Chapter 21: Attack of the Clone.
A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.
A/N: Also, I'm gonna try writing this chapter, and perhaps the rest a different way. Just to see if it can make explanations and describe the scene easier instead of constantly using brackets. So we'll see how this goes.
3rd POV: Spiderman dodged multiple swipes from Mileena, being weary of her teleporting ability. Every few moments, when he managed to get some space between the 2, the clone of kitana would constantly move from side to side, swaying her hips, feeling herself up. It was obvious that she was using her sex appeal to distract , or perhaps seduce, the hero from Queens and Parker would be lying if he said that it didn't have a certain effect on him but he kept his head in the game. The goal was to defeat Mileena and Tanya and regroup with his friends and allies, and he did not plan to lose and return to the flesh pits.
Spidey sidestepped, watching as mileena's strike sailed past him. Seeing the opportunity, he siezed her attacking arm and used her momentum to judo flip her onto her back. He raised both of his arms and fired multiple webs, planning to trap her, but mileena teleports out of the way and reappeared on Spiderman's back, quickly removing her mask and opening her jaws to chomp on his shoulder, causing spiderman to feel searing pain shoot across him.
"Goddammit woman!!! Not even venom bites that hard when we were at eachothers throats!!!" Spiderman yelled before forcefully grabbing the outworlder by her head, forcing her off of his shoulder, and throwing her as far from him as possible. Spidey quickly took a glance at his wound, noticing his suit slowly reforming around his injured shoulder, so he quickly webbed it right as his suit fully reformed. 'That'll have to hold the bleeding until for now." He thinks, his attention now going back to his opponent.
'We can bite twice as hard as that clone, Parker.' The venom symbiote from Earth 616 thought. It can remember the many hickies it gave his first host.'........hold up, did we just think of them as hickies?' Why did it think of those bites it gave as hickies? It mentally shook its head. It was probably just a stray thought, a very odd one, but a stray thought regardless.
Meanwhile, the venom symbiotes from the ultimate and spectacular universes had different reactions. Ultimate venom growled because whilst they didn't have a good start with the wall crawler, they had moved past their differences and have worked together, albeit he is helping flash Thompson to be agent venom but it still counted whereas spectacular venom chuckled because, despite it being another version of his host, he was glad that the spider was getting hurt in this fight and the ones before it. It goes to show that Spiderman is useless without it. It was because of it that it was able to cover his back and protect its former host from threats that would prove to he dangerous.
Meanwhile, in the world of PS5, a symbiote that's attached to its current host in a container and keeping them alive is viewing this whole thing in silence. It's focused completely on Spiderman. In another part of New York, Spiderman (PS5) felt a shiver go up his spine, having a bad feeling all of a sudden.
(Mortal kombat universe)
Mileena sat up, her mouth covered in the totem's blood. She licked her lips, savouring the taste of it and letting out a content sigh before standing up and putting her mask back on.
"Your blood is soooo exquisite, Spiderman, I can't wait to have more~~" Mileena purred, lazily spinning her sais before lunging towards the wallcrawler.
"So I've been told." Peter replied, leaning back as one of the sais swung past him. He moved back, slapping her leg away as she went for a high kick. "From you -" He ducked another kick and hit her stomach with a palm strike. "From Skarlet -" He uppercuts her into the air. "From morlun -" He jumps into the air, throwing a right hook, then a left hook before shooting 2 webs to the ground and pulling them as he kicks mileena in the stomach, using her body to cushion the landing and a strangled sound escapes the outworlder. "And from his family of interdimensional vampires." He finishes before rolling off the woman who recovered quickly and tried to claw at him with her nails.
Mileena stands up, a hand going to her stomach for a moment before taking a breath and staring at the wallcrawler.
"You're a naughty boy for attacking a princess~~. I'm going to have to teach you a lesson~~. " The clone purred out before teleporting up into the air, sais in her hands before coming down, planning to plunge them into the spider. Right when she was close, Spiderman grabbed her arms, halting her progress, and a struggle ensued.
