
I got Nothing to say so let's get this chapter started


As Marco stirred and began to open his eyes, he felt weighed on his right side. He tiredly looked to his right and saw a soundly, sleeping Star. Marco blushed madly and began to recall the events of last night.

'Shit,' He thought groggily. 'Should I have announced my identity last night? That could cause me future problems, oh well. That's a problem for future me'

He then got up slowly, trying not to wake Star and went downstairs to make breakfast.

'Hmm, my parents are coming home tomorrow, I have many of questions for them' Marco thought, while cooking bacon in a small, black metal pan.

After eating, Marco took a long hot shower and put on his training Gi before going outside and starting the workout plan Blade gave him. Marco started doing laps around the neighborhood. After that he went into his family's garden, and did sets of push-ups, sit-ups and squats.

When Blade gave him this workout program, Marco asked him why shouldn't he go to a gym or something.

Blade's response was "You've went to that karate dojo for a few years right? So you don't need more than a few reps to start a day. Plus, gyms give you lots of fatigue, that energy could be used for mediation or magical training."

"You have to get more powerful than ever, so nobody can look down on you. If you're  gonna be fighting strong monsters all the time, you have to be prepared for anything. And just like you're father and every king before him, I'll help you" Blade said with a friendly masked smile 

From that day on, Marco thought of Blade like the brother he never had.

*End of flashback*

Marco, although reluctant to trust his teacher's methods, tried it away. At first Marco thought it was stupid and waste of his time, but as time went on, his body felt lighter than ever before.

Marco looked at his watch, It was 6am. He had 2 hours before school started. He began his meditation training, which Marco thought was boring the first time he did it, but turned out to be one of his favorite workout's of the day. Because it worked on stretching your mind to visualize things without the eyes.

He focused on every noise he heard, tweets of early risen birds, the rustling of oak leaves, and the cold autumn wind in his hair, early morning adults driving towards their jobs. Marco truly felt one with his neighborhood. After Marco finished with daily meditation, he pulled out the piece of enchanted paper Blade gave him.

"Blade, why can't I use the family notebook for spells?" Marco asked, confused.

"Oh no, this isn't like those butterfly's family book, there are some world breaking spells in here" Blade said, he said the word "butterfly's" with lots of venom, Marco wondered why.

"You just gotta wait until you're older kid. But if you really wanna work on your magic, take this instead." Blade said, as he handed Marco a sheet of paper.

The paper held three spells on it, those being dark bomb, dark shards, and deadshot.

Dark bomb: creates a small, black ball in your hand. If you throw the ball, it'll explode. Depending on how much power you put into it, the explosion would be bigger and more destructive.

Dark shards: millions of sharp, rapid firing inky black shards. It's especially good against crowds and bigger, slower  opponents.

Deadshot: Creates a small beam from your finger and heat-seekes your nearest enemy, the shot is a one hit K'O.

"Have fun Marco" Blade said as he yawned
*End of flashback*

Marco started with dark bomb, it seemed pretty easy and sounded very destructive, as most bombs were. When have you heard of a non-lethal bomb? I'll wait....

Marco focused on his right arm, until he felt a familiar, tingling sensation. When he opened his eyes, he saw glistening red orb, it was so bright it made his hand warm. The orb then started to throb, indicating that it was about to explode.

Marco panicked, in fear of his arm being torn to shreds, he threw the bomb into the street.

Not only did it make a noticeable crater, it shattered a few car windows with the deafing sound the bomb produced.

'Yeah Marco, let's just wake the whole neighborhoodborhood up. Ugh I'm so  stupid" Marco thought, he'd hope he hadn't woken too many people.

After waiting a bit to see if anyone would come outside and see the damage, nobody came. Marco let out a sigh of relief, he didn't know how he would explain a crater in the street to an adult.

Marco then practiced dark bomb until he had it battle ready. The next skill was, dark shards. Marco simply outstretched his palm, and black shards of seemingly reinforced glass, came out the middle of his palm. He then started practicing on a tree.

"kinda reminds me of a shotgun without the recoil" Marco muttered.  He practiced it a little more and made the skill battle ready.

