answer, hoping it was more than 95, like two summers ago.

"Ninety eight."


She rolled her eyes.

"You should weight over 110 at your height."

"Please don't tell me things like these, I get flashbacks from rehab."


She softly smiled.

"Tell me about rehab."


"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'm curious about what they did to you there."

"It wasn't like torture, but it was scary and hard. When I first got there I was crying because I was terrified of gaining any kind of weight. I told them I'd kill myself if they made me gain weight."

She stopped for a moment to check her nails, before she continued.

"The first month was harsh, because I didn't want to recover and they forced food down my throat. Well, they tried to force food but I wouldn't have it so they just made high caloric milkshakes for me to drink five times a day. They tasted awful. They literally took breakfast, lunch and dinner and made a milkshake out of them."

I scrunched my nose.

"Then I learned that it was better if I ate solid food, rather than having them make me drink that horrible shake."

She stretched her feet out so they would rest on my thighs and I grabbed her ankles, unconsciously rubbing circles into her skin.

"And they weighed me once a week, but they made me turn around so I wouldn't see the number. However I saw it on my body and it was awful. But I knew it was either gain weight or die from a heart failure. And then they made me see a psychiatrist for like, once a week and by the second meeting I realized that I had to gain weight in order to lead a normal life. So three months later, I was twenty pounds heavier and healthy."

"Did they make you sleep in those beds with chains and-"

"Niall that's just in movies."

"And how were the other girls?"

"They looked horrible. Just skin and bones, basically skeletons. Looking back at them now, remembering how they looked is just chilling because it's unhealthy and...sad."

"I hope you know you're beautiful.", I told her and she smiled.

"Thanks. I wish I'd known you back then to be honest."

"Me too."

She snorted. "Yeah right."


"I was like, obese. You wouldn't even have looked at me if I wasn't slim."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because let's be honest, everyone would pick a pretty girl instead of an obese one with glasses and pimples."

"You had pimples?"

"You still have.", she shot back.

"No I don't!"

"I know, but still. Admit it, if I was obese you wouldn't have even bothered to look at me two summers ago."

I remained silent.

"That's just how humans work. They judge a book by its cover."

"Look at it this way. If you got fat now, I would still lo-like you.", I said, trying to seem cool about my almost-confession.

"Sure you would."

"Seriously! I mean it."

She pretended to be unsure, but I knew she knew I was serious.

"Okay now I need to put my contacts on and then do my makeup."

I groaned and let myself fall back down on the bed. I watched her between my lashes as she stood in front of the mirror, applying mascara with her mouth parted. Then she put on some other things she obviously didn't need to make her prettier.

"Okay foundation is just ridiculous you don't even have pimples."

She nodded, putting the foundation back in the small bag.

"I'm going to ask you not to throw me in the pool tonight or make me cry, otherwise my makeup is going to run all over my face and it isn't going to be pretty."

"I'm not going to make you cry."

"Please promise me you won't throw me in the pool."

"I will not throw you in the pool."

"Promise me."

"I can't."


"Fine, fine, I promise."

"I trust you."



"We can go now if you'd like.", she said and I looked on my phone to see that it was already almost seven.

I nodded and got up, before she handed me her phone and keys so she wouldn't have to carry a purse with her. I put her things in the pockets of my jacket before we exited the room, locking it behind us.

The frat house was silent when we got there, well, sort of, because the boys were already dressed up and moving furniture around.

After I helped them push the couch against the wall and bring the pool table in the middle I went upstairs to shower, leaving Rey with Justin downstairs.

I showered quickly, brushed my teeth and got dressed in some skinny jeans and a tank top with the USA flag. I put my white Supras on then fixed my hair for it to stand in a small quiff.


When I got back downstairs it was five minutes before the party had to start. Rey was leaning against the pool table, watching a game between Jake and Justin.

"Did you clean the pool?", I asked Justin, going to stand between Rey and him.



He shot me a dimpled smile and it took literally everything I had for me not to roll my eyes.

"NIALL LOVE?", an Australian accent rang through the house and Rey looked up, shocked.

