Chapter 10
Rey's POV
The next two weeks pass by quickly and so did the exams. It's Friday morning; we are in the last class of the semester and everyone is looking forward for the frat party that was going to take place later tonight to celebrate the end of the exams and the start of the holiday season.
Amy and I return to our dorm, where we are greeted by Snowflake, who jumps on my lap as soon as I sit down on my bed.
"Fucking finally.", Amy says, throwing her bag under the bed and collapsing.
I stroke Snowflake's fur and she starts purring, burying her head into my palm. We bought her food regularly and no one knows about her except of Amy and I. (And Niall, but that's irrelevant.)
"You think she'll be alright on her own?", I ask Amy and she nods.
"I'm just surprised that-"
There's a sudden knock on the door, and we share a look. None of us is expecting someone, so this is weird.
I get up from the bed and hide Snowflake under my blanket, before I walk to the door and open it. My heart starts beating faster when I see the Dean himself staring down at me with an emotionless expression.
"We've received and anonymous tip that you have an illegal animal in your room."
I think I'm about to faint.
"What? There's no-no animal.", I stutter, right when I hear Snowflake meow and I can hear her jumping down from to bed.
"Oh, so I guess that that is not a cat?"
"No, it's, let me explain-"
"Ms. Parker, is that cat yours or does it belong to your roommate?"
"It's-it's mine.", I sigh and I know I'm in trouble. "But she was freezing outside and she could've died-"
"That's why animal shelters are for!"
"Please, I just-"
"I expect you to clean your dorm by the end of the year."
"What? You mean-"
"I mean you better not be in this dormitory on January 2nd. Have a good day."
Then he turns around and just leaves.
"Holy shit.", Amy says and I close the door in shock.
"What am I going to do now? My parents are going to kill me if they find out and they're not going to pay for a rent at a flat-wait. Can I join a sorority?"
She shakes her head.
"You can only become a pledge during rush week, which is only at the beginning of each school year."
"I'm fucked.", I say and drop faced down on the bed.
"And not in a good way.", Amy mutters and I shoot her a look.
"Too soon?"
"What do you think?"
I don't go at the party, because I'm too depressed and sad. I choose to stay in the dorm and cuddle with Snowflake while listening to Ed Sheeran on loop.
I ask Amy not to tell anyone about what the Dean told me, and she promises she wouldn't. I was going to call my parents and tell them and ask them what I should do.
An hour after Amy leaves, I get a text from Niall.
Niall: ur not cumin 2 the party????
Rey: nope. Not in the mood right now
Niall: :(
I smile and pull the laptop across my lap to watch Supernatural.
The next day Katherine calls me, telling me that they were all hanging out at the frat house, so Amy and I should come.
So Amy and I eventually decide that we're too lazy and broke to go somewhere to eat, and get dressed.
We arrive at 1pm and I'm surprised to see a lot of people in the living room, including Maddie, Ricky and Liam.
"Hi!", I greet and sit down on the couch between Maddie and Jake, who are currently watching a really bad reality show.
Half an hour later pizza arrives and I share one with Katherine because Amy and I arrived right after they ordered it.
Everyone's gathered on the couch eating and talking about the upcoming holidays. They all have plans and I'm just here, thinking about the lovely time I'm going to spend in the dorm that I'll eventually have to leave by the end of the year.
"What about you Niall? What are you doing for the holidays?", Soph asks, leaning into him and smiling.
He puts an arm around her shoulders. "'m going to take my brother to Disneyland on the 22nd."
"In California or Paris?", she asks and Niall makes a face.
"California duh. I got one more ticket though, so I'm thinking about taking someone with me."
Immediately, three girls jumped on him, squeaking and asking him to take them with him.
"We should have auditions...", Soph says in a seductive tone and I roll my eyes.
Niall sees and smiles, pulling Soph closer to him.
"So do you have someone in mind you'd like to take?", another girl asks and Niall props his left ankle over his right knee, leaning back against the couch.
"Maybe.", Niall answers and Soph lights up.
He then turns his head to look at me and shoots me a wink. I frown, confused and point to myself.
He nods and smiles, and I can't help but feel giddy inside. I'm not sure if he's actually offering to take me, but I can still hope, right? I mean, I've always wanted to go to Disneyland and I don't have any plans either, plus, I adore Eddie.
Everyone eventually goes back to their previous activities, and I lay down on the couch, putting my head in Justin's lap and legs in Jake's.
It's pathetic watching all these girls around Niall, playing with their hair and giggling, like bees around honey.
I get up and I see Niall leaning against the wall with a bottle of coke in his hand. Soph has her hands under his shirt, probably trying to feel his abs as she flirts.
