

Domonique busts through a wall with the team following behind her as explosions go off all around the base they are in.
"You we're only supposed to create a diversion, Roman," Letty says over the comms as they see most of the base on fire.
"That was a diversion!" Roman argues with her, causing Domonique to roll her eyes.
"How many of the damn explosives did you use?" Tej asks him as there is another explosion.
"I don't know, Tej," Roman answers him as they drive past a fire. "All of it?"
"Wait, all of it?" Tej asks him as if he were crazy.
"Roman, Jesus Christ," Hobbs says as he shakes his head.
"We got more of your fan club ahead," Eliza says as she sees several vehicles heading towards them. Domonique makes a quick turn with the team and the other vehicles following her.
"They're still on us!" Tej says as he sees the vehicles.
"These guys are taking this personal," Roman says as they start shooting at him.
"Roman, we just blew up their facility and stole their EMP," Hobbs explains to him. "Other than your doctor's cold finger, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get."
"Phase two," Dom orders as he and Domonique share a nod.
"Phase two?" Roman asks since he wasn't told about it. "So you just gonna keep that to yourself? What happened to Phase one? What about that part?"
"Yeah. Remember the airplane?" Tej reminds him with an eye roll. "Everyone drove their cars out but you?"
"I told you, my engine seized up," Roman says quickly to defend himself.
"It's your balls that seized up," Letty states with a chuckle, causing Domonique to lightly smile.
"Just follow my lead, okay?" Tej tells Roman as he prepares for what is to happen. "And, Roman, whatever you do, don't think."
"Huh?" Roman says as he looks at the comms system in confusion.
"Tej, drop it," Domonique orders causing Tej to smile.
"Bombs away," Tej says happily before he presses a button.
"Split now," Domonique orders as a wrecking ball drops towards them.
"Holy shit!" Roman yells as it swings by him before it takes out almost all of the vehicles that are following them but a few. "Great plan, Tej," Roman says as he sees the few vehicles still following them. "But just so you know, you missed some."
"Oh, just wait for it," Tej tells him before the wrecking ball starts swinging back towards them, taking out the remaining vehicles.
"Oh, shit!" Roman yells as the wrecking ball takes off his side mirror before he sees the smiley face painted on the wrecking ball. "I hate you Tej."
"Got your ass," Tej says as he and Ramsey laugh. Letty pulls up beside Domonique before looking past Dom at Domonique. Dom looks over at Eliza before Letty takes notice of the matching frowns on the siblings faces.
"You good?" Letty asks Domonique concerned.
"We'll see you both when it's done," Domonique answers her as she looks ahead, causing Letty to feel as if something is up.
"All right, great job, team," Hobbs says as they leave the base. "Let's break off and meet me at the safe house." Letty, Tej, and Roman turn right while Hobbs and Domonique turn left.

"A hell of a job Toretto's," Hobbs says as Domonique drives beside him. "When we get back to the base, the beer's on me." Dom gives Domonique a nod before she rams into Hobbs, causing him to hit a light pole before his truck flips multiple times. Hobbs gasps as Domonique drives over to him. Hobbs finds his leg is trapped as Dom and Domonique get out of her car. "You lost your goddamn mind, Moni?" Dom and Domonique walk around to the back of the truck where the EMP is. "Dom, you put hands on that thing, you're gonna have the whole world gunning for you, including me." Domonique unstraps the EMP before Dom picks it up, carrying it towards the car. "I don't know what you're doing, but you better think about this, Toretto's." Domonique stops walking with a sigh as she thinks about why they are doing this. Dom looks back at his sister before giving her a nod of reassurance. "It ain't too late to stop this." Domonique glances back at Hobbs while Dom puts the EMP in the car. "It is now." Domonique drives off as Hobbs hears sirens heading towards them. Hobbs grabs his walkie that had disconnected from the comms system. "Those sumbitches just crossed us."
"What?" Eliza asks him confused as she looks over at Letty, worriedly.
"Wait a second, what are you talking about?" Tej asks him confused as well.
"Moni and Dom took the EMP," Hobbs answers them.
"Bullshit," Roman tells him as he shakes his head.
"Where are you?" Letty asks him, since she believes him because of the off feeling that she had.
"It's too late for me. Get outta here," Hobbs answers her. "I saw that look in Moni's eye, and I've seen that look before. Domonique and Dominic Toretto just went rogue."