Jesus, here we go

Rey's POV

Oh my God that's Ashton Irwin

Holy shit

Holy shit

I stood up straight, patting my hair as I saw Liam and Ricky enter, followed by four guys that I immediately recognized.

"I'm sweating.", I whispered to myself and saw Niall smirk, before he went over to greet the boys.

"What's up!", he greeted and 'bro hugged' them all.

I tried to act normal as they talked, and pretended not to die when I made eye contact with Luke.

"Who's this?", Michael asked, pointing to me and. Okay. Now I was probably a human tomato.

"This is Rey.", Niall answered and I shyly waved. Ashton smiled with his entire face, making me go weak at the knees.

I swear I saw recognition flash through their eyes once Niall told them who I was.

"HI!", he said and I held my hand out for him to shake, but he went in for a hug.

Jesus Christ he smells like heaven

Then each of them came to hug me. And if I held onto Luke longer than needed, then that was just a coincidence.

Half an hour later the entire frat house was filled with people, the music blasting from outside and inside at the same time. There were some people in the pool and some people inside, but it was still full.

During the first hour of the party I watched Niall and Soph play beer pong against Luke and Michael. Then I decided to go outside with Jake and look for a perfect guy he could hook up with.

He was laying on a lounger by the pool and I crawled into his lap, leaning my back against his chest as he sipped on his beer bottle, watching a group of boys trying to push each other into the water.

"What about the blond one?", I asked and pointed to the cute blond one. He seemed familiar.


"Yeah? You know him?"

"We did some movies together."

"So that's why he seemed so familiar!", I said and he laughed.

"Nah, it would be too weird. And our company has a strict no dating co-workers policy."

I squinted at him, knowing very well he was lying.

"What about just hooking up?"

He sighed.

"I mean, I already know how well he can suck my cock...", he trailed off and I smiled.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"Isn't there anyone else who seems gay?"

"I like him the most. Does he go to our college?"

"Nah, he's not a student anywhere. Lives off of porn movie money. He's living the life basically."

I laughed and he pinched my thigh.

"Just go and flirt with him, I can feel your boner against my back just from seeing him half naked and wet."

"The boner is all you babe.", he whispered and I rolled my eyes.

He gripped under my arms so he could lift me up and slide out from under me.

"Hold this.", he said and handed me his bottle, before he took off his tank top. He already had his trunks on so he just made three big steps before jumping into the pool.

I squealed when he almost got me wet, then leaned forward to cross my legs under myself.

"Can I sit with you?", a familiar deep voice asked and I looked up to see Harry smiling down at me.


I shuffled backwards until my back hit the lounger and he sat down in the front neatly.

"Where's Louis?"

"Getting drunk."

"You guys okay?"


"So when's the wedding?"

"17th of May.", he said and my eyes lit up.


He was smiling from ear to ear, like a child on Christmas.

"Yeah. We're actually going to send the invitations out tomorrow and then we're leaving on Monday for London. We'll stay at my house and take care of everything."


"At St. Ermins."

"Whoa, that's the most expensive one I think."

"It is."

"Bet you can't wait."

His smile made it clear that I was right.

"Am I invited?"

"Of course.", he smiled. "And you can bring a plus one. Or your parents."

"Seriously? My parents?"

"Yeah, why not? Niall said he's going to bring his mother and stepfather too."

"Niall knows?"

"Mhm. They're going to sing at our wedding."

"Only PG rated songs I hope."

"Of course.", he laughed.

"What about his dad?"

"Yeah Mr. Horan and Eddie are coming too."


"I don't know."

"Do you even have place for that many people?"

"About four hundred people I guess."

"That's quite pricy."

"A bit.", he nervously laughed, right as Niall made an appearance with Luke, both a bit tipsy. And I noticed Niall was wearing a 5SOS tank top, which, okay, rude.

"What are you two ladies talking about?", Niall asked and Luke giggled.

"Girl stuff.", I told him and he winked at me, before I asked Luke if we could take a picture together.

Harry offered to take it and I stood up so I could go to Luke's side. He was taller than me, about as tall as Niall. Harry took the picture and Luke smiled and I had to look away from his piercing because it gave me feels.

"Gotta find Lou now.", Harry told me and I nodded, watching him as he walked away.