"Come on, Mileena, can't you let us go? Don't you want to meet your sister?" He asked, his grips on her arms firm, slowly pushing her arms away.
"I already met my sister! I thought she'd be delighted to see me, but instead, she calls me an abomination!!! I wanted us to be a family, but she rejected me!!!" Mileena yelled out, anger and frustration clear in her tone. She breaks the stalemate by hitting the totems stomach with her knee, then stabbing him in the shoulders with her sais. "But it will no longer matter!" She headbutts him, letting go of her sais before digging the nails on her right hand into Peter's side. "She is going away forever, and I will only need my father, and the promise that I will be the one to claim his throne!" She cried out. Spiderman kicks her away, but mileena teleports and crashes behind him, knocking him to the ground. She moved closer, her masked covered mouth near his ear. "And I will have all the recognition and adoration from all of my subjects." She finished.
Superman (YJ) could sympathise with mileena, for he was in a similar position. Being created by the light, he only had one purpose, to replace Superman should he turn from the light, but that changed when dick, kaldur, and Wally found him and promised that he could meet superman. When he did meet the man of steel, he hoped that he would be welcomed as a member of the House of El, but instead, Superman kept his distance and rarely interacted with Connor, even when Connor asked superman to train him in controlling his powers, the man of steel rejected the idea and took off. At least right now, both he and Clark are getting along after jumping through many hoops. He hopes that mileena and kitana could get along at some point, preferably before they try to kill each other or when one of them dies through other means.
(Mortal kombat universe)
"You know..." Spiderman grunted, turning his head to look into mileena's eyes. "There are other ways to be recognised by people, to receive their adoration." He said, hands clenched, secretly ready to act.
"I'm recognised as the princess of outoworld by my fathers soldiers and my father himself, what more could I possibly want?" Mileena asks, her curiosity peaked.
"Sure you're recognised, and you will be adored..." He starts before he suddenly glows a familiar golden aura and sends a pulse, knocking mileena away, spidey quickly stands up and pulls the sais out of his body and tossing them aside before facing a crouched mileena. "But how long will that last? Your father is a tyrant who rules with an iron fist and probably executes people who probably breathe the same air as him. If you take the throne and act the same way. It'll only be a matter of time before someone says enough is enough and decides to take the throne." The wallcrawler says, noticing that mileena's eyes have narrowed, a growl escaping her throat.
"Never! The throne is mine! My father promised me that I would take his place and rule!" She shouted angrily.
'Let's see if I can challenge that.' He thinks, seeing an opportunity. "And what makes you think he'll keep that promise?" He challenged.
"I'm his daughter!!" The outworlder yelled back.
"So was kitana." Peter shot back, and mileena quietens. "And he's planning to kill her." He continued, taking a breath as they paused in their battle. He then decided to try a different route. "And whose to say he won't replace you?" Mileena sharply looked at Spiderman. "As much as it may pain you to hear this, you're a clone of kitana, a clone. Are you the only clone that was created? Is there more of you? Does your father really care for you? Spidey asked, continuing to fire questions.
"There is only one mileena spiderman. No one can replace me!" She yelled. She was getting frustrated.
"And how sure are you of that?" Spidey asked. "I thought the same when I was cloned the first time around, that there was only one clone, but that changed when more clones of me popped up and out of all of them, only 2 of them I can clearly say without a doubt are my brothers." He said, watching as mileena's hands seem to tremble, possibly in anger though what caught his attention was her eyes, she thought she hid it well but he can see that he has placed the seeds of doubt in her. Was he manipulating her? Yes, he was. Was he doing it for good reasons? Yes, he was trying to regroup with his friends, save kitana, and kick ass. Did he feel bad about doing this? A little, but he could feel guilt at a later time. "You can be more than some clone mileena. You can be your own person. So what if kitana called you an abomination? She just hasn't had the time to know you, the real you. If you help me save her, then I can guarantee that kitana will change her mind about you." He takes a few steps closer to her. "You can find your own purpose, be more than what your father intended you to be. You just have to take a leap of faith." He stops walking, his hand outstretched. "Let me help you." He gently said.
