Chapter Eleven
Flamewind shivered from cold, but blinked gratefully at the pinking sky. It would soon be dawn, and all the tom could think of was his nice warm nest in the warrior's den. Bramblestrike shook his pelt beside him, twitching his whiskers. "Brrrr..." He shivered, fluffing his pelt. "I hope Riverpelt sends some other cats out here soon!" Flamewind nodded, but didn't say anything back. He watched the sky grow lighter a bit despondently. He had thought Sandstar would see reason, and let RainClan come to MistClan. Surely Silverstar's suggestion would solve everycat's problems easily? The tom's ears perked up and he glanced to Bramblestrike.
"Did you hear that?" He asked, leaning forward and stretching out his stiff muscles as he stood. The brown tabby tom looked up quizzically.
"Hear what?"
"I think somecat is coming." The noise came again, and then the two toms could pick up sounds of voices. Twigs cracked everywhere and the bushes rustled.
"They sure aren't trying to be quiet." Bramblestrike muttered, but his eyes shone.
"So it seems Sandstar started looking past her own nose!" Flamewind let out a mrrow of laughter, soon joined by Bramblestrike. The two waited, and before long a blue-furred, long whiskered tom pushed through the brush, and over the scent line, starting a little when he saw them. "Greetings." Flamewind purred. "You must be RainClan."
The tom smiled softly, and Flamewind noticed how thin they all were. More cats appeared around them and he spotted Oakpelt and Sandstar stalking up. "Sure, but most cats call me Dewstripe." The blue-furred tom said. Flamewind's whiskers twitched with amusement and he dipped his head, and opened his mouth to speak, but Sandstar shouldered past.
"Well come on. Are you here to escort us or not?" She growled irritably. Flamewind nodded, bristling slightly when he heard her mutter under her breath. "Like Silverstar to send us a 'welcoming committee'"
Bramblestrike took the lead next to Sandstar, leading the way toward the camp. Flamewind hung back to wait for the others and bring up the rear. His brow furrowed when he saw the cats file past him. Only five Warriors and two apprentices were there, the others were elders and queens. He recognized the two elders, Half-ear and lilactail from gatherings, and they had seemed nice enough. He thought they'd enjoy being with Twistedtail, Lilywater and Cloudedear. As the last came by he ended up walking beside a dark brown tabby she cat with white tufts on her chest and paws. "Hi!" She chirped. "I'm Falconfeather."
"Flamewind." He replied.
She dipped her head. The tabby pointed with her tail to the cats ahead of them. "That's Birchwing just in front of us." She said pointing to a light brown she cat with green eyes. "And her kits, Hazelkit and Oakkit." She nodded towards another queen, walking awkwardly around a swollen belly. "That's Snowflower." She said.
Flamewind nodded, thankful for the introductions, but couldn't help wondering if this had been the right thing to do. There would soon be more kits queens and elders than Warriors and apprentices! He wondered if taking in RainClan would only weaken the clan, not strengthen it. By then, they were nearing the camp and the cats filed ahead of him pushing past the thorn bushes twined around the entrance.
He heard the sound of many pawsteps as the clan woke to greet RainClan. He slipped into the camp after the others, where the new cats spread out in a loose semi-circle, Sandstar and Oakpelt in the middle. Silverstar padded out from her den and walked towards them. "Welcome!" She purred. "I'm glad to see you've made your choice Sandstar."
Sandstar flicked an ear. "RainClan is sheltering in MistClan now. All of them are here, except for a warrior who is is incapacitated and an apprentice who has stayed to be with them."
Silverstar dipped her head. Flamewind looked around at all of them. In all, there were five Warriors and two apprentices, two queens, two kits with more to come, and two elders. Flamewind frowned again, wondering if they had just bargained for more hungry mouths. The tom shook his head, he couldn't be questioning Silverstar's decisions. Murmurs rose around him as his clanmates rose from their nests. Sandstar flicked an ear. "RainClan is a part of MistClan now, not EarthClan." She fixed them all with a piercing gaze that said anycat crossing the border would be attacked. Flamewind bristled slightly and a few cats glared. Sandstar dipped her head to Silverstar then turned and trotted out of camp with Oakpelt. Riverpelt flicked his tail at Brightstorm and Redstorm and the two cats followed them out.
Silverstar leaped onto the Great Rock and yowled to her clan. Flamewind settled himself beside Mintleaf and Rosepaw. He caught Mintleaf looking at him a bit oddly, but shrugged it off as Silverstar began to speak. The silver-grey cat motioned the RainClan cats towards her. "As you know, RainClan will be sheltering with us here." Some cats yowled in welcome, while others muttered darkly. Silverstar's eyes flashed at her clan, anger burning in them as some of her clan rejected the RainClan Warriors. Flamewind saw the newcomers flinch slightly at the less-than-wholehearted welcome. Flamewind thought of how scared and uncomfortable they must feel. With their clan gone, being moved from clan to clan, forced to live with cats they'd known as enemies their whole life, family and friends captured... Flamewind shuddered. He couldn't imagine how they must feel. Silverstar began to speak again. "Would you like to introduce yourselves?"
