1- Where it all began

A/N: This chapter was taken from my villain one-shot book of Shin X Reader, but I added more details to it :)

You bit your lips, suppressing a yawn, eyes darting towards your wrist to see the time. It was pass your curfew, your sister would kill you for this, but she'd kill you over a low mark on you report card so you die either way. You looked towards your project partner, typing away on his computer, the screen brightly lit and reflected upon his rectangular shaped rims. A stray strand of blond dangles on his forehead, perfectly framing his sharp, yet soft features. The cute (In your opinion at least) geek/nerd sitting at the back of the class that no one bothered to talk to was paired with you to make an article about Shakespeare, a playwright he is incredibly fond of.

You both had a rough start, as you were an hour late whilst he waited for in school since you have no idea where he lived. There was this hostile look in his eyes until he saw the thick cast sloppily wrapped around your dominant arm. You told him you were running errands for your sister when your hand was crushed under a heavy object. He insisted he'd work on that project alone given your situation, when you insisted the worm should be equally divided among the two of you.

Both of you agreed to work on the project in his parent's house (Who are absent, might I add), taking turns to sit in front of the PC to write about your parts in the article. It hurt your eyes having to stare at the bright screen for too long and your non dominant hand wasn't used to being strained a lot, when he offered to write it for you, considering it was late and weird to have your classmate with you in his house, alone, no parents, nor pets to intervene. It's not like you were thinking of something like that, you are fourteen for fuck's sake but it's just weird. I mean, he cute though... But you were only fourteen, and it's an absolute no-no!

"Is there anything wrong?" His adolescent voice rings out, snapping you away from your thoughts. You glanced at the blond, as he subtly casts his gaze over his shoulder to see you. "You seem to be unwell, are you alright?"

"I'm good, no worries. Just— don't mind me." You gave him a reassuring smile, before he just nods and turns reverts his attention back to the screen.

Huh... He seems to be nice, why does anyone avoid him? I mean, he has the tendency to be an asshole, but that's because he was defending himself. He has the tendency to be a 'know-it-all' during class, but maybe he was just that dedicated and enthusiastic about the class... You can never get why people assumes the worst about a person who just want to be silent and often kept to themselves. You often heard your classmates talking about him, saying he's the creep who'll end up planning a school shooting— which is ultimately wrong! You had yourself to blame as well, to be honest... You feel shameful you were one of the people who assumed that as well.

It's been a silent day for you, no one spoke, the only sound there was the keys in the keyboard under his fingertips. You would occasionally look over his shoulders, maybe point out a spelling error and he's thank you for that, but that's about it. It was tense, awkward and natural. It was just bad and you hate it. You hate that you can't come up with a topic without second guessing yourself and ending up in a rock and hard place.

His room was decked with no posters, only rows and rows of shelves filled with you can only assume a secret porn stash hidden in encyclopedia cases... That's what teenage boys do, right? No matter how innocent looking they are, no matter how lame they are, teen boys can be quite the... Thirsty ones. And girls too, don't get me wrong! You cannot be convinced that anyone at this age have NEVER took a peak to the darkest side of internet and a casual dip in adult stuffs— a fourteen year old should NOT see.

But you feel bad for assuming the worst of Nemoto, maybe they're truly just normal encyclopedias, maybe he's keeping a few collection of comics or mangas or literature or whatnot. Alas, you had the porn stash theory debunked after he opened one of them where he had highlighted important facts about the writer you were writing about last night. His room was relatively normal, very neat and clean, not a speck of hair can be seen littering his floor, he must be a major clean freak, I mean come on, he looks the part as well.

Among the row of books formed in order of volumes and various sizes, you spotted a chessboard tucked away at the farthest end of his shelf. This didn't surprise you, he did emit the chess team member and an obvious major nerd, but it did piqued your interests.

You play a little bit of chess, you weren't really a master of it it but I guess it was a great time killer if you're bored and you didn't have anything to do. You once played with the chess master of the school, but the win was totally half-assed when he barely paid attention to the game, nor took it serious as you did. You caught his king in check and didn't tell him about it  (He IS a chess master after all, he should have noticed it), and he didn't noticed this and instead moved a different chess piece. By this, you were able to win the game. It wasn't a proud achievement of yours, but at least now you have a topic to talk about with Nemoto if he decides to indulge in this conversation.

"So you play chess?" Asked the young, awkward teen as they peeked at every inch of his room in attempt to start a conversation. You hoped to spot an object of your interests that parallels yours. You really can't stand the tense atmosphere and you can only wish that he'd pick up the common social cue and continue this conversation.

"Yes." He shortly replies, typing away, slender fingers fast and precise against the keyboard.

You pouted. So much for starting a conversation. Nevertheless, you attempted to continue this conversation even if it was one-sided. "Oh yeah! I remember seeing you in the chess club, you're an officer in that club, right?"

"They never really cared about the club. They just wanted a way to escape classes, hence joining the club. It really is pathetic." He had his brows furrowed as he spoke, as if he can visualize those moments to himself. Nevertheless, that's the spirit!