Domonique drives onto an airstrip as several cars chase after them before a plane touches down in front of them. Domonique speeds up to over 200mph before entering the open cargo hold of the plane. Domonique comes to a stop as the plane takes off again. Domonique gets out of the car, looking at the closing cargo hold with hope that her family won't turn their back on her and her brother. A door in behind of them opens before they walk inside.

Back at the safe house, Letty starts going through Domonique's car in hopes of finding any information on why she and Dom would turn on them. In the glove box she finds two pictures of them. One at race wars with Dom & Eliza and the other is of just them, looking out at the city of Los Angeles.
"All right, I got their phone records, y'all," Tej tells the team. "It's a whole bunch of calls to untraceable numbers."
"Burner phones right?" Roman asks him as Ramsey typed on her computer.
"Nah, scrambler," Tej answers him as he looks at the papers he had printed. "Same number, but they got some sort of micro-router to bury the signal path, which means Moni and Dom are clearly communicating with somebody that's above our pay grade."
"Look, I don't know Moni and Dom as well as you, but if we just look at the facts, they've been having highly encrypted conversations with some mysterious person," Ramsey says as she walks over to Tej and Roman. "They took out Hobbs. They stole an EMP. Now they've disappeared."
"So, what are you saying?" Tej asks her as Letty puts the pictures back in the glove box.
"Maybe we should consider the fact that Hobbs is right," Ramsey answers him as Letty gets out of Domonique's car. "Moni and Dom did go rogue." Letty slams the door before walking to Ramsey with a glare on her face.
"Letty," Eliza tries as she steps slightly in between them, even though she mad at Ramsey's comment as well.
"Before you judge the woman, remember, you're breathing right now because she saved your life," Letty tells her with the glare never leaving. Letty bumps Ramsey's shoulder as she walks away from all of them.
"You just gonna let her bump your shoulder like that?" Roman asks Ramsey once Letty is out of earshot. Ramsey rolls her eyes before walking away from Roman. "I'm just saying, that was a little aggressive." Ramsey sits back down in front of her computer. "What you gonna do, email her?" Ramsey sighs before typing on her computer. "Check." Eliza rolls her eyes before going to check on Letty.

Domonique and Dom are walking through the plane when a man named Rhodes, stands in front of them.
"Move," Dom tells Rhodes with a glare.
"Say that again," Rhodes taunts Dom with a smirk.
"If he says it again, it'll be to a corpse," Domonique threatens him as she slightly holds Dom back, causing Rhodes to chuckle.
"I'm going to enjoy this," Rhodes says as the lady from Cuba, named Cipher, walks over to them.
"Welcome back, Toretto's," Cipher says as Domonique looks over at her. "Nice job out there. You excited about, tonight?"
"You're going on this?" Rhodes asks her causing her to roll her eyes.
"You're both with me," Cipher says before she, Domonique, and Dom leave the room. Cipher starts opening compartments as they enter another room.
"Showing me your shoe collection?" Dom asks her as he looks at all of the guns.
"Yep," Cipher answers him with a smirk. "A pair for every occasion."
"You have enough guns in here to outfit a small army, huh?" Domonique asks as she walks around while Cipher sits down.
"Oh, this is just the top of the iceberg," Cipher answers her with a nod. "You know what I like about you, Moni? You're a genuine outlaw. I mean, you're a woman who lives by her own rules. Which is surprising, because when I saw you in Cuba, I heard about a guy who almost killed you with a motorcycle, and you let him keep his car?"
"Oh, that confused you?" Dom asks her as if it were simple.
"Hmm," Cipher says in agreement.
"Course I could've taken his car. But it's about something bigger," Domonique explains to her as she slowly walks around before closing one of the compartments. "This way, I changed him."
"That's not your responsibility," Cipher tells her with a shake of her head.
"But it's who I am," Domonique states as she walks over to Cipher while glancing at Dom. "Who we are."
"Is it?" Cipher asks Domonique as she stares her down. "Let me ask you something, Moni. What's the best thing in your life?"
"Family," Domonique answers her easily.
"No, it's not," Cipher argues with her. "Not if you're being honest. It's the 10 seconds between start and finish, when you're not thinking about anything. No family, no obligations. Just you. Being free." Domonique walks away from her knowing that it is partially true. "I got to tell you, this whole saving the world, Robin Hood nonsense you've been doing recently? It's bullshit. It's not you." Cipher closes the other compartment. "Be who you are. Why live only a quarter mile at a time when you can live your whole life that way?" Domonique glares at Cipher, until she orders them to go get ready for their next mission.