"So where's your boyfriend?", Niall asked and Luke looked at me weirdly, like he was confused.

"I don't know. Where's your girlfriend?"

"I don't know.", he replied, thinking he was smart.

"Hey Parker want a dip in the pool?"

I turned around to see a pretty drunk Josh approach me.

"No thanks.", I replied and he pouted, coming closer.

"For sure? As a revenge for that horrible prank you pulled yesterday?"

He placed a hand on my arm, and even though it may have looked violent and harsh it was soft so I was calm, knowing he was drunk.

"No.", I repeated, trying to pull away from him.

"You sure?", he asked again and pushed me a bit forwards. It wasn't even sharp, but I kind of stumbled over my own feet.

"She said no.", Niall said, standing up from the lounger and crossing his arms to come in front of Josh.

"'m just playing.", Josh excused himself, hand not leaving my arm.

"Get your hand off her."

"But I'm not doing anything."

"I'm not gonna repeat myself.", Niall said and he wrapped his fingers around Josh's bicep, pulling him off me.

"Want a dip in the pool Devine?"

"No.", he laughed.

"You sure?"

Josh nodded, but Niall pushed him in, which caused water to splash over my legs, not wetting my clothes though.

"Thanks but you didn't really have to push him in."

Niall shrugged and I looked for Luke, just to find him napping on another lounger.

"Would you rather be in his place?", he asked and I shook my head, heart beating faster when he got closer.


"Come on.", he smirked, a dimple showing.

"Niall, no.", I said and he revealed his perfect white teeth, before he pushed me into the pool.

I quickly went back up, knowing that my makeup was now ruined and I was going to catch a cold.

"Fuck you!", I yelled as I got out of the pool, hearing laughter from some people.

"Come on, it was just a joke!", he tried to reason but I didn't even bother to listen to him because I was extremely angry and needed to get my makeup off a.s.a.p.

"Baby, come on.", he said when he saw that I tried to go around him and get away from him.

"Leave me alone Niall, I asked you one thing, one! And you still do it just to make me mad!"

He got a hold of my arm and made me stop.

"You know I'm just joking."

"Yeah, well, now I'm wet and I'm freezing."

He looked down at me, and I knew he was sorry but I was so angry.

"Please let go of my arm. If you care the least bit about me, you'll let go.", I told him.

He let go.


I made a step forwards, before I stopped, grinning.

"Oh and Niall?"


I didn't say anything; I just pushed him with all my force into the water, before walking off.

As soon as I got inside I found a bathroom and dried my hair, at least a bit, before I went on a mission to find Justin.

I ended up going home with him, to my dorm to be more exact, because I wanted to catch up with him. We stopped by his dorm so he could get some clothes, then walked back to mine.

"I'm actually sorry for the frat boys."


"Because they have practice at noon tomorrow and they're going to be so hung over coach is going to make them do suicides."

"Shit, what?"

"They have a game next Friday."

"And why didn't they have practice today?"

He shrugged. "Oh and cheerleaders have cheer practice too, just so you know."

"No shit Sherlock.", I answered and he laughed as we entered the dorm.

We talked about Niall and Soph for like an hour after we got into bed (he slept in Amy's) and fell asleep a bit after midnight because we had to get up around ten tomorrow.


As I waited for Justin go get changed in the bathroom next morning, I checked my phone. I had one missed call from Katherine, then 3 texts from her and one from Jake.

Katherine: Niall asked about you ;)

Katherine: I told him you went home with Justin you should've seen his face, priceless!

Katherine: Okay he might've fucked Soph or some girl that looks like her, sorry :(

My stomach turned but I wasn't surprised at all.

Then I received a new text just as I typed a reply.

Katherine: wait nope nevermind they just made out :)

I sent her a smiley face back, just as Justin entered the room.

I quickly checked Jake's text.

Jake: guess who just had dick up their ass ! ;)

It was my turn to go to the bathroom and I chose to dress up with some grey jeans I hadn't worn in so long, some black boots and a cute sweater.

He then returned to his dorm as I walked to cheer practice with a bag containing some Nike shorts and top slung over my shoulder.

It was pretty sunny outside and kind of warm, but I knew it was going to get colder as we reached the evening.