Marco looked over the deadshot skill, he took Yusuke's spirit gun stance and aimed it at the already damaged tree. Needless to say, the "bullet" went straight through the poor tree, making a big, gaping baseball hole through it.

"Wow that's pretty strong, I could really hurt someone with that" Marco began to smile "Good."

After making his dead-shot skill battle ready, Marco came back into the house, took off his training Gi and put on his jacket, black jeans and black and red sneakers. He'd wanted to be ready for school when he woke up, but sadly he didn't have enough energy to make it back to his room. So he had to fall asleep on the couch.

Marco woke up, startled. Only to come face to face with a yelling Star.

"Oh hey Star, what time is it..." Marco said, half awake.

"Marco! we need to leave now, we only have 40 minutes till school starts." Star said, urgently

Marco gasped, his eyes went wide at this new found information."40 MINUTES!!!?" He shouted. Marco quickly ran to the bathroom, and combed his hair. He then sprinted to his room, grabbed his bag and slid down his staircase-rail, (a skill he picked up from Star) and out the door with Star hot on his trail.

The duo's run was mostly quiet apart from a couple of "what's the time?" and heavy breathing seemingly because of how little time they had.

Marco wondered if he should call Hekapoo today, she did give him her number and a pretty sweet present. Marco then thought about returning the favor, would she like flowers? Candy? Perhaps a cake?  He  then realized he had no time to worry about such things, especially when he was about to be late for school .




When they got into the school hall:

Both teens were completely out of breath, as they got into the student packed halls. Needless to say, the duo wasn't happy about coming to school today. At least it was friday.

Suddenly, Marco felt weird, it was like he was hungry for something. He couldn't think of why, since he'd ate this morning, maybe he was sick? Or was it something more?

His body had betrayed him as he slid down his locker wall. 'Maybe that run took more out of me than I thought'

Marco watched Jackie skate by, her streaked hair flowing wildly in her face, as she noticed him.

She smiled and did that nod they'd been doing since elementary at him. Marco did the same, as he felt even more attracted to her than he already was.

As she rode off to her class, Marco couldn't help looking at her long legs, how they beautifully bend on her board. Something about Jackie just made Marco's heart flutter

Star looked on as Jackie passed by, giving her a quick wave as she went. She then looked to her right, and saw the love stricken mess who she calls her bestfriend.

"Marco, c'mon we're gonna be late if we sit around all day" Star said, pulling him up

"Hm? Oh yeah class"Marco said as he got up, awakening from his daze.

"I've got Spanish, what do you have?" Star asked Marco

"I got Math, this is gonna be a long day." Marco said as he and Star split up.

At lunch because nothing important happened in class.

As our duo got their lunches and a table, they talked about all the upcoming tests, assignments, they we're gonna hate every second of it.

"Hey Star, Marco, mind if I sit here? My friends didn't come to school today" Jackie asked.

"Of course you can sit here Jackie, you didn't even have to ask. Your always welcome, right Marco?" Star said waving her over

Marco gave a quick thumbs up before putting his hood up. The two females brushed this off as him not feeling well, or him having a bad day.

"So, Jackie, what made you wanna become a skater?" Star asked, while biting into a cheeseburger

"Well, I quickly realized that dresses, dolls, and make-up weren't for me. I liked watching my brother skate, I literally begged my parents to get me a skateboard, they eventually caved and bought me one." Jackie said while smiling

"I wasn't very good at first, I fell so many times. I even remember this one time I ran over Marco as a kid." She said while laughing

Just then Marco stuck his head out from his hoodie "Jackie don't tell Star that!" Marco started, clearly embarrassed "I had wheel tracks on my clothes for days, my parents weren't happy"

"I already told you like a million times I'm sorry okay?"

The boy had completely abandoned his hoodie home and started making conversation to the female duo.

At least until, that weird feeling came back. Marco had been eating since lunch started, so it wasn't food he was hungry for, but what could it be?

Marco got up from his seat and made his way to the bathroom.

