Chapter 3
November 9th, 1966
John's Point of View
The paper showed up at my doorstep the next morning. It was really early, I hadn't even turned the radio on or got my morning tea yet. I hadn't put my glasses on contacts on yet, but I picked the paper up so I could look at it later. I was going to call Paul, to make sure that everything was okay. I only didn't last night because I wanted to give him some time. But there was something different about this paper... I couldn't quite put my finger on it but the paper felt new, fresh even. Usually it was thicker too, and only came on Sundays. It was Thursday... Was this a special coincidence or important paper? I honestly had no clue. I was going to look at it, but stopped... Until the bold print that I barely even noticed, made me curious. I read the title, and my heart sunk. I squinted my eyes and brought the paper closer. Surely I was seeing it wrong.
"No no no! My Macca isn't dead." I kept scanning it, all the words... and the picture? A car had rammed into a telephone line. The impact crumpled it too, and there was fire. It looked nothing like Paul's car! Well of course it wouldn't have in this state... It said he died on impact. This couldn't be real. It was a scam for sure. I read that he got into an accident around 1 am. But I had just seen him right before midnight. His house isn't over an hour away. And from the picture I saw, I couldn't make it out exactly where he was... But it wasn't anywhere near his home. I didn't believe it. If it were, the whole universe would've known by now! I would've gotten a call! Though I didn't believe it, I felt broken.
Last night is the night I will remember you by
When I think of things we did
It makes me want to cry
If he really was gone, I'll only remember what happened last night. My last memory with him. I kept thinking about that as tears slipped down my face and I just broke down. "NO." My whole world was collapsing under my feet. He can't really be gone! I made a few frantic phone calls. How was everyone told, but yet I never got a phone call, even from George or Ringo!? It must all be a sick joke he is playing on me and only me... trying to make me feel worse than I already do.
Julian's Point of View
I'd never seen daddy crying before. It scared me. He was throwing things and screaming. First he yelled some words that I'd get beat for saying. "Daddy?" I asked but didn't want to get in the way. I didn't want to be hit so I just watched him. He was destroying the house. All the records on the walls had been smashed except three. 'We Can Work it Out,' 'All My Loving,' and 'The Night Before' were still hanging up. Daddy stared at them and he looked more angry than sad. He mumbled something about Uncle Paulie. I was so confused. I wasn't sure what all had happened last night when Paulie left. It looked like he and daddy had something bad going on. It was even more confusing when I followed him and saw that he was holding and crying into one of Paul's old sweaters. I hid by the door timidly, but I couldn't take it. I didn't want to see daddy cry so I walked in there and hugged him. "What's wrong? Why are you upset?"
He just pushed me away, and I fell on the floor because my little legs didn't catch me. "Julian! Get out! This is grown up stuff!"
I whimpered and tried not to cry, I didn't want to make him more irritated. I really hope daddy makes up with Paul... Because I like him more. He even plays pirate with me. I miss him already. I want mommy to come back. The only good thing she did was let me go over to Uncle Paul's even when it wasn't my turn to be with daddy. I watched daddy sniffle and rub his face. He grabbed his phone and after a moment I heard George.
George's Point of View
As far as I knew, only John, Ringo, and I had gotten this paper... Maybe Eppy as well. Ringo and I were in my flat that night. We were up the entire night; so when we got that paper we went to the police station. There we got the full story. Paul had been driving kind of recklessly, a truck driver had told the coppers. That same truck driver was behind Paul. Paul's tires were starting to slip because of the slight flooding due to the storm last night. He lost control of the car, and so did the truck driver. A few other factors played into the next thing that happened, but they weren't specified. Paul apparently stopped in the middle of the road and the driver didn't stop in time behind him. That resulted in this massive truck pushing Paul's car off the road, where it collided head first with a telephone pole. It caught on fire and was completely crushed. Paul was crushed and dead on arrival when anyone got there. He had suffered from many head injuries, major burns, and from the waist down was barely attached to the remainder of his body. The impact from the hit caused the steering wheel to start to sever his body. He had hit his head on the dash and would've suffered brain damage if he hadn't died. Not a lot of people knew about the accident. Only us; guys, the paramedics, and the guy who ran him off the road knew it was Paul that had been in it. Thank goodness not many people had been there to see it. Eppy already mentioned something about covering it up when we contacted him.
I was quiet and calm, but inside I was curling up and dying. I had to be strong. My best friend wouldn't have wanted me to be so upset. I knew him all too well. That wasn't the only reason that I couldn't cry, however. I was now back at my flat, with a crying Ringo in my arms. It was all too much. I still felt like I had all of the responsibility to be strong for the other guys. It was really hard... I love Paul just as much as everyone else. I've known him since we were 5 years old. I was breaking. When John called, he got into a fight with me about the stupidest thing. But I can't blame him.
"How are you holding up, John?" I sniffled. Still in shock from when it happened.
"I-I'm not holding up! And you? Are we done with stupid questions? Thank you!"
"I'm not very well either..." I whimpered out. "Is he- is he really gone? Were you allowed to see him? They declined us because we aren't family."