I roll my eyes, smiling as I pass him to go in the kitchen and get a glass of orange juice. Someone comes up behind me and I know it's Niall by the way he presses his cheek against my temple and his hands come up to my hips, gripping into them.
"Wanna come upstairs for a bit?", he asks into my hair and I close my eyes, because he's so warm and smells amazing.
"Why don't you ask one of the ten girls who think you're going to take them all to California?"
He snorts and I turn around to look up at him.
"They're really annoying and it's a though decision.", he says, whining.
I sigh. "Okay."
"Where are you going?", Soph asks when she sees Niall walking up the stairs.
"Um? Upstairs. Uh-bathroom."
"Oh, okay. Don't take long.", she smiles and Niall turns around.
I walk up after him and as soon as he gets to his room, he throws himself faced down on the bed.
I go and sit on his desk chair, crossing my ankles. He turns on his back and puts his arm under his head.
"So you're taking Eddie to Disneyland? For his birthday?"
He nods with an amused look on his face.
"That's what I said."
"And who are you taking with you?"
He shrugs. "I got a certain person in mind."
After a short pause, I ask:
"You've never been to Disneyland, have you?", he chooses to ignore my question.
"Um-I mean-no. Not really."
"Do you want to go?"
"Wha-? You want to take me?"
"Don't act that surprised, you knew if it was going to be anyone, it would be you.", he says and sits up.
"I honestly didn't-okay maybe. But I can't anyway."
"Why not?", he asks and I stand up to walk towards him.
"Because I have no-"
He interrupts me by hooking his finger into my belt and pulling me over him. He lays down and I straddle his hips, placing my hands on his chest.
"I have no money."
He rolls his eyes.
"I'm going to pay, duh."
"No. I can't take advantage of you like that."
"But I'm offering! And besides, the ticket is already paid for, and so is the room. I'll just pay for your food and entrance. That's like, five hundred dollars tops."
"Five hundred? Fuck no."
"Don't be so fucking modest, I know you want it."
"I don't want it. I just-I don't want you to think that I'm like, you know, interested in the money."
"Of course not."
He smirks.
"You're interested in my money and my dick."
"Oh my.", I say and intend to get up, but he pulls me to his lips by the back of my neck.
"C'mon, it's going to be fun! And I know you really want to go to Disneyland. Ever since you were a kid."
"Wha-how do you even know that?", I ask and he pushes my hair to the side, kissing up my neck.
"You mentioned it to me two years ago."
"Got a really good memory.", he explains and sucks on my neck, but I push him away.
"No marking me.", I say, mocking him.
"You're really bad at accents."
"Well you sounds like that all the time, so."
He stares at me for a second, and I don't know if I just offended him.
"This position makes my neck go numb I'm getting up.", I announce and he lets my hips go so I can stand up.
"So you coming with Eddie and I or not?"
"When is it again?"
"We're leaving on the 21st, so we're in California on the 22nd. We visit Disneyland and get back late on the 23rd so Eddie can have his actual birthday on the 24th and so he can wait for Santa on the couch. I promised him I'd take him to Disneyland for his birthday, in case you're wondering why I did this."
"I think it's really nice of you to do this for him."
"I know, I'm the best."
I roll my eyes.
"I'll pick you up at 9pm on the 21st. The plane leaves at midnight."
"And his mother and father are okay with this?"
He nods, also getting up from the bed.
"Thanks. For um, inviting me. But how are you going to break the news to the other girls? They'll hate me."
He makes a step towards me and starts pressing kisses to my cheek, then eventually kissing me properly. He sucks on my bottom lip and bites down on it before he lets it to and pulls away.
He smiles and turns around, going to the door.
"Wait you never answered my question!", I remember as I follow him down the stairs.
"Get in loser, we're going to the airport!", Niall yells as he stops in front of my dorm building three days later.
"You know, quoting chick movies won't really keep up your punk reputation."
He rolls his eyes as he loads my suitcase in the trunk and we both get into the car.
"Hey buddy!", I tell Eddie as I put my seatbelt on.
I turn to him as Niall starts driving.
"You excited?"
He smiles and nods at me from his baby chair as he munches on a marshmallow.
"Whoa I want one too! Do you have more marshmallows?", I ask Niall and he sighs, shaking his head.
"I swear to god, I'm taking two babies to Disneyland."
I smile and he hands me the marshmallow bag, shutting me up as he turns on the radio.
Long story short, we get to the airport, get some coffee (and hot chocolate for Eddie) from Starbucks, then board the plane.
We get to the hotel around 1am (California time), which is like 20 minutes by foot from Disneyland.
We're staying in a room with a king sized bed, and I smile, imagining Eddie cuddling up to Niall.
"Go and brush your teeth, then put on your pajamas.", Niall tells him and Eddie nods, smiling and taking the tooth brush from Niall's hands.
