
The Sky: Near West City

The Grand Adventure of Y/N L/N and his many friends hailing from a variety of other worlds, has at last come to a close

Where we last left off, Y/N had flown off after bidding farewell to all of his beloved friends, and some being his lovers

Y/N: Until we meet Again, Guys! Hehehehehe!

After saying your goodbyes to all of your friends from other worlds, Izuku Midoriya, Ruby Rose, and Issei Hyoudou to name a few, you were now flying in the sky while resting on top of Shenron

Y/N: Man, that sure was a great I said, Thank you, Shenron, Really, I owe you big time for this.

Shenron: As the Hero that saved the very existence of this reality, consider this nothing more than a token for your hard work.

Y/N: I see, so even you think I'm a Hero now, huh? Well, I guess I am.

Shenron: So what will you do now, Y/N?

Y/N: Well...Truth is...I don't know. Something tells me that we won't be seeing any major threats around here for a long time. But for now, just take me home please, I wanna see my family.

Shenron: Very Well...

With that, Shenron let out a loud roar as the clouds around you began to float away, Shenron taking off into the sunset as West City quickly came into view

Time Skip

Everyone at The Capsule Corporation was currently gathered into a large group as they awaited your arrival, Goku and Vegeta arriving on the scene a few minutes before

Goku: Gee, Y/N really liked those people, didn't he...

Vegeta: Yes, Thanks to this experience he's definitely grown up and matured as a person.

Bulma: So I'm assuming all of those other Kids from other worlds went back to where they came from?

Goku: I think so, The Grand Priest took them all back, but then Y/N made us gather the Dragon Balls and he took off with Shenron.

Piccolo: Speaking of...

Everyone then redirected their attention towards the Sky as they spotted you flying in the distance with the Eternal Dragon of Earth, a smile growing on Goku's face as you suddenly leaped off of Shenron's back and landed on the ground safely

Everyone then began to approach you as you yourself turned around and waved as Shenron flew away into the distance

Y/N: Bye! Thanks for everything!

Goku: Y/N!

Y/N: Hm?

You then turned back around to see everyone in front of you, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Videl, Piccolo, Krillin, Android 17 and 18, Goten, Trunks, Master Roshi, Mr.Satan, Buu, Beerus, Whis, and Broly all standing before you as you softly smiled

Y/N: Guys...

Krillin: You did good, buddy, We're all proud of you!

Piccolo: You saved us, you saved all of Reality...Good Job, Y/N.

Vegeta: And Look at how strong you've grown, both in Power and Maturity.

Beerus: Yes, You'll make a fine Deity.

Hearing Beerus' comment, You then looked at him with a look of confusion as he had a smile in his face

Y/N: Lord Beerus, I may be powerful, but I'm no deity, I'm just a Really Powerful Saiyan.

Whis: Allow me to make a comment, Y/N, ever since your special training we all of us Deities, your Ki has been manifesting, even in your base form your body flows with both primal Saiyan Ki and Divine energy, meaning that you are no longer a just Saiyan with the power of a god, but a God entirely.

Goku: Woah, Seriously?! So he's a Full on God now?!

Whis: Yes, from this moment forward, I shall call you, "Lord Y/N", but if you do want a different title than y'all you need to do is say the word.

Y/N: U-Uh, Just Y/N is fine, Thanks.

Whis: As you Wish, would you like an Angel Companion like Lord Beerus?

Y/N: I'm Good on that too, I can take care of myself just fine.

Whis: Very Well.


You were about to say something else when a loud growing sound began to emit from every Saiyan Stomach in the crowd, catching everyone's attention as you nervously smiled

Y/N: Hehehe! Now that I've stopped worrying I'm really Hungry! Hey Bulma, you wouldn't happen to have any food...?

Goku: Yeah, now that you mention it, we haven't eaten since breakfast!

Beerus: Yes! This calls for a celebratory feast!

Chi Chi: B-But we already celebrated Y/N's Victory...

Whis: That is true, but now that we have a new God in our Ranks, this is certainly something more to celebrate for.

Android 18: I swear, Saiyans and Gods might as well be the same...

Whis: Then It's Settled!

You and Beerus then raised your fists in the air in union as the both of you smiled in excitement


Whis then looked over to see three more individuals appear, it happened to be Lotus, Kasai, and Daiko who were now just arriving

Lotus: There you are, Y/N! We've been looking for you!

Kasai: Yeah, You just went missing after you went to get the Dragon Balls!

Y/N: It's Fine! We're about to eat dinner! Come join us!

