"Your trousers are still open," Lydia whispered with a smile.
Midge pretended not to fall for it this time. They traveled the long hall, and every now and then Lydia caught a glimpse of the E gliding his fingers along his waist to make sure.
When Lydia snickered, Midge darted for her. "You little...."
"That's the fifth damn time. How do you keep falling for that?"
Midge caught Lydia by the arm and pinned her against the wall. At first Lydia liked how gentle Midge's grips were. Now she felt offended by it.
Dragging Midge closer with both hands, she eased up on her tip toes and stole a hungry kiss.
"I'm not gonna break," Lydia growled.
It wasn't long before Midge stood to his full height, cracking his back.
"The height difference alone makes me wish I'd fought you off more."
The fluttering in Lydia's stomach became heavy. "Don't say that."
An hour and a half in that room and three missed 'attraction' announcements later, Lydia had finally gotten her wish.
Real intimacy. There wasn't penetration and that hadn't mattered. Never had exploring someone or having someone take such fascination in her felt...safe and good. It felt like a stage in her life she'd missed out on—that was stolen away.
Now as they walked, Lydia couldn't wipe the fat grin off her face. Midge's words had taken care of that.
Lydia wanted this. She wanted the way they'd hook each other's fingers, even without trying. She wanted the way Midge kissed her on the forehead and pulled her close, straining even as their lips met. She wanted the way Midge would fall for that same 'I left one button on your trousers open' trick each and every time. She especially wanted the tackles.
The prospect of not getting any of that made her cringe. Midge's frown told her once again her emotions had betrayed her.
"Did I hurt you?" Midge asked, rooting Lydia's shirt up. "I didn't mean to."
"No. You didn't hurt me." Lydia brushed his hands down. "Stop treating me like I'm made of glass."
Midge took a step back. Lydia would have ignored that action if she hadn't caught sight of Midge's fists.
Hands at his sides, the E kept his distance.
Realization dawned on Lydia. She approached, took hold of Midge's shirt, and said, "I'm sorry. I keep thinking you're seeing me as small. If you're seeing yourself as big—"
"I am big." Midge tugged his shirt away. "And the terror you feel even for a split second when I catch you only reminds me of it."
They stared each other down, Lydia unsure of what she could say. Having someone who could read her bare feelings was unfair. Worst yet, they were absolutely correct. The idea that they could have trust at all seemed farfetched.
"My father's pretty tall. And he...." Lydia slowed but when Midge's eyes widened, she hurried to clarify her meaning. "Not me. My mom. He hits her.... And...and I don't do anything or say anything and in the back of my mind, I think karma's gonna catch up with me and I'm going to end up living like that, too."
Midge's expression softened. "If he's big like me, how do you expect to fight him?"
"He frightens me, that's all." Lydia sighed. "And it's weird because he doesn't beat her up for himself...it's usually because of me so...yeah, I...I'm not good with big sizes."
Midge nodded, hands in his pockets. "Yeah. Okay."
Lydia caught hold of his arm before he could walk on. "But I like your size. And yeah, when you rush me, I do feel a bit afraid, but it's also excitement because I know you're harmless. But you've gotta admit, that's still a lot of power rushing my way."
Pulling Midge's hands free, Lydia wrapped them around her. She had to get on her toes when she reached up to tug at Midge's ears.
"Get the hell down here."
It took some time for Midge's frown to dissolve into a bashful smile.
"Damn, you're bossy," Midge muttered. After the kiss, he sighed through his nose. "I'm sorry to hear about your folks."
"I'm sorry I made you worry," Lydia answered, taking another peck.
Midge opened his mouth to inquire more, but a door opened to their right, revealing Joshua's slim frame. Joshua looked almost ghoulish, his pale face outlined against the light.
"Midge." He didn't sound happy to see them. "You left your brother to wander around. Making me think it was you in the dining hall was a pretty dirty trick." He stepped aside and waved at the table. "Come in and sit down. You've both kept us waiting."
Lydia sat where instructed, to Joshua's right, while Midge, a servant, stood at the other end of the table. He disappeared behind the assortments of fake flowers.
The room teemed with guests, most sitting at the long table talking about nothing of importance.
Lydia leaned to her right, hoping to catch Midge's gaze. Her eyes settled on Mrs. Laurence instead. The matriarch sat at the table, looking as prestigious as ever among the guests. And not just with any guests, judging from the color of their clothes, they had money to spare.