Falconfeather nodded. "I'm Falconfeather." She said.
The blue-grey tom stepped forward. "My name is Dewstripe."
A small dusty brown she cat raised her voice. "I'm Berryfur." She flicked her tail to a grey tom with white paws beside her. "This is my brother Pebblefoot."
Foxflight looked around at them all. "I think you know me." He smiled nervously at them all.
Two young cats stepped forward. A white tom and a soft grey she cat. "I'm Frostpaw." The tom declared.
"And I'm Featherpaw."
Birchwing and Snowflower introduced themselves, and Lilactail and Half-Ear grunted their names. Silverstar nodded, then jumped down. The gathered cats began to disperse, but the RainClan cats shuffled their paws looking unsure of themselves. Flamewind watched as Goldberry herded the queen's and kits towards the nursery. Cypresspaw came up to the two apprentices, with Thornpaw trailing behind. The sight of Ashpaw's littermate made Flamewind flinch as he thought of her, lying still, trapped in a living death. He felt the familiar ember of hate rising up in him, then shook his head, banishing these dark thoughts. "Now is not the time." he told himself. He padded up to Falconfeather. "Come on." He said friendlily. "The Warriors den is over here." Falconfeather smiled and followed him. Dewstripe padded after them a heartbeat later, and Flamewind saw Scorchfur and Mossflight leading Berryfur, Pebblefoot, and Foxflight after them. Flamewind curled up in his nest and the RainClan cats stood around awkwardly for a moment before searching out unused nests for themselves. He noticed they all seemed to stay on one corner of the den, near the outside where the younger Warriors like him slept. Riverpelt poked his head in after they all had settled somewhat.
"You all sleep, you too Bramblestrike and Flamewind, you've all had a long night. We'll see about the sunhigh patrol later."
Flamewind grunted, too tired to reply. He stiffened when he felt breath on his flank. Twisting his head around he saw Falconfeather curled up beside him. A sharp pang shot through him, for she was in Cloudstream's nest. His clanmates had left Cloudstream's and Cedartail's nests empty, but the scent was so faint; how was Falconfeather to know? Pain shot through him, and he gasped for air. Falconfeather looked up, her green eyes puzzled.
"I'm sorry, am I in somecat's nest?" She asked worriedly.
Flamewind flinched. "No." He whispered eventually. "Not anymore."
Flamewind opened his eyes to see strong sunlight filtering through the reed covering of the den. He started slightly at the sound of the full warrior's den before he remembered that RainClan cats were here with them. A pang of grief shot through him as he realized that he had actually been surprised that the den had been full. He stood, stepping gingerly around the sleeping cats. He noted worriedly that most slept uneasily, and a few opened their eyes as he passed. He emerged into bright sunlight and blinked as Riverpelt padded over. "Feeling up for a patrol?" He asked.
"Sure." The flame-pelted tom replied.
"Alright, take that brown tabby, and the grey tom..." The deputy shook his head. "Dew-something, and ahh." Flamewind twitched his whiskers amusedly.
"Falconfeather and Dewstripe?"
He nodded. "Those are the ones! How about Amberpaw and Sunstreak to go with you too. You should hunt on your way back."
"Alright, I'll round 'em up." Flamewind dipped his head and padded to the apprentice den. Sticking his head in he saw Amberpaw curled up beside Creekpaw. They must've went out training or something earlier, Flamewind thought. "Hey Amberpaw." Flamewind meowed, nudging the red and white striped apprentice. Amberpaw twitched and opened her eyes, Creekpaw stirring beside her.
"Wha..." She grunted blearily. "Flamewind?"
"You're in my patrol, meet us by the entrance." He said then turned to leave.
"Hey, am I needed too?" Creekpaw piped up, sitting up quickly, and looking at him hopefully.
"Not on mine," he said. The young tom looked crestfallen. Flamewind smiled at his enthusiasm, then winced as it reminded him of himself and Cloudstream as apprentices. "Riverpelt's sorting out patrols; ask him if you want to go out." Creekpaw nodded vigorously and Flamewind padded away, back to the Warriors den. "Falconfeather! Dewstripe! Sunstreak!" He hissed under his breath. The three cats stirred and looked up. "Patrol." He said.
Falconfeather stood and stepped gingerly around her clanmates, and Dewstripe nodded once. Sunstreak stretched, then made her way out of the den. "Where are we going?" She asked him as she joined him by the entrance.
"Good question." He replied, moving towards the group clustered around Riverpelt. He was sorting out the rest of the day's patrols.
