The rustling sound of cars driving by the station erupted into the room. People moved around, phones pressed to their ears and coffee in their hands. The typing of key boards were everywhere as the room also began to fill with chatter. The police station was always busy and rowdy as the active life of police officers always were.
Looking to my right as the bell on the door announced someone walking through, the bright sign above the desk, covered with paperwork, shined brightly in the words 'police station'. Calls were being made left, right and centre with the chatter getting louder. Chairs were stationed outside a door which led to the cells, which were mostly full of drunk people, waiting for them to become sober again. I've been here, working as a police detective for years.
I turned my attention back to the computer in front of me, the logo of the station pasted into the middle of the background. Currently, I had no cases, and I was mainly out stoping fights between people when they've had too much to drink on a night out. This was something I had to deal with on lots of occasions, but it comes with the job.
My boss approached me, striding over to my desk that was full of empty coffee cups and pens. His glossy grey hair glimmered in the moonlight that was projected from the window. It surprised me how he already had grey hair, even though he wasn't too old. Guess that's what having three kids gets you. His chestnut eyes narrowed and stared at me.
"Got a call from a woman. Apparently she found a body in Sherwood Forest. Get you stuff and let's go." his dark voice instructed.
His large figure and deep voice might have made him seem like an intimidating person, but he was the complete opposite. In fact, he was the nicest and friendliest person I knew.
As I gathered my jacket, badge and other equipment that would be needed, I wondered why a woman would be out so late. The sky was already dark, the moon already out and walking around this late wasn't a wise choice. How did they come across the body? All my questions would be answered as I quickly followed after my boss, slowing my pace down, so he could keep up. He wasn't the quickest or most athletic person I know, but he could catch criminals and that's all he needed to be able to do, beside other aspects too.
Slamming the doors of the police car, we set off towards Sherwood Forest. The radio between the different stations were kept loud and other police members had already arrived at the scene.
As we pulled up to the car park, police cars were scattered everywhere. One man stood leaning against one of the cars, holding a torch in one of his hands and waving at us to come over. We stepped out of the car and walked over to him, but something seemed familiar. Looking around, a red mini that was the colour of blood stood out to me. The familiar style of the car made me feel like I had seen it before. Maybe I had, but I've seen many cars like that and I'm sure it wouldn't be who I thought.
"Thought I'd show you where the body was. The night's dark and it's hard to see in those woods when it's this dark. And believe me, the body isn't easy to find. Come on, I'll show you." the man explained as he led us deeper into the forest.
The rain from earlier on was still pounding and seemed to get worse the more we entered the forest. My boss – Freddie – passed me a torch from out of the bag he was carrying along with him. The bright light allowed me to see where I was stepping as me foot slid along the mud that was now soaked, almost made into a puddle. Foot prints were imprinted onto the ground from where other people had walked, echoing the person's footprints before them.
Eventually we arrived at the scene. Tape was wrapped around trees, creating a square in the forest beside a river. People walked around the tape, snapping pictures where the bright flash of light was carried throughout the forest. Once all the pictures were taken, officers who were present at the scene ducked under the tape to start examining the scene and body.
Freddie strode over to the body, talking with the other officers who were here before us and putting his gloves on. They were all being careful not to disrupt any evidence that might help us figure out what happened here and to the dead person.
"Talk to the witness over there for me." Freddie ordered over the hammering rain.
The witness that was standing by a large oak tree was a woman with dirt covering her clothes, hair messy and soaked from the rain that was still pouring heavy and dirt stuck to her hands that were shaking rapidly. This was no ordinary woman. Not to me anyway.
Her small eyes that were the same colour of coffee and her light brown hair that was now tangled and darker from the rain was something I could never forget. Her round honey coloured face was one that I used to look forward to seeing, one I saw every morning as I woke up in bed with her. I wondered how Breonna had got herself in trouble this time.
Walking over, I noticed her eyes widen, but still not fully in the moment. Her eyes moved away from my direction, glued to the spot where the body was found. As I stood in front of her, she looked even better than the last time we met.
"Breonna? What happened here?"