"You're so good with him.", I tell Niall once Eddie starts brushing his teeth.
He shrugs and I take off my parka, hanging it by the door.
"And thanks again."
"Stop thanking me."
"Thank you."
He sighs.
"Thank you so much. Honestly. So, so much. I mean it. Thank you so-"
He kisses me to shut me up, and it was my plan all along to be honest.
We hear a cute squeak behind us and I pull away to see Eddie smiling at us.
"You kissed her!", he yells and points to me.
"Let's put your pj's on and then bed time, yeah?", Niall changes the subject and I get my toiletries bag, before I walk to the bathroom.
When Niall comes out, Eddie is playing with one of his teddy bears and I'm scrolling through Tumblr on my phone. I can't help but take a picture of him in his Superman onesie, he's so cute.
"Get into bed.", Niall says and Eddie pouts.
"Can I have another marshmallow?", he pleads and hugs Niall's knees. I smile, not taking my eyes away from the screen.
"Ugh. Fine. But it's the last one or you won't sleep from all the sugar in the system."
"Whoa, look who did their homework.", I joke and Niall shoots me a look.
Eddie stuffs way too many marshmallows in his mouth, before smiling at Niall with his mouth full and jumping on the bed. He crawls up to Niall's side and gets under the blanket, pretending to be asleep.
Niall sighs and turns off the light in the bathroom, before he walks over to his side, rolling Eddie so he's next to me and Niall can have a bit of space.
Eddie hugs his bear tightly, before he rolls onto his back as Niall pulls the blanket over him. I have my own blanket and I'm quite thankful for that.
Niall turns off the light and there's a short silence, before Eddie suddenly decides to push the blanket off him with his feet.
"Stop it.", Niall mutters, pulling it back up to Eddie's neck.
Eddie pushes the blanket off once again and Niall covers his entire face with his enormous hand.
I pull the blanket back off and Niall hisses.
"Fuck, did you just bite me?"
"Fuck.", Eddie repeats and I laugh.
"This isn't funny! It's a bad word!", Niall says and Eddie turns to him.
"Then why do you use it?"
"Because I'm an adult and you're a child."
"So when I'm going to be an adult am I going to kiss girls too?"
"Yeah. Or boys. Or both.", Niall says and Eddie throws his short leg over Niall's chest.
"Mom says that boys kissing boys is wrong."
"Mom is a bitch."
"Niall!", I say.
"But I don't think boys kissing boys is wrong."
"Why?", I ask.
"Because love is love. And girls have cooties."
"They don't have cooties.", Niall laughs.
"Does Rey have cooties?"
"Rey doesn't have cooties."
I smile and Eddie smacks Niall over the face.
"Ow! Stop violating me."
Eddie laughs and manages to crawl on top of Niall, resting his head on his collarbones. I bite my lip to stop from smiling and turn on the other side, falling asleep.
My eyes flutter open and I see Eddie jumping next to me, shaking me by my shoulder. He's in his underwear, smiling from ear to ear.
I can see Niall on an armchair, running a hand through his hair. I look at the clock on my phone to see that it's already 9am.
"Shit, why didn't you wake me up?", I ask as I gather the clothes for today and rush to the bathroom.
"We're not in a rush.", he says and I close the door.
When I come back out, Niall is already dressed up and has Eddie sitting on the bed as he digs through his suitcase.
"Oh my god can I dress him up?", I say and Niall looks at me.
"He's not a doll, but yeah, go ahead."
He stands up and takes out his phone to pick a cab company.
I kneel down in front of Eddie and he smiles down at me as I pick out his clothes.
Rey, Niall and Eddie:
"I want up.", he says and lifts his arms up so Niall can hoist him up in his arms, which he does.
"Ready?", Niall asks and both Eddie and I nod.
The cab takes 10 minutes to get to Disneyland and Eddie is excited and can't stop talking and pointing out things.
Niall pays the driver and tells us that we'll have to stop for breakfast as soon as we get in. We get in line but we don't wait long, so we're in Disneyland soon enough.
He picks a restaurant for us and we sit down at a table inside, because even though it's sunny, it's not warm at all.
"I want cereal.", Eddie says.
"You can't have cereal at a restaurant."
"Then I want something sweet."
"You can't have sweets for breakfast, your tummy will hurt.", Niall tells him and opens up to the kid's menu.
"But you always eat sweets for breakfast!", Eddie pouts.
"You're getting French toast then."
I get a tea and pancakes, and Niall gets waffles and coffee.
I smile as I watch him cut Eddie's bread in small pieces, before feeding them to him.
"I can feed him.", I offer and Niall hands me the fork, before he starts on his breakfast.
After we're done, Niall gets a map of the whole park and circles all the kid attractions.