When I got there half of the cheerleaders were tired and hung over, and I was glad I left the party before everyone started getting properly wasted.

I changed into my shorts and top, before I tied the laces to my Nikes.

"You're not hung over?", Maddie asked me as we made our way onto the field.

"No. You neither."

She winked, before she made a cartwheel to warm herself up. When all 11 of us were gathered in a circle we did our warm ups.

"Where's coach?", she asked, looking around for our cheer teacher.

"She called in sick.", Ashleigh told her and Maddie made a face.

That's when we heard a whistle coming from the other side of the field. We saw the soccer coach wave us over to the rest of the team, so we started walking in that direction.

"Is there something wrong?", Maddie asked him as soon as we were within earshot.

"Mrs. Brooks called in sick today, and asked me to keep an eye on you."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you have to practice whatever you have to practice on this side. Or just stay on the sidelines and be quiet. My team is apparently doing suicides today.", he said, turning to the eleven boys that seemed to be close to death on the sidelines. All of them groaned.

I spotted Niall lying on his stomach with his head into the grass, pretending to be asleep. Jake and Josh were sitting down and Bryan was rolling around the grass. Zayn and the rest of the boys seemed pretty okay.

"Well great, I guess we can just watch!", Maddie said excited and to be honest I was glad we weren't going to do anything today because I knew I was going to enjoy watching Niall doing suicide laps.

"What do they usually do for suicide drills?", I asked Maddie once the boys got on their feet.

"They have to make ten laps, then ten stadium sprints, and either two hundred sit-ups or pushups."

"Holy fuck."

"I know."

I made eye contact with Niall as I sat down next to Maddie on the sidelines. He smirked at me, before he got in line with the boys and started running.

"HORAN I SAID RUNNING NOT JOGGING!", the coach yelled at Niall when he stopped running laps and started jogging.

"BUT I'M DYING!", he yelled back, which made the other girls giggle.


I heard Niall groan, before he increased his speed. I couldn't help but stare at his muscly yet thin legs as he ran.

He was one of the last ones to finish the laps and got straight to sprints. Some of the guys stopped for a small break and I wondered while they still did the drill since the coach was doing Sudoku on a chair and his assistant wasn't even here today.


That doesn't make sense

But it seemed to have worked because the guys started sprinting from one end of the field to another.

"So how long have you and Bryan been together?", I asked Maddie and she smiled, telling me it's been almost five months.

"How about you and Justin?"

"Uh, a month next week."

"He's cute."


"But Niall's cuter, right?", she asked and smiled when she saw me avoid her eyes.

"I always thought you two would end up together."


"Because you're like, made for each other."


Apparently that was the only thing I knew to ask.

"Well because he's so tall and you're so small and that's cute. And because he always looks at you like the sun shines out of your ass. And he also looks at your ass quite a lot during practice."

"He looks at everyone's ass. He even complimented Louis' ass once."

"Well let's be honest Louis has the best ass I've ever seen.", she laughed and I agreed.

"Anyway. You should see how different he treats you than the rest of the girls. He doesn't care that much for them. For example, his girlfriend was grinding on some guy last night and he didn't even bat an eye, but when he heard that you went home with your actual boyfriend, he looked like he was about to break someone's neck. And then he grabbed his girlfriend and made out with her until she was choking, literally."

I smiled and turned my head back to the field just to see Niall stopping at the end of the field, hands on his knees, breath coming out heavy from between his lips.

All of the boys fell to the ground once they finished their sprints and it took coach two minutes to notice it.

"Okay because of that you're all doing double pushups!", he yelled and everyone, including the cheerleaders groaned.

"What does that mean?", I asked Maddie and saw that the girls were getting up.

"It means that we have to sit on their backs as they make two hundred pushups."

"Seriously? Aren't we too heavy?"

"How much do you weigh?"

"Ninety eight.", I said, looking down.

"What? That's so little! You're the only one under 100 here!", she exclaimed.

"Well I'm the shortest so-"

"I don't think Niall will have a problem lifting you.", she winked before she skipped over to Bryan, who was napping.

The boys were sprawled all over the field, already starting their push ups when I got to Niall, who managed to crawl on all fours to the furthest corner, placed strategically so that the coach couldn't see him because of the goal.