The name I had longed to speak had finally rolled over my tongue as if I said it all the time. It had been so long since I saw her and said her name. I wished we could talk and catch up over the lost time between us, but I knew right now wasn't the right time. Even if it was, she wouldn't want to speak with me. Not after what I did.
Her eyes glanced back up at me, studying my blue eyes that she hasn't seen in so long. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she was about to say.
"I was running through the forest and wasn't looking where I was going. Next minute I know I tripped over something that was sticking out of the ground and when I turned my torch on my phone to look at what it was, I saw ..." her voice quaked as she spoke.
I could imagine what she saw when the light shone down on the ground. Though, I couldn't imagine what she was feeling.
In all the years I have known Breonna, never have I seen her like this. Her voice wasn't strong and confident as it usually was. Instead, her voice was like a whimper. All I wanted was to embrace her with my arms, to comfort her, but I knew I couldn't. It wouldn't be professional.
"What did you do after you saw what was sticking out of the ground?"
"I digged into the ground until I saw a face and was certain she was ..." she paused again – not being able to say the word – and continued, "then I called the police and you all came."
She craned her neck so her eyes met mine, realising that I was here and that this wasn't a dream. This was very much real.
I began to take more notes as I questioned her more about what happened. Out of all the people I had expected to meet, I never would have guessed it would be Breonna.
"I know who that is." she blurted out as I wrote the final pieces of information down.
Her eyes that were now gleaming in tears stared into my own. She wouldn't break contact. To most people, this would intimidate them, but not me. I knew Breonna better than that and could return the gaze just as well.
"Her name is Tanisha Clive. Her husband hired me. He thought she was missing and I guess he was right." she explained and I guess she was still a private investigator.
"When did he hire you?"
"Yesterday, on Saturday. She didn't come home on the Friday, so he called me the next morning. He said it was unusual for her not to be home by 7:30pm, which obviously she weren't."
Her trembling hands moved up and down her arms as her body shivered and rain drops travelled down her neck and face.
"Here." I said as I took my coat off and put it around her quaking body. She needed it more than me. She smiled weakly back up at me and her gaze returned back to the crime scene.
I knew she had done speaking as her mind wandered somewhere else, away from the cruel reality she was currently trapped in. As she knew the victim and was certain it was Tanisha's face she saw, then this would make it more difficult.
Slowly walking over to the scene and duking under the tape, my boss hovered over the body while other police officers took pictures of the body closer up.
"Might have a positive identification of the body. The witness is certain that this is Tanisha Clive. Apparently, her husband hired the witness to find her." I explained as I handed my notes over to Freddie.
"Well, she certainly found her then. She was just too late to save her. We'll make sure we get a positive identification from the people down in autopsy, before we go making any calls."
A group of men came running over with a black bag for the body on a stretcher. They gently picked the body up and placed her inside, zipping the bag up and carrying her away, rain tapping on the bag.
Torches were radiating onto the ground, lighting up the drenched ground. There was nothing of importance on the ground. No clues to who could have done this. We walked around shining the torches on the ground for an hour or so until we knew we had covered every inch of the crime scene. There was nothing.
Police officers began to retreat from the forest and soon it was time for us all to leave. "I'll make sure this stays closed for a while until we have further information." Freddie explained as we made our way back to the parking lot.
There were no cameras around: it was a forest and events like this didn't usually happen. The only thing that might help us at the moment is the autopsy on the body, the woman's family and Breonna.
Behind me, Breonna dragged her feet along the path, staring at the ground. She had been quiet the entire time we were here, which was unusual for her. Though, after what she saw, I wasn't surprised. Seeing a dead body isn't something people see daily.
She quickly hopped into her car and drove away after Freddie had taken her details in case we would need to contact her again.
Seeing her like that, so broken, so destroyed by the events of tonight broke my heart. She didn't deserve to be involved in this catastrophe. But I couldn't think about that. I had to get this case and solve it.
When we arrived at the police station, me and Freddie walked back into his office where a desk was in the centre of the room with filing cabinets behind him. An office chair sat in front of the desk for guests and one behind it for him.
"Do you currently have a case?" he asked, lowering himself down onto his chair.