"I want to meet Peter Pan! And Minnie Mouse! And Goofy!", Eddie says excitedly as he clings onto Niall's coat.
"We'll go anywhere you want to, okay?", he says and Eddie tells him that he loves him, which has Niall smiling.
We spend the whole day at Disneyland, and in the evening when we leave, Eddie and I are wearing matching Shrek headbands and his mouth is filled with sweets.
"Where are we going now?"
"To a restaurant for your birthday. Already made reservations."
"Are we going to have cake?"
"Yes. Vanilla cake."
I bite back a smile and Niall and I share a look.
The waitress takes us to a table for four out on the second floor on the balcony, so I sit across from Eddie and Niall.
"I'm so happy!", Eddie announces and I take a picture of him trying to taste a lemon which sprays into his eye and causes him to scream.
"God you're an idiot.", Niall says and wipes his eyes with a napkin.
"You're an idiot.", Eddie replies.
"You don't even know what it means."
Eddie shrugs and we order pizza, chicken and fries for Eddie.
"When can we eat cake?", he asks after he finished his portion.
"Soon baby.", Niall says and holds Eddie by the sweater as he leans over the railing to stare at the view.
Four minutes later, a dozen staff members with a vanilla cake that has five candles appear and starts singing Happy Birthday, accompanied by Niall and I.
Eddie can't stop smiling through the whole thing, and I want to squeeze something because he's just. Ugh. So cute.
When the staff eventually clears out (after Niall gives each of them a pretty generous tip), Niall tells Eddie to make a wish before he blows out the candles.
"Did you make a wish?", I ask him and Eddie nods as Niall takes out the candles.
"Now wait until I...cut the cake.", Niall mumbles when Eddie's already hand deep in the cake, laughing as he stuffs it in his mouth.
I can't help but laugh and Niall films him as he gets his whole face full of cake.
"Happy birthday Eddie.", he says and Eddie licks his hands clean as I clean his face.
"THANK YOU NI!", he yells and jumps on Niall, embracing him.
Niall kisses his cheek and pats him on the back, before placing him back into his chair.
"Well you ruined the cake for us."
Eddie doesn't seem to care as he drinks his juice and plays with his presents from Disneyland.
"Best birthday EVER! I'm five!", he tells me and shows me three fingers as we exit the restaurant.
He takes my hand and Niall's pinky, and we walk like that. It's nice.
"Can we come again soon? Please?", Eddie asks looking up at Niall who nods.
"For your next birthday, if you're good."
"Can you lift me up on your shoulders?"
Niall crouches down and I lift Eddie up to place him on Niall's shoulders.
"But if you pull my hair I swear to god."
Eddie pulls his hair a few minutes later but Niall chooses to ignore it because it's his birthday.
We walk down a wide street with lots of expensive shops and I stopped in front of a Tiffany & Co. store to admire some necklaces.
"That has my initial on it!", I say pointing to the silver necklace with a small 'r' on it.
"No I'm pretty sure it's an 'n'.", Niall says and Eddie presses his nose against the glass.
"It's cute."
"And five hundred dollars."
So that's pretty much forgotten.
"You're the best brother in the world. Ever.", Eddie says that night as Niall gets into bed next to him. The light is still on and Eddie doesn't look like he wants to sleep.
"Thanks little bro."
"And you're the best Rey ever.", he tells me.
"Can you sing Niall?"
"Sing that song you like. With the girl and the lights."
"Hey There Delilah.", I say smiling and turn on my side.
Niall rolls his eyes and Eddie shuffles on his tummy to lay more comfortable.
"Mhm, okay.", Niall agrees and Eddie closes his eyes, smiling.
And Niall starts singing, which is, wow.
I can't stop smiling like an idiot and I'm actually glad that Niall is staring at the ceiling so he can't see my expression.
"Again!", Eddie says and Niall shakes his head.
"You need to sleep now."
Eddie makes a sad face, but obeys by turning on his back and pulling his Mickey Mouse toy by his chest.
"Goodnight Ni.", he says and closes his eyes.
"Night.", Niall mutters and makes eye contact with me, before he shuts off the light and we're surrounded by darkness.
We sleep in until 1pm the next day, and I'm actually the first one to wake up. As I get out of bed, I look at Niall and Eddie, who's once again cuddled up to him.
The longer I stare, the more I notice extreme similarities. The way they both have a hand next to their head when they sleep, the neck freckles that can only be seen if you stare close and long enough. And the same hair color.
I get a sudden uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Both Anne and Niall's dad have natural blonde hair, so what are the odds of Eddie being brown haired?
"Holy fuck.", I say and Niall stirs awake, which causes Eddie to rub his eyes and roll over to my side.