Tej and Ramsey get to work on bringing up God's Eye.
"Got her. She's in London," Tej says as a red dot pops up in London before she and Tej share a smirk.
"Wait. We've got a second match in Hong Kong," Ramsey says as she looks at the screen confused.
"Beijing and Seoul," Roman adds as more dots pop up in the screen.
"And Tokyo," Tej says as they watch the dots pop up.
"And just about every other major city on the plant," Ramsey says as she shakes her head.
"And so, God's Eye was where we started," Mr. Nobody tells the team as Letty and Eliza sit on the steps. "But Cipher's already created an evasion that masks their location by pinging random spots all over the globe, but it was a good thought, Roman."
"So, she's made my program obsolete," Ramsey says as Mr. Nobody walks over to her.
"And that, Ramsey, is why you're here," Mr. Nobody tells her with a nod.
"See, simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here, slick," Little Nobody says as he walks past Roman.
"Why you look at me when you say that?" Roman asks him with a glare.
"Wait a second. Wait, wait. Simple solutions might just cut it," Tej says as he stares at the screens. "You see, in order for God's Eye to give off all these false pings, means they have to be using a FLEA relay."
"Watch these two," Mr. Nobody tells Little Nobody as Tej looks at Ramsey.
"Which means it has a decaying sync randomizer," Ramsey says in agreement with Tej.
"Which we can reverse..." Tej continues as Ramsey catches on.
"And track it back to the originating source and find Dom's try location," Ramsey finishes with a smile.
"I'm telling you they got skills," Mr. Nobody tells Little Nobody with a smile.
"That was my idea," Roman says as he looks at everyone. "That's what I was saying. Remember in there?"
"All right, let's try this," Mr. Nobody says with a clap before Tej and Ramsey get to work.
"It's working," Ramsey says as dots start to disappear.
"All right, their not in China," Tej says as all of those dots disappear. "Or Russia."
"Europe's clear," Ramsey says as all of those dots disappear. "But this one's not going away."
"This is interesting," Mr. Nobody says with a smile.
"Why?" Little Nobody asks him.
"Because that's here," Mr. Nobody answers him before an explosion happens sending almost everyone to the floor. Two machines are slid into the room before grenades start ejecting off of them. Hobbs grabs one before throwing it away from him as it goes off. The blast sends him to the floor. Deckard runs over to Ramsey, pulling her to the floor as one goes off near her before a door traps Deckard. Cipher, Domonique, and Dom enter the room as everyone tries to get their bearings but are finding it hard to do.
"Did you all enjoy that?" Cipher asks as everyone grabs at their heads. "Next generation concussion grenade. It scrambles your senses. Don't worry, it'll wear off in an hour. Probably." Dom walks past Eliza as Cipher walks over to Deckard. "Hello, Deckard. Nice to see you again." Cipher laughs as she glances over to Domonique. "Look at this, body's not even cold, Moni. Your family's already replacing you." Cipher looks back at Deckard, pointing her gun at him. "You chose the losing team. I guess your brother is smarter than you." Domonique glances up at the mention of Owen, before seeing his profile on a busted screen. Cipher walks over to where Ramsey had been working, plugging in a device. Dom notices the team starting to get up before he shoots the glasses above them. Domonique notices Letty holding her ears as she looks up at her in pain causing Domonique to have to turn away from her. Cipher types on the computer before a disc pops out. "Smart move, embedding God's Eye into the mainframe. Irritating to make me have to come all the way down here to get it, but..." Cipher grabs the disc and her device before she starts to leave. "Let's go."
"Moni!" Letty yells as Domonique and Dom follow after Cipher. Domonique turns to face her as Letty forces herself to sit up. "You're gonna turn your back on family? Just like that?" Cipher stands in front of Domonique before looking over at Letty. Cipher kisses Domonique, who just stands there before Cipher looks back at Letty with a small smirk.
"Let's go," Cipher tells Domonique and Dom before she walks away once again. Domonique looks at Letty again before following after Cipher.