He was on his back when I got to him, eyes closed and both hands over his stomach.

"Niall.", I said, kicking his side.

"What?", he mumbled, opening his eyes.

"You need to do two hundred double pushups."

"I know.", he whined and turned on his stomach.

"Get on."

"I'm going to crush you."

"Just get the fuck on.", he mumbled and I turned my head to look how the other girls were doing.

I couldn't see that far because I forgot to put my contacts on, but I saw Ashleigh and Zayn close by. She was sitting on his back, legs crossed Indian style and her hands gripped into his shoulders as he did pushups.

"Renee?", Niall asked and I quickly climbed onto his back, imitating Ashleigh's position, gripping into Niall's shoulders. I knew he was losing his patience because he only called me Renee when he was mad.

He started doing pushups and I was definitely not staring at his arm muscles as he went up and down with ease.

I knew he was exhausted, because his neck was sweaty and he started shaking halfway through his pushups.

I looked over at Zayn, who was laying on his stomach, exhausted. Ashleigh was telling him they had one hundred and twenty left, but he just wasn't having it.

"Zayn's exhausted.", I told Niall and he let out a laugh.

"Well he took it up the ass last night, no wonder."

I giggled and pretended to meditate as he continued doing pushups. He stopped when he had eighty left, and I was absolutely stunned that he could do one hundred twenty in one go.

"Get under me."


"Get under me."


"Because I need motivation."

"People are going to see.", I said. "And it's not really healthy to do sports with gum in your mouth by the way. You could choke."

"Renee.", he warned and I obeyed him, getting off him and laying on my back.

He crawled over me and straddled my thighs for a second, catching his breath. His forehead was sweaty and he had bags under his eyes.

"You okay?", I asked and he nodded, gulping as he placed his hands on each side of my shoulders, stretching his long legs out. His feet reached way past mine.

I turned my head to look if anyone was watching, but people were busy with their own thing.

"They're not looking. And it's not like I haven't walked in on each one of them while they had their dicks deep inside a girl or boy."


"I'm a boy with a traumatizing past Rey.", he said and somehow I got the feeling his words had a double meaning.

"Did they ever walk in on you?", I asked him after he started doing pushups, his nose almost touching mine with each pushup.

"Yeah. Jake even had the nerve to make fun of my arse."

"It's quite small."

"You're the one to talk.", he said and I pouted.

"Just joking baby, I love your ass."

I smiled and he winked, muttering 'sixty' under his breath.

"So did you really go home with Justin last night?"


"Did you shag him?"



I bit my lip and he made a weird face that made me laugh as he continued doing the pushups.

"You know this is actually a good workout-forty. Instead of going to the gym I can use you."

"You workout?", I asked.

"Ouch babe.", he said, offended.

"No, I mean, I thought you had all those muscles because of practice and sex."

"Well-thirty. Yes, partly. But I go to the gym almost every night an hour after practice."


"Mhm. Why? You interested?"

"I wouldn't mind going with you."


"Don't you have a gym partner already?"

"Well I usually go with Liam but sometimes he's busy. Twenty."

"I can come if you'll take me."

"Oh I'll take you baby."

My stomach tightened and I tried to fight off a smile.

"I can even pay for your membership if I see that you're serious about this."

"You sound like my dad...Craic Daddy.", I said, laughing.

"Shut up. Ten. Fuck."

I could see his muscles were trembling already. I counted them aloud after that and at five more left he stopped, looking around the field. I looked too, just to see the rest of the guys trying to finish their pushups, all of them panting and sweaty.

"Why aren't you as exhausted as them?", I asked him while he slowly did his last five pushups.

"Because I have better stamina if you know what I mean.", he said, winking and oh, I definitely knew what he meant, which made me roll my eyes and him laugh at my reaction.

"Two more.", I said and he smiled.

"If I finish the last one can I get a kiss?", he asked and I nodded automatically.

A smile spread over his face and he did the next one really quick, before he did the last one, pressing his lips to mine, biting on my lip as he went back up. He then rolled on his back, groaning and heavily breathing.

"Fuck suicides.", he breathed and I sat up, looking around to see if anyone else was done.