He walked to the sinks, and splashed water on his face. The cold water not only refreshed him, but calmed him as well.

Marco looked into the mirror and stared deeply into his reflection. He felt something pop up on his face, it was a tiny, blueish, crescent moon.

He started to panic, pacing around the bathroom floor. After about 20 minutes of overthinking, Marco reasoned that since he's from Mewni and a Mewman prince. It was only natural that he'd go through mewberty just like Star did.

He remembered that this was what star's transition into mewberty looked like, only with purple hearts instead of blue moons like he had.

He thought about what he could do in this situation, the way Star's mewberty went away was by waiting it out. So maybe he'd try that, he then pealed off the moon.

As soon as Marco went to leave the bathroom, the people he least wanted to see walked  in.

Lars and his 2 other friends walked about 3 feet into the bathroom when Lars stopped dead in his tracks.

Marco looked at them with a annoyed stare. 'Man, I really don't need this today' He thought as he tried to walk around the three.

"Woah, hold on. Marco where's you're manners? You should always be nice to your elders " Lars said, pulling Marco by the hood of his leather jacket.

Bully 1 then sneered "While we're on the topic of manners, what happened to the money we needed last year?" he said.

"Oh yeah, you were supposed to give us everything you had. Did you forget or something? Did we beat the memory out of you? " Lars questioned.

Marco remembered what they we're talking about. He was talking with Jackie, and they came to collect his money for the week. And not wanting to be seen as weak in front of his crush, Marco refused, in hindsight it wasn't the best idea he'd had.

they'd given him the beating of a lifetime. In front of the entire school, in front of Jackie. (who tried to help but was being held back) while teachers could clearly see through the windows. 

Yet they did nothing to help or stop it, no matter how much he screamed for help, they turned they're heads. When Marco confronted them about it, they brushed it of as "We thought you guys we're playing" Or "Wait, those weren't your friends?" And even "I couldn't help, I was too busy to worry about some kids play fight" Because clearly work is more important than helping one of your students from broken bones, scars and trauma. 

Another reason Marco hated this school, he couldn't decided if the reason they didn't help was because they'd been bribed by Britney or if having a bully reputation wouldn't be good for the schools reputation. To this day he still wasn't sure, Marco wasn't sure he'd ever find out.

"Actually, we don't even want the money anymore." Bully 2 said, pulling Marco from his past. "You should hook us up with your friend Star as pay, I'd love to get in her pants. She must be tight as fuck" Bully 2 said with a sleezy smile

Marco was now angry, he was gonna let these assholes off easy because he wasn't one to hold a grudge, but they'd insulted his bestfriend, that was the last straw.

"Aww look at that, he's gettin angry about what you said" Lars mocked, as he and his friends laughed at Marco.

Marco looked at Bully 1 with hate in his eyes, his first target.

Bully 1 began to sweat as he under the gaze of Marco's glare. "Fucking bastard, who the hell do you think you're looking at?" He said, charging a punch at Marco.

Marco quickly sidestepped, dodging the bully's punch. He then launched an elbow into the boy's gut, as Bully 1 began keel over. Marco landed a strong uppercut to his chin, launching him a few feet. As Marco did this he heard a painfully sounding crack, seemingly from the bully's jaw

Bully 1 fell on his back with a thud, as he tried to get up. The not-so poor  boy was kicked down by a very pissed Marco.

After knocking Bully 1 out. Lars and Bully 2 were  dumbfounded, how could this kid they used to bully, suddenly know how to fight?

Bully 2 tried to run away. He knew when he was beat, He didn't get very far as he slipped on some water and fell to the floor.

Lars on the other hand, felt disrespected and wanted to fight even more. He ran up to Marco and tried to hit him with a right hook.

Marco effortlessly, ducked and delivered a jab to Lars stomach , making him stumble back. Marco quickly got up close and front kicked him in the chest.

Lars fell on Bully 1 who was still knocked out.

"Hey! You're cheating, you can't kick a person while they're down!" Lars yelled, holding his chest in pain

Marco gave him an icy glare, "there's no rules in a fight, you're just upset because you and your weak ass friends lost." Marco stated.