Time Skip

(These will be like stamps incase you need to stop reading Mid-chapter, if you don't have time to read the full chapter, read to the Eye-catch)


Everyone was now on the Capsule Corporation balcony as everyone was enjoying another massive feast, all of the Saiyans sitting at one table, with you sitting next to Goku, Vegeta, and Broly as Lotus, Kasai, and Daiko all sat in the opposite end

Lotus: *Gulp*...So let me get this straight, you're saying that you're a legitimate God now?

Y/N: Apparently according to Whis, the difference is that You and Kasai transform into Gods when you hit Super Saiyan God of higher, where as I am apparently a full Saiyan God now.

Kasai: That makes sense...*Chomp*

Y/N: What about you, Daiko? I'm assuming that you can go Super Saiyan Too?

Daiko: Well, I can go into normal Super Saiyan and all of that stuff, but I don't know how to go into the God Forms like all of you.

Lotus: Really? That's Impressive!

Daiko: Impressive? How?

Y/N: Back when we were in Skyworld you clearly outclassed Val, who was giving Caulifla and Kale a run for their money, imagine how strong you'd be if you got a hold of God Power!

Daiko: You really think I can pull it off...?

Everyone at the Table nodded while scarfing down their food, Including the Adults as you spoke up

Y/N: Definitely, It should be easy for you, after all, You're a Celestial just like me!

Daiko: Thanks! I always enjoyed fighting, but my Father said I should be just like him and my mother, but I'm not into that Royal stuff, I wanna be a fighter!

Y/N: Then do it, Nothing's stopping you, it's what Saiyans are built for, and if Qaira tries to do anything about it, then I can give that guy a run for his money, no sweat.

Lotus and Kasai nodded in agreement as Daiko smiled with reassurance, but you were thinking of something else, something that Beerus and Whis discussed with you before dinner


You were standing at the side of the Capsule Corporation Building along with Beerus and Whis as the two of them discussed a serious topic with you

Beerus: Y/N, Would you happen to know the whereabouts of Frieza and Cell? It is something we simply need to know.

Y/N: Frieza and Cell? I have no clue...

Whis: That's a Shame, Cell is our main concern, with his new power, along with both the powers of Super Saiyan Blue and Golden Form, he rivals most destroyers.

Y/N: Wait! That Reminds me!

Beerus: Hm?

Y/N: Back when the fight with Ark first wrapped up, we all gathered around to congratulate each other, a little while after, Lotus and I went to check on Karuza where we had put him, but when we got there he was gone!

Whis: I see, that could be a problem...

Beerus: Yes, I suggest you stay alert until further notice.

Y/N: Fine...

Flashback End

Lotus: Y/N? Y/N! Y/N!!!

Y/N: Huh?!

Kasai: You kinda zoned out on us there.

Y/N: O-Oh...sorry, I was just thinking about when Karuza went missing...

Lotus: Yeah, who knows where he went, but we're all so much stronger now, me and you can go into Omni God Form, Kasai and Daiko are also really strong!

Kasai: Thinking about our progress makes me think about our friends, I kinda miss Ruby already...

Lotus: Yeah, and not having Ibara with me doesn't feel the same...

Y/N: Oh Yeah, You guys were dating those girls, right?

Lotus: are you calm about the whole thing, Y/N?

You then looked into the sky with a small smile in your face, the stars of the night sky glimmering as your eyes gained a big shine to them

Y/N: No matter what happens, I know they'll be alright, change is something I haven't been afraid of for the most part, and besides...

Everyone then looked as your smile gained a glimmer of confidence as you internally chuckled to yourself while gazing upon the stars

Y/N: I made them a promise, that We'll one day meet again! And who knows, that day might be sooner than we think!

Everyone including Goku, Vegeta, and the others, all looked at you with wide eyes as Lotus and Kasai smiled, Daiko smiling too with a bit more emotion as she giggled

Y/N: We've come a very long way, and I mean all of us when I say that, we've grown up with each other into the people we are today, when that fateful days comes, we'll be ready to take the day head on! But for now, let's just enjoy this we have with each other.

With that you went back to eating as all of the Z Fighters were still looking at you in awe of just how much you've grown since you were a small child

Bulma: Our Y/N really has grown up, hasn't he...

Roshi: Indeed, I don't know what we did, but whatever it was, we did it right.

After about more 10 minutes of non-stop eating, you were finally stuffed and satisfied as you leaped from your chair and landed at the edge of the balcony

Y/N: Ah! Man that was great!

Bulma: You Done, Y/N?

Y/N: Oh Yeah! Thanks a lot for the chow!

You then turned towards the city and looked at the sky yet again, just taking a moment to appreciate the life you had, after all the times it was almost ripped away, you managed to pull through

Y/N: I made it...Mom...Dad...I fought my way to victory just like you said...

Remember to always keep fighting, so you can grow big and strong and fight your way to victory...

Alright Mama!

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