"Oh, shut up George. There is no seeing that! He's probably a pile of guts."
John's tone didn't make me feel any better about the situation. I was trying to balance with the phone, keep myself together, and comfort a sobbing Ringo. It really hurt honestly. I was at my breaking point. "John, don't be so insensitive.... He was- is my best friend and I just want to tell him how much he means to me again." My eyes were burning with tears by now, Ringo whimpered because of my comment. I had to somehow reassure him that I loved him the most, and just pulled him closer.
"Don't you dare! How do you think I feel? Huh? You have no right to say something like that! He was my lover. Not yours. You were never as close to him as I was. Never will be either. Don't t disrespect me like that... It's my fault he is gone, anyroad..."
"How is't your fault?"
"We fought and he left, on the verge of a breakdown."
Just hearing that John was his lover and the fact that he let him leave like that, just really shows me how awful my bandmate was. I don't even know the whole story either. "You filthy wanker!"
"You don't talk to me like that, Harrison."
John hung up, and I cursed myself. I called myself names and just felt horrible about it all. "Jesus... I didn't talk to my friend. I wasn't there for him. I'm so stupid and awful."
"That's not true... You're amazing Georgie. Don't talk like that..." Ringo had his head on my shoulder. That boy was the only reason I didn't get up and personally beat the living crap out of John. I didn't to make him even more upset.
John's Point of View
The funeral was a closed casket. Of course it was. My Paulie was nothing anymore. There were beautiful flowers everywhere. I touched one of the petals, it was soft and it reminded me of how soft his skin was... Most of the time I was crying. The other bit, I was speaking. Speaking about how perfect Paul was. I never brought up our love, because now wasn't the time. I only told everyone about how he was an amazing human. About how he cared for everyone. How he put all he had into whatever he did. And he will be greatly missed.
George glared at me for the majority time, and Ringo had to leave with him halfway through. I was surprised at how calm Ritchie was. George lost it towards the end. Julian and Cynthia were sitting towards the back. Jules had been crying as well. He kept telling me he wanted to play pirates like he did with Paul. I had no idea what he was talking about... And it broke my heart how upset he was.
Though it was disrespectful, I had to keep Cynthia there at his funeral. She kept Jules somewhat calm. It was intimidating, having Paul's whole family stare me down. God, I missed him. I needed my love back... There were so many nights where I just wanted to end it all. I realized all too late that I needed him. I realized way too late that I should've been better to him.
I realized, I didn't lie to him about how I loved him. I've always loved him. So much. He was my everything, and still is.
September 8, 1971
I shuffled on my feet as I approached a grave. He was buried in a private lot where nobody but his family and I knew. The public had no idea he was gone. We had a lot of unreleased stuff from the studio that we put out... And we were no longer touring. It was really easy to hide until the press wanted interviews. We got a look/sound/play alike. He was almost exactly like Paul. He played, sung, spoke... just like him. It was really scary. There were many a time that I was afraid to speak to him. I'd catch myself staring at him like he was a ghost. It wasn't my Paul. I wished so hard it was however. But since the Beatles broke up, all four of us had been making it on our own. Tomorrow, I was going to release a new album... But I wrote a song for my love. I had gotten past Cynthia. And this girl, Yoko, that I started falling for. Each and every day I longed for Paul more and more.
It's 5 years overdue, and nobody else will know why I wrote this song... But I wrote it for him. I found myself out on a pier by the water. It was the first place we had kissed. We went out there to write the song 'All my Loving,' and we looked at each other... And it was just magical. So I went out there and wrote for him. In that same spot. I talked to him out there too. I looked up in the sky- and I knew it was hopeless- but I felt like he was looking back at me. And the water was beautiful with sun almost completely gone behind the sea.
The ground was quite rough, but I got used to it. I found myself out here all the time. I passed a few graves before I found the one.
James Paul McCartney
Wonderful musician and lover
I smiled down at it. "Hello, love..." I chuckled weakly. "How are you doing up there? I know I say it all the time, but I hope you're not in pain anymore. I'm sorry, darling. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. And you were right all of those years ago- I was jealous... And I wrote you a song. I've written a few songs for you, but this one speaks out about the thing I feel the worst about. Paulie, I love you... and I wish I could just hold you and tell you." I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes as I pulled out a piece of paper with the lyrics on it.
"I was dreaming of the past
And my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control
I began to lose control
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy."
I had to stop to collect myself before I continued on again. It got colder and I could feel him beside me. I was shaking, only slightly, but it was scary. He was there but he wasn't.
"I was feeling insecure
You might not love me anymore
I was shivering inside
I was shivering inside
Oh I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy."
I stopped singing, because I couldn't go on. "Maybe one day when I'm singing on stage, you'll hear it all, love. I know you'll be there." I smiled. "I love you, okay. But I have to go. Jules is in 2nd grade now. Can you believe that? I know he misses you, just as much as I do. But I have to go help him with his homework. I'll be back tomorrow, I promise."
The End
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