He gave Lars a nose breaking kick, earning him a knockout finsh. He looked up, over to Bully 2 trying to escape. Marco quickly ran up, tackled him and grabbed him by his dirty blode hair.

"L-look man I'm sorry for what I did to you, j-just p-please don't hurt me!" Bully 2 stammered, trying to bring out any sort of mercy Marco had.

"This isn't even all about me anymore, how dare you say such a thing about my friend! I should murder you here and now. You're lucky that I don't wanna go to jail" Marco coldly stated as he looked at bully 2 with blood red eyes.

"S-so what are you gonna do to m-me" Bully 2 asked in fear.

Marco dragged his by the back of his shirt, over to a stall. He then threw the bully in, and walked behind.

Marco forced Bully 2 to get on his knees, and face the disgusting old toilet. Which had yellowish water in it.

"No man, anything but that, please don't give me a swirly!" Bully 2 pleaded.

Marco wasn't having any of it, he forced his former bully's head straight into the disgusting water and flushed.

Marco didn't care how much the bully squirmed and gagged, he needed a taste of his own medicine. Marco, as reluctant as he was, eventually had to let him come up for air.

Bully 2 had tears streaming  his face and dirty toilet water in his lungs, "Please N-no more! I'm sorry! Please just let me go!" he said between coughs.

Marco didn't listen to his crys for mercy and kneed him in the nose, making it bleed heavily.

Bully 2 screamed in pain as blood and water dripped down his face.

"You ever say something like that ever again, and I'll give you a fate worse than death. Got that?" Marco exclaimed.

The former bully, holding his bruised nose,whimpered and nodded slowly. "You tell anyone about what happened here, and you won't live to tell another story" The bully, holding his nose, nodded again.

Marco kicked him in his jaw, ending the bully's suffering as he knocked out.

"Looks like the bully's , has became the bullied" Marco muttered to himself, silently remembering to kick himself for the terrible quip.

Marco then checked their pulses, he had to make sure he didn't kill the disgusting teens.

After finding out he didn't kill the trio, Marco cleaned the blood of his hands and pants, and looked in the mirror, only find 10 more blue moons. He sighed, and pulled them off.

As Marco walked back to lunch, he stared at every girl he could see, sneaking glances at their legs and asses.

'I feel so bad looking at these girls like some sort of animal,' This whole waiting it out thing was harder than Marco expected, he wondered how Star had done it.

As Marco made it to the cafeteria, he saw Jackie and Star laughing together. He made his way over to them and sat down.

"Hey Marco, what took you so long? You were gone for like half the period" Star asked, worried.

"Sorry I ran into some problems while trying to leave the bathroom" Marco said, scratching the back of his head

"Did you have a fight or something?" Jackie asked.

"Y-yeah something like that" Marco said as he sweatdropped.

"Um...Jackie I actually have to tell you something important" Marco said with a slight blush.

Marco didn't know what came over him, he felt so calm talking to her. Like his sweaty hands, stutters and his pounding heart had left him behind.

Maybe his mewberty faze wasn't so bad after all.

"You can tell me anything Marco" Jackie said with stars in her eyes.

"It's kinda private so could you follow me into the hall?" Marco said, he was finally gonna do it, he was gonna tell Jackie how he really felt!

"Yea, sure why not" Jackie said.

Jackie and Marco stepped out into the quiet hall, it seemed so quiet a whisper could sound loud.

"So what was it you were trying to tell me?" Jackie said, breaking the seemingly ever lasting silence.

"Ever since we were in elementary I've had certain feelings for you, I thought you were so cool and fun to hangout with. I guess what I'm trying to say is-"

"Um Marco, what's that on you're face?" Jackie said, interrupting him

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Marco said, touching his cheek. He felt something like a sticker apear on his cheek, he then pieced together what Jackie was talking about.

"Shit! Sorry Jackie" Marco exclaimed as he held his arms over his face and ran away.

Marco couldn't believe it. As soon as he was about to confess, His mewberty just had to act up, he took it all back. Mewberty was terrible!

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