"Ah, Fallowtail take Deerpaw, Mossflight, and one of the RainClan cats... How about the grey one, what's his face. Well take them on the RainClan border." He was saying. Murmurs broke out around him and Flamewind glanced around before clearing his throat.
"Hey Riverpelt where's my patrol going?" He called.
The deputy looked over, seeming unusually harried. "Uh make sure the RainClan border's clear."
Flamewind frowned. "Didn't you just assign Fallowtail's patrol there?" He asked.
The light brown she cat flicked her tail. "Yes you did, and you put Deerpaw on it when she just got back from training with Brightstorm a few heartbeats ago. You can't send her out again." Deerpaw looked up at her mother, protesting feebly, but anycat could see she was tired. Flamewind glanced up at Riverpelt, frowning slightly. The more he thought about it he realized that the usually strong tom was losing his edge. A few sunrises ago he'd put Redstorm on two patrols at once, sometimes he'd forget which patrols he'd sent where, and then just this morning he couldn't remember the RainClan cat's names. He realized that on the patrol he'd just tried to send out it was a little odd that he'd put Fallowtail to lead it not Mossflight.
"And did you mean Pebblefoot?" Falconfeather called from the outskirts of the group, looking slightly annoyed that he didn't remember her clanmate's name. Immediately the atmosphere changed as cats turned with bristling pelts towards Falconfeather. She lifted her chin, but turned and walked towards the entrance where the rest of Flamewind's patrol was waiting. Whispers rose around him and Flamewind looked back to Riverpelt. The tom suddenly looked very old and tired, and so overwhelmed. He cleared his throat and began to relay orders with the familiar confidence and efficiency that he usually wielded.
"Mossflight, take the patrol with Creekpaw instead and Pebblefoot to the RainClan border." The tortoiseshell she cat nodded, waving Fallowtail and Creekpaw over with her tail. "Redstorm, take Cypresspaw, Berryfur and Frostpaw hunting." He hesitated and Flamewind saw his eyes dart towards Brightstorm, then away again. The dappled she cat was looking down at the earth, with a blank expression. The tom caught Riverpelt give a small sigh before he addressed him. "Flamewind take your patrol by the StormClan border, and check along Fourtrees for any sign of EarthClan." The orange tom nodded and walked away as the rest began to disperse as well. As he padded away he caught Mintleaf looking with a worried and baleful expression he always seemed to wear these days, except this time it wasn't directed at him, the old medicine cat was looking at Riverpelt.
Flamewind padded through the marshy area, Sunstreak and Amberpaw following confidently, Falconfeather and Dewstripe were another story.
"Mouse dung!" Came another shrill cry as Falconfeather slipped, her paw sinking into a muddy patch. Dewstripe grunted and pulled his paw up with a huge sucking sound.
'Really, how do these RainClan cats survive?' Flamewind thought exasperatedly. He waved Sunstreak and Amberpaw on ahead and reached out, pulling Falconfeather up and onto a tuft of dry grass. "Honestly." He muttered under his breath. She shot him a glare and whipped around, her tail flicking his nose. Flamewind glared darkly, much to fed up to satisfy her with a reply. Soon enough, though, they were out of the marshes and reached the more densely wooded area on the outskirts of StormClan forests. Falconfeather and Dewstripe brightened considerably, and soon the tabby she cat was prancing around, apparently all anger forgotten.
"So this is MistClan territory." She said, looking all around her. "I like these forests better than EarthClan's. Theirs was much to dry!" Flamewind scoffed. Falconfeather looked over. "Hmmm? What was that?"
The ginger tom sighed. "How is it you can't walk through the marsh but you like the wet?"
"Not wet wet, just, you know, damp!"
Flamewind rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop a soft mrrow of laughter escaping him. She seemed so light and happy, untouched by the growing shadow. The patrol continued the border run, and everything seemed quiet with StormClan and EarthClan. When they had finished, Flamewind broke them off into groups for hunting. He'd sent Sunstreak, Amberpaw, and Dewstripe off towards the marshes to hunt, while he and Falconfeather would go on the roundabout loop back to camp.
"Hey look!" Falconfeather whispered excitedly, angling her ears towards a bracken clump.
Flamewind looked, scenting a water vole. She dropped into a crouch and began to creep forward, setting her paws down lightly. However, she sunk into the marshy ground and each paw came up with a small sucking sound. The bracken stopped twitching and Flamewind hurried forward, hopping from tussock to tussock of grass. "What are you doing?" He asked Falconfeather, a bit harshly.
"Hunting?" She replied.
"Not like that! You'll alert every vole in the territory if you do that!"
Falconfeather looked hurt for a moment, then eager the next. "Show me how you hunt!"
Flamewind paused then crouched down. "Keep your movements small and short, and stay low to the ground. You want to find somewhere sheltered to wait for prey to come within pouncing distance. That's why we usually hunt in larger groups."