"Back there was that for her, for me, or you?" Domonique asks as she paces in front of Cipher, pissed about the kiss before turning to look at her. "Or was it even necessary?"
"Necessary? Nothing is necessary," Cipher says as she takes an earphone out of her ear. "Everything is a choice, I simply made one but so did you. You could have stopped me, but you chose not to. I wonder what Letty thought about that." Cipher wraps the earphones around a phone as Domonique walks around the desk to her.
"The problem with putting your foot on a Tiger's neck is that you can never let it up," Domonique says as she roughly grabs the arm of Cipher's chair, turning it to face her.
"I think I need to remind you both why you chose to be here," Cipher says while glaring at Domonique before the door behind Domonique opens to reveal a guard. Domonique and Dom follow the guard through the plane before the guard slides a door open to reveal a glass room. The guard points to another glass room, causing Domonique to follow him before he slides a door open. A light comes on in the glass room to reveal, Roan on a bed in the room.
"Roan," Domonique says with tears in her eyes as she watches him wake up before he sees her on the other side of the glass.
"Moni?" Roan says in shock as he quickly gets up, making his way over to the glass wall. Roan presses his hand against the glass with tears in his eyes before Domonique presses her hand against the glass where his hand is.
"I'm sorry," Domonique whispers to him before he looks at their hands.
"You shouldn't have come," Roan says with a frown while shaking his head.
"Hey, nothing could've kept me away," Domonique tells him as she continues to whisper.
"Now she has the three of us," Roan says with a sigh before a baby starts cooing. Domonique looks in the direction of the cooing, causing Roan to slightly smile.  "Do you wanna see her?" Domonique doesn't take her eyes off of the crib as Roan walks over to it. "See Moni?" Roan picks the baby up with a smile before walking back over to the glass wall. "Moni." The baby looks between Domonique and Roan before pressing its small hand against the glass, near Domonique's hand.
"She's beautiful," Domonique tells him with a small smile. "Her mother?"
"She died during child birth," Roan answers her sadly as a tear slides down his cheek. The baby hits the glass as she reaches for Domonique.
"Her name?" Domonique asks as her eyes never leave the baby.
"I call her Nicole. That is her middle name after her mother," Roan answers as he looks between the baby and Domonique with a smile. "I can't decide between Sarah, after my mother or Domonique." Domonique smiles at the thought of him naming his child after her. "I'm sorry, Moni."
"There is nothing to be sorry for," Domonique says with a slight shake of her head.
"Whatever happens," Roan says as he looks down at the baby before looking back at Domonique. "Just save my daughter." Domonique's tears begin to fall as she struggles to hold them back. "Your daughter if I don't make it."

"Good visit?" Cipher asks as she and Rhodes walk up between Domonique and Dom, causing Roan to put the baby back in the crib. "I know. I know what you're thinking. I just let the guards go, so there are only two opponents in the room. Rhodes has the gun, so Dom will take him out first. I know you both. And then you're thinking, Elena and Roan are cops." Domonique looks to see Elena behind the glass on Dom's side as Dom looks to see Roan. "Maybe the four of you can fight your way out of here. So much to think about." Cipher takes a deep breath before walking over to Rhodes, who hands her his gun. "Let me make it easier for you." Cipher cocks the gun causing a bullet to go into the chamber, which causes Domonique to turn and face her. "Do with it as you wish." Cipher holds the gun out to Domonique, who quickly takes the gun. Domonique looks back at Roan, who starts shaking his head before Domonique turns back to Cipher as she points the gun at Cipher. "Have you heard of choice theory Moni? There's a bunch of axioms but only two you really need to concern yourself with; One. The only person's behavior we can control is our own, and two, the only thing we can truly give another person is information, so let me give you some. You see these cameras in here? The moment you make a move, highly paid men with weapons will make their way into this room. With one very specific instruction. It's not to save me. It's to kill your nephew and Roan's daughter. Now, that's a lot of bullets. And it only takes two for you both to lose everything." Elena starts to panic as she watches Domonique and Cipher, worried that she will lose her son. "So, I have to ask you, because... I know family is so important to you both." Cipher walks forward before pressing her forehead against the gun. "Is that really a choice you wanna make? Because I'm ready as you are." Domonique starts to squeeze the trigger but stops.
"I pull this trigger, and God knows I wanna. If I killed everyone on this plane... I still couldn't get in there. Cause of your two-man fail-safe system for each room," Domonique explains to Cipher before yelling at her. "Since we're alone and out numbered! I got no choice!" Domonique lowers the gun before holding it out to Cipher.
"I didn't think so," Cipher says with a small smirk as she takes the gun before handing it back to Rhodes. Domonique takes off her cross necklace before hanging it above the glass wall as Roan presses his hand back against the glass while Dom hangs his necklace above Elena's glass wall.
"You want to see the old Dom and Moni?" Domonique asks as she turns back to face Cipher. "Watch." Domonique and Dom walk away as Cipher and Rhodes take a step towards Roan's glass wall.
"Bitch," Roan says with a glare as he hits the glass wall with his fist.
"Sweet dreams," Rhodes says as Cipher walks off while Rhodes slides the door close in front of the glass wall before Rhodes closes Elena's as well.

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