"It's not creepy at all that you've been staring at us as we slept.", Niall says and gets out of bed, stretching.
"Um. Yeah.", is all I can say as I get my bag and rush to the bathroom.
Eddie can't be Niall's son. That's like impossible. Wait a minute. Niall said that Ann left in the summer before he turned 16 and went to America. And that she was having an affair with Niall's dad. Now Niall's 21 and Eddie's 5.
"Hey, Niall? Remember when you said that Ann left right before you turned 16?", I ask once we're on our way to the security gates, a few hours later.
He nods, confused, putting Eddie down.
"When was exactly the last time you had actually seen her?"
", in March or so? We had sex and then I never saw her again, and she sent me a text in July saying that she's going to America for business."
"Nothing, just wondering."
He looks at me weirdly, but drops the subject because we have a plane to board.
"I think Niall's Eddie's dad.", I tell Amy one day later, when we're out for presents shopping, with Maddie and Katherine.
"What?", she asks and turns around to stare at me.
I make sure that no one else can hear us and pretend to look at a pair of shoes as I talk to her.
"I did the math, and the last time Niall saw was in March, when they had sex. Then she leaves a few months later, and gives birth to Eddie in December, which is nine months later after she had sex with him. And Ann has natural blonde hair and so does Niall's dad. Eddie has brown hair."
"Maybe it's a coincidence.", Amy says and I shoot her a look.
"I've looked it up, and chances are slim for the baby to have another hair color than the parents.
"Then tell Niall to make a DNA test."
"I don't think he'll like that idea very much.", I say.
"Do you think he'll like these sunglasses though?", Amy asks, trying to change the subject.
I shrug and she adds them to her cart, crossing Niall off the list.
I've been informed (this morning, mind you) that each Christmas some of the frat boys and some of the sorority girls exchange gifts. As well as a couple of other people like Liam, Ricky, Ryan, Amy, Ashleigh and Maddie. Katherine told me about it (since it was her idea three years ago) and I agreed.
And I was stupid, because I was about to spend my last seven hundred dollars on gifts.
I wanted to buy something for: Amy, Katherine, Maddie, Ricky, Liam, Zayn, Josh, Jake, Niall, Eddie and even Justin.
The girls chose their own presents, and for the boys I bought different video games (I knew exactly who wanted what), except for Eddie. I got him one of those remote control helicopters.
"We done then?", I ask them as we exit the video game store.
"I think you should make Niall another present.", Katherine says, pointing to the lingerie store. "I know I'm giving Ricky something extra."
I shake my head because I have literally 25 cents left.
Katherine ends up buying some sexy lingerie and God knows what else, before Amy calls a cab and we can finally head home and have a few hours left to get ready for the so-called Christmas party.
Which meant that the other girls would spend hours in front of the mirror and I would take a nap for a bit.
When Amy woke me up I took a shower and put makeup on, before I got dressed.
"You're going to freeze to death.", Amy tells me as we walk towards the frat house.
"Every girl is going to wear a skirt and dress anyway, so I'm way better."
She shrugs as I try to balance all the presents in my arms. It's lightly snowing, like it has been for the past week, but there's no real, stable snow.
We get to the house and I knock on the door with my foot because neither of us have available hands.
Justin opens the door with a dimpled smile and Santa hat on top of his blonde curls.
"Hi.", he smiles and helps me with the presents.
We walk together to kitchen, and I smile at the smell of gingerbread in the air.
"Who stole gingerbread?", I ask as I arrive in the kitchen, greeting people left and right.
"Ha ha.", Josh says sarcastically from the stove as he pulls out a tray full of fresh baked gingerbread men.
"What is this?", I smile pointing to his apron.
"I bake.", says a deep voice behind me and I turn around.
Harry is smiling at me, wearing big kitchen gloves and a matching apron with Josh.
"Hi!", I say excited and he waves, enveloping me in a hug.
"You're staying here for the holidays?", I ask.
He nods and I see Louis emerge from the living room in a sweater that I see is too big for him, so it must be Harry's.
"Hello, hi! Rey!", Louis says and hugs me too. "You look amazing!"
"So how long are you staying?", I ask, trying to make conversation.
"We're thinking of moving here next year, actually. Found a great flat near Times Square where I can go to work and Harry can intern.", Louis says, leaning into Harry and I want to puke because they're adorable.
"But, to answer your question, we're staying here until the 2nd. At a hotel nearby."
"Cool.", I say and someone calls Louis' name, which has him running off.
"He's a manchild.", Harry tells me and I smile.
I eventually walk in the living room to see everyone I knew spread out on the couch, armchairs and floor. Every frat boy has a Santa hat, well, except of a certain lilac haired boy who's wearing reindeer ears.