"Yeah, it's really unfortunate other students would join clubs for an excuse to skip classes. And when they're needed in the club, they'd disappear! Remember that time the Shakespeare festival had to be cancelled? Well I was a part of that club and we were—..."

The conversation went along, although it was partially one-sided, at least he'd nod along and listen to your woes and worries. It wasn't as awkward as it is, at least there was no longer silence. It was only you, him, and the keyboard.

"— she's a bit of a... Hot head with zero impulse control, who thought smacking a bitch in our class a rotten egg." With a sigh of conclusion, you were able to catch your breathe. "I can still smell the stench of the rotten egg. But anyways! That's the story of how I was a dumbass by sticking around with Heather but it was fun, don't get me wrong!"

"Sounds like the two of you get along very well..."

"I know right? She can be a massive bitch, but I guess she can be very upfront and straightforward. Maybe I can introduce her to you! A friend of mine is a friend of hers after all!" His typing came to an instant halt. Confused, you glanced at him. "Huh? What's wrong?"

You were truly such an odd one... Here he thought he wouldn't survive the whole day by foolishly inviting you over to do the project. He thought you'd be just there, an irritating bother just lying around his room. An unnecessary bother he invited over for the sole purpose of making the project "together".

You were an hour late. He ultimately assumed you were the worst person, until you arrived... You excused yourself by saying you broke your arm awhile ago. Awhile ago. You broke your arm awhile ago and he can forgive that excuse, it's valid, but you insisted you were capable of working on the project... Unless you were faking your broken arm, because who the hell breaks an arm and bounces back a few moments after it as if it were only a scratch?

He never thought you'd be educated about the latter, perhaps more smarter than he is (Not that he doubts himself, he merely found himself in awe as he underestimated you). You were helpful to him, very helpful in fact you had offered earlier to write all of it. Of course he had to decline, somewhere in him knew you'd fuck it up and came to a compromise to evenly divide the article.

It was a report/article to be written about your chosen person who shaped history through literature, which was simple enough of the both of you, even if he assumed you knew nothing about the latter. The said article would be then reported in front of the class with no papers in hand for references and such. Shin was okay with to be honest, but he still doesn't know if you'd manage. The article's grades would be evenly divided towards a pair of students, whilst the reporting would be individually based on the student's reporting.

In the end, he knows he feels bad for underestimating you. And so it comes to this. to a halt when he heard a particular word. It was unexpected, to be frank, he never anticipated to hear that word from anyone ever.

"Friends?" He repeats under his breathe in disbelief.

"Yeah, I mean..." They trailed off as Shin turned to them with a questioning gaze. Upon this new found confusion and wonder, you didn't know how to react which prompted to trigger your own hands to act on its own and fiddle with your shirt. "I am high-key interested in you like— I think you'd be fun to hang out with!"

Friends, huh? A group of people that usually claim they can not be separated but doesn't last, so what's the point of that? Something he yearned, the companion who'll stay with him. The irrational fear of being betrayed, abandoned... He would give everything to have a friend, but at what cost? For all he knew, he'd be stabbed by the back. The bespectacled male uncomfortably shifts around his seat.

He doesn't really know how to respond. For all he knew, you were just in it for the pleasure of... Oh he doesn't know, what does a lying manipulator enjoy? Betraying him for fun? To make fun of him? Destroy his dignity? What do you need?

He mentally shook his head. "Hmm... It's getting late... Aren't your parents concerned?" There is in no way he could let them think they're making him soft. He can see through whatever bullshit you're up to and it's painfully obvious to him. He doesn't need his quirk to read into your intentions, no one is this too sweet and friendly towards him unless they needed something.

Parents, huh? You have none of that. The day they stepped foot out of the country was the day they abandoned you. But you didn't want to unload your emotional baggage on the poor guy, but that's not the point. Of course he'd swerve the conversation away, he's too much of a coward to answer. You dismissed this and answered his questions.

"Yeah, it's kinda sorta late... It's actually pass my curfew, they'd kill me. But they'd also kill me for having bad grades." You responded with your arms crossed, a little devastated at the fact that he avoided the question.

"Well I... I think you should get going. It's late after all," Shin offers, as he took his glasses off, wiping the lenses with the small cloth he kept from his pocket. "Let me walk you home, I don't want you to feel unsafe. You do live in a dangerous part of the neighborhood."

"O-oh—" your face coloured with red, you can't help but to avert your gaze away from him. Okay, you didn't expect him to offer to walk you home, you can usually handle it on your own... But the thought of him defending you against baddies... Oh my lord get a hold of yourself, reader, he just offered you a walk! Nothing more! "Um sure! I mean— if you want too... I-I uh— let's go then!"

Friends? As if. The moment the project is over, he knew that you'll automatically sever your connections with him. After all, partner projects needs to get along for a smooth cooperation and gain grades, nothing personal, really. He doubt that you'd stick around with him. Not that he assumed you would, anyways. No one would be able to tolerate him, but he can't blame them. His standards are high and he can't afford surrounding himself with liars. After this, he was sure they'd barely glance at his direction unless they were in need of a favour. He's confident of the wager.

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