"I allowed her to sit with us—for you," Joshua said, his arms folded. "You said treat others well, so I tried it, not that it'll do me much good."
Lydia felt at ease with the gesture. She meant to comment as much, but Midge met her gaze and bowed. Standing like a soldier, legs ajar, Midge looked like some sort of sentry, ever watchful, guarding his mistress. This time around, the idea of being Midge's charge wasn't all that terrible. Midge puckered his lips and smirked, Lydia fought back a groan.
"Very funny, you big tease," Lydia muttered under her breath.
A faint grinding sound, accompanied by a rumble resembling a growl, drew Lydia's focus.
Joshua seemed ready to vibrate right out of his chair. He wore an unwelcoming frown. "Do you like the food? It's been sitting here for you nearly two hours now. The fighters came on short notice. As did the others you kept your curtain closed for. How about mother's new dress? I'd bought the best one with you in mind."
Lacking a response, Lydia offered a tight smile. She shouldn't have looked at Midge again. Joshua's fist landing on the table made that clear.
"So is there a thank you in store for me?"
Lydia didn't have anything to say. She should have said thank you, but for what? A lavish party she hadn't requested? For Joshua treating his own mother like a human being?
She tried to focus on Joshua's words, but Midge's look of concern took her aback. The E tried to approach. Lydia shook her head to keep Midge at bay.
"What do you have to say to me?" Joshua asked through clenched teeth.
Everything came on in a rush and Lydia wasn't sure what she should focus on. Joshua was keeping the conversation between the two of them, which took effort on his part.
The table even echoed when he slid a diskette in Lydia's direction.
"Well I hope you will honor an official contract faithfully, although anything faithful would prove a challenge for you, I'm sure."
Lydia didn't focus on the diskette. She didn't even look at it. She wasn't going to marry Joshua.
The words came to her, foaming in the back of her throat, but she couldn't utter them.
"Joshy..." Lydia began.
Teeth clenched, Joshua leaned forward. "What can you possibly say?"
Lydia didn't say anything.
"The old bitch told me not to waste my time on a nobody. I was trying to help. You've got nothing; no standing, no money, absolutely nothing and I went through the trouble of trying to give you some footing. But for what? You're trash," Joshua muttered.
Posture wilted, Lydia glanced to Midge again. The worry written on the E's face only made Lydia feel worse.
Midge hesitated to step forward but held his ground.
"You will take this contract," Joshua grumbled. "You will take this contract or regret it. Do you hear me? What's left of your estate won't be fit for the recycling center."
This time Lydia did focus on the diskette. It was the only thing she could look at. She was glad to see it because in that instance, all feelings of desperation for it faded. No amount of credits was worth this.
"I appreciate it," Lydia said, "That you'd marry me—"
"Marry you? Who in their right mind would formally marry something like you? You will take the lesser ranking under my mother's care and you'll do so with your mouth shut." Joshua sat back. "Then I will absorb your estate into my own. You may shun me—shun us—but you'd be hard pressed to find a purer bloodline and I know how to keep an E under control." He snorted in derision. "And to think, I thought to let you sleep in my bed."
Lydia's gut twisted. She scanned the room for a possible exit. Anything, even a garbage shoot would do.
People were starting to stare.
"Take the diskette," Joshua said through gritted teeth. "Now."
Heart sinking, Lydia shook her head. "Josh...I know you mean well...."
An eerie stillness filled the room.
Joshua called Midge forward. "Let me introduce you to everyone, Osbourne."
Brow furrowed, Midge sauntered toward them.
"Midge is my tutor, and there's none better in the entire Colony. Photographic memory, too." Joshua said to a man sitting opposite Lydia.
"Is that so?" The guest sat up and asked, "You can really remember anything you see?"
All eyes on him, Midge struggled to speak.
"Actually, no." He nodded back to Queen who stood at the other end of the table. "He's the one with the photographic memory."
"Yeah," Joshua said, sitting up. "But you're twins, so whatever he can do, you can do, too, right?"
Midge's tight smile made it clear he didn't agree.
Lydia didn't want to watch the show. This was just a romp, Joshua's way of feeling superior.
"He's also a pretty good bodyguard," Joshua boasted. "He's well-trained, and loyal to a fault, too. I'd recommend him to you, but he's rather pricey. Isn't that right, Midge?"