Niall is turned away from me, talking to Soph in the corner. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and her flirtatious pose; chest pushed out in a small dress and knee high boots.
Justin had placed my presents under the tree already, which is upside down, hanging from the ceiling.
There is no room left on the couch, so I attempt to sit down on the floor and watch the Christmas movie everyone seems to be watching, but I feel to hands grip into my hips and pull me on their lap.
I turn my head to see Jake smirking at me.
"Don't worry, I won't get an awkward boner if you sit in my lap.", he assures me and I can hear a couple people laughing.
I get up from his lap and cross my arms over my chest, debating who I should sit on.
"Can I sit in your lap?", I ask Liam after I make sure Zayn's nowhere in sight.
Where is Zayn actually?
I see Niall turn around as I speak to Liam, looking through the room until his eyes land on me.
I turn my attention back at Liam, who smiles and turns me around by my hips, pulling me on his lap, then placing his head on my shoulder.
I lean back into him, staring at the TV screen, not really getting what was going on.
"This is a boring movie.", I mumble and Liam laughs, before he presses a kiss to my cheek, then my neck.
"Let's open presents before the food gets cold!", Katherine yells appearing in the living room, followed by Ricky and Zayn. I can see Zayn looking at me like he wants to kill me.
I get off Liam's lap and everyone starts pushing each other around, searching for gifts that have their name on them. No one knows who they're from, but I think everyone pretty much has an idea.
I get nine presents: a Nirvana sweater from Zayn, a Batman sweater from Liam, a new cheerleader uniform from Maddie, a perfume and heels from Katherine, the new Ed Sheeran album and a 'Eat a lot, sleep a lot' sweater from Amy, a sweater that says 'I have Issues' from Josh, the entire collection of Jake Malik's porn movies from Jake himself, a new pair of Vans from Justin and a pair of sneaker wedges (probably picked out by Katherine) from Ricky.
My eyes trail over to the rest of the people in the room, still busy opening presents.
I notice another presents in my pile, in a bag.
I can't help but smile and roll my eyes when I pull out a 'I <3 Niall' sweater. I notice all the girls got one too, so it's nothing special, really.
And why would it be? It's the same thing as Zayn and Liam. And all the other guys.
I hear some wolf whistles and cat calls so I look up to see Niall pulling off his tank top and pulling on a sweatshirt with an 'N' on it. Judging by Soph's expression, it's from her.
She's wearing the 'I <3 Niall' sweater and I have to bite my lip in order to not laugh.
Everyone eventually starts talking about the presents and I start going through the Ed Sheeran small booklet that came with the album, when I see Niall coming towards me and sitting down.
"Did you like the present?", he asks smiling.
"Yeah. Very original. I always wanted a shirt that expresses my love for you."
He frowns for a second, but then smirks and hands me the bag.
"Check it twice babe."
I look at him confused and then spot a smaller box in it.
"It's not an engagement ring, is it?", I joke and he snorts.
"As if."
I open it and my eyes go wide. It's the r/n necklace from the Tiffany & Co. store.
"Holy shit! It's the-the necklace from-but it's-it's really expensive! Niall! You can't!", I say and he takes it from the box.
"Just say thank you and give me a kiss.", he says and I smile.
I kiss him on the cheek he's patting with his index, before I ask Justin to put it on.
"As you can see, all the girls have to wear my sweater today.", Niall informs me a few minutes later when everyone has sorted their presents in piles and gathered in the kitchen for food.
"Yeah that's not going to happen.", I say as Josh hands me a plate filled with fries and chicken wings, probably from KFC.
"That's Christmas dinner a la Theta Delta Chi.", he tells me and I laugh.
"So why won't you wear my sweater? Every other girl is. Even Jake, and that says something."
"Because I'm not desperately trying to get into your pants, Niall."
He stares at me, before he smirks.
"Hey I'm not trying to get into his pants either!", Jake says appearing next to me with his plate half empty.
"Don't lie to yourself.", Niall and I say at once, which causes all of us to laugh.
"Is this a dare?", Jake asks, eyebrows wriggling in a daring way.
"No?", I say.
"It's not like you wouldn't enjoy it if I made out with Niall."
"I'm not-ugh! You're the worst, I swear."
Jake laughs, throwing his arm around my shoulder.
"Maybe later, when we play spin the bottle."
He winks.
"It's a tradition. After we drink a whole bottle of expensive wine all of us sit in a circle and spin the bottle, until people start passing out or get bored.", Niall explains.
"That's what I call Christmas spirit.", I say sarcastically.
"Hey Ni, we're still on for tomorrow, yeah?", Katherine asks, appearing next to Jake and I.
"What's tomorrow?"
"Christmas dinner at his dad's house. We always go."
"You can come too.", Niall tells me.
