Book I
Tell me, o muse, the tale of Gawain, whose cursed, bloodstained skin traumatized those who weren't slain by him, and who traveled far and wide after sacking the great city of Saffron. Many places he did visit, and well versed in culture he was. Many years he toiled to return home to Canalave, but was rebuffed by the will of Kyogre.
And as the story begins, on Mount Coronet, the gods begin to argue.
"You see, Pokémon blame us Legendaries for their problems and follies," Arceus explained. "Look at Frederick; we warned him not to take Ivan's wife while he was away at war, and what does he do? He kills him, even after Riku warned him not to; that Lucas would exact his own revenge."
"But while Ivan got what he deserved, Gawain has suffered more than necessary," Nicki spoke up. "He's trapped on Dot Island by a lesser goddess, the enchantress, Catherine. Why must he still suffer, lest we forget the many rich sacrifices he made while sieging Saffron City?"
"Nicki, we all know of Gawain's capabilities, and liberal offerings. However, none of us are to blame. Kyogre is yet angry at Gawain, after he blinded Polyphemus. He can't kill him directly, only keep him away from Canalave. So we just have to wait," Arceus explained solemnly.
"But if we're all in agreeance, why must he still suffer? While Kyogre is away in the Cave of Origin, we should send Riku to order Catherine to free Gawain. In the meantime, I will go to Canalave, and inspire Gawain's son, Lance. I will persuade him to speak out against the suitors of his mother Gwynevere, who freeload off of them, gobbling up their Mareep and Tauros. He will go to Sparta and Pylos, to hear anything about his father's return," Nicki promised.
The Meloetta then teleported away, disguising herself as an elderly Bisharp, and standing at the halls of Gawain's home. Outside, many suitors were there, mindlessly playing and talking. Inside, a young Gallade sat at a table, thinking of his father, lord of the home, who would one day return and force all those thieving freeloaders out. When he noticed the disguised goddess, he got up and approached her.
"Greetings," Lance began, "to our home. Please, come sit, you can give your life story after you eat." The goddess agreed, following Lance to an empty seat beside him at the table. The suitors soon came in as well, beginning to feast, as another man began to sing.
"These good-for-nothing moochers disgust me," Lance muttered. "If only he came back, they'd be begging to him for mercy as if he were a Legendary atop Mt. Coronet," he sighed, before remembering Nicki next to him. "So, tell me, who are you, sir? What's your story? Surely it's far more interesting than any of these lounging swine."
"My name is Nicholas, and I came here on a trading voyage to Lilycove. I was hoping to see an old friend. They told me he had returned, though it seems the Legends still hold back. Tell me, could you truly be the son of Gawain? You're indeed a Gallade like him, and just as well-built. I remember him well since our friendship before the war. Since then we haven't seen each other."
"My mother says Gawain is my father, but I've not seen him since I was a newborn Ralts. If only he were to return, I'd not need to heedlessly ask others what they meant when saying Gawain certainly looked unique."
"...your father was cursed as he was still forming. Thought to be from one of the gods, his hair as a Ralts was a crimson red, much like the lifeblood in us all. And this oddity never left him. Many believe that this was an act of fate, after his many battle accomplishments at Saffron."
Lance was confused by the sudden plot dump, but nodded solemnly. "I...I see...thank you..." The disguised Nicki nodded, knowing she had the Gallade's trust. She knew it was time to push him into action.
"Well, if Gawain won't return, or at least not for a while, it may be time for your own action. Meet with the heroes of Saffron–bring your case to them, and call the Legends above to bear witness. Ask them to help with ridding of the suitors, or ask your mother to remarry if they won't. As for yourself, I'd recommend getting the best ship you can acquire, and a crew to operate it. Look for signs of your father, someone may have something, or a divine message may guide you. First, go to Sunnyshore, and ask it's king, Slifer; then, to Jubilife, to meet with Pierce, an ally of Gawain, who made it back to his home last of the heroes of Saffron. If Gawain lives, you can return and persist, knowing that the suitors time runs nigh. If not, then you can honor his memory and tell Gwynevere to take a new husband. And, if needed, you may take the suitors out yourself."
Lance opened his mouth to respond, but Nicki put her hand up. "Don't try to plead infancy. Think about Orestes, who is still praised for the vengeance he took on his uncle after he killed Agamemnon. You are a fine, smart looking fellow; show your mettle, then, and make yourself a name in legend. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to attend to my ship and crew. Think the matter over, heed what I have told you."
Lance nodded. "Thank you, sir. Please, let me give you a gift," he began, before seeing that the Bisharp was gone. couldn't have been a Legendary. Or...maybe...: Lance thought, before moving to where the suitors were.
Barret, the Shiny Audino singer, was singing of the return from Troy, until the queen of Canalave, Gwynevere, addressed him, descending the stairs with two of her handmaids. She leaned on a supporting column, holding a veil and weeping.
"Barret," the Gardevoir cried, "sing a different song! It breaks my sorrowful heart, makes me long for...him..." Lance quickly went to comfort her.
"Mother, please, the bards reciprocate the stories; it is Arceus and the muses that create the tales. Father was not the only one lost from Troy," he told her, leaning in. "Let me deal with them," he whispered to her.
Gwynevere nodded and returned upstairs, weeping further until Nicki blessed her a sleep. However, the suitors began arguing amongst themselves about who would be the one she chose.
"Shameless," Lance declared, standing on a table to better project. "She lashes out at you, and all you think about is getting into bed with her?! If you must, continue feasting, enjoy what you have. But come tomorrow, meet me so that I may dismiss you, and you can find a new house to leech off of; or you can keep this up, and there will be none to avenge you after Arceus casts divine judgement upon you all!"
The men were speechless, all except for one, who stood up with a cocky grin. "It seems someone's been learning how to tall talk. May the Legendaries above keep you from ruling in Gawain's place."
"My blades have more nobility in them than you do in your entire body," Lance shouted to the Gengar. "What makes you believe I won't? Now that Gawain is gone, many men, young and old, have a shot. But I promise you this, Gary, and all the rest of you: I will rule in my own house, and that which Gawain left for me!"
"It is to the Legends that decide which among us becomes ruler. And they may choose for Gawain to return. Also, who was that Bisharp? And why did he leave so early?"
"He was Nicholas, part of a trading voyage to Lilycove, and his time to leave had arrived. And don't give me any of that sanctimonious lies that Gawain will return. Others may feel differently, but I know he's dead."
The suitors returned to their singing and dancing, until evening came, when they returned to their own homes. Lance ascended the tower to his room, followed by the servant, Minerva. Once they reached the top, Lance laid down on his bed, as Minerva used a mechanism to close the door and lock it. Lance laid there on his bed, letting fatigue overtake him until he fell asleep, thinking of the journey Nicki had assigned to him.
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