Grinding his teeth, Midge gave them a plastic smile.
"And he never sleeps," Joshua went on. "So he's always working somewhere. The Colony regulates his hours so he has to shift from section to section, just to keep busy."
With each word, Midge clenched his jaw, eventually he could only manage to speak through his teeth. "Again, that's...that's my brother, sir. And...we're not the same."
Joshua blinked two confused blue eyes at him. Lydia's gut burned when she'd noticed them. The green eyes were gone. Something seemed different about Joshua's face, too. The small silver dots along Joshua's ear meant that should have been impossible. Each dot was a code, a warning that the Colony had put a limit on any more surgeries. No one with an ounce of ethics would work on his face again. But Joshua's ears didn't stick out as they usually did. Somehow, he'd found a way.
"But since you're twins...." Joshua didn't finish his thought.
The way he shifted his mood was astounding. It was also worrisome.
Joshua waved to several servants who rushed to hear his request. "Get the E's something. And prepare for an extra guest." The servant muttered a reply and Joshua glanced at Lydia only once before he frowned and shook his head. "No. Two pillows should be fine. The new addition can sleep on the floor."
The chorus of, "Yes, Master Joshua," died away with their hurried steps.
Queen was uncharacteristically quiet and Midge traded a glance with him. Lydia's heart stopped. If they were looking to leave, she wasn't sure how she could escape, too.
"The best cranberry juice the Colony has to offer," Joshua announced. "Feel free to have as much as you'd like. Beverly, serve them."
Silence followed. Mrs. Laurence, pretty frock and all, turned red when she looked at her son.
Lydia took it to mean that perhaps this circle of her peers had never witnessed her second job as Joshua's willing lackey.
"Joshua, darling, I—"
"Get the fuck up and serve the E's, you stupid bitch!" Joshua's bellow left the room humming. He showed his teeth to Midge as he held out his hand; apparently, that was supposed to be a smile. "Sit down, E. I should at least feed the man who's just finished ravishing the love of my life. Three times no less. The first time sorta made me sick, but by time number three, I got used to it. Sorta like my wedding night. Sit down. Least you could do is sit down. Sit."
Three times? Lydia closed her eyes. Of course, Joshua was recording them. With her knowledge of Joshua, she felt stupid for ignoring the possibility. It didn't matter where the projectors were in that room. Being with Midge was one of the best experiences she'd ever had. She wouldn't apologize for that. Hurting Joshua hadn't been the plan.
Midge wore a look of sympathy as he bowed. "Sir, I think I must be taking my leave."
"Not without payment. After all, E's are about keeping balance," Joshua said, gesturing at the table.
Mrs. Laurence's hands shook as she put the tall, slender glasses of juice down.
Midge took great interest in both drinks.
A pair of eyes stayed fixed on Lydia. The guest sitting across the table stared her down. The expression on the man's face was a familiar one, yet they'd never met. Lydia knew a predator in wait when she saw one. The stranger watched Lydia unabashed. Whatever his intent was, it was making her nervous.
Midge noticed the man's interest as well. "Something wrong, sir?" he asked.
"Just a little curious about the girl—"
"She's nineteen," Joshua interjected, pulling several assortments of dishes close. He pointed to what he wanted, telling his mother, "Get me those, and make certain they aren't too spicy."
"Nineteen? Really? So this is Lydia...?"
"And you are?" Midge asked.
It was unheard of for a lowly E to demand anything of a noble. The man recoiled; clearly he had some status.
Picking up his freshly stacked plate, Joshua answered, "This is London. He's going to leave soon, Midge, so feel free to leave with him after your drink. I'm looking forward to an early night."
Every now and then Joshua glanced from the untouched diskette to Lydia. His expression hardened each time. Joshua was ready to dismiss the twins. Anywhere else, Joshua could say nothing, but in his own home, he could tell people to get the hell out when he tired of them. Lydia needed to leave, preferably with the least amount of bloodshed.
As Mrs. Laurence continued to prepare plate after plate for her son, Lydia did something awful—it was the only way to get an immediate dismissal as well—she made a small selection, and put it in front of Midge.
Midge only looked down at it, but Mrs. Laurence gasped. "Absolutely not! We do not dine with servants in this house. I would think that even mutts would know that much, Lydia."