"No, not at the moment. I would appreciate it if I could have this case."
I really wanted to have this case, especially if it involved Breonna. His eyes peered into mine, wondering if I should be given the case. He didn't have much of a choice. Everyone other officers here had one, and I was the most qualified for this. And if Breonna was involved, then the only way she would give away details about Tanisha (if it really is her) was to me. After all, I knew her best and knew how to get her to spill all the details.
"Fine, the case is yours. You better get started. The press will be all over this before we have a chance to blink."
Nodding, I left his office, knowing I had to go to autopsy to see who the dead woman really was. They wouldn't have started yet, so I headed home and decided to get some sleep before starting the case tomorrow.
My alarm rang loudly in my ear as I woke up from my dreamless sleep. Quickly turning it off, I got ready and grabbed my coat. My clipped black hair was smoothed down and my eyes were wide awake. Sometimes, the bags under my eyes make me seem like I've been punched in the face, but thankfully, today they were as clear as day.
My house wasn't large, in fact the rooms were the same size as an apartment room would be. There was little furniture after moving in a few months ago and lots of my belongings were still in boxes. The rooms that were decorated were the bedroom, living room and kitchen. A black and white striped rug was placed over a trap door that led to a basement and on top was a coffee table, a TV hung on the walls and a small sofa was placed facing it. The living room wasn't much but at the moment it would do. I enjoyed to travel lots, so I wasn't planning on staying here for long.
After making a cup of coffee, I sauntered to my car and began to drive to get the autopsy results.
Once I arrived to the building where the autopsy was held, I walked through two sliding doors that led to a large room with elevator rooms at each side. It looked similar to reception, but there were fewer people around. Seats were located in the corners of the room.
"You must be Philando Reid. My name is Eric Smith." a voice said from behind me.
He was a tall man who seemed to be quite athletic just from looking at his build. His ash grey eyes stared into mine as he offered me his hand, which felt like ice. His bald head gleamed from sweat and the light above.
"That is me, hello." I responded, shaking his hand.
When I arrived back home, I instantly made a call here to make sure I could get information about this case as quick as I could.
"Please, come with me to my office."
He led me into the elevator and pressed the button down. Once the doors opened, we arrived into a room that I assumed was his office. Another door was located in his office at the back of his desk where I guess he would perform the autopsy's. A small yellow sofa was backed up against the wall with two filing cabinets and bookshelves at either side.
"So, the autopsy has been performed; I can confirm that the body does belong to a woman names Tanisha Clive." he stated, pushing a picture of her into my hands as he leaned against his wooden desk that was in front of the door.
Her face was gleaming and her smile was one that would light up the room. She seemed like the type of person who would enjoy spontaneous activities and spending time with her family.
Her family.
My mind spun back to when Breonna told me that she was hired by her husband. She was right about it being Tanisha, and now it was time for the hardest part of my job. Breaking the news to her family. I always hated this as seeing their heart shatter right before their eyes and not being able to do something about it was dreadful. But it had to be done.
My eyes moved back up to Eric, who was staring closely at me, waiting for me to listen once again.
"The autopsy shows that Tanisha died by drowning. But the interesting thing is that the river in Sherwood Forest isn't that deep. The water is deep enough for a head to be submerged in, but the body can easily stand up and walk out of the river."
"You think she didn't die of drowning by accident." I asked, staring up at him as my thumb moved along the palm of my head and my foot bounced up and down.
"Not at all, detective. There were marks found around her mouth and shoulders, that would infer someone was holding her down. I'm no detective, but if you want to know what I think, this was no accident." he stated as a woman walked through the door behind his desk and a gust of numbing air entered the room that was already icy cold.
This would make this case a lot harder. Everything would become more difficult than I had imagined this case to be when I decided to take it on.
"What else can you tell me?"
"Well, she died at 00:30am and, oh, I found this on her body when she was brought in. It was in her pocket."
He turned around and grabbed a clear plastic bag that held a phone. It looked wet, but the case that was wrapped around the phone, might have been able to protect it. I would be incredibly surprised if the phone worked.