Mileena looks at his offered hand, then the masked lenses of the spider mask. She suddenly growls, her hands tightly clenched.
"No, my father loves me, he promised me the throne, I'm the only mileena, there is no other copy of me! THERE ISN'T!!!!" Mileena cried out before lunging at Spiderman.
The wallcrawler sighed before sidestepping the lunge, and with quick and accurate pressision, he chopped the back of her neck, knocking the clone unconscious and managed to grab her before she crashed into the ground. Spiderman gently set her down, moving a strand of hair out of her face.
"I wished you accepted mileena, but I kind of expected this response. My offer still stands, though. When you're ready to take that the first step, I'll help you. I promise." Spiderman whispered, staring at the unconscious woman before hearing footsteps approach. Spidey stands from hid crouched position and looks behind him to see a slightly bruised and cut up but victorious Jade approaching. Peter looked behind to see that Tanya was knocked unconscious.
"I heard what you told her. Did you really think she would accept?" The edenian asked, getting a shrug from Spiderman.
"A guy can hope. Besides, she didn't accept now, but she's doubting some of the things I said. Only time will tell of she'll heed my advice." The spider said.
Jade stared at the wallcrawler and then down to the clone of her friend. Before sighing.
"Do you always try to see the best in people?" She asked.
"I like to think that there is a good person inside everyone. I can see it in you." The spider totem said, a small smile behind his mask, receiving one from jade.
The 2 stare at each other before hearing the sound of footsteps approaching and turn to see psylocke and storm approaching, both looking relieved to see Spiderman. A thunder bolt hits the ground and raiden, johny, kung Lao, liu kang, and smoke appear. Spiderman stared at smoke.
'Who's this guy?' Spidey mentally wondered.
Spiderman PS5, for some reason, felt some familiarity when looking at smoke, like that could've been him in another life.
(Mortal kombat universe)
"Kitana runs away from shao Khan, so you attack her instead of joining her?!" Smoke asks in outrage.
'Oh boy.' The totem thought with a sigh resigned to the fact that he may have to fight again.
"Smoke, stop! This is not kitana!" Raiden called out, stopping liu kang in the process.
"You will come no further." Smoke said, either ignoring or not hearing raidens words. However, before he could do anything, psylocke's psionic blade is placed at the lin kuei's throat, and the wind begins to pick up slightly, courtesy of Storm.
"Stop acting like a fool and use your head!" She shouted. She pointed at Mileena. "That is not kitana!" She said. Smoke takes a second look and, after a moment, concedes to what the mutant said and drops his stance, and psylocke depowers her blade.
Jade approaches raiden and begins to tell him and the other kombatants about kitana's execution whilst psylocke and storm approach Spiderman.
"Are you alright, Spiderman?" Ororo asked, worried, checking him for wounds.
"I'm fine." Peter said, trying to ease her worries. Spidey then felt psylocke reaching for his mask, but Spiderman gently grabs her hands, halting her actions and gently placing them at her side before doing the same with Storm's. "Seriosuly, I'm fine. A bit banged up, but ok." He said gently.
Both storm and psylocke glance at each other before the British telepath embraced the spider totem with Storm doing the same but on his side. Peter awkwardly returns the hug, knowing that they're doing this because of what happened in his head.
"We need to talk, Peter." Ororo said seriously, Peter goes to protest, but she places a finger to where his lips are. "We know that now is not the right time, Peter. we can talk after we're out of outworld." She said, knowing that he wanted to put the talk off for as long as possible so she and psylocke would allow it, but they're planning to have the chat, one way or another.
"........ok." Spidey relents. "Come on, let's go join the others." He said.
The Marvel trio breaks away from the embrace and goes to join the other kombatants. Ready to deal with the next possible obstacle that they might encounter.
A/N: Right, next chapter done. After writing out this chapter, I can say that I kind of like writing them this way and plan to do the rest like this. Shout out to @AlySaLaH_4 for suggesting it.
A/N: Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Feel free to leave a review and, as always.....PEACE✌️✌️
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