Chapter 1: Meeting

Keith POV

When I was a kid, people would talk about a underwater kingdom. This kingdom was ruled by a king named Alfor and a queen whose name lyes forgotten. This kingdom was the beautiful city of Altea. But the king and his people weren't your average persons, it was rumored that they were merpeople. Ya know half person half fish, mermaids. As a kid I believed every little detail people told. The sailors who come back with no crew, a broken ship and a story to tell. A sailors tail they say. Crazy, lunatic, murderer, all names given to those who came back. Many sailors even rumored to have been taken by these beautiful creatures. Some people believed that the ocean worked in mysterious ways and eventually scooped them off their beloved vessels never to return to those who they loved. Family. Mothers. Daughters. Sons. Fathers. All have lost something to the ocean.

At age 12 I had the harsh reality when my dad left to go find 'mom'. He always told me that my mother had a special gift, a gift to stay in the ocean but not on land. He said she was the prettiest mermaid he'd ever laid eyes on. She had a purple tail, dad says when the sun would hit the light it turned into a reflective violet with little blue and black tints. Black hair and violet eyes, which were said to be impossible. But I am a living and talking replica I guess of my mother. 

He never returned that night, later that day his ship crashed onto the beach of our city Altea, named after the imaginary city of the waters. All that was left was ripped clothes and a locket dad never left just lying around. The police said they found no body but presumed him dead, so with no parents or relatives I was placed in an orphanage. By the age of 16 they couldn't hold me anymore. Shortly after that I joined the Marine Corps called the Galaxy Garrison. There I met what is now my adoptive brother. 

But before I talk about my boring life, I want to tell you my own tale. Its your choice whether you think it be real or not. 


 Running along the beaches of Altea was a little boy, not much older than five. Keith was a very adventurous boy; so much so that his father believed he needed eyes on the back of his head due to how quick the raven disappeared and reappeared with something new.

Texas was a rather tall man. He had a rather rough looking face, but you would too if you had come back from the long war. Tex was a nick name he developed when he was over seas, it more so stuck more because he was native to the big state of Texas. Tex had scruffy brown hair and deep oxen eyes. 

Though his outside looked rough the inside was nothing but good. He was very nice, caring and gentle man. Just like his mama taught him. His mom died when he was over seas so that was hard on him, knowing that his mama was dying and couldn't be there. He just hoped he'd be there for Keith as much as he could.

Speaking of Keith, the little one had ran off eventually leaving his fathers sight. Tex being rather tired, hadn't noticed his son's disappearance. Keith climbed over the rocks that lye on the east side of the beach. He almost got all the way over without an issue, till his shoe got stuck between some rather big boulders.

Desperately hanging on to the rock, he began to tug his foot out. This went on for another minute before he tugged a little harsher than the last making him slip and fall down the rocks. He landed with a rather rough heap in the dirt. The boy slowly sat up looking up at the rock, his shoe still lye in the rocks not even attached to Keith anymore. 

Getting up he dusted himself off and surveyed his new surroundings. The mountain side was on his left as the bigger heavier boulders lye to his right. And to his front the beautiful ocean. Keith often thought the water was made a diamonds and glitter, from the way the sun hit the waves causing a pretty, translucent glitter effect. He almost forgot why he even went this way, a couple a feet from him on the oceans surface lye his ball.

Keith couldn't swim well, due to well he'd never really been taught. He always thought it was because he was smaller then some kids his age. Tex said he'd grow into a strong tall man in the future. He surveyed his area, eventually landing on a stick. He could try using that! Turning on his heels, he lowered onto his knees reaching as far as he could with the help of the forgotten stick. 

He reach and reach, the stick barely grazing the ball. He leaned till he was almost touching the blue vast of water underneath him. The stick finally touched the ball making Keith shout with glee, but that was cut quickly off when his hand slipped flinging him into the water.

He scrambled to the top, gasping only to have water shove him into its watery depths. His vision blurred and begun sting. From his tears or the salty water, he didn't know which one was worse. He kicked his legs as hard as his body let him but no avail. The pressure built in his throat and he was forced to take a breath. But it wasn't the crisp air he knew, it was the salty weight of the ocean. The water filled up his lungs even as he body rejected it, trying to cough it out. 

Keith's struggling came to a stop as he began to sink to the bottom. 'Was this watery grave going to take him away?' He thought, his eyes slowly closing. Just before the black blanket consumed him a flash of bright Florissant blue shot next to him and then darkness. 