Falconfeather nodded. "And how do you keep your paws dry?"
Flamewind's whiskers twitched. "Jump from dry spot to dry spot."
"Which spots are dry?"
Flamewind shrugged, "you just have to get used to recognizing them, I guess. For now, follow me and step where I do." He led the way deeper into the marsh in order to train Falconfeather a little. She followed him nimbly, stepping where he did. Flamewind nodded approvingly, then paused as he saw a bubble. "Frog up ahead." He whispered, angling his ears towards it. He crouched down, and leapt to a muddy area with a patch of reeds growing by it. The ginger tom crouched in the reeds and watched the frog. It hopped closer and closer... Flamewind jumped out, and leapt up again as soon as his paws hit the ground. The frog turned and leapt when he had jumped initially, but he batted it down on its second jump. Falconfeather darted forward and delivered a killing blow.
"Wow!" She exclaimed. "That was amazing!"
Flamewind smiled and picked up the frog. "Come on, we'll head back to the woods and go to camp from the StormClan side." She nodded and followed him out of the worst of the marshes.
"So who is everyone?" she asked him once they were walking through the forest.
"What?" Flamewind asked.
"Who's in the clan? If.." she trailed off and sighed softly. "If I'm going to be spending...some time here then I'd like to know who everyone is."
Flamewind nodded, feeling another rush of pity for the displaced cats. "Well, you know Silverstar and Riverpelt," he began. "Mintleaf is our medicine cat and his apprentice Rosepaw. There's Brightstorm, Redstorm, Scorchfur, Fireleap, Mossflight-"
"Woah woah!" Falconfeather stopped him. "Too fast!" she giggled.
Flamewind nodded, flushing slightly. "Ok, well our senior warriors are Scorchfur, Mossflight, and Bramblestrike. And..." he trailed off. Most of the others had been taken by the darkness. Falconfeather seemed subdued, and he figured she'd came to the same conclusion he did.
"Okay, what about you? Who's your kin?" she asked, deftly changing the subject.
Flamewind hesitated, she'd unwittingly changed it to an even more uncomfortable one. He'd very much like to go on talking about Mousewing, Greyflower, and Cedartail now. "Well," he began. "I was named after my father, Brackenflame."
"Oh, is he that big dark brown tabby that was with you this morning?" she asked interestedly.
"No," Flamewind replied, wondering if it was worth it to keep going. "That's Bramblestrike. My father died." he said flatly. It had always been a touchy subject for him and brought him even closer to Cloudstream; a topic he really didn't want to discuss.
"Oh." the tabby she cat said softly. "I'm so sorry. How did he die?"
"I don't know." Flamewind replied, picking up the pace a little. He saw her eyes widen in confusion. "Nocat would tell me. They'd say it didn't matter how he died, only how he lived, and that he was a great warrior for his clan." the young tom closed his eyes briefly, then continued on. They'd always talk about his father, never his mother.
"What about your mother? Did you have any littermates?"
Flamewind felt a prickle of annoyance in him. It was as if she'd read his mind. She was driving her claws into a soft spot in his life and he would really rather stop talking about it completely. Flamewind sighed, and suddenly it all started to come pouring out of him, and he realized how much he had really needed to tell someone about it all. "Nocat will tell me anything about my mother. They say she was an asset to her clan and that she died in kitting. My brother, Woodkit, was stillborn, and my sister, Thrushkit, died soon after we were born." Falconfeather listened, her eyes sympathetic and pitying. He didn't know what had compelled him to tell her about it. Her, a RainClan cat. He just felt as if he could talk to her, and that she'd understand.
"I'm sorry." she said again.
Flamewind flicked his tail. "Don't be. You didn't have anything to do with it." He began to trot swiftly back towards camp, veering purposefully towards the marshes.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Falconfeather called, falling a little behind. Flamewind frowned to himself. Couldn't she take a hint? Apparently taking his silence for a 'no' she caught up to him and rested her tail on his flank. "Well, I'm here if you ever need to talk." Flamewind nodded, feeling very odd and slightly hollow after the whole conversation.
What was happening to him? He thought of his mother and father. Emberheart, Brackenflame, Woodkit, Thrushkit... Why wouldn't anycat give him any answers. He shook his head. "My mother's name was Emberheart." he said. Falconfeather froze and turned to him, shock clear in her eyes. A heartbeat later she was walking along agitatedly, obviously trying to act like it was just another name, just another queen. "What?" Flamewind said, a million thoughts rushing through his mind. How was it a RainClan cat knew about his mother? What had happened? Who was his mother? "Falconfeather, what do you know?!"
A/N Hello guys! Cliffie, hehe... Sorry for the late's a longer chapter to make up for it :3
Soooo, what did you think? Good? Bad? Constructive criticism is always welcome!
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