"Shut up! You don't talk to my guests like that." Joshua jumped to his feet, his voice cracking. "You're the reason this happened. All you had to do was keep your big mouth shut. You ruined everything. She even accepted the dowry, you stupid imp-cow. This is your fault. Can't you ever just keep your big gaw-ro mouth shut? Nobody asked you for help. Let her feed the damn servant if she wants to feed the damn servant."
At the sudden silence, Joshua scanned the stunned crowd. No one moved or made a sound.
Sucking in a shaky breath, Mrs. Laurence whispered, "Can I get you some medicine?"
"No. But you can damn well leave. We don't need you here. You will go with London tonight."
She stared at him. "Please...."
"Gaw-ro leave, already," he growled.
The elderly woman bowed her head. With great reluctance, Lydia faced Joshua and his guest, London. This was bad.
"I don't even know how my father put up with her." Joshua's weak chuckle sounded more like a stifled sob. "She comes with the house, though. Let's finish this up with the contract. Keep her for the night, London."
As Midge looked them over, he rubbed his temple. He reached out for his drink, but the glass was empty. Queen stood by his side, holding the second glass in hand.
After Queen downed that juice as well, he met his twin's gaze. "Nice try, but this is the last thing you need."
"I said you could sit," Joshua called to Midge. "I'm offering you a place at my table. Why are you still standing?"
"Actually, you're giving me a lot of erratic orders that don't add up." Midge looked him squarely in the eye. "And I'm leaving, so I won't be needing a seat."
The bluntness of the words caused a unanimous start. Joshua went pale. He reminded Lydia of a child at a tea party, at a loss when his toys came to life and refused to keep playing.
Lydia felt sorry that she'd have to be the next toy turned deserter. She didn't dare stand as Joshua looked at her from the corner of his eye.
"Well," Joshua said, letting out a deep breath. "I've got several recordings of Lydia that we plan to watch tonight."
Closing her eyes, Lydia groaned, "Josh...."
"Which one should we start with, Lydia? I was particularly fond of the one with the imp saddle. Though your behind saw more abuse than I'd expected." He looked up at Midge. "I suppose this E's large size was what you found so appealing."
Lydia got to her feet.
"Sit the hell down, you." Joshua caught hold of Lydia's arm. Despite the distance between them, Midge charged and punched him.
The force of the blow propelled Joshua back, straight on his ass.
Midge's chest heaved as he stared down at him.
Queen gasped.
"Crack," Midge drawled. "Crack, shatter, and break."
The gut-wrenching wail Joshua let out was cringeworthy. Lydia caught sight of the blood before Joshua covered his face.
"Mikael." Queen held Midge's shoulder. "Stop it. That's enough."
Midge's voice was steady despite Joshua's cries. "Fracture. Bone for bone, part for part, bend until you break. Then scatter."
Yet another scream tore through the room as Joshua curled into a ball.
"Mikael. I will bury your girlfriend's entire estate with injuring a noble in his own home if you don't stop!" Queen warned. His voice left the room humming.
Midge's body relaxed.
Lydia wanted to reach for him: to say something, do something, but she could only stand back as Queen dropped to his knees.
"Sir, please stay still! Please stay still. I'll try to repair the damage but I can't if you don't stay still," Queen assured him. "Please stay still."
As Joshua continued to twist, Queen looked up at Midge.
"Fix this," he demanded. "Fix this now before it has time to take. You gaw-ro fix this!"
Midge glanced at him. "Ask me to fix it again, and I'll make it his entire gaw-ro skull."
The room shook, breaking the stunned silence.
"When they put you away this time," Queen said, "I'll go in your stead this time, too, Mikael. Is that what you want?"
Midge's features softened.
Eyes locked, they stared each other down until Midge focused on Joshua and held out his left hand. "Return."
The bawl from Joshua that time was worse than the first.
Another quake rocked their foundation yet again.
"Warning. E related incident. Saturation level high," The System announced.
"Joshua?" Mrs. Laurence's voice carried from the hall.
"Laurence." Queen gasped. He looked from the doorway to the wall behind him and groaned. "Fuck. Let her handle the rest."
"I could only put him back to the way he originally was," Midge warned.
"Never mind that." Queen growled. "We can't let Laurence find us like this. Just move!"
Lydia wasn't sure who grabbed her. She didn't have time to look as she was dragged through a wall.
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