Passing me the bag, I tucked it into my pockets, and he stood straight, letting me know that's all the information he had for me.
As I thanked him for his help, I made my way to the elevator, up into the entrance room and to my car where I placed gloves over my hands and reached for the phone.
If this worked, I would be extremely shocked after all, it had gone through lots of rain. Though, to my surprise, an apple appeared on the screen once my finger was pressed down on the power button. It still worked.
However, the phone was stuck on her messages to her husband, which seemed like the last person she texted. What was different, was the text was sent at 00:35am which was after she died. The text Tanisha sent to her husband, wasn't from her. Eric's theory on Tanisha being murdered was starting to become possible even more.
The engine roared as I began to make my way to her husband's house. It was time to break the news.
On the way to the house, my fingers jumped to the volume button, turning it straight up after hearing reports about Sherwood Forest. The radio presenter stated that the nature reserve would be closed for a couple of days after a dead body was reported in the forest. Somehow, the press had already acquired information on whom the dead person was, and I could already picture the swarm of people standing outside of Tanisha's house, edging closer to the house while trying to get a glimpse of what's inside.
And I was right. Outside, vans were parked around the street with reporters and camera men lurking outside of the house. Pushing past the people who were firing questions as me, ones I didn't have the answer to, I knocked on the door loudly after announcing who I was and was quickly let inside.
The house was dark with nearly every curtain drawn across the windows. George sat down on the sofa, a box of tissues by his side and his eyes red. A tear fell from his eyes, sliding down his cheek as he suppressed the rest.
"She's dead, isn't she?" he asked weakly.
Nodding, he turned his face away from me, wrapping his jumper closer around his body.
"I understand that this might not be the best time to ask questions, Mr Clive, but I need to know everything that you do."
"I thought I knew everything about my wife. Now, I'm not so sure." he confessed, voice shaking and began to slowly tell me everything else he knew.
I imagine that everything he said had already been repeated to Breona. Turns out, she was right. She was right about being hired and about Tanisha. I never doubted her cleverness and sharpness on cases, but this just proved it even more. She always thought that she was doing an appalling job on her cases, but in the end, she always solved them. And I had no doubt she could help with this one.
Maybe then, we can fix what was lost between us. Maybe, we could go back to the way things were. We could go on dates again, laugh in each other's company and kiss like never before. You see, I lost her when I made a mistake and I hate losing. But now, I had a chance to get her back in my life and fix my wrongs.
After George had told me all he knew, I could see the despair in his eyes. The sadness that lurked beyond what we could see. His eyes showed how he was feeling, but his heart showed much more. Something people weren't even able to imagine feeling.
I wished him my condolences and as I forced myself through the crowd of people, pointing microphones in my face, he made a call to someone I couldn't hear. It reminded me that it was time I made my own call.
Another long drive, and I reached my house that seemed emptier than it had when I left. I really needed to unpack my boxes. Ordering takeaway and sitting on the sofa, I seized the phone in my pocket. Breonna's number was still in my phone. I had hoped that she would eventually forgive me, that we would go back to being a couple, but she didn't. I knew the only reason she didn't take my head off today was because she was too traumatized by the events that had unfolded.
The loud buzzing in my phone was pressed harshly to my ear, hoping that she would pick up. The sound of beeps seemed to go on forever, but then, I heard her voice that seemed so small and fragile, unlike what it usually was.
"Hello?" she asked, clearly she had deleted my number.
"Hey, it's me Philando. I was just checking in to make sure you were OK. Maybe you wanted someone to talk to."
There was silence on the other end and for a split-second, my heart dropped, thinking she would hang up on me.
"I'm not OK." she confessed and a sniffle could be heard.
"Do you want to talk to me about it? Maybe in person somewhere."
"Yeah, I would like that."
"Tomorrow at 6:30pm. I know this little cafe near the edge of town." I suggested which she agreed to.
My heart was rapidly beating and I finally had her back in my life. I could help her through this, and she could see that I deserved a second chance. This had to work, it will.
Before I turned my phone off, I decided to send another text to someone before my take away arrived. Right now, my life was at high stakes and everything, every move and every decision I made, had to be perfect.
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