"Um, well if you're only inviting me now, it's like-", I start.
"I forgot to ask you a few days ago."
"Oh. Well, I also have a present for Eddie so. Okay. I guess."
"Also, dress fancy because Ann is really bitchy when it comes to formal attire."
"Yeah. I think I'm going to wear your heels.", I tell her and she lights up, before she turns away and leaves.
We end up in a large circle in the game room a few minutes later, TV playing dimly in the background.
"I feel like we're 14.", Jake says sitting down next to me.
"Well you're pretty close to that age.", Josh tells me and laughs when I show him my middle finger.
It kind of annoys me when he makes fun of me. I mean, it was fun at first but now I get the feeling like he actually means it.
The first one to spin is of course Niall, and it lands on a sorority girl who couldn't be more excited.
The rules are simple: if you don't want to kiss someone, you're out; if you have a problem with kissing someone of the same gender you're out; and you have to kiss for 15 seconds.
They snog for fifteen seconds, before he pulls away and she looks disappointed.
It's her turn to spin the bottle and it lands on Justin. After they kiss, Justin spins it and I'm surprised to see it land on me.
He shoots me a dimple and I smile back, before we both get up and meet in the middle of the circle.
He cups my face and I stand up on my tiptoes, pressing my lips to his. He tastes sweet and smells amazing, not to mention he's a great kisser.
We pull away after fifteen seconds and I can see Amy wriggling her eyebrows at me in a suggestive way.
I sit back down and spin the bottle, which lands on Josh. He sighs, pretending (or at least I think he is) to be extremely devastated by this and leans over to me, since we're sitting next to each other anyway.
Our lips touch and we make out for fifteen seconds, until I pull away. He's a good kisser, I have to admit that, but I think pretty much all the people here are.
"You're better than I thought.", Josh tells me as he spins the bottle.
About an hour later I've snogged Jake and the girl that made out with Niall first. It's Liam's turn to spin (he previously made out with Soph) and it lands on me. I stand up and he's kind enough to come over to me, before placing his hands on my waist and kissing me softly.
He tastes like gingerbread and smells like vanilla, which is. Just. Ugh.
When we part, someone announces that it's already eight and some of them have to catch the bus/train/whatever to get to their actual homes so they can spend the next morning with their families.
The last people left is our group; Niall, Soph, Katherine, Ryan, Ricky, Zayn, Liam, Jake, Harry, Louis, Amy, Justin and I.
"So what are we doing New Year's?", Soph asks once we're all back in the living room, watching A Christmas Carol (apparently it was Harry's favorite Christmas movie).
Soph is cuddling up to Niall and giggling to literally everything that comes out of his mouth, and as much I as I want not to like her, I can't. She's funny and nice and hell, even I would date her because she's attractive and outspoken.
"We said we were going to see the ball drop!", Katherine says and Niall agrees.
"And then we can party at our suite! It's right next to Times Square!", Louis suggests, looking at Harry excited.
Harry nods, smiling and wrapping an arm around Louis' tiny shoulders.
"It's settled then! We're going in Times Square!"
And the attention drifted from the movie to the conversation about the New Year.
"Are you coming?", I ask Jake and he shrugs, nodding.
"Do you have anyone to kiss at midnight?", I continue and he shakes his head, smirking.
"Do you want to kiss me at midnight?", he asks voice dripping with amusement.
"Well, I mean, if you want to. As friends? I won't kiss anyone anyway so it might be fun."
"Alright babe.", he agrees and pokes me in the rib. "But you have to promise me that you'll watch all the movies I gave you."
"Okay, discussion over.", I say and he laughs, pulling my legs over his lap.
I end up kicking him in the face when he attempts to tickle my sides.
The next day my phone ringing obnoxiously in my ear wakes me up from my well deserved nap. It's Katherine.
I groan and answer, checking the time. It's half past seven and I start to panic, because I know that Niall will be here to pick me up in less than thirty minutes.
"Yeah?", I answer as I brush my teeth and comb my hair at the same time.
"You've just woken up, haven't you?", Katherine asks and I snort as I spit out in the sink and put down the brush.
I set the phone on the sink and put it on speaker so I can put makeup on and shave my arms.
"Uh, no! I'm almost ready, fuck!", I yell as I trip over and accidentally scratch my razor against my skin.
Blood oozes out of my wrist and I start panicking because it looks like I've cut myself.
I quickly wrap a bit of toiler paper around it and start putting makeup on as Katherine rambles on and on about what she should wear.
I just agreed with everything she said and twenty minutes later I was putting the heels I got from her on.
"We're on our way right now!", is the last thing Katherine tells me before she hangs up.
I sigh as I put on my earrings and then my parka, before I grab the keys and exited the dorm.