Ten minutes later the coach yelled that practice was over and we could go to the locker rooms.

"That was fucking intense.", Zayn mumbled and coach yelled Niall's name and came jogging towards us.

"Next time do them properly Horan. And keep the PDA to a minimum."

"Yes Coach.", Niall said and the coach patted him on the shoulder before he let us walk in front of him.

My face was red because the coach could see Niall and I the whole time, and I realized that my anger towards Niall had faded.

I wasn't even actually mad

"Aww, you're blushing. Trust me baby, he walked in on me on quite some occasions that were far more intimate."

I rolled my eyes and he laughed at my face.

"Good practice baby.", he told me, slapping my ass when we parted ways to our locker rooms.

I showered in the locker rooms with the other girls (Niall would've loved to be there I'm sure), before we decided to all get lunch at Subway.

We also asked the boys but they kindly denied, saying that they were going to go home and have a nice mid-day nap.

So the whole team went to Subway, and we layed out on the grass of a park near by. I made myself a flower crown and one for Maddie too. Once we all ate and were ready to go back, she handed me the crown back, telling me to give it to Justin because he would look incredibly cute with it on.

I did so when I stopped by his dorm on my way to mine.

"So are we going out tonight?"


"Dinner at some Irish pub Niall suggested. They wanted to go to a club but Katherine said they shouldn't get wasted every night."

"She's right. Okay. So when are we leaving? Are we going together?"

"That's the plan. I'll be at your dorm around seven? It's a ten minute walk."

I nodded and he smiled, thanking me for the crown again, before I walked away.

I didn't bother to change in something else, and I also left my flowercrown on so Justin and I could match.


We walked to the pub that was three blocks away, and once we stepped inside I realized that we were the last ones to arrive. Oh, and a head's up that 5SOS would be there would've been nice.

I blushed as they all scooted over, making room for me in the large booth. I was sitting right across from Niall, who was sitting at the other end between Soph and Katherine, and next to Luke. Just my luck.

I saw Niall's eyes fall on my flowercrown, before they travelled to Justin's with an annoyed expression. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek and he raised his eyebrows, tilting his head.

Oh my god he's jealous

That's his jealous move

"Justin.", I said and he turned his head to me, smiling.

I leaned over to him and pressed a kiss to his lips, before I whispered into his ear:

"Niall's officially jealous we did it."

He smiled brightly and winked, before I leaned back into my seat and started a conversation with Luke about their plans for the summer. Which actually meant him talking in that hot accent of his and me staring at his perfect face.

When a waiter came almost everyone ordered beer or something alcoholic, while I settled for a Coke.

About five different conversations were happening at once and I was actually feeling good and happy, that was until I realized Niall was the only one silent, just playing with a toothpick and listening in to Katherine's and Zayn's conversation.

We then ordered food and I got a hamburger with fries. At some point after we ordered Justin got a text and excused himself to the bathroom. A bit later, Soph said she had to take a call outside. Also, Zayn and Liam excused themselves to a 'smoke break'.

Niall and I stared at each other, and before I knew it, he was getting up and coming to sit next to me, hand settling on my thigh. He leaned over to whisper into my ear:

"I thought flowercrowns were our thing."

"You hate them."

"No I don't."

I squinted my eyes and he mimicked my face.

"You bored?", he asked after a while of just staring at the TV on the wall.

"A bit."

"Want to go in the back and catch Liam fucking Zayn against the wall?"

"Actually, yeah.", I replied and he smirked, getting out of the booth.

Jake caught my eyes and he winked, making a circle out of his thumb and index finger, thrusting his other index finger in, mimicking sex.

I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

I followed Niall through the tables until he got to a door in the back, opening it. We got into a semi-dark alley that was only lit by a streetlight, and immediately spotted two figures against the wall.

Niall whistled and as we neared them, I discovered in shock that it wasn't Ziam.

It was Soph and Justin.

And by the look on Niall's face, he didn't like it. And he was angry because his nostrils flared a bit. Justin looked startled and Soph was shocked.

"What the fuck?", Niall yelled, stepping forward and punching Justin straight in the face, making blood immediately ooze out of his nose.