"Come on respira! Breathe!" A harsh pound to his chest and Keith shot up, hands helped him turn sideways spewing the water out. His small body shook as he coughed. The hand kept itself set on his back tapping it lightly. Keith took a deep breathe before sliding on his back again. The sun shown above him with a sparkling bright yellow, the blue sky's with wispy scattered clouds.

"Hey, are you okay? I saw you fall in and I freaked out and-" He slowly rolled his head to the voice sitting in the water. He was met with a pair of sparkling blue eyes. 

"-Im just glad, I could get to you in time! But seriously are you okay?" Keith was speechless. In front of him was a mermaid? Or merman? Seriously he didn't know but he got excited. 

"Hello?" The boy waved his hand in front of Keith's face, who was still generally pale which was worrying to mer. He snapped out of the daze. 
"I-I Uh yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for helping me.." He trailed for a minute before blurting what his mind was racing to say. " But you- are you a mermaid?" The blue eyed boy scrunched up his nose. 

"Aye uh no. I am a merman well boy but my Pàpa said I will be a great merman when I'm older. You're a human." He said pointing at Keith. " Speaking of which, human; what is your name? I don't have very many friends and you seem alright apart from almost drowning."

Keith sat there just memorized, The boys tail was a bright blue with a couple spotted dark scales. He had beautiful, silky, tan skin and tuff of brown hair. He looked different from what the tales said. 

Mer's were claimed to have fangs, claws and sharp jagged fins to help drag you in the dark depths of the ocean, drown then eat you. That thought made anyone shiver. But the one in front of him was nothing like the tales (pardon the pun) he was told. He looked gentle, friendly and had no fangs.

"I- um I'm Keith Akira Kogane. I'm 5 years old and I live in Texas but visit Altea every summer." He said giving his hand out, his dad said it was formality to shake hands with someone new. A sign of respect.

"I am Lance Charles McClain, I'm 6 years old and I live in Altea too. Just not this one but the underwater city of Altea. Nice to meet you Keith." Keith smiled as Lance shook his hand. He had a friend. Granted he had ones as school, but he'd never tell had the stomach to tell his dad that those were only bullies. Keith shuffled a cautious step back just to be sure he doesn't fall in again.

"Oh yeah, here! I saw you reaching for this before you fell in." Lance smiled as he pulled the darker haired boys ball out behind him. Keith lit up as he took it, a smile lined his now warm face.

"Thank you! Um, can you play with me for awhile. None of the other kids ever wanna play, and my dad says he's always too tired to play. They call me a freak because they think my dads crazy." He said a frown now placed itself on his face. 

Lance frowned, before slowly taking the ball and smiling. Lance had a hard time making friends, so he understood what the human boy Keith meant. It wasn't because he was a mer, it was because he was generally outgoing, energetic but the other mers didn't want to play with him due to him being royalty. But Keith didn't need to know that. 

"Yeah! Let's go!" Both the boys smiled and played, throwing the ball into the water for the mer to flick it back onto shore. Time went by for what felt like hours on end, before a voice echoed across the sandy beach for a certain raven haired boy. 

Keith stopped slowly picking up the ball and looking at his friend. He smiled at a thought. He had a friend. Lance stopped just short of the shore line, with a puzzled look.

"I have to go my dads calling me, we can play next time. Promise." Keith said sadly.

Lance smiled, before slowly lying on the shoreline with his pinky finger stretched out.

"Promise? We will meet here every year you visit. Okay?" Keith smiled before entangling his finger with Lances.

"Promise!" Both boys smiled before leaving in different directions. Lance back into the deep blue ocean and Keith over to his dad. His dad scolding him for leaving without telling him. Keith jumping with excitement completely ignoring the scolding he received and told his dad about his new best friend. Tex smiled at his son listening to the story. 'Just like his Krolia' he smiled as they left the beautiful beach of Altea.


Word Count: 1929

-So what do you guys think! I started to watch Volton over the summer, I finished it and am very sad that it ended so soon and how they left the characters! Aughhhhhhh, anyway What do we think of our beloved Razzle Dazzle boi. This is my first time writing a Voltron fanfic book so I do hope you enjoy it! See you in the next one,

Meghan Out!


Update 11/2/21: Holy cow, had a bit of a busy life since I started this. But now I have some inspo, it might be a rocky schedule but hopefully y'all will enjoy it. 

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