I still have no idea what to do about the fact that I was going to get kicked out of the dorm.
The car is already waiting outside, and I greet them as I climb in the back next to Katherine.
All three of them are dressed formally and even Niall has a blazer on, his lilac hair in a soft fringe swung over his forehead.
Christmas dinner:
The house is big, it's a mansion actually, and I'm not at all surprised to see that everything (almost everything) is made out of marble.
We are greeted by Niall's dad in the hallway, followed by Ann who is holding Eddie in her arms. He looks so cute in a tiny suit.
"Rey!", he exclaims as I take off my jacket and a maid comes to hang it up for me.
"Santa came this morning!", Eddie tells me and Ann puts him down so he can come over to me and pull at my dress.
"Come on, I want to show you my presents! You too!", he tells Katherine and we both follow him to the (of course) elevator, which takes us to the second floor.
We're told that food is being served soon, so we should hurry.
He shows us all his presents and tells me that he likes the helicopter the most. I smile and peck his cheek, but he wipes it and makes a disgusted noise.
"You can only kiss Niall!", he tells me and Katherine raises her eyebrows from her place on the armchair.
This room is pretty big for a four year old, four times the size of my dorm, with a big crib and thousands of toys.
"Ni bought me all these toys.", he says and goes to jump in a pool filled with colored balls.
"He loves playing with balls.", says a voice from the doorway and we see Niall leaning against the doorframe with Ricky laughing behind him.
"Dinner is ready.", he continues and Katherine stands up.
"Get Eddie and come down.", Niall tells me and they disappear.
I sigh and go to the pool to get Eddie out of it.
"C'mon Eddie, dinner is ready.", I say to him and he lifts his arms up, a sign to take him into my arms.
I do so, and as we walk towards the elevator, he grips into my bracelet.
"It's pretty.", he says and takes it off to look at it.
"You have booboo's!"
"Just like Niall! In the same place!"
I stop and take the bracelet away from him.
"They're not-my booboo's are an accident because I was clumsy."
I put my bracelet back on and press the ground floor button.
It's ridiculous; an elevator in a house.
I sit next to Katherine, across from Ricky, Niall and Eddie.
"So Renee, I haven't seen you since...two years, is it?", Niall's dad says and the attention at the table shifts to me a few minutes into the meal.
I can see Niall feeding Eddie more food than he's allowed (that's such a stupid thing to do, not feeding your child properly) when Ann is not looking.
"Um, yeah. I think."
"You were Niall's girlfriend back then if I'm not mistaken?"
Ann looks at me weirdly, before bitterly smiling and digging her fork into her salad.
Katherine changes the subject to something more comfortable, and I exhale, finishing up my plate.
Everyone is taking part in the discussion except of Niall, Eddie and I.
"Rey has booboo's just like you on her hand.", Eddie tells Niall and I panic, looking around to see if anyone else heard it, but they're too occupied to notice.
"What?", Niall asks confused.
Eddie points to his wrist and Niall turns to me, but he's interrupted by Ann, who tells Eddie to go wash his hands if he's done with eating.
"I'm going out for a smoke.", Niall says, before he looks at me questioningly.
And then I remember that I told him that I smoke too, so I better play along.
"Yeah, me too."
I get up and follow him outside after I put on my parka.
He leans against the wall outside the door of the back garden and hands me a cigarette. It's silent and I feel a bit uncomfortable.
Our shadows look long in the porch light.
After we lit up our cigarettes, he lets out the first smoke and turns to me.
"Show me your wrists."
"Hm?", I say, confused.
"Put the fucking cigarette out and show me your wrists."
I cross my arms over my chest and he sighs, exasperated. He takes the cigarette out of my hand and steps over both of our fags, before he pulls my arms out and pushes the sleeves up to my elbows in a rough manner.
He takes off my bracelet and stares at the rough lines on the skin. He doesn't say anything, and I wonder if he can actually tell that they're just an accident.
He runs his thumb over them, biting his lip. It's absolutely mind-blowing, seeing him like this. He doesn't even know they're fake, but he cares so much and I think that maybe, maybe he realizes how much it hurts when someone you care about is hurting themselves on purpose.
"Aren't you going to say anything?", I ask after a heavy silence.
He frowns, letting go of my wrist.
"Why?", he asks.
"Um. It was just an a-"
"You're too beautiful to cut your skin.", he says in a soft voice, and I'm taken by surprise because it sounds so genuine and it's so different from all the other times that he talks to me.
His fingers tuck my hair behind my ears as he speaks, and his hands are cold.
"You're too beautiful for lung cancer.", I reply, immediately proud.
He stares at me for a second.
And then he pushes me against the wall and kisses me.
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I think this was the worst chapter yet but it's important for the future.
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