Soph yelled and stepped away.

Jesus all this because Justin was kissing his girlfriend?

I guess he actually cares for her after all

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with her?", Niall yelled, grabbing Justin by the collar and slamming him against the wall.

"You have a fucking girlfriend you fucking idiot! And you kiss someone else?"


Justin then smiled.

"You also have a girlfriend."

"What do you mean?", Niall asked, stepping back but not letting go of Justin's shirt.

"It means that you're mad at me for cheating on Rey, and not because I kissed my-your girlfriend?"

Niall looked at him weirdly, letting him go.

"What's going on?", I asked, confused.

"What did you just say?", Niall whispered, turning to Soph.

"I asked if you were more mad that Rey was cheated on, not you."

"Did you just call Soph your girlfriend?"

"Niall-", I tried to interrupt but he ignored me.

"Isn't Renee your fucking girlfriend?"

"No.", Justin said and my heart stopped.

"I am.", Soph said and I turned to her.

"No, you're not.", I told her.

"Yeah I am. We've been together for almost four months now but we decided to keep it a secret."

"I don't understand.", I mumbled.

"Niall and I-", she started but we were interrupted by the door opening and Jake and Katherine coming outside

"You guys okay?", she asked and Niall rolled his eyes.

"We were just telling them about the plan."

Jake's eyes widened and he smirked.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?", Niall asked, raising his tone.

Justin wiped his face with his hand, before he stepped closer.

"Soph and I got together a week after New Year's. As the time passed we realized how obviously gone you two were for each other and we decided to fake being with you two so that both of you would feel jealous and realize how stupid you are for not being together."

My heart was beating out of my chest because there was no way Niall was actually in love with me.

"But...but Amy and Katherine suggested the idea to ask-"

"They were in on it too.", Soph said and went to cuddle into Justin because she was cold.

He smiled down at her.

"I knew too!", Jake said.

"Who else?", I asked and Niall was just staring at the wall.

"Just us five."

"So...all this time you were dating Soph? And Niall knew he was her pretend boyfriend?"

Soph nodded and I was shocked.

A silence followed and we all stared at each other.

"So now that everything's cleared, can we go inside because I'm freezing my balls off.", Jake said, and everyone agreed, walking back inside.

Niall grabbed my arm just as I was about to step inside, letting the door shut in front of me, before pinning me against it.

"Is it true?", he asked.

"I mean, you just heard the entire thing."

"Is it true that you wanted to make me jealous?"

I bit my lip and nodded, because this was it.

I was going to end up telling him how I really feel.




"Because...I like you."

He didn't answer, his hands going to rest on either side of my head.

"You like me?"


He bit his lip, taking his lip ring between his teeth.

"I like you too."

My heart started beating faster.

"So you weren't his girlfriend?"

I shook my head because he was so beautiful in this light, his deep blue eyes finding mine even in the darkness.

"And Sam was the only boyfriend you ever had?"

I nodded, leaving out the fact that we also dated for a month.

"Where are you going with this?"

He smiled and shrugged, looking down.

"I can't believe you fake dated him."

"You did too!"

"Yeah but it actually worked!"

"You did too Niall."

"I meant, you made me jealous."

"I did?"

"Yeah.", he quietly said. "So fucking jealous I swear to God."

I was going to pass out from the butterflies in my stomach.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, bringing him closer.

"I also kind of wanted to start a fight with her.", I admitted and his eyes lit up as he leaned down so we were at the same eye level.

"That would've been hot."

"Shut up."

"My girl and Soph fighting because of me.", he said, too late realizing what he said.

"Your girl?", I asked, trying to keep a poker face.

"If you want.", he said.

Oh my god is he asking me to be his girlfriend I'm crying

"I want.", I bit my lip and smiled, eyes falling to his lips.

I could feel my heart beating in my ears and suddenly it got hard to breathe.

"Kiss me.", he said.

"But I don't want to.", I said, smiling.

"Just fucking kiss me."

I didn't move and inch so he made the first step by attaching our lips. We didn't kiss for long because it was cold and my teeth were clattering.

"I'm so happy I swear.", he whispered again, resting his forehead against mine.


"Because I finally